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A bed of roses आआआआआआआआ

2. A fish out of water आआआआआआआ आआआ आआआआआआआ

3. A lot of आआआआ आआआआ

4. A man of parts आआआआ आआआआआआआ

5. A man of the world आआआआआआ आआआआआआआ

6. Abide by आआआ आआआआ

7. About turn आआआआ आआआआआ

8. Above all आआआ आआ आआ

9. Above board आआआआआआआ

10. According to आआ आआआआआआ

11. Acid test आआआआआ आआआआआआआ

12. Act of God आआआआ आआआआ

13. Act up आआआआआ

14. Add fuel to the fire आआआआ आआ आआआ आआआ


15. Add up आआआआ आआआआआआआ

16. All along आआआआआ

17. All at once आआ आआआ

18. After all आआआआ

19. All but आआ आआआआआआ आआ

20. All in all आआआआआआआआ

21. All out आआ आआआ आआ

22. All over आआआ आआआ

23. All the same आआआआ आआआआआआ आआ

24. Answer back आआआआआआआआ आआआआ आआआआ

25. Arrive at आआ आआआआआआआ

26. As a matter of fact आआआआआआ आआआ

27. As a rule आआआआआ

28. As far as आआ

29. As good as आआआआ

30. As if आआआआ आआ

31. At it happens आआआआआआ आआआ

32. As it were आआआआ

33. As long as आआआ

34. As much आआआ आआ

35. As soon as आआआआ आआ(आआआआआ)

36. As the crow flies आआआआ आआआआआआ आआआ

37. As to आआ आआआआआआआआआ

38. As well as आआ आआआआआआआ

39. At all आआआआ आआ आआआ आआ

40. At all events आआ आआआआ आआआ

41. At any rate आआआ आआ आआआआ आआ

42. At bay आआआ आआ आआआआआआआ आआआआ

आआ आआआआआ

43. At bottom आआआआआआ आआआ

44. At daggers drawn आआआआ आआआआआआ

45. At dead of night आआआआआआ आआआ आआआ

46. At ease आआआआआआआआ

47. At first आआआआ आआआ

48. At hand आआआ आआआ

49. At home आआआआआआआ

50. At intervals आआ आआआआ आआ

51. At issue आआआआआआआआ

52. At large आआआआआ

53. At Last आआआ आआआ

54. At length आआआआ आआआ आआआ

55. At once आआआआआआ

56. At peace आआआ

57. At random आआआआआआआआआआ

58. At rest आआआ

59. At sixes and sevens आआआआआआआ आआआ

60. At stake आआआआ आआआ

61. At the eleventh hour आआ आआआआ आआ

62. At the latest आआआआ आआ आआआआ

63. At the mercy of आआ आआआ आआ

64. At the outset आआआआ आआआआ आआ

65. At times आआआ आआआ

66. At variance with आआ आआआआआआ


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