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Chapter 6
Histopathological Image
Analysis in Medical
Decision Making:
Classification of Histopathological
Images Based on Deep Learning Model

R. Meena Prakash
Sethu Institute of Technology, India

Shantha Selva Kumari R.

Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, India

Digital pathology is one of the significant methods in the medicine field to diagnose
and treat cancer. The cell morphology and architecture distribution of biopsies
are analyzed to diagnose the spread and severity of the disease. Manual analyses
are time-consuming and subjected to intra- and inter-observer variability. Digital
pathology and computer-aided analysis aids in enormous applications including
nuclei detection, segmentation, and classification. The major challenges in nuclei
segmentation are high variability in images due to differences in preparation of slides,
heterogeneous structure, overlapping clusters, artifacts, and noise. The structure of
the proposed chapter is as follows. First, an introduction about digital pathology and
significance of digital pathology techniques in cancer diagnosis based on literature
survey is given. Then, the method of classification of histopathological images using
deep learning for different datasets is proposed with experimental results.

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6316-7.ch006

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Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making


Digital pathology means the investigation of a biopsy or surgical specimen at

microscopic level. The tissues are chemically processed and sectioned onto glass
slides to study cellular morphology for cancer diagnosis and prognosis. For the tissue
components to be visualized under the microscope, the sections are dyed with one or
more stains including Hematoxylin-Eosin (H&E) and Immunohistochemical (IHC).
The nuclei regions are stained in dark blue colour by Hematoxylin and the other
structures like cytoplasm, stroma etc., are stained with pink colour. IHC is used to
determine the cancer stage whether it is benign or malignant based on the presence
or absence of proteins. After the process of staining, digital images are generated
using fast slide scanners which contain one or multiple lenses to magnify the images
at X20 or X40 magnification. Uniform light spectrum is used to illuminate the tissue
slide. The slide scanners are provided with standard packages for corrections in
spectral and spatial illumination variation.
Figure 1 shows the different types of nuclei (Irshad et al, 2014). Lymphocyte is
the white blood cell which plays major role in immune system of the body. Epithelial
tissues line the outer surfaces of organs, blood vessels and inner surfaces of cavities
of human body. Lymphocyte Nuclei have regular shape and are smaller in size than
Epithelial nuclei. EN’s in high grade cancer tissues are larger in size and have clearly
visible nucleoli. Also, they show heterogeneous chromatin distribution and irregular
boundaries called nuclear plemorphism.
The problems associated with detection, segmentation and classification of nuclei
are due to variation in slides preparation, image acquisition like artifacts caused
during image compression, noise etc., and also the overlapping clusters of nuclei.
The aspect of nuclei plays a major role in evaluating the existence of cancer and its
severity. For example, in breast cancer prediction, the infiltration of LN is related to
patient survival and death. Similarly, nuclear plemorphism aids in cancer grading.
Mitotic count is an important prognostic parameter in breast cancer grading.

