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messing with dollar signs

What happened when you tried to add the $ symbol to some values and formula?

The dollar signs are inside these cells…

…but they don’t show up
1  dd dollar signs in front of the numbers
A inside the formula bar.
in cells B5 and B6 by double-clicking each
cell and then editing it. What happens?
What does the formula bar say?

When I press Enter, dollar signs show

up inside the cells, but the signs aren’t
in the formula bar.

2  dd a dollar sign in front of the formula

you created in B7. What happens?

It looks like the formula doesn’t

calculate, and several other formulas
that refer to B7 are now messed up.

This formula doesn’t appear to be

calculating a return value any more.

This cell is a total wreck.

Now these formulas are all messed up.

The return values look like

some sort of error.

Better click Undo three times

so we can try all this again.

34   Chapter 2

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