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BDNF plays a role in glucose metabolism and also suggests that neurotrophins such as
BDNF may play pathogenetic roles not only in dementia and major depression, but also in
type 2 diabetes (1)

BDNF has an important function in the pathogenesis of obesity (2), studies suggest that
BDNF is associated with eating disorders, possible through mutation in gene encoding
BDNF(3-5) a chromosomal inversion of the region including the BDNF gene (6) and also, a
mutation in TrkB, the receptor for BDNF (7,8).

BDNF is a key neurotrophins that promotes development, survival and plasticity of neurons
in the central and peripheral nervous systems. This potent neuromodulator is most active in
brain areas that play pivotal roles in learning, memory and higher cognition such as the
hippocampus and cortex. Likely related to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier,
peripheral serum levels of BDNF are correlated with cerebrospinal fluid levels . BDNF is
also involved in the complex regulation of many diverse aspects of physiology such as
inflammation, immunity, mood regulation, stress response and metabolism. Decreased BDNF
levels have been associated with psychiatric and neurological disorders including anxiety,
depression and Alzheimer’s disease. (9)One study reported BDNF as one of the
psychological markers of wellness, where they derived results in a 3 month yoga practice
programme. Pre and post analysis of BDNF in this study showed significant decrease in
plasma BDNF level. 12 week yoga intervention also showed improvement in the level of
serum BDNF levels among a group of pre-menopausal women. Also the study suggested an
anti-nociceptive effect of BDNF on LBA. (10)

Only one study showed that, in patients with depression, the 12-week yoga intervention
increased BDNF along with decreased severity of depression. The study also derives its
limitation in finding out the neuroplastic mechanism of anti-deppresant effect of BDNF when
provided with yogic intervention. (11) One study showed serum BDNF levels were
significantly correlated with hippocampal volume in moderately depressed patients.

1. Krabbe, K.S., Nielsen, A.R., Krogh-Madsen, R. et al. Diabetologia (2007) 50: 431.
2. Sigri Beckers, Armand Peeters, Doreen Zegers, Ilse Mertens, Luc Van Gaal, Wim
Van Hul, Association of the BDNF Val66Met variation with obesity in women,
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, Volume 95, Issues 1–2, 2008,Pages 110-112,
ISSN 1096-7192
3. M. Ribases, M. Gratacos, L. Armengol, R. de Cid, A. Badia, L. Jimenez, R. Solano, J.
Vallejo, F. Fernandez, X. Estivill, Met66 in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor
(BDNF) precursor is associated with anorexia nervosa restrictive type, Mol. Psychia-
try 8 (2003) 745–751.
4. M. Ribases, M. Gratacos, F. Fernandez-Aranda, L. Bellodi, C. Boni, M. Anderluh,
M.C. Cavallini, E. Cellini, D. Di Bella, S. Erzegovesi, C. Foulon, M. Gabrovsek, P.
Gorwood, J. Hebebrand, A. Hinney, J. Holliday, X. Hu, A. Karwautz, A. Kipman R.
Komel, B. Nacmias, H. Remschmidt, V. Ricca, S. Sorbi, G. Wagner, J. Treasure, D.A.
Collier, X. Estivill, Association of BDNF with anorexia bulimia and age of onset of
weight loss in six European populations, Hum. Mol. Genet. 13 (2004) 1205–1212
5. M. Ribases, M. Gratacos, F. Fernandez-Aranda, L. Bellodi, C. Boni, M. Anderluh, M.
Cristina Cavallini, E. Cellini, D. Di Bella, S. Erzegovesi, C. Foulon, M. Gabrovsek, P.
Gorwood, J. Hebebrand, A. Hinney, J. Holliday, X. Hu, A. Karwautz, A. Kipman, R.
Komel, B. Nacmias, H. Remschmidt, V. Ricca, S. Sorbi, M. Tomori, G. Wagner, J.
Treasure, D.A. Collier, X. Estivill, Association of BDNF with restricting anorexia
nervosa and minimum body mass index: a family-based association study of eight
European populations, Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 13 (2005) 428–434
6. J. Gray, G.S. Yeo, J.J. Cox, J. Morton, A.L. Adlam, J.M. Keogh, J.A. Yanovski, A.
El Gharbawy, J.C. Han, Y.C. Tung, J.R. Hodges, F.L. Raymond, S. O’Rahilly, I.S.
Farooqi, Hyperphagia severe obesity impaired cognitive function and hyperactivity
associated with functional loss of one copy of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor
(BDNF) gene, Diabetes 55 (2006) 3366–3371.
7. J. Gray, G. Yeo, C. Hung, J. Keogh, P. Clayton, K. Banerjee, A. McAulay, S.
O’Rahilly, I.S. Farooqi, Functional characterization of human NTRK2 mutations
identified in patients with severe early-onset obesity, Int. J. Obes. (Lond) 31 (2007)
8. G.S. Yeo, C.C. Connie Hung, J. Rochford, J. Keogh, J. Gray, S. Sivaramakrishnan, S.
O’Rahilly, I.S. Farooqi, A de novo mutation affecting human TrkB associated with
severe obesity and developmental delay, Nat. Neurosci. 7 (2004) 1187– 1189.
9. Cahn, B.R., Goodman, M.S., Peterson, C.T., Maturi, R. and Mills, P.J., 2017. Yoga,
meditation and mind-body health: increased BDNF, cortisol awakening response, and
altered inflammatory marker expression after a 3-month yoga and meditation
retreat. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11, p.315.
10. Lee M, Moon W, Kim J. Effect of yoga on pain, brain-derived neurotrophic factor,
and serotonin in premenopausal women with chronic low back pain. Evidence-Based
Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2014;2014.
11. G. H. Naveen, J. Thirthalli, M. G. Rao, S. Varambally, R. Christopher, and B.
N. Gangadhar, “Positive therapeutic and neurotropic effects of yoga in
depression: a comparative study,” Indian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 55,
supplement 3, pp. S400–S404, 2013.

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