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AY2019/20 Sem.

AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration, Course Outline
SO I LSK, 190812

National University of Singapore

Department of Architecture
BA (Arch) Course Level 4 AY 2019/20 Sem. 1
AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration
Faculty: A/P Shinya OKUDA / Dr. Lau Siu Kit, Eddie
Copyright © 2019-2020 by the Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore All rights reserved, including the
right of reproduction in whole or part in any form whatsoever.


I. Description
As a result of technological advancement in architectural practice, one of the most
significant shifts in past decades is ever increasing the importance of both
specialization and collaboration. Although architects are often described as
generalists and engineers as specialists, the contemporary practice both require high
levels of expertise, and projects at multiple scales usually necessitate teams of experts
to see them through. Alliances among disciplinary experts lead to greater innovation
and boundary-pushing proposals. As a result, specializations hold great value in the
professional realm, making team development a crucial part of the design and
construction process. Large and small firms working at all scales are increasingly
forming collaborative design teams at the initial stages of the design process.

AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration provides one of the precious learning

experiences in academia on multi-disciplinary collaboration and problem-solving
between architects and engineers to prepare students for actual contemporary practice.
It commences with case studies, which provide an overview and foundation for
interdisciplinary collaboration. A series of lectures on the topics of key advanced
architectural technologies illustrate how innovative architecture could be emerged from
multidisciplinary collaborations across the disciplines of Advanced Structures,
Advanced Constructions, Advanced Building Envelopes and Advanced
Environmental Systems. Students are to participate to design tutorials to create
innovative proposals for optimization, performance, and aesthetic goals, in
collaboration with the lecturers and consultants who are architects and engineers.

Despite the prevalence of collaboration in the professional realm, working in

interdisciplinary groups is not always natural or easy. Communication across
disciplines can be frustrating and even adversarial. Interdisciplinary design is not only
inevitable, but essential in contemporary practice. Conversations with others outside of
one’s discipline, inevitably allow approaching problems from a new perspective. In a
nutshell, creative moments may occur when making connections across boundaries,
namely what’s referred as “thinking outside of [disciplinary] box.” As a summary, the
module aims to assist students in preparing how to solve real-world problems,
especially how to engage technological challenges in creative manners.

AY2019/20 Sem.1
AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration, Course Outline
SO I LSK, 190812

II. Objectives and Methods

- Aware selected advanced architectural technologies and how integrated design

approach affect to creativeness of architectural designs. > Case Studies (P1)
- Acquire skills to discuss with multidisciplinary consultants and lead the discussion
to consolidate as integrated designs. > Lectures/Tutorials
- Apply the advanced architectural technologies and the collaboration skills to
develop innovative architectural proposals. > Proposals (P2)

Figure 1 Roles of contemporary architects are shifting toward orchestrating specialization and collaboration
among multiple disciplines. (Image: Kieran, S. and Timberlake, J., 2003, Refabricating Architecture)

III. Grading

-Assignment 1: Group Case Study 20%

-Assignment 2a: Group Integrated Building Systems Proposals 30%
-Assignment 2b: Individual Report 40%
-Assignment 3: Attendance and Participation 10%
Total 100%

IV. Selection of Clusters

- Grouping for AR5321 is primarily based on studio groups, which are to be split into
4-6 students/group.
- Each group is to select 1 Major (for key concept) and 1 Minor (for integration)
from the following four advanced architectural clusters: Advanced Constructions
(C), Advanced Structures (S), Advanced Building Envelopes (BE), Advanced
Environmental Systems (ES).

Selection of Major Cluster

- Each group representative is to send email to the TA for your 1st choice cluster, with
the group’s preferences in order (1st to 4th choices). It will be allocated as First-
Come-First-Served basis, starting from Mon. 19th Aug. at 6:30 pm. If no email is

AY2019/20 Sem.1
AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration, Course Outline
SO I LSK, 190812

to be sent to TAs by the end of Tue. 20th Aug., clusters for those groups will be
allocated by the TAs.

