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6º ANO

1. Sobre a imagem acima, assinale a alternativa incorreta:

a. The gas station is next to the mall.
b. The library is in front of gas station.
c. The grocery store is between the bakery and the bank.
d. The hospital is between the park and the grocery store.
e. The bakery is next to the bank.

2. De acordo com o mapa:

a. The library is beside the bank.
b. The mall is in front of the library
c. The bus stop is in front of the grocery store.
d. The par kis next to the bank.
e. The hospital is beside the bakery.

3. Qual a direção que devo usar para sair do Bus Stop e chegar ao Park?
a. Turn left to first street, go straight ahead until fourth street and turn
b. Go straight ahead until second street and turn right.
c. Turn right to second street,go straight ahead, then turn right.
d. Cross the street until third street, turn left, then turn right.
e. Turn left to first street, go straight ahead until fifth street and then turn

4. Ainda sobre o mapa, qual alternativa é a correta?

a. There is a hospital on fourth street.
b. There is a gas station on second street.
c. There is a bakery on third street.
d. There is a library on the fifth street.
e. There is a bank on the first street.

5. As ruas do mapa correspondem a números ordinais. A sequência e a

escrita correta desses números são:
a. First, third, second, forth, fifth.
b. First, second, third, fourth, fifth.
c. First, second, third, forth, fiveth,
d. First, second, thrid, forth, fiveth.
e. One, two, three, four, five.

6. Observando a imagem abaixo, assinale a alternativa que corresponde à

tradução das preposições de lugar, respectivamente:
a) Above, under, in, beside, between, in front of.
b) On, under, between, behind, in, above.
c) In, on, in front of, beside, between, under.
d) Above, in, on, under, beside, between.
e) On, above, in front of, beside, between, in.

7. As imagens abaixo correspondem respectivamente às direções:

a. Turn right, turn left, go straight ahead.

b. Go straight ahead, turn right, turn left.
c. Turn left, go straight ahead, turn right
d. Turn right, go straight ahead, turn left.
e. Go straight ahead, turn left, turn right.

8. Gramaticalmente, qual dessas frases está correta:

a. There is a men on the avenue.
b. There are children on the park.
c. There is a women on the bakery.
d. There are a person on the mal.
e. There is a people on the gas station.

9. Qual das alternativas completa a frase “She bought the ____ food”?
a. Of the dog
b. Dog
c. Of dog’s
d. Dog’s
e. Dogs’s

10. Escola a alternativa que completa a frase “You have ___ grades”.
a. James
b. Of James’
c. James’s
d. James’
e. Of James


1–C 6-E

2–C 7-C

3–A 8-B

4-E 9-D

5-B 10 - D

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