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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Misamis Oriental

TOPIC Harmful Interactions Among Living Things
DATE March 8, 2020
LEARNING Describe certain types of harmful interactions among living things.
I. OBJECTIVE 1. Describe certain types of harmful interactions among living things.
( S4LT-IIi-j-16)
2.Identify the harmful types of interactions in the environment.
3. Describe the effects of harmful interactions in the environment
II. A. MATERIALS Drawing or video clips of:
- Bird eating worms
B. References - Aphids and rose
- Lions attacking a bufalo
Manila paper, marker
C. Process Skills Science Learner’s Materials pp. 156-159
D. Values Integration Science Teacher’s Guide 4 pp. 194-199
Describing, experimenting, observing, classifying, inferring
Caring for the living things.
Sensitivity to the needs of others.
III. A. ENGAGE (Get the pupils’ minds focused on the topic)
1. Drill: Read the questions carefully then give the correct answer.
a. What do you call the type of interaction where both organisms benefit from each other?
Answer: Mutualism
b. Is there an interaction between ducks and cows?
Answer: None
c. Which of the following examples of living things in an ecosystem show mutualism?
Answer: Ants and aphids

2. Review: Describe the type of interaction that exists among the organisms below.
a. Bees obtaining nectar from the flowers
Interaction: Mutualisms

Importance: They both benefit from the interaction, bees sip

the nectar of the flower. Pollen of the flower will be
transferred to another flower.

b. Shark and remoras swimming beside it.

Interaction: Commensalism
Importance: They both benefit from each. The remoras is
getting its food and shark gets no benefits.
c. A boy feeding his dog

Interaction: Commensalism
Importance: The dog benefits from the interaction , the
boy get no benefit.

B. EXPLORE ( Provide pupils with a common experience)

1. Recall of standards in performing the activity.
a. Follow the standards in performing activity.
b. Go to your assigned group.
c. identify the organisms that you see in the video clips/drawings
d. Observe and write in your notebook the types of interactions that exist between the birds and the
worms, between the aphids and a rose plant and between the lions and a buffalo. Refer to the guide
questions below the pictures.
e. Discuss the results with your group mates and come up with the group’s answers.
f. Write your observations in the data table.
g. As soon as your are done, shout the group’s name.
h. Post your output on the board and get ready to discuss the findings.
2. Ask pupils to perform Lesson 41: LM Activity 1: “Is it Harmful?”

Data Table
Organism 1 Organisms 2 Type of Interaction Description of the Type of Interaction
birds worms predation This type of relationship is beneficial to
one but harmful to other.
aphids Rose plant parasitism This is a kind of interaction where one
organism benefits and the other is badly
lions buffalo Predation /competition This type of interaction where lions
compete to get the foods for survival.
This interaction is harmful to both
competing species.
C. EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and pupils)
1. Allow time for the pupils/group presentation.
2. Give feedback after all the groups have presented their outputs .
3. Discuss, the answers to the different guide questions and give additional information
whenever necessary.
Birds and Worms

Guide Questions: Expected Answers:

1. What do birds do with worms? (Birds eat the worms.)
2. Do worms get something from the birds? (No)
3. What organism benefited in the interaction? (Birds benefit in the interaction while worms
are harmed/eaten.)
4. Which organism is badly affected? (worms)
5. How can you describe the interaction (One organism benefits while the other ne is
between the birds and the worms? harmed.)

The type of interaction where one benefits while the other one is harmed or badly affected is
called predation. The one that usually benefits is called predator and the one that is harmed is called the
prey. This type of interaction is also called the predator-prey relationship.
The sizes of predator and the prey population are related to each other. If the number of prey is
large, the number of predators increases. As predators feed upon the prey, the number begins to
decrease. The number of predators decreases, since they have a smaller food supply.

Aphids and a Rose Plant

Guide Question: Expected Answers:

1. What is an aphids? (It is a louse that lives on plants.)
What do aphids with the leaves of roses? (They suck the juices of the leaves.)
2. What will happen with the leaves of the rose? (The leaves will fall and eventually the plant will die.)
3. Which one is badly affected? (leaves of a rose plant)
Which one benefits from the interaction? (aphids)
4. How can you describe the type of interaction between aphids and a rose plant? (One organism
benefits from the interaction while the other one is harmed or badly affected.)

Explain that this type of interaction is called parasitism The organisms that usually benefit from
this interaction are called the parasites and the one that is affected is called the host. The parasites could
be internal or external parasites. The internal parasites are those found inside the body of a host like the
safaris in the human stomach. The external parasites are those found outside the body of the host like
aphids and the tick in a dog’s body. Parasites cannot live alone. They must live in a living host. Some
parasites do slight harm to their host. Others can kill their host.

Lions and a Buffalo

Guide Questions Expected Answers:

1. What animals are involved in this type of interaction? (lions and buffalo)
2. Which organism is badly affected? (buffalo)
3. Are there interactions among the lions? (yes)
4. Will they be affected by their interaction with each other? (yes)
Why? ( varied answers)
5. Why is this type of interaction among lions harmful? (If the number of buffalo decreases, the
number of lions will also decrease).
6. Since lions compete with otger to get foods, how are they called? (competitors)
7. How can you describe the type of interaction among these lions? (Lions are all affected. This
interaction is harmful to both competing species.)

Explain to the class that this type of interaction is also harmful. The interaction between the buffalo and
the lion is also called predation and the interactions between the lions are called competition.
Competition is striving or vying between organisms for the living things needed for survival. Organisms
may compete for food, sunshine, space, shelter, water and other things that they need for survival. Each
organism in this kind of relationship is a competitor.
4. Provide additional input.
D. ELABORATE (Pupils apply the information)

A. Showing video clip on the safety precautions against suns’ heat and light
B. Modelling ( Learners will wear protection against suns’ heat )
C. Generalization
D. Valuing

E. EVALUATION (How will you know the pupils have learned the concepts)
Directions: Select at least five pairs of organisms. What relationships do they have? For the organisms which
are paired already, just write these organisms in the data table and give also the type of relationship and its

IV. Assignment :
Visit your community . Observe and write at least three harmful interactions among living things that
you could find. Prepare your observation as shown below.

Descriptions of the Harmful Interactions among Organisms in the Environment

Organism Type of Interaction Description of the interaction that exists between or
among the organisms.

 Science 4 Teacher’s Guide , pp.193-199
 Science 4 Learner’s Material pp. 156-159
 MELC (Most Essential Learning Curriculum Guide 4)
 ( youtube)
 Applying id-TELA ( Interactive Quiz)
 Differentiated Instruction ( Creative Presentation)
 Video Presentation
 Modelling

Prepared by:
Teacher III

Observed by:
Principal II

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