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Romana, Arlene F.

BS-Entrepreneurship 1-1


One of the best film created in history of Philippine cinema is “Magnifico”

directed by Maryo J. de los Reyes which is released on the year 2003. This
movie got a lot of different awards by the exceptional acting of its cast. Also, the
story leave a mark in a heart of its viewer and every person who watched it has
a tears in their eyes.

The message of the film is how the power of giving changes the lives of
others. Magnifico or Pikoy is young boy who have a big heart for his family and
also for the people around him. The film wants to convey that love can change
everything and love can help other people in the problem their facing. Also, this
movie show how this young boy want to show that everything is possible in the
eyes of young individual who despite of the circumstances his family
experiencing is choose to be an optimistic and playful at the same time.

The lesson of the movie is we should focus on solving the problem rather
than the problem itself. Magnifico, unlike his family members, focused on how
to solve a certain problem. He always make a solution to a certain problem. Also,
another lesson from this movie is being a selfless. Pikoy is a selfless kid that
always want the best for his family and he also help the people around him. He
just not help them, he serve others wholeheartedly.

The conflict in the story is how the young boy, Magnifico battle with the
challenges of life and how his family battle with poverty. The reason of their
dilemma is the status of their lives in the society. Pikoy’s elder brother has a
conflict with the family of the girl that he truly loves because the girl’s family
cannot accept him because of their status in the society. Also, Pikoy’s brother
failed to maintain his scholarship status that adds to the many problems his
family have. Poverty is the main reason of the problems of Magnifico but he chose
to find a solution to the problems and do not focus to the problem itself.
The climax of the story is when Magnifico brought his sister who has a
cerebral palsy in the carnival in their town. He carried her in the back with the
help of a piece of a cloth. He do not have enough money to go to the carnival but
he chose to make his sister happy so he chose to give her the happiness she
deserve. Fortunately, two women who personally knew them gave them 100
pesos so he bought the things his sister wish to buy. This is the most intense
scene in the movie and the unforgettable as a young boy can change a life of
anybody. Magnifico brought change in the life of his sister as he make her
experience a normal young girl must encounter. He let her sister enjoy her youth.
This touching scene leave a mark in a heart of the viewer.

The film “Magnifico” is composed of the undeniably the greatest actors in

Philippine cinema. Jiro Manio portrayed the role of Magnifico, the young boy who
bring hope to others and wholeheartedly help them. His father was Gerry (Albert
Martinez) who do not have a permanent job that can sustain the needs of his
family. His mother Edna (Lorna Tolentino) is housewife. She take care of her
daughter Helen (Isabelle de Leon) who has a cerebral palsy and his mother-in-
law, Lola Magda (Gloria Romero), who has an illness. His brother Miong (Danilo
Barios) lost his academic scholarship. Other big actors who starred in this film
is Mark Gil as Domeng who still grieve on his mother’s death. Tonton Gutierrez
portrayed the role of Ka Romy and Celia Rodriguez as Ka Doring. Amy Asutria
portrayed the role of Tessie and Cherry Pie Picache as Cristy. These are the
characters that has an important role in the film. Also, they give life to movie
and their exceptional acting makes the film beautiful.

The story focuses on the life a young boy, Magnifico, and how he help
others with his heart. He bring changes to the life of others. He help his family
to earn for a living by selling juices in the carnival. He also help his father in
doing things. He help his Lola Magda to earn a money so that his Lola will have
the dress that she want to wear in the burial. He even make a coffin for his Lola.
He brought his sister in the carnival that brings too much happiness to Helen.
He help his brother, Miong, in his relationship to a wealthy girl. He helps the
people that he think need it. He even talk to Ka Doring, the women who has a
hoarse voice which scares everyone that talks to her. He help her by giving
medicines that he think might help to cure his illness. Unfortunately, when he
was about to cross road after talking to Domeng, he was hit by the bus. Everyone
who knew him saddened by the unpleasant news. His burial was attended by
the people who got his help. The coffin used in his burial is the one that is made
by him and his father. This is the scene where the viewer shed their tears as it
is a truly touching scene. The ending might be unexpected which make the film
more beautiful.

The moral values that we might learn from this film is the love, care and
the power of giving can change others. Magnifico is a young yet he willingly help
others without expecting for an exchange. By the help of MAgnifico, he changes
their perception in life. He also loves his family that even in a young age, he
started to make a solution that his family experiencing. Instead of enjoying his
youth by just playing around, Pikoy chose to help his family because he loves
them and cares for them. His heart is open for the needs of others. He chose to
view the world positively which he wants that his family also seen. He is not
blinded by the poverty, he look at the positive side of all the things.
The film was beautifully created. The casting was excellent as they chose
the right person for the right role. The portrayal of the actors were incredibly
effective. The setting was realistic as it shows the real happenings in the society.
The order of the scene were wrote rightfully. Also, the innocence of Magnifico
shows in some scenes made the viewers laugh. I am just disappointed by the
ending on why he need to die. But if you think of it, it makes the film
unforgettable and remarkable. The movie is well-created and it is very touching.
I Speak for Democracy Poverty reigns most in the society.
I am a Filipino, who live and breathe Women and children sell their flesh
in this country of paradise- just to earn money.
Human rights violations are
I am a sucessor of the past of our Inequality governs each family.
mighty heroes who made their
Disorder gives birth at a time.
sacrifice for our freedom. I carry the
torch of hope, justice and love. Betrayal forms undeniably in the

I am a crusader for democracy and a

believer of free speech. I stand for our My dear friends, look at our land!
beliefs and principles. I fight for the
right and oppose the wrong. I am the Wake-up!
embodiment of freedom, equality and As Filipinos,
Is this what you really want to see?

I am an agent of change, for the

country and for the whole world. The twilight we shed should be over.
We must witness another sun to rise,
for in every ending starts a new
I stand before you to speak for beginning.
democracy, my heroes died for, the
unfortunate and unjust strive for,
and the present and even the future Yes! I truly speak for democracy!
generation's endeavor. Honor and I am-
dignity flow in my blood and my heart
beats for freedom. What I say,
What I think
Though the agony lasted for a And what I do.
number of years, from the Spanish
colonizers to the second world war,
the seed of democracy in my contry We stand as a nation,
began to take root and sprouted to
grow. And TOGETHER
We can make DEMOCRACY a living
legacy- not to be subverted
However, I can see the pictures of my
mother land in reality at the present. But to be protected and preserved.

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