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Key of Responsibility- With dignity and honor, we the seniors entrust this key of responsibility to the

juniors of batch 2022-2023. May the legacy and discipline be handed from you to
the next generation of students of our beloved school and remain steadfast in the
mission and vision it stands.

Acceptance of key of responsibility - As representative of juniors, I accept this key and promise and promise to
execute the task you have entrusted to is and fulfill it with honor and dignity.

Horse shoe of good luck- Is blessing and success rolled into one. In our every endeavor let us keep the faith,
for success comes handy with a prayer.

Acceptance of Horse shoe of good luck- I accept this Horse shoe of good luck and promise to couple our
endeavor with prayer.

Scroll of learning- We learn from experience but most of all we learn by reading, so read and read.

Acceptance of Scroll of learning- We, the Juniors accept this scroll and promise to keep in our mind and
hearts the learning we have experienced and yet to experience.

Quill of knowledge- May this symbol becomes real and embedded within us, that knowledge will be
the road to your success, happiness, and wisdom to do good.

Acceptance of Quill of knowledge – We, the Juniors accept this quill of knowledge in a hope that if would lead
us to the road of success and happiness.

Cord of Unity- As a symbol of unity this cord also represents patience, perseverance and faith.
From a single strand to several strands woven and bound together become as one.
To the juniors, the task ahead is big and we need to bind ourselves together like
the cord to strong in facing challenges and aim high in pursuit of our goals and
ideals to the juniors and seniors one for all, all for one.

Acceptance of cord of unity- As representative of the juniors, I accept this cord of unity as a promise to keep
into our hearts the value of patience, perseverance and faith.

School Seal- The school seal epitomizes the Dalipuga NHS’s pedagogical role as embodied in its vision and
mission. It is also a symbol of the principles for which the school uphold. To the
juniors, continue to be proud of our Alma Mater and always bring in your hearts
the learnings and values you acquired in every aspect of your lives.

Acceptance of the school seal- As the representative of the juniors, I accept the school seal of our Alma Mater,
Dalipuga NHS. We will continue the legacy you shared and will promise to
prosper and flourish with the learnings and values in our hearts and minds.

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