Selection of Miner Cluster

- Each group’s representative is to send email to the TA for your 1st choice miner
cluster, with the group’s preferences in order (1st and 2nd choices). It will be allocated
by discussion with TAs, starting from Mon. 30th Sep. at 6:30 pm. If no email is
sent to the TAs by the end of 1st Oct, minor clusters for those groups will be allocated
by the TAs.
- If your major cluster is either Advanced Constructions (C) or Advanced Structures
(S), your minor should be selected from either Advanced Building Envelopes (BE) or
Advanced Environmental Systems (ES). Vice versa for the student groups with BE or
ES major, who should select C or S as your minor cluster.

V. Assignments

P1. Group Case Study: 20%

- Case studies on architects and engineers’ collaborations for innovative projects.
(i.e. SANAA + Sasaki, Foster and Partners + Buro Happold, etc.)
- The case study is to be analyzed from the following 3 aspects:
- i. Innovation (How advanced architectural technologies influence innovative
architectural designs?)
- ii. Integration (Structure-Facade, Lighting–Interior, Ventilation–Roof
systems, etc.)
- iii. Collaboration (How architects and engineers collaborate? In which
stages of design processes architects and engineers interact?)

Selection of Case Study

- Based on your selected major clusters, each group is to select/propose relevant case
study project related to your major clusters.
- The selection of each case study project is to be finalized on 26th Aug. 2019, 6:30
pm at the allocated seminar room (LT50), in discussion with respective TAs.

P1 Submission: 09th Sep. 2019, 16h, Pin-Up Venue: CREATE L7 studio

- 1 x A1 Poster (Vertical)
P1 Presentation: 09th Sep. 2019, 16-18:30h, Venue: CREATE L7 studio
9 min / group (5 min presentation + Q&A)

AY2019/20 Sem.1
AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration, Course Outline
SO I LSK, 190812

Recommended Case Study Project

The following list is recommended by AR5321 lecturers/consultants/TAs. Student
groups can propose your own case studies related to your major clusters, in discussion
with respective TAs.

Advanced Constructions (C)

TA: Low Beng Wee, Gavin (
1. MET - Gemeindezentrum, Ludesch / Hermann Kaufmann
- Secondary School, Dierdorf / H. Kaufmann and F. Nagler
- Added stories at Wylerpark, Bern / Rolf Mühlethaler
(MET System) - / /
2. PPVC - European School, Frankfurt am Main / NKBAK
- The Clementi Canopy / ADDP Architects
- Homes for All - Dortheavej Residence / BIG
- Prefabricated Residential Blocks, Poland, BBGK
- Woodie Hamburg

Advanced Structures (S)

TA: Lye Siang Ler (
1. Tall Building - The Troika / Foster + Partners, Web Structures
- 56 Leonard Street / Herzog & de Meuron
- Tour Total, Berlin / Barkow Leibinger architects
2. Long-spans - Station Z / Werner Sobek
- The Interlace / OMA
- Yokohama International Passenger Terminal / FOA

Advanced Building Envelopes (BE)

TA: Cantona Ang Boon Kang (
1. Green Façade - Stacking Green / Vo Trong Nghia Architects
- Heritance Kandalama / Geoffrey Bawa
- Perez Art Museum / Herzog & de Meuron
- KMC Corporate Office / RMA architects
2. BIPV - Novartis Campus Gehry Building / Gehry Partners
- Blahaus, Niederrhein University
- EWE & Bursagaz Headquarters / Tago Architects

Advanced Environmental Systems (ES)

TA: Yeo Kaye Wee (
1. NZE - Packard Foundation Headquarters Building
- Effizienzhaus Plus Home / Werner Sobek
- Enerpos
- The Research Support Facility / RNL Design
2. Thermal Isolation - Hawaii Preparatory Academy Energy Laboratory
- Ilet du Centre / Antoine Perrau Architectures
- Dominus Winery / Herzog & de Meuron
- Rammed Earth House / Martin Rauch
- Sengkang Riverside Park / Freight Architects

AY2019/20 Sem.1
AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration, Course Outline
SO I LSK, 190812

P2a. Group Integrated Building Systems Proposals: 30%

- Key elements of your proposal are 4 building systems (Structural / M&E /

Exterior / Interior).
- The core of the proposal should be architectural integration of your selected 1
Major (for key concept) and 1 Minor (for integration) clusters, and how those multi-
disciplinary design approach could lead distinguishably unique yet well-performed
building systems.

