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Мельников Геннадий Иванович

In the eastern country came

History novel
table of contents :







































In the eastern country came

Stepan Melnikov had a long thought of moving to the Far East,

where, according to rumours, the lands are not measured, the crop
is self-hundred, the forests are dense, the animals are multitude
apparently invisible, but the fish went to spawn — drifting logs up
against the current drags. Their village Neglyubka, which is large in
Gomel region, but they lived crowded, there was little land, narrow
land plots, and overlapped, so there was no possibility for him to
feed on two tithes with his wife Maria and sons Andrei, Arseny and

In the early spring of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-

nine, having sold his allotment, a hut, a horse, a cow and two
sheeps, Stepan set off with his family at a railway in Odessa. From
there, as he was told in the resettlement department in Chernigov,
to the Far East, the “Green wedge” steamers of the Voluntary Fleet
go. In Odessa, they placed together with other settlers in a low
spacious white house built of white porous stone not far from the
sea, but a week later, which Stepan spent on purchasing tickets,
paperwork and getting on the long-distance road with all the
necessary things, they were said boarding the ship.
Although it was scary to embark on such a long journey through
the seas and oceans, but the double row of rivets inspired hope that
the thick iron sheets of the steamer body would withstand storms
and hurricanes and everything would be okay. They were placed in
a spacious cockpit in the stern of the steamer. Stepan helped Maria
to fence off a corner with a calico curtain on a rope, put their
clothes and five bags of hay on iron bunk beds, on which family had
to sleep for a long one and a half months.

With inexpressible anxiety and excitement, they looked at the

slowly and smoothly separating shore waving white kerchiefs, silk
coloured kerchiefs and caps; on the muddy, smooth water, foamed
at the stern with a screw, and covered with all sorts of multi-
coloured rubbish, like blue candy pieces of paper, orange peel, red
skins of former crayfish, yellow-pink slivers, iridescent black oil, rags
that floated, appeared from the abyss and, quickly flickering,
disappeared again, which is why, when viewed from the high side of
the steamer just down on the water, heads were spinning, and it
was necessary to grasp the railing covered with transparent varnish.
But the strip of water quickly alienated the coast; the city rapidly
turned its other side, the crowd also moved astern and, covered
with black and grey, with a brown sigh of smoke, thinned. Then,
with a gust of fresh, already sea winds, the smoke was thrown
down to the stern, and there was a sharp smell of burning, wet
steam, and had to tightly close eyes from the flying barbed soot.
The fear that they would be thrown off the steamer at the last
minute, making Maria strictly forbid her sons to romp, hustle and
fight, so that the coarse boatswain or the fat grey gendarme would
not pay attention to them, pass, but give way to fear of the new –
before the stormy sea, long road and upcoming rationale at the new
location. There was already no way back — there was no land, no
hut, but there was nothing ahead either — only hope ... But the
stone pier, the white lighthouse, and the white city of Odessa were
left behind. And the night came with a shaky sleep in a close
cockpit filled with loud snoring and sighs and sobs and the smell of
rotten footcloths and greasy boots and garlic boiled sausages from
home still supplies. And hay and manure from the deck, where
chickens were brought in cages, and pigs, and sheep, and two bulls
to feed the crew and passengers.

Waking up early from the sound of barefoot spanking on the

wooden deck and hissing of water, Stepan immediately woke his
sons, and Maria also woke up, accustomed to rising early, before
daybreak, to prepare food for the living creatures, drive the cow out
of the gate and start preparing breakfast for her men. But the
coerce boatswain who had brought order with the sailors on deck
firmly told them to sleep for an hour or so, and Stepan and Maria
guiltily returned to the cockpit, and the boys, buried from the sight
of the coarse uncle, rushed forward to the ship’s nose, where they
noticed yesterday on the lid of the first hold a camp kitchen
accompanying the soldiers. The soldiers, the young boys, were still
asleep. But then, having taken a thorough acquaintance with the
steamer, the boys from the sailors learned that the thick ropes from
the sharp bowsprit pointing the way to the ship support the first,
fore, mast. A powerful windlass was located in front of the
foremast, and it was it yesterday, puffing up trickles of steam and
tapping chain links, pulling out two muddled thick anchors plastered
with mud from the sea depths. Are they in place? And dangling
their heads first from one side and then from the other, they were
convinced that yes, they were hanging in place, but already clean,
dimly flickering only with damp, black-painted paws. And at the
same time, before circling their heads, they looked at the green
bottled water running swiftly under the steamer’s nose. Most of all,
of course, they were attracted by mirror-like brilliant glasses of the
captain’s bridge, behind which stood a naval officer in a white tunic
with large, long binocular on his chest, and two sailors were ticking
over the spokes, twisting a high steering wheel, but there was
nothing to think even to look inside because the commander will
scold and the father will pull out. But it was possible to look
through the open light hatches into the smell of oil, screaming and
hissing, breathing warmth of the ship’s machine, and they looked
enough, especially amazed at how a greasy lubricator deftly pours a
blue stream of oil from a large tin with a long nose into the
flickering elbows of a steam engine. Lubricator felt that he was
being watched from above, and affably waved his hand to them.
Then they tried, three of them holding hands, to embrace first one,
and then the second, yellow, just washed pipes, from which grey
smoky tails stretched to the horizon, fluffy, like their left home, too,
the cat Murka. But it did not work, the fourth was not enough.
Then came the turn of the inspection of the second, the grotto, the
mast. It was as tall as the first, of thick, solid, varnished wood,
supported by many tightly stretched prickly twisted ropes, but
without three transverse crossbeams, like those of the foremast,
under which were connected white canvas panels. “If the steam
engine breaks down,” they guessed, after consulting. And they
went to inspect the third, mizzen, as they learned, the mast, but fell
into the hands of the mother, and she, lightly slapping everyone,
ordered to wash and eat breakfast.

The cockpit was already swept and aired, and the entire population
sat, some around the long table, and some on the lower beds, and
had breakfast. And then the guys deepened their acquaintance
with a few travelling companions who had set off with their parents
to move to the Far East. And Stepan and Maria got acquainted with
the same settlers, exchanged hopes for a new life and the causes of
resettlement. Something waiting for them? This question was
constantly heard and people in conversations with each other tried
to establish themselves in the rightness of their decision to move,
looked into each other’s eyes – did they laugh at them, did they
consider them fools? Oh, this is not an easy thing – to leave your
home village and take to the unknown where.

A day later, filled with stupid bustle, when the hands that were
accustomed to work did not know what to do and went over and
over again to get simple and small goods, you can’t walk around on
a crowded steamer, especially since they were restricted in
traveling, you can’t go anywhere, the ship in the morning went to
the Bosporus Strait. It was joyful to see the land, even though it
was Turkish, with ancient stone high fortresses on both banks, and
then elegant houses in white boiling flowering gardens right by the
sea, it seems to be at a stone’s throw on the slopes of low
mountains. Towards evening, the Turkish capital, Istanbul,
Constantinople, with golden domes of Orthodox churches and
pointed Muslim minarets, sailed to the right. And another day
passed in confused bustle and running from side to side: the
steamer sailed the Sea of Marmara and the Dardanelles Strait, and
everything was interesting, and everyone shouted, see there and
see there, and poked a finger. But already moaned, the love of
other people’s beauty pretty tired. And most of all exhausted the
limited space. Already quarrels began, grumbling and mutual

In addition to four tens of the displaced passengers, the steamer

carried in the holds to the Far East a whole thousand soldiers,
young and curious guys. However, it was interesting for everyone
to learn more about the Far East, where they will have to live,
serve, to whom they will not last long, and to whom they will last
forever. It’s good that Vladivostok mayor Mr. Makovsky, a cheerful,
talkative, great patriot of his land and city, who was travelled
among the first-class passengers was interested in instilling in
people new knowledge of the remote Russian outskirts. Almost
every evening, when the heat of the day subsided a little, he began
to tell the story, surrounded by the curious. Apparently, he was a
good psychologist, because he noticed that where there was a
bunch, more people would stick in, more curious people would add,
and therefore he went to the immigrants; with whom, if not with
them about the history of the development of the region to say,
about life at the new place wag tongue, they have a particular
interest in these matters, ears on the crown, will listen with their
mouths open, the entire population of the ship will migrate.

• Unknown beckons a man. And if to curiosity – that there,

beyond the horizon – essential interests are added, no, whether it
is a profit, if, starting to go into the unknown, you can lose your
head. And the interests of a practical nature are: what lands lie
there, are fertile, are forests rich in beasts, rivers are fish, do
many people live in those places, how they live and what and
don’t some kind of trade; however, if the local people are not
enough, then if you don’t settle yourself on the lands that are
comfortable, generous in that places, among peaceful people, not
militant? Hence, the desire of the Russian people to Siberia is
endless. Having repelled the Tatar-Mongol invasion and having
strengthened the state, Mother Russia began to send its sons to
the east, to grow over Siberia. Glorious Ermak Timofeevich,
having founded the city on the Tobol River, marked the beginning
of a wide penetration into Siberia, the Okhotsk Sea, Kamchatka,
and Russian America. And the Amur, the Far East. That path
was long and hard, many dangers awaited of strong by spirit
hunters for the unknown, more than once they had to come back
, having exhausted their strength and resources and not reaching
their intended goals. But, having had a rest and gaining
strength, they again and again embarked on a dangerous path,
again and again they began to develop new lands, lay out
guards, multiply their power and expand the Russian land.
Ataman Poyarkov, having set out with his detachment in 1643
from Yakutsk up the Aldan River and crossing the Stanovoy
Range, descended along Zeya to the Amur-river and rolled on
rafts into the Okhotsk Sea. He was the first Russian man who
passed Amur from its source to the mouth and indicated a
convenient waterway to the Great Ocean. Seven years later,
Yerofey Khabarov with his team of free-lance hunters, who had
previously learned about the open rich lands and obtained the
permission of the Yakutsk governor, set off on a dangerous
journey and founded Ostrog Albazinsky on the Amur River. Since
then began the widespread development of the Amur. More and
more new Cossack detachments, industrialists of furs and gold
seekers, and sometimes even runaway people, through Yakutsk
and the Stanovoy Ridge, or through Transbaikalia, went to the
vast Amur expanses, and founded guards here. They sat down
on the ground thoroughly, ploughed fields and vegetable
gardens, built strong houses, acquired wives – Russians rarely,
for of absence, and more and more from local beauties, and
rejoiced when looking at the kids. And if you have acquired
houses and arable lands, but those houses were filled with
children’s voices, it means that people have settled down firmly,
that they consider the developed lands to be their own will and
will never part with them, unless it is a great coercion …
The young soldiers listened attentively, and Stepan and Mary at
the last words looked at each other, stroked the sons sitting next to
them and felt more confident. After all, the worm of doubt that day
gnawed intently from the inside: was it not in vain that the
habitable place was abandoned, grandfatherly, and rushed
headlong so far away.

Paying tribute to the courage of the first explorers – the

conquerors of Siberia and the Far East, the eloquent Mr. Makovsky,
inspired by the noble task of raising the mood of immigrants, and
instilling confidence in them is not that deliberately deceiving
grateful listeners. He kind of flattered them, lifted up spiritually,
and almost equated to glorious predecessors, asserted in them the
consciousness of the rightness of the matter of the plan. After all,
on whose trail are the immigrants go, whose glory is inherited?
People can be rendered, great, solid in spirit and body, multiplying
the land of Russian, Orthodox. However, it could be so, simply and
did not know the Vladivostok mayor that it is far from a fervent
hope to find the promised land by the “Christ-loving” atamans
Poyarkov and Khabarov and their brave associates moved. But on
the contrary, greed is a brutal, unstoppable thirst for profit,
impudent confidence that they will not be met by the local
population – forest hunters and reindeer people of repulse due.
They did not think about the short and easy way to the east and not
about the new lands for the Moscow kingdom. And about how, with
impunity, to profit from someone else’s good, long years and hard
work acquired, make the aboriginal people pay tribute to the
treasury, and fill their knapsacks with soft furs, women use them in
new lands. Gangs something gathered, mainly from the people
fluent, grated, beasts, and in the heads they themselves chose the
most dashing evil-doers desperate, who did not know what to keep.
Hence the main reason for their failures in the development of the
Amur-father. Not with kindness and affection they turned to the
native population, but as murderers and rapists, which is why they
met an armed rebuff. Cossack Yushka Petrov, for example, by the
ataman Poyarkov sent to scout the road from Zeya to Selimdzhe
and finding the town of Pelnichegda there, not with a kind word
thanked the local prince for hospitality, food and shelter, but made
a massacre and from seventy Cossacks returned to Poyarkov less
than half. And the ataman Khabarov to the governor in Yakutsk
reported, boasting his prowess to the heroes, that, having caught
the sister of local prince Lavkay, “that woman was questioned and
tortured and burned with torture.” He also wrote that “by the grace
of God and the Sovereign happiness of those Daur, we cut everyone
from head to head”; “And in those districts many people were
beaten and easily possessed»; «And we chopped them to pieces,
and their wives and children have had and their beasts and cattle.”

• Having heard about the appearance of Manchu detachments in

those places and not wanting border clashes with China, Tsar
Alexei Mikhailovich sent the embassy of Nikolay Spafariy to the
Russian in Beijing in 1675. But an agreement on the division of
land could not be reached then. The Moscow authorities
attached great importance to the newly acquired lands and
declared Albazin a separate province to strengthen their positions
on the Amur. And as the governor was assigned there Alexey
Tolbuzin, a brave warrior and a real master, who had taken
abruptly the device for the guard of a real fortress. Yes, he did
not have time. In 1685, the fifteen thousandth Manchu army
with enormous artillery approached the camp picket fence and
forced the defenders of Albazin, of whom there were only four
and a half hundred with three guns, to retreat. Satisfied with the
victory, the Manchus immediately destroyed the camp to the
ground. And Tolbuzin, as soon as he arrived with his detachment
in Nerchinsk, was turned around and, together with the squadron
centurion Beyton, sent with two hundred Cossacks to return the
camp. It was the month of August, and before winter they
managed to build houses and rebuild the palisade, but in July of
the following year the Manchu army returned and laid siege
again. For a whole year, the Cossacks bravely defended
themselves, but their forces quickly melted under the fire of the
enemy, and scurvy, which began as a result of the cessation of
the supply of fresh food, took a generous tribute. During one of
their attacks on the enemy, the governor Tolbuzin himself
perished. And negotiations that began soon between the Russian
government and the Chinese imperial court ended the siege.
Albazin persevered! The talks were held in Nerchinsk at the
initiative of the Russian government, who wanted to coexist in
the east with a friend, but not with the enemy. And we had to
sacrifice such hard-won lands – at the insistence of the Chinese
imperial court, Amur passed into the possession of China, and
Russia was allotted land from the confluence of the Gorbitsa
River in Shilka and further north to the Stanovoy Range.
• The connection with the Russian possessions on the coast of
the Okhotsk Sea, in Kamchatka and Russian America through
Yakutia was very difficult and it was necessary to constantly look
at Amur, the great waterway, especially since, having formal
rights, the Chinese did not settle these lands here. Any economy
did not lead. Irkutsk Governor-General Myatlev in 1753, anxious
about the delivery of food and household supplies to Okhotsk and
Kamchatka, again offered to use Amur, but the Chinese imperial
court refused to discuss a request made by the Russian
Listeners clearly disapproved of the actions of the Chinese
emperor. - Look, - they say – like a dog in the hay …

Mr. Makovsky, with obvious pleasure, took everyone’s attention

and calmed the audience with a flick of the wrist.

“Although Ataman Poyarkov descended the Amur River to the

Okhotsk Sea and reached the mouth of the Hive River where built
ships and where the Russian explorers already had a winter hut, but
it was still believed that Amur was lost in the sands and in the lower
reaches was not navigable. The expedition of Kruzenshtern in
1804, making measurements in the Tatar Strait, that between the
mainland and the island of Sakhalin and into which the Amur River
flows, determined its depth only in four fathoms and, before
reaching the mouth of the Amur, concluded that Sakhalin in the
north was connected the mainland, and Amur is not navigable.
Forty-two years later, navigator Gavrilov in the brig Konstantin
entered the mouth of the Amur and rose to the Gilyak village of
Chnyrrakh, but did not dispel doubts about the availability of Amur
from the sea. Not wanting to quarrel with China, the Russian
government had weighty arguments of an internal political nature to
prevent the development of the Amur. Count Nesselrode, Chancellor
under Emperor Nicholas I, said that far-off Siberia had until now
been a deep sack into which our sins and scum descended in the
form of exiles and convicts. With the accession of Amur, the
bottom of this bag will be uncoupled, and the deportees and
convicts will have the opportunity to escape along the Amur to the
Great Ocean and foreign countries.

“What Mikhail Bakunin did soon,” the young sailor officer who was
listening to this improvised lecture, snorted.

• Oh, this event was preceded by the unauthorized expedition of

Lieutenant Commander Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy. Posted in
the brig “Baikal” to deliver supplies for Kamchatka, he in May
1946, knowing that he would have to be responsible for the
unauthorized enterprise, set off to Sakhalin and, bending around
him from the north, to the mouth of the Amur. Passing the Tatar
Strait between Sakhalin and the mainland, he proved that
Sakhalin is an island, and the mouth of the Amur is accessible to
all ships. Nevelskoy, at the request of Count Nesselrode, was put
on trial by the Special Committee and demoted to the rank and
file, but the governor-general of Eastern Siberia Muravyov
intervened to the benefit of convincing the emperor of the need
to join the Amur Region to Russia. And in time. The following
year, the English admiralty ships and American whalers appeared
in those waters. The situation has become acute – foreigners are
about to establish trading stations here and declare these lands
as their possessions, which they constantly did all over the world.
And Nevelskoy again decided on an unauthorised act. On the
twelfth of June, the fiftieth year, he rises along the Amur River to
the Gilyak village of Tyr, disembarks there on the coast and
announces to the local people that from now on they are coming
under the authority of the Russian state. After a month and a
half, Gennady Ivanovich rises to Cape Kuegda, where, gathering
the natives, he gives a salute from a falcon and six guns, raises
the Russian flag and on behalf of the emperor declares that
henceforth the mouth of the Amur, Sakhalin and the coast of the
Tatar Strait from now are Russian possessions. There, at Cape
Kuegda, he founded the town of Nikolaevsk. It was from here
that after eleven years Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin fled, - the
last words Mr. Makovsky personally addressed to the young
• For the Chinese, who were considered the owners of the whole
Amur basin, an explanation was prepared that Nikolaevsk- is
nothing more than a shop of a Russian-American company, so-
so, a tiny trading post, and they should not be afraid of our
territorial seizures. But literally right there, in less than two
years, Russian ships inspected and mapped numerous convenient
bays and harbours to the south of the Amur estuary, and in some
places installed military posts. In the fifty-third year, the Highest
order about the occupation of Sakhalin Island was issued, and
settlements were established in the Aniva Bay and the mouth of
the Kusunai River. The complicated international situation, the
possibility of a quick war with Britain and France, and the
blockade of our western ports immediately in this case
jeopardized the supply of supplies to Kamchatka, Russian
America and the Okhotsk Sea coast. Therefore, the governor-
general of Eastern Siberia Muravyov strongly recommended that
the government pay special attention to Amur as the most
convenient transport artery for the delivery of goods to the east.
A request to Beijing was made from St. Petersburg about this,
but the Chinese were arrogantly silent, and Emperor Nicholas I
allowed Muravyov to make a trial rafting. In mid-May of the fifty-
fourth year, the steamer Argun, which had just been built at the
Shilka plant, provided movement down the river of fifty barges
and numerous rafts, with more than a thousand Cossacks, having
previously notified the local Chinese authorities, in a month went
down safely to the post of Mariinsky where left a hundred
Cossacks and two mountain guns. A good start has proved to all
those who doubt that this path is important: it is short, suitable
for rafting, convenient for settling and allows you to regularly
deliver cargo. But the main thing was that the people and
supplies who arrived in Kamchatka on time provided a reflection
of the Anglo-French landing force. Yes, and the reconnoitred
Amur estuary and the harbor gave shelter to the Russian fleet,
when enraged by the unexpected rout in Petropavlovsk-
Kamchatsky, the allies rushed to look for him. And in the fifty-
fifth year with the second rafting on the Amur in its lower
reaches, the first peaceful settlers, the peasants of the Trans-
Baikal and Irkutsk provinces, had already arrived.
The unknown Bakunin to Stepan Melnikov was indifferent, but what
kind of land there, in the Far East, what kind of climate, would he
not get lost with his family in the taiga wilderness, whether
foreigners were attacking this land, this worried him. And Mr.
Makovsky knew well what exactly the migrants were concerned

To protect its Far Eastern frontiers, Russia has long needed a

convenient harbor, which does not freeze the maximum number of
winter days. After all, the possessions of Russia were extensive
here. The mouth of the Amur, the coast of the Okhotsk Sea.
Chukotka, Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, the Commander,
the Aleutian Islands, Alaska ... In addition, having hoisted the
Russian flag at the mouth of the Amur, Nevelskoy intended to
explore the coast of the Japan Sea to Korea and, possibly, to
colonise it. But he had very little money and, most importantly,
people, so he had to retreat from this task. But the years passed,
and time dictated the need to strengthen the defence of the Far
Eastern borders of the empire. The remoteness of Mother Russia,
the difficulty of delivering people and supplies through the virtually
impassive Siberia, put the risk of losing everything here with the
greatest difficulty obtained and inhabited. It questioned the ability
to retain what these had already become accustomed to consider
almost our own, which it had long looked at as an inexhaustible
storeroom, distant, true, but immensely generous – with priceless
soft flesh, wood, gold, fish, sea beast, and God knows what this
unexplored, unlawful, untapped distant land promised.

Research in the Japan Sea began Russian sailors on the frigate

“Pallada”. The head of the diplomatic mission, Admiral Putyatin,
heading from Japan to the mouth of the Amur, passed along the
entire coast from Korea to Amur. The map, compiled by the
navigators of the Pallada, however, a small section of the coast
north of Korea, was published in St. Petersburg in the fifty-seventh
year. A year earlier, in the fifty-sixth year, during the Crimean War,
the English frigate “Winchester” in search of the Russian ships
departed from the harbour of Petropavlovsk from a number of times
superior in number to the enemy, accidentally entered Vladivostok
Bay, giving it the name of Port May, and the peninsula where is now
the city stands, marked by the name of their prince Albert. It is our
blessing that, in the excitement of searching for a small Russian
squadron, the British did not give due attention to the very
convenient location of the bay and the value that it would have in
their skilled and experienced hands. If they landed a dozen soldiers
ashore, cut down a tiny fort, and raise the flag of their kingdom, all
this vast territory from Korea to our settlements near the Amur
estuary would have been irretrievably lost to Russia. And together
with the Vladivostok Bay, we would have lost and convenient access
to the Eastern Ocean. Indeed, in addition to the very important
strategic position – at the northern junction of the borders of China
and Korea. So, in a day of sea passage to Japan, and with a healthy
northern climate, this bay for the “Mistress of the Seas” would have
no price. Later, according to rumours, the British repented their
sluggishness, but late.

Russia’s immediate exploration of this territory of such immensely

important territory was hindered by our very complex relations with
China. Numerous local tribes of origin Tungus people – the
Orochs, Udege, Golds, Nivkhs – were considered by the Chinese
emperors to be their vassals, although they did not have official
relations with them, and did not even demand tribute. Economic
ties, however, existed: in exchange for cheap fabrics and iron
products, - da-tzu, which means “native” in Chinese – supplied
ginseng, considered to be precious in the east, miraculous antlers
and furs. In the fifty-ninth year, yes, thirty years ago, looking
around the coast of the Japan Sea from the Imperial Harbour to
Korea, the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia, Count Muravyov-
Amursky, decided that the Golden Horn Bay, also named because of
its undeniable similarity to the bay of Constantinople. It is
necessary, due to its very convenient location, to establish a military
port. And the name of the port picked up the harmonious –
Vladivostok, bearing in mind the earlier emergence of Vladikavkaz
and assigning to the future city an equally important role.
Moreover, in May of the fifty-eighth year in the Chinese city on
Amur river Aigun “for the sake of a great, eternal mutual friendship
of both states” a treaty was concluded, defining the border between
our powers, which after a fortnight was reinforced by the Tientsin
Treaty. Having approved the Aigun and Tianjin treatises, the
Chinese emperor Xianfeng began to fluctuate: Although those lands
are far away and they are inhabited by barbarians, then suddenly in
the future they will be needed. But here such misfortunes fell upon
the imperial family, which was no longer for them to distant
northern lands.

Taking advantage of the Taiping uprising that had lasted for ten
years and the civil war caused by it, the British and French troops
approached Beijing. Emperor Xianfeng became very frightened and
ran away from the city, disappeared into his faraway province. The
Russian envoy, Major General Count Ignatiev, assisted the emperor
of China, settled the issue of the withdrawal of foreign troops from
the capital and facilitated the conclusion of a peace treaty. The
Chinese government was grateful to Russia for saving the capital
and assisting in the withdrawal of the invaders’ forces and at the
same time signed the Beijing Treaty, which swept away the last
ambiguities of the previously concluded treatises and confirmed that
the border between Russia and China would pass along the Amur
River, then up along the Ussuri to its confluence the Sungachi
River, along the channel of this river to Lake Khanka, which the
border will divide in half, then the boundary line will go to the
Tumenula River, beyond which the Korean kingdom begins, and end
at the mouth of this river in the Japanese Sea. Fortunately, there
were no Chinese settlements there, and the Russians left the Amur
left bank pretty densely. Thus, the accession of the Amur region
occurred through a purely diplomatic and did not cost Russia a
single drop of blood, not a single released cartridge.

And so, on the twentieth of June of the sixtieth year, the military
transport “Manchu” under the command of Lieutenant Commander
Shefner entered the Golden Horn Bay at three o’clock in the
afternoon. The mist cleared, and the gaze of the sailors was
opened by a magnificent spacious bay with emerald green beaches,
thick forest, full of game, with ringing rivers running down from low
surrounding hills ... Sailors brought to the boats 30 people with
commander warrant officer Komarov on sailboats to the shore,
entrenching tools, logs and boards, harvested still in Nikolayevsk for
the construction of housing. Stepping into the dense coastal
thickets, someone noticed a strange red animal and loudly informed
the comrades about it. Fear, fortunately, were in vain, it was not a
tiger, but a curious, fearful wild goat. Tigers, however, and until
now often visit the city, they like to eat dogs. And the whale swims
into the bay every year, he added, noticing the boys’ eyes, which
were rounded with amazement and joyful delight.

Mr. Makovsky told vividly, fascinatingly, he appealed to the settled

peasants and recruiting soldiers with particular respect, and they
paid him with silent gratitude and sympathy, which they transferred
to distant lands, liberating themselves internally from obscure fear
of languishing uncertainty.

• Having established the border with China, Russia was

extremely interested in settling the newly acquired lands as soon
as possible. To strengthen our statehood there, and to create
villages and Cossack stanitsas with abundant populations, so that
the land was cultivated and produced enough products not only
for the rapidly growing population, but also for the troops
guarding the eastern frontiers of our gigantic empire, but also for
export goods. In addition, there is a constant need for the
speedy development of Vladivostok as a coastal base of the
Siberian military flotilla, a major military and commercial port.
Cargo for the entire Far East is easier and cheaper to ship by sea,
and for this you need to build a port with quay walls, ship repair
shops, dry docks, warehouses for cargo storage, and take care of
the population, which will build a city with its houses and streets,
factories and plants, warehouses and workshops; industriously
will begin to produce thousands and thousands of things, without
which the life of a modern person with his unquenchable thirst
for activity and the habit of certain comfort is simply impossible.
Sensing the urgent need for settling a vast region, the military
governor of the MARITIME TERRITORY decided to install soldiers
who had served their military service and deported deportees to
the southern regions. Already in September of the sixtieth year,
four men and three women from among the exiles were sent
from Nikolayevsk to the Bay of Saint Olga and settled in the
village of Novinka, a mile and a half from the military post. A
year later, they were joined by four more families of exiles who
had previously served hard labour. To acquire a new place and
to aim at the peasant labour, each family was given a horse and
a cow, two sheep, seeds of vegetables and cereals. And since
they arrived late at the settlement, they were put on allowance:
men were given a soldier’s ration, and women — half .... But the
former inhabitants of the jails turned out to be a little suitable
contingent for long and hard work on the uninhabited land. And
the women are not married with their masters passed from one
to another and served only as an apple of discord, and not the
basis of the economy. The settlers were not engaged in rural
labour, but were interrupted by odd jobs in the harbour. The
attempt to populate the region with soldiers who had served
military service was not crowned with success. The hopes were
laid on fifteen soldiers who settled in the sixty-second year near
Holy Olga and founded the village of Fuding on the left bank of
the Avvakumovka River, but only four of them were married, and
the rest were unmerried, and they did not begin farming. Each
settler was immediately handed one hundred thirty rubles, but
this amount was completely insufficient for the purchase of
agricultural equipment and food before the first harvest.
Therefore, the serving soldiers engaged either in hunting or in
the search for casual earnings in the harbor.
The young soldiers went over their unlucky predecessors with merry
mockery and even somewhat overzealous in their mischief, from
which the women who were present indignantly snorted. However,
the battalion commander, an elderly lieutenant colonel, immediately
called his army to order.

“Why didn’t you try to organise a free relocation?” - asked the

naval officer.

• In the sixty-first year in American newspapers published in

Czech, a letter was printed in which the natural wealth of the
Amur Region was hotly praised. The author of the letter
expressed the hope that the Russian government would not
refuse the Czechs to allow them to colonise these vacant lands,
help them financially for the initial acquisition and allow them to
maintain control in their own villages according to the customs of
the settlers. At that time, quite a lot of Czechs lived in America,
and a significant part of them appealed to the Russian embassy
in Washington with a request to move to the South Ussuri region.
They chose two delegates – the publishers of the Czech
newspapers Mrachek and Barto-Letovsky, who bravely set off
across the ocean. At the end of July, sixty-second year, they
arrived in Vladivostok on the “Rider” clipper, chose a plot on the
shores of the Ussuri Bay for the intended settlement, and applied
for land allocation, but their conditions did not suit the specific
department of the Russian government. A little earlier, in April of
the sixty-first year, the specific department in the newspapers
published a message about the settlement of the Amur region
and the South Ussuri region and informed the rules for attracting
those who want to settle. In short, these rules bring down to the
following. The state allotted to the future settlers, upon their
election, free areas of state-owned land for temporary possession
or in full ownership, in the latter case with the payment of three
rubles for the tithe of land. It was possible to settle as separate
farms, and whole societies consisting of at least fifteen farms.
They did not spare the land for the settlers – they allocated a
hundred tithes per family. In addition, the settlers were
exempted from serving recruitment duty for ten sets, and forever
from the head tax. Only after twenty years, provided the rules,
the settlers will be required to pay the state land tax, which by
that time will be installed.
Peasant migrants listened attentively, interested, and approvingly
nodding their heads with such attractive rules of the specific
agency. However, Stepan had a slightly different opinion and dared
to express it, feeling his wife’s tacit support – the Earth is distant,
unexplored, and moving to a pretty penny will be released. The
matter is dubious ... There are still not many hunters to move there.

