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Honors Social Studies Second Semester Exam Review Guide

I. Constitution

a) Know how the following Amendments protect you:

1st- Rights and limitations

4th-Exclusionary Rule

5th-Property Rights, due process

8th-arguments about Supermax

14th-Types of discrimination

II. First Presidents

1) Know the following about the George Washington Administration:

a) Precedents

b) Challenges facing the country

c) Cause and effect of Whiskey Rebellion

d) Tariffs-why do tariffs generally harm an economy

2) Jefferson Administration

a) Goal of the Lewis and Clark mission

b) Causes of War of 1812

c) Effects of War of 1812

e) Goal of American System-know the plan

f) Define Nationalism

III. Industrial Revolution

a) Know the following inventors and their impact on society:

Sam Slater

Sam Morse

John Deere
Eli Whitney

Robert Fulton

Francis Lowell

b) What was the purpose of the American System?

c) What inventions/ innovations improved transportation in the U.S?

d) What invention/innovations improved agricultural production in the U.S?

e) What was the impact of the Cotton Gin?

f) What was the message of the Monroe Doctrine?

IV. Manifest Destiny/ West

a) How did the U.S. gain the following areas:

Original 13 states

Trans-Appalachian West


Louisiana Territory

Mexican Cession



Gasden Purchase

a)Why did people settle in Texas? What laws did they have to follow to live there?

b) Why did Mormons settle in the west? Who was their leader?
c) Define Manifest Destiny.
d) Why did Americans move west in the 1840’s?
e) Why was the reservation system bad for the Native Americans?
f) Where was gold first discovered in the west?
g) What was the environmental legacy of the Gold Rush in Colorado?
V. Reform Movements

a) What areas of American society were targeted for reform in the mid 1800’s?

Second Great Awakening


Workers Rights


Mentally Ill

b) Know about the following abolitionists in the 1800’s:

Frederick Douglas

Harriet Tubman

Grimke Sisters

c) Why did women’s groups push for abolition of slavery?

VI. Causes of the Civil War

a) Know how the following people, events, laws caused the Civil War.

Missouri Compromise

Compromise of 1850- know the part that angered northerners the most.

Dred Scott

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Formation of the Republican Party

Bleeding Kansas

Attack on Charles Sumner

Harpers Ferry

Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Cannibals All- know the authors

Election of 1860

John Brown
VII. Civil War

a) Where were the first shots of the Civil War?

b) Know the advantages/disadvantages of the North and South leading into the war.
c) Know the following:

Both sides plan to win the war

Lincoln’s main goal of the war.

Provisions of the Emancipation Proclamation

How did the U.S. raise money for the war?

Duration of the war.

Concept of “Total War”

Weapons of the War-shell, canister

How did President Lincoln deal with protesters during the Civil War?

Importance of the Election of 1864.

d) Know the significance of the following battles:

Fort Sumter

Bull Run






** You must have your textbook or replacement money to take the final

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