Figure 1. Different types of nuclei (a) LN (b) EN (c) EN in cancer tissue

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making

In the conventional cancer diagnosis, pathologists analyze the cell morphology

and architecture in biopsies of patients to make diagnostic and prognostic
assessments. The images of histopathological specimen can now be digitized and
stored in the form of digital images. CAD algorithms are used now-a-days which
perform disease detection, diagnosis and prognosis. They assist pathologists to
make informed decisions. Pathological images give details such as progression of
cancer while radiographs give coarse information such as classification of lesions.
The histological subtypes of cancer can also be determined which is not possible
with radiological data. A number of cancer detecting and grading applications have
been proposed for different organs including brain, breast, cervix, liver, lung and
prostate. Segmentation of histopathological tissues is more difficult since they are
part of tissues with complex and irregular shapes.
The two problems associated with histopathological image segmentation and
classification are that the images are very large in size and only a small number of
training data is available. For such larger size images, the parameters to be estimated,
required computational power and memory also increase. Hence, the images have
to be resized to smaller images which results in loss of information at cellular level
and there will be decrease of identification accuracy. Therefore the entire Whole
Slide Image (WSI) is divided into partial regions called patches and each patch is
analyzed independently. For increased patch sizes, the accuracy increases (Irshad
et al, 2014; Komura et al, 2018).
Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) of digital histopathology images assist
pathologists in diagnostic process. The classification accuracy is improved by the
CAD analysis and also the variability in disease interpretations is greatly reduced.
The time is significantly reduced compared to manual analysis. The histopathological
images exhibit high level of diversity and complexity and in such cases, deep
learning techniques for segmentation and classification provide high accuracy. The
objective of the work is to propose an automated method of classification of benign or
malignant tumours in histopathology images. The contribution of the work includes,
a custom-made CNN is proposed for classification of histopathological images. The
rest of the chapter is organized as follows. A background on the segmentation and
classification of the histopathology images which describes the recent methods in
literature is given. The detailed description on Convolutional Neural Network is
given. The method of Gabor feature extraction and Support Vector Machine (SVM)
classification is presented. Then, the experimental results are given with performance
comparison. Subsequently, the concluding remarks are presented.

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making


Al-Kofahi et al (2010) proposed improved automatic detection and segmentation

of cell nuclei in which the image foreground is extracted using a graph cuts based
binarization. The nuclear seed points are detected by mulit scale Laplacian of
Gaussian filtering and graph cuts based algorithm is used for segmentation. The
method achieves an overall accuracy exceeding 86%. Han et al (2017) proposed
automated breast cancer multi-classification from histopathological images using
structured deep learning model. The method classifies subordinate classes of breast
cancer which include Ductal carcinorma, Fibroadenoma, Lobular Carcinoma etc. Jia
et al (2017) proposed a weakly supervised learning algorithm to segment cancerous
regions in histopathological images. An end-to-end learning system that segments
cancerous regions with Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) is proposed and
constraints are introduced to the neural networks to assist the learning process. Kumar
et al (2017) compared the methods of Local Binary Patterns (LBP), Bag-of-Visual
(BOV) words, and deep features for the classification of histopathological images.
They introduced a new dataset, KIMIA Path960, that contains 960 histopathological
images belonging to 20 different tissue types and they demonstrated an highest
accuracy of 94.72% for deep features. Pan et al (2017) proposed an automatic nuclei
segmentation for H&E stained breast cancer histopathology images. First, the sparse
reconstruction method is employed to remove the background and accentuate the
nuclei of pathological images. Then multi-layer convolution networks are employed
to segment the cell nuclei form the background which are trained using gradient
descent techniques. Then, morphological operations and some prior knowledge are
employed to improve the segmentation performance. The method is tested on 58 H&E
images of breast tissue with 32 benign and 26 malignant images and an accuracy
of 92.45% is achieved. Mitosis detection is one of the important factors of cancer
prognosis and is necessary for cancer grading. Saha et al (2018) proposed a supervised
model using deep learning for detection of mitosis signature from histopathological
images. There are five convolution layers, four max-pooling layers, four rectified
linear units (ReLu), and two fully connected layers in the proposed architecture.
Handcrafted features consisting of morphological, textural and intensity features
are incorporated. The method provides an efficient second opinion for breast cancer
grading from whole slide images.
Sirinukunwattana et al. (2016) proposed a Spatially Constrained Convolutional
Neural Networks (SC-CNN) for nucleus detection. A Neighboring Ensemble Predictor
(NEP) is used along with CNN to classify the detected cell nuclei. The method
is tested on a large dataset of colorectal adenocarcinoma images and classified
into 4 classes. Xu et al. (2016) proposed a deep convolutional neural network for
segmentation and classification of epithelial and stromal regions in histopathological