Mr. Makovsky nodded in agreement and continued, making it

clear that the main thing is still to come – For the speedy
colonisation of the southern part of the Russian coast of the Japan
Sea, the Specific Department had a new idea. The trustee of the
Special Department, brother of Lieutenant-Commander Furugelm,
commander of the “Prince Menshikov” transport, who first examined
these shores as early as 1864 year, went to Primorye and chose
Kazakevich Island, which since seventy-first year became known as
Russky. And the MARITIME TERRITORY of the Mayhe River, which
flows into the Ussuri Bay, south to America Bay, so called by the
crew of the Russian Steamer Corvette “America”, which opened it in
the fifty-ninth year. In total, by Furugelm was chosen to settle
about half a million tithes. The specific department assigned the
migrants fifty tithes of land per family. And the benefits provided
large. For the first twenty-four years, taxes were not levied on
them, and at the expiration of this period a rent of fifty kopecks per
tithe was established. If the family wants to cultivate a larger plot
of land, then for God’s sake, and the rent was established for an
area exceeding fifty tithes. However, demands were also made for
the colonists to build a house and to plough a field arable land in
the first two years on the plot.

• I heard that foreigners were more willing to colonise southern

Primorye than the Russians and Little Russians. Apparently, the
business vein in them is more developed. How are they doing? -
An elderly public education official asked, with his family heading
to a new duty station.
• How to say .. Here, for example, in the sixty-eighth year from
Finland on the steamer “Alexander II” to the bay Nakhodka,
which is in the Gulf of America, one hundred and sixteen people
arrived – the company was variegated – paramedics,
photographers, sausages, bricks men The location of the Specific
Department was located here and people hoped to find the
promised land and the heavenly mountains. But the climate
turned out to be unusual – a cold, snow-less winter, dank, damp
spring and summer, a century-old dense taiga, never tilled land in
the glens of mountain rivers ... However, no. Suchan valley –
one of the best places for agriculture in the region.
Unfortunately, the Finns had no skills for peasant labour, so their
undertaking failed and after a year and a half the colony
collapsed, and the colonists scattered where they were. Part of
them, however, settled in Vladivostok, engaged in crafts, trade.
But from then until the beginning of the eighties by sea, new
settlers in the Primorsky region did not arrive. Depleted and
resettlement land. From two to three years on carts across the
whole of Siberia through bad roads is an unbearable, difficult,
painful, hungry path. And not every strong adult managed to
defeat him, and even more so for children. In addition, the
losers that could not overpower the wild nature and establish
themselves in new places, returning to their native village, told
about the way, unbearable deprivation, cattle, virgin virgin land,
age-old taiga, rare and very small settlements, escaped convicts
robbing everyone on the roads of Siberia, that even the
overpopulated central provinces of Russia and Little Russia,
crushed by need and landlessness, did not risk torturing
happiness. Meanwhile, the Far Eastern riches attracted the
attention of the British, French, Americans, Germans, and China
vigorously began to inhabit the previously uninhabited expanses
of northern Manchuria with us. All this created a great danger
for the possessions of Russia in the Far East. For example, in the
seventy-eighth year, the English military ship invaded the Golden
Horn Bay, and after the demands of our military authorities to
leave it, it moved to the next Diomede Bay. There, the British
even landed a military landing party! Well, it didn’t come up to
the shooting, our soldiers drove the English into the water with
their fists and kicks, and they got out of the way.
Here the soldiers laughed amicably, and their brave commander
turned the right red moustache militantly and, as if after a major
victory, began to light a cigarette.

“But we had little military forces in the Far East,” Mr. Makovsky
spread out with his hands, “and therefore it is extremely dangerous
to depend on European Russia — until you get reinforcements from
there, block enemy Vladivostok from the sea, or, God forbid, land it
on land. Shortly, life itself urgently demanded wide involvement of
people in our distant suburbs and the speedy creation here of not
even military outposts, but numerous inhabited localities with an
abundant population and developed industry. It was then that the
governor-general of Eastern Siberia, Anuchin, proposed that the
South Ussuri region be settled by sea. General Anuchin was an
experienced administrator, he knew well the ways to prominent
dignitaries, who had the right to make state decisions, knew how to
properly present the necessary facts, and even by Emperor
Alexander II was accepted. And so, on the first of June of the
eighty second, the Council of State passed the necessary decision.
This decision was promoted by the fact that, since the 1879 year,
consignors from the Odessa to Sakhalin-island regularly delivered
shipments of convicts, and a year later, over a thousand more
soldiers from Kronstadt to Vladivostok were transported by ship.

• Of course, even by the sea and scary, but much faster. Two
months is not two or three years. You will drive there, you will
join, and you will kill the horse, bulls, until you reach the place, -
the peasants-immigrants unanimously supported General
Anuchin. - The settlers who arrived in the new lands were given
at least fifteen tithes of land for every male soul, but not more
than one hundred tithes per family. And, most importantly, this
land could be redeemed in full ownership for three rubles per
tithe. For the first five years of residence in the Far East,
migrants were exempt from government taxes and all kinds of
• Of course, the government’s decision to relocate seven
hundred and fifty families in three years could not in any way
solve the problem of a broad colonisation of the region, but an
example was important, hoping that thousands and thousands of
new settlers would follow. Indeed, besides free travel, the
settlers were provided with food for a year and a half at the rate
of sixty pounds of flour and ten pounds of cereals per month, a
hundred rubles of allowance for each family, a pair of oxen or
horses, a cow and seeds for sowing. The economic burden was
born by the state a great deal – only the relocation of a member
of the immigrant’s family cost him almost a thousand three
hundred rubles. For a more uniform resettlement of settlers in
the new lands, it was decided to settle them not in the already
existing villages, but to create new ones, and moreover at a
distance of no more than ten miles from one another and with
the number of yards no more than twenty-five. Farm economy
were also encouraged. In the same, eighty-third year, the first
settlers also went to the “Green Wedge”, and the following year,
forty-five families of their own, that is, those who accepted the
costs of resettlement, were added to two hundred and fifty state-
owned settlers. Already in the eighty-fifth year, the number of
self-contained ones increased to one hundred and thirty-one
families, and it would have been more if there were then enough
ships for relocation.
• The local authorities were very pleased with the immigrants,
because the expenses of the resettlement administration had to
be significantly lower, and the people were selected more
reliable. But for acquiring at the place of resettlement with the
necessary economy, a certain amount of money was required,
and very considerable. Therefore, it was found that in addition to
the cost of transportation by sea, the settler, arriving in
Vladivostok, was obliged to have six hundred rubles in cash,
however, for housing, the purchase of livestock, agricultural
implements, seeds ... However, those who do not have this
amount it was, the resettlement office came to the rescue and
issued a loan, first fully six hundred rubles, and after a few years,
an amount was missing to six hundred. Moreover, the loan was
issued for thirty-three years, of which the first five was
concessional, and in the next twenty-eight it was planned to take
six percent per annum.
“Similarly, they told us in the resettlement office in Chernigov,”
the men nodded their heads, satisfied that the Vladivostok mayor
confirmed what had been heard before, and affirmed that the step
was correct.

• But the need to settle the Far Eastern region by delivering an

excess of the population of the central provinces of Russia and
the Ukraine had many enemies, primarily in the person of
influential landowners, the nobility, the traditional pillars of the
throne. Resettlement significantly affected their interests – after
all, the more people, the higher the price of the land they owned.
Remember, the royal manifesto and the Provision of the
nineteenth of February sixty-first year for the landowners
recognised all land ownership rights in the estate, including the
peasant allotment.
Yes, and industrialists are interested in an excess population: long
lines of job seekers allow them to set low wages and the most
severe working conditions. Therefore, after a stubborn struggle in
the State Council, from the eighty-seventh year, resettlement at
public expense was stopped.

On the forty-sixth day of the voyage, during which the settlers

survived the exhausting rocking and extreme heat of the Indian
Ocean along the equator, tropical thunderstorms with violent rain
along Malacca, and the most severe storm in the Yellow Sea, and
the shock of the death of a three-year-old kid from measles and his
funeral in the depths of the sea, and the joy of the wedding of a
young girl and lad, who, according to Orthodox custom and
maritime laws, were christened by the battalion priest who wore the
patterned gold stitching stole and the steamer captain at white,
covered with gold galloon parade uniform made an entry in the
ship’s log, and the rest of the three-day parking for replenishment
of coal and fresh water in the exhausting and humid and wet port of
Singapore, where the steamer passengers dispersed respectfully to
take a look at the elegant, white houses of the colonial
administration, under coconut trees, Malaysian huts along the slow
muddy creek under million-legs mangrove trees, formidable English
cannons protected by blacks Hindu soldiers, in snow-white turbans
and red cloth uniforms ,”Kostroma” in the morning, approaching the
silver shroud of thick fog, slowed down, it was, move, but, lingering
screaming thick and hoarse voice of the siren and loudly hitting in
to shine polished bronze bell, bravely dived into the fog, which soon
dissipated and exposed already first green shores of the Russian
island, then sharp peaks of twin rocks “donkey ears” and steep high
steepness of the Shkota Peninsula, and a spacious raid, and calm
smooth water of the Golden horn Bay, and the city of Vladivostok,
the capital of the South Ussuri region, clung to it with a narrow strip
on the Northern shore.

Ugh... here we are!


The dawn coloured the east with a pale pink light, clearly outlining
the contour of the smoking volcano Sakurajima behind a shallow
and narrow bay. * In the ancient castle of the Satsuma princes,
whom he faithfully served all his life, Saigo no-Takamori **, the
great warrior, generalissimos, the banner of the samurai country
Yamato, began preparations for his last battle. Outwardly, he was
calm, in slow motion, dispositions gave a steady, clear voice. But
anger choked him. Raising a rebellion he was convinced that the
emperor did not consider his act a violation vassal loyalty. Didn’t
he, Saigo Takamori, defeat the last shogun Keiki, didn’t he collect
the samurai under the slogan “Sonno” — reverence and loyalty to
the imperial house? And the uprising ... well, it was raised against
those who took advantage of his victory, rejected the principle
of “joi”, which called for the expulsion of gaijin — red-haired
barbarians who had so densely filled the divine land of Nihon,
against his former comrade, who had by fraud the power. Now,
surrounded by the imperial troops recruited from commoners —
peasants, townspeople, even pariahs — on Mount Shiroyama ***
and had suffered several defeats lately from this people, Saigo no
longer expected to win. What, then, is his karma...? But, sending
the pitiful remnants of his troops to certain death, he did not seek
either refuge or salvation. After spending his life in battle, he no
longer fear death. Yes, and the honour of the samurai, the code of
Bushido — The Way of the Warrior, which he professed profoundly
and whom he taught his subordinates, demanded to go to the
ancestral world through seppuku.
His soul hurt. And not even defeat — a real warrior should be ready
more likely not to victories, but to defeats.
And if from other, very rare defeats, he only got stronger, ready
again for battles, now he felt that he would not rise in spirit ... This
battle is the last. After all, not only the remnants of his troops, loyal
to the old traditions of the samurai, died. Perished faith in the
revival of the spirit of the country Yamato, the inviolability of the
usual way of life, dying high dream and purpose of life: it was him,
like none of his three long-time predecessors, to conquer first
Korea, and then China ..., and become the true title
holder Sei Tai Shogun — Great Commander, Conqueror of the
* Mutsuhito — 1852 -1912 — Japanese Emperor (1867-1912). The
years of his rule were officially named Meiji — Enlightened Board.
* Sakurajima — a volcano on the island of Kyushu
** Saigo Takamori — 1827-1877, the Minister of War in the
Government of Japan, in the spring of 1877 raised a rebellion to
Kyushu, known as the “Satsuma War.”
*** Shiroyama is a mountain in the vicinity of Kagoshima.
**** Okubu Tosimichi — 1832-1877, Minister of Finance, Internal
From the city there were sounds of a pipe, a sign of an upcoming
assault, and several shots from rifles. But Saigo’s thoughts no
longer belonged to the battle, not to his comrades, not to the
emperor, or even to his personal enemy. The enemy is now busy
with his Iki-rayo — the spirit of death, which almost a year since it
separated from Saigo and invisibly hovers over Okubo, is looking for
an opportunity catch him by surprise and strike him. But Saigo
relied not only on his iki-rayo. He sent loyal yamabushi — ninjas
and kunoichi — ninja women, who in traditional black, tight-fitting
clothes, or in festive kimonos of hostess geishas, or
magnificent prostitutes-oyran, available only to the highest nobility,
will find a convenient moment and send a sharp arrow from a short
bow hankau, which can be conveniently hidden under clothes, or hit
with a sharpened steel edge of a tessen — a combat fan, or
a shuriken — a flat disk with deadly teeth.
Saigo’s thoughts belonged to his own karma fate.
Warrior must learn
The only thing is
Look into the eyes of death
Without thrill
In the dojo, a small and carefully guarded palace courtyard, he gave
the last orders to sa-konai and u-konai, the generals of the left and
right sides of the defence, telling them to rush into battle, gesturing
for the bodyguard and several other loyal soldiers
to stay. The bodyguard, a fearless and strong warrior, skilfully
wielding a sword, belonging to him not only as a soul, but also as a
body, an offspring of an ancient and noble family, was to serve him
as a kaishaku - a second and an executioner. Others will act
like kenshi: they will officially testify that Saigo died a true samurai.
Shaking off his light sandals, Saigo stepped onto a new, woven from
fresh yellow rice straw tatami, sat down, cross-legged, and calmly
looked at the glowing east. He firmly knew that Bushido is the Way
of the Warrior, this is the stony, difficult road to death. He honestly
passed this way. True to serving first the Satsuma
princes Shimadzu, and then Emperor Meiji *, he was always ready
to die with dignity: in combat, as a warrior, and having suffered
defeat — without the slightest hesitation of the soul or inner regret
— through seppuku. The time has come: his keisaku carefully tied
Saigo hachimaki — wide white headband, a sign that the warrior is
ready for the last effort of his soul and will, and kneeling before
him, filled and served a bowl of rice wine. Saigo felt the light
aroma of sake, brought the cup to his lips and
took four sips: iti — one, nee – two, san – three,
shi — death — four!
At this time, having easily risen to his feet, his kaishaku quickly and
deftly wrapped the hilt of his long two-handed sword with white
silk, as a symbol of purity and death, , and bowed low to Saigo.
Having untied the obi, Saigo flung open his kimono and smooth
movement threw him off his shoulders revealing his still not old,
muscular body. One of the kenshi in the bow gave him a short
sword on a lacquered tray, gave it so that

Saigo had to reach for it, pulling his neck. Seeing this movement,
the bodyguard caught himself thinking that he longed to wave
sharply sword and prevent the suffering of a beloved leader. But he
resisted, not wanting to stir up the purity of Saigo’s last will, nor to
cause the possible smiles of his many enemies, and even knowing
that he would not let him suffer in agony.
Saigo took the sword from the tray, glanced at the bluish blade,
clasped the handle with both hands and plunged the sharp blade
from the left into the stomach. Having held it to the right, he
opened the focus of spirit, energy, will, anger, kindness, wisdom
and all life, and freed his soul with a clean and not defiled. Then,
calmly and impassively turning his sword in the wound, Saigo held it
up a little, thus making zamondzi — the seppuku of a real busi.
Now, he knew, all samurai, friends and enemies would honour his
greatest honour and dignity. Pulling out his sword from the wound,
stretching forward and pulling his neck, he laid it on the tray with a
horizontal movement of his right hand. At that very moment,
flashed a long sword of the kaishaku, and Saigo’s head fell to the
ground. So Saigo no-Takamori left, and the old, feudal land of
Yamato went with him.
And in the east, an orange-red sun was rising in a clear sky. The
coming day promised bad weather.

Two samurai, young and old, on the autumn day of the tenth year
of Meiji (1877) sat sadly in a miserable tavern on the very outskirts
of Kagoshima at an empty, in essence, table, and said goodbye.
One of them had to go to Nagasaki tomorrow and then across the
sea, and the second was destined to stay still serving in the castle
of the Satsuma prince.
Before, they were not friendly, rather, they hardly knew each other,
and the age difference was noticeable — about thirty years, but
after all that happened, when the world collapsed for a young
samurai, and only the bitterness of defeat splashed in his heart,
only old Ando went with him to drink a farewell bottle of sake.
However, in Kagoshima, he has almost no friends left — those who
died in the battle on Mount Siroyama, who cowardly fled, hurrying
to escape the government forces, and are now hiding in the homes
of relatives and acquaintances, who, like himself, listened bravely to
the severe sentence and should have obeyed ... However, with
whom did he have only to dispel spiritual bitterness, with whom to
spread the word of farewell, with whom to drink the last, maybe,
cup of saké on his native land? Well, it’s good that Ando, the old
warrior who served in the defence of the Kagoshima prince for
about forty years, kept him company. Of course, not because of a
special intimacy, but rather because Ando is known to everyone in
the castle as a great lover of tasty food and drink. And he will
never miss the chance to visit the merry quarter. And maybe
because Ando is just like a human sympathiser, he knows that a
similar, if not worse, fate was destined to him, yes, apparently, he
was lucky ...
— Ando-dono, let’s order some more sake?
“Naysan,” Ando waved, “come here, honey.” “First of all, throw out
the flies, how many are circling around, it choose to our sake, let it
pay for themselves first, distract from the conversation and prevent
from admiring your nice face, and then bring one more bottle.
Spread the shoji, give us plenty to enjoy the sight of
smoking Sakurajima lit by the setting sun.
The girl smiled affably at her old acquaintance, the brave and
cheerful samurai Ando, who often bravely entered into combat with
bottles of saké and left many yens in their tavern, casually waved
the towel at the flies, why it angrily buzzed, deeply insulted by her
unexpected disobedience, and spread it out. Light wooden walls
pasted over the already long burst of paper septum, letting in a
gust of fresh autumn breeze, and vividly brought a narrow
high three-go bottle of sacred drink, so respected by men.
— And what to eat?
— Fly, bird, fly, we have enough of those cookie crumbs. Food, it in
vain takes place in the stomachs, intended for a drink. Fly, bird ..

.— “So,” Ando continued their conversation, “I argue that the

Spanish missionary Francisco Xavier **, who landed here during the
time of the Tammon *** and blamed confusion in the souls of the
people with the sermons of faith in Esu Cyristo-sama and Santa
Maria-sama, was guilty of everything that happened.
The young samurai stared in amazement, “So long ago?”
- Of course. Everything starts somewhere and disappears
somewhere. And our troubled times began three hundred years
ago, and their roots sprouted from grains thrown onto our land by
all these disgusting red-headed foreigners.
The young samurai shook his head drunkenly, - Something does not
believe me that because of the Spanish missionary, especially three
hundred years ago, something could happen that happened ...
“An ancient saying says,” Ando raised an instructive index finger,
“that the peasants, like sesame seed, the more you press, the more
you get.” So it was from time immemorial, doubt about the truth
of the religion of the ancestors, disrespect for our gods, little by
little, and made the peasants disobedient, insolent, and in the end
collapsed with an avalanche of rebellions, and
finally Saigo’s defeat..
“But how do you know about this Xavier, aren’t you three hundred
years old?”
- No, I’m not three hundred, only fifty. I am the same age
as Saigo, we started the same samurai-gozi and serviced together
in the Kagosim castle at the old prince Shimazu Narioki.
- You see?
- Not only see, but hear. And I know twice as much as you, - Ando
carefully looked at the raised finger, then brought it closer to the
face, then set it aside.
- Firstly, I am twice as old as you, and secondly, look, I know that
I’m showing you one finger, but I see two ... So in everything!
- Two, it is because we have already drunk enough ...
- The more I drink, the more sober. Consider that living twice
as much means not only drinking and eating twice as much, but
also seeing, hearing, knowing, knowing and remembering twice as
much. As for Xavier and other redheads, even the long-dead old
men told, from the words of their fathers and grandfathers, that the
peasants had previously been obedient and executive, but the new
religion had completely spoiled them.
“So why did the daimyos * and the shoguns ** not eradicate such a
harmful religion?”
They tried, and repeatedly, and Toyotomi *** and Tokugawa ****,
but nothing happened with them. The overseas religion is cunning
and cunning, anticipating the danger, it went to the lower levels, to
the mobile, like a running wave in the coastal sand.
* Go — unit of measure of liquid in 0.18 litres
** Francisco Xavier landed at Kagoshima in 1549
*** Years of Emperor Tammon — 1532-1555
**** Shogunate is a form of government in Japan from the end of
the 12th century to 1868.
*** Toyotomi Hideyoshi - 1536 – 1598. Shogun.
**** Tokugawa Ieyasu - 1542 – 1616. Shogun.

“And I heard that the peasants became bold and disobedient

because if they had worked with small families on their mountain
plots, now their grandchildren work in large groups in factories and
plants ... Wolves have gotten together in large flocks and have
become bold and especially dangerous .
“Maybe because,” Ando agreed, “but the main reason is someone
else’s faith.” When a person forgets the religion of the fathers — do
not expect good.
They poured sake and remembered Saigo for the tenth time.
-Ando-dono, tell me, what was Prince Shimazu Narioki?
Ando wiped his mustache with the back of his hand, threw a piece
of sembei in his mouth — a dry biscuit, raised his index finger,
looked at it attentively, grunted with satisfaction and, remembering,
replied with displeasure, — Well, what? Ordinary ... He loved to
play in a sugoroku…, always walked in a black kimono with coats of
arms, was strict, gloomy and angry. The character has
independent, but he tried not to quarrel with the shogun. And he
was very susceptible to foreign innovations. He sent his young
samurai to England and Holland to study overseas crafts, invited
overseas craftsmen, and built reflective and blast-furnace iron-
making furnaces, a cannon factory, a textile factory, and gunpowder
and canvas enterprises. He also built the first in the country
Yamato larger warship with sixteen cannons, the same as

And the people were very dissatisfied with them? “Not so much,
Ando said thoughtfully, “and the uprisings in principality
remember only two. The peasants who grew sugar cane on
princely lands were strictly forbidden to eat sweet stalks. For this
they were beat with the whip mercilessly, and for a bundle of
stolen reeds could have been killed. So they rebelled.
— So what?
— I’m sorry, what...? We arrived, the prince’s squad, and
everything ..., — Ando, gloomy, fell silent.
“But did the non-believers in Esu Kyristo-sama revolt?”
“Who knows what they believed?” Shimazu Narioki himself
professed Shinto and in his principality destroyed not only the
temples of Christo-sama, but also the Buddha.
“So the non-red-headed missionaries fanned the grievances?”
— Not red-headed missionaries fanned discontent, they were not
here for a long time, but they became the cause of the uprising.
And their religion, and their goods.
“Ando-dono, you’re not saying something.” Why is goods here?
— Oh, you do not understand? — drunken Ando
laughed. — They take out such an abyss of our goods in the
holds of their ships that it were missed in the country, and bring
in a lot of their cheap, and all prices in the country are
messed up, and ordinary people began to buy it beyond their
means. And angry people are like a handful of dry powder ...
“Why, then, were these redheads allowed into the Yamato
— And they did not ask permission. First, the Portuguese were
allowed to trade, the Dutch followed them, then the Spaniards,
the French, the British, the Americans, the Russians ... They were
persistently expelled, but in the sixth year Kaei the Americans
sailed on the huge battleship and under the threat of guns forced
the shogun to sign an agreement of friendship, and then of
trade ...
— But the Confucian sages in Edo say that all evils stem from the
people forgot about their duty to the daimyo and the shogun ...
Ando scornfully wrinkled his nose, — There is such a parable. In
search of food, two hungry wolves searched the entire village at
night, but found nothing. Suddenly a door opened in one of the
houses, and a sage-Confucian came out into the street,
mumbling his instructions. Do not die wolves from hunger? Here
is one of them and swallowed the sage, but then immediately
belched out in disgust. The other wolf, who envied him, asked in
amazement, “Why didn’t you like such a plump sage?” —
Rotten — was his answer.
— And yet, did it really even then, in the years of Kaei *
and Ansei **, the government of Baku *** didn’t have the mind
and energy to expel the redheads?
Ando reluctantly replied, “I was in the protection of the prince,
and often attended his conversations with advisers
and bakufu officials and realised that there were enough of it, but
with the forces it was not so good. In addition, there was a great
confusion among the daimyos. Some were busy with the internal
problems of their principalities, others did not want to submit
to the government of bakufu, and still others, like our prince,
were already Shimazu Hisamitsu, although in words they
supported the expulsion of foreigners from Japan, but they were
invited to come. Daimyos knew the power of the guns of
foreigners, and that without their help could not get out of the
wildness, but they did not understand that it was impossible to
resist the separate principalities of the redheads. I remember
how much trouble there was in Kagoshima castle, when in the
first year of Bungyu * it became known that the Russian military
ship “Posadnik” had captured the principality of Tsushima.
Tsushima Prince was powerless and there was no one to help
him. It is good that after a while the English warships forced the
Russians to get out, but how all were frightened by the arrogance
and impudence of the redheads ...
The young samurai shook his head in dismay. — Similarly, you
will not go against foreign guns and shotguns with swords and in
leather armor.
“So some daimyos hoped, using the help of the redheads, to
properly arm themselves first, and only then ...”
“That’s right, right,” the young samurai ardently supported them,
“first properly arm, and then
• The years of the reign of Emperor Kaei - 1848 – 1854 ** Years
of Emperor Ansei — 1854-1859 *** Bakufu — (shogun) — a form
of government in feudal Japan * The years of the reign of
Emperor Bungyou - 1861 – 1864

“It was clear that the redheads immediately realised that on the
feuds of the parties, one of which supported the shogun, and the
other — the emperor, they can warm hands, and began to arm
them. The French are the shogunate, and England their
“And only then,” Ando continued mockingly, daimyos realised
that to arm themselves, they must either use their weapons
already prepared, that is, become completely dependent on
the redheads, which they didn’t want, or build their own
factories that without a lot of money and the help of the
same redheads is impossible ...
“Exactly,” the young samurai agreed perplexedly, “not that a
warship, even a cannon, a gun cannot be forged in a forge, it is
not a samurai sword.— Did the Satsum prince support what
— I have already rendered that the prince at that time
was Shimazu Hisimitsu, the father of the current prince. Princely
arrogance, insatiable greed, wish to rise above all daimyos and
become equal with the shogun, and cunning, cowardice, and
cunning, merged in his soul. Yes, here is an example. In the
second year of Bunkyu in the month of Hazuki in Namamugi,
during the procession of Prince Shimazzu, he was met by three of
them in the principality invited Englishmen who wanted to admire
an unusual sight for them. And the princely arrogance
of Hisamitsu leaped to the point that he ordered them to
be beaten. I was not present there, remained in
the Kagosima castle, but according to the stories, one
Englishman was hacked with a sword, and two were wounded.
Less than a year, as the British, in retaliation from a warship,
shelled Kagoshima. Imagine a panic in our small, light-built
wooden houses. The town, when enemy nuclei fell upon
it. Hisamitsu tirelessly insisted that he was for the closure of the
country and the removal of foreigners, but everyone
in Satsuma was aware of his smuggling trade. In words, he was
against the mercantile spirit alien to the true samurai and the
technical innovations of the redheads, but he insistently
introduced them into his principality, developing trade with
foreigners. “We are all double-faced now,” the young samurai
muttered bitterly. — His soul was rushing. On the one hand, he
was a supporter of the party of the rise of the emperor and the
expulsion of the barbarians, and on the other hand, he believed
that the Bakufu government provides with at least some order
in the country; what will happen when young and ardent
supporters of the veneration of the emperor come to power is not
known. His soul was torn to pieces. As a loyal vassal, he
supported the shogun, but he strove to rise above all daimyos
and impose his will on the Yamato empire. And for this he
needed a modern weapon of redheads, that is, trade with them.
I remember well how, despite the strictest ban on all intercourse
with the redheads, Prince Shimazzu Hisamitsu invited the English
ambassador Parks and the commander of their squadron King to
his castle. What for? — you ask. Of course, he
and Saigo requested weapons.
The young samurai listened to the old warrior with keen interest.
And it was clear that not mere curiosity, but some deep secret
thoughts have him. When Ando, having reprimanded himself, fell
silent for a long time, the young samurai poured into a cup the
saké to soften the steel of his soul.
— Saigo was already an adviser to the prince?
— Take it higher. Saigo has already commanded the Satsuma
- And what about you, Ando-dono, after all, you say, you started
with Saigo?
You want to say why I was just a warrior? Eh, here, you know,
nobody knows who won, and who lost, who got more, and who
less, who was happier in life ... Now, let’s say, where
is Saigo now? And I am here, I sit with you for a cup of saké and
commemorate his soul. Saigo loved to dispose of other people’s
destinies, he loved power, he loved to command people, he loved
to interfere in politics ... And I love the sake ... He also pulled me
into his affairs, said that he would give me a place in the
principality for helping. And I, it was, followed him. But then,
one day, we gathered in Fushimi to discuss the plan of attack on
the shogun’s palace in Edo, and suddenly a great thirst began to
torment me. I am not a fan of judgmental views, and so I went
to the cheerful quarter, put on a wide amigas hat and
disappeared into sake for a week. And when returned to the
hotel Terada, I learned that part of her guests were killed, and
partly dragged to prison. So judge what they got - lovers of
intrigue and conspiracy, and what I got - a lover of saké.
And what about Saigo Takamori?
- He was also lucky then - the prince sent him to exile on the
island of Tokunoshima and he did not come to Fushimi.
“But now there is no luck,” exclaimed the young samurai.
— Any luck ends sooner or later. Saigo was long lucky, all his
life, you can give. But everything has a beginning and still has an
end, — philosophically remarked Ando, and again filled the cup.
— Why he was lucky?
— You are young and, apparently, ambitious. People like you
and Saigo love to climb to the summits alone, but early or late
fall ...
— I am moderately ambitious and moderately lover of conquering
peaks, and it flatters me that you compared me to Saigo. No
wonder I was his personal bodyguard. But it is very important
for me to know why Saigo and Okubu Tosimichi, simple
Satsuma samurai-gosi, managed to rise to the top of power in
Yamato, destroyed the shogun, restored imperial rule, and
then ... Saigo made himself seppuku. Okubu — shot ...
— Why is it important to you? — drunkenly grinned Ando.
— According to family saying, my distant ancestor Fujiwara-no-
Yoshifus in the reign of the fifty-sixth emperor Showa, when he
was only nine years old, was appointed the supreme ruler of the
country Yamato. A few years later, the emperor Showa issued a
decree according to which the descendants of
Fujiwara Yoshifus should enjoy the hereditary privileged right to
be appointed to the rulers of juvenile emperors and to the
presidential ministers when the emperors reached adulthood.
* Showa — the emperor. Years of government 834-848.

