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IELTS Speaking | Part-2 | Cue-Card | Guesswork for Sep-Dec 19

1. Talk about a website that helped you to do something.

2. Describe a quiet/serene place.
3. Describe a street market where you did shopping / Describe a street
market in your city.
4. Talk about a unique animal you have seen.
5. Describe a talkative person.
6. Describe a plant grown in your country you think is important.
7. Describe a TV program that makes you laugh a lot.
8. Talk about a game you enjoyed when you were young.
9. Describe an interesting part of your country.
10.Describe one of the most popular TV show in your country.
11.Talk about a language other than English that you would like to learn.
12.Talk about a newly built public facility that improves/influence local life
quality in your city.
13.Describe a good news that you have heard recently about your relatives.
14.Describe a country in which you would like to work for a short time.
15.Talk about a time when you had to be polite.
16.Describe something you did to help others.
17.Describe a memorable story told by someone.
18.Describe something that helps you concentrate.
19.Describe a happy event of your life.
20.Describe a time when someone gave you something you wanted.
21.Describe a time when you searched for the information from the internet.
22.Describe something you made by hand for your friend.
23.Talk about a skill that takes a long time to learn.
24.Describe your favourite place for shopping.
25.Talk about a time you complained about something.
26.Talk about a time when you lost something and later found it.
27.Talk about a teacher who is known across the world.
28.Describe a poisonous plant.

29.Talk about a book you recently read.

30.Describe a time when you had to change your plan.
31.Describe an outdoor sport that you haven’t done and would like to do it in
32.Describe the design of a building you visited
33.Describe a person whom you have never met but heard a lot about him
and would like to meet.
34.Talk about something that you borrowed from a friend.
35.Talk about an interesting talk or a lecture.
36.Talk about a time when you gave advice to someone.
37.Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early.
38.Describe a time when you found something that someone lost.
39.Describe an interesting old person you have met.
40.Describe a time when you were cheated.
41.Describe a good law in your country.

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