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Adaptive Adjustment of Noise Covariance in Kalman

Filter for Dynamic State Estimation

Shahrokh Akhlaghi, Student Member, IEEE
Ning Zhou, Senior Member, IEEE Zhenyu Huang, Senior Member, IEEE
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
Binghamton University, State University of New York, Richland, WA 99352, USA
Binghamton, NY 13902, USA
{sakhlag1, ningzhou}

Abstract—Accurate estimation of the dynamic states of a in dynamic state estimation (DSE). These studies have laid a
synchronous machine (e.g., rotor’s angle and speed) is essential in solid ground for estimating the dynamic states of a power
monitoring and controlling transient stability of a power system. system and also revealed some needs for further studies.
It is well known that the covariance matrixes of process noise (Q)
and measurement noise (R) have a significant impact on the One important problem that needs to be addressed in using
Kalman filter’s performance in estimating dynamic states. The the KF is how to properly set up the covariance matrixes of
conventional ad-hoc approaches for estimating the covariance
process noise (i.e., Q) and measurement noise (i.e., R). Note
matrixes are not adequate in achieving the best filtering
performance. To address this problem, this paper proposes an that the performance of the KF is highly affected by Q and R
adaptive filtering approach to adaptively estimate Q and R based [12]. Improper choice of Q and R may significantly degrade
on innovation and residual to improve the dynamic state the KF’s performance and even make the filter diverge [13].
estimation accuracy of the extended Kalman filter (EKF). It is To determine Q and R, almost all the previous DSE studies
shown through the simulation on the two-area model that the used an ad-hoc procedure, in which Q and R are assumed to be
proposed estimation method is more robust against the initial
constant during the estimation and are manually adjusted by
errors in Q and R than the conventional method in estimating the
dynamic states of a synchronous machine. trial-and-error approaches. Note that because the noise levels
may change for different applications and users of DSE can
Index Terms— Kalman filter, dynamic state estimation (DSE), have different backgrounds, it can be very challenging to use
innovation/residual-based adaptive estimation, process noise such an ad-hoc approach to properly set up Q and R.
scaling, measurement noise matching.
To address this challenge, this paper proposes an estimation
I. INTRODUCTION approach to adaptively adjust Q and R at each step of the EKF
Timely and accurately estimating the dynamic states of a to improve DSE accuracy. An innovation-based method is
synchronous machine (e.g., rotor angle and rotor speed) is used to adaptively adjust Q. A residual-based method is used
important for monitoring and controlling the transient stability to adaptively adjust the R. A simple example is used to
of a power system over wide areas [1]. With the worldwide evaluate the impact of Q and R on the performance of EKF.
deployment of phasor measurement units (PMUs), many Then, performance of the proposed approach is evaluated
research efforts have been made to estimate the dynamic states using a two-area model [1].
and improve the estimation accuracy using PMU data [2]– The rest of paper is organized as follows: Section II
[11], among which the Kalman filtering (KF) techniques play reviews the dynamic model of a synchronous machine used
an essential role. For instance, Huang et al. [2] proposed an for DSE. In Section III, the adaptive EKF approach is
extended Kalman filtering (EKF) approach to estimate the proposed. Sections IV and V present a case study and
dynamic states using PMU data. Ghahremani and Innocent [3] simulation results. Conclusions are drawn in Section VI.
proposed the EKF with unknown inputs to simultaneously
estimate dynamic states of a synchronous machine and II. DYNAMIC STATE ESTIMATION MODEL
unknown inputs. [4]-[7] proposed the unscented Kalman
filtering to estimate power system dynamic states. Zhou et al. This section gives a brief review on the dynamic model of a
[8] proposed an ensemble Kalman filter approach to synchronous machine to be used by the EKF for DSE. The 4th
simultaneously estimate the dynamic states and parameters. order differential equations of a synchronous machine in a
Akhlaghi, Zhou and Huang [9]-[10] proposed an adaptive local d-q reference frame is given by (1). (Readers may refer
interpolation approach to mitigate the impact of non-linearity to [9]-[11] for more details):

This paper is based on work sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy

(DOE) through its Advanced Grid Modeling program. Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory is operated by Battelle for DOE under Contract DE-

⎧ dδ (1.a) filter (CEKF) and proposes an adaptive extended Kalman

⎪ = ω0 Δωr filter (AEKF) approach which adaptively estimates Qk-1 and
⎪ Rk.
⎪ d Δωr 1 (1.b)

