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"The MONA LISA of modern Science"

An enquiry into the mysterious dimensions of Human DNA

Athul Peter (19057)
"A monkey is a machine that preserves genes up trees a fish is a machine that preserves genes in
water there is even a small worm that preserves genes in German beer mats.DNA works in
mysterious ways."Richard Dawkins (The selfish Gene, Oxford University Press,1976)

The scientific world equivocally enthrones the human DNA(Deoxyribonucleic acid) as the Mona
Lisa of the modern science because of its mysterious as well as complex nature. Millions of
studies and experiments were undertaken on this discovery. The revolutionary history of
scientific discoveries can't be expressed without mentioning the discovery of the double helix
human DNA.It was in 1989 that the scientists James Watson and Francis Krick brought out this
epoch making discovery.Genomics has now evolved as a team science which addresses a wide
range of societal and ethical dilemmas.
Genetics as a discipline elicits the complex psychosomatic triats and characteristics of
individuals.Until the famous discovery of Human Genome the incessant reasons and causality
behind certain hereditary diseases where unknown to the entire humanity.

Major contributions in Healthcare

It is proved from the Mendelian inheritance theory that a disruption in a single Gene leads to the
development of a disease which is attached to it that is what is know as One Gene one disease
hypothesis.The common understanding is that the diagnosis and the treatment would be easier if
the causative Gene is repaired but the reality is that the progress towards Identifying common
disease alterations is a very slow process.
The discovery led to an understanding of the genetic maladies of the hereditary diseases.
Genetic information has helped in determining hereditary diseases like cancer, diabetes and
others.This discovery has issued notable contributions in the field of healthcare and medicines
and plays a vital role in finding and prediction of the post natal anomalies of the foetus.
Hereditary diseases like Sickle celled anemia which occurred due to the mutation in the blood
protein called Haemoglobin thus reducing the capacity of blood vessels to carry oxygenated
blood into the body This was seen only in those individuals who inherited both the copies of
mutated Gene from the parent Gene.Queen Victoria syndrome can be easily diagnosed and their
possibility of transmission through generations can be analysed using Gene mapping.Sickle
celled anemia is one of the primordial hereditary diseases diagnosed after the discovery of DNA
and thus unveiled the genetic cause behind almost all the hereditary diseases.It doesn't stop in a
mere diagnosis but it goes to complete annihilation of the disease throughout the future
In regard the origin of the hereditary diseases it is not only the genes but it's environment,
lifestyle and nurture also plays a big role in short both nature and nurture had significant function
in determining the hereditary Pathways.
The Studies of Identical Twins have revealed that certain diseases such as psoriasis,have a strong
genetic component and are less influenced by environmental and lifestyle factors Identical twins
are more likely to share these diseases but at the same time other diseases like multiple sclerosis
are less affected with one's genetic makeover so less is the possibility of transmission.

Social Relevance
Those who were diagnosed with a hereditary disease were kept aloof from the society and we're
objects for divine vengeance of the past sins of their ancestors they became prey to all forms of
superstitions and beliefs. They were also banner from entering into a marital bond.
The discovery casted out such sorts of superstitions and built a solid scientific reason behind the
hereditary diseases thus bringing them into forefront and rejuvenated their stands.

Those who were diagnosed with a hereditary disease were kept aloof from the society and we're
objects for divine vengeance of the past sins of their ancestors they became prey to all forms of
superstitions and beliefs. They were also banner from entering into a marital bond.
The discovery casted out such sorts of superstitions and built a solid scientific reason behind the
hereditary diseases thus bringing them into forefront and rejuvenated their stands.

It plays a vital role in determining the paternal relationships. Judiciary always opt for DNA test
to verify the credibility of the petitioner.It perfectly works even if in the father is an identical
twin because of the unique DNA structure of each individual.
It has also played great role in the field of agriculture especially by the introduction of genetic
engineering in cropping.There are many examples of genetically modified crops that we use on a
daily basis -BT cotton,BT plantains,BT brinjal are to name a few.
It has also bring diversification in the field and reduced the use of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides in cropping.It had also ensured the nutritional value of the crops and rapidly increased
beta carotine levels in the crops.

Impact of the genetic services on Personal life.

Together with the many advantages that the field of genetics has to it's own it also has a great
Impact on the Personal life. After the genetic testing if the results came out to be negative such
as an increased risk of cancer or that their children have a one in four chance of dying of a
serious disorder in childhood poses a great challenge in their daily life their personality their
relationships,family,friends,life and health in novel ways.
A negative Genetic test results can always be threatening to the psychological and mental
wellness of the person.
Learning genetic information about oneself or ones fetus can cause a great amount of anxiety and
distress.When persons who come to know that they are carriers of certain diseases there is a
possibility that they will never enter into the marital bond and label themselves as
"unmarriageable" not knowing that the presence of a mutated Gene becomes a problem only if
the person has a child with someone else who has the same mutation. And then too there is only
a one in four chance that the child will be affected.The anxiety and stress that is generated by
knowing that one is a carrier will have lasting effect on the individual.
A study of the daughters of women with breast cancer found that the daughters had less
confidence that their internal and external environments would be predictable and that things
would most likely work out as well as could be expected.​2
Peoples life choices may be affected by their perception of genetic risk,yet those perceptions
might not be correct.

