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किसी ने किक्षि से पूछा - क्या िरते हो आप ?

किक्षि िा सुन्दर जवाब दे खिए --

सुन्दर सुर सजाने िो, साज बनाता हूँ ।

नौकसखिये पररिं दोिं िो, बाज बनाता हूँ ।।

चुपचाप सुनता हूँ , कििायतें सबिी ।

तब दुकनया बदलने िी, आवाज बनाता हूँ ।।

समिंदर तो परिता है , हौिंसले िखियोिं िे ।

मैं डूबती िखियोिं िो, जहाज बनाता हूँ ।।

बनाए चाहे चािंद पे िोई, बुजज ए िलीफा ।

अरे मैं तो िच्ची ईट
िं ोिं से ही, ताज बनाता हूँ ।
Work hard in Silence let Success make
Noise. ASP Public School started with
this Aim and has achieved the goal of
Affiliation till class 12. I feel proud to
say that we are now more than 1200 in
To be a part of Student Councillors you
have to undergo a selection process.
You have been identified, interviewed,
and how been put through a series of
situational tests before been
confirmed in your appointment.
Challenging part is to shoulder now the
heavy responsibilities that you have
been entrusted with as a Student
Councillor. Our expectations of Student
Councillors are high. Hope you will
fulfill it.
If I ask you what is more important for
you ‘Happiness’ or ‘Success’; you would
probably take seconds to choose
‘success’ as more important element of
your life, which is good in a way. But
happiness is something that can be
achieved even without being
successful.Always remember that your
life would always be what you make it.
Atlast I want to say – If your actions
inspire others dream more, learn
more, do more and become more, you
are the laeder. So school is yours,
better lead it towards right path wit a
Motto of ‘Dare to Lead’.
Stay Happy and be successful.
Thank You.

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