= (Tm − Te − K D Δωr )
⎪ dt 2H A. Conventional Extended Kalman Filter
⎨ deq′ 1
⎪ =
dt Td′0
( E fd − eq′ − ( xd − xd′ )id ) (1.c) The CEKF consists of the following 3 steps. Readers may
⎪ refer to [11] for more details about the CEKF.
⎪ ded′ 1

dt Tq′0
( −ed′ + ( xq − xq′ )iq ) (1.d) Step (0) – Initialization:
To initialize the CEKF, the mean values and covariance
In (1), the 4 states, δ, ωr , ed′ and e′q , are the rotor angles in matrix of the states are set up at k = 0 as in (5).
radians, rotor speeds in per-unit (pu) and transient voltages in xˆ0+ = E ( x0 ) (5.a)
pu along d and q axes, respectively. ω0 = 2π f0 is the
P = E ⎡⎣( x0 − xˆ )( x0 − xˆ ) ⎤⎦
+ + + T (5.b)
0 0 0
synchronous speed; Tm and Te are the mechanical and the
electric air-gap torque in pu; and parameters H and KD are the where the superscript “+” indicates that the estimate is a
inertia and damping factor, respectively; Efd is the internal posteriori, and P is the state covariance matrix.
field voltage. Variables xd and xq are the synchronous Step (I) – Prediction:
reactance; x′d and x′q are the transient reactance along d and q
The state and its covariance matrix at k-1 are projected one
axes, respectively. id and iq are the stator currents along d and step forward to obtain the a priori estimates at k as in (6).
q axes, respectively. Td′0 and T′q0 are the open circuit time
xˆk− = Φ( xˆk+−1 , uk −1 ) (6.a)
constants in the dq0 frame. 144 42444 3
Predicted State Estimate
To facilitate the notation for applying the EKF to DSE of a
Pk− = Φ[k −] 1 Pk+−1Φ[k −] 1 + Qk −1
1 1T

synchronous machine, (1) is transformed into a general 1444 4244443 (6.b)

Priori Covariance Matrix
discrete state space model as shown in (2) and (3) with
sampling interval of Δt using the modified Euler method [11]. Step (II) - Correction:
⎧ xk = Φ( xk −1 , uk −1 ) + wk −1 The actual measurement is compared with predicted
⎪ (2.a) measurement based on the a priori estimate. The difference is

⎪ z = h( x , u ) + v used to obtain an improved a posteriori estimate as in (7).
⎩ k k k k

∂Φ ( xk −1 , uk −1 ) ∂h( xk , uk ) d k = ⎡⎣ zk − hk ( xˆk− ) ⎤⎦ (7.a)

k −1 ≈ , H k[1] ≈ (2.b) 144 42444 3
∂x xk = xˆk+−1 ∂x xk = xˆk− Measurement innovation

Sk = H k[ ] Pk− H k[ ] + Rk
1 1T
xk = ⎡⎣δ Δω eq′ ed′ ⎤⎦ 144424443 (7.b)
Innovation Covariance
uk = ⎡⎣Tm Efd iR iI ⎤⎦
K k = Pk− H k[ ] [ Sk ]
1T −1

144 42444 3 (7.c)

zk = [eR eI ]
Kalman Gain

Here, subscript k is the time index, which indicates the xˆk+ = xˆk− + K k [ d k ] (7.d)
144 42444 3
time instance at kΔt . Symbols xk, uk, and zk are the state, input Posteriori State Estimate

and measurement output, respectively. Functions Φ(∗) and

Pk+ = I − K k H k[ ] Pk−
} (7.e)
h(∗) are the state transition and measurement function, Posteriori Covariance Matrix