Thus, Fujiwara Yoshifusa was the first shogun. “Would you strive to
inherit this ancient right?” — Of course, no, after all that happened
all the more. But I was always tormented by the question
of power. Well, I understand that the hereditary power of the
emperor. But why did Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi,
Tokugawa Ieyasu ascended, why did he become
Generalissimo Saigo, but almost the dictator of the Minister of
finance Okubu Tosimichi? With two hands, in order not to splash,
Ando brought the cup to his lips, poured a yellowish liquid into
himself and unexpectedly, in a sober voice, answered, “I also
thought about it somehow. I will not say anything
about Nobunagu, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Ieyasu, they have
lived for a very long time ago, and Saigo and Okubu — well, their
rapid take-off occurred before my eyes. In my opinion, the main
reason is the red-headed barbarians and their new religion. In
addition, there were too many young samurai in the country,
dissatisfied with the positions were inherited, that their opinion was
not listened to, that their clans were impoverished, that they had to
go to work at factories and plants and doing dirty, rough work
there. Here you are, if you come from noble Fujiwara, what do you
own now? A tiny plot, otherwise you would not be sitting with me
in this miserable tavern. That Saigo and led such unhappy. He also
arranged for princes who did not want to submit to the government
of bakufu, who were at enmity with each other, with envy and fear
looking at the red-headed barbarians ...
After all, samurai, let us take, at least in Satsuma, almost a third of
the male population; what about all over Japan? And what abyss of
money and power was in the hands of a daimyos? These mighty
forces not only lifted Saigo and Okubu, — here Ando mysteriously
lowered his voice, looked around cautiously, whether someone
overheard their conversation. But the neighbors, the same drunken
samurai in wearing purple kimonos with faded coats of arms, in a
half-empty tavern were busy with their own problems. Ando
continued, “It was not for nothing that ten years ago, the capital
guests of prince Hisamitsu whispered that Emperor Kaei did not die
a natural death. Divine Emperor! And why? It was said that he
resisted the destruction of the shogunate. The heir, Mutsuhito,
essentially a boy, became a prisoner of Saigo and Okubu and did
what he was told ...
The young samurai wiped the sweat suddenly on his forehead with
his sleeve, also looked cautiously around and, hesitating a little,
asked, “So, to climb the crest of power, you must be able to lean on
even the contradictory interests of possible allies?”
Ando shook the bottle, but she was hopelessly empty.
“Naysan,” he called out loud, “carry more!”
“It is difficult to climb the crest of power,” he looked at the girl
hurrying toward them, “but it is even harder to hold onto him.”
Here it is necessary to change and change yourself in
time. Saigo and Okubu, using the slogan of resistance to foreign
states, chose the tactics of returning all power to the emperor and
changed the prince, did not go about his aspirations for feudal
independence. I remember well how the furious
prince Hisamitsu complained that he did not want the emperor to
get the right to manage the principalities, because for the strength
of the country it was necessary that all the princes in the country
owned their lands and had their own
troops. Saigo and Okubu verbally agreed with the prince,
but they drafted a decree to return the right to control the princely
lands to the emperor. But before that, with the help of the same
princes, Saigo and Okubu defeated Shogun Keiki’s army and
suppressed the resistance of the northern daimyos ...
“Yes, I participated in those campaigns,” exclaimed the young
samurai proudly, “in the battle of Toba, in the battle of Fushimi, and
in the battle of Hakodate ...”
-And I drank sake for your success, — Ando mockingly looked at
him and again reached for the bottle “Saigo and Okubu betrayed
the Satsuma prince, and their friends in the central government
betrayed their princes, who were loyal vassals before. Where is the
daimyos now? Where are their principalities? No ... And instead of
resisting foreign states, Saigo and Okubu opened the country for
them, introduced their order, instead of principalities made the
prefectures, abolished the division of samurai by rank, equating
them all ... Someone liked it, but not everybody ... — Why
did Saigo fall into disgrace and leave the government? — He was
not flexible enough. Okubu changed the daimyo and his former
samurai friends and established himself in power, but Saigo did not
find the courage for this betrayal. They were silent, considering
what was said. “Here you are personally, what did you seek when
serving with Saigo,” Ando asked, interrupting the prolonged silence.
“I don’t know,” the young samurai replied hesitantly, “in general,
nothing ... I was a sukatati — a squire, and Saigo faithfully
served ...” — Well, I will believe. Well, others, what they needed?
— You know, Ando-dono, many samurai were dissatisfied with the
land reform and high taxes, and the prohibition to wear swords, and
the actual abolition of samurai ...
— That’s the same. Our samurai brothers multiplied a great many,
and after the defeat of bakufu, there was nothing for them to do.
But they all felt themselves victorious, demanded themselves
honours and benefits, behaved defiantly ... How many samurai
uprisings took place in those years — both in Saga province, and
in Simpuren, and in Akizuki, and in Hagi ... Then the government
decided to send the extra samurai to conquer Korea. Following the
example of the redhead rescuers of the coffin Esu Cyristo-sama
However, Okubu, then the Minister of Finance and the de facto
dictator, resolutely opposed this decision, referring to significant
domestic problems and an acute shortage of money, and mainly to
the fact that of all the countries surrounding Yamato, Russia is the
most dangerous; its sub to the south has long been known to all,
and in the event of a war between Japan and Korea, they can both
become easy prey for the great neighbouring predator. These
arguments convinced the emperor and caused the resignation
of the government and the removal of Saigo to Kagoshima,

were loyal vassals before. Where is the daimyo now? Where are
their principalities? No ... And instead of resisting foreign
states, Saigo and Okubu opened the country for them, introduced
their order, instead of principalities made the prefectures,
abolished the division of samurai by rank, equating them all ...
Someone liked it, but not everybody ... — Why did Saigo fall into
disgrace and leave the government? — He was not flexible
enough. Okubu changed the daimyo dissatisfied with the land
reform and high taxes, and the prohibition to wear swords, and the
actual abolition of samurai ...
— That’s the same. Our samurai brother multiplied a great many,
and after the defeat of bakuf, there was nothing for them to do.
But they all felt themselves victorious, demanded themselves
honors and benefits, behaved defiantly ... How many samurai
uprisings took place in those years — both in Saga province, and
in Simpuren, and in Akizuki, and in Hagi ... Then the government
decided to send the extra samurai to conquer Korea. Following the
example of the redhead rescuers of the coffin Esu Cyristo-sama.
However, Okubu, then the Minister of Finance and the de facto
dictator, resolutely opposed this decision, referring to significant
domestic problems and an acute shortage of money, and mainly to
the fact that of all the countries surrounding Yamato, Russia is the
most dangerous; its sub to the south has long been known to all,
and in the event of a war between Japan and Korea, they can both
become easy prey for the great neighboring predator. These
arguments convinced the emperor and caused the resignation
of the government and the removal of Saigo to Kagoshima, and all
the officers of the imperial guard whom he had recruited from the
Satsuma samurai followed him. So they pushed Saigo into rebellion
against the central government. And Saigo’s nephew’s little war on
Formosa did not save the day. Samurai needed a big war and a big
victory. And if Okubu did not want a war in Korea, then he got a
mutiny in Kyushu. And so, the insurrection was
crushed, Saigo made himself seppuku, and Okubu was
killed by Saumo devotees by samurai. The rebellion is crushed,
Saigo and Okubu died, but the problems remained. To become a
great power, the country of Yamato will certainly have to fight on
the mainland. And precisely against Russia! Otherwise, Japan will
remain petty, dependent country, which still is and what many in
“So Saigo was right in demanding a military campaign against the
“Right, wrong, what does it mean to him?”
-And for us?
“It’s also quite indifferent to me,” he reached out for the bottle of
Ando, “I will serve in the presence of the old prince somehow.” But
what awaits you are unknown ...
— I am sent to Russia as a punishment for participating in the
insurrection ...
— You see! I say that everything has a beginning. This was also
only the beginning!
They were still silent, and then the young samurai hesitantly
asked, “Say, Ando-dono, you never thought it could have happened
that the god of redheads, Esu Cyristo-sama, settled on our land,
gradually, for three hundred years, gained power and began to help
those who believe in him? Here, look, everything that is happening
on our islands now is pleasing to the redheads and their followers.
There is no shogun, the emperor is actually not free to make
important decisions, the people have become bold and disobedient,
and even we, loyal to the emperor samurai, have come out against
his will ... And they, redheads, almost manage here, filled many of
our cities, they sell their goods everywhere, it becomes fashionable
to dress like them, eat their food, even their meat, build their
houses, travel to Europe and America.
Ando resolutely and categorically waved his hand, almost knocking
the bottle off the table, but during it clutched at it throat.
— Not! This should not be! I also somehow thought about it, and
it also became frightening to me that the redheads of barbarians
sailing over the horizon were shelling our cities with cannons,
introducing their new customs, forcing us to imitate them in
everything; and I also thought that their god is stronger than
our Hatiman, the samurai god. But gradually I began to see. And it
helped me in this sake — our sacred drink. I realised that their one
god could not be stronger than many of ours. Our main gods Ame
no Minakanushi, Kamimusubi, Takammusubi, the great goddess of
light Amaterasu and O-kuninusi still own the souls of the true
samurai. Everyone knows that the best of the flowers — Sakura,
and the best of people — Busi. Therefore, even if their god
Esu Cyristo-sama and his wife Santa Maria-sama managed to press
our gods a little in the souls of the vile Burakumen and the
greedy tenin, it is not so scary, although it is alarming and concern.
And I also understood that their gods are stronger in their homes,
and on our islands they still submit to our gods. Our gods live
everywhere — and in mountain streams and lakes, and in forest
thickets, and in coastal waters, and in caves, in trees, in flowers, in
the breeze, everywhere-everywhere. Their gods simply have no
place here. And if they managed to settle in the souls of some of
our compatriots, it is only because they are not the gods of
the redheads at all, they have already become yellow-faced and
with slanted eyes, and the name they have already adopted is ours,
the Japanese. And what happened, everything happened at the
behest of our gods: they felt hurt that the redheads fired
Kagoshima and Shimonoseki from the cannons, so they forced us to
learn new things in this way.
“Well, you calmed me down a little, Ando-dono, but here’s
something else ... I’m being sent to Russia for a long time, and I’m
afraid that, living surrounded by redheads, I, gradually, become like
them, take their woman, I will live how they, learn their customs
and customs, learn to think like them, and, worst of all, their god
will take my soul ... And then, some day, if I return, our gods will
turn away from me.
— Well, in their youth, people are afraid to break away from their
tribe, they do not feel enough spiritual strength in themselves to
withstand possible dangers alone. But you are already a seasoned
warrior, if you serve with Saigo from the age of sixteen. Going on a
long journey, strengthen your prayer to our gods, Zozo — god of
travellers, take amulets from your home, and most
importantly — remember that there must be a companion on the
way, and a good soul in life. Therefore, my advice to you is to
marry. Take a good woman with you to a foreign country. She will
give you a good support in life, will help to avoid spiritual weakness
and many temptations; your future children will hold you back to
your homeland; your thoughts will belong to the motherland; and
the god of the redheads will not find a place in your souls”
Ando answered, and again reached for the bottle.
“And I thought that you would tell me to rely on this drink as the
most reliable means,” the young samurai smiled sadly.
— Oh, no. Stay away from it. Sake is good at home, where you
feel completely safe and can afford to relax. And in a foreign
country, it is deadly, especially if you go there a warrior. You not
only risk losing face, you risk losing honour — the most dangerous
thing for a busi, and even life itself. Take the best woman with you
and you will have children. Take along a kakemono with a picture
of a sakura flower or a smoking Sakurajima, take books with you,
say, “Taiheiki” and “The Legend of the Soga Brothers,” take
the Satsuma biwa, take our clothes and shoes with you and wear
them only at home, in short , fill your house in Russia with our

All this will bring peace to your thoughts and strength in your soul.
— And one more thing, Ando-dono. The judges told me,
perhaps to calm my dismay, that, condemning my disobedience of
the central government, my participation in the insurrection, they
highly appreciate my loyalty and loyalty to Saigo Takamori, my
military art and combat experience. And they also told me that I
should not take their decision to send me to Russia as a severe
punishment, although to some extent it is a punishment. Mostly,
they said, for me it will be a high honour to serve as a watch on
faraway frontiers, a watch against a strong enemy.
Will a formidable obeying
Sovereign of his own.
I must leave home
To protect the Motherland,
they told me in verse from Manyoisu. They also added that this
high honour was rendered not only to me alone. It was rendered to
many high-born samurai, who proved their loyalty to the country of
Yamato by their military service. They said that the emperor was
not angry with Saigo; on the contrary, he highly appreciated his
loyalty and endorsed his slogans; and the soldiers of Saigo, formerly
officers of the imperial guard, are still his personal vassals. — But
you have doubts about the sincerity of your judges? Do you think
their words are nothing more than a tricky trick, do you suspect
your former enemies of refined deceit, to get rid of
you, Saigo’s closest ally, and the likes of you, so as not to be afraid
of a repetition of the insurrection? Do you think that they send you
out of the Yamato country because they are afraid to execute,
because it would cause a flash of rage in many samurai? Do you
not believe them? — Yes, Ando-dono, something like this. And at
the same time, I wondered if I could, being in a foreign country, in
a strange environment, building good relations with people, living
next to them, often resorting to their help and services, and giving
them all possible help. Should I simultaneously hate them, look out
for their vulnerable spots, prepare traps for them, wish them
suffering and death? And can I? After all, all this is at variance
with the Bushido code, our notions of honour.
— But you shoud not think that you are going to them as an enemy,
that you will prepare for their death. Remember that in the country
of Yamato from time immemorial there was a custom of samurai to
wear swords. But no one thought that swords were meant to kill.
If we, the inhabitants of the islands, considered the main and only
purpose of swords — to kill, the blood would flow like a river, and
the islands would have long been deserted. Of course, there were
cases of people attacking each other with swords, but as a deadly
weapon you can use a stick, a stone, and a hoe, ordinary household
items ... No, swords were designed to prevent possible attacks, by
their presence guarded the owner from attempts on life, honour
and dignity; by their appearance they brought up weak souls, evil-
doers capable of evil. Reassure yourself that you are going to a
northern country as a watchman, that it is your duty to see
everything, to hear and know everything, to tell everything
important in a timely manner to prevent a possible misfortune. Do
not ascend in your pride, know only your duty and fulfil it. And
most importantly — remember the country of Yamato, distant and
always in need of you.
— Yes, Ando-dono, I will remember your words ...
— And at parting, if you are from Fujiwara, then it would be
interesting for you to know and keep in your heart the verses
from Manyushu * that correspond to your case:

The bottom is crystal clear in the water,

Glowing like a flame

With the shine of fuji ** petals illuminated,

And because water covered stone

Shines like pearls dear!

__ * Manyoshyu (Collection of myriad leaves), a collection of poems
of the period of decline of antiquity and the dawn of the Middle
Ages -VIII century. ** Fuji — wisteria. .


In Vladivostok the ship “Kostroma” came at the end April of the
month. During sailing on the boat
was the measles epidemic from which the child died, therefore all
passengers with children were moved to quarantine barracks at
Cape Shkot and kept there guarded by
armed soldiers so that the sickness does not spread
by the city. Two weeks later, Stepan brought
selective control paper that identified them
place for settlement in the village Ivanovka.
On the “Novik” steamboat, recently bought by
Shevelev merchant in England and committed his
the first flight, they got to the mouth of the narrow-minded river
Suyfun, plenty admiring beautiful views of
Amur Bay, and in the village of Rybachy moved to the
small ship “Pioneer”. In comparison with the tremendous
“Kostroma”, these boats, except for the steamer
could not be called.
After the recent heavy rains, Suifun swelled
carried in the sea a mass of brown-yellow water, and for this reason
the boat steamer managed to get to the
Nicolsk - a large village, from where immigrants departed
huddled almost to the entire South Ussuri rigeon
Having bargained in the market for a couple of short,
but strong Manchurian oxen and a creaking wagon,
they loaded their wretched belongings on it and — tsob-tobe
went to the place of new residence.
Along the narrow to the extreme forest road, rather
drowning to the checks of the wheels in the dirt, leaning heavily
breast, pushing the cart, they dragged to the place of
already cursing the day when jointly deciding
were going to go.
— Oh, and wilderness! — Stepan sighed, and his wife repeated
the sons of Andrew, Arseniy and Athanas.
And indeed, the country road with a thin thread was barely punched
through the centuries-old dense taiga. Terrible roared crowns over
their heads tall trees, their thick
roots, abundant dense shrubs and extraordinary
the heights of the grass twined the earth, blocked the way, and
already it was scary to imagine that they would also have to pour,
chop, take out the forest, uproot, burn
and rip out stumps and roots, destroy weeds, use
for centuries, the host here.
Fear has large eyes, and Maria has already whined
from the rising horror. But Stepan,
began to figure out what to do next. Well if pulls
family in such a long journey, after eight seas
of the three oceans, promised them a new life
comfortable, painted in front of them pictures of the vast
empty expanses, puffy land and forest;
do not allow losing faith, tune in to work. He knew from his own
experience: eyes were afraid, and his hands
work... And Stepan began to gradually, quietly encourage
sons and wife.
— Look, Maria, which trees are tall, and thick. Here we come to the
place, we will cut the forest, we will take out,
let ’s let dry for a year, and put the house.
“And a little flock,” looking around
Maria timidly recalled.
— And the flock, and the barn, and the hayloft, and the barn ..., —
Stepan was smarting, and sons are pliable to the soul mood of
father, agreed
— And I will build a big kennel to live there
two dogs, and I will go hunting with it, — joyfully
cried the younger, Athanasius.

— What kind of herbs, — continued Stepan. — mow,

let’s dry both a cow, and the second, and we will get the third.
— A goat would buy first, — chilled his dreams
Maria, — whiten tea.
Not far, a stone throw, jumped out of the forest
and before them stood slim, on high thin
legs little animal with small horns on his head and without
timidity began to look at their brilliant bulged eyes, lifting up the
turned head, as if hive to future neighbors.
— Oh, who is this? — Maria was afraid.
— Here is a goat and ran, I heard, I suppose, that you were her
called out.
Sons who had a month to do with life in Primorye on their boyish
channels find out a lot about the taiga, hunting and fishing,
immediately intervened violently in conversation.
— No, Dad, this is a deer-flower!
— No, not a deer, it has white spots on the sides. This is
— Or red deer!
— You said, the Manchurian deer grows up and its horns,
like roots from a tree. They agreed on the fact that it was a musket.
— Hunting, you see, here is a noble, if the beast itself directly to
the person runs, — suggested Stepan.
— Wow, and the beasts are here, — chocking, interrupting each
other, hurried to throw out their extensive knowledge son
— And bears, and red deer, and deer, and wild boars, and
badgers, and raccoons, squirrels, otters in small rivers, wild
and musk deer ...
“And the tigers are striped, biting,” scaredly happy
in added Athanasius, the youngest, beloved, twelve
old son.
Mary looked anxiously, but then through the dense thickets could
not see anything.
— Do not worry, Maria, he eats an ox and goes to his
home, — teased Stepan
and from the cheerful hubbub and loud exclamations it became
easier to push the cart, and the oxen walked more lively, waving
stunted tassels tails from clouds hanging over them gadflies.
Athanas broke a thick branch and went to help fend off exhausting
“The ox will not be allowed, we must both plow the land, and carry
the forest, as it is impossible, — Maria did not agree.
— Then, besides you, and no one, — joked Stepan
and immediately felt a weighty slap on the back.
“... mosquito ...,” Maria explained.
And the anxiety before the unknown disappeared, gave way to
hundred thousand daily small worries and worries,
of which life is made.

Founded in eighty-three between two small

rivers Lubyanka and Ivanovka, right tributaries of River Lefu,
village Ivanovka represented two a dozen freely scattered Russian
huts to the river, yes the same number of Korean fanzas, gardens.
The headman met them for a long time asking, where from they
are, as they got, studied, moving their lips, docs , and then,
thinking, looked around the village and decided — Live will while at
Ivan Krivosheev. His house is new, spacious, the place for the
winter should enough Saw the forest, and we help you take out
forest; in the summer put the house. Yes, you do not need help
on, — four men, — he joked, forcing straighten and straighten the
shoulders of seventeen Andrey, fifteen-year-old Arseny and
junior Afanath. — Guys, — Maria supported his joke, hoping that
everything will go well. Ivan Krivosheev didn’t have enough room to
house Andrei, Arseny and Athanas, so he identified them in the
room to his two sons, and Stepan and Maria offered to live in an old
half-dug house in which huddled four years.
— Life is not honey, you will suffer, so rather for your
the house will be built, he said philosophically.
Many cames with hope on ready; as there neither plow nor ax
could whether to take, in a word — poverty, rolling up the field, so
and here ... Life — it loves work, everything in it
hard work!
Stepan and Maria were incredibly glad that
good beginning A place under the house was taken to them on a hill
above the river Ivanovka and the plot for the plowing of tithes at
twenty, indicated further up the river Lubyanka. The plot
represented the slope went down to the river terrace, covered with
thick overgrown with oak, birch, ash, aspen and hazel, with a little,
three inches, a layer of black soil on the loamy subsoil.
On the advice of the old-timers, Stepan and his sons almost
saw trees to set fire for the winter and burn dried trunks, fallen
leaves and dry grass.
The men helped him select and prepare the forest, which he
dragged by oxen to the place of the future house Let the logs dry.
Cedars were smooth, long and straight, on the cut yellow-cream
colour, they smelled of pitch and promised to be embodied in a
durable product.
-A House must be spatious -Maria assured.
Stepan grunted, but in his heart supported his wife.
The sons helped their father in hard work from morning to evening ,
but they also found time for themselves to play and close
knowledge of community with neighbourhoods.
Stepan chose the time, went with Andrew to Nikolsky and returned
with a cow of an unknown breed,
but having a smooth, sedate temper and giving
for milking with half a bucket of milk. Mary was unspeakable
rejoiced, smacked on the forehead, called the cow Zorenka-
and told him to mow more hay for it for the winter.
What had to do. How is the hostess disobeyed?
And yet, to the delight of the boys, they brought the old
old delapidated gun and a can of gunpowder.
— Hunting — weighty support in the household — repeated
Krivosheev. — Here we will take the harvest, we will enter the
beast. I will teach hunting. You have there, in Little Russia,
probably, worse then a hare you beast dont see.
Maria and her sons had time to plant a garden
a little, about ten acres, and cabbage, and bulb, and carrots,
onion, garlic, cucumbers and tomatoes rose together
and bloomed. All — and brown long trunks of cedars,
drying in the sun, and fresh grass for cow
and son’s sonorous voices pleased Mary, inspired
confidence in the strength of the future life.
Koreans came, offered to take part of his land for half the crop,
but Stepan only laughed. In himself and his sons, he is sure the
neighbors were interested in increasing Ivanovka; it is clear that
when the people are more abundant, it’s calmer in the soul, and
willingly help in word and deed.
And he always went to help people. Men’s hands —
were worth their weight in gold — peasant work was exhausting to
such an extent that, just coming home and having dinner,
Stepan exhausted collapsed on
trestle bed with a blanket and instantly fell asleep. And Mary,
on household chores, too, by the evening felt herself
very tired. But they were glad that so many
affairs ahead — the land is plowed up immensely, the house is built
a manor, a manor house, all kinds of barns
sculpt, garden to plant, plant bees ... Maria already has
breeders added — a hen with brood
little yellow chickens and a smoky kitten
who likes to sharp claws on a stool and who likes to play
in a ferocious tiger in thick tall grass.
So, in the cares, the summer passed and by the fall
and life became more orderly and the midge was asleep. In the
morning the grass crunched under foot hoarfrost, the sky became
high and pale blue, and the geese whined in it. It’s time going to
hunt. Ivan Krivosheev already went and times
and another, brought a couple a dozen ducks and geese, but the
real care did not let Stepan go. The eldest son
Andrei, and the middle one, Arseny, became more and more
persistent. Dad, give me a gun. And once they took without
asking, they left for the day and returned with a bunch of ducks
than greatly pleased Mary. Stepan and waved
hand - hunt if wish to eat. And the guys often
to come back then with a raccoon, then with a badger.
Meat not ceased on the table. Andrew learned
good furrow — skins rip off and handle —
and Maria already sewed squirrel hats for her husband and son for
the winter.
The forest gave abundant fruits — and all side by side.
Hazel and cedar cones, many
mushrooms, and grapes, and raisins, and lemongrass, and
raspberries, blueberries, but with salt and sugar was tight.
Nikolsk is far away, and the money is running
out. Therefore, supplies for the winter did not prepare much. But
something to dry made. Yes, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes
By the end of October, Stepan fired and burned his
plot. Burned out, however, unsuccessfully – the cut trees did not
really dry, and the stumps remained high. But, until the earth
froze, Stepan and his sons on the oxen managed to plow a couple
of tithes arable land. Moreover, as the peasants advised, he used a
couple of acres of the stumps of sawn trees, ditched it in a pound of
saltpeter, filled it with kerosene and covered it with bark - during
the winter all roots of the hellish mixture would be soaked, in the
spring it would be easy to burn out.

In November, when winter came into its own and laid down the
first snow, in the evening Ivan Krivosheev entered the dugout.
“Tomorrow, in the morning, we'll go to hunt at bear,”

Went early in the morning, in the blue twilight.

“A bear,” said Ivan, with short and wide skis, with a fur outlined
with wool, paving the way in deep snow, “since August has
chosen a place convenient for wintering. Looking for a pit under
the hill, small, so that it is closely fit in, so that the sky, the
visor, was covered. he brings their grass, pine and spruce soft
branches and in October, before the frost climbs dry. So it sleeps
all winter, until mid-March. It takes nothing with him, sucks his
paw. Halfwinter sleeps on one side, and the other on the other,
and sucks another paw.A snow den will carry, but there is an outlet,
a steam from it goes, and a crust of ice is formed. This is the sign
of the den and hunters are looking for up to a bear.

I must say that there were a great many bears in the taiga. Often,
in search of delicacy, they wandered into the village, they ate the
turnips in the gardens, but they didn’t bring about any special
trouble, except that the women were frightened, and the two hives
with bees from the garden took away. Ivan led the taiga
confidently, purposefully, apparently well knew where to look for a

An hour and a half later, Ivan stopped, looked around attentively,

cut down a small fir tree, cut off the tip of the soft, and gazing
at Stepan probingly, handed the tree to him. And Stepanov’s
gun tookle to himself, although it was hanging on his shoulder,

- Hold and listen. Over there, under the mound, bear den. Come,
I'll stand with flintlock gun on the right, and you, with all your
might, put the Christmas tree there with the butt down. Put and
hold tight. The bear will wake up from the blow, get angry, pull the
Christmas tree over it, .But you hold tight - it then climb up to
punish the offender . And you bother it with the tree, push down.
It head from the the den will only seem, I will immediately shoot.
But look, Stepan, do not worry, do not throw the tree. If it head
wears out my bullet, we will beat the knives. Then strive for it
under the left fore paw stronger strike. But do not run, you will not
get away from it, only it is necessary to throw to
death. Stepan frightened a little, but does not show a view. And of
course, a bear – it will rise,it will grow, and it strength will be
bearish. But okay, took a tug, do not say that it is not a lot. You
will lose your head, you will show shyness, you will be afraid, God
forbid, men will not even talk, do not expect help from them, and
you cannot live alone in the village. Everything is done by society,
even uprooting a forest, even plowing the land, even building a
house, knead the clay, dab from the inside ...

Okay. Came to the den gatehouse closer. Ivan stretched his legs,
flintting the gun to his shoulder with it butt pressed - made for
shooting. And Stepan, taking a deep breath and gathering all his
strength, swung and planted the Christmas tree in the outlet. The
bear roared all over, woken up, twisted, but Stepan, having become
angry with him to the extreme, firmly held the fur tree, rested,
pressed the beast to the ground, prevented it from jumping out of
his den. The bear abruptly pulled the fur tree towards himself, and
then pushed it out and climbed out of the den. Stepan more
furious, collected all strengs, rested butt of tree in it head, but here
and Ivan, contriving, to shot. The bear twitched, grunted and fall in
a den. And Stepan was in a fever and grabbed the knife, but Ivan
tugged on his hand, - do not rush. Quickly bit the paper head of
the cartridge, poured gunpowder into the barrel of the gun, drove
the wad, rolled the lead bullet, pushed it over with a wad so as not
to roll out, scooped up the remnants of gunpowder on the shelf of
the siliconrifle, and motioned Stepan to step back.
Well shot Ivan, got into the ear, the skin was whole. “First you take
the skin, for the furnishing, and the meat with halve it. Then my
skin would be , — Ivan smiled and pushed a friendly way to his
shoulder. Stepan nodded his head. Flattering he was bear skin in
front of his wife and sons praise- sya In life, the first; got it himself.
During the winter they went to the bear three more times, so
receipts were. And the men in the village to the first the fairy was
indifferent, except that at Stepan looked approvingly. Absolutely
for their accepted, understood Stepan. Yes Marya congratulated
with trophies hot, in her own way... In the spring, when the snow
came down and the earth warmed a little and dried out, a couple
more tithes Stepan and his sons plowed, and sowed with
buckwheat. So men of village advised. On virgin soil if the first to
sow the wheat, then it drives it into the stalk, the ear small will
be. . Stepan planted three pounds per tithe and gathered a
hundred pounds from their four tithes. Military office sold in
Nikolsky. And the house, five-wall under the rafters summed up,
but strength were not enough to build forces and hands. Left until
next summer. The land of him all the juice pulled: he was greedy
more to uproot, plow, sow, harvest. For all at once he
swung — both the house, and the vegetable garden, and the arable
land, beyond the garden
I cried: raspberries, apples and plums brought seedlings from Nee
Kola, planted near the house. Neighbor Varrava couple
boats of the bees shared, which by the end of the summer were
another eight. What is not an apiary!
And yet he managed, it seems, yes there is misfortune
waylaid and poured in a heap. It began with
that bears go to the village to be obsessed, evidence with honey
all cleaned looted. Further — worse. Dawn became
sink away quickly and soon fell, and from it caught the oxen
and also died. They are not the only ones — the sea has gone from
Go, just bought in Nikolsky from the Manchus
the bull. Neither sublimate nor carbolic did not help, that the
county advised. There was nothing to plow the land;
the money to buy cattle ran out, and the smallness that
for buckwheat in commissary aid, they spent on clothing.
She seemed to burn, but you could not walk naked barefoot,
not Africa, tea, winters are cold here.
Stepan came in the spring on his plot — a wolf
howled. And you will not turn to society for help — two
An ox and two horses are left for the village. And those more
eyes began to protect. And what about a shovel? Though
Koreans call half.
Then the message came — in Vladivostok are going
climb the road to build. Prozli men, discuss
they started making money maybe there
will succeed. Eyes, they are envious, and man is alive
by the horses.
Andrew, the eldest son, aspired decisively, yes
he was strong and not kept, except that Mary looked zha
lazy. Guy nineteen turned — growth

true, not great, but sturdy. The palms are wide,

ashy, works are not afraid, to the labor of the peasant,
he has been accustomed to his childhood, he can stand up for
He has no inclination towards drunkenness. Let him go, you see
will help the family to get up on their feet
boils, the wedding will play, separate ...

SERGEI ULYEVICH Witte. The order of the Emperor.