Required Drawings:
- Concept
- (Exploded) Axonometric
- Perspectives (Architectural application of the proposed building systems)
- Site Plan (with orientation): 1/500 – 1/1000
- Plan / Elevation / Section: 1/100 (Partial) – 1/300 (Overall)
- Section Details (Ground to Roof): 1/20 -1/50
- Design Process (Sketches, etc.)
- Diagrams / Simulations / Models (if any)
Note: Drawing scales can be adjusted in discussion with TAs.

Site and Program:

- As AR5321 is not design studios, there is less emphasis on site analysis and building
- Nevertheless, it may be easier for students to have reference site context, rather than
completely abstract tabula rasa. For this reason, you can select from the following 2
site context options.
Option 1: Your Option Studio site
- Discuss with your TAs and groups, pick up a portion that can benefit to your
proposal most.
Option 2 Your AIP project site at your office practice
- Recommended for AIP students. Discuss with your TAs and groups, pick up
a portion that can benefit to your proposal most.

Assessment Criteria:
- Depth of the technical knowledge and creative architectural integration of
innovative building materials, components, and systems.
- Communication and coordination among multiple disciplines.
- Rigor to prove your building systems proposals through testing, simulation,
drawings, models and prototyping.
- Degrees of architectural innovation and expanding disciplinary boundaries.

P2a Pin-Up: 21st Oct. 2019, 16h, Pin-Up at outside of LT50

P2a Interim: 21st Oct. 2019, 16-19h
3 x A1 Vertical Panels
- 9 min (5 min presentation + Q&A) x 16 groups

P2a Submission: 29th Nov. 2019, 14h, Pin-Up at SDE 4 L6 studio

P2a Presentation: 29th Nov. 2019, 14-18h
- 3 x A1 Vertical Panels
- 15 min (10 min presentation + Q&A) x 16 groups

AY2019/20 Sem.1
AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration, Course Outline
SO I LSK, 190812

P2b. Individual Report: 40%

- In addition to the P2a. Group Integrated Building Systems Proposals, Individual

Reports are to be submitted in order to recognise individual students’ contributions to
the group proposals.
- The Individual Report consists of the following contents:
1. Cover page (Group, Major and minor clusters, Title of P2a proposal, Name
of student, Student ID, Email)
2. Summary (List of contributions, Learning processes, Outcomes.)
3. Contributions*: Compile max. 5 identifiable key individual contributions
to the P2a Group Integrated Proposals (drawings/models/simulations/sketches,
4. Processes: Study models/design options/prototypes/sketches, which
contribute to the final P2a submissions, but are not included in the final P2a
5. Copy of P2a Panels: Low-resolution black/white scaled copies of P2a
panels (3 pages) at the last part of the report.
- Max. 10MB / report
- Final name: YourMajorCluster_Group_StudentID_YourFullName.pdf (i.e.
C_G1_A123456_ ShinyaOkuda.pdf)

*Note: - If your contributions are not visual outputs, such as team leader /
coordination among group members, please state as such.
- If your contributions are inseparable as individual outputs, list the name of
key team members, in order of contributions (place * mark at the end of your
name. Max. 3 members/contribution can be listed).
- The TAs should moderate among team members to agree on the order of
student names for shared contributions.
- Individual contributions to P1 Case Studies can be included, if they
significantly influence P2a proposals.

P2b Submission: 29th Nov. 2019, 14h. Submit the PDF format to LumiNUS,
A4 print out (stapled at Left Top side) with TA’s sign (at Right Bottom side) at
SDE 4, L6 studio.
- Max. 10 pages x A4 vertical.

P3. Attendance and Participation: 10%

- Lecture attendance = 1pt.

- Seminar attendance = 1pt.
- Interim / Final Review attendance = 1 pt.
- No submission, No show = 0 pt.

