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Summative Test in Science 8

NAME:_______________________________________ Grade/Section:____________________Date:_________Score:_______

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read carefully each question and write the letter of the CORRECT answer on the space provided for.

____1. Which of the following is NOT capable of transmitting sound?

A. Air B. Steel C. Water D. Vacuum
____2. Which of the following would most likely transmit sound best?
A. Air in your classroom C. Water in the ocean
B. Steel in cabinet D. Water in a swimming pool
____3. ROYGBIV is the basic component of white light. Which color of light carries the most energy?
A. Blue B. Green C. Orange D. Red
____4. Light is an electromagnetic wave. Which characteristic is common in all electromagnetic waves?
A. Amplitude B. Frequency C. Speed D. Wavelength
____5. What property of light is involved in the decomposition of a beam of light into its constituent’s colors?
A. Diffraction B. Dispersion C. Refraction D. Reflection
____6. What spectrum of white light is bent most when passed through a prism?
A. Indigo B. Red C. yellow D. Violet
____17. Which is not a primary color of light?
A. Blue B. Green C. Red D. Yellow
____8. Translucent body scatters light passing through it so that objects behind it are not clearly seen. Which is an example of
translucent object?
A. Clear glass B. Folder C. Mirror D. smoked jalousie blades
____9. A pencil placed insipde a glass of water appears to be bent when observed on the side of a glass. This phenomenon is due
to which of the following?
A. Interference of light B. Production of light C. Reflection of light D. refraction of light
____10. When white light passes through a prism, different colors are formed. What will be the color of light produced if another
prism will be placed inversely behind the first prism?
A. Green B. Red C. Violet D. White
____11. An object is capable of absorbing blue light. What will be the color of that object if it is lighted by white light?
A. Blue B. Green C. Red D. Yellow
____12. What determines the color of a body?
A. The color of light it reflects C. The temperature of a body
B. The color of light it absorbs D. The texture of the body.
____13. When white light is allowed to pass through blue cellophane, what will happen to the resulting light?
A. The resulting light will be green.
B. Blue light will come out of the other side.
C. White light will be absorbed by the blue cellophane.
D. White light will come out of the other side of the blue cellophane.
____14. What is caused by Rayleigh scattering?
A. Blueness of the sky. C. Rainbow formation
D. Dispersion of spectra by a prism D. Polarization of light.
____15. How would you relate the hierarchy of colors and the hierarchy of the corresponding energy?
A. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength, the least energy carried by light.
B. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy carried by light.
C. The lower the frequency, the longer the wavelength, the greater the energy carried by light.
D. The lower the frequency, the shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy carried by light.
____16. What will happen when two like charges are brought together?
A. They will repel each other. C. They will neutralize each other.
B. They will attract each other. D. They will have no effect on each other.
____17. Which of the following describes the usual way by which a material can gain a positive charge?
A. By gaining protons C. By losing protons
B. By gaining electrons D. By losing electrons
____18. If you comb your hair and the comb becomes positively charged, what will happen to your hair?
A. It will remain uncharged. C. It will become positively charged.
B. It will be repelled by the comb. D. It will become negatively charged.
____19. Which of the following can be attracted by a positively charged object?
A. Another positively charged object. C. A neutral object.
B. Any other object. D. No other object.
____20. A negatively charged rod is brought near a metal can that rests on a wooden box. You touch the opposite side of the can
momentarily with your finger. If you remove your finger before removing the rod, what will happen to the can?
A. It will be discharged. C. It will become positively charged.
B. Its charge will remain as it was. D. It will become negatively charged.
____21. Is it possible to charge an electrical insulator?
A. No, because they hinder charges from passing through them.
B. No, because insulators have no free charges in them.
C. Yes, because they can also conduct electricity.
D. Yes, because electrons can be transferred between insulators through friction.
____22. A charged object is brought near a metal ball that is mounted on a rubber sheet. If the metal ball acquired a negative
charge after it was grounded momentarily, what must be the charge of the object that was brought near it?
A. Neutral B. Negative C. Positive D. Both positive and negative
____23. What is really meant when we say appliance "uses up" electricity?
A. The current disappears. C. Electrons are taken out of the circuit.
B. The main power supply voltage is lowered. D. The PE of electrons is changed into another
____24. Why do you think earthing is important in all appliances?
A. To avoid electrical shocks. C. To avoid damages of home appliances.
B. To avoid high consumption of electricity. D. To avoid short circuit.
____25. What will happen if the circuit offers little or no resistance to the flow of charges?
A. There will be short circuit. C. There will be high consumption of electricity.
B. There will be explosion of fuses. D. There will be sparks in the appliances
____26. Waves in a lake are 5.00 m in length and pass an anchored boat 1.25 s apart. What is the speed of waves?
A. 0.25 m/s B. 4.00 m/s C. 6.25 m/s D. 9.80 m/s
____27. How do the particles of matter of an object affect the speed of sound?
A. The closer the particles, the faster it travels. C. The farther the particles, the faster it travels.
B. The closer the particles, the slower it travels. D. The farthest the particles, the faster it travels.
____28. Liquid particles are loosely packed compared to solid particles, which statement infer how movement of liquid particles
affects the speed of sound?
A. Vibrations are more easily passed from particle to particle. C. Vibrations cannot passed from particle to particle.
B. Vibrations are easily passed from particle to particle. D. Vibrations are difficult to pass from particles
____29. Speed of sound is directly affected by the temperature of the medium it travels. What will happen
to the speed of sound in higher temperature medium?
A. It will be reflected. B. It will travel faster. C. It will not travel. D. It will travel slowly.
For No.52-55, the illustration on the right shows a lady making a noodle soup using a pan made of metal. Use this illustration to
answer the questions below:

____30. How does heat travel through the pan?

A. By conduction B. By convection C. By dispersion D. By radiation
____31. How does heat travel through the soup?
A. By conduction B. By convection C. By dispersion D. By radiation
____32. In what direction does heat travel through the soup?
A. From top to bottom B. From bottom to top C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B
____33. Which of the following explains why the lady is able to hold the handle of the pan with her bare hands?
I. The handle is made of good insulator of heat.
II. The handle has low thermal conductivity.
III. The handle has high thermal expansion.
A. I and II only B. II and III only C. I and III only D. I, II, and III
____34. Which is true when steam condenses to water?
A. Heat is given off B. Heat is absorbed C. The temperature rises D. The temperature drops
____35. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Light travels slower than sound.
B. Sound travels only on air particles.
C. Sound can travel through a vacuum.
D. The transverse waves on a vibrating string are different from sound waves.
____36. An open pipe of length L is resonating at its fundamental frequency. Which statement is correct?
A. The wavelength is L and there is a displacement node at the pipe's midpoint.
B. The wavelength is L and there is a displacement antinode at the pipe's midpoint.
C. The wavelength is 2L and there is a displacement antinode at the pipe's midpoint.
D. The wavelength is 2L and there is a displacement node at the pipe's midpoint.
____37. Doubling only the spring constant of a vibrating mass-and-spring system produces what effect on the system's
mechanical energy?
A. produces no change
B. increases the energy by a factor of three
C. increases he energy by a factor of four
D. increases the energy by a factor of two
____38. A sound source approaches a stationary observer. What is the relative quantity of the frequency heard by the observer in
comparison with the sound source?
A. equal to zero.
B. lower than the source.
C. higher than the source.
D. the same as that of the source.

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