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1. It is a form of approximation that refers to the dropping of the next digits in order to obtain the degree of
accuracy beyond the need of practical calculations. TRUNCATION
2. Find the geometric mean between -4 and -9. -6
3. A line on a map was drawn at a scale of 5:100,000. If a line in the map is 290 mm long, the actual length of the
line is: 5.8 km (5800 m)
4. The prefix nano is opposite to? GIGA
5. The equation whose roots are the reciprocals of roots of 2x2 – 3x – 5 = 0 is: 5x2 + 3x – 2 = 0
6. What is the degree of the polynomial 3𝑥 4 𝑦 + 2𝑥 3 𝑧 3 + 4𝑦𝑧 2 ? 6
7. What is the smallest perfect number possible? 6
8. An angular unit equivalent to 1/400 of the circumference of a circle is called? GRAD
9. A group of 6 speakers consists of 2 politicians and 4 lawyers who are not politicians. In arrangements for a
speaking order at a meeting, the politician will speak in succession and the lawyers in succession. In how many
ways can the order be arranged? 96 ways (2 x 2! X 4!)
10. What is the sum of the coefficient of the expansion of (2x – 1)20 ? 0


1. In a certain department store, the monthly salary of a saleslady is partly constant and varies as the value of her
sales for the month. When the value of her sales for the month is P10,000, her salary for that month is P900.
When her sales go up to P12,000, her monthly salary goes up to P1,000. What must be the value of her sales for
the month so that her salary for that month will be P2,000? P32,000
2. The sum of all even numbers from 0 to 420 is? 44,310
1 𝑛
3. Evaluate: lim (1 + 𝑛) . ⅇ
4. The sides of a right triangle are a, a+b, a+2b where a and b are positive real numbers. Determine the ratio b:a.
5. If sinA = 2/5, what is the value of 1 – cosA? Express answer in fraction form.
6. Find the 60th derivative of y with respect to x for y = x60. 60!
7. It refers to systems of equations where the number of equations is one less the number of unknowns. These
equations yield whole number for its answers. DIOPHANTINE EQUATIONS
8. What is the fraction in lowest term equivalent to 0.133133133133133…? 133/999
9. A square section ABCD has one of its sides equal to x. Point E is inside the square forming an equilateral triangle
BEC having one side equal in length to the side of the square. Find the angle AED. 150 degrees
10. Given a rectangle with dimension of 4 by 2, there are two circles inside such that their diameters are colinear
and tangent to shortest side of a rectangle. Find the area outside of circles and inside of rectangle. (8-2π) sq.


1. The positive value of x so that 4x, (5x + 4), (3x2 – 1) will be in arithmetic progression is: x = 3
2. Evaluate ∫02 𝑠𝑖𝑛5 𝑥 𝑐𝑜𝑠 5 𝑥 𝑑𝑥 . Express in fraction form. 1/60
3. Find the slope of the curve x2 + y2 – 6x + 10y + 5 = 0 at point (1,0). 2/5
4. Find dy/dx if y = 5(2x + 1). 5(2x + 1) (ln 25)
5. A cubical container that measures 2 in. on a side is tightly packed with 8 marbles and is filled with water. All the
8 marbles are in contact with the walls of the container and the adjacent marbles. All the marbles are the same
in size. What is the volume of water in the container? (𝟖 − 𝟑 𝝅) ⅈ𝒏𝟑

1. In one day (24 hours), how many times will the hour-hand and minute-hand of a continuously driven clock be
together? 22
2. Each interior angle of a regular polygon is 165 degrees. How many sides? 24
3. If the edge of a cube is increased by 30% by how much percent is the surface area increased? 69%
4. Simplify i^1997 + i^1999, where i is an imaginary number. 0
5. How many regular polyhedrons or Platonic solids are known? 5
6. The space diagonal of a cube is 4√3 m. Find its volume. 64 m3
7. It represents the product of all positive integers from 1 to n, inclusive. Factorial
8. The smallest known amicable numbers or friendly numbers. 220 and 284
9. It is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. 𝝅 (pi)
10. Another term for parallelogram. Rhomboid

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