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Kaunlaran High School

Phase 1. Kaunlaran Village North Bay Boulevard South,

Navotas City

Partial Requirement

for the subject

Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person

Performance task # 3


“Catholic Church Debete “

Submitted by:
Gososo,Kenneth B.
Grade & Section:
Grade 11 – HE3 ( Heny sison)

Submitted to:
Jude Nelson M. Apolonio
Kaunlaran High School
Phase 1. Kaunlaran Village North Bay Boulevard South,
Navotas City

Catholic Church

The Catholic Church’s teaching on responsible parenthood is often overlooked, or

simply unknown. The church doesn’t say, ‘Have as many children as possible or you’re
not really Catholic.’ The section reads, “With regard to physical, economic,
psychological and social conditions, responsible parenthood is exercised by those who
prudently and generously decide to have more children, and by those who, for serious
reasons and with due respect to moral precepts, decide not to have additional children
for either a certain or an indefinite period of time.”

A couple not acting prudently or generously is one who says, “We will not have children
or we will not have more children until we have a seven-figure retirement fund or until
we have a third vacation home,”
As an example of a “prudent and just” reason, Grabowski referred to a couple he
counseled over the years with a son “who is profoundly autistic and rather than
institutionalizing that child, they’ve decided that they’re going to keep their child in their
home and be his full-time caregivers, providers, parents.”

“They’re generously open to God’s gift to them and accepting the challenge of having a
child with those needs. But they realize that they are maxed out in terms of their
parental resources” and feel “they can’t take on more children.”

While most couples may not have face such extreme circumstances, responsible
parenthood necessitates a “well-formed conscience and the exercise of prudence to say
this is a just or a serious reason why, at this point of time, we should not try to have
another child or be open to the gift of a child,” “It requires not just discernment, what is
God calling us to, but dialogue between the couple. What do we think together that
God’s calling us to do in our situation?”
And responsible parenthood extends beyond simply deciding whether or not to have
children. “Here we can go all the way back to St. Augustine,” Grabowski said. St.
Augustine sees three goods in marriage: the good of fidelity, the good of indissoluble
unity and the good of offspring.

For Augustine, the good of offspring is more than just having children, “it’s raising them
to know, to love and serve God,” Grabowski said. “It’s forming them in love and helping
them to grow to be able to know God’s call to them.”
Kaunlaran High School
Phase 1. Kaunlaran Village North Bay Boulevard South,
Navotas City

Responsible parenthood

Responsibility parenthood is an ability of parents to detect the need of happiness and

desire of children and helping them to become responsible children. It is the shared
responsibility of husband and wife to determine and achieve the desired number, spacing, and
timing of their children according to their own family life aspirations, and concerns. Responsible
parenthood doesn’t limit only on fulfilling the demand of children and rearing them up properly
but goes beyond that time. Parenthood can be discipline their child through experiences and
rules to know what is right and wrong doings. Nowadays, children can be do anything they want
even it is not good for them but pursuing what they want really do in the first place. Being a child
with disciplined I would do rare things can be decided myself not to know what is it. Sometimes
being child is not easy to know what we are doings right now. Just like someone’s child who had
territorial parents have being rebel just to do what they want.

These are the qualities of responsible parenthood

1. Marriage should be done at the right age as right age at marriage helps to start a
new life and new family in a right time.
2. The size of a family should be decided by both parents together.
3. Being responsible parents also refers to becoming parents at the right age where
both of them are physically and mentally mature to start a family.
10 principles of the responsible parenting
1. What you do matters
 This is one of the most important principles
2. You cannot be too loving
 Everybody loves their child
3. Be involved in your child’s life
 It is necessary for parents to be involved in child’s life in both physical way and
mental way
4. Adapt your parenting to fit your child
 Parents needs to keep the track and pace with the child’s development
5. Establish and set rules
 Parent need to maintain and regulate the child’s behavior..
6. Foster your child’s independence
 A responsible parent needs to teach their children self-control and encourage
7. Be consistent
 Consistency is the key to disciplines.
Kaunlaran High School
Phase 1. Kaunlaran Village North Bay Boulevard South,
Navotas City

8. Avoid harsh discipline

 Parents should never adopt the harsh way.
9. Explain your rules and decisions
 Good parents have clear expectations
10. Treat your child with respect
Children should be treated with equal respect.

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