AY2019/20 Sem.1
AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration, Course Outline
SO I LSK, 190812

VI. Course schedule (Lectures / Tutorials):

AY 2019-2020 Semester 1 Schedule 190812
AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration
Faculty: A/P Shinya OKUDA / Dr. Lau Siu Kit, Eddie

W Date Program

w1 12.08 M Hari Raya Haji

w2 19.08 M 16-17:30 Introduction (Shinya, Eddie) + Lecture C1: Mass Timber Construction (Shinya Okuda)
17:30-18:30 Major Cluster Allocation (TA + Shinya, Eddie), Group Case Study 1 (TA) / Mass Timber Construction (Shinya)

w3 26.08 M 16-17:30 Lecture S1: Tall Building (Giovanni Vigano / Web Structures + Shinya)
17:30-18:30 Selection of Case Study (TA + Shinya, Eddie), Group Case Study 2 (TA) / Tall Building (Giovanni Vigano + Shinya)

w4 02.09 M 16-17:30 Lecture B1: BIPV (Philip Kwang / Facade Global Master + Eddie, Shinya)
17:30-18:30 Group Case Study 3 (TA) / BIPV (Philip Kwang + Eddie)

w5 09.09 M 16 P1: Group Case Study Submission (1 x A1 Vertical Panel, Venue: CREATE L7 studio, Organized by TA)
16-18:30 P1: Group Case Study Review (Venue: CREATE L7 studio, 9 min x 16 groups + Shinya, Eddie, TAs)

w6 16.09 M 16-17:30 Lecture E1: Thermal Isolation (Lau Siu Kit Eddie)
17:30-18:30 Group Integrated Building Systems Proposal Tutorial 1 (TA + Shinya, Eddie) / Thermal Isolation (Eddie)
(AR5801/5803 Option Studio Interim Review)
23.09 M Recess week: 21.09-29.09

w7 30.09 M 16-17:30 Lecture S2: Long-span (Yacine Bouzida / Passage Projects + Shinya)
17:30-18:30 Group Integrated Building Systems Proposal Tutorial 2 (TA + Shinya, Eddie) / Long-Span (Yacine Bouzida + Shinya)
Balloting Clusters for Minor Integration (TA)
w8 07.10 M 16-17:30 Lecture E2: Net Zero Energy (Bertrand Lasternas)
17:30-18:30 Group Integrated Building Systems Proposal Tutorial 3 (TA + Shinya, Eddie) / Net Zero Energy (Bertrand + Eddie)

w9 14.10 M 16-17:30 Lecture B2: Green Facade (Alan Tan/Uniseal + Eddie)

17:30-18:30 Group Integrated Building Systems Proposal Tutorial 4 (TA + Shinya, Eddie) / Green Facade (Alan Tan + Eddie)

w10 21.10 M 16 P2a: Group Integrated Design Proposal Pin-Up (3 x A1 Vertical Panels, Venue: Outside of LT50, Organized by TA)
16-18:30 P2a: Group Integrated Building Systems Proposal Interim Review (Venue: Outside of LT50, 9 min x 16 groups + Shinya, Eddie, TAs)

w11 28.10 M Deepavali

w12 04.11 M 16-17:30 Lecture C2: PPVC (Yew Chai Kohr / Dragages + Shinya)
17:30-18:30 Individual Report Tutorial 1 (TA) / PPVC (Yew Chai Kphr + Shinya)

w13 11.11 M 16-17:30 n/a

17:30-18:30 n/a
(AR5801/5803 Option Studio Final Review)
w14 18.11 M Reading week: 16.11-22.11
17:30-18:30 Individual Report Tutorial 2 (TA)
Examination: 23.11-07.12
w15 29.11 F 14 P2b: Individual Technical Report Submission (max. 10 pages x A4 Vertical, Venue: SDE4 L6, Organized by TA, Submit to IVLE)
F 14-18 P2a+P2b: Integrated Building Systems Proposal Final Review (Venue: SDE4 L6, 15 min x 16 groups + Shinya, Eddie, Guest Reviewers)

Hours Event Venue Remark

W1-13 M 16-17:30 Lecture UTSRC-LT50 60-70 min lecture + 20-30 min discussion
W1-13 M 17:30-18:30 Seminar UTSRC-LT50 15 min x 4 groups (x 4 seminar groups)
W5,10,15 M 16-18:30 (W15:14-18) Review CREATE L7, (W15: SDE 4 L6)

Clusters Coordinators*/Consultants^ TAs

Advanced Constructions (C) Shinya Okuda* ( Yew Chai Kohr, Dragages ^ Low Beng Wee, Gavin (
Advanced Structures (S) Giovanni Vigano, Web Structures ^ Yacine Bouzida, Passage Projects ^ Lye Siang Ler (
Advanced Building Envelopes (B) Philip Kwang, Façade Global Master ^ Alan Tan, Uniseal ^ Cantona Ang Boon Kang (
Advanced Environmental Systems (E) Lau Siu Kit Eddie*( Bertrand Lasternas ^ Yeo Kaye Wee (
Note: Email contact from students to consultants should be coordinated by TAs.