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making

images which is essential for analyzing the tumour. Stromal tissue includes the fatty
and fibrous connective tissues surrounding the blood vessels, ducts and lobules, and
lymphatic vessels. The spatial arrangement of stromal cell in tumors is a prognostic
factor in breast cancer. The method employed two alternating convolutional layers,
max pooling layers, two full connection layers, and a final classification layer. Xu
et al. (2013) proposed multi-label classification for Colon Cancer in which four
kinds of features – Color Histogram, Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM),
Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), and Euler Number are introduced in the
feature set. The four different classes are well and moderately differentiated tubular
adenocarcinoma (HM), moderately and poorly differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma
(LM), Signet-ring carcinoma (LR) and mucinous adenocarcinoma (RMu). Yonekura
et al (2017) proposed a deep convolutional network for classification of glioma
histopathological images of brain tumours and demonstrated an accuracy of 87.2%.
Zheng et al (2017) proposed nucleus-guided feature extraction framework based
on convolutional neural network for classification of histopathological images. The
nuclei are first detected from images and then used to train the CNN. The dataset
used in the method comprised of 2 class dataset with malignant and benign breast
tumours and 15-class dataset with 13 sub categories of breast tumours.


GLCM Feature Extraction and SVM

Feature extraction is the process of dimensionality reduction in which the input

data of large size is transformed into representative features of reduced size. The
features of interest are color, shape, texture, etc., Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrices
(GLCM) introduced by Haralick describes texture by statistically sampling how
certain grey levels occur in relation to other grey levels (Haralick et al, 1973). The
GLCM features used in the method are defined as follows.

1. Correlation: Correlation is defined as the dependency of the gray level

intensities on that of the neighboring pixels.

l −1 L −1
(i − µ )( j − µ )
Correlation = ∑∑G (i; j )
i j
i =0 j =0
σi σ j

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making

G represents the gray level value of the image of each pixel. µ and σ represent
the mean and standard deviation.

2. Entropy: Entropy represents the randomness present in the image or it is a

measure of the degree of disorder. If all the elements in co-occurrence matrix
are same, the value of entropy is large and vice-versa.

L −1 L −1

Entropy = −∑∑G (i; j )lnG (i; j ) (2)

i =0 j =0

3. Contrast: Contrast is a measure of the intensity variations between the reference

pixel and its neighboring pixels. The higher value of contrast indicates larger
the structural variations in the image. It is given by

L −1 L −1

Contrast = ∑∑ (i − j ) G (i; j )
i =0 j =0

4. Variance: Variance is the deviation of the intensity values of the pixels from
the mean and is a measure of the contrast in the image.

L −1 L −1

Variance = ∑∑ (i − µ) G (i; j )
i =0 j =0

Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of the supervised linear classification

methods and serves as an important tool for applications including medical diagnosis,
pattern recognition, and bioinformatics etc., For linearly separable patterns, SVM
finds the optimal hyperplane that separates the patterns. For patterns that are not
linearly separable, the data are transformed into kernel function and the hyperplane
is constructed. On each side of the hyperplane separating the data, two parallel
hyperplanes are constructed and larger the margin between these parallel hyperplanes,
better the classification performance. The margin is maximized in an optimum way
with the reduction in the number of non-zero weights, considering only important
features called support vectors that decide the separating hyperplane.

