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In our cheese coffee, we provide a space serving the cheesecoffee for everyone The
most active time of cheese coffe is in the morning

The problem is that from 7 to 8 o’clock, when many of customer in the cheese
coffee, cafeterias staffs will not be able to serve many people at the same time, thus
resulting in long waiting times and long queues. The reason is that have the 3- floor
with 160 tables with only a queue server. It can be seen that this problem is common
in many places such as supermarkets, airports, train stations, etc.

For the purpose of high quality service, as well as prestige of the CheeseCoffee, our
team conducted a small simulation of the cheese coffee model in order to shorten the
waiting time.

Create: The number of arrival cust

So our objective is minimum the waiting time and maximum the serving customers


Based on observation of the real model ( the cheese coffee), we were able to build the
simulation model. After running simulation, the output data was relatively correct.
However, there are a number of disadvantage appeared.


+ Basically, the cheese coffee model simulates the real system effectively in
that period of time.

+ After building the model, some problems of the real system are able to be

+ The capacity of the workforce in the cheesecoffee lead to increase in

productivity of system or the ultilization of workers


+ The simulation model has a lot of the waiting times in the system.

+ The error between the output and real system data have a little bit

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