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Name: Shivam Solanki

Roll No: GMP19-64

Happiness Assignment
Q3. Carefully revisit the words of the happiness song as offered by Dr. Chetri (with the ‘I’
words). Sing it once again to yourself. Soon after you’ve sung it, write down the thoughts, ideas,
feelings the song evokes in you? Why do you think the song evokes what it does? End with an
action point you may wish to explore in the days ahead as a result of this reflection. [Max. marks
2; Word length: 100(minimum) - 200 (maximum)]
Whenever I sing ‘Happiness Song’, it gives me a beautiful feeling of calmness. It reminds me
that happiness always surrounds me, just I need to live that moment and to live the moment one
must not worry about one’s future or past. The most powerful line of the song ‘I have dropped
my worries’ makes me feel relaxed.
True happiness, is an inner quality. It is a state of mind. If our mind is at peace, we are happy. If
our mind is at peace, but we have nothing else, we can be happy. If we have everything the world
can give - pleasure, possessions, power - but lack peace of mind, we can never be happy. The
song also makes us understand that there is a right time for everything. We should not relate our
achievement with happiness.
I would like to inherit the habit of singing this song and continuously pursue happiness. This will
not only help me to be happy but also will make others around me happy.

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