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“Non – Communicable Diseases”

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and

developmental disorder that begins early in childhood and lasts
throughout a person's life. It affects how a person acts and
interacts with others, communicates, and learns. It includes what
used to be known as Asperger syndrome and pervasive
developmental disorders.
Bell's palsy is a condition that causes a temporary weakness or
paralysis of the muscles in the face.

5 Herbal:
 Garlic
 Castor oil
 Celery
 Echinacea
 Elderberry
Birth defect also known as a congenital dsorder is a
condition present at birth regardless of its cause. Birth defects
may result in disabilities that may be physical, intellectual,
or developmental. The disabilities can range from mild to severe.
In major depression, mood and/or interest (pleasure) are
decreased for most of two weeks. In grief, self-esteem is
usually maintained. In major depression, feelings of
worthlessness and self-loathing are common. For some
people, the death of a loved one can bring on major

5 Herbal:
 Lavender
 Skullcap
 Lemon balm
 Licorice root
 Valerian
DOWN SYNDROME- In every cell in the human body there is a
nucleus, where genetic material is stored in genes. Genes carry
the codes responsible for all of our inherited traits and are
grouped along rod-like structures called chromosomes. Typically,
the nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, half of
which are inherited from each parent. Down syndrome occurs
when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome
Eczema symptoms include itchy, red, and dry skin caused by
inflammation. It's most commonly found in children, although
adults can get it. It is also called atopic dermatitis and is treated
with oral medications, steroid creams and light therapy.

5 Herbal:
 Licorice root
 Dandelion
 Golden seal
 Sage
 Evening primrose
Myotonic Also known as Steinert's disease, this form is
characterized by an inability to relax muscles at will following
contractions. Myotonic muscular dystrophy is the most common
form of adult-onset muscular dystrophy. Facial and neck muscles
are usually the first to be affected.
Seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in
the brain. It can cause changes in your behavior, movements or
feelings, and in levels of consciousness. If you have two or
more seizures or a tendency to have recurrent seizures, you
have epilepsy.
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can
come from any event or thought that makes you feel
frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's
reaction to a challenge or demand.

5 Herbal:
 Lemon balm
 Lavender
 Licorice root
 Kava root
 Skullcap
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic, or long lasting, disease that
causes inflammation—irritation or swelling—and sores called
ulcers on the inner lining of the large intestine.

5 Herbal:
 Olive oil
 Aloe vera
 Ginger
 Calendula
 Gingko biloba

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