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Group 1.

Looking for rhymes

Rhyme is part of what we mean when we say poetry is musical. When the ending sounds of words are
repeated, we call it rhyme.

Ex. I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree (see-tree)- end rhyme

‘’ the crows in boughs throws endless brawls’’-internal rhyme

Though this poem is an example of blank verse, that was widely used by Shakespeare, it contains
internal rhyme.

 Read the poem once more and spot the words that rhyme.
 Make a list of these rhyming words and determine which examples of internal rhyme and end
 Copy the table as shown below , and fill it out with the appropriate entries.

Rhyming Words in the Seven Ages of Man

End Rhyme Internal rhyme

Group 2 The Best Clue

Onomatopoeia is a sound device used by poets to suggest actions , movements and meanings.

Ex. The hissing of the snake made me shoo it away.

The bubbling brook breaks.

 Find examples of onomatopoeia in the poem.

 Use the following questions to guide you.
 What does it look like?
 What kind of sounds does it make?
 How does it move?

List them in the table shown below.

Onomatopoeia in The Seven Ages of Man

Sample What it looks The sound it How it moves
line/words like makes
Group 3. Alliteration, assonance and consonance

Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of the words like:

Ex. doubting, drearing dreams no mortal

enter dared to dream before.

-Edgar Allan Poe, from The Raven

Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds within words;

Ex. Along the window sill, the lipstick stabs

glittered in their steel shells.

-Rita Dove, from AdolescenceIII

Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds within and at the end of the words.

Ex. Some late visitor entreating entrance at

my chamber door

-E.A Poe, from The Raven

Read the poem and look out for words or lines that sound like they are examples of
alliteration, assonance and consonance.

List them in the table shown below.

From The Seven Ages of Man by Wiliiam Shakespeare

Alliteration Assonance Consonance

Group 4 imagery

Through the words used by the poet, as expressed by the ‘’persona’’/ speaker, the vivid
images , clear sounds ,and exact feelings are clearly conveyed.

 Read the poem silently and think of the images created in your mind.
 Point out real life experience or observation in life that each image suggests.
List them in the table shown below.

Imagery in The Seven Ages of Man

Words/lines Images created Feelings evoked Meaningful experience
Group 5. Meaningful Encounter

A poem is a meaningful musical expression of significant human experiences where powerful words are
used to signify the beauty and grandeur of life. These powerful words give hue to important messages.

Reflect on and discuss the answer to each of the following questions.

1. What comprises the seven ages of man or stages in lifge of man according to the poem?
2. Describe the school boy’s attitude towards school. How do you feel about these pictures of
3. What is compared to the ‘’stage’’ in the first two lines? How are the two related?
4. In lines 13 and 14, what is compared to ‘’reputation’’?
5. What other comparisons are used in the poem? Which are examples of metaphor? Which are
examples of simile?
6. According to the speaker or persona in the poem, what physical and mental changes take place
as a man reaches the sixth and seventh ages?
7. Do you agree with the persona’s description of old age? Why?
8. What other acceptable descriptions of old age can you think of?
9. In the last line of the poem, the word SANS is repeated. What do you think is the purpose of
repeating it four times?
10. Does repetition helps in the understanding of poem’s meaning? Find other examples of
repetition in the poem. List them.
11. What effect does the repetition have on the description of the last stage of man?

Group 6. Meaningful Encounter

A poem is a meaningful musical expression of significant human experiences where powerful words are
used to signify the beauty and grandeur of life. These powerful words give hue to important messages.

Reflect on and discuss the answer to each of the following questions.

1. How are the seven ages of man described by the persona?

2. How do the roles of man differ based on the persona’s description?
3. Do you think the persona has a great understanding of the universal experience of man
performing a role in each stage? Explain.
4. Which lines describe the roles in life that man performs?
5. Under what circumstances might it be better to be young rather than be old or vice versa in
performing roles in life?
6. How does the poem make you feel about the importance of recognizing and performing a role in
life effectively?
7. Why is it important to recognize and perform your role in life?
8. What does the poem make you realize about the importance of recognizing and performing a
role in life effectively?
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of not recognizing and performing your roles in
10. What would be the most effective way of performing your role in life?
Group 7 . Connect to life

Answer the following guide questions.

1. Is there a part of the poem which reminds you of someone in real life?
2. What kind of roles in life are conveyed in the poem?
3. What line(s) suggest how one can be effective in performing one’s role?
4. Is the message of the poem worthwhile? Prove your point.
5. How important is the poem’s message in your life?

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