Genetic determinism through Relegious perspective - a thorn in the flesh

A rising majority of the scientists believe in the genetic determination of the individual beings.
Relegious We look upon ourselves as having infinite potential and to recognize that we are
determined,in a certain sense,by a finite collection of information that is knowable will change
our view of ourselves.It is the closing of an intellectual frontier,with which we have to come to
terms.​ 3.
Majority of the relegions do not believe in the presdestination theory but rather they uphold
individual choices that the creator has bestowed into the creatures. Especially the Christian
relegious view strictly rebukes the presdestination theory and praises the notion of free will.
James Watson,codiscoverer of the structure of DNA and the first director of the Human Genome
Project has stated,
"We used to think our fate was in our stars.Now we know in large measure,our fate is in our
genes." J.D Watson,Time Magazine,20 March 1989.​4
Whatever the question is, genetics is the answer",says Baruch College sociologist Barbara Katz
Rothman."Every possible issue of our time - race and racism,addictions,war,cancer,sexuality all
of it has been placed in the genetics frame.
The wide area of "behavioral genetics" covers many human triats as hereditary like "mental
illness, aggression, homosexuality,exhibitionism, dyslexia,addiction,job and educational
success,arson, tendency to tease, propensity for risk taking,timidity,social potency,tendency to
giggle,or to use hurtful words,traditionalism,and zest for life."​5.
We have to be worried and anxious about the over glorification of the genetics.
Also the field of genetics is sceptically noticed by the common folks in the backdrop of the
infamous Eugenic movement and the bloodshed that followed in the Nazism.
The source of most of the public's distrust,no doubt ,stems from the widespread realization that
the genetic information may be used to deny insurance and employment.It takes no subtle
philosophy to understand that anyone is vulnerable to exclusion from these and other economic
and social arrangements should their genes be examined and found wanting.
If by the theory of genetic determinism all the emotions and thoughts are embedded in the
transmitted genes,individuals are not at all responsibile for their various deeds whether it is
vandalistic or antisocial.

Gene Ethics

The genetic revolution in molecular biology will not benefit all equally,and some may in fact be
greatly disadvantaged by particular applications of genetic science.The fairness of the
distribution of benefits and burdens is a matter of social justice,and has appropriately recieved
considerable attention in bioethical writing on the Human Genome Project.
It is immoral and inhuman to intervene in the reproductive freedoms of the individual especially
by the prenatal test like amniocentesis.Instead of looking on the intelligence quotient (IQ) people
began to look for the intelligence in their ancestry as a criterion for the many societal and
institutional positions.Academic matters too were taken into consideration which called out a
global outcry for demarcating people on the basis of their genetic makeover.
In the run for making a perfect baby parents have lost all their reproductive ethics and are
denying the children's right to an open future despite the fact that they have disabilities or
not.Life is all the more important rather than a perfect individual devoid of any spot or stain.

Human Cloning and relegious sentiments

It was in 1997 ,that Ian Wilmot announced the cloning of an adult sheep named Dolly. From then
the possibility of human cloning no longer seems to be a mere science fiction.In the process of
cloning by nuclear transfer, the nuclear from the cell of an adult mammal a s inserted into a cell
with removed nucleus and the resulting embryo develops following the complete genetic code of
the mammal from which the inserted nucleus was obtained. Almost all the relegions opposed the
idea of human cloning since it would be robbing an individual of a sense of freedom or
spontaneity in creating a unique life for him or herself and thereby violate the very rules of
If a person's human clone is made it is as if living a predestined life of another persons previous
life.It is very much contradictory to the traditional relegious belief of the creationism.
Years have passed after the discovery of the DNA. It has touched every area of science, medicine
and culture. let us with more open mindedness welcome the future possibilities of this discovery
and can pave a better way for the coming generations.Just to quote the words of James
Watson,"Science can always be used for harm.The question is,have we made our lives better
over the past hundred years?I would say yes,and I would think that over the next hundred years
we're going to make it better still"


1.Lori.B.Andrews,"Future Perfect: confronting decisions about genetics", Columbia University

Press 2001
2.Ora Gilber and Riva Borovik,"How Daughters of Women with breast Cancer Cope with the
threat of the illness",Behavioral Medicine 115-121(1998)
3.Walter Gilbert,A vision to the Grail",in Leroy Hood and Daniel J.Kevles,Ed's.,Code of Codes:
Scientific and social issues in the Human Genome Project (Cambridge: Harward University
4.J.D Watson,Time Magazine,20 March 1989.
5.Dorothy Nelkin and M.Susan Lindee,The DNA Mystique : The Gene as cultural Icon
6.Allen Buchanan,Dan W.Brock,Norman Daniels,and Daniel Wilker,"From Chance to Choice:
Genetics and justice, (Cambridge University Press,2009).

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