To its first report to Emperor Alexander III, the recent Director of

the Department of railway Affairs, Ministry of Finance, now Minister
of Railways Sergei Witte was preparing carefully. However, and not
without reason, he believed, constantly working on the materials for
the speeches of the Minister of Finance Vyshnegradsky in the High
Commission, which discussed the issues of funding of all major
national needs and enterprises, and primarily the army and Navy,
he was aware of their history and the prospects for future
development. With its undeniable creative faculties,
Sergei Yul’evich had a wide circle of relationships and business
contacts that helped him successfully climb the corporate ladder. He
came from the noble family of the Pskov province, whose Holland -
ancestors settled in Ingria in when she was under the Swede, to the
victories of Peter the Great. Serving Directors of Department of
state property in Tbilisi, his father married the daughter of a
member of the General Directorate Viceroy of the Caucasus, on the
maternal side from the famous princes Dolgoruky. After graduating
from Novorossia universities in Odessa on mathematical f the
faculty, Sergei Yul’evich was determined to stay there at the
Department of pure mathematics, but relatives, with their
aristocratic arrogance, insisted enter to unit of the office of the
Odessa Governor-General, and in the speed of passing at that time
through Odessa recently appointed of the Minister of Railways the
General Suite of His Majesty, count Vladimir Bobrinsky convinced
him to serve under the railway Ministry. And started that
Sergei Yulievich with the most minor of posts, usually occupied by
the city inhabitants, half-educated seminarists, cashier ticketing and
cargo, but passed twenty years of service, all steps of the
bureaucratic ladder to the top. However, clear February day of 1892
to the front door to the Winter Palace, it is the floor he thougt that
this will be nothing more than a performance in the new place and
the Emperor will soon let him go. But, against his expectations, His
Majesty, congratulating briefly, gave him a sort of farewell,
expressed their wish, moreover, as he put it, his dream, to built the
railway from European Russia to Vladivostok. — For ten years —
said the Emperor I meet on that issue all sorts of difficulties, and
you must give me your word that this idea will be in effect.
Considering himself obliged to immediately start the execution
of the Royal will, Sergei Yul’evich returned to the Ministry and right
now summoned the chief of the office and, even though he knew
that such a road is already under construction, was asked to show
the documents on this highly important issue. And the chief of staff
soon brought folder. — Reference is made by military Governor of
Primorsk region the General-the major Unterberger. — Cavalry or
infantry? Ironically asked Sergei Yulievich. — Engineer major-
General Pavel Fedorovich Unterberger for a quarter century, is in
the far East. He is considered in the war office one of it best
connoisseurs, the more personally involved at topographical survey
and mapping. This recommendation was somewhat reassured
Sergei Yul’evich, and he began flipping scribbled a smooth clear
handwriting bluish sheets of thick paper, detecting among them,
carefully executed drawings, plans and tables of mathematical
calculations , that he is very pleased. He did not like belletristic
literature on technical issues, not based on exact calculation and is
not economically justified.

Yes, and he is now in St. Petersburg, seeing that ministr

was interested in the contents of the folder, said the chief of
staff. — I myself saw him yesterday at the Palace square, he was
heading to the Main Directorate of the General staff.
Oh, by the way! Please, invite him, if possible, do not hesitate,
here in the Ministry, was happy Sergei Yulievich. For me it is very
important to discuss this with an expert who took part in the
work on the railway project.
And a few days later, Paul F., Unterberger arrived at the Ministry of

Your invitation barely caught me in St. Petersburg, I really was

going to come back to Vladivostok, he cheerfully said, introducing
himself and taking kindly offered to him by
Sergei Yulievich a cup fragrant light yellow Jasmine model of
Chinese tea.
How can be useful to the Minister of Railways?Above average
height, thin, with good military strength bearing, with the sign of
the Nikolaev military Academy of engineering on the chest, but
without orders, which, no doubt, he had plenty, and this is a certain
way he was described, Paul F. spoke little slowly.

His Imperial Majesty expressed a particular interest in the speedy

construction of the railway to the far East. So I decided, taking
advantage of a rare opportunity to meet with you, as one of the
most knowledgeable people on the subject. Preferably, you know,
to get a clear picture of the problem as a whole, with all its pluses
and minuses, favourable and adverse conditions; know how to
assess on the spot the possibility of accelerating the construction
of the road, how soon can it pay off... frankly, the Minister of
Finance Vyshnegradsky very stingy on spending, especially as such
large, and overcome avarice can only by justifying the large public
interest. But in the past year, the Committee of Ministers expressed
for the construction of the road, was issued a Supreme decree,
some provision is released and the road is already building.

Yes, some. Last year, seven million rubles and the same in this. But
to build need better. Start, excuse for a tautology, since the
beginning. — Well, I serve in the far East with the sixty-fourth
year and will do my best to objectively cover the situation.
Joining in the sixtieth year of the Ussuri region, the need for its
settlement and defense were set the task of construction of
Railways. The more that existed from the fifties go — ing
navigation on the Shilka and Amur could not meet the demands
of the region in the regular message, as the Amur river system
for a good five months covered thick layer of ice and another
three months dried so that from Khabarovka to Blagoveshchensk
steamers do not go. — Here is how? We have a belief that Cupid
is so deep that shipping on it is not taking them difficulty. — In
vain, on the contrary, although such an opinion exists in addition
to and in the Ministry of war, the grounds fell out of our plans for
the defense of the far Eastern borders, and I had to convince a
very stubborn in their errors, the authorities. At the time, held a
special survey of the Amur river with this purpose. But the
number of projects joining the Pacific coast to the Central
provinces by rail appeared in the 1858 year, immediately
after the conclusion of the contract Agin treaty. In those days,
after the Crimean war, when our poverty, such projects, I
believe, was impossible. Especially that in Russia, railways were
without exception — recalled Sergei Yul’evich much more recent
times, already seventy years of his young - and start working in
the railway Department. — I agree, however, three or four years
later, after the peasant reform, look how rapidly covered Russia
with a railway network. Well-informed in this matter,
Sergei Yul’evich confidently replied, — because the
construction was carried out, with rare exceptions, private
companies . I remember one of way, the Baron Ungern-
Sternberg built the road from Balts to Elizavetgrad and then
to Kremenchug. Heck, even the first Russian railway —
Nikolaevsky and Tsarskoye Selo were built by private companies.
But the roads in European Russia , and as for the Far East, such
on can not be. Therefore, on attracting private
money,there is no need to speak of the treasury.
- Yes, I remember very well how the East Siberian
General governor Posyet in the 1875 year
state subsidies for railways from the Volga to the Amur and from
Vladivostok to the lake Khanka.
— And I worked on that project, — Pavel Fedorovich smiled
- I was young, energetic, light on his feet, and was thirsty then
to make it as much as possible with my own hands, why did I
spend a month in the field, shooting a future track. Very then we
hope that these works will be embodied in the canvas of the
road. And here ar...
— It’s not even the Russian-Turkish war, — do not agree
Sergei Yulievich turned out to be, then did not count in the
highest circles this road is necessary. War, however, treasury
devastated pretty ...
— We can see from our bell tower in our own way, —
Pavel Fedorovich did not give up. — Treasury of the Russian
replenishes mainly due to the sale bread abroad, although it is
not enough in the domestic market. But after all, the Russian
village is choking excess of a beggar population! But if the
boundless Cibir to colonize? If Transbaikal Steppes with bread
sow? And after all, there are not only good lands, there are
also ore innumerable riches, even at very high
might inspection.
And Pavel Fedorovich continued.- line surveys
railway in the Primorsky region began 1878 year and ended next
year. Future line from Vladivostok to the village
Grafskaya it was decided to give direction through the village
Nikolskoe. Where did it go further along
the drainage bank of the river Sungachi to the village
of Lutkovskaya, on the Ussuri River and, crossing the river, let
along the right bank of the Ussuri River to the village
of Muraveyev-Amursk, with a branch to the left bank of the river
Iman, where formed pier. In addition to a huge amount tasks
for the passage of complex terrain, including a number of
tunnels, various transitions were investigated
for the railway bridge across the Ussuri River. On-
the end, in view of the requirements of the local administration,
who knew the railway line from Vladivostok
along the right bank of the Muravyev-Amursky peninsula
for about thirty miles dangerous in respect, as it could freely be
shelled from the sea, a survey was made of the road
from Vladivostok to the crossing of the Lianchihe River on the
watershed of peninsula. However, due to the high cost of these
estimates options have been set aside.
— Yes, Pavel Fedorovich, please tell us what
represents Vladivostok. Me above all interested in the state
of their industry and population.
— Nothing special, to be honest. Tiny, unsettled and rather
boring town.
But we will take into account that it is located far and very
young Vladivostok began a military transport “Manchu”, which is
the sixth of June 1860 year brought here a team of thirty lower
ranks of the 3rd company of the 4th East Siberian Linear battalion
under the command of Ensign Komarov. The ream built building
and barracks ,officer home and office buildings. Two months
later in the bay The Golden Horn, here corvette “Griden”
entered and the crew built large barracks, officer wing and small
repair shops for the needs of the fleet. In the next
year, the Orthodox Church was founded in the name of the
Mother of God, illuminated in April sixty-second year. Then
Vladivostok began to be called no longer a post, but a port, and
for some relief the lives of a few local residents,
living in a bear corner in Vladivostok porto Franco was
introduced. After two more years here
public urban government was established, and the first
warden was appointed city dweller merchant Semenov. In those
days, the town resembled something like a fort in the American
Wild West – battalion soldiers, several warships in the summer,
one drysaltery shop and half a dozen nasty saloons, taverns in
Russian. In sixty-fifth, for repair
ships of the Siberian military flotilla, there were workshops were
established and the first migrants arrived.
Life in the city has become somewhat more fun and diverse.
More varied: the women softened the morals but also caused
fierce competition, which resulted in steady excesses. In pure
spanish, you know, the spirit.
Ordinary people managed with massacre and stabbing,
and gentlemen officers summoned each other to a duel.
In the late sixties, the city’s population there were six hundred
souls at fifty residential buildings. And with the translation here
from Nikolaev military fleet base the city began to grow with
incredible speed, especially after the introduction of seventy-six
year of the state of affairs. To eighty-fifth
year the population of the city reached ten and a half
thousend souls, including up to five thousand military ranks.
Trade turnover at this time also reached the esteemed
amount over four and a half millions rubles. During the year,
more than seventy trading ships, mainly foreign, with total water
displacement up to sixty thousand tons came to the port.
Amount only private buildings in the city exceeded six
hundreds, including hundreds of shops and stores, and almost
five dozen hotels and taverns. And with the establishment
in the eightieth year of shipping communication with Odessa
on the steamships of the Voluntary Fleet gave such a thick
industrial and commercial business of Vladivostok,
that now it lives in almost the same conveniences, as well as in
any provincial city. Except tea, perhaps, the high cost of items
not only luxury goods, but also the essentials. Could Vladivostok
make even more brilliant results if the question of the transfer of
military the port then to the bay of Posieta, then to the bay of
Saint Olga.
When in the eighty-ninth year began to build a fortress to make
sure the integrity of the territory, and at the same time increased
the amount of cruise warships of the Pacific squadron here the
city’s residents became confident that
not have to take off, and began to equip more thoroughly.
Everyone used to sit like on bags — if the base of the fleet is
transferred to another place, then there will have to move almost
the entire city. In the same place it would have lost all meaning.
But the beautiful harbour promises Vladivostok
a brilliant future.
- I see you are a great patriot of Vladivostok.
Is there really so good life? Or, according to known
proverb, every frog ...?
Pavel Fedorovich was somewhat embarrassed and acknowledged
mistake - Of course, not very ... Sanitary conditions of the city
satisfactory can not be called. Most of the buidings belonging to
a wealthy class, built in a hurry, against any rules of hygiene,
very tight and cold. The houses are mostly wooden, forest
something around as much as you like, taiga crowded closely but
building hastily, sometimes the outer walls consist of only one
board. There are no amenities at home,
only wash basin in the porch. Especially unfavorable
sanitary conditions represent Chinatown,
Semenovsky mowing, Linear and Sailor parts,
which for the most part consist of fanz or pitiful huts. Streets are
impassable and dirty in all respects.
The inhabitants of these suburbs and neighbourhoods are poor
people, unskilled workers — Chinese, Koreans, Russian workers,
but there are very few of them, and families of lower ranks. All
of them live very closely, crowded and extremely dirty in their
own or removed fanzah. But in recent years
in the city in large quantities began to be erected
buildings, and try to put them when possible
— It is clear, — Sergey Yul’evich nodded his head and
would highlight another problem, innocently remarked, —
Of course, where there is dirt, there are diseases, especially
Yes, — Pavel Fedorovich was upset, — to boast to me
especially nothing. Although there are no such outbreaks,
as in other places of the empire. Here much depends on
the climate, you know, and we have it pretty good. Winters too
cold. It’s true that it’s damp and foggy in the spring and summer
months especially, but twenty miles from the sea, the climate
is can be called continental. Temperature difference is large, but
the particular harm to health
do not deliver it to people. In addition, the region is
inhabited by at rarely ease, so outbreaks of disease are widely
do not apply. By the way, it should be noted, in the Amur
Military District for these reasons considered one of the lowest
among others. Also, among civilian population. True, recently
illnesses increased. There have been cases of the spread of
children’s infectious diseases. — measles, smallpox, scarlet
fever, diphtheria, but we managed to find out that they are
imported with immigrant in batches. Therefore, after the arrival
of the ship with the resettlement, they are placed in isolated for a
week or two at barracks quarantined. Here among the adult
population with us there were cases of typhoid and typhus,
although the mortality from it was no higher than normal
procents. The situation is complicated by the fact that we have
an extra danger of the introduction of infectious diseases, most
often cholera, from neighbouring countries.
Six years ago, yes, in eighty-sixth, from Korea or
Japan was introduced cholera. It quickly spread
among the Chinese and Korean populations. We thought
didn’t pay attention because aliens are hiding
and secretly bury their dead, but then we noticed
appear on the streets of corpses with signs of cholera. Yes
and the Koreans began to withdraw their communities and leave
to the hills surrounding the town where the camp was located.
We have burned the fanzas they abandoned and are now
implementing the strictest control. Check all
incoming steamships. We hold moves with an impure cholera
patent on to find the reasons and the picture . But here,
cholera still penetrated to Vladivostok. Diseases
met not only among foreigners, but also Russian.
The naval crew camp was surrounded by a high fence,
and contacts of the lower ranks with the civilian population
discontinued, why not a single case of the disease among the
ground forces, whose teams are widely thrown around the city
and the region, diseases, unfortunately, were rare.
- Intestinal diseases spread, due to bad water.
IIt is instructiv said Sergey Yulievich. — With it, I hope you all in
good order? Mountainous country, proximity to the sea, heavy
rainfall water problems do not create, I think? — That’s really the
opposite, Sergey Yulievich. Water and so puts a sore spot of
Vladivostok. Good water is very little, most of all we have to use
water bad, poor quality, muddy, heavily contaminated of organic
matter. In winters water in the wells freezes, and the city is in pity
conditions. But the rivers and keys on the peninsula Muravyov-
Amursky, on which the city stands, has quite a lot, so over time we
will begin to conduct water wires The most significant rivers Liang-
chi-he and Se-dan-he. Wood and wood are fused along them, and
the first one up to two versts from the mouth navigable. In these
rivers, as well on the first and second rivers annually in the autumn
comes a lot red fish True, these water sources also put far away.
The nearest, the first river is located three versts from Vladivostok,
and the second river five and a half versts.
Asking Pavel Fedorovich, carefully listening and seeing that he is
really in love with the city and treats him prudently,
Sergey Yulievich by little was on fire with a secret thought that at
first was timid it originated, but, having arisen, it demanded all new
and new reinforcements, wanting to set up Russia firmly and
The essence of this thought was: and not whether to erect on the
banks Pacific Ocean is a major port city, like, say, Odessa
Or Arkhangelsk, moreover, Petersburg, with the meaning
not only the military but merchant. After all, now all the wealth of
China, Korea and Japan exported to Europe by steamboats around
Asia or through Pacific Ocean and America. Our own trading
communication is limited to a pitiful tea trade, and then rare and
small camel caravans
through Mongolia and Transbaikalia. The road to the sea promises
you not only military significanse...
— And how is the city planned, what is its relief?
Pavel Fedorovich again mixed up, — I really do not so hot ...
The streets of the city are located mainly along the
not planned, rather dirty and overlapping deep ravines. Only the
face of the city is its main one Svetlanskaya Street has
both sidewalks and night lights Kerosene lamps, dug out for water
flow gutters, through the ravines laid mounds.
But in most of the city is scattered suburbs — soldiers,
danish, Linear, Officers, Paramedic, matrosskaya, convicts,
korean ..., demarcating
by ravines through which the footbridges and narrow
mounds. Although, the place is very beautiful, open space
for the construction of the city abound.
— Pavel Fedorovich, you know that for the construction
railway, the base of which from the east became Vladivostok, we
need large human resources. How are things going with them?
— The fact is that the appearance of his Vladivostok
owes not to the economic development of South Ussuri-
it is a representative of Rusasia on the shores of the Eastern Ocean,
and only government goals. Hence, are our difficults
Mostly people who live in the city and their families are on state
service. And if the officers are transferred or, on exit
retire, leave for European Russia, but very rarely stay, then the
lower ranks often get families and stay urban burghers, find work
and construction for yourself little houses. Recently, however, in
the city officers began to settle, people appeared
doctors, officials, teachers, engineers. Of course, labourers for the
construction of the railway they are not. True, on the First River is
located exile settlers, former convicts who have not served still
term hard labour. They are busy cleaning up the retreat places, by
the construction part of the maritime department and other state
works. But for the construction of the road we found literally
inexhaustible tank and one might say very close — in neighboring
countries. Last year,
doing work, we were greatly disadvantaged in labour, complicated
by labour unrest, but here the Koreans, the Chinese, and set
yourself Japanese. So from this side of the difficulty does not
— Well, we will assume that this problem is already
closed. And what about the industry as a technical
base of the railway?
— Something we already have. We have a small
mechanical plant at the port of Vladivostok
and shipbuilding workshops, state Mechanical
factory which mainly serves the military
ships and has all the capabilities to repair them
This, including the dock, a small, true, calibre.
Now, however, a dry dock is under construction for repairing
vessels of any displacement. There are small plants

to offer the necessary building materials — lime, brick, sawmill.

— Pavel Fedorovich, you are a military man, serve in the Amur
region for a very long time and, without a doubt, deeply aware of
the military aspects I will not hide, to meet large appropriations to
accelerate the construction of the road, it is desirable for me to
count on the support of the military and maritime ministers. Could
you tell me how real I am?
Can I rely on their help?
General Unterberger paused, pondering the question,
and carefully answered, “Without going into details, I would say
that we have our neighbors in the Far East decrepit, busy
internal problems flabby China, not which, to our knowledge, is a
real danger at least the next quarter century; perfect
but as insignificant as a state, Korea; and swiftly
Japan is gaining strength. Economically, it is developed
very fast, using the experience of England, France,
Germany and the North American United States,
creates, teaches with the help of foreign instructors
— the British in the navy and the Germans in the land
and arms the army. According to the forecasts of the Intelligence
Department headquarters of the Amur Military District Japan soon
tries to test his strength. Sacrificed inevitably and, undoubtedly will
become Korea where the Japanese will deal with a few poorly
armed and poorly trained
by Chinese divisions. If the Japanese win, and so it will be, then in
a few more years they will try to combine success. But where?
There, in the Amur military district , we assume that the following
object for attacks will become China, and maybe seaside region of
Russia, because our forces there are very few. We also have
information that Japan is very sick
took the news of the beginning of the construction of iron
road to the Japan sea . This confirms our
the assumption that they consider Russia one
of eventual opponents and fear our here gain.
— Eck, you had enough, sorry, of course, Pavel Fedoro-
hiv Russia and ... again, sorry, Japan ... Already
do not you frighten yourself? And they sharpen their teeth
is about anyone. Say, here, down the map, who is there? Yeah,
Philippines, Annam, Cochinhin, Java, finally ...
— Well, no, in the Philippines, until they don’t rush;
Spain has in the Philippines a large army and military
fleet, the Japanese know how ferocious conquistadors;
from Shanghai to the south are areas of interest of England
and France that would unite to protect their interests. Remain
Korea, vassal of old China, which Japan has tried for
centuries to fight, and actually China, but it is very densely
populated and has inexhaustible reserves for its armies and
this led to in China, most likely the Japanese will not wish. And
we! Yes, we are.
— We and Japan! Yes, compare the state, Paul Fedorovich. I can
not believe this opportunity.
No, this is no way possible. The British with the French,
true, they tried to capture a quarter of a century ago Petro
Pavlovsk in Kamchatka, but Japan?
— Oh, the Japanese are well aware of our weakness.
IIn the Far East. They keep agents of the military
intelligence in all settlements of the Amur
region. As a rule, slyly camouflaging agents hiding
under the guise of petty traders, watchmakers, bankers
owners, laundresses, servants, owners of restaurants,
veins and brothels, very agile and omnipresent.
Sometimes they are cuptured, but records are found in Japanese
language that cannot be understood, but after translation and the
explanation it turns out that the records have the most innocent
content so and indict
them have nothing. But we are sure that these are scouts.
— And the pride of Admiral Tyrtov is the Pacific flotilla, which he
commanded for a long time?
— The Pacific squadron in the winter we keep in Nagasaki, because
our coves are covered with thick a layer of ice and it makes shipping
and ability difficult ships to combat. So the Japanese are quite can
use the opportunity and destroy
squadron. Then it will cost them nothing to capture
and Vladivostok, and Sakhalin, and Nikolaevsk, and Petropav
lovsk without waiting for the approach of our main forces
and the Baltic squadron.
— The picture you painted leads me, at least discouraged and using
these arguments, I hope to win Vannovsky and Tyrtov my side.
— These considerations have already been reported in the Main
headquarters, but as I learned, they did not meet
realization, only ironic taunts. So, in my glance, the military and
naval ministers do not share the opinion about strengthening Japan,
except, remembering the attempt
capture of Petropavlovsk in the fifty-fifth year, possibly
but, to some extent, support your ask for appropriation
for the construction of the railway to MARITIME TERRITORY at least
somehow strengthen the defense of the Amur Region with
from of the ocean.
— Of course, the more necessary to build a road,
create a fleet base, resolve the issue with ship going
through the coastal ice.
“Moreover, we in Vladivostok consider that connect
this port with Russia by railway, you can
would like following Hong Kong, create a powerful base here
navy and control from here the Pacific pool. We brought these
reasons to His highest the heir to
the Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, when in May last year they
proceeded through the Vladivostock to the capital, returning from
the round-the-world journey processions.

— Interesting, interesting ... I hope I can manage to enjoy his

support in the High Commission, Tell me at least in short, about
the stay of the Grand Duke Nicholas Alek- Sandrovich in
Vladivostok. — Heir Tsesarevich Grand Duke Nikolai
Alexandrovich arrived in Vladivostok on May 11 1901year on the 1st
rank cruiser “Memory of Azov” accompanied by the ships of the
Russian Pacific squadron. In the city just above the Admiralty Pier
was built on the money collected among the people stone arch in
the Russian style, and at home painted with flags, decorations,
banners, and monograms. After setting the cruiser anchored in
the Golden Horn Bay to him immediately sent Priamursk governor-
general Baron Korf and your humble servant, the military governor
of MARITIME TERRITORY Major General Unterberger, who had the
honor of welcoming His Highness with the received arrival in
Russia. In half the twelfth hour of the next day the congress was
appointed to the shore of His Highness and by this time on the pier
a guard of honor was lined up with a banner and music and all the
commanders, the city council, employees of various institutions,
educational institutions, parents and the mass of the people. At the
appointed hour His Highness, on which were the heir Tsarevich,
Prince George of Greece and his retinue from the “Azov’s Memory” ,
a salute boomed on the squadron, played music, sailors ran aboard
the ships
and lined up on the yards. At the exit of His Highness
ashore at the admiral pier, he was greeted by the mayors who
brought from the inhabitants of the city bread and salt on a silver
May 17 The heir to the cesar was pleased to attend
on the tab of the monument to Admiral Nevelsky and his
Hand lay the first stone. The next His Majesty’s Day made a
bookmark under construction dry dock, which, by imperial order,
would The name of Cesarevich Nicholas was assigned. May 19 th.
celebration of the laying of the eastern part of the Siberian
railroad. In place of the bookmark, about two miles
from the city, His Imperial Highness the crown prince
Nikolai deigned to arrive with the prince of Greece
Georg Greek and retinue in wheelchairs. At the end
His Highness’s prayers deigned with his own hand
knock over the first wheelbarrow of the earth and then sit down
together with retinue, commanding persons and construction of the
road to the painted train and on it send
They were going back to the city along the part of the road that had
already been built.
Then, in the city, a bookmark was laid for the station of Vladivostok-
East railway station.
— Someday, as we build a road, I will choose the time
I go to your city.
— I would be sincerely glad to give you hospitality ...
Seeing General Unterberger and returning
into the office, Sergei Yulievich began to ponder the next steps are
to speed up the fulfillment of the wish of imperator. And when
after seven months he was appointed
Minister of Finance, another one came in handy for him
reason in favour of the Siberian Railway. After all
trans-Siberian route will set up a continuous rail
Europe’s communication with the Great Ocean and the Asian
East, will connect Paris with Vladivostok, will open

new ways and new horizons not only for Russian, but for world
trade, radically changing economic relationship between states.
After all, the Canadian railway, such as, attracted most of the
Chinese and Japanese silk and tea loads, reduced their delivery time
from fity-five days through the Suez Canal to thirty-five through
Canada. And the Siberian Road will cut this period to twenty days!
What opportunities will open before Russia! And as a mediator of
China in trade with Europe, and how to market cheap Chinese
goods, and how a major manufacturer of goods for boundless china
market. But to master such a gigantic enterprise, not only enormous
means are needed, although perhaps this is the main thing. It will
be necessary to overcome many delays and obstacles in the
Committee of Ministers and the State Council. And
Sergei Yulievich decided to create the Siberian Railway Committee
so that this the committee was not only concerned with managing
construction of the road, but for his decisions to have compulsory
property. This thought he spent in a special Higher commission,
which was based on this subject. And during the next report of
Witte to the emperor in Anichkov Palace, he asked whom, in the
opinion of the Finance Secretary, should be appointed as
Chairperson of the Committee. It was then that
Sergei Yulievich and indicate the heir to the crown prince. After
some thought and discussing this proposal, Alexander III agreed .
Nikolai Aleksandrovich, even having become an imperative retained
the title of chairman of the Siberian
Committee, all the time was interested in this matter, as
served as a guarantee for the construction of the Great Siberian
since the monarchy was unlimited at that time
and the decisions of the Siberian Committee had the meaning of
Now it was necessary to urgently resolve the issue of financial
of such a gigantic enterprise. Began, was, Sergei Yulyevich to think
about the possibilities of the concession private construction, that is,
private concessionaires,
with the next transfer of the built plots to the treasury.
He even picked up a mogul to whom he should turn
with the proposal, but, and this is the main thing, the matter of
construction came out for the state strategically political
and rely on private concessionaires should not.
But the worst thing was that there was no money! Sergey Yulievich
knew that, a year ago, starting the construction, the treasury had
just one million free funds that
intended for the new road. But before estimated cost was
estimated at three hundred fifty million is thirty million a year need ,
but to divide, if the road for twelve years to build
have intended. Flashed, it was thought to release for
construction paper “Siberian” credit bills, but he threw it on time.
The printing press start-up and slap the rainbow paper with a
personal note simile on the hundred-denominated bills is not
difficult, but how would do not follow the proverb:
seemingly — raspberry, and try chaff. Papers, goods not secured,
will cause inflation, then, expect national unrest, besides the last
two years are barren ... be trouble! There is also exit, but also
risky. In the State Bank lie treasury transferred ninety million credit
notes, the debt of the war years, subject to for the sake of These
are the tickets and let them go to the construction site.
Then to align the budget will have to borrow for a loan to foreign
banks, to Paris. There must give financial support — we all
a little of cynics — as a fee for last year union agreement. The
financial position of Russia were aggravated by the extreme
aggravation of relations with Germany. Dissatisfied with large
imports Russian bread, the German government, influenced
own landlords and peasants-bauers, imposed on Russia the highest
customs duties. We had to compensate at least partly,
and more in retaliation, to increase import duties on Germany
goods. The Germans, in spite of us, on the principles of the greatest
favoured have entered into trade agreements honor with all
European countries except Russia!
Incorrectly how! It is Germany, the most important
and our closest trading partner, turnovers
we are enormous, how to crush them? But also not to concede
too high Teutons, Sergey Yulievich and the Committee of Ministers
took a bold plan — to introduce two customs
tariff — the greatest and least.
Stick, thank God, about the two ends ... Maximum,
naturally, forGerman goods. How does it curl likes them ? What we
look at, what customs war is ended?
Whose take. So, a loan in France ... According to this
he has a lot of opponents. Russophiles, ugly patriots, carried
nonsense about enslavement. Damn, how to argue,
they don’t understand that it’s not that bad in the rye is orach
the trouble is that neither rye nor orach. After all, nothing to do, go
for loans will have to. In the richest Russia and the impoverished to
be? Well, we will attract foreign loans, we will develop gradually
industry own ... Markets sales for it in the country are huge and for
export we will can
put goods, if not in Europe, there compete too high.
It will be difficult to travel, then to Asia. To Asia? And
where! What to say, because we are now for West Europe
as a colonial country. But to develop production, capital is
needed ... The same machines, If you don’t produce it yourself, you
can buy it.
No money left? We borrow where they are in abundance. Now
foreigners are afraid to lend us money, our laws
they are not satisfied? Well, the laws can be changed.
Do interest rates on capital need high? Well, if your
money is a pity, due to the extensive trade with Asia
pay off. Asia again? Do not be afraid of loss, so come
and the profits are an old merchant saying! Yes, at least
and from the sale of bread. In Europe and beyond Germany
there are buyers. Even the most modest new road will involve in
the all-Russian life more than one and a half million square
miles — this is the whether to take a hundred miles to each side of
the road; and if we add the floodplains of all the Siberian rivers that
cross are expensive? Oh-go-go, here two Europe fit!
And there is nothing to complain about the bitter cold! At one
latitude from the first capital the road will go mean the sun enough
to make the bread matured. And how much
land south lies? It is necessary, it is necessary to master, not all in
vain will be gone. People of long way fear. And there will be a
road — then everything will be side by side. Load goods in the car
and carry, where your heart desires. Of course, problems will
appear here lots of. So after all this is excellent. Rails well, where
to take on such a long road? Here is and the narrow place is iron
production. The musclemen will immediately grab it, start the
plants put, metal in the country more will appear, in the price will
fall, on any other needs will remain.
Crossing rivers, people on their banks begin to settle, the land to
develop. There is agricultural tools and river transport will be
needed. So , new factories and factories will be erected, plows,
seed drills, harrows, but at least and horseshoes, nails, everything
will be necessary. From the old places too far
to carry, a lot of money need. So, everything will start on the spot
to make.
New lands to settle people will reach out. First maybe
to be, and not in no will, but the first step is the hardest. — They
will no longer be afraid of distances . Promise good land, but
plenty — go people, especially from overpopulated central
regions and from Little Russia. Honestly, as
our Asian part is only considered to be Russia, although
not fully mastered. The reserve is for the state gigantic

! And attention should be paid to it special.

