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American Crow Characteristics

Corvus brachyrhynchos Appearance: Jet black; sharp black beak

Size: Around 10-13" in size; approx. 3' wingspan
Call: Cawing sound; coos; rattles and clicks
American crows are large, intelligent
Location: Commonly in trees around campus
birds found all over North America. They
Season: Year round
can be found near open fields and
treetops. Crows tend not to have a
specific habitat. The American crow is o Native
an omnivore that relies mainly on
scavenging but will also eat plants, bugs,
and fruits.

Fun Facts Sources

They are protected from humans internationally Cornell Lab of Ornithology
by the Migratory Bird Treaty of 1918, and are Wikipedia
native to the United States. Picture: Megan Leich

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