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Terrourism and Human Rights Violation in the Middle East

United Nations Human Rights Council

Islamic Republic of Iran

‫( ايران‬persian)
Tehran, 6 June 2018,

The Islamic Republic of Iran, which official ethos is "‫استقالل‬، ‫آزادی‬، ‫( "اسالمی جمهوری‬persian, transliterated:
Esteqlāl, āzādī, jomhūrī-ye eslāmī) that means Independence, Freedom and Islamic Republic, likewise was
rejoicing our entrance in the UN in 24 October 1945, year of UN’s fundation, now celebrates the possibility
of participate in this meeting regarding to disprove against failures in greeting of Human Rights portrayed in
the increment of terrourism movements that threats the sovereignty of Middle Eastern states, as Iran.

Likewise Iran has already been victim of extremism movements, mainly aggravated by sunni rebels, our
participation in this conference is extremely important for us, as for another Middle Eastern states, since we
share the same feelings of sorrow and desire of justice. Our expectations comtemplate a resolution that will
bring peace for shias, sunnis, christians and jewishs, each one relevant communities in our Republic.

Indeed, Iran’s management of our international relations are now a crucial topic, mainly after the withdrawal
of United States of America from the Joint Comprehensive Plain of Action (JCPOA), and the decrease of
Iranians reserves of Uranium. Tehran has been celebrating a moment of peace regarding the nuclear deal since
2015, that was interrupted in may with the american amendment. The Iranian State Leader, ayatollah Ali
Khamenei, due to the withdrawal has restarted the procedure of uranium enrichmen. Then, the Iran’s
international diplomacy now faces a turbulence moment,what is increased by accusations of terrourism
financing by the Iranian Republic. Then, this meeting with states are extremely relevant for the maintenance
of diplomatic agreements, besides commercial partners as Turkey or China, but with five from six P5+1 states,
that had signed the JPCOA.

A brief storie that regards Humans Rights in nowadays Iran can be situated in the very beggining of the Iranian
Revolution, whose peak tooks place on 1979, liable for the end of Shah’s Mohammed Reza Palavi govern,
that despite had made inovations in the industrial and social landscapes, as labor benefictis, created an statal
organ charged of civil oppositors, the SAVAK, guilty of homicids and agressions. Moreover, a crucial point
that has motivated the Iranian Revolution was the occidental influence; likewise, Islam precepts was forgotten
by the iranian governments and citizens. Then, rebels token Tehran and exiled the Shah. Then, the ayatollah
Khomeni took power in 1979 and proclaimed the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Regarding Iran’s participation on UN, undoubtelly, the biggest iranian diplomatic speech was profered by the
chanceler Mohammed Mossadegh, in the 50’s, by the time that England was threating the iranian industrial
soveregnity, mainly in the oil production: “(...) With the oil revenues we could meet our entire budget and
combat poverty, disease, and backwardness among our people. Another important consideration is that by the
elimination of the power of the British company, we would also eliminate corruption and intrigue, by means
of which the internal affairs of our country have been influenced”. Then, Mossadegh broke up the negotiations
with the United Kingdom, and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company was nationalized. Then, this bold action
represents a mark in Iranian diplomacy, and now it’s ackonowledge as a brave act that was hatched for the
iranians interests and our well being.
Honourably and in service to the Islamic Republic of Iran,

Marcelo Antônio Cavalcante Fernandes

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