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Samantha xaxphryll d.

magarro grade 10-fleming

The core
Reaction paper
My reaction about the movie entitled the core is that it is amazing. I can’t believe how or
what on earth have been in their mind when they planned to enter the core. For me it is
impossible but still Im so amazed how they conquered the trials ang practice on that vehicle
which they used to enter the core. As the movie says if the core stops spinning it would be
the end of the world. They did their best to do something about it to make it spin again.
Scientist really can do anything they want but still there are limitations to it. When the time
they made a hole on the ground it is unbelievable because it is 700 million miles deep as I
can recall. And the most unbelievable thing is that they make their mission successful even
though they are risking their life for it. Making a weapon to stop earthquakes, they really are
something that I can’t believe. Because we cannot stop earthquakes by making weapons, I
only believe that we can detect earthquakes. The core for me if I would be the main
character Ill sacrifice myself for the people just to help the core spin again but I will make
sure that I wont waste my life for nothing that’s why I would do my best to make it rotate
again. When the team accidentally drills through a gigantic empty geode structure 700 miles
below the surface, damaging the lasers when it lands at its base and cracking the geode's
structure and causing magma to flow in from above. The crew repair and restart the laser
array in time, but before they can return to the ship, Iverson is killed by a falling crystal
shard that hits him in the helmet. The team did their best to take the so called nuclear
explosions into the core to make its rotation restart again. They determine that the Earth's
molten core, which generates this field, has stopped rotating and that, within a year, the field
will collapse, exposing the planet's surface directly to devastating solar radiation. That’s
when the team made a plan on how to bore down the core and set off several nuclear

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