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making

Convolutional Neural Network

The basic processing element of the neural network is the neuron which receives an
input, processes it, and generates an output which is sent to other neurons and further
processed or it is the final output. The inputs to the neuron are multiplied by weights
and these weights are updated during the training process. Another linear component
bias is added to the result of input-weight product. Then a nonlinear function called
activation function is applied to the linear combination of inputs to obtain the final
output. The commonly used activation functions are sigmoid functions, Rectified
Linear Units, Softmax etc., Neural networks are the backbone of deep learning and
they are formed by numerous interconnected neurons. The input layer is the first layer
of the neural network which receives the input. The hidden layers perform specific
tasks on the input data and pass the output to the next layer. The output layer is the
final layer of the network. There will be multiple neurons present in each layer and
all the neurons in each layer are connected to all the neurons in the next layer. It is
called Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) and the networks are called Fully Connected
Layers (Belsare, 2012; Chatterjee et al, 2017; Das et al, 2014).
The accuracy of the network is measured using cost or loss function, for example,
mean squared error and the learning process strives to minimize the cost. The
optimization algorithm used to minimize the cost is Gradient Descent method. The
rate at which the network descends towards the minima of the cost function is called
the learning rate. The selection of learning rate should be optimal since a too large
learning rate will result in missing of the optimal solution and if the learning rate
is too small, it will be difficult for the network to converge. In a neural network,
initially random weights and bias values are assigned to the nodes. As the output is
received after first iteration, the network error is calculated and is fed back to the
network along with the gradient of the cost unction. The weights are then updated
such as to minimize the error in the subsequent iterations and this is called back
propagation. During the training of neural network, the input is divided into several
batches of equal size randomly. A single training iteration of all the batches in both
forward and back propagation is called an epoch. Increasing the number of epoch will
increase the accuracy, but setting too high will take longer time to converge and the
network might be over-fit. During the training process, a certain number of neurons
is randomly dropped to prevent over-fitting of the network which is called dropout.
Also, the data is normalized at each layer before passing it to the next layer which
is called batch normalization to ensure that distribution of data remains unchanged.

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making

In the convolutional layers of Convolutional Neural Networks, the input images

are convolved with filters to give 2-dimensional activation map. These activation
maps are stacked along the depth dimension to produce the output volume. Pooling
layers are periodically introduced in between the convolution layers to reduce the
number of parameters and over-fitting. The most commonly used operation of
pooling layer is MAX operation which takes the maximum of each 4x4 matrix of
the original image. For matching the sizes of input and output after the filtering
operation, padding is done, that is, extra layer of zeros is added. If the output of
neuron is sent back to the input, it is called recurrent neuron whose advantage is that
it give more generalized output. For sequential data, the previous output is used to
predict the value of next output and such networks have loops within them. These
networks are called Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) (Dey, N., & Ashour, 2018;
Vieira et al, 2017).
Convolutional neural networks are feed forward neural networks in which the
images are directly given as inputs instead of the features extracted from the images
given as inputs. The three layers of CNN are convolutional layer, pooling layer and
fully connected layer. As the depth of CNN increases, more abstract features are
derived, for example, from low level features like lines, to edges, to eyes and then
to face. Let the Convolutional Network be denoted by ‘f’ consisting of ‘l’ layers
(f1, f2, f3,…f l) . Let ‘x’ denotes the input vector, ‘y’ denotes the output vector, ‘vl’
denotes the weight and bias vector for the lth layer. The equation for output vector
can be written as

y = f ( x; v1, v2 , ….vl ) = f1 (.; x1 ) ¿f2 (.; x2 ) ¿ …….. f l −1 (.; xl −1 ) ¿f l ¿ (.; xl )


f l is used to perform convolution with filter banks, pooling and non-linear activation.
With the gradient descent method, the optimized weight vector is calculated by

Opt (v1, v2 , …..vl ) = ∑Ω( f ( x ; v , v , ….v ), y )
M i =1
1 2

' Ω ' denotes the loss function, ‘M’ is the number of data.

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making



Two datasets are used in the experiment. The KIMIA Path960 dataset comprises
of images from 20 scans of muscle, epithelial and connective tissue with different
texture and pattern types. From each scan, 48 regions of interest are selected and
downsampled to 308x168 patches. Hence, the whole dataset consists of 960 images.
Figure 2 shows the sample images from first 9 scans of the dataset. It is assessed
that though large texture variability exists between the classes, some inter-class
similarities exist which may affect the classification. Also, intra class variability
exists in the dataset images.
The UCSB Bio-Segmentation Benchmark dataset consists of 58 breast cancer
histopathological images categorized as 36 beningn tumour cells and 28 malignant
tumour cells (Gelasca et al, 2008). Figure 3 shows the sample images of UCBS dataset.
Top row - beningn tumor images and bottom row - malignant tumour images

