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2nd Floor, DVG Building, University of the Visayas Main Campus
Corner D. Jakosalem, Colon Street, Cebu City, 6000

Name: Barago, Aubrey D. Course: New Market Development

Program & Year Level: BSBA- MM 4 Schedule: TTh(2:30-4:00)

1. Why did you choose Marketing?
2. What is your plan after graduation?
3. What is your expectation in this subject?
4. What is your expectation to your teacher?

1. Honestly, I chose Marketing because it is the most practical degree I can think
of. Maybe some might say it is Education that it the most practical but in my
case it is not. I have a sense of passion in the business industry but it is not as
strong as my passion in the IT industry. We can’t afford the IT degree that I
want so I have to settle with my second choice which is the Business degree.
At first, I was an Accountancy student but I didn’t last long enough to reach 2 nd
year with it. Then I shifted programs and my second choice was HRM but as I
was going through the courses I have taken in the previous semesters, HRM
obviously is not a good choice for me. And then I looked at the Marketing
courses and all of the courses I have taken in the previous semesters were
credited so I decided to take Marketing. Marketing is not as bad as I thought it
was. I enjoyed it and I had been through a lot of struggles while taking it but I
know that I did not made a wrong choice.
2. After graduation, I am actually planning of leaving the country to look for a good
and better opportunity in Germany.
3. I honestly don’t have much expectation since I know that this subject is going
to help me anyways. But I would say that my expectation in the subject is I hope
this will provide and equip me with the necessary skills to get ready in the real
world setting when I graduate. I am expecting that this subject will teach me
everything I should know about New Market Development.
4. My expectation with the teacher is I hope, she will encourage and provide an
atmosphere of equality among students, wherein all of her student’s ideologies
are heard and taken into consideration. It is because I honestly don’t like a
teacher who is very obvious in taking sides (favoritism). And most of all, I hope
she will be an understanding person. And I expect her to discourage her to
accept gifts from her student. Because I know that there are students who like
to give gifts to gain favor and that is one concern that I don’t like to see on my
teacher. I want her to see the honor and dignity of her profession to respect and
to get respected. That’s all and thank you.

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