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0 Introduction

All people loves to eat, whether you are a vegetarian or not. All love to see a bunch of
food served in the dining table. But of course people also have those food that they don't like to
eat, it can be fish, vegetables, native meats, or fruits. As an individual we all have our own eating
habits. In recent years, the scope of public health practice has continued to grow given the call to
action to promote sustainable health and nutrition. Therefore, eating habits and the nutritive value
of consumed foods are becoming increasingly important for everyone's health. Adequate and
proper nutrition is also an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is essential to
promote an awareness of the nutrients contained in foods in relation to their roles in body
maintenance, growth, reproduction, health, and disease prevention in humans. Appropriate
nutrition is important for a variety of reasons, including optimal cardiovascular function, muscle
strength, respiratory ventilation, protection from infection, wound healing, and psychological
well-being. Additionally, it helps to prevent nutrition-related diseases through a diet containing
the right amount of food constituents, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals,
and water, required for body building and defense, energy supply, and regulatory functions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that nutrition-related diseases account
for about 60% of all deaths, and 43% of the global burden of disease, and that by 2020, the
impact of nutrition-related non-communicable diseases is expected to rise to 73% of all deaths
and 60% of the global burden of disease. According to the WHO, the conditions that promote
unhealthy eating habits among individuals include a lack of adequate health and nutritional
knowledge, and the acquisition of misinformation about health and nutrition matters. In addition,
when foods are not consumed in quantities commensurate with individuals’ body needs,
malnutrition or over-nutrition may set in. Thus, given the roles played by nutrients in promoting
health and optimal functioning in humans, counseling and education about diet and nutrition need
to be made a priority by all relevant professionals, schools can also have it for the students own

Nutritional counseling and education involve people gaining knowledge about nutrition
and being encouraged to bring about required changes in their food habits. The goal of nutritional
counseling and education is to motivate individuals to eat healthy and sustainable diets. In this
case all food that will be intake is surely and guaranteed that is healthy and bring no harm to
anyone, including students who have been the top people with worst eating habits.

As an individual we all need awareness. Awareness, as described by Biesta and Osberg,

is one's ability to notice things, a state of being fully conscious of what one knows or has learned.
Nutritional awareness seems to be directly linked to nutritional knowledge, attitudes, and actions,
which may have an effect on people's eating practices. Nutritional awareness is also related to
knowledge of the interrelationships between nutritional matters and human life, which may have
an effect on a person's life. In the present study, nutritional awareness entails being cognizant of
the kind of foods an individual eats and the reasons for eating such foods. It is possible that
through generating awareness, individuals may be more likely to make informed food choices and
decisions conducive to their health despite their school activities, or hectic school hours.

Some of the children are really don't eat some vegetables or fish that can lead to lack of
nutrients. Robinson reported that individuals who fail to consume sufficient nutrients could
experience fatigue and/or inability to be actively involved in their activities. A recent study
showed that some individuals experienced fatigue and other behavioral problems, which may be
associated with malnutrition. It is possible that being aware of the nutritive value of foods and
good eating habits could enable individual to make informed nutritional choices and adopt good
eating practices.

People with lack of nutrients can lead to some disease or body malfunctions. Some of that
are Poor Brain Function, because brain relies on glucose, which derives from carbohydrates and
other nutrients such as healthy fats and antioxidants, to function properly. According to a study
published "The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology" in
Dec. 2009, fatty foods could have an immediate negative impact on brain function. In the study,
rats fed a high-fat diet tested significantly lower in cognitive abilities after eating the fatty fare
compared to rats fed a lower-fat diet. Eating a restrictive diet or skipping meals can have similar
effects, including poor memory and concentration abilities. Another one is, Poor Exercise
Capabilities, because eating too much or too little can also cause lethargy, fatigue and other
effects that hinder physical activity. After eating fatty foods, the rats in "The Journal of the
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology" study ran 35-percent less distance
than rats fed lower-fat food. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, dieters
often experience poor muscle strength, endurance, oxygen utilization and coordination. Dieting
can also cause physical weakness and fainting, particularly if you over-exert yourself through
exercise. That's why some of schools make sure that every food in the canteen are compacted
with nutrients that the body needs. Mostly carbohydrate-rich foods and drinks are sold in many of
the canteens. In that case those body malfunctions can be reduced.
1.1 Definition of terms

Diet- food and drink regularly provided or consumed.

Muscle strength- refers to the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximal effort.

Nutrients- A substance that provides nourishment for growth or metabolism.

Nutrition- the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

Optimal cardiovascular function- is any movement that gets your heart rate up and increases
blood circulation.

Respiratory ventilation- in respiratory physiology, the process of exchange of air between the
lungs and the ambient air.

Vegetarian- a person who does not eat meat and someone whose diet consists wholly of
vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and sometimes eggs or dairy products.

World Health Organization (WHO) -is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is
concerned with international public health.
1.0 Background

2.1 Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

• What are the demographic • Collecting information by Demographic profile, time

profile of the respondents? means of survey. of meals of the
• What time does the respondents during
respondents usually eat •Using internet sources
breakfast, lunch snacks
their breakfast, lunch,
snacks, and dinner? and dinner, favorite foods
• What are the favorite of the respondents that
foods that the respondents they usually eat, the
usually eat during breakfast, eating habits of the
lunch, snacks and dinner? respondents and how
• What are the eating habits
does it affects to their
of the respondents?
•How does the eating habits health.
of the respondents affects
to their health?