Implementation of DCNN and SVM

The Deep Convolutional Neural Network employed in the proposed work comprises
of three convolutional layers, three batch normalization layers, three rectified linear
unit layers, two max pooling layers, one fully connected layer, softmax layer and a
final classification layer. The convolutional and the pooling layers produce feature

Figure 2. Sample images from 9 classes of the Kimia Path960 dataset

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making

Figure 3. Sample images from UCBS Breast cancer dataset

maps through successive convolution and max-pooling operations. These feature

maps extract a set of image features from the training dataset. The number of
iterations is selected as 15. For the Convolutional layer (C) and the pooling layer
(P), 3x3 convolutional and 2x2 pooling kernel are used.
The representative GLCM features – Contrast, Correlation, Entropy and variance
are extracted from the input images and fed to SVM classifier and trained. Then,
classification is done using SVM.


The performance of CNN is evaluated by training the CNN with 80% of the input data
and 20% of the input data is used for testing. The input color images of size 308x168
are converted to gray scale images and down sampled to half the size (154x84) and
fed as input to CNN. The downsampled gray scale images are shown in Figure 4.
Table 1 shows the classification accuracy obtained on KimiaPath960 dataset.
Table 1 illustrates the results obtained for the classification of images of “Kimia
Path960” dataset. Figure 5 illustrates the training and classification stages of CNN.
The results are compared with that of the segmentation accuracy obtained with
Support Vector Machine classifier subsequent to GLCM feature extraction. The
GLCM features – Correlation, Contrast, Entropy and variance are extracted from
the input gray scale images and used for training and classification using SVM.
Figure 6 illustrates the classification using SVM.

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making

Figure 4. Downsampled Gray scale images

Figure 5. Illustration of CNN training and classification

The classification results obtained using KimiaPath960 dataset is shown in Table

1. The result indicate that though there exists inter class and intra class variability
among the images of the different classes, it gives better classification accuracy.
Table 2 depicts the performance comparison of the CNN with SVM and it shows
that CNN method gives more promising results compared to SVM. Table 3 depicts
the comparison of accuracy obtained on the classification of benign and malignant
breast cancer tumors of the histopathological images from UCBS dataset. It is evident
from the experiments that the proposed custom-made CNN gives better classification
accuracy and can be better employed for medical diagnosis applications.

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making

Figure 6. Illustration of SVM classification

Table 1. Classification Results of the KimiaPath960 dataset images using CNN

No. of images Dataset used No. of classes Accuracy

192 1-4 4 92.10%
192 5-8 4 81.25%
192 9-12 4 93.75%
192 13-16 4 89.58%
192 17-20 3 97.20%

Table 2. Comparison of Results of the KimiaPath960 dataset – CNN and SVM

No. of images Dataset used No. of classes Accuracy

96 1,2 2 95.8% 81.4%
96 3,4 2 87.5% 75.0%

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making

Table 3. Comparison of results for Breast cancer histo dataset - CNN and SVM

No. of images Accuracy

Beningn Malignant CNN SVM
32 26 81.2% 65.0%


The significance of digital pathology techniques in cancer diagnosis is analyzed

based on the recent research papers in nuclei detection and classification methods.
Then, the method of classification using deep learning is proposed and the method
is tested on images from two publicly available histopathology dataset. The results
achieved show that CNN classifier performs better in classification of histopathological
images compared to SVM. Also, if pre trained networks are used, the training time
reduces and also it leads to better classification accuracy. New methods are in
research focus for optimization of the CNN. The deep convolutional networks are
better suited for automated classification problems in histopathological images and
aid in automatic diagnosis and prognosis of different types of cancer in different
organs of the human body.


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