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Rubric – Oral Presentation

Miss Daniela Lopez
[Due date]

Team No. : _________ Subject:_______________________________________________________________

Team Members: ___________________________________________________________________________
For the first period an oral presentation must be done which represents the 20% of the grade.
Criteria Score
Speakers give an introduction, including the purpose of the work
presented and lay out an outline of the topic.
Speakers summarize major points of the topic using a good level
and range of vocabulary.
Technical terms are well-defined in language appropriate for the
target audience.
If necessary, speakers describe in detail the methodology followed.
Content They present their results and data analysis and/or offer an
management appropriate discussion of their findings.
Speakers offer an appropriate Conclusion
They show evidence to prove or disprove their hypothesis or they
summarize if they achieved their purpose and identify potential
limitations or improvements (if any) in their work.
Speakers show mastery of the subject (spoken not read)
Speakers are able to answer questions about their research study
with poise.
Visual aids are well prepared, not cluttered with information, and
not distracting.
Use of Information is presented in a logical sequence with smooth
audiovisual transitions.
aids Visual aids contain proper referencing and a list of references in the
Visual aids are correctly written. (Grammar and Spelling)
Speakers use clear, audible voice. Their delivery is poised,
controlled, and smooth.
Speaking Speakers maintain good eye contact with the audience
Delivery Good language skills and pronunciation are used.
Students are wearing proper attire.
Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits (10 min)

1. Students must turn in the a Research Report before their Oral Presentation, otherwise, they will not be allowed to present.
2. Students must be formally dressed for their presentation. Not abiding this rule will not allow them to present.
3. Any sign of plagiarism on the research will automatically nullify the work done and will be equivalent to a ZERO.

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