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Nipples, a Novel, by N. Q.

those groups (and even print

Ling with illustrations by this book!), as long as you
Nêkăk “Nee-L” Lăvabo. credit the AUTHOR, N. Q.
Ling. However, you cannot
Chief Editor: N. Q. Ling’s
modify the text or the
brother, M.
illustrations presented in this
Production Managers: N. Q.
book, tamper with this release
Ling’s Friends and Family.
OR the EPUB release. Truth to
Cover and Interior Design:
tell there is nothing I can do
Nêkăk “Nee-L” Lâvabo.
about that because I don’t have
Copyright © 2019 N. Q. Ling
the money, but it’ll be amazing
Copyright © 2019 Your Name
if you leave the novel’s content
intact for other people to see.
We don’t have an ISBN number
Rules of the illustrations:
in our country, sorry about
The artist will upload the
original scans of the
illustrations of this book online
This book was meant to be
for free use, and you’ll be
consume and distribute within
allowed to do anything you
the Stardusters group on
want with those.
deviantART and its Discord
server, Stardusters Oficial, but
Sincerely, Mike Lee, Head of Trash
the author and other third
Bin Publishing Cave.
parties can share outside of
So, Nipples. Where did it come from? Why did I put this essay here instead
of the clichéd "it's super good!" commentary about the content of the book
in every foreword ever? Well, because the story I'm telling you influenced
Nipples' content greatly, otherwise you wouldn't know what you're
getting yourself into.Also, warning for the slightly personal things I have
to say, and that some history is saved for the afterword, since they contain


It started with a obscure TV show.

Well, for my Western friends anyway, but it was a big fad for us little
children living next to China in the South. In 2011, a 3D cartoon
called Fruity Robo came from China to our TVs. It had a nice action story,
but now that I think about it, the historical references, cheesy poems and
romantic subplots are probably not necessary, especially the show is for
toddlers and kids. I could be wrong though, maybe Chinese kids like their
playboy characters and Four Beauties. The mech suits the fruit characters
use were cool though, and me and my younger brother loved that show.
We'd get any form of merch we've got our hands on, plushies, action
figures, et cetera. And then, the stuff we had got us to get...creative, but
we had no idea what "fanfiction" was. It was July. We were staying at our
grandmum's for the summer. So we took out some Legos, our Fruity Robo
plushies and figurines. We built simple buildings out of those Legos, and
had pretended it was a little park, with the Fruity Robo characters as
characters living within that park. The Green Park. The original show
didn't had this setting. We made it all up and we thought it was super fun.
We kept doing it, stuff was mostly relationships based because we're
untalented brats. Then my brother started liking Sonic after me. Oh boy,
ooooh boy.
Like any middle class kid in Vietnam, I never really played video games.
My mum had an NES and a Game Boy Advance SP, but she didn't really
let me play it. Now if an NES was the only thing we could get, then Sega
consoles must be a out-of-reach luxury. Also Western comic books, so I
knew Sonic from the TV shows, starting from Adventures of Sonic the
Hedgehog. And like any other 8 year-old dumbass, I had a crush on him.
And I'll be 100% honest with you since it's been a long time since I was
done with it: I had my own imaginary world, where every fictional cartoon
character I've seen is my friend, and Sonic is my prince. Spare me, I was
eight. This didn't really affected my studies much, but I was so desperate
because my fellow 3rd graders didn't want to play with me, so it had to
happen. Never told this to anyone until I got around to write this,
because...I have to. It's note worthy. My brother got into Sonic later than I
did, when he was about 9-10 years old, when he was introduced to the
series by a Vietnamese online games site, and that was of course, 2011.
Then, we started to make these crossover stories with the Fruity Robo cast,
though we do this verbally (because no Sonic merch is sold here). Before
we knew what was a crossover, we just pull these stories from our butts,
but the characters stayed the same. It wasn't outrageous, just mundane
slice-of-life stories. But then, my brother got into watching fan content of
Sonic on Youtube. The shippings got into the stories, it was heavy, and it
pretty much destroyed our innocence. Man, Tails even started out
sounding like a screeching baffoon and gave birth to his organs, that turned
into sentient furries. Sonic even had sex with one of them because we're
crazy. And that organ was probably my self-insert. To us, we thought all
of this was a serious ordeal, and never really thought it could be a good joke
(pretty much all of our pre-2015 material had a lack of jokes or humour, it
was over-the-top romance and drama, usually a couple in love, and a
villian trying to seperate them) Then we quit it at around 2013-14, and
we've forgotten about Fruity Robo, too. My brother and I burned his (my
brother’s) fan art too, so you'll never get to see them. Cheers!
Although, I'd like to have some honourable mentions. Lego characters
were in our stories at one point. Some storylines we see on other TV shows,
we stole them for our stories, but with additional input from the both of

