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Name: Samantha Redfield Period: 3

Activity 1.3: Types of Interactions

1. Predator – Prey
a. My groups definition BEFORE video: a predator is an animal that hunts and eats other animals.
a prey is something that gets eaten by another animal for food.

b. Example observed in video: hawk hunting a squirrel

c. My groups definition AFTER video: a predator is an animal that hunts and eats other animals. A
prey is an animal that is hunted and eaten by the predator.

d. Another example of this would be: a wolf hunting and eating a deer.

2. Competition
a. My groups definition BEFORE video: two different species fighting over food habitat shelter or

b. Example observed in video: bears and wolves fighting for food

c. My groups definition AFTER video: competition is when 2 animals fight over food or habitat or
dominance (mostly food) .

d. Another example of this would be: tigers fighting wolves over food

3. Symbiosis
a. Three types:
i. Type 1: Commensalism
1. My groups definition BEFORE video: where one animal benefits but does not hurt the
other animal in the end.

2. Example observed in video: remora and sharks

3. My groups definition AFTER video: when there are two animals and only one animal
benefits but the other animal is not harmed.

4. Another example of this would be: tree frogs and plants.

ii. Type 1: Mutualism

1. My groups definition BEFORE video: both animals receive something from the other

2. Example observed in video: clownfish and anemone

3. My groups definition AFTER video: 2 animals that use one another to benefit the other

4. Another example of this would be: a wolf and a bear hunting deer together

iii. Type 1: Parasitism

1. My groups definition BEFORE video: where only 1 animal benefits from another
animal and ends up harming the other animal.

2. Example observed in video: ticks and cows

3. My groups definition AFTER video: where there are two animals and one is gaining
benefits while the other is being harmed

4. Another example of this would be: heartworm in animals

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