AY2019/20 Sem.1
AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration, Course Outline
SO I LSK, 190812

VII. Reading List

Architectural Integration (W2, W5, W10, W15)

- Olsen, C. and Namara, S. M., 2014, Collaborations in architecture and engineering,
- Aksamija, A., 2016, Integrating Innovation in Architecture: Design, Methods and
Technology for Progressive Practice and Research, Wiley.
- Lenzen, S., (ed), 2010, Innovative Design + Construction: Manufacturing and Design
Synergies in the Building Process, Detail development.
- Kara, H., 2008, Design Engineering AKT, Actar Pro.
- Nina Rappaport, 2007, Support and Resist; Structural Engineers and Design Innovation, The
Monacelli Press.
- Moe, K., 2008, Integrated Design in Contemporary Architecture.
- Rush, R.D. (ed.), 1990, The Building Systems Integration Handbook, Wiley.
- Lambot, I.: 1986, The New Headquarters for the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking

Advanced Constructions (W2, W12)

- Kaufmann, H., et al., 2017, Manual of Multi-storey Timber Construction, Detail Business
Information GmbH.
- Kapfinger, O. 2009. Hermann Kaufmann Wood Works, SpringerVerlag.
- Mayo, J. 2015. Solid Wood: Case Studies in Mass Timber Architecture, Technology and
Design. Routledge.
- Bell, M. and Kim, J. (ed), 2009, Engineered Transparency – The Technical Visual, and
Spatial Effects of Glass, Princeton Architectural Press.
- Stacey, M., 2001, Component design, Architectural Press.
- Fernandez, J., 2006, Material architecture: emergent materials for innovative buildings and
ecological construction, Architectural Press.

Advanced Structures (W3, W7)

- Rice, P., 1994, An engineer imagines, Artemis London.
- Sasaki, M., 2007, Morphogenesis of flux structure, AA Publications.
- Barmond, C., 2007, Element, Prestel.
- Kowalczyk, R.M., et al., (ed.), 1995, Structural systems for tall buildings: systems and
concepts, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, McGraw-Hill.
- Wood, A, et al (ed.), 2016, Cities to Megacities: Shaping dense vertical urbanism, Vol. I, II,
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.
- Hart, S., 2011, Eco-Architecture: The Work of Ken Yeang, Wiley.
- Engel, H.:1997, Structure Systems, Verlag Gerd Hatje

Advanced Building Envelopes (W4, W9)

- Herzog, T., 2004, Façade Construction Manual, Birkhauser
- Schittich, C. (ed), 2001, Building Skins – Concepts, Layers, Materials, Birkhauser.
- Killoly, C., 2012, Details, Technology and Form, Princeton Architectural Press.
- Steed, H., 2015, Greening the Vertical Garden City: The Planning, Design and Management
of Planting in High Density Tropical Cities.
- Vassigh, S., et al. 2012, Best Practices in Sustainable Building Design.

Advanced Environmental Systems (W6, W8)

- Wujek, J. & Dagostino, F., 2010, Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Architecture,
Engineering, and Construction (5th Edition). Prentice Hall: New Jersey.
- Daniels, K., 2003, Advanced Building Systems, Birkauser.
- Brown, G.Z., Dekay, M. 2001. Sun, Wind & Light: Architectural Design Strategies, John
Wiley & Sons.

AY2019/20 Sem.1
AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration, Course Outline
SO I LSK, 190812

Appendix: Advanced Architectural Integration at the early stage of design

1. Structure - Facade Integration (Prada Tokyo, Herzog & de Meuron Architects)

2. Natural Lighting - Interior Integration (HSBC Headquater, Foster and Associates)

3. Natural Ventilation - Roofscape Integration (California Science Academy of Arts, RPBW)

Note: One of the keys for successful advanced architectural integration is that architects are to fully
grasp possibilities and requirements of advanced architectural technologies and conceive them as
highly integral architectural designs at the very early stage of the design processes.

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