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Saint Patrick as patron saint of Ireland

Some people believe that he was born is Scotland but the story tell us that he was British and his
real name was probably Maewyn Succat and Patricius was his romanticized name, later he became
familiar as Patrick he born to the near the end of the fourth century, he is believed to have died on
march 17, around 460 a.c and his more important fact was that He was a Christian missionary who
is said to have heard the voice of God to send him to the mission of converting Ireland to

Social media
Social media refers to websites and applications that are designed to allow people to share
content quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. Many people define social media as apps on their
smartphones or tablets bout the truth is, tis communication tool started with computer. Tis
misconception stems from the fact that most media users access their tools via apps
some of the advantages are:
Instant communication.
Job opportunities.
Information and entertainment
Social Complaint.
Share knowledge and information.
Increase the visibility of the brand.
But some of the disadvantages are
scams on social networks
identity spoofing
confusion in the personal and professional profile
the importance of this is that on the social media you can talk to your friends and people you
haven’t seen in a long time this has a positive impact on society because you can communicate to
a wider range of people over the internet
and finally as a curious date Apparently, 75 percent of the users across the world using social
What Is Technological Change
In economics, a technological change is an increase in the efficiency of a product or process
that results in an increase in output, without an increase in input. In other words, someone
invents or improves a product or process, which is then used to get a bigger reward for the
same amount of work.
The telephone is an example of a product that has undergone a technological change. It has
undergone many different changes over the years that have made it more efficient. Processes
or products, such as the telephone, move through technological change in three stages:

 Invention - the creation of a new product or process

 Innovation - the application of the invention for the first time
 Diffusion - how fast others begin to adopt the innovation

A positive impact technology change that we can mention is

 Creates new products and processes

When telephones were first invented, the object was to be able to verbally communicate with
someone. Due to technological changes, we have multiple ways to communicate using our
phones, such as text, email, or talk.
 The impact of the technology change hasn’t impact only in the society
Technology has revolutionized the way companies conduct business by enabling small
businesses to level the playing field with larger organizations. Small businesses use an array of
tech – everything from servers to mobile devices – to develop competitive advantages in the
economic marketplace. Small business owners should consider implementing technology in
their planning process for streamlined integration and to make room for future expansion. This
allows owners to create operations using the most effective technology available.

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