Andrei Mednikov. Strike of road builders
At the beginning of April ninety-first year Andrew went to
Vladivostok and was amazed at his lively. Migrant barracks
in Soldatskaya Slobodka at Cape Shkot, it were occupied by
“contracted” for the construction the railroad — three hundred
people brought them recently “volunteer” from Russia. In addition
to them, as they say , from Sakhalin brought half thousand convicts,
yes soldiers two battalions. The berths of the port were
littered with different with weights — and with coils of telegraph
wire and barrels bitumen and rust-torn boxes with shovels,
crowbars, hammers, and black, the smell of shi creosote sleepers,
and overlays and crutches with blue scales and, most importantly,
long, stacked full piles dimly flickering the sun rails. Andrew
wandered around the city, asked around where here they take the
iron road to build, and he was advised go to
the Soldierskaya suburb and look for contractors there. Andrei
returned to a familiar barrack, where two years ago with his father,
mother and brothers in quarantine lived. The sun sat in the taiga
behind the Amur Bay and the last rays of it was no longer
heated; and even then, he was more afraid of being lost and
loneliness, warmer from raccoon fur inside was stitched. At the
fire men tea in the boiler boiled and simple food supper. Flat and
round fish on a sheet of tin lay baked, bread, cut into coarse slices,
salt and onions. Andrei asked who is here for a senior. Responded
hefty overgrown with thick black beard
man Kind of the most robber.
Say, lad, what the matter?
— I am looking for a contractor, Kaurov, to get a job.
Excavator or someone else. Road to build iron.
— The contractor does not live with us, he is at the Louvre Hotel
settled. But tomorrow must be in the morning. If you have in a
knapsack a piece of bacon will be found, then come to us in the our
company. And let’s see together and place on the bunks we will
find let’s move; in crowded but not mad.
Andrew, for nothing that the Ukrainians of Chernigov, greedy
was not, by life was not beaten, tomorrow to look in with fear
not trained, and life experience is no way he called — hold on
people, they won’t let the abyss. Untied he his bag, took out a
piece of smoke-smelling honey-bear thigh and sugar blue half a
head and put on a newspaper spread on a barrel.
— Kind, lad, — cheered up the elder, Ripped sugar and ham, and
the rest told to hide in a sack.
— Not all at once, fit in the future.
Eagerly and hungry eyes flashed around people
but they did not dare to contradict the eldest. Respected
and obeyed, apparently. Andrey called himself and people name
they said theirs, but he didn’t remember them at once. But older
singled out — Danila Buyan.
“Tell me, lad, who are you and where are you from,”, ordered
Without repulsing and without shyness, Andrei told everything
about himself, about his family, why did they come to the Far East,
where and how they settled down here, about the godless forgotten
village of Ivanovka, taiga and hunt, as father planned family life and
why he, Andrey, has to look for work.
“I see,” Danila nodded his head. — And we have a life
simple as a horseshoe. We gathered here a team.
Who, like your father, from landless for a long ruble
rushed, who for work familiar clings. . Kaurov promised, but
deceived right away ...
— He deceived, cheated, fooled, spent ... — said togather
men- Two to two hundred fifty promised to pay for the year
and in Odessa, on the day of the departure of the steamer, showed
the contract —one hundred and twenty, many — one hundred and
fifty is written there. Us there is no place to go. Eat-drink is
nothing at home to family they are waiting for us, they hope for the

legs do not stretch from hunger.

We went to the police to complain of him. Stinging us, we were

pushed into the neck and pushed away— where, they say, did you
saw contracting. Yes, if we understood him on the word was
believed, benefactor, tea, work gives. And few of us know about the
writing , there are more uneducated... “Some immediately fled,”
Danila went on., and most have nowhere to run. In Russia, there
is no work, but to beg, wander, steal many are afraid, shy, and
not accustomed to Besides the team has already taken shape. The
world is grumbling, not satisfying, true, but we do not stretch our
legs. Besides the hope was — “Green wedge”, we will choose the
land, write out the family. We walked around Vladivostok, and it
turned out the same — there is no work, and where it is —do not
take, can not, they say you are contracted. And passports
Kaurov does not give. The contract is signed, insists, work hard No,
so the police will take the jail is near there. Sakhalin is near here.
Depressed Andrew. Got caught like a deer in a loop
you won’t get out Home to be ashamed what father and
mothers say? And the money for the road, consider, absolutely
“Do not be shy, lad,” Danila Buyan encouraged him
By The world will stand against the spider, we will teach the work, it
is not complicated. Let’s build a road, and there, if literacy trained
and there will be a wish, in linear guards, walkers, couplers, but you
never know ... will go.
Literate Andrei was able, even in his native Neglyubke three
class parish school graduated.
Andrei lived in migrant barracks for two days
on bird rights. For days, he stalked around the city, work
searched visited the workshops of the military port and
the volunteer fleet, and at the mill of Lindholm.
They didn’t take it anywhere. For metal is not trained, housing in
the city no and there is no one to stay. He is in port tried to work
as a loader, went to the brick shop, but to no avail. Andrew went
once on the First River on beer factory the barrel to roll, drank
beer, but he did not like it — bitter, and the senior loader ordered
to blow from here — this is not a profession. Go, he says, to the
iron road. There a lot of construction work, and after build a
road —there will be more, and you will get a good specialty.
He had to contact the contractor Kaurov. Indded he was skeptical,
but he was in a pity place — a contract for the construction of a
large snatched, and people
brought — nothing at all — just over two hundred.

He was greedy for money, shoving more in his pocket

wanted to.
“Okay,” he condescendedly, “I’ll take you as a third hand digger.
— Like this? — Andrew was taken aback.
“This is it,” explained Kaurov. — Now first
earthworks will go — to make the notches, to cut the rock,
to build mounds. Guys strong, excavators experienced for
the firsthand go. Weaker, those for the second-hand.
And suckers, like you, yes puny creature — those third hand
are listed. And earnings, respectively. I’ll put you
seven rubles a month. Money is big, but also work
I will demand due. You will shirk, lazy — beware, three skins come
down, do not have mercy.
Andrew almost cried from the insult and hopelessness. Seven
rubles total! His dreams to help family, acquire a strong specialty to
fed, clothes, shoes, yes in the village on the farm
so that was left. But he was not accustomed to showing his
weakness to people.
He nodded gloomily and with dignity — well, say.
And Kaurov looked at him and thought mockingly,

— Neither where are you, lad, not going anywhere. Not to me, so
to Galetsky, Fomin or Vvedensky run. From a distance you can
see —the village, gray raccoon . First, you have homemade fat and
girl’s blush will fly off, the voice will become hoarse, smoked, the
neck and from the sun will be brown, and the belly will be white,
palms with horse hoof-thick calluses will be covered, and the veins
on the hands of the sea ropes swollen. — You will work with
everyone, from dawn to dusk — howl day Yes hour for lunch.
Rest — in the rainy season To live — while in the barrack, and
then, as it is here, the mound we carry, and we will lay the rails and
then we will go, in the booths, tents and tents. You will be seek to
do — in second hands transfere. Don’t mess with Danila
Buyn — he’ll take you with him in jail . Roares support will
become —I will not give away a penny earned. As soon as the edge
of the sun rose from the Rotten corner, as Kirillovich, a brave
retired sapper NCO,waking up people in the barracks, drove them
into the courtyard, where the cook have already poured millet on
their bowls, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal or some other porridge.
— Move, convicts, — shouted Kirillovich. “You yourself are a cat,”
the men cursed, rinsing with cold sea water in which soap was not
washed, the face and neck, with palm of five finger comb hair, had
breakfast, threw up
on the shoulders the pickles and shovels, or grabbed polished
to the brilliance the handle wheelbarrows and, blowing down the
blue smoke haze, in an unorganized column stretched to the place
of works.
The road began to build in mid-April, together, at once in several
places and by many people. From the berth of the Voluntary Fleet
in the Golden Bay horn, past the Semenovskiy mowing builden with
Chinese and Korean fanzs to Amur Bay. The rock was cut down by
convicts tightly guarded brought to Primorye and Sakhalin hard
laborers. Further, from Kuperovsk ravine to the First River
swarmed “contracted” of“Galetsky, Fomin and Kaurov, and behind
them to the Second River, the route was thickly covered with
soldiers battalions of Colonel Exten.
Andrei immediately got blood on palms. Calluses on the palms,
piercing pain pulled the muscles arms and shoulders, ached feet
and loins. Short night did not bring rest and relief, the body ached
so that could not sleep. The first week he walked in half a dream.
Do not support him Danila Buan with word, jest, the change of
work, would not stand Andrew. But Danila ordered staying near.
Seeing that Andrew’s fingers not holding a pick or a shovel, drove to
the sea or to the ravine with a pot of drinking water, or to throw off
large stones, or rolling a wheelbarrow,
or to move the fire, but you never know ...
And then Andrei got into work a little and became
easier. One thing is bad —it was constantly the belly empty.
There is all time like incredibly. And thoughts are just around food
spun. Before that, he was hungry for buying
for a penny from the Chinese, the crab, the shell of the roast,
boiled oysters, mussels, scallops, then trepang, eight
lamprey once, octopus, sea bastard did not disdain.
And all eyes were hungry, food sought out.
Danila, her teeth through a black beard, bared, said, lad, you are
gaining strength.
His people respected and obeyed. Yes, and he did not hurry with
mind, will listen to all attentively, estimate that
what, only then and advises. Oh, on that Cyril
foreman, a deminer trained in the army, and he
real weakling against Danila looked. And which tree
select the cuttings, and as a pick, a shovel, and an ax
to chop and to dig a rock, dig the earth, to drive the wheelbarrow
laden — knew everything, knew everything Danila Buyan. It is only
unknowingly it seems that it’s a trifling matter — to roll a
And who tried, yes day by day, to load more,
and save power, he knows that this art is a whole.
And the experience is needed and a good tip. And the ax handle,
let’s say shank to pick, shovel choose? — everything is important
here: and wood, so that the palm does not beat off, and
bending, that it would be convenient to keep the tool, tired less and
length to grow ... Ballast, ground for embankments, advised to
take as a visor. Do not dig holes, or, as the Chinese with Koreans,
with small
nets, shoulder baskets to carry, but the slope of the hill
or ravine to undermine, like a grotto or a cave. How
digs a deep cavity, well, let’s tear down the visor.
Here they strives to, if not roll off with the wheelbarrow,
then at least in place even, only a board or slab under the
wheel throw — the car itself flies, just hold on.
But it was also risky — when you dig a cavity, ears shall be
on the top, hold it upright so that the palate won’t fall on you - pin
down to death.

The road went fast. All at once did. They cut the rock and dumped
the embankment, laid the sleepers, screwed down the rails,
hammered the crutches ... For a month, by the middle of May, they
did not believe their eyes — three good miles were ready. And
further, to the Second River, only to lay the rails.

Then the message came – the prince rides, the road will be laid.
What to lay it when it is already under construction?

Workers were fed a bit better that day, with the porridge with
butter. Festive shirts were ordered put on, muzzles, as
the Kirillovich-foreman put it, to clean up, mustache-beards cut, but
not to sparkle holes. Along the road for the army and the police
lined up, to depict people jubilant. Just on their site, in Cooper
Valley, near the rail of the last Christmas tree, chopped up
yesterday, they were thrown into the ground for beauty; By noon,
after a deep sleep, the high authorities in rolled-up uniforms, in
orders, gold sheathed in gold uniforms rolled up.

Danila pushed Andrew with an elbow to the side and said, “Look,
that prickly slime, with thin legs in shiny boots, is prince Nikolai.
And next to him is the prince of Greece. Here they are the main
spiders, sucking blood from the people. And our one of the fiercest
battles in the history of Japan, he overtook the enemy,
сontractors Kaurovs, Fomin, Dunaevs, Popovs and Kirillovih - the
ten’s manager – so, small ticks. From them will just get rid of. And
there they stuck – you will not tear out.

Andrew from him slightly to the side not shied away. It’s about the
Prince, the king of tomorrow. And Danila’s eyes are baleful his
mouth is compressed into a thin thread. Wait, he says, stupid. See
how we work, our arms and legs are all beaten, but with a hungry
belly we walk, we shine with holes, we live in shacks. All my life
they won’t strike a finger, they ride abroad, they live in palaces, not
bitter vodka, champagne is blown with glasses, snacks are served in
sardines …

Andrew is silent, fearful – what is not enough just to hear

from Danila. Indeed, he will be dragged away into jail with him, for
good reason Kaurov warned ahead of time.

Then the Prince a little wheelbarrow was tiddly, decorated, half

filled with earth, drove two yards, threw it out, picked at it with a
shovel, sat down in the blue-trailer attached to the engine and
drove off to get drunk. And Andrei and Danila in his hut on foot
trudged on the play. Daniel vicious goes on, kicking pebbles,
although shoes lean was.

- What do you like? - asks Andrei. - You are not a master, not a
general, a peasant, and God himself told you to knead dirt with
hands, to earn money for bread …

- I worked in Elisavetgrad, in Odessa, on the railway. Repairman,

crawler. There, our people got close – oh! The circle was, books
together read, discussed them. Correct books, prohibited by the
police. And it says in them that everything in the world was
created by labour, by the hands of the workers and peasants. All
houses, and plants, and clothing, shoes, food, everything. But
those who do this, ragged-undressed walk, with their bellies tucked
up. And the rich people assign their labour, grow fat, live in
palaces, not like us, in soldiers’ barracks, cramped shacks and
earthen holes, like beasts. Our children are sick of consumption,
they are dying of cold and hunger, and they feed the dogs food and
throw them into cesspools. Why is this so? And by whom? And
how to change?

“But you know, they give us work, they give us a tool, they take
care of where to place us, they feed, they pay money ...”

- You are completely fool, Andrei. They mercilessly rob us, deceive
us, they force us to work for twelve or fourteen hours each day,
they build spacious stone houses for themselves, and have you
worked for a month, what did you get on your paws?

Andrew has not received anything yet, as well as all the

”“contract”. The contractor Kaurov already swore that the diggers
are working poorly and slowly and he will soon be ruined in smoke
because of them.

Then it began torrential rains. Thick fog passed into bead and
drizzle, gray clouds hung low over the ground, of which flowed,
flowed, and suddenly let in a heavy rain. The route of the road was
completely squasdhed, the underlying clay did not let water through
and there were huge, not dying puddles everywhere, there was
nowhere to step – instantly ankle-deep, knee-deep in viscous mud,
and it was not like parting with bast shoes and boots. It
was impossible to go to work – not earthen, but liquid-mud works.
Wounded on sharp stones, the legs and hands were covered with
wet sores and began to rot. The ends of the fingers around the
nails were filled with yellow-green pus and painfully sore. Of all the
drugs – one plantain. They still fed oatmeal and barley porridge
with rotten fish, and this food did not restore their strength. Andrei
noticed that some gums had swollen and teeth began to lose.

“Chew the grass,” Daniel insistently demanded, “eat dandelions,

young nettles, cook bracken fern.”- Cows we, or what? - the men
scolded, but obeyed.

He was the only one who chose the time to go to the Chinese
suburb on Semenovsky mowing, where the gangs of Asian workers
lived, learned a little to speak Chinese, and often brought in a
sacking bag for half a flounder.

“Fresh food is needed,” he instructed, “otherwise we will get sick

with grief, the body will weaken, and all sorts of illnesses will

And even then, there were rumours of contagious diseases

appearing in the province – cholera, dysentery, leprosy, even the

Kaurov was completely furious. “You let me go all over the world,”
he shouted.

“But it’s impossible to work,” Danila stood firmly, “the mud is


And the men roar supported him.

Nevertheless, Kaurov urged them to work into the rain with rock
bites and crowbars. The day worked – all numb. They returned to
the barracks late – wet, the furnaces are not baked, you will not get
warm and not dry. The night was shaking from the cold under the
wet blankets could not sleep. People are shaking,
coughing. Kirillovich raised them with foul language in the morning,
drove them to work – went reluctantly. Another day in the pouring
rain to work forces enough. But the next morning to go to soak
refused. Almost half of the peasants coughing, wheezing cold.

* “Fresh food is needed,” Daniel instructed, “otherwise we grieve

sick, the body will weaken, and all sorts of ailments will prevail.
And even then, there were rumours of contagious diseases, in
the province — cholera, dysentery, leprosy, even the plague.
Kaurov was completely furious. — You got me around the
he shouted.
“But it’s impossible to work,” Yes stood firmly
Daniel Buyan — the mud is impassable.
And the men roar supported him.
Nevertheless, he forced Kaurov to cut them in the rain with a
Kayla yes crowbars. The day worked — all numb.
They returned to the barracks late — wet, the furnaces are not
fired, they can’t warm and not dry up. The night was shaking
from the cold
Yes, under the wet blankets , they could not sleep. People
are shaking. Cough up, cough. Kirillovich in the morning
raised with his foul word and drove them to work — went
reluctantly. Another day in the pouring rain to work forces
enough. But the following the morning they refused to go
soak together. Almost half of the men were coughing,
wheezed about cold.
“You are working badly, mobs,” Kirillovich swore.
The right guy in winter undressing works —
steam from him knocks, and you in the summer ill, freeze,
cough out.

* Again, Kaurov appeared at work to push out, but

Danila firmly demanded tobust answer when he bot will pay.
Three months have passed, not a dime received from him.
“What do you mean,” Kaurov went even more, “that you have
turned out? I pay for the barracks, I feed you, I tools
gave — picks, shovels, crowbars, cars ., what, is this cheap all?
— But after all, as many as four versts of linen by us
laid out. How many thousands have you received for them?
Come on, say stories!
— Rebel, I’ve looked after you for a long time. You know that
the road is a military, state, defective, and you thought up to
break it? There is no money now, and when will be — is
unknown. Work — I’m calculating lead, your money will not
disappear, it will be more whole, you will not drink
— Yes, since people have earned, why the calculation
not announcing?
The men were completely furious and screamed,
interrupting each other, — Wives, children, old men
householders are waiting for money, but where are they?
Lured us away, around deceived, why not pay? In Colombo,
among ocean at your mercy six people captain landed, how
will they get home?
And already came from other barracks “contracted”
of Skidelsky, Klyuchevsky, Zhuravsky,
Galetsky, Dunaev, Popov ...
— All of them, males unkempt, blowing in one tune, us
they starve, work is demanded, but money is not paid ...
Squeezed in a far corner by angry people, evil
shouting each his grief with one common demand - earned
money, hounded Kaurov looked around and, feeling that the
passions were heated to death they will start beating soon,
rushed to the open window.
Danila Buyan stood up for him. — As long as the money
if you don’t pay, we don’t go to work,
The men wanted to take on Kirillovich, fists to scratch,
but Danila did not allow.

— This one is our; although he is barking, from the common pot

slurps, raises to work. Campaigner, to his mother ..By the end of
July it was fine, the seaside summer is in effect. The sun was hot
and, waking up early, hastily washed and refreshed, what God sent,
road builders wandered around the city looking for work. But it was
very rarely possible to find it, except in the port to unload ships, but
they began to be offended teams Chinese and Korean. However,
road builders more often rudely refused, and employers persecuted
away: they pay almost twice as much as Asians, and to punish
obstinacy required. News about distemper at the construction
of the railway instantly expanding around the city. Workers for
three days did not go to work, but the authorities have not yet
intervened, waiting, as contractors will be able to curb their army
lousy, not nourished. However, the head of the road under
construction, engineer Ursati was angry. The high pace was lost
and that stock strength gained in the first accelerating days, lost.
Convicts and soldiers- zeal n the work did not show. One hope —
freelance. But they stood at their ground. At a meeting with the civil
governor of Primorsk region of were attended the state
councilor Pavlenko, port commander Rear Admiral Yermolaev,
commandant of the fortress, Major General Akkerman, commandant
of the city, lieutenant colonel Pestich, chief railway construction
battalion colonel Exten, inspector of prisons of the Amur General-
Governorof Commerce, the head of the Primorsky Branch East
Siberian Gendarme Office colonel Losev, Vladivostok police
chief Petrov,
contractors Galetsky, Dunaev, Zhuravsky, Kaurov, Klyuchevsky, Fom
in, Popov, Korean Yumbo and the initiator of the meeting head of
the South Ussuriysk railway engineer Ursati.

Unreasonable greed, dull limitation, bestial attitude towards people,

— Ursati did not choose words — led to the first organized by your
workers strike in the Primorsky region. What is required of you- to
organize people and build up construction. And for this, pay people
on time, throw them a pretty penny. They will turn you the
mountains. Nothing is clear for you — they need to earn, only for
this they so far arrived. So give them their miserable money, enter
pricing and piece of work, pay regularly -once, twice a month, about
the rest let them take care. What are you doing? Contracts
received, money hid and people without a penny throw. This red
infection just let it seem, then you can’t get her out. Who will build
the road? Six hundreds convicts and a half thousand soldiers barely
crawling, work out their rations because they are money they do
not see, and you will not ask for work from them. Only freelancers
can work well. And move fast. Pay people well, increase your diet,
organise housing on the highway, so as not to waste time on the
walk in the morning and in the evening. And the instigators of the
strike must be identified and as example mus be punished. And, if
we have become more frequent workers demands, we need to
strengthen the police and military on the construction of the road.
Following Ursati, the Council’s Councilor Pet took place- Vladivostok
police chief. - Strongly disagree with Mr. Ursati. Law enforcement is
our business. We mustconduct a hard-line. No fulfill any their
requirements. Give them a finger — a hand will tear to the
shoulder. To thesabre jail of the ringleaders, ” he said. with phrases
short, chopped, and hand, like sabre waving, cutting off the head.
— Let afraid of contractors. And from the fortress to send. In their
place will come running thousands, meek and docile. True to the
service of gendarme chief of the regiment colonel Losev, crimson
with anger, barely restrained from scream, — This is not the first
speech of the workers. On the twenty-eighth of June on the twenty-
sixth verst the contractor Zhuravsky brought the Koreans to white
heat, he was beaten in the blood, had to call the troops. —due to
that, at once, two hundred Koreans, the builders began rebellion,
when they went to Vladivostok, we the arrested instigators to
Vladivostok, to help them at Podgorodnaya station rushed to the
rescue Russian, Chinese and Korean workers. What is it —
International in action? This is not enough for us. But if that
outrage was spontaneous, then lasting almost a week the strike is
already clearly organized by you, gentlemen. You have brought a
disease infested with a red infection from Russia and your incredible
greed provoking those on organized performances. The ringleaders
and troublemakers, of course, we will find, but the bitter experience
is it indicates that the cause of strikes and unrest is always there
are shameless greed and arrogance of employers. While these
performances are local and have economic character, but if they
continue, they will professional trouble-makers will take advantage
of the region are available. The same administratively deported
Sergei Yuzhakov, clerk of the Office of Construction roads, or
Nikolai Remezov ... And then the strikes and strikes will become
political. This can not be allowed. To him, “cornflower”, in colour of
his uniform, the colonel unnecessary worries were undesirable. On
the table was still he unfinished case of escape two years ago
through Vladivostok to London of the participant of the Great
Process Feliks Volkhovsky. And how many such fugitives proceeded
abroad from Siberia through Vladivostok? If do not “Red the Cross
of the People’s Will” the hands of this thing? If so, their agent hid
in the city. Is not Innokentiy Piankov? He, too, passed through the
“Big Process”. Maybe yes, maybe no. Probably not. Innokentiy
Pavlinovich almost never climbs out of the village of Nikolsky, if to
brother in Khabarovka. No, this is someone else, clever and bold.
After all, how Hippolyt Myshkin escape from Kara prison — cleanly
and without a hitch. By chance from a foreign ship was removed …

* Maritime and military authorities expressed their readiness to

help the police curb the troublemakers

* Early in the morning the police and the soldiers

with Berdan rifles surrounded migrant barracks.
Contractor Kaurov with police on the tips of Kirillovich
unceremoniously dragged off the planks still sleeping workers
and roughly pushed into the courtyard, where they were given
into custody embarrassed soldiers. Kirillovich-foreman,
seeking to favour of the owner, he proceeded with black
— The mob, now on the bench, the prion prisoners will steal
money, the families will wait... Sakhalin crying for you tears
flammable, good it is near. I know you, the instigators, everyone.
Now you will shoot down the people with a mind, will direct]to hell

They went through all the barracks, all the teams and they took the
ringleaders a lot, two hundred and fifty people. Tightly surrounded
by soldiers with rifles at the ready, grimly wandered into the city, to
the police office management. Kaurov trudged behind the chain of
soldiers.— Now get to work immediately, —he shouted, turning
around, to remaining silen thawling mob , the workers and
mockingly added, — and your money let’s lie down, they will
increase in my pockets It will increase at number and will be more
whole. About the thousand crowds raised to work “contracted’ by
Vvedensky, Zhuravsky, Galetsky...indignantly cries ; they became
more and more and now a huge mass of hungry, tired, ragged,
angry people swung after the soldiers and at first slowly, hesitantly,
and then faster, pulling on the way to the column, moved to the
rescue of his comrades. They walked along Posiet and Aleutskaya
streets, past the headquarters of the fortress and railway
gendarmerie, from where hasten for help in the barracks of the 1st
batalionse behind the old port. Ahead of reaching soldiers, fearing
chasing them workers, at the command of the officers began with
bayonets in the backs to push the arrested, and went to a running.
Andrei walked in the middle of the column of perturbed keen on the
general impulse, marveling at his boldness of consciousness of

“But they are afraid of us,” he thought, “they are power, they have
weapons, police, soldiers, prisons, they’re out, even run. Past the
station under construction, through half empty the market, they
went up to Suifunska street to the Dattan house , rented by the city
police and, still surrounded by large crowd of curious, began to loud
banging on the echoing iron gate. In the windows of the second
floor scared faces of police officers appeared and stones flew into
them from below, shattered glasses

- Release, return our comrades, — demanded people persistently

knocked on the gates and doors of the police management.

Suddenly, standing on Peking Street screamed,

—Soldiers, soldiers go, — and they leaned back. And to them up

the street rose even ranks dressed in white tunic soldiers flickering
in the morning sun sided bayonets. Coming closer and more
closely, they stopped at the command of captain with
saber[BR]and took the rifles at the ready for shooting while
standing. Front workers recoiled from those pointed to them in the
ches capten t rifles, the crowd sprang and froze.

—Dismiss! — by ringing, tough-hostile voice captain the

commanded a captain

— Dismiss! — he repeated. — I will order shooting …

A crowd of curious ordinary people rapidlybegan to melt, and with it

melted and the determination of the workers. Deadly scolding,
shouting threats and insults to the soldiers, the road builders
dispersed, spread out through the streets, alleys, courtyards. They
did not go to work that day either. In the eveningin the courtyard
between the barracks drank warm, with a terrible sink Home
Chinese sulley, and Andrew tried. In his heart he was dreary, as if
he were in a mess, chickened out, ran away, trew in trouble
Aimlessly wandering around the yard with an evil grin of winner on
the face of Kirillovich, almost in the eyes poking dirty, with a broken
fingernail, said to him, — You geek will be next!
Andrew became even worse, and he almost howled from deapair.
But friends gave him a glass of Chinese spirit and a crust of bread,
sprinkled with gray coarse salt, and sent to sleep.
Then the teams of railway workers spread out
across the highway from Vladivostok to the village of Nikolsk-
and further, to the village of Grafskaya, which is on the Ussuri
A month later, comrades Danila Buyan handed over to Andrey from
him hello and reported that Danila was convicted for five years hard
labour. Hard labour he was lucky being leave here, on the
construction of the road. Lucky because that he was not sent to
Sakhalin, but left in the warm Primorsky region, and, most
importantly, on the construction of the road year of hard labour
counted for one and a half, so Danila, with an example
behaviour, could be free in three year. Although, with his violent
character, and incontinence, no matter how he earned
an extra term.
By winter, their gang was sent to the Suifun cheeks,
eighty-second mile on the road. Their basalt
rocks squeezed the river, and it was necessary for two
Versts cut down in the rock shelf for the road. Job
was hell: on long ropes they let people down
The rock was torn by dynamite and gunpowder, and then from a
chain of holes they manually broked the long cornice.
Lived in mud huts and covered with land ate half starving, often
perished from the rock down, and some died. Andrei was young
before living not better life; therefore compare easily endured all
hardships. But endowed overly imaginative he in the evenings
longingly and with horror he looked down from the mountain,
where in the direction of Nikolsky a convict camp was set up in the
swamp. Night camp along the perimeter was lit by bonfires, near
which the soldiers walked with rifles. Lived there according to
rumors, in earthen pits dug in a swamp but filled with water,
everyone had a cold all the time, many fell sick with consumption
and died. Their cemetery has more one hundred whites’ fresh
Andrei has never seen Daniel, and he didn’t know is he in this
camp? Although a similar person noticed but beyond the distance
there was no certainty. He tried to ask occasional guard soldiers,
but they gloomily kept silent, ashamed of their shameful service,
and because “not allowed”.
Already in early March, when the sun was warm during the day
quite heavily, the snow remained only in the forest, and in the fields
and the roads were thick with mud, at night, though, Andrew woke
up in the middle of the night. He grumbled willingly, but he knew ,
quiet inconspicuous kuryanin, pockmarked face which
was lit by the weak splashes of the fading stove,
with the most mysterious look put a finger to his lips
and with an imperative gesture he ordered him to go off the bunk
and go behind him. Andrew reluctantly dressed and got out of the
The night was moonlit, clear, and frosty, the stars twinkled —
hand set.
Kuryanin pulled his hand, — let’s go, Danila Buyan is calling.
Andrei was delighted and scared, — How, where is he?
“Quiet,” the Kuryan ordered in a whisper, keep silence with me,
whatever you see.

Two miles from their camp, was still preserved Oakwood grove
rarely alternating on the edge birch trees. The rest of the forest, or
earlier were floated on Suyfun, or sawed for the houses, on the
arrangement of dugouts, and even in the furnaces and bonfires was
burnt down. They went along the crunchy snow under their feet;
when behind of the fur tree, literally next, stepped Danila and
friendly, with affection even, half hang over his shoulders take
surprised Andrew. — Well, hello, Andrei, glad to see you!

— Hello, Danila! Did they let you go? — realizing what nonsense
is, asked Andrei.

- Myself left, I was not like it to be there. Well, how are you?
Probably, in the first hand was transferred out? Ok, matured, face
no longer puppy.

— And you, Danila, have changed a lot, — in the moonlight Andrei

saw rugged face with deep wrinkles face of Danila. — And the scar
has increased. And something predatory, violently binary in the
face appeared.
— Okay, let’s go, Andrei. I’m not only with you goodbye
say came, you will attend.
Danila went ahead, and Andrei with Kuryanin
behind him. Behind the turn, in the ravin, covered
from all sides with fir trees, the fire was burning, illuminating the
open place fathom three in a circle, and over the fire
on the stick hung a pot of brew. Around the campfire were
five more men, and a long sack lay a little to one side.
In sitting, Andrew admitted two arrested with Danila-
and the convicts sentenced to hard labour, one
a stranger, and two were his workmates.
Sack moved and moaned and Andrew recognise in it
connected Kirillovich with a mouse closed dirty rag
Danila says — now we will have dinner and thanks Kirillovich, let’s
Kirillovich, a foreman, lived in a house; here they at night stole
him, and they grabbed some meal onto the road.
Brew matured, they ate from the pot with spoons
in a queue of liquid porridge, filled with lard, and then
Danila took Kirillovich.
— Judas you, Vlas. By your betrayal of us
three hundred, then arrested, a little more than a hundred
survived. And you will be rewarded. According to
by the gendarme general Orzhevsky orders.
And Danila began to quote from memory.
— “Instruction on the harvesting and use of the rod,
with which criminals must be punished by verdicts. ” And our
sentence is yours, Vlas, this will be — ten rods each, and how
are you will be here too, then I am yours portion of the same and
give you. But listen further gendarme great instruction. — “The
rods for the punishment of criminal
should consist of thin birch twigs. No more then in one and a
quarter inches and a number from ten to fifteen so that their total
volume in the bottom the end of the connection after the bundle
had one and three inches wrap it up. ” We already cut the bars
exactly on regulation his
Excellencies General Orzhevsky recommendations
— “These rods should be tied up in three so the distance from the
end to the lower to the last upper sling was
six inches.
People sitting by the fire dismantled a bunch of birch
rods and followed the instructions of the general.
— “Thin shoots of twigs reaching the top end
of beam from the third string, not cut, but left
in natural form, but without leaves. ”

— But leaves as long as there is no, in March something.