But before that, my brother got into watching Let's Plays of the Sonic
games. I won't name names but we watched only one guy, really. We
thought his commentary was cool. Fast foward to around 2015, something
happened, I don't remebered what it was but I think it involved that Let's
Player from before, who, while playing Sonic Adventure, posted a meme
that introduced us to Mega Man X. And that was when I (and probably
my brother) realised our love for destroying things that we and everyone
else liked, as long as it doesn't have any real-life consequences that'd land
us in jail. Just like the Sonic-Fruity Robo era, the early stories envolving
the Mega Men were pretty tame and mundane (except for the occassional
long, violent episode). And, also like that era, we added original content.
X had a girlfriend, she was a bipedal polar bear names
Cecil/Cece/SahSah/list goes on. Sonic still lingers in the 2015 stories, as X
was friends with Miles “Tails” Prower (also known as, The T) , the only
Sonic character featured at the time. Mega Man played the role of a brother,
but is small. A pink doll/bot in the music box called Margaret showed up.
And Margaret, was an important character. Not only did her existance
inspired me to create more original art, but was also who I believed
introduced the concept of special nicknames, and was the percursor to what
the majority of what Nipples' characters are, and you'll see what did it
become in the book. See, her partner was the original Mega Man, and they
have a kind of strange relationship. He'd give her random nicknames
(Monkey, Whale, et cetera because I barely remember anything) to joke
around, and the behaviour she displayed was, over-the-top and
exaggerated anger. The quote “Eat, Mumkie (or Moomkey) was used
when she was told to eat more after she claimed to her friends that she has
anerexia. That's some crucial stuff about Margaret. Now we move on.
One of my favourite eras has to be from summer 2015 to 2016, the
Developers Era. That's when we started using jokes. The joke were
random and weak at first (ex. in Mega Man Battle Network, Mega Man
liked milk, then was a squid in the afterlife because we liked eating squid
with meat filling), to completely hecking irrelavant (High Team (as in high
on drugs) and Big Girl, the Registered Sex Offender of Mega Man ZX). I felt
like our best attempts at making funny, yet somewhat good stories was
Mega Man Zero. We could folllow the original material closely, but could
still make our own creative decisions. Also, Ew/Ooh (Zero), Say-ah (Ciel),
Little Girl (Alouette), and Ah (Fairy Leviathan) and much more was a
thing that came from Margaret's special nicknames concept. Because Mega
Man had so many series installed, we could jump between series to series
to tell a different story arc. Never did we ran out of stories to tell, and
maybe that's good! Of course, since I was a closed person, I didn't share
any of this on deviantART, where I started my existence online. I assumed
that being on the Internet will get me bullied (or at worse, alienated) for
doing what I did, just like in my Elementary and Secondary years in school,
so I never posted them. Promoting original content was my priority. Plus,
why would I post stuff that's only between my brother and I? Even my
parents don't know!

Then, my brother got bored of Mega Man. He was now a teen, and he liked
more "mature" things (as if the stories we make aren't mature enough) and
he got into DC Comics and Neptunia. I know DC Comics, but not
Neptunia. He said he ramdomly clicked on a vid by another Let's Player,
and thought it was cool. I never really like the series, but we made stories
anyway. This, dear reader, is where the fun took off in the end of 2016.

We were still doing Mega Man stories. At this time we loosely know what
fanfiction is, but don't consider our stories as such, because we did not
post it online. And, Neptunia came into the scene. Slice-of-life as usual.
DC Comics characters came in, a lot more action slice-of-life stories (I feel
like this has become our standard genre, good Lord). Also romance 'cause
we need to have that.

But something changed. I was making original characters (save for a few,
who was created based on fan characters). I was no longer wanting to
associate myself with "fan material", even if the story is drarastically
different, the characters are still from multi-billion dollar franchises. Also,
my brother and I were more into gross, offensive humour and to a lesser
extent, memes. So, I started pushing more and more original ideas (and
our new found sense of humour) in the Neptunia-DC (occassionally Mega
Man and Sonic will appear) stories with my brother, and eventually, by
mid to late 2017, all of the characters no longer resembled their canon
counterparts. Names were changed, age was changed, their history,
species and race was rewritten several times (I personally like to call this
the "retcon this ten-thousand times to suit my needs" era). Nipples was
born as a legacy to all of those brand new characters, my history, my
friendship with my brother, and the story ending was decided on Autumn
2018. This novel is a record of one of the many versions of the retconned
stories, with new material added when my brother ( and me,
occassionally) come up with a new joke or story arc, which was why the
first draft took so long to make. R.I.P.

Special thanks to my brother, M, for being my storytelling partner since

Day 1, and special thanks to the artist, Nêkăk, for helping me with the
illustration work. Great attitude, but getting her to collaborate was hard.
And I thank the Chief, Mike Lee for agreeing to do the publication for me.
You’re a pretty rich and cool kid. And, I’d like to thank you, the reader,
for supporting my debut work. Or you could burn this book if you dislike
this intensly, it’s on the house after all!

Yours truly,

Q. Ling.

“To my friends and acquaintances at

Stardusters and deviantART. Some
of you have been paitient, and all
of you have been the best people
whom I can never afford to have.”

“To the artists that made me envious.

You all suck, but without you, I wouldn’t be
able to get the determination to be better
at my craft to fuel my passions. Still, screw
you for being better than me.”

“And special thanks to my parents,

who fed me and payed for my studies.
I am here because of you.”

Praying for your Happiness,


PART I: THE ROAD TO OUR PAST .........................
CHAPTER I ...........................................................................................


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