respectively. Φ[1]
k −1 is the Jacobian matrix of the state transition
Note that to run the CEKF, users need to provide Qk-1 in
(6.b) and Rk in (7.b). Performance of a CEKF depends on how
matrix at step k-1, and H k[1] is the Jacobian matrix of the
well users can select the right Qk-1 and Rk for different
measurement function at step k. In (2), vectors wk and vk are applications. Conventionally, Rk is often assigned as a constant
the state process noise and measurement noise, respectively. matrix based on the instrument accuracy of the measurements.
Their mean and variance are denoted by (4) [11]. Here, Qk-1 is assigned as a constant matrix using a trial-and-error
symbol E(∗) represents the expected value. Symbols Qk and approach, which relies on users’ experiences and background.
Rk are the covariance matrixes of process noise and As such, selection of Qk-1 and Rk is a challenge for the users of
measurement noise respectively at step k. the CEKF.
E ( wk ) = 0 , E ( wk wkT ) = Qk (4.a) B. Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter (AEKF)
To address this challenge, this paper proposes an adaptive
E ( vk ) = 0 , E ( vk vkT ) = Rk (4.b)
estimation approach to estimate Qk-1 and Rk in the EKF. Mehra
[14] classified the adaptive estimation approaches into four
categories: Bayesian, correlation, covariance matching and
This section describes the conventional extended Kalman maximum likelihood approaches. The covariance matching is

one of the well-known adaptive estimation approaches, which forgetting factor α to average estimates of Q over time as in
tunes the covariance matrix of the innovation or residual (15).
based on their theoretical values [15]. At the EKF’s
Qk = α Qk −1 + (1 − α )( K k d k d kT K kT ) (15)
predication step, the innovation is the difference between the
actual measurement and its predicted value, and it can be An implementation flowchart of the proposed AEKF
calculated by (7.a). On the other hand, the residual is the algorithm is summarized in Fig. 1. Note that similar to the
difference between actual measurement and its estimated CEKF, users need to select the initial Q0 and R0 for AEKF in
value using the information available at step k, and it can be the initialization step. Different from the CEKF which keeps
calculated by (8). Qk-1 and Rk constant, the Qk-1 and Rk of the AEKF are
adaptively estimated and updated during each correction step.
ε k = ⎡⎣ zk − hk ( xˆk+ ) ⎤⎦
144 42444 3 (8)

Based on the above definitions, the Qk-1 and Rk can be

x̂0+ P0+ , Q0 , R0
estimated as the follows.
1) Residual Based Adaptive Estimation of R
The innovation based approach estimates the covariance
Pk− = Φ[k −] 1 Pk+−1Φ[k −] 1 + Qk −1
1 1T
matrix Rk using (9) [12]. xˆk− = Φ ( xˆ k+−1 , uk −1 )

Rk = Sk − H k[ ] Pk− H k[ ] (9)
1 1T

Here Sk is the covariance matrix of the innovation. Note

d k = ⎡⎣ zk − hk ( xˆk− ) ⎤⎦ Rk = α Rk −1 + (1 − α )(ε k ε kT + H k[ ] Pk− H k[ ] )
1 1T

that theoretically speaking, Rk should be positive definite
because it is a covariance matrix. Yet, its estimation equation
(9) could not guarantee that the estimated Rk be a positive K k = Pk− H k[ ] ⎡⎣ H k[ ] Pk− H k[ ] + Rk ⎤⎦
xˆk+ = xˆk− + K k d k
1T 1 1T

definite matrix because the Rk is estimated by subtracting the

two positive definite matrixes. Therefore, to ensure a positive
definite matrix, the residual based adaptive approach proposed ε k = ⎡⎣ zk − hk ( xˆk+ ) ⎤⎦ { }
Pk+ = I − K k H k[1] Pk− , Qk = α Qk −1 + (1 − α )( K k d k d kT K kT )
by [16] is used by this paper to estimate Rk using (10).
Fig. 1. Implementation flowchart of the proposed AEKF
Sk = E ⎡⎣ε k ε kT ⎤⎦ = E ⎡⎣ν kν kT ⎤⎦ − H k[ ] Pk− H k[ ]
1 1T