Figure 1.0 Research Paradigm Process

The input elements were the student’s profile, respondent’s eating habits and the health of
the students. The process will involve the data gathering technique by means of questionnaire and
allocate through survey which will interpret statistical treatment such as percentage and frequency
counts. The output elements were the identified student’s profile, their identified eating habits and
health of Grade 11 SHS students to the recommendations and the conclusion.
2.2 Review of Related Literature

According to the family doctor website, with the information here gathered
from the American Academy of Family Physicians and from the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, good nutrition is essential to have in living a healthy life. Having a Balanced
diet can help us improve our health. This includes eating foods that are rich in vitamins
and minerals like fruits and vegetables. (March 2017).

Review of Related Study

First you must ask yourself some questions and if you answer yes to some of
them then you may want to talk to your doctor about your eating habits because you may
need to improve your eating habits. Do you have a health problem or risk factor, such as
high blood pressure or high cholesterol? Did your doctor tell you that you can improve
your condition with better nutrition? Do diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or osteoporosis
run in your family? Are you overweight? Do you have questions about what foods you
should eat or whether you should take vitamins? Do you think that you would benefit
from seeing a registered dietitian or someone who specializes in nutrition counseling?

It can be hard to change your eating habits. It helps if you focus on small
changes. Be sure to stay in touch with your doctor so they know how you are doing.
Finding the strong and weak points in your current diet can help. Also Keep track of your
food intake by writing down what you eat and drink every day. This record will help you
assess your diet. You’ll see if you need to eat more or less from certain food groups.
Think about asking for help from a dietitian. They can help you follow a special diet,
especially if you have a health issue.

Almost everyone can benefit from cutting back on unhealthy fat. If you currently
eat a lot of fat, commit to cutting back and changing your habits. Unhealthy fats include
things such as: dark chicken meat; poultry skin; fatty cuts of pork, beef, and lamb; and
high-fat dairy foods (whole milk, butter, cheeses). Ways to cut back on unhealthy fats
include: Rather than frying meat, bake, grill, or broil it. Take off the skin before cooking
chicken or turkey. Try eating fish at least once a week. Reduce any extra fat. This
includes butter on bread, sour cream on baked potatoes, and salad dressings. Use low-fat
or nonfat versions of these foods. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with your meals and
as snacks. Read the nutrition labels on foods before you buy them. If you need help with
the labels, ask your doctor or dietitian. When you eat out, be aware of hidden fats and
larger portion sizes. Staying hydrated is important for good health. Drink zero- or low-
calorie beverages, such as water or tea. Sweetened drinks add lots of sugar and calories to
your diet. This includes fruit juice, soda, sports and energy drinks, sweetened or flavored
milk, and sweetened iced tea.
So what does this all have to do with the study? Taking in the right nutrients can help
us improve our eating habits and can help us gain some knowledge about the foods we usually eat
so that we could tell if there is something about our eating habits that is not good for our body and
lifestyle. It also helps that we have a little knowledge about the nutrients the foods we eat have so
that we could give our body the nutrients it needs. After all, having the knowledge to do
something and know something is just as important as having a good and healthy body.

2.3 Statement of the problem

This research aims to solve the following problem:

 What are the profile variable in terms of age, gender, religion, strand and section, and
 What are the eating habits of the respondents?
 How does the eating habits of the respondents affect their health?

2.5 Significance of the study

The outcome of this study will benefit the following:

Senior high school students:

The outcome of this research will provide awareness to the students regarding their
Eating Habits and its importance to their health. It will also help every SHS students to determine
the factors that may affect to them and the possible effects of it to their physical and mental
health. The study will also show on how it can impair our daily health and wellbeing and reduce
our ability to lead an enjoyable and active life. Moreover, the result of the study will lend every
SHS students to have a healthy lifestyle.

2.6 Scope and Limitation

The respondents of this study were the Grade 11 SHS students of OLFU, Cabanatuan
City Campus A.Y. 2017-2018. Our study will focus on the eating habits of Grade 11 SHS
students and it’s implication to their health. The coverage of our study concludes the importance
of the eating habits of SHS students towards to their health.
3.0 Research Method

This chapter outlines the internal structure of the research design, the research, the research
locale, the sampling techniques, the data gathering procedure, and the statistical tools come up
with reliable findings.

3.1 Research Design

Our study used descriptive method of research. It is very appropriate with our study considering
that we are studying for the English Language Proficiency of Senior High School Students of Our
Lady of Fatima University Cabanatuan Campus.

3.2 Research Locale

The researcher conducted this study at Our Lady of Fatima University Cabanatuan Campus.

Our Lady of Fatima University now manages and operates the Doctors’ colleges, Inc. (NEDCI)
located along Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija effective November 09 2015.

NEDCI is the fifth campus of Our Lady of Fatima University. Other campuses are Valenzuela
City, Quezon City, Antipolo City, and San Fernando City; the latter of which was inaugurated in

3.4 Instrument

The instrument used by the researchers to gather the data is the questionnaire. The
questionnaire contains the questions that could be the source of the answers regarding the Eating
Habits of Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Our Lady of Fatima University Cabanatuan
Campus and Its Implication to their Health. It will determine the implication of the students in
their eating habits.

3.5 Description

Structure of the questionnaire had two major parts; first the students profile variable such
as name, age, gender and religion, second the eating habits of the respondents and how does it
affects to their health.

3.6 Construction and Validation

The questionnaire was establish by the researchers through meeting and collaboration of
thoughts regarding the questions that will answer the researcher’s problem. The researchers
conceptualized the whole structure and content of the questionnaire with the help of their subject
teacher. The questionnaire was reviewed, checked, and verified by the subject teacher.

3.7 Administration of the Questionnaire

The researchers disseminated the questionnaire to the chosen respondents room by room
in the Senior High School Department of Our Lady of Fatima University Cabanatuan Campus.
Each part of the questionnaire was well explained to the respondents in order to get the accurate
and reliable data.

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