— “After ten strikes, the rod is considered unfit
to further use and should be replaced are different. “
— What we will do.
— “The rod should not be from fresh, just
cut rods, and from the rods several already stale,
but not dry; At this end, procured single
temporarily try to keep the rods in a damp place to
they had the proper strength and flexibility. ”
— You really, Vlas, I’m sorry, here we have broken the instruction,
with fresh rods we will fight. And Orzhevsky decrees to bring from
other places. But this does not apply to us. Let’s get down to it.
Kirillovich was tied to a one log, naked his back and ass, and
started. Fought slowly, fiercely, diligently, everyone sentenced
his sore.
And Daniel sentenced, — This is for you for Gavrila long
nosed, this is for Mihai Sivolap, this is for Peter
Having finished his ten he looked mournfully, as if
asking for a loan from his comrades, but Danila was the next to the
last before him, they sat in a circle by the fire. Andrew
he was sweating all over, trembling, he almost vomited.
“You are weak, Andrei,” said Danila reproachfully.
It’s time to become a man.
Andrew tried on cotton legs to rise, but failed, it did not obey.
“Okay,” Danila waved his hand, “I’ve by your use. Yes,
and Kirillovich gave me his. True, Vlas?
He poked him in the side with his foot, but Kirillovich was no longer
— Nothing, wait a bit, the last twenty
Finished, Danila threw twigs, but untie Kirillovich did not.

— Let God take care of him.

Leaving, Daniel said toAndrew,

Goodbye, when else see you. But remember: it is necessary to

repay debts; beat with your fist, not your fingers; you will be kind
anybody will eat you, you will be strong — no one will offend you
— Where are you now, Danila?
— I do not know yet. Maybe to the Old Believers in workers
We will sit out for two or three years, maybe for gold mines
prospectors let’s give, or where else ...
Kirillovich found the next day to freeze to death

Yu.Witte. Visits of prince Ukhtomsky and mr. Badmaev

After being appointed Minister of Finance on August 30 1892, very

soon, right after half a month, unexpectedly came to his office
Prince Esper Esperovich Ukhtomsky. He was a short still young
gentleman with lively dark eyes and a little beard with
mustache boulange. Sergey Yulievich knew that
Prince Ukhtomsky writer, on behalf of the Emperor accompanied on
a journey to the East Of his Imperial Highness
heir Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich, and it was he who was
instructed to describe the entire journey.
Distracting from the current affairs, prince Ukhtomsky comfortably
settled himself in an armchair, began to smoke a stinking long
cigarette, Egyptian, he assured, let out a lot of smoke, and then set
to work. It turned out that he wanted to publish a description
of the trip in five volumes and a circulation of almost one hundred
thousand copies for the Treasury’s money in Leipzig at Brockhaus.
The sum he needed was quite significant, but Sergei Yulievich, for
obvious reasons, could not refuse, although he decided that he
would ask for the costs to endorse the emperor.
Having received his consent, Prince Ukhtomsky set off as a
reminder of the journey, thinking, apparently, to compensate the
treasury for much damage from his visit. He spoke long about the
trip of the company to Vienna, then Greece, Egypt, Aden, India ...
He painted overseas beauties, and Sergei Yul’evich, nodding and
admiring with him, looked through the official papers, making the
necessary signs in it.
Then the prince began to talk about the role of Russia in
international affairs, especially in Asia.
“After all, look, tiny Holland captured the fertile, literally paradise
island of Java, thirty million people, at the very equator, while at the
same time not possessing half the inhabitants. Great Britain — it
managed to take root on a bare rocky island of Hong Kong and
create a truly world trade center and military base there, as in
Singapore. But notice, after all, they stuck to the very edge of the
giant continent, clinging to the ledges on steep cliffs ... And what if
a multi-million continent starts to stir, wake up from an Asian
hibernation? After all, then the representatives of the European
civilisation cannot hold out there, without fail they will fall into the
abyss. Take Russia now. For more than two hundred years, we
have kept out of our limits, not counting the natural accession of
Turkestan and the Amur Region; calmly, truly with Asiatic laziness,
watching the machinations and political intrigues of Western
Europeans, greedily rushing to India, to the Far East, to the Pacific
basin. Faced there with ancient civilisations, millennial cultures,
these barbarians armed with modern weapons managed in a very
short time to offend and anger the native population with countless
and senseless cruelties. From here and many uprisings, cruelly
suppressed, such as, Sikhs, which shook the of India thirty years
ago. In many ways, their anger is growing and growing again. And
where should they expect protection and stronghold?
Esper Esperovich looked inquiringly, again took out a gold cigarette
case and leisurely pounded cigarettes with a mouthpiece on the
— Where? — had to respond Sergei Yulievich, who had long
understood that the prince was going to drag him, as finance
minister, into some sort of adventure. And, judging by the
beginning of the conversation, quite large. Last year was not a
good harvest, famine began in the country, but part of the
grain was taken abroad, and Sergei Yulievich had to pretty much
strain the budget, so there could be no extra money. It is good
that his predecessor Vishegradsky accumulated a decent monetary
fund. But where is Prince Ukhtomsky putting pressure this time?
Now Sergey Yul’evich was going to come to grips with the railroad
through Siberia, to speed up the construction. Will he not persuade
to build a road also to India? Why, the British settled there too!
This was not good for us to face the Britons. But still we will not
be in a hurry with the conclusions — let he speaks.
— In India, — continued to intrigue Esper Esperovich, — there are
legends that the ancient Aryans, who had gone from their fore-
mother-motherland in ancient times, are the same Slavs who settled
in the forests, on the mountains and rivers of ancient Russia. In the
oral folklore of many people of the East there is a noticeable
conviction that their hope is the White King, the one on whose
forehead the crowns of the Grand Dukes of Ugra, Perm and
Bulgarian on the Volga, the Tsars of Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberia,
whose ancestors are still shining with magic rays in White stone city
long since called “All the northern countries as masters and other
many states as sovereigns and owners”, is the only real ruler of the
destinies of the East. The wings of the Russian Eagle covered him
too wide to leave the slightest doubt about it ...
Sergei Yul’evich was interested in the revelations of the prince and,
ringing the bell, he asked for tea with biscuits.
Suspecting that Sergay Ulvich likes English country, the prince
began to assert that foggy Albion should not be afraid of the
attempts of Russia to grasp the multicolored patterned India
covered with impregnable Hindustan.
Witte understood that during the nine-month journey in the
company of the heir to the Tsarevich,
Prince Ukhtomsky absorbed the essence of the daily conversations
of the violent young band and therefore watched with interest the
thread of his reasoning.
“But our great neighbor in the east is China immovable, creating
and cultivating the cult of the monarch, creating wise thinkers of
Confucius and Lao Tzu, fabulously rich China, to conquer which,
according to Mr. Przhevalsky’s assurances, this will be enough of
our troops, this China should be the object of our deep interest.
“See, appetites,” Sergei Yulievich raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Yes, yes,” said the prince. — The British and French are so
ubiquitous and insinuating, so consistent in their aspirations that,
quite possibly, very soon they, as it happened in India and Annam,
will be able to subdue and enslave the Celestial Empire, not by the
Scottish, Welsh and Norman regiments and using well-trained and
armed Sikhs and Zulus. And then they will quickly develop China
economically, taking advantage of the natural acumen and talent to
every cause of the Chinese sitting, it will not be out-of-place to say,
on truly fabulous natural riches. Why, and populated China is more
than excessive. It is dangerous, it is very dangerous to have such a
state among our enemies, after all, historically, we have no better

“Reasonably, reasonably,” Sergey Yulievich confirmed, realising that

the prince expounds his views on geopolitics rooted in the heir’s
crown prince’s surroundings and tries to impose it on him. This
area of political geography was new for Sergei Yulievich, and if it is
interested in the future monarch, then he should pay special
attention to it. Prince Ukhtomsky turned out to be a smart guy, he
instantly saw an interest awakening in the eyes of the interlocutor
and began to set forth his thoughts further. — According to their
religious beliefs, lifestyle and temperament, the Chinese are
indifferent to their fate and, using this, the colonisers possessing an
iron will force them to become quite obedient and executive
soldiers. I think — and not only I, Esper Esperovich hinted at — that
our main task in the “yellow” East should be to protect ourselves
from such accidents, so as not to shed precious Russian blood and
not spend huge amounts of money in the fight against imminent
dangers which should always be foreseen and prevented.
— Do you find that we should pay special attention to our eastern
borders and strengthen it? — Sergei Yulievich pretended not to
A spark of regret flashed in Ukhtomsky’s eyes, he sighed like a
patient teacher over a stupid gymnasium student, and even had
small well-groomed, but felt strong hands, glittering with Chinese
gold with blue dragons cuff links, quickly, however, mastering
— Geographically, Russia coexists with the East, moreover, it has
absorbed many Asian ethnic groups and Peoples, and is, in fact, a
state more eastern than European. Countless times, Asia has
flooded Russia with its hordes, raped it, instilling its Asian spirit,
manners, customs and way of life. Indeed, every second natural
face has oriental features of appearance, almost half the colour of
the Russian land — the nobility — are Tatar surnames. And to our
liking we are the direct descendants of the “Transbaikal” Genghis
Khan, with his prowess, scope, heroic impulse to meet the
impossible, sweep insurmountable obstacles, be satisfied only when
doing the impossible and unfeasible ... combined with our tolerance,
sincere to respect the people, breadth of the soul, wisdom
to make the goal not only by military skills, but also by a sense of
justice, by the wish to see each brother as an equal. All this helped
us grow in Siberia, Kamchatka, Russian America, Central Asia and
the Amur region. So the Mongols, a transitional stage between us
and the Chinese, had already gazed from the Buryats at the White
Tsar as the representative of the Buddha himself. And we should
not allow the quietly dormant mass of four hundred million Chinese
people, who value their peace and peaceful work on tiny plots
under which their ancestor’s bones decayed, become a victim of the
spiritual culture of material progress, devoid of spirituality.
“But I have always considered Russia predominantly a European
state, and shouldn’t we strengthen our relations with the West,
which is also very important for Russia’s technical power?”
- Of course, we should not lose sight of our relations with Europe,
as well as the appetites of the arrogant Teutons to the western
Russian lands should not be forgotten. But I will remind once again
that China, conquered by the Western powers, will threaten us with
the greatest political complications.
- The fact is that the finances of the Russian Empire do not allow
us to be distracted by the solution of many, but so far, secondary
tasks. Now, I will not show to you a secret, a customs war with
Germany is being prepared, and it will not lead to the rapid
strengthening of the ruble. We began negotiations with the French
banks on loans, but this money will be spent on industrial growth
and the construction of the Siberian railway.
- You have completely forgotten that, unlike European
conquistadors, who seek quick profit and do not stop to make this
goal before the ruthless destruction of the indigenous population of
the conquered countries, as it was in both Americas, and in India,
and in Africa, the Russians are driven by East is the will for the will-
freedom, the wish to expand their shoulders free, to show prowess
valiant, to show their remarkable abilities. If you fail to find
sufficient sums of state money, then give the opportunity to apply
private capital. Following the example
of Yermak Timofeevich and Yerofey Pavlovich, thousands and
thousands of Russian people, daring little heads, who did not find
an opportunity to use their big’s power in their own bounds, will
gladly follow the call of the incredibly rich powerful Tit Titus
and Pud Pudyches. And neither impassability, nor everyday
adversities will stop them, just like before, when the Siberian
kingdoms one after another lay at the feet of Monomakh’s heritage.
Dilemmas - West or East - and should not be. Either Russia will
includes in its spaces the entire continent to the ocean of blue, or
the West will enslave it completely, and then the Asian people will
be even more dangerous for us than the Teutons and the British
with the French.
And he bowed.

And about six months later, in February ninety-third,

Sergey Yul’evich received one more oriental guest.
Mr. Badmaev Pyotr Aleksandrovich, about whom in Petersburg was
known as a doctor, who used Tibetan medicine, which attracted to
him ladies those who were exalted and a little crazy about the fix
idea — forever keep youth, and if not youth, then freshness of the
face and slim body, entered in the office in the Buryat national
costume, richly decorated with patterns, soft boots, but with a
deliberately crudely forged iron cross on an open chest covered with
thick black hair. His broad Mongolian face shone with a
cloying foolish smile, and he moved along the fox softly and
gracefully. “Another beggar,” thought Sergei Yulievich and ready to
listen. Adventurers with insane searchlights overpowered the
Ministry of Finance, and he did not accept them, but he
knew Badmaev as the godchild of the emperor. Yes, and it was
interesting what this rich cattle breeder would lead the conversation
about, what benefits he promises and what he asks in return. They
don’t apply to the Minister of Finance for trifles: he is not talking
about trade in meat and hides. Of course not. It was not for
nothing that he dressed in his clothes was motley, not for
nothing ... At the lectures of the Mongolian language, which he
reads at St. Petersburg University, and at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, where he serves, Badmaev appears modernly and smartly
dressed. Did he plan to open a wide network of Tibetan medicine
hospitals for the treasury’s money? Indeed, Badmayev began with
stories about his successes in treatment, called a bunch of patients
with big names, and then quietly slid to big politics. According to
him, it turned out that among the Mongols and Tibetans there is a
ripening wish to join, as the Central Asian Khanate, Russia.
“I can assure you completely confidentially that several tens of
thousands of border Buryat pioneers, wild Mongols and Tibetans will
immediately support me, one has only to start,” he said, rounding
his narrow black eyes and mysteriously lowering his voice. For this,
according to Badmaev, it was necessary to build a railway from
Baikal to the south, to the city of Lanzhou in the Chinese province
of Gansu, to raise a rebellion there and put this part of China at the
feet of the “White” tsar. Internal, China.
Ah yes Badmaev!
But, as Sergei Yulievich thought, this native conquistador lived not
altogether with altruism and asceticism. Without being confused at
all, he requested from the treasury two million rubles to finance
Buryat princes, to buy weapons, gifts, and other things. In
addition, to cover up his warlike plans and
accumulate enough forces at the border, Badmaev was going to
expand his cattle-breeding enterprise.
Saying farewell, Badmayev took from his secretary, a large baptized
Chinese named Nikolay Ivanovich Tifontai, dressed up as
a bogdykhan, as he introduced him, a morocco folder with a note
about his proposal and asked to transfer it to the emperor.

Oh, how rich is food for thought! And Sergei Yulievich also
gradually ignited an unusual idea. Why? It’s not for nothing that
such thoughts come to the heads of such different people as the
aristocrat Prince Ukhtomsky and the semi-feral
cattleman Badmaev. Of course, we should not hurry, but we need
to think about the proposals. Moreover, Ukhtomsky obviously
expressed his views to Tsarevich Nikolai Aleksandrovich,
and Badmayev, regardless of Ukhtomsky, suggested reliable ways
of transferring it into reality. Of course, we should not hurry, but it
is necessary to report to Emperor Alexander III. And then look for
opportunities through the Ministry of Finance and through the
neighbors in the building — the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During
the next report to the emperor, Sergei Yulievich told about
Badmaev’s unusual offer, and conveyed the note. His imperial
majesty, having familiarised himself with the note, almost rejoiced,
but was also amazed, — so this is new, so unusual and fantastic
that it is hard to believe in the possibility of success.
Sergei Yulievich, comparing Badmaev’s note with the statements of
Prince Ukhtomsky, again deeply thought. After all, there is
something here! Knowing the pressure of the British and French,
you can be quite sure that after twenty-five years old or thirty years
old they will firmly set up themselves in China and this will not
be enough for them. Where do they direct their predatory eyes? It
is clear and there is no doubt that in the direction of Russia. And
they will already fight by the hands of Asians, but the same
Chinese, such as. And from the east, Russia is weak, oh, and
weak ... And they can rush to Turkestan, and to the Amur region,
and to Siberia ... The British love to rake the heat with someone
else’s hands. But after all, it may happen that, having let China in
from the east, the British will pounce on Russia from the west? It is
necessary, if possible, to preventative. Why, indeed, not take
advantage of the offer of Badmaev, to find the necessary amount,
and to prepare the centers of the uprising in Mongolia, the fallen
asleep of China and the Himalayas? What happens is unknown, but
the attempt is not torture. And there is one more argument in
favour of the proposal made by Badmaev. By building a railway
across Siberia to Vladivostok, and the southern branch — through
Mongolia and China to Tibet, you can definitely secure
Russia; definitely speed up the delivery of troops to places of
possible clashes. The purely financial side of the matter — the
construction costs — are significant, but if they are mitigated by
private capital, and there are those who want to invest money in
the Chinese line, then trade with China, even some duties, will bring
substantial sums to the treasury. Although the emperor was skeptic
about Badmaev’s note, you need to get a clear idea for yourself and
think about the problem, without delay, carefully and in detail. Yes,
probe through the faithful people, reliable. And there are such.

And the jubilation embraced the soul of the Minister of Finance.

See! What horizons of the neighbourhood are opening from the
peaks of the Himalayas and the hills of the Amur Region ... After all,
a new, completely unfamiliar eastern world, about which no one
else thinks, lies, one might say, in his
palm. Ukhtomsky and Badmayev — empty searchlights who do not
know the driving energy of money, pushed him, sent a thought to
the far eastern lands. But they do not take up their conquest. And
not by military brute force, which will face no less powerful and will
immediately provoke a repulse, fraught with the saddest, if not
catastrophic, consequences. And by the power of thin, intelligent,
flexible, sharp, like good steel, penetrating the thickest walls and
dissecting the strongest constipation, decomposing the soul and
capable of creeping into all pores of the enemy. The power of
money! With it, he will conquer an eastern country, foggy,
mysterious, alluring, shaky like a mirage, spicy and spicy, yellow
and squint-eyed, rich and impoverished, powerful and powerless,
proud and such a submissive, unknown country. He will conquer
not for himself, and he doesn’t need anything except the smallness
of his usual way of life. And not for Emperor Alexander III — a fat
glutton and a drunkard. Conquer for Russia and to the glory of his
name. In the eternal human memory, he will stand on a par
with Ermak Timofeevich, the conqueror of Siberia. Yes
there Ermak Timofeevich. China is not a deserted snow-covered
territory, into which you can not fool Russian peasants. Eastern
neighbors — a country lush, warm, over-populated, rich in labors
and inexhaustible opportunities. And their predatory hordes and all-
destroying hordes will not turn to the north, but to the south,
against the British and French. And then to patterned India
multicolored, Oh, breathtaking! After all, a bold thought already
sees of the Asia belonging to Russia.
So let’s do the same …



Sensei Sumimoto paid special attention to him.

After the evening calibration, when all the cadets of the Naval Cadet
School at Etajima were busy with their affairs before going to sleep,
Kannusi Sumimoto called him to himself, seated him on the mat
and, he took a teapot with a fragrant thick tea from hibati, poured
fragrant drink into porcelain cups and began to ask about success in
school, what subjects cause particular difficulty, about relationships
with fellow students, whether he receives letters from his parents,
in a word about everything was the world of the young man.

He especially remembered his first conversation.

“You, boy,” said the teacher, “were born and lived for a long time in
the country of the barbarians and spoiled by customs and customs
alien to the true kungay. You received their primary education —
this is both good and bad. It’s good because you understood the
basics of their culture, religion, you know their language, you feel in
their midst like carp in their native mountain stream, and it’s bad
because you have lost your life-giving connection to your homeland,
you don’t live with your concerns, you don’t take your mother’s milk
Bushido laws, did not play the games of their peers …

“No,” the young man tried to object, “father and mother taught me
all this ...”

But Kannusi’s voice was getting harsh, “See, you are trying to
object to the teacher, which none of your new fellow students in
college will ever do.

“You are the offspring of the youngest branch of the most ancient
kind of kungai Fujiwara and are considered a relative of the Tenno
itself — Emperor Mutsuhito, father of the nation, and you must
serve him and great Japan faithfully and faithfully.”

The young man’s heart was filled with pride and there was a wish to
carry out the feat or immediately die to the glory of the great tenno.

I will tell you the story of our kind, because I, too, Fujiwara.
This is the story of Japan. In 667 BCE, according to the chronology
of the red-headed barbarians, the great Jinma with his army landed
on the eastern coast of Kyushu in Fiuge, passed this island,
captured the island of Sikoku and half of Nippon Island. Here,
fascinated by the beauty of the area, he settled near the city of
Nara, about seven miles from the later capital. Ama Tarazu Omi
Kami — the Great Goddess of Heavenly Light, also called Hatsu
Kumi Shirazu Tenno, or the first reigning empress, ordered Jinma
Tenno, the founder of the Japanese Empire: — “This beautiful rice-
producing country is destined to become a great power in which our
descendants will reign; Establish yourself in it, my grandson, and
have dominion over it. “ Subsequent emperors approved the choice
of their ancestor, for Kio, the capital of the empire, changed places,
but always remained in the neighbourhood of the chosen Jinma.
Before becoming an emperor, the Great Jinma was a god — kami
yoh. When he came to Japan, it was a wild and barbaric country,
inhabited by shaggy broad-faced people, with whom Jinmu’s army
entered the battle and pushed them north. The people of Jinma
were tall, with smooth black hair and Indian features. They had the
weapon of the gods – Tatchi swords, thanks to which they defeated
numerous barbarians. The great Jinma paved the way for Yamato
and made Kashiwara the capital. And always our ancestor Fuji vara
Uji no choj, loyal assistant and servant of the Great Jinma, was
always beside him. Immediately after the emperors, the surnames
of royal blood according to the degree of nobility and antiquity of
the genera go “kungai”, which means “Great House”. Many kungai
belong to the younger branches of the imperial house, others are
descended from the Jinma warriors who came with him from
Kyushu to Shikoku and Nippon, who have since become the main
pillar of the throne and received from it the possession of the land.
Kungai has always been considered a noble estate at the court of
the emperor. The estate kung belongs to the most famous genera
of Japan. Both the daimyos and even the shoguns are of lower
origin. Of all the Japanese surnames, Fujiwara ranks first, both
along the lineage and the honours of the past years. Fujiwara not
only always occupied the main positions at the imperial court, not
only married their daughters to the heirs to the throne, but also had
a case in history when Showa, the grandson of Fujiwara Yoshifus,
ascended the throne, and he became the regent with the grandson.
Fujiwara Mitinaga’s daughter was elected emperor Goitijou as his
wife, and he ascended so much that she folded the tank:
Full moon

Does not know the flaw.

Think of her —

This whole world

At my feet. *

Meshcheryakov A.N. Heroes, creators and keepers of Japanese

antiquity. Ed. “Science”, Moscow, 1988, p. 194

Ninety-five kungai surnames consider themselves descended from

the Fujiwara clan. The kungai civilians did not carry swords, and
the military wore one sword, called “tatchi.” In the usual time, the
kungai could not, and it is still so now, to be put to death, no matter
how dangerous was his crime; he had previously been shaved off
his head and ordered to retire to a monastery, or imprisoned in one
of the rooms of his own house. Shogun Ieyasu in his Laws pointed
out — the names of Fujiwara, Minamoto, Tahira. Tatchibana,
Sungivara, Owei, Arivar, Kiovara occur in a straight line from the
Mikado. Heads of forces should be elected from these names. If
there are people between these families, although of a good nature,
but uneducated, timid, or ignorant in the cause of religion, then
these should not be elected to office. Therefore, it is necessary that
all members of these names be diligent in the sciences. Remember
this, boy, and try to learn, to be ahead of everyone in science, in
physical exercises, and in the art of war.

The instructions of kannusi Sumimoto fell on well-fertilised soil, in

Vladivostok, father and mother paid much attention to the
education of the young man; in his soul he belonged to his nation,
studied well and was physically developed.

“Your mother, boy, was born in the year of the horse, and it
brought misfortune to her husband, your father.” He faithfully
served Saigo Takamori, fought bravely against the troops of Shogun
Keiki, and then fought alongside Saigo in Satsuma, in his last battle,
helped him to make seppuku and hid his head with other faithful
companions of the Generalissimo. Saigo died, and his followers and
supporters were severely punished. Your father, although he and
the scion of the great kungai, was sent to the most barbarous part
of the barbarous country — Russia, to Vladivostok, and the place
was given to a trading agent degrading for a samurai. But
remember him. Munemitsu Mutsu, your father’s companion in the
Imperial Guard and the service of Generalissimo Saigo, now the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, reminded you of the school
head, and here you study here. Many people want to get here to
study, but very few people succeed. Of the one hundred
classmates of yours, only five belong to the sidzoku — descendants
of the samurai, and the rest of the kadzoku are descendants kungai
and daimyo, mainly from the Satsuma Principality. Appreciate your
honor and be faithful to Tenno and great Japan.
This Etadzima is an island on the huge internal raid of the naval
base in Kuryo (near Hiroshima), therefore cadets lived on this island
in complete isolation from the rest of the world.

Study was given to him by great labour and patience. Although the
knowledge obtained in the Vladivostok pro-gymnasium was solid
and solid, the program differed much, besides, poor knowledge of
Japanese literature did not compensate for homework with his
mother. Now he had to do a lot of work, even cramming, otherwise
they would call “bonkour” a stupid person, but it was impossible not
to keep up with their peers in their tricks so as not to be known as
“yevamusi” a coward. After the repetition of general education
subjects, special ones went — sailing and navigation, shipbuilding
and mechanical engineering, higher mathematics, physics,
chemistry, artillery and minefield. In the absence of more Japanese
textbooks, all these subjects were taught in English, and, in a word,
there was almost no leisure. He began to like to feel himself a part
of the community — the structure, the fleet, the army, Great Japan
— the monolith, as it seemed to him. He was like an electron in the
world of atoms and molecules, according to the latest theory of the
Russian chemist. He liked everything: to march in the general
ranks, and shout Kinno! — Glory to the emperor, and Joy! —
throw out foreigners, and dine in the dining room, sitting at a long
common table and using chopsticks, bathe in a bath, sleep in a
barracks instituted in a European way ... Shout Joy was not officially
allowed, but the officers-mentors looked through fingers, rather
encouragingly, hearing friendly cry of seventeen boys. And sensei
repeated every evening, — Tosho Dai Gongen — The great
incarnation of the sunshine of the East — Tokugawa Ieyasu, the
offspring of the most ancient surnames kungai ordered to be
diligent in the sciences to choose commanders from among them.
On the New Year’s Eve night, the cadets of the college went to

A long, winding rocky road between the coastal cliffs silently and
concentrically stepped up to raise the first in the coming twenty-
sixth year of the Meiji era, or 1893 according to the Gregorian
chronology, prayer. To the right, the sea breathed in opalous light
under the moon, on the left, cryptomeria smelt fragrantly, and the
road snaked with colourful Chinese lanterns and bright resinous
torches. He remembered his home — in Vladivostok, on the corner
of China street and Beijing street, the long-awaited first snow on
Christmas Eve, the rapid sledding on the ice of the Semenovskiy
bay, screaming swarming boys and girls of all nationalities, tight
snowballs, still shy glances towards the attractive girls, distant
ringing of bells at the Assumption Cathedral ... How long ago it was,
a whole year has passed.

Kannusi Sumimoto, who was walking along the head of the school
at the head of the column, as if sensing his emotional relaxation,
stepped aside, passing a couple of young men with self-deepened
faces, waited for him, attentively looked into his eyes and, walking
slowly in step with him, confusedly began to mutter.

Know yourself. Look deep into your soul. Know your heart in which
the deity lives, pointing to you and commanding you. Listen to his
decrees and you will not need another deity. Remember that you
are a descendant of kungai, faithful servants of the great Jinma, the
great-grandson of the goddess Amaterasu. Coming from Kyushu,
Jinma precisely here began to gather around him the people of
Yamato, and our ancestors accompanied and helped him. You owe
your ancestors lives, and therefore, although they are invisible, you
must be completely grateful to them. Remember that you live in the
greatest state, so never forget tenno — the emperor, your
sovereign, from whom emanate peace, law and order …
Passing through the crimsons in the light of torches of torii, the
cadets huddled in front of the wide white panels, already covered
with a layer of coins and, each throwing a handful of coins, clapped
their hands to attract the attention of the local god, and froze in a
prayer pose, addressing him with your requests.

Then Kannusi Sumimoto gathered cadets around himself, looked

around dimly white in the predawn darkness of the face, gathered
his thoughts and, feeling the close attention of three hundred pairs
of eyes with gleams of oil lanterns in the pupils, loudly, so that he
began to attract the attention of other worshipers spoke clearly and

Japan – the birthplace of the great goddess Amaterasu,

shining in the sky, which sheds its light on all countries in the four
seas. Our country is the only one incomparable to any other in the
world. The Japanese empire was originally entrusted to the sun
goddess Amaterasu-o-mikami to her descendants with the words:
”“My divine descendants, you must rule this country.” Japan is one
big family; the emperor came down from heaven, he is divine and
sacred, he towers over all his subjects. All the inhabitants of
Yamato must honor him, for he is inviolable. At the first call, we will
give ourselves up at the disposal of the state and thereby preserve
and support the prosperity of the imperial throne for ever and ever

He paused, slowly again, a line behind the line, looked around the
faces of the young men, frozen in blind ecstasy, and, urging them
not to show turbulent emotions with a gesture of both hands,
quietly and imperiously said, - Kinno! *

Kinno! - the young men exhaled with a reciprocal echo, and

Kannusi Sumimoto was once again convinced that he performs his
duties as a spiritual mentor perfectly.

