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Questões de Vestibular . b) Mrs.

Ramp and Johnny are free to change rooms

c) Mrs.Rampand Johnny met somebody in the
O texto abaixo ref: as questões ( 1,2,3,) house.
The school was small, with fewer than a hundred d) Johnny cleans up all three bedrooms.
pupils- boys and girls from the town and from the e) Johnny Keeps company to Mrs Ramp.
surrounding countryside. Each class had ten or fifteen
pupils at most, the boys quiet and the girls shy. I 6. Resposta em português :
taught English throughout the school, and with each
day became more and more confident. The time a) Como Johnny ajuda Mrs. Ramp?
between the first class in the morning and the last in ______________________________________________
the afternoon passed so swiftly that I longed for each
period to be stretched out so that I could get to know b) Em troca de que Jonny ajuda Mrs. Ramp ?
my pupils better. It was an ideal school for a young ______________________________________________
teacher beginning a career, and I enjoyed every
moment of my classes, asking questions and 7. (OBJ-SP) Jane is ......than her little sister
encouraging answers, trying to make my lessons lively
and amusing, and flattered by the attention I was a) very pretty b) very prettier c) much prettier
being given, or, at least, imagined I was being given. d) many prettier e) fewer pretty
For no teacher knows what boys and girls are
dreaming of when they appear to be given their 8. (OBJ-SP) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta
undivided attention. um erro quanto ao uso dos comparativos

1. (UNICAMP-SP) Quantos alunos tinham a escola a) Montreal is larger than any other city in Canada
mencionada no texto acima ? b) Jack earns as much as his brother.
______________________________________________ c) The pacific is the largest ocean in the world
________________________________________ d) Brazil has a greater area than any other
country in south America.
2 . (UNICAMP-SP) Havia outros professores de inglês e) The rat has been the more destructive of all the
na escola ? Cite em Inglês mesmo, a frase do texto animals on this planet.
que confirma sua resposta ?
9. ( UNESP-SP) Our next examination may be... the
3 . ( UNICAMP –SP) Como o autor se sentia em last one
relação a seus alunos .
______________________________________________ a) more bad than c) much bad than e) worse than
__________________________________________ b) more worse than d) more badly than

10. ( FGV-SP) The more things change, the more

O Texto abaixo refere-se às questões ( 4,5,6 ) they are the same.
Unable to keep up her three-bedroom home after her
husband died, 85-year old Mrs. Ramp received Johnny a) As coisas mudam mais, quanto mais
as a guest. Everyday after classes, in exchange for free semelhantes forem.
room and board, he helps Mrs. Ramp by washing the b) É melhor mudar mais coisas para haver
dishes, emptying garbage and cleaning the garden. She maiores semelhanças.
does the cooking and shopping. What has pleased her c) Quanto mais se mudam as coisas, mais há a
most, she says, is “the nice feeling that somebody is mudar.
here”. d) Quanto maiores as mudanças, maiores as
4. ( UF-RS ) According to the text, e) Quanto mais as coisas mudam, tanto mais
a) Johnny invited Mrs Ramp to be his guest permanecem inalteradas.
b) Johnny says it nice to be somebody
c) Mrs. Ramp helpsjohnny with his homework
d) Mrs. Ramp is too old to take care of her house
e) Johnny does the shopping everyday after classes

5. According to the text , Cursinho objetivo - Noite

a) Mrs. Ramp ´s husband died at the age of 85.

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