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According to Howard and III stressed out that whenever students are in

their high school experience, they are the center of learning. in a

traditional high school, the center of the system is the content or
subject, not student learning. Howard and III present a system to
promote the shift from traditional content or subject -centered high
schools to students -centered high schools which isa called as
Collaborative Career Pathways - a system of oraganizing the student
learning interests and aptitudes around career paths. it provides a
structure for students to reference their learning and comment each
year of their high school experience. It allows students to plan and
pratice their skills while creating a smooth and succesful transition to a
post-secondary option.

According to John Holland individuals are atrracted to a given career by

thier particular personalities and numerous variables that constitute
their backgrounds. First of all, career choice is an expression of , or an
extension of personality into the world of work folled by subsquent
identification with specific occupational stereotypes. Accordingly, one
chooses a career to satisfy preferred modal personal orientation. Modal
personal orientation is a development process established through
heredity and the individual's life history of reacting to environmental
demands. If the bindividual has developed a strong dominant
orientation, satisfaction is probable in a corresponding occupational
enviromment. If, however the orientation is one of indecision, the
livelihood of satisfaction diminishes.

Goffredson's Development Theory of Occupational Aspirations

describes how people become atrracted to certain occupations. Self-
concept in vocational development is the key factor to career selection
and people wants jobs that are compatible with their self-image. The
key determinants of self-concept are one's social class, level of
intelligence, and experiences with sex-typing. Roe's need approach
emphasized that early childhood experience play an important role in
finding satisfaction in one's chosen field. The need structure of the
individual, according to Roe, would be greatly influenced by early
childhood frustraions and satisfaction.

Students are influenced by different academic portions of the class

such as the value of the content, the structure, and the workload.
Students also looked upon their interest, academic goals and
schedules. students do not decide alone; and students erratically
ask for their family, friends and or faculties' advice. Not all courses
are prominent as others, but it is important to know what students
want from their classes, and their expectations of themselves
(Waugh, 2006)

Tahan (2001) states that one of the biggest key that senior
students can obtain from accounting is the experience one can gain
from working in the accounting field. ths is an important experience
that one can gain. it will not only help in the field of accounting, but
also help organizing and running a business.

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