One spring, in May, he decided to devote his free Sunday afternoon

to learning, feeling some knowledge gap, but Kannusi Sumimoto
entered the barracks and ordered everyone to get dressed and go
to a joeruri – a theatrical puppet show. The reference to
employment did not help, Kannusi’s voice was overbearing.- Go all,
- he repeated, - will show ”“The Tale of forty-eight ronins.” Against
expectations, his comrades, taking tatami and, in a hurry to take
the best seats in front of the stage, they hurried to the open
ground, where the puppet theater broke its tent.The shamisen
rumbled, the curtains sprawled, and a high-pitched high voice led
his narrative, accompanying the puppet show.- “In ancient times a
daimyo by the name of Asano Takumi-no-Kami, the sovereign
prince of the castle of Ako lived in the province of Harima. Once in
Iedo, he was summoned by the shogun and told about another
prince named Kamei Sama to prepare for the meeting of the tenno’s
ambassador. Adopted at the emperor’s court by etiquette, a high-
ranking official Cyrus Kosuke-no-Suke was appointed as their
teacher. Both princes brought to Sensei rich gifts – Chinese silk,
pearls, and furs, but the greedy Kotsuke-no-Suke was eager for
money and considered that brought gifts to him a little. So he
harboured secret malice on them, taught poorly, and at every
opportunity he reproached the rules of ceremonial with ignorance
and maliciously ridiculed. The princes long endured, but everything
comes to an end. Once the Camei arrived in his castle, gathered his
advisers and, scarlet with fury, told them, “The cup of my patience
is full, I cannot bear the insults from Kotsuke no Suke anymore.
Although I know that my whole family will suffer, and I myself will
be executed, but tomorrow I will kill him. The senior adviser to the
Cameo Sama, seeing that the gentleman was very determined,
assured him of the unconditional loyalty of all the advisers and
vassals and ordered them to make all the necessary preparations in
time. And he remembered Kotsuke-no-Suke’s greed and decided to
give him a big bribe and prevent this terrible misfortune. He quickly
collected all the money he could find in the castle, and went to his
house. There, he handed the money to a close Kotsuke-no-Suke
with words of gratitude for teaching his prince court etiquette and
asked to be supportive of the Cameo Sama with great attention The
Cameo himself was amazed at this transformation and abandoned
his plan for revenge. This is how the wisdom and resourcefulness of
the counselor was saved by the Cameos themselves, his family and
those close to them. But when Asano Takumi-no-Kami entered the
hall, the treatment with him deteriorated further. Kotsuke-no-Suke
rudely and mercilessly ridiculed him and mocked him in every way,
which embarrassed everyone in the hall. The arrogance of the
arrogant grandee crossed all the boundaries when, pushing forward
his leg, ordered Takumi-no-Kami to tie the bow beautifully on his
dzori. Takumi-no-Kami broke out with anger, but then he thought
that perhaps this is another rule of court etiquette – to tie a bow to
the emperor’s ambassador, and that he should be seasoned and
patient. Kneeling down on his knee, Takumi-no-Kami began to tie a
ribbon, but the arrogant and greedy Kotsuke-no-Suke immediately
began to insult him, call him a stupid and clumsy villager, and
assert that everyone in the capital would die with laughter, seeing
such a mess. Takumi-no-Kami did not endure the last insult, the cup
of his anger overflowed and ordered him to stop the retreating
offender. Kotsuke-no-Suke heard the threat in his voice and started
off, he was running, but Takumi-no-Kami snatched out the short
sword of tanto. And, catching up, hit the insolent to the head.
Komuke-no-Suke’s high hat momieboshi saved, but the next mighty
blow would surely finish him off if the tanto didn’t sink into a low
wooden beam. In the rising turmoil, the nearest officers of the
guards rushed to Takumi-no-Kami, disarmed and tied him up. At the
Takumi-no-Kami council, which took place soon, for attacking a
nobleman in the shogun’s palace, the latter was insulted, sentenced
to death, he was ordered to do seppuku. Ako’s castle and all his
property was confiscated, the race was ruined, and the close ones
had to look for new overlords. But very few people succeeded, for
the most part they turned into poor ronins. These forty-seven ronin,
led by the former senior adviser to the deceased Mr. Oishi
Kuranosuke, decided to take revenge on Kotsuke-no-Suke. Oishi
Kuranosuke was a wise adviser, but the gentleman left him in the
castle of Ako, so he was unable to prevent misfortune. After
discussing the plan of revenge, the ronin s scattered in all
directions, so as not to attract the attention of the people of
Kotsuke no Suke, who were vigilantly guarding him. Oishi
Kuranosuke himself went to Kyoto, built a house for himself in
Yamadzin and began to lead an unattractive way of life – to indulge
in drunkenness and debauchery. The spies informed Konuke no
Suke that his main enemy was visiting dirty dens and dens, and
even happened to be lying in an obscene form on the street. Once
they saw a samurai, a native of the Satsuma principality, finding
Oisi Kuranosuke drunk in a ditch, publicly mocking him, accusing
him of cowardice, spitting and kicking. Such information calmed
Kotsuke no Suke, instilled confidence that the danger of revenge
was over. Oisi Kuranosuke, to dispel the last doubts of the enemies,
began to quarrel often with his wife, to declare that he did not want
to live with her and was going to take a pretty girl as his wife from
a brothel. These loud altercations led to the wife was forced to go
to the paternal home with her two younger children, leaving her
older son Oishi Tsikar to her husband. Kotsuke-no-Suke calmed
down completely, was delighted that he had nothing to fear, since
Oishi Kuranosuke so low went down and drove out his wife and
children. He weakened the precautions and released half of the
guard sent to him by the father-in-law, Daimyo Uesugi Sama. In the
meantime, the ronins who had sworn revenge gathered in the Iedo
and, under the guise of water porters or petty traders, entered
Kotsuke-no-Suke’s house. There they gradually studied the layout of
the rooms, learned how to guard, who of the house soldiers and
guards were brave and who was a coward. And their ronin
information that hour sent to Kyoto. When Oishi Kuranosuke
realised that the enemy had dulled his guard, he rejoiced and
appointed a meeting place for his comrades in Iedo; he, having
deceived the spies who oversaw, disappeared and went to avenge
himself. Together with him, his son Oishi Tsikara, who was forty-
eighth, set off. In the last month of the year, dzhunigatsu-sivasu –
the month of the end of the business, at the beginning of the
season of taisetsu – a lot of snow, the weather was really awful.
Piercing through the cold strong wind was carrying large flakes of
snow, the streets were deserted, and even the dogs huddled in
warm nooks. It was then that the ronins decided that a better case
for an attack and the execution of their plan would not be
presented. Once again, they discussed the plan to seize the dwelling
of the enemy and were divided into two groups for this. The first,
under the command of Oisi Kuranosuke, was to attack the front
gate guarded by strong guards, and the second, of which Oishi
Tsikara was appointed head, was instructed to seize the back gate
of the house. Yoshida Tsuzaemon, the strongest warrior, was put in
charge by a sixteen-year-old bodyguard Oishi Tsikara. The signal to
the simultaneous attack was to serve as a strike in the battle drum,
which took Oisi Kuranosuke with him, and the signal of the whistle
would mean that their enemy had been killed. On this signal,
everyone will have to gather right away at the body of a dead
enemy and make sure that this is really Kotsuke no Suke. Then, as
was decided, they would separate the head of the dead enemy from
the body and take it to the Sengakudzi temple, where they lay their
master on the grave. Having completed their vassal duties, the
ronins will have to surrender themselves to the authorities and
await their fate, a sentence which, no doubt, will bring them death.
Ronins agreed that, seizing the house, they will not harm women
and children, and fight only with the guards. When the lights were
long gone out in the houses, and the hour of the rat came, they
came out. There was a snowstorm whitening through the empty
streets. It was dark and piercingly cold. Going to the house, they
split into two parties, and Oishi Tsikara and his people went to the
back gate, and four people from his father’s party climbed onto the
gate and entered the courtyard. The guard was asleep. With swords
at the ready brave warriors broke into the house of the gatekeeper
and disarmed the guards who were there. On the demand to open
the gates, the guards, who begged to save their lives, said that the
key to constipation was with the senior guard, who went to sleep in
the house. Ronins, who had lost patience, smashed locks with
hammers, opened the gates wide and let in the attackers.
Meanwhile, Oishi Tsikara and his men seized the back gate.Fires
began to be lit in the nearby houses awakened by the noise, and
their inhabitants were alarmed and appeared on the street. Oishi
Kuranosuke sent one of the ronin who appealed to his neighbors
not to worry about their homes and families, and said that the
attackers were former vassals of Takumi-no-Kami, who was killed
by Kotsuke-no-Suke, for which revenge was decided. The neighbors
did not like the greedy and vile Kotsuke no Suke, and no one came
to his aid. And so that the people of Kotsuke-no-Suke would not
rush to the city authorities for support, Oishi Kuranosuke sent nine
ronins armed with bows to the roof of the house and ordered to kill
anyone who tried to get out of the gate. After that, Oishi
Kuranosuke sat on a camping seat and hit the drum, giving the
signal to attack. Ronins knocked the door out and broke into the
house, where they immediately fought with the vassals of Kotsuke
no Suke. Torches blazed brightly, gleaming swords gleamed with
dazzling lightning, the shouts of the attackers loudly resounded, and
the death wheezes and supplications of mercy for the defenders.
Oishi Tsikara and his people through the garden and the back door
also broke into the house and fought a battle there But Kotsuke-no-
Suke’s vassals, who had fallen asleep in the back rooms, woke up,
grabbed their swords and entered the battle. A fierce battle was
short-lived, and they all fell from the swords of the brave ronins,
only three of the most skilled fighters remained. They stood firmly
in front of the door of their lord’s room, courageously fought off the
furious attacks of the ronins and even tried to go on the offensive.
Oishi Kuranosuke, who sat on the camping seat, turned to his
comrades with angry reproaches of cowardice, hit the drum again
and ordered not to spare their lives, break the defenses, rush into
the room, find Kotsuke no Suke, and complete revenge. And again
the attackers attacked the stone defense. Oishi Kuranosuke was
quite angry and ordered his son Oishi Tsikara to the grip and either
win or die. He grabbed the spear of Oishi Tsikara and engaged in
battle with the most experienced opponent. Seeing the young man
in front of him, the formidable warrior with fury attacked him,
forced him to retreat into the garden, pressed him to the pool, and
even overthrew him into the water. The mighty fighter laughed at
the defeated youth, bent over the water, but Oishi Tsikara hit him
with a spear in the leg, knocked him down to the ground with a
second blow and, instantly getting out of the pool, killed him to
death. In the meantime, they fought, the other ronins killed the two
remaining vassals of Kotsuke no Suke. Oishi Tsikara raised the
sword of a dead enemy, entered Kotsuke no Suke’s room, but found
only his son, a young prince, there. The boys fought and the son of
Kotsuke no Suke was pierced with a sword. Once again they
examined the ronin’s back rooms, but there was no one here
besides the weeping women and children. They fell into the spirit,
but Oisi Kuranosuke touched the master’s bed and realised that he
was hiding somewhere nearby. The whole house was searched by
ronins, but they could not find their enemy. Then Oishi Kuranosuke
guessed to remove kakemono with the image of the ginkgo against
the background of Fujiyama, which hung in the tokonoma. For
Kakemono was manhole! One of the ronin, having poked his spear
beforehand, crawled through the manhole and found that he was
leading to the back yard, in the corner of this yard he saw a storage
room for firewood and coal. Ronin peered into the closet and saw
something white in the dark. He raised a spear to poke the subject,
but then two armed vassals Kotsuke-no-Suke attacked him and
ousted him from the closet. Ronin fought bravely, defended himself
defiantly from fierce guards, until his comrades came to his aid and
killed them. Ronin entered the closet and poked the white bale with
a spear. A loud cry of pain found that there was a man in front of
him. He turned his face, jumped to his feet, waved his sword, but
ronin was faster, younger, more agile. He knocked the sword out of
his hands and by the collar, helping himself with kicks, dragged him
out into the courtyard. . They surrounded the captive , lit up a
lantern and began to look. Before them stood a wounded in thigh
Kotsuke no Suke . To verify, the ronin asked his name, but the
prisoner was silent. Oisi Kuranosuke whistled to the whistle, all
forty-seven ronin ran to him, carefully examined the prisoner and
made sure that Kotsuke no Suke was in front of them. The evidence
was a scar on the head left by their master Asano Takumi-no-Kami’s
sword in the shogun’s palace. He dropped to his knees Oisi
Kuranosuke and very respectfully addressed the prisoner, “Sir, we
are former vassals of Takumi-no-Kami. You insulted him in the
shogun’s palace, for which he tried to kill you. By decision of the
Council, Takumi-no-Kami made seppuku, and his family was ruined.
We are loyal vassals and are obliged to avenge the death of our
lord. Take the sword and do the rite of hara-kiri. I will humbly help
you in this ceremony, take your head and bring it to the grave of
Asano Takumi-no-Kami as an offering to his spirit. But Kotsuke no
Suke closed ears with his hands, shook with fear and shook his
head. Once again, Oishi Kuranosuke respectfully addressed him with
a request to do seppuku, but his exhortations were in vain. Then he
threw a cowardly enemy, Kotsuke-no-Suke, onto the ground, waved
his sword and separated his head from the body. The ronins put
Kotsuke-no-Suke’s head in an empty bucket, went around the
house, turned off all the lights so that the fire did not happen and
did not harm the neighbors and went outside. They expected the
attacks of the vassals of the father-in-law Kotsuke-no-Suke, so they
formed a battle column and, with swords in their hands and in
bloodied clothes, headed towards Takanava, the outskirts of the
capital, where Sengakuji Temple was located and where their
master was buried. The inhabitants of the streets along which the
forty-eight ronins passed along, stood along their path and
respectfully bowed, already informed by the rumour of their loyalty
to their lord and displayed courage. Prince Sendai, one of the most
powerful daimyos of Japan, gathered his advisers and told them to
invite the ronin who passed by his palace to eat and drink a cup of
black sake. The ronins gratefully accepted the invitation, entered
the palace of Prince Sendai, and fortified themselves with rice and
hot sake. Having once again thanked the owner of the house, the
ronins went further and soon approached the Sengakuji temple.
They were met by the abbot himself. He helped them wash Kotsuke
no Suke’s head and escorted them to the grave of their lord. The
priests of the temple burned incense sticks, read the prayers and
laid their heads on the grave. Oishi Kuranosuke gave all the money
he had to the abbot and asked to bury them with the performance
of the proper rite when they do the seppuku rite. They quietly
waited for the ronins of the supreme court and calmly listened to
the verdict, which they were ordered to do seppuku for neglecting
justice and disturbing the order in the city. They courageously
performed the seppuku rite and were buried in front of the grave of
their lord Asano Takumi-no-Kami. The rumour about the feat of
forty-eight ronins spread throughout Japan and everyone who
visited Iedo would come to worship the graves of vassals who were
faithful to their duty. He came here and that samurai from Satsuma,
who kicked and spat on Oishi Kuranosuka lying in a ditch. He bowed
deeply to the grave, asked for forgiveness from the spirit of Oishi
Kuranosuke and, in the atonement of guilt before the grave brave
and faithful servant of his master, knelt, drew his sword and pierced
his stomach. That’s the sad and heroic story of forty-eight faithful
samurai ”“

The cadets of the navy college met each scene with hot shouts of
approval, and he only puzzled his shoulders in bewilderment. And
what should you admire? Is that the art of puppeteers who can
create the illusion of the fullest reality of what was happening on
the stage and the atmosphere of complicity in the events of a
century ago.“I’d rather have repeated the math,” he said
displeasedly to sensei, “than to listen to such a fairy tale.” What
does she give me? Forty-eight gangsters attacked the perpetrator of
the death of their former overlord, killed a bunch of people, cut off
his head. And for what? So they can kill yourself? The economic
motives of their revenge can be understood – their breadwinner and
lord was executed, which left them without a cup of rice and a roof
over their heads, and the samurais turned into restless, suffering,
persecuted, dishonoured and poor ronins carried by the life stream.
But to prove or at least treat sympathetically? No, it is unlikely.
Count how much blood and sacrifices for the sake of dubious
pleasure to hurl a dead head on the overlord’s grave.

- Clearly, young man, here they are, gaps in your upbringing. Know
that the world view, the moral basis of each inhabitant of the Land
of the Rising Sun, and especially of a warrior, is composed of three
main directions. The first is the veneration of the gods, the Great
Japan they created, their heir, the emperor of Japan; the second is
the love of the divine tenno and the unquestioning fulfillment of its
instructions; and the third is a clear understanding of the principle
of heaven and the path of man. Together, they make up Kodo – the
imperial path, the path leading Great Japan to the mission outlined
and indicated to her by the gods — the Lady of the East! China is
old and decrepit, their imperial court is mired in idleness,
debauchery and bribery; Korea is a weak, insignificant country,
swaying like a reed in the wind, cowardly choosing whom to lie
under now; Russia is a formidable colossus in the West and nothing
more than a soap-bubble in the East. The historical role of Japan is
to lead all the peoples of the East under their leadership to peace
and prosperity. Countless human anthills of China, Korea, Annam,
Cochinchina and India, all this should become raw clay in the hands
of the great tenno. It is he who will sculpt the world of the Divine
East. Sleepy Dzei – honoring the emperor and expelling European
barbarians and Kodo – after the imperial path – these are the main
principles for building a future Japan, and you, boy, should be ready
to follow them. Kannusi Sumimoto’s voice sounded harsh,
demanding, and the look penetrated into the very soul.- You, in my
opinion, got acquainted with the first two directions well, but the
third one – based on Bushido – the warlike way of chivalry, for you
is still a country covered with darkness. And Bushido is the moral
basis of the Japanese noble warrior, resting on Ray-hi-siou – the
consciousness of shame. And it can be achieved only through
constant self-education. One of the bravest warriors of the eleventh
century left us with a quatrain: First of all, make your own self-
restrain. Then your friends and finally the enemies.These three
victories are closely related. They will give shine to the name of the
winner. Self-education leads to self-denial. The highest praise
among samurai is: a person without his own Self. He who strives for
the complete destruction of his own personality is considered to be
a creature of the highest rank. Man’s true duty is not his own
salvation; he should have no hope of rewarding heaven if he does
or does not do anything. The voice of conscience – you are a
faithful servant of the suzerain, the emperor – this is the highest
and only reward. The expressions ”“kokoroin-hayrn” or ”“ten-in-
hayrn”, that is, being ashamed of oneself or of heaven means
shame. Just before himself and before the sky. But only! The
Japanese nation initially consisted of small communities in which
people cultivated rice together in the narrow mountain valleys.
Therefore, such a teaching was simply necessary in a small feudal
community, where public opinion, expressed perhaps by a handful
of talkers, was of much greater importance than in our time, and
not always beneficially influenced the behaviour and way of thinking
of a person. “As long as the mirror of my soul is not clouded by
your putrefactive breath, than everything is fine,” the proverb says.
Or, as one poet writes, “Whatever thoughts the autumn moon
would bring, which shines so clearly and cheerfully high above the
ridge of the mountains, it does not ask us about them.”

- Oh, how can you ignore the opinions of others? After all, it is it – a
compass, giving the right direction to thoughts and actions – the
young man was amazed.

- The first need that is presented to anyone who wants to become a

real samurai is to give an account of everything. Conscience, or we
define the word ”“kokoto”, meaning both feeling, mind and good
heart – the only scale of truth and justice. A samurai should be
direct and fair. And for this you need to have vigour and strength of
spirit ... From early childhood, samurai are taught to endure and
take risks. Boys are forced to walk at sunrise barefoot in the snow,
endure bruises and abrasions during exercises in fencing, power
combat and archery, spend the night at the cemetery without fear,
and stay awake for days. It hardens the future warriors, gives them
courage and fortitude.

- But how often do physically developed and courageous people

commit low actions, which even their entire remarkable mind and
high place in society do not interfere with. See, Kotsuke-no-Suke,
having reached a high place at the shogun’s court and the shogun
himself, who unfairly condemned Prince Ako, the youth reminded.

- On the path of life you will have to meet with all sorts of people, I
cannot give you various situations and ready-made recipes for
behaviour, but know that the highest justice is a nobility. One
famous busi said so about nobility, “Nobility is a bone that gives
strength and strength to the body. As without a bone, the head
cannot stay at the top of the spine, the arms cannot move, and the
legs cannot stand, neither science can work out the character of a
samurai.” If military cunning is tolerated by all in war as an
inevitable evil, then samurai directness and honesty are precious,
shining with the bright light of the sun. Therefore, this trait of
character is highly valued and serves as a true measure of samurai
maturity. The epithet “gisi” - a knight without fear and reproach – is
applied to a person of the highest understanding of honor and
justice. You correctly condemned the behaviour of Kotsuke no Suke,
and these forty-eight ronins, an example of which means a lot to
educate the samurai spirit in youths, are known in ordinary speech
as forty-eight gishi. From “gisi” the term “weights” was formed.
Initially, weights meant a duty, a sense of duty, which must
necessarily be fulfilled. And to the homeland, and the divine tenno,
and to society, parents, relatives ... If love does not encourage
people to do something for granted, then the reason of a person
and his arguments, according to weights, should cause him to do
justice. “Geary”, , is a stern teacher with a stick in his hand, forcing
him to do his due. It fulfils a secondary role in ethics, being,
essentially, an inexorable law. Following the feeling of weights, the
mother must, if necessary, sacrifice the lives of all children to save
the elder; the girl must sell herself to give livelihood to her
impoverished parents. But weights would have degenerated into
fear of censure, moral condemnation, even into cowardice, if
Bushido did not demand other strong feelings: courage, bravery,
patience ... Look for risky situations, go to death, risk life, insane
bravery in war, everything these are properties of the soul that are
often praised, but this is not the true courage of the samurai. No
wonder vain death is called a dog’s death. “To rush into the middle
of the battle and be killed,” said the prince of Mitos, “quite easily,
but true courage is to live when you have to live, and die when you
have to die.” Bushido requires the warrior to be merciful,
compassionate, magnanimous ... but without mercy, for ”“Bushido
no nasake” - the samurai’s mercy is not a blind impulse, but an
educated feeling, with the goal of retaining power, achieving the
goal, reasonably using strength, avoid unnecessary sacrifices. You
remember, forty-eight gisi did not cause any harm to women and
children, and, leaving the house of their enemy, turned out all the
lights so that there was no accidental fire and did not harm the

- And what about the war? What should I do if an order is given to

shell an enemy city with guns?

- Compassion weak, helpless, humiliated is presented as the special

virtue of a samurai. Everyone is familiar with the picture depicting a
priest riding a cow. This rider was a warrior, whose very name was
terrifying. In the terrible battle of Sumane-Hurray in 1184,
according to the Christian calendar, which was entered into combat
with him and was ready to strangle the enemy in his mighty
embraces. The etiquette of war required that in such cases blood
should not be shed, if the weaker side was not equal in place or
state to superior to the strong one. Terrible fighter asked the name
of the person who was under him, and when he refused to answer,
he rudely tore off his helmet. A beautiful, young, beardless face
opened and a strong fighter unwittingly unclenched his hands.
Helping the young man to stand up, he said that he would not kill
him. “Prince, go to your mother, the Kumagah sword will not be
stained with your blood. Leave here as soon as possible until your
enemies have overtaken you.” The young warrior refused to leave
and asked Kumagae, for the glory of both of them, to kill him on
the spot. The veteran warrior tried to swing his sword, which had
already struck a few people, but his courageous heart again looked
fearful, at the sight of a boy who had come out at the sound of a
trumpet to try the sharpness of his sword. The hand of the
seasoned warrior fell, and he asked him to run. But seeing that all
his exhortations were in vain and hearing the approach of his
comrades, he exclaimed, “If you do not run away, you will die from
a more ignoble hand than mine. Oh, almighty, accept his soul! And
at the same moment the dagger flashed in the air and stained with
blood. At the end of the battle, our warrior returns with triumph,
but he did not please him. He abandoned his military career, shaved
his head, put on the clothes of a priest, devoted the rest of his days
to pilgrimage and never turned his back to the west, where there is
paradise, where salvation comes from and where the sun hides
every night. As this episode shows, tenderness, pity, and love for
people were traits that adorned the most formidable samurai.
Although do not forget that the Bushido code was established in the
era of Sengoku – internecine wars and its canons were not
obligatory in relation to pariahs — this is “a lot of dirt” and quinine
— subhumans. In the principality of Satsuma, distinguished by its
warlike spirit and military direction of youth education, music was
the main activity among young people. Not the sounds of the
trumpet, not the beat of the drums, these noisy heralds of blood
and death, urging us to imitate the actions of wild beasts, but the
mournful and gentle sounds of stuffing soothed burning souls,
distracting thoughts from the breath of death and the horrors of
war. But it was not only in Satsume that gentleness and tenderness
were cherished by the young men. Among the aphorisms of Prince
Sirakawa there are such: ”“Although they sneak up to your bed in
the quiet hours of the night, do not drive them away, cherish them
– fluttering of flowers and plants, the sound of a distant bell, the
buzz of insects at night indifferent” to your mood and to annoy you,
but have the courage to forgive them – the breeze that damaged
your flowers, the cloud that obscures the moon, and the person
who tries to quarrel with you. “Loyalty to this word is one of the
main laws of Bushido. “Busi no uit gon” - the word of the samurai –
has such a weight that it is believed without any written
confirmation and which will even be accepted as degrading doubts
about loyalty to the word. In our language there is not even a word
corresponding to the word of the red-headed barbarians - “lie”. The
word “uso” is used as a negation of the fidelity of the “makoto” or
the fact of “honto.” The samurai highly supports his honor, the good
name is holy guarded by a warrior. For him, the feeling of shame is
the heaviest feeling. “They are laughing at him” or “you are
ashamed” - it’s unbearable to hear that for a busi. Bringing a
grudge, not taking revenge is starting to roll into a moral, foul-
smelling swamp, and the samurai was right, who refused to
reconcile with the offender, because, as he said, disgrace is like a
cut in a tree, which, from time to time, decrease, is becoming more
and more. But excessive care about preserving the honor of
Bushido is softened by the doctrine of patience and endurance and
generosity. A popular proverb says: “To endure what you think you
cannot endure, it means really enduring.” The great shogun Ieyasu
wrote: “Life is a long way with a heavy burden on your shoulders.
Do not rush to go. Patience is the basis of longevity.” Popular
rumour has put such words into the mouths of three great shoguns.
Nobunaga said: “I will kill her if she does not sing in time.”
Hideyoshi: - “I will make her sing for me.” And to Ieyasu: - “I will
wait until she opens her mouth.” Examples of meekness are the
words of our writers. Ogawa writes: “When others speak ill of your
behaviour, do not pay them evil for evil, but rather think about what
should be, and try to fulfill your duties precisely.” Kumazawa says: -
“When others scold you, you do not scold them, when others get
angry, do not answer them the same.” Loyalty to his master – the
main commandment of Bushido. You watched and listened to the
story of forty-eight ronins and did not understand morality. Then I
will tell you a more horrible story, it is not long. Daimyo Mitsidzane
became a victim of slander and deception and was expelled from
the capital. Not content with this, his inexorable enemies decided to
destroy the race. Careful searches for his son, still a child, found
that he was hidden in the village school, which was kept by one
Genzo, a former vassal of Mitsizane. When it was ordered to give
out the head of the son of an exile on the appointed day, the
teacher’s first thought was to replace him with another boy. He
carefully read the list of school students several times, reviewed
them all, but none of them turned out to be similar to the son of the
former overlord. However, his despair did not last long. A new boy
appeared at the school, the same age as the son of his former
master, from a noble family. He will have to die! On the appointed
day, an official arrived to testify and get the boy’s head. Genzo’s
hand lay on the hilt of the sword, ready to strike the official or
himself if the deception was revealed. The official took the head in
his hands, carefully inspected, walked through the school and
solemnly announced that this head really belongs to his son
Mitsizane. Although it was the head of his own son! The official’s
father, the grandfather of the boy, used the mercies of Mitsizane for
a long time, and after the expulsion of the boy’s father, he was in
the service of the enemy of their former overlord. But he could not
be unfaithful to his master, who turned out to be incredibly cruel.
The son could do a good service in flavor of the former overlord.
And so, having finished his sad mission, he returned home, stepped
across the threshold and said: - ”“Hail, wife, our dear son proved
loyalty to his master!” The Japanese story presents many cases
where the heart is torn apart when a debt collides with love and
when a person’s soul is torn between love and loyalty. Bushido
commands to sacrifice everything for the sake of loyalty. Women,
raising children, teach them to sacrifice everything for the emperor.
But the feudal prince was not a despot towards his vassals. He felt
responsible for them before his ancestors and heaven. He was the
father for those whom heaven entrusted to his mercy. Bushido does
not teach people to slavishly sacrifice their convictions in favour of
their overlord. The man who sacrificed his conscience is not
respected by Bushido. He is considered a thief, love-stealing crib. In
cases where the overlord demanded that a vassal act, disagreeing
with convictions, the vassal had to reject by all means, discourage
his master from the bad decision. In a pinch, a vassal could shed his
blood by doing seppuku, hoping that this could make discourage his
master from the bad decision In cases where the overlord
demanded that a vassal act, disagreeing with convictions, the vassal
had to reject by all means, . . Twenty years have passed, as the
estates were abolished, but Bushido will always be a moral law for a
warrior loyal to the emperor of the holy kingdom of Yamato. And
remember the main thing: the code of knightly laws applies only to
samurai, the highest caste of the population of the Yamato country.
But you are free to do as you like when dealing with lower castes,
races and peoples.

After that, he and his comrades played several times at forty-eight

gisi and, to his utter surprise and secret pride, the comrades
appointed him to the role of Oishi Tsikar, one of the leading and
considered honorable. Sensei Sumimoto found out about this, called
him, armed with a tikuto-bamboo fencing sword, and noticed that
he was very pleased with his high authority among college mates.


