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visual design

The dollar sign is part of your cell’s format ting

When you put dollar signs in front of the numbers in cells
B5 and B6, Excel applied currency formatting to
those cells. The dollar signs did not show up inside the
formula bar, because Excel continued to see the actual
values of those cells as 317 and 24.
Your data is different from its formatting, and typing
dollar signs in front of numbers is just one way of telling
Excel to apply currency formatting to your data.
You can format your numbers
in a bunch of different ways.
How Excel sees How you
your data might want to
format it


100 10000%


No matter what formatting you use,

Excel sees the underlying data the same.

On the other hand, when you tried to type a dollar sign

into the formula in cell B7, Excel didn’t understand
that you wanted to apply currency formatting. Excel
thought you were changing the formula to plain text,
which is why the formula stopped working.
In order to change a formula from general formatting to
currency formatting, you need to do something different
How would you go about applying
from typing the dollar sign into the cell itself.
currency formatting to your cells,
aside from typing dollar signs into
the cells themselves?

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