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• Aspiration of fluid into airway
• Complete submersion is not necessary
Dry Drowning
Shallow Water Drowning
Immersion Syndrome/hydrocution
Secondary drowning/near drowning
Fresh Water (FP-4-5 min)
Salt water drowning (FP- 8-10 min)
External Postmortem appearance
Washerwoman’s hands
Cadaveric Spasm
Postmortem lividity
Internal PM Appearance
Ephysema aquosum
• Conscious person
• Crepitant and spongy lungs (air + water)
Edema aquosum
• Unconscious
• Airway filled with water (no air)
1. Diatom Test
Sign of ante-mortem hanging
-bone marrow
• Post-mortem drowning
Diatoms present only in lungs

Diatom test not useful in:

1. Dry drowning
2. hydrocution
2. Gettler’s test
• It compares the chloride concentration
between right and left side of the heart
 Normal - right = left
 Fresh WD – right > left
 Salt WD – right < left
Gettlers Test is not usefull in:
1. Dry drowning
2. Hydrocution
3. putrfaction
3. Serum magnesium
4. Serum strontium
Both are increased in sea water drowning

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