By noon, she awoke to the tender touch and opened her eyes. “Be
patient, daughter, be patient a little,” the old Heshan Yang, a monk
from a small neighbouring temple, muttered slightly, gently washing
her face. She eagerly seized a stream of cool water with her lips
and tried to take a sip, but her throat ached so unbearably that it
was difficult to swallow, and she spat out the water. Memory swiftly
brought her back to the recent past; she tried to jump to her feet,
but she managed only to rise slightly on her elbow. Her house
gaped with charred windows, walls were blackened with soot, and
the tiled roof fell down. With deadly melancholy and breaking mind,
she recalled how three young Japanese soldiers caught her,
pressing her baby to her chest, her black-eyed happiness and
sunshine, pulled his out of her hands and threw him through the
window into the blazing unbearable heat of the burning down
house, and screaming with horror and helplessness, knocking her
by fists down ... And again she lost consciousness. Finally she came
to herself only in the evening. She lay on a gaolian mat in a
residential annex to the temple of Hu-shen – the Fox’s Spirit,
motionlessly frozen, with a fixed gaze, and tears flowed
continuously from her eyes, leaving wet shiny stripes on her cheeks.
She did not respond to Heshan’s attempts to speak, and when he
tried to feed her rice cake, she didn’t open her lips To die, she
thought, would rather die, rush after her son, a clear rice grain, to
the Peach spring grotto, press him to her chest, kiss the black
cherries of his eyes, calm him down, sing a song to him and calm
himself down. So the day and two and three passed … On the
fourth day, the bitterly agonising memory of the horror that had
been experienced had receded a bit, she finally felt hunger and
physical weakness, and ate rice cake. Our city Ching-chjou-ting was
burned and looted by foreign worms-Japanese, your husband died,
bravely defending the western gate, and what happened to you and
your son in Shuang Jiang * of the twentieth year of Guangxu **,
you know. Truly the truth they say – Flowers do not bloom for a
hundred days, human happiness does not last a thousand days. Get
well soon, daughter, but keep in your memory everything that
happened to you, save in your heart the hatred of foreign
barbarians and generously share it with everyone with whom you
will bring you fate It is written in ancient books,

- Only drunk to the bottom

Deep sea of suffering

Will be able to rise in the world

Bent passions and desires. ***

She was ill for a long time. Cold evenings, when the heavy tired
orange sun retired over the high black mountain, and instead of it
the silver bucket of the month flooded the ground with a pale light,
a large nervous fever started beating her and all of her, having
bitten hand, shook with silent sobs. And then Yishan Heshan
covered her with a warm quilt, sat next to a low wooden stool and,
stroking a long gray beard, pink-cheeked, kind and gentle, did not
give, did not take – the god of longevity – Shousin – was taken
slowly and mysteriously inspired. “A living person is only a man, and
a dead one is a mysterious spirit, invisibly present next to a person
close and dear to him.” Your little son has turned into a fox, the
good spirit of this locality, and will now always live in the temple of
Hu-shen, right here in this very temple. Hu – fox, shen – good
spirit. You should not die, should not suffer from hunger and cold,
because your little son is near, he sees how bad you are, and he
suffers with you. He is kind and gentle, he loves you. And you love
him. Therefore, you must take care of him, you must pray to him,
and then your souls will merge, and you will become one, and he
will be warm and light. If you want it badly, you can transform into
a fox at any time and be with your little son.*


“Rime” - solar cycle season, October 23

**** Poems translated by I. Smirnov. Luo Guanzhong, Feng
Meilong ”“Dispelled charms.” Moscow, ed. Fiction, 1983, p.96

She was so tormented by remorse in front of her sweet, kind, warm

and affectionate child, it’s terrible to remember that she couldn’t
hide and protect, save, save him, that, being on the verge of
consciousness, she saw herself as a red fox playing, licking, gently
biting her baby-fox and, having abandoned all earthly things,
dissolved with pleasure in a vibrant shaky world of dreams. But as
time went on, the healthy body conquered the physical weakness,
bruises and bruises went away, and she began to quietly rise; at
first, wandering uncertainly in the back yard of the temple, and then
she began to carry out simple business assignments of the old
hashan. But when she barely heard the guttural speech and the
knock of heavy shoes of Japanese soldiers who occupied the
Liaodong Peninsula and unceremoniously run their city, she
promptly hid and hid in the farthest corner of the temple, seeking
protection from the thousand-year-old Fox Zhang, covering her
warm fox. And at nightfall, after the third blow of the gong,
announcing the time of going to bed, the old Heshan, soothing and
lulling her, said, “Tien-sa, the Celestial Empire, has undergone many
invasions of western and eastern overseas devils, who shed the
blood of the people, pulling juices from it make you suffer deeply
and suffer hard. They brought their incomprehensible religion, their
wild customs, their barbaric clothes. Not only do they suck juices
from our land, they brazenly invade here and mercilessly kill
everyone. Emperor Guangxu is timid, sickly and weak-willed,
Empress Regent Cixi-si is busy with pleasures and entertainment,
armies are weak and weak, officials do not care about people, do
not fulfill their duties, live in idleness, do lawlessness, mercilessly
rob people. Who will save Chung-go, the Middle State, who will
protect the poor and disadvantaged, who will give drink to the
suffering, who will satisfy the hungry, who will take care of orphans
and widows? The first fathers of our religion – Taoism – taught us
to Sheng-tsuan-chih-shi – the practice of spirit gymnastics. All over
China, circles are being created to study military exercises and
secret spells. They are called Ihe-tuan – circles in the name of
justice and harmony. There are already a lot of them, they are
everywhere, in every province and in every county, and more and
more people are involved in them, those who did not accept the
decline of the state, did not submit to their souls, only began to
hate them more strongly, and mainly boys and girls, under twenty,
teach them secret words and spells, do physical exercises with them
so that people can defeat the army of redhead and black-headed
barbarians armed with terrible overseas military tools, destroy their
stone houses and destroy them. In fact, man is not able to fight evil
spirits. But when we accumulate strength and figure an opportune
time to strike the overseas devils, destroy them and free Tien-chao,
the Heavenly dynasty, our immortal who come to the rescue in the
mountains and in the heavens and invisibly follow our grief with
great compassion and pity. Trustingly, but also with amazement,
Jun May listened to the words of the old Heshan; a wild desire
arose in her to take revenge and enjoy victory, but she saw her
powerlessness and again her soul sank. “Your grandfather’s cousin,
Jun Lu, has achieved a lot in life and now he is close to the
widowed empress Cixi, the governor-general of the Zhili provincial
capital and the commander-in-chief of the troops there. You will go
to him in Beijing, tell about your grief and ask him to arrange for
you with the maid of honor to the empress. He is omnipotent and
will be able to help you. You should please the Empress Regent in
everything, become necessary for her and come close enough to
know all the secrets of the palace. But your main task is to learn
how to influence the empress. Jun Mei was even more amazed and
tried to argue that she would not be able to cope with the
assignment, and she was not so strong to influence anyone,
especially on the formidable empress herself. But Yan Heshan
looked demanding and heartfelt, his words fell into the very soul,
sounded so powerful that she completely obeyed him.

- Sometimes people will come to you; you will be obliged to tell

them everything that you learn in the palace: what new harm are
plotted by Yang-Chui-Chi – overseas devils, what they seek from the
emperor and the State Council. Remember! When a man or woman
turns to you and says that he came from me, ask, “Who taught the
I-he-Tuan sect?” To the question they have to answer, “To the
south of the city of Chang-I, in Dong-chang county of Shan-dong
province, there is a small village, to the south of which lies a hill of
red earth. A temple of three religions was erected at the foot of the
hill, and there is one person, eighty years old, who receives
instructions in a dream from the deity Hun-jun-lao-tsu. ”

If the person who has addressed to you is mistaken, misled,

incorrectly utters this phrase, then he is hey-tuan, black I-he-tuan,
and deserves death. Assistants will be pointed you in the palace,
about son do not worry. I will take care of him. And you have
already learned a lot and can fly to him at night and spend time
with him until the beginning of the fifth guard.

Empress Dowager Cixi owed a lot to Jung Lu. In his youth, Jun Lu,
the son and grandson of prominent Manchu warlords, was engaged
to a neighbour in Beijing street, the girl Neilas. Fate prepared him to
serve as an officer of the imperial guard in the summer palace
Yuanming Yuan – the residence of the emperor, and Nilasy was
among the concubines of the emperor Xianfeng. The throne who
occupied the Dragon Throne had many names: Tien-ji – Son of
Heaven, Dan-jin-fo-e – the Buddha of our days, Huangdi – the
Great Emperor, Sheng-huang – the Holy Emperor, Sheng-chju – the
Holy Ruler, Vansui-e – Ten thousand years the lord, Zheng is a true
saint, Yuan Hou is the Lord of vast space, Zhijun is the Great,
revered, Bogdo-khan is the Wise ruler, Huangshan is Your Majesty
and Zhuzhi is the Sovereign, and he naturally had many concubines
up to two hundred. But it was Nilasy who pleased her sovereign —
she presented him with a son and thereby immensely exalted.
During the Taiping uprising and the civil war caused by it, England
and France led their troops into China and launched an offensive
against Beijing from Tianjin. The Manchurian troops failed to resist
the aggression and the emperor Xianfeng with the children,
household members and countless hordes of people close to him
were forced to flee the capital to the provincial town of Jehe. In
October 1860, the invaders imposed a enslaving contract on China,
according to which Tianjin was recognized as an open city and
trading port, England seized the Jiulong territory, China pledged to
pay eight million lans of silver each to the occupying allies and,
moreover, the poor Chinese were allowed to use for labour in the
colonies of England and France. While dying in Jehe, the emperor
Xianfeng bequeathed the Son of Heaven’s Dragon throne to the
child of Nilas – Tsai Chunyu. So that the power-hungry and cruel
Nilasi did not set up herself as regent at the six-year emperor and
thus did not take full power into their own hands, Xianfeng’s
confidants decided to kill her, but the Manchu guards under the
command of Jun Lu arrested the conspirators. Nilas, along with
Nuhulu, Xianfeng’s first concubine, became empress regent. The
motto of the reign of the minor emperor Zai Chun was “Tongzhi” -
“Joint rule”, referring to the regency of the two empresses.
Fourteen years later, in January 1875, the physically weak,
depraved, syphilis-sick Emperor Tongzhi died. Nilasy insisted the
throne be inherited by her nephew Tsai Tian – the son of the
emperor’s brother Xianfeng and her younger sister. And again, Jun
Lu had a great service to her, forcing the opposing parents to give
up a four-year-old baby. Tsai Tian was elevated to the throne , and
“Guansu” was chosen as the motto of his reign, which meant
“Brilliant legacy”. By this time, the sixty-year-old empress-regent
Nilasy, the owner of the longest title Tzu-si-du’an-yu-kan-I-chiao-
yu-show-gun-chin-hsien-chun-si – Merciful, Happy, Home, Guarded,
Healthy, Profound, Clear, Calm, Majestic, True, Long-Term,
Honored, Highest, Wise, Exalted and Radiant, a big mischievous in
her youth, did not lose the taste for life and in adulthood. The
Empress lived in the new Summer Palace. Old, Yuanming yuan, was
destroyed, looted and fell into disrepair, worthlessness and utter
desolation after the Anglo-French occupation of Beijing. The new
summer palace, Ikheyuan, was built with the money allocated by
the treasury in 1883 for the construction of the navy, and was a
whole complex of palaces, temples, pavilions, pagodas, separate
halls, terraces, openwork bridges and other structures spread over
the square in three hundred and thirty hectares. Adored to rule and
dispose of the destinies of four hundred million citizens, Cixi
completely removed the weak-willed emperor Guanshu from
government and took full power into her own hands. Referring with
utter indifference to the sufferings of the starving people, she tried
to keep China’s high prestige in the eyes of foreigners by
demonstrating the brilliance and luxury of the imperial chambers. In
1895, Jun Lu- the governor-general of the Zhili region’s capital, the
commander of the New Beijing Field Army armed and trained in
European style, the head of the imperial guard and the metropolitan
police, faithful servant, and even rumoured to be the father of the
second, carefully concealed child of Empress Cixi was at the zenith
of his power. After listening to Jun May, he sympathised with her
grief and promised to arrange an empress in the retinue. He
succeeded very easily. The entire imperial court consisted of the
Manchus, who had ruled China for two and a half centuries, and the
cousin’s granddaughter Jun Lu, whose husband heroically died
defending the Liaodong Peninsula from the Japanese hordes, of
course, found a place of honor. A green palanquin sent by Empress
Cixi, carried by four tall eunuchs, froze at the main, eastern
entrance of Dungunmen Iheyuan Summer Palace-Park. Coming out
of the palanquin, stunned Jun May behind the red walls of the
imperial city and treetops saw the roofs of the palaces covered with
tiles, shining with gilding and turquoise, and in front of it rose
blood-red gates, on both sides of which strange structures of white
jade rose. On covered crossings she was led to Renshoudian –
Pavilion of humanity and longevity, the chambers of the Empress.
With enthusiasm and amazement, Jun May stood in front of the
entrance, admiring the huge bronze smoking rooms, the fierce
dragon and crane, shining red copper, bright glaze of the ornament
of ceramic vases, the thinnest carving of doors, the diversity of
clothes of the servants.

“Let’s go and later see more,” Jun Lu jerked her hand, and with the
side entrance led to the empress’s chambers. The duty eunuch
carefully looked at the trembling, almost losing consciousness of the
significance of the moment the woman, ordered to fix her hair and
opened the huge doors, on which a yellow dragon sign was written
with the inscription: “Ten thousand years and ten thousand ten
thousand years old by the empress”.

Jun May saw in the depths of a room of two magnificently dressed

women talking – young and old, stepped forward and fell to her
knees. Making a san-gui jiu-kou — the presentation ceremony for
the empress, she, taking small steps, knelt three times, touching
the floor three times with her forehead, and froze in front of the

“Tell me about yourself, girl,” the old woman sang in a sweet voice
and Jun May immediately determined that she was very angry and
capricious, but she pretended to be kind and gentle. And she
became very bitter and scary, and wanted to jump up and run
away, but she remembered the words of old Hushan Yang from the
temple of Hu-shen and tried to control herself.

“Nutsay”, a slave Jun May, was born nineteen years ago in Mukden,
in the family of the Taotai governor of the province. For eight years,
on the advice of my grandfather Jun Lu, I was sent to a mission
school, where I studied up to seventeen years old.

Hao, hao, - well, well, - the empress mumbled indifferently, but

then she became alert.

“How did you live with missionary barbarians for nine years?”

- No, Nutsay Jun Mei lived at home, they took me to school in the
morning and took me back to the evening.

- Hao, hao. Do you believe in their god? That, who rebelled, for
which he was nailed to the wooden cross with nails …
- No, Nutsay Jun May does not believe in their god. There are no
two truths in the world, all three current teachings have one
beginning, she answered, referring to Daoism, Buddhism and the
teachings of Confucius.

“Hao, hao,” the empress nodded, and in her indifferently watchful

eyes a thought flashed through her.

- What did you study in the missionary school?

- Nutsay Jun May studied the history of the Celestial Empire, world
history, mathematics, geography, studied needlework and

- And why do you need this? - the Empress asked contemptuously.

[BR]“They taught ...,” Jun May bowed her head.

- What else? That mother Josephine taught them to scripture,

prayers and church rites Jun May did not dare to say, and, after a
short hitch, said, “To the Languages ...”

- Which one? - interested the empress.

- Latin …

- Is it the language of their dead? - remembered the empress. - And

the living?

- French …

- And do you understand their letter and speech?

“Yes,” Jun May admitted in a completely fallen voice.“Hao, hao,” the

empress mumbled, thinking about something.
- What happened to you then?

“Then Nutsai Jun May got married, her husband was appointed
commander of the detachment of banners troops in Liaodong.”
When the Japanese attacked Jung-hua, the Middle Blooming State,
the husband bravely fought and died defending the Western Gate in
Ching-chou-ting. They killed my child, ”she whispered with tears.

- I do not hear, repeat, - the empress ordered.

“They killed my son,” she repeated loudly.

“Hao, hao, din hao,” well, well, very well,”mumbled the empress,
and Jun May was ready to leap up and grab her nails in her face.
But over the years, the respect for the sacred emperor was not
allowed to do so, although she knew from the mysterious gossip
that Cixi was no more notable than her own, her father died in
prison as a criminal, she herself was a guizhen – a concubine and
was raised only as the mother of Emperor Tongzhi.

“Hao,” the empress regent pronounced emphatically. - I leave you

in my retinue and assign a maid of honor. This is a very high honor
for you. You will live in the palace and be present at my person.
Your main duty will be to attend Junjichu with me – the Supreme
Imperial Council during the reception of foreign ambassadors, listen
to their speeches, check whether the dragomans correctly translate
them and whether the princes Gong and Qing correctly convey the
meaning of their speeches.

For five days, Jun Mei studied court etiquette, the location of
buildings in the Yihe Yuan Palace, the place of rooms in chambers,
especially in the chambers of Empress Cixi, acquainted with her
wardrobe — there were more robes and dresses in it than stars in
the sky; the ritual of eating the empress, with her linen, dishes,
habits, weaknesses, taboos, favourites, jewels, favourite walking
paths, eunuchs fu, which are nasty, incapable of eunuchs, they only
pinch ... She was shown and called By the names of countless
dignitaries and palace servants, hurled gossip, gossip, gossip, vague
hints and malicious wishes into the ocean. It turned out that she
herself, Jun Mei , was of some interest and everyone tried to drag
her to her side, but, seeing the deliberate, her stupidity, was left
alone. Although, Jun Mei and really in head everything mixed up in
wild porridge with scraps of bright scraps sticking out from there,
pagodas, names, galleries, cuffs and tweaks, dragons and
phoenixes, artificial lakes and pillow, and a shrill-bristling-hissing-
looking cacophony, threats, gossip, trusting vile giggles, lascivious
hints ... She listened, nodded, agreed with everyone, smiled, bowed
low, someone said something, replied, not always in a bad mood,
giggled as ugly, let herself something sedate and important, an
unnaturally excited look, but before her eyes she always had a little
fox. She saw that he was already accustomed to his new role, had
grown strong, his fluffy fur coat was shiny, his black little eyes were
curious about the world around him; She saw that he was full and
well-groomed, thanked Heshan Yan, rejoiced and calmed down.
When she managed to disappear for a while, hide behind a screen
in the room reserved for her dwelling, she immediately reincarnated
into a fox and rushed to him. At first, he happily threw herself to
meet her, nestled tightly and whined softly, and Jun Mei’s heart
melted, she warmed him, licked, gently braked, but lately she
began to take offence at him a bit, a little — he had new, unknown
interests, and he even tried to run away. She had to bite quietly;
she even yelled at him in her hearts, and she herself was
frightened. Then Jun Mei was graciously allowed to stay on duty in
the empress’s chambers. At dawn, the maid of honor woke Cixi,
brought warm aromatic water to her for washing, served up soft-
smelling towels, then carried ceremonial dresses, laid her hair,
served a table for breakfast ... long day! At the beginning of the
second moon of the twenty-first year of the reign of Guangxu*, the
first for Jun Mei audience of the members of Jun-jichu took place in
the Throne Room. She was standing behind the right of the chair of
the Empress, to the left of which was the throne of the emperor.
Downstairs, kneeling on felt pillows, stood, hunched over and heads
bowed, the members of the Council were the grand dukes Gong
and Qing, the second cousin of her grandfather Jun Lu, Li Hungchan
and Zhang Zhidong. And he was still kneeling on the stone floor,
the sweaty general shaking out of fear from the sweat of a broken
army general, the former ambassador and the governor in Korea,
Yuan Shikai.

Emperor Guangxu was sitting on a throne with an absent

appearance, was lethargic, absent-minded, asked no questions and
seemed depressed. But the angry Empress Cixi was thrown with
lightning. “In what way,” she did not restrain her rage, “this small
barbaric Japan managed to defeat the Great Middle Empire, take
Korea, defeat our army and destroy the navy and even capture
Liaodong?” Where did you put the millions and millions of silver lans
that the treasury released for the construction of the fleet and
coastal forts, training and arming the army, for uniforms and
ammunition? Old Gong cried, shaking his head, splashing tears and
saliva, constantly bowing and repeating, «Half of the money had to
be transferred to build the Palace Park Iheyuan, our divisions in
Korea had half the staff, because the generals appropriated the
money released for the maintenance of the soldiers”. Liaodong does
not have fortifications to protect from the rear, which the Japanese
used. Our weapons are old, there are still swords, bows and arrows,
and soldiers do not know how to handle modern firearms, there are
few German instructors, and they are not zealous in training the
army, the Empress is to blame.

— So, where, do any of you know, you stopped these Japanese

worms? How far did they get? Bring a map of China!

Behind the yellow screen of a fierce dragon, a screen in front of

the Throne Room entrance, blocking evil spirits, there was a romp,
then a eunuch, whose face was not visible, crawled on his knees
and attached it to the screen not far from the throne. Old Gong
took an ebony wand and, sadly crawling on his knees, began to
show. He circled Korea with the tip of his wand, the Liaodong
Peninsula, and pointed out the city of Wei-hi-wei in the north of the
Shandong Peninsula. Then he showed Pescador islands and,
splashing tears on the floor, the island of Formosa. “They seized all
this from us,” muttered the old Gong.

How, they saddled the Gulf of Zhili and now I can’t place a fleet
here without their knowledge? And the fortress of Liu-shun-kou, in
which I invested the abyss of money? Is it also captured by the
Japanese? “Behind, behind, the empress, they attacked from behind
and captured her,” the Gong, trembling with fear, justified herself.
* Beginning of March 1895
What happened to my divisions in Korea? — she turned her eyes
toGeneral Yuan Shikai.
But he banged his forehead on the stone floor and was silent. —
Where are my divisions? — the Empress got furious. The general
only more often pounded his forehead. — What does the emperor
think about this? — turned Cixi to Guangxi.

The emperor sluggishly moved his hand and replied, “I totally rely
on you.” The Empress sighed heavily

— “I often think that I am the smartest woman who ever lived in

the world, and no one can be compared with me. Although I heard
a lot about Queen Victoria and read some of her life translated into
Chinese about her life, however, I don’t think her life was at least
half more interesting and informative than mine. England is one of
the great powers of the world, but this did not give Queen Victoria
absolute power. She always had behind her capable people in
parliament and, of course, they discussed all the problems in great
detail before achieving their goal. And Queen Victoria just signed
the necessary documents and in fact could not judge the policy of
the country. Now look at me. I have four hundred million subjects.
And it all depends on my decision. Although I have at my disposal
the Supreme Imperial Council, called to give me recommendations,
but it is only engaged in various movements of officials. All
important issues must be addressed by myself”. They listened to
her silently, guiltily drooping their heads. The war with Japan was
hopelessly lost, the country was awaited by new disasters, rejection
of land, indemnity, extortion to cover it and, as a result, new
uprisings ... “I will instruct Li Hunchan to negotiate peace with
Japan.Try, at least, to make the withdrawal of Japanese troops from
the territory of the Middle Empire.”
The Empress was afraid. Waking up, she sat for a long time in bed,
and dull tears flowed down her gray wrinkled cheeks and shaking
heavy chin, leaving shiny traces. The servants feared approached
her: she could hit every minute — either with glittering gold and
precious stones with her fist, or with a bone fan, or to launch any
trinket under her arm. Always spinning under the feet of countless
eunuchs, as they prayed handouts, as if blown away by the wind;
having fulfilled their tiny duty, each of them imperceptibly and
swiftly disappeared, at best referring to ill-health or to extremely
important matters. Only the chief eunuch, Li Lianying, sat heavily in
the room next to the empress’s chambers, sometimes with obvious
reluctance to rise and go to her room to cope, would there be any
orders. She was terribly afraid. She looked at the eunuch
observantly, wondered if there was any news from Shimonoseki,
where negotiations began with Japan, and when she learned that
there was no messenger, she waved languidly, “Go ...” She tried to
unwind, going on a boat trip on Lake Kunming, right here in the
park-palace, but she was annoyed by everything: the light spring
breeze, the bright sun, and the colorful rainbow of the beautiful
Chanlan gallery, and every minute changing scenic views of the
artificial landscape. Sometimes she lost control of herself and then
her face twisted a grimace of fear. And how could she not be afraid.
She often remembered when, thirty-five years ago, after the defeat
of the Celestial Empire from the British and French, Emperor
Xianfeng had to flee Peking, and his many officials and concubines
were destined to die in order not to get the enemy soldiers for fun.
Then she herself only miraculously saved her life, and the death
was so close. And now, it was only a grimace of fear that didn’t
seem on her face, everything around her — and the eunuchs at the
brazier with tea and at the table with dishes, and the maidservant
with warm robes, and the maid of honor, trying to cheer up
scabrous stories, all instantly turned away or averted her eyes —
her anger was dangerous, she could give under bamboo sticks.
While on duty in the Empress’s chambers, Jun Mei heard her senile
grumbling. — Worms, they take away my empire. The French and
the British tear off the southern provinces, Japan captured
Liaodong. Now they are like tigers, but if we lost Liaodong, they will
turn into black dragons. Then their hordes will pounce on the
Celestial Empire and I, like Emperor Xianfeng, thirty-five years ago,
will have to flee, leaving everything, and take refuge somewhere in
a pitiful outlying town. The arriving messenger delivered the news
that completely upset her. The Japanese demanded a huge
indemnity, Formosa Island, Pescadores Islands and, most
importantly, Liaodong. Li Hunchjan reported that if he would pull
with the signing of a peace treaty, then the Japanese threatens to
resume hostilities. She demanded a map, scolded the evil for
sluggishness and fixed her eyes on the bizarre outlines of the
shores of the Yellow Sea and the Zhili Bay. What should we expect
from the Japanese? From Wei-hi-wei, they rush to Shandong.
From Liaodong to Manchuria? On the other hand, to Dagu, Tianjin,
and than go here, to the capital of the empire? She was shaking
with fear. A fat, heavy, wrinkled gray face beneath rice powder
shook, numerous chin creases shook, a jelly-like bust shook, a thick
stomach shook, which was clearly seen from the robe lapel
vibrations, knees shook, the shaking hands shook, and, confirming
fear, the teacup rattled over the saucer. She threw the cup, almost
collapsed in a chair and shouted, — Let him sign!


Usually calm and restrained, Sergei Yulievich arrived at the Ministry
of Finance, clearly excited. Rising to his office, he immediately
ordered to invite to his cabinet closest assistants and
associates — the director of the office of the Ministry of Finance
Peter Mikhailovich Romanov and the head of the Asian
department Dmitry Dmitrievich Pokotilov.

— Have you already studied the Japanese requirements for

China? — having greeted, he immediately proceeded to business.
Sitting comfortably in the chairs and seeing that the conversation
will long, they nodded, “Yes, of course, of course ...”

— And how do you rate them? Pokotilov had a more decisive

character; he did not hold a wait-and-see attitude and did not like
long pauses in conversation.

— With its seizures on the mainland, Japan began to divide China.

What has long been in the air has happened.

— Yes, he nodded his head more cautious in the conclusions,

somewhat sluggish, which had extensive experience working in the
Ministry of Finance since the sixties, Romanov.

— Although, to be precise, the British were first with the French

back in the forties. After the first opium war, the British captured
Hong Kong, after the second, Burma, and the French
took Cochinhin and Annam ... “But let’s be fair,” too arrogant and
therefore assertive Pokotilov took the amendments very painfully,
Marshal Yamagato already eight months ago, in June ninety-
fourth militantly declared that Japan should not expect Russia to
finish building the railway to Vladivostok, and France will set up in
Siam. Therefore, as a result...
— The appetites of Japan are grand ... Admire — Ryu-
Kyu, Pescadores, Formosa, even Liaodong! Not bad, not
bad, — Witte spoke thoughtfully and measurably, — Of course, the
requirements of Shimonoseki treaty seems to me extremely
unfavorable for Russia. What is a predator, this Japan? For some
twenty years, she has been very successful, her appetites are no
longer limited to Korea, but extend to Manchuria, even to the of
China. After all, it approached us in the sense that if
the Primorsk region was before separated from Japan by sea, now it
is tying up interests on the mainland, and is quite incorrect. Of
course, it is more helpful for us to have a strong but immovable
China around us, this is the guarantee of peace from the East.
However, to allow Japan to infiltrate almost around Beijing itself and
acquire such an important area as the Liaodong Peninsula?
Therefore, we cannot keep up ..., — he said.
— Do we have to China? — prudent Romanov constantly opposed
Sergei Yulievich, served as a kind of counterbalance to the
hasty, sometimes, conclusions of Witte and Pokotilov in their
frequent conversations. — There, Siberia and the Far East, from
China to the Arctic Ocean — immense deserts. After all, it is
necessary, it is necessary to settle and learn. On the one hand, this
will help defuse the peasant population in European Russia, there
will be more freedom for the land life of the peasants, and however,
there will be hope that the Siberian railway line will pay for itself
now, as it is settled.
— Well, it will be enough for millions of years to settle and develop
at a pace like now. After all, what kind of opposition met this
thought? Above all, among our noblemen,
landowners. Interior Minister Ivan Nikolaevich Durnovo immediately
took care of political reasons and began to invent anything to
prevent the resettlement. But in a frank conversation, they openly
express their most intimate concerns that, if, they say, peasants
en masse begin to move to Siberia and the Far East, the land will
not increase in price.So the more people who want to buy it, the
more expensive it will be. On the other hand, you have to pay
more for tillage: if there are fewer workers, then the demand for
them will increase, hence the price ... The owners of plants are also
concerned: if there is an excess of staff, you can pay a
penny, — mocked Pokotilov.
Two months ago, at the January meeting in the Winter Palace,
chaired by Grand Duke Alexei, the question of what place Russia
should take in connection with Japan’s victory over China was
discussed. It did not seem to concern Russia directly, although the
situation on the eastern border is changing much. Therefore, the
meeting participants, not having come to a definite conclusion,
decided, if, to increase the Russian squadron in the Pacific Ocean.
In addition, try through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to enter into
intercourse with Britain and France to jointly influence
Japan. To encourage it to keep Korea’s independence, under
international control, naturally, given its strong positions there.
Now, having received through the diplomatic channels to familiarise
Japan’s demands on China, Foreign Minister Prince Lobanov-
Rostovsky reported recently to the Russian throne after the death of
Father Alexander III Nikolai Alexandrovich that for us the seizure of
the Liaodun Peninsula by the Japanese would be generally
undesirable. Consequently, a dilemma arises: either to demand the
removal of the Japanese from South Manchuria, which, given our
general weakness in the Far East and without the support, at least,
of France and Germany, is very problematic. But if the Japanese
simply do not take our demand into account, and then we find
ourselves in a foolish place; or close eyes to their mainland
acquisition. Nikolai Alexandrovich immediately realised that there
was something to profit from, take advantage of the opportunity
and to ponder, figuratively speaking, it was not for nothing that he
had the rank of colonel ... Since China lost all influence in Korea,
and Japan, under the pretext of independence of this country, is
seeking its capture. Do not try to chop off a piece. He replied
to Lobanov that, from a purely Russian point of view, would they
not have thought about our occupation of the port of Lazarev or
another port in eastern Korea? That is, he made it clear that he
was completely indifferent to the seizures of Japan in China. Only
twenty days in the position of minister, Prince Lobanov, hastened to
learn the opinion of His Highness about the prospects of Russian
policy in the Far East, to whom he should be guided as the future of
our ally — China or Japan? The difficulty was that if His Highness is
satisfied with the situation, then weak China is favorable to us.
However, if Nikolay thinks that it is too early for us to stop in
movements to the East, then Lobanov will completely share his
thoughts and goals, and in this case, we can hardly spoil relations
with Japan — here we will have two enemies with an excess.
Moreover, as an ally, Japan will be good against established in the
Far East and having a significant navy and coastal bases of England
there. In addition, His Highness expressed unequivocally: Russia, of
course, needs an open port free of ice throughout the year. This
port should be on the mainland, in southeastern Korea, and
necessarily associated with our current land strip. Therefore, the
heir to the throne made a hasty choice, not at all satisfied with the
Minister of Finance.
— OK, Siberia will wait, we will not rush, and this is our dark barn.
Here Manchuria is a tidbit, — Sergei Yulievich persistently directed
the conversation in the right direction. The verbal warm-up was
over and it was time to move on to discussing the main issue,
which was discussed several times in their close circle and was as
natural as the air they breathed, like the dank gray day of the early
St. Petersburg spring, like the clatter of horseshoes on stone
pavement penetrating the open upper fragment of high windows,
natural, as the flow of their thoughts, and home education, and
gymnasium, and then university education, although education to a
lesser extent, and more views of the circle of people in they lived, to
dictate the conversation in the need direction.
“Under what pretext to get there,” the sly Romanov reminded that
he had also been the subject of discussion and quite sharp disputes.
— To let the Japanese climb into South Manchuria, this means
losing it all. In addition, the port on the coast of eastern
Korea — what a wretchedness of thinking? Could the naval
minister Chikhachev have an idea of arranging a truly non-freezing
port for the Pacific squadron somewhere in Shandong?
Or Yingkou? On Liaodong impossible - if the Japanese in
Shimonoseki concede it to the Chinese, then it would be extremely
incorrect for us to climb there It would make them ridiculed in
front of the world. Macaques, using the lexicon of
Nikolai Alexandrovich, people are touchy! It is impossible. In
addition, His Highness hammered himself and insistently demanded
a port somewhere in southeastern Korea, in order to later attach it
to our possessions in a strip. Shandong is far, this is not Manchuria,
and the port will be defenceless there, which is extremely
unfavourable for Russia. On Liaodong, however, too,
but ..., — thought Pokotilov thoughtfully.
— Bravo, — Sergei Yulievich jumped at this “but”, — bravo!
— “