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STUDENT #: AMAOED-20190084017


Assignment 1

The intelligence quotients of freshmen students admitted at the College of Engineering in AMA
University were taken and shown below.

95 115 110 119 98 93 112 91 94 111

99 111 110 115 107 96 107 105 108 108

83 85 109 89 107 100 103 100 94 116

106 101 108 105 101 120 90 100 112 107

107 102 90 105 87 118 94 117 108 100

91 88 120 106 107 106 107 106 100 97

98 103 106 106 106 106 110 107 94 97

114 99 96 100 106 103 110 109 101 107

107 95 99 97 92 100 113 101 106 106

119 114 96 107 108 112 97 106 105 112

1. Construct the frequency distribution.

2. Compute the relative frequency distribution.

3. Construct the cumulative frequency distribution.


1. A.) High Limit = 120

Low Limit = 83

B.) Range = High Limit – Low Limit

Range = 120 – 83
Range = 37

C.) Class Interval using Sturge’s Formula

k = 1 + 3.3 log n
k = 1 + 3.3 log (100)
k = 7.6 ≈ 8

D.) Size of Class interval

C = R/k
C = 37/8
C = 4.625 ≈ 5

E.) Frequency Distribution Table

Item No. Class Limit Frequency Tally

1 83-87 3 111
2 88-92 7 1111111
3 93-97 13 1111111111111
4 98-102 18 111111111111111111
5 103-107 29 11111111111111111111111111111
6 108-112 17 11111111111111111
7 113-117 8 11111111
8 118-122 5 11111

2. Relative Frequency (from the previous table)

Item No. Class Limit Frequency Relative Frequency RF Percentage

1 83-87 3 3/100 3%
2 88-92 7 7/100 7%
3 93-97 13 13/100 13%
4 98-102 18 18/100 18%
5 103-107 29 29/100 29%
6 108-112 17 17/100 17%
7 113-117 8 8/100 8%
8 118-122 5 5/100 5%
3. Cumulative Frequency (from previous table)

< Cumulative > Cumulative

Item No. Class Boundary Frequency Frequency Frequency
Distribution Distribution
1 82.5 and below - 0 100
2 82.5-87.5 3 3 97
3 87.5-92.5 7 10 90
4 92.5-97.5 13 23 77
5 97.5-102.5 18 41 59
6 102.5-107.5 29 70 30
7 107.5-112.5 17 87 13
8 112.5-117.5 8 95 5
9 117.5-122.5 5 100 0
10 122.5 and above - 100 0

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