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Black Widow Spider Characteristics

Latrodectus mactans Appearance: Black body; red hourglass marking

on the underside
Size: >1" in length
Black widows are found in every U.S.
Location: All around campus; dark shelters
state except for Alaska, and they are
Season: Year-round
carnivorous consumers, preying on
small insects and small animals caught Hazards: Venomous
on their web. However, only the females
are venomous, while the males are o Native
harmless to people. Their venom can
cause muscle aches, nausea and
paralysis of the diaphragm, making
breathing difficult. Black widows use their webs to lay eggs in and hunt for prey. They use their
fangs to produce an enzyme that liquefies the prey’s body.

Fun Facts Sources

The female Black Widow's venom is reportedly National Geographic
15 times stronger than those of a rattlesnake’s. Wikipedia

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