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I. Microbiology 17.

Infection — the state that is produced

by the establishment of an infective agent
1. Acute - having a sudden onset of a
or in a suitable host.
18. Inoculation — the introduction of a
2. Bacilli - a rod-shaped bacteria
pathogen into a living organism.
producing endospores.
19. Microbiology — a branch of biology
3. Bacteremia - presence of bacteria in
dealing with microscopic forms of life
particularly organisms that look for a
4. Capsule - a gelatinous layer of bacteria. habitat.

5. Bacteria - lack of nuclear membrane or 20. Pathogen- a specific causative or

membrane-bound organelles, categorized infectious agent of disease
as gram positive or gram negative
21. Pathogenesis — the origination or the
6. Bacteriuria - presence of bacteria in root source and development of a disease
22. Pyogenic — pus producing bacteria
7. Blood-borne organism - carried or
23. Resistant- the capacity of species of a
transmitted by the blood-borne pathogens.
microorganism to survive exposure to a
8. Capnophilic - carbon dioxide loving toxic agent formerly effective against it.
24. Therapeutic — relating to the
9. Chronic - continuing or occurring treatment of disease by remedial agents or
again for a long time of a disease. method

10. Cocci -- a spherical shaped bacteria 25. Virus - microorganism that is smaller
than a bacterium than cannot grow or
11. Culture - a group of bacterial growth
reproduce apart from a living cell.
from media that can be mixed or pure.
II. Parasitology
12. Culture and Sensitivity - growing a
microorganism in a nutrient medium to 1. Amoeba — rhizopod protozoans
see if bacteria will grow from the specimen with pseudopodia without
and then testing for sensitivity to certain permanent organelles supporting
antibiotics. structures
2. Carrier — asymptomatic bearer and
13. Culture Media - any material wherein
transmitter of a causative agent
the organism can find nourishment, can
3. Commensal - a state of non-
grow and reproduce.
pathologic effect of the parasite
14. Fungi — can be single celled or very 4. Cystic - the infective stage of
complex multicellular organisms. They are amoeba
found in just about any habitat but most 5. Ectoparasite — parasite that lives
live on the land, mainly in soil or on plant outside the body of a host
material rather than in sea or fresh water. 6. Embryonated ova or egg which is in
its infective stage
15. Gram negative — bacteria that is 7. Fecalysis — process of physical,
stained red or pink. chemical, microscopic examination
16. Gram positive — bacteria that is of feces
stained blue or violet.
8. Flukes - a flattened digenetic
trematode worm
9. Host — a living animal which a
parasite lives in
10. Infestation — the effect of
11. Larva - the immature worm
like feeding form that hatches from
the egg
12. Life cycle — a series of stages
through which parasite passes
during its lifetime
13. Malaria - a human disease
that is caused by sporozoan parasite
14. Nematodes — elongated.
cylindrical worms
15. Parasitism — an organism
living in or on another organism
16. Parasitology — a branch of
science that deals with the study of
17. Pathogenic — agents that
can cause harmful effects to man
18. Protozoans - chiefly motile
and heterotrophic unicellular
19. Reservoir - a organism in
which a parasite that is pathogenic
tor some other species lives and
multiplies usually without damage
20. Symbiosis - close union of
two dissimilar parasites
21. Tapeworms - flatworms that
are parasitic consist of scolex with
22. Transplacental — passing
through or occurring by way of the
23. Trophozoite — the feeding
stage of amoeba
24. Vector — also known as
25. Zoonotic - a infection or
disease that is transmissible from
animals to humans

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