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Sales Tax and Sales Dr.

Wyzard, Spring 2019

Sales tax review: Sales review:

find tax (multiply) and total price (add) find discount (multiply) and total price (subtract)
1) $60 shirt 2) $90 jeans 3) $147 phone 4) $17.99 DVD
4% tax 7% tax 20% off 25% off

Both: find sale price first. Then apply the sales tax.
Example: $49.95, 15% off with 6% tax
100% − 15% = 85% 49.95 x 0.85 = $42.46 sale price
100% + 6% = 106% 42.46 x 1.06 = $45

5) $130 shoes 6) $370 bike 7) $900 chair 8) $1600 bed

$20 discount $50 coupon 10% off 30% off
5% tax 6% tax 7% tax 5% tax

9) $180 10) $540 11) $1200 12) $24.99

$40 coupon $75 off 20% off 15% off
7% tax 6% tax 7% tax 5% tax

13) $49.99 14) $96 15) $245 16) $39.95

20% off $9 off $25 rebate 50% off
6% tax 6.5% tax 8.5% tax 5.5% tax

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