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In the growing busy schedule and daily routines, we almost forget to take care of ourselves, we forget
how important our body is. To keep it healthy and ensure its maintenance we ought to give our body
some time and regular treatment. One way to do this is by including some remedies and skin care
routine as a part of self care in everyday life.

Do you have skin care routine? Or do you not worry about the needs of your skin to remain evergreen,
nourished and aloof from all the harms? Here are some reasons why you urgently need to give some
nursing to your skin.

1. Our skin cells shed almost every day- It looses almost 600,000 particles every hour. So the
fresh skin we have today, might not remain in the same condition tomorrow. This calls for skin
care routine regularly.
2. Glowing skin boosts up confidence- With a healthy skin, one tends to feel more confidence in
carring himself or herself. Skin problem like rashes, acne, puffiness under eyes, pimples etc not
only reduces the glow of your skin but also gives an inferiority while you go in public. So for
glowing skin you must follow a skin care routine.
3. Every type of skin has a differnet demand. The type of skin care routine your friend uses might
not necessarily be the apt one for you. Try to know your skin better, understand its demands
and needs and work on its betterment accordingly.
4. Skin needs protection. There are also many external and internal factors that lead to
degradation of the quality of your skin. Skin care is important because there is growing
pollution, harmful UV rays, unhealthy eating, deficiency of water in body, lack of sleep and
exercise, stress, busy schedule etc. these issues directly or indirectly pose a major threat to our
5. Skin care is inexpensive. Skin care might not always be as expensive as you think! If money is
your concern, then it is important to know that not all types of skin care routines require you to
spend thousands. Ensuring natural or herbal remdies at home, reducing the amount of chemical
treatment you use can not only keep your bills lower but also provide you long lasting healthy


There are few types remedies for skin care I will be talking about. For anyone who wills to adopt these
remedies, it is important to acknowledge the difference between herbal and natural remedies. Herbal
remedies do not contain anything that would harm your body and natural remedies consists of seeds or
medicines which are cost effective and gives you better results than other medical treatments
These skin care remedies have many benefits like

 Skin care remedies are cheaper than skin care products

 There aren’t concerns in terms of availability
 They are cost effective
 They are safe to use
 Skin care remedies have almost negligible side effects


First of all, for skin care you should take care of following things:

1) Healthy and balanced diet including green vegetables and fruits is must-
Green vegetables and fruits are rich in nutrients which help to keep our skin glowing. They
help to boost our immunity therefore keeping us healthy alongside. Green vegetables
consisting of vitamin C are good for skin care as well.

2) Drinking a lot of water for a good skin glow-

Water keeps us hydrated which prevents dry skin and wrinkles. Water increases your
metabolism which results in reduced appetite, an effortless way to lose weight . Water
flushes out the toxins from our vital organs while also carrying nutrients to the cells, which
helps the organs to function at optimum levels. With regards to skin care , it helps reduce
pimples, marks and acne, even delaying the ageing process to an extent.

3) Take vitamin c it protects you from getting wrinkles-

Vitamin c works as anti-ageing action which helps to keep skin younger. Vitamin c
diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It renews the skins surface making
it look glowing and young. Consumption of vitamin C is important for skin care.

4) Protection from sun by applying sunscreen-

Sunscreen help to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays. It also prevents premature
ageing and protect from skin cancer risk. Some people also suffer from sunburn but
applying sunscreen can protect your skin from sunburn. Sunscreen must be included in
everyday skin care routine.

5) Use natural skin products-

Natural products do not have harmful chemicals. They do not have a negative impact on
the skin. Skin care remedies are inexpensive as compared to other products and easy to
use. They do not cause itching and have negligible side effects while chemical products
may have harmful side effects.
6) Relieve your stress by yoga and exercise-
Exercise reduces the release of stress hormones namely cortisol and adrenaline. Sweat
also helps to clear out and freshen the skin. A healthier body, directly or indirectly, leads
to a better skin. Yoga is most effective way for skin care.

7) Glass of water with lemon and honey in it-

Lemon is a body cleanser. It helps to flush out unwanted toxins. It’s a natural bleacher
which aids in fighting fine lines , wrinkles and black heads whereas honey acts as anti-
bacterial and beats infection present in your body. They both help to make skin glow by
moisturizing your skin.

8) Take proper sleep-

Not getting enough sleep results in poor water balance, leading to puffy bags under your
eyes and under-eye circles, as well as dryness and more visible wrinkles. While you sleep
your body’s hydration rebalances beacause of which your skin is able to recover moisture.
For proper skin care sleep is necessary.

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