Rk = E ⎡⎣ε k ε kT ⎤⎦ + H k[ ] Pk− H k[ ]
1 1T

In this section, a simple linear model described by (16) is

To implement (10), the expectation operation on εkεkT is used to compare the impact of the choice of Rk and Qk-1 on the
approximated by averaging εkεkT over time. Instead of the performance of the CEKF and the AEKF. The simple and
using the moving window, this paper introduces a forgetting linear model with known noise features is used in this study to
factor 0 < α ≤ 1 in (11) to adaptively estimate Rk. Note that a eliminate the potential impacts from non-linearity.
larger α puts more weights on previous estimates and The model in (16) is a model of a vehicle tracking problem,
therefore incurs less fluctuation of Rk, and longer time delays which the vehicle is constrained to move in a straight line with
to catch up with changes. This paper set α = 0.3 for all the
a constant velocity. Let pk and p& k represent the vehicle
position and velocity. The system state can be described
Rk = α Rk −1 + (1 − α )(ε k ε kT + H k[ ] Pk− H k[ ] )
1 1T
(11) by xk = [ pk , p& k ] . It is assumed that sampled observations are
2) Innovation Based Adaptive estimation of Q acquired at discrete time interval Δt. The wk-1 and vk are
To adaptively estimate the Qk-1, based on (2), the process Gaussian white noise, whose variances are defined by (16.b).
noise can be calculated using (12). ⎧ xk = Axk −1 + wk −1 (16.a)
wk −1 = xk − Φ( xk −1 , uk −1 ) (12) ⎨
⎩ zk = Hxk + vk
From (6) and (7), it can be concluded that: ⎡1 Δt ⎤
A=⎢ ⎥ , H = [1 0]
+ +
wˆ k −1 = xˆ − Φ( xˆ , uk −1 )
k k −1
⎣0 1 ⎦ (16.b)
⎡ Δt 3 3 Δt 2 2⎤
= x − xˆ = K k ⎡⎣ zk − hk ( xˆ ) ⎤⎦


k (13) Qtrue = q0 ⎢ 2 ⎥ , Rtrue = r0 [1]
⎣ Δt 2 Δt ⎦
=K k d k
The scalars q0, r0 and Δt are set to be 0.01, 0.1 and 1,
Therefore, respectively. It is assumed that the vehicle starts from rest so
E ⎡⎣ wˆ k −1 wˆ kT−1 ⎤⎦ = E ⎡⎣ K k (d k d kT ) K kT ⎤⎦ = K k E ⎡⎣ d k d kT ⎤⎦ K kT that x0 = [0, 0]T. For testing the performance of the CEKF and
AEKF, 100 time steps of simulation are generated using (16).
Qˆ k −1 = K k SK kT To evaluate the impact of Qk and Rk on the estimation
Similar to the previous subsection, the paper uses a accuracy, x0 is set to its true values and P0 is set to zeros to

eliminate their impacts on the estimation. For the CEKF, Qk 1 10 20 100 200 101 21 11 3
G1 G3
and Rk are set by scaling Qtrue and Rtrue. As shown in Table I,
the scaling factors are the multiples of 10. Using the same
setup, the resulting mean squared errors (MSEs) of estimated
position, i.e., x(1), are summarized in Table I for the CEKF 2 4

and in Table II for the AEKF. G2

Two-Area Four
Machine System G4
Area 2
Area 1
It can be observed in Table I that the MSEs on the diagonal Fig. 2. The two-area four-machine system [1].
are same. Note that the ratio between Qk and Rk are same for
the diagonal elements. This observation indicates that it is the
ratio between Qk and Rk (instead of their individual values)
that determines the performance of the CEKF. Also observe
that the major diagonal, where Qk:Rk = Qtrue:Rtrue, have the
smallest MSE (i.e. 0.051). The observation suggests that the
optimal Q/R ratio is around their true ratios. Also observe that
the MSEs increase monotonously when the Q/R ratio increases
or decreases from its true value.
MSE 0.01 Qtrue 0.1 Qtrue Qtrue 10 Qtrue 100 Qtrue
0.01 Rtrue 0.051 0.083 0.0984 0.0987 0.0988
0.1 Rtrue 0.219 0.051 0.083 0.0984 0.0988
Fig. 3. Comparison of AEKF and CEKF when the initial Q is set to be
Rtrue 3.54 0.219 0.051 0.083 0.098 relatively less than the proper value.
10 Rtrue 27.28 3.54 0.219 0.051 0.083
100 Rtrue 41.40 27.28 3.54 0.219 0.051 It is assumed that all the generation buses are equipped
with PMUs to measure the voltage phasors and current
MSE 0.01 Qtrue 0.1 Qtrue Qtrue 10 Qtrue 100 Qtrue phasors in (3). To mimic the field measurements from the
0.01 Rtrue 0.0714 0.0787 0.0788 0.0788 0.0789 PMUs, the simulation data is decimated to 25 samples/s. And
0.1 Rtrue 0.09 0.076 0.0783 0.0786 0.0787 4.0% noise in total vector errors [10] is added to the current
Rtrue 0.12 0.089 0.072 0.073 0.0736 and voltage phasors to consider the noise introduced by
10 Rtrue 0.13 0.089 0.087 0.076 0.076 potential transformers and current transformers. Also, 4.0%
100 Rtrue 0.17 0.089 0.081 0.078 0.074 noise is added to Efd and Tm.
Comparing Table I and Table II, one can observe that in Similar to section IV, in the initialization step, x0 is set to
general, the proposed AEKF produces smaller MSEs than the its true values and P0 is set to zeros to eliminate their impacts
CEKF. The performance improvement of the AEKF is more on the estimation. Assume that the R0 is known based on the
significant when the MSEs of the CEKF are larger (at the accuracy of measurement device and is set to be diag([0.04,
bottom left of the table). The only exception to this 0.04])2 to match the added measurement noise. The initial Q0
improvement is at the major diagonal where the Qk:Rk= is adjusted to set up the following four scenarios for
Qtrue:Rtrue , which is already an optimal Q/R ratio setup for the comparing the estimation accuracy of the AEKF and CEKF.
CEKF. The MSEs for the AEKF is slightly larger than the Scenario #1: Q0 is set to very small values (i.e. 1*e-08).
CEKF. This may be because averaging operations in (10) and The states estimated by the AEKF and CEKF are shown in
(11) are used to approximate the expectation operation, which Fig. 3 and their MSEs are summarized in Table III. Fig. 3
will incur some estimation errors in Qk and Rk. Notice that in a shows that with the same setup, the CEKF diverges while the
real world application, the true value of Q/R ratio and states AEKF converges. Table III shows that the MSEs of the AEKF
are often not available and have to be estimated. The proposed is much smaller than those of the CEKF for all the estimated
AEKF provides a systematic way of estimating the Q/R ratios states. The observation indicates that when Q0 is set up to be
and can often achieve stable and smaller MSEs than most too small, the AEKF is robust against the improper setup and
guessed values. Similar observations are made with the other can estimate states accurately while the CEKF diverges.
state (i.e., x(2) speed) and are not presented here to be concise.
Scenario #2: Q0 is set to very large values (i.e. 1000). The
V. CASE STUDY BASED ON THE TWO-AREA MODEL states estimated by the AEKF and CEKF are shown in Fig. 4
and their MSEs are summarized in Table III. Fig. 4 shows that
To evaluate the performance of the proposed AEKF both the CEKF and AEKF converges and the states estimated
approach on the DSE of synchronous machines, the two-area by the AEKF stay closer to the true states than those estimated
four-machine system [1] shown in Fig. 2 is used to generate by the CEKF. Table III shows that the MSEs of the AEKF is
the simulation data. The simulation is performed using the smaller than those of the CEKF for all the estimated states.
Power System Toolbox (PST) [17]. A three-phase fault is The observation indicates that when Q0 is set up to be too
applied to sending end of the line between buses 100 and 200 large, both the AEKF and CEKF converge and the AEKF is
at 10.1 s. To reduce integration errors and capture the more accurate than the CEKF, measured by MSEs.
dynamics, the simulation time step is set to be 0.001 s.

Scenario #3: Q0 is set to be close to the true values. As the estimating the dynamic states of a synchronous machine. Also,
true value of Q0 is not accurately known, the final Q resulting it is shown through simulations using a simple model and the
from the AEKF in Scenarios #2 is used. The MSEs of the two-area system that the AEKF is more robust against the
estimated states are summarized in Table III. Table III shows improper choice of initial Q and R than the CEKF. These
that the MSEs of the AEKF is similar to those of the CEKF for simulation results suggest that the proposed AEKF can
all the estimated states. The observation indicates that when adaptively estimate Q as well as R and therefore relieve users’
Q0 is set up to be close to the true values, both the AEKF and burden of choosing proper Q and R in the EKF.
CEKF converge and the AEKF has similar accuracy as the
CEKF in the sense of MSEs.
Scenario #4: The setups of this scenarios are same as those
for scenario #1 except that the Monte-Carlo simulation is used
to generate N = 200 instances of simulation data with random
noise. The estimated states are summarized in Fig. 5, which
shows that observations made under scenarios #1 also apply to
different noise instances.
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δ Δω e′ d
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