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Feminism: Is it all about hating men?

Hi!! I am a feminist.
No, I don’t hate men.
No, I don’t think all men are evil.
I want equality for all genders.
Yes, I am a FEMINIST.

The idea of feminism has always been misapprehended. The idea of feminism is not to hate
men. We tend to confuse between feminists and misandrists. You must be wondering what is
misandrists, ever heard of misogynist- someone who hates women. The word misandrist is
the same as misogynist it is just hating men rather than women.

So you need to look deep down and ask yourself whether you are a feminist or a

Looking at some of the facts the first-ever “feminists hate men” idea was tossed a long time
back. The first woman who started to promote the idea about equal status for women began in
the 1700s, but it didn’t take any raise till the late 1800s.
Do you know what all she demanded?
1. Right to go to college.
2. Right to vote.
3. Right to own property.

You know what she got, she was called anti-family, anti-god, anti-men and what not. That
labeling has continued to today, because of — surprise! — a group with a lot of power (men)
tends to do whatever it can to maintain that power.
It is the thousands of years of sexism that has led to this thinking, what we all need to
understand thinking won’t change by rage or hatred. We need to stop making this about men
and women and learn more about how we can make every individual equal in this society.
Note for all the women out there:
You are STRONG!!
You can achieve all you think and no one will ever stop you!!

P.S: These are my personal views and I didn’t mean to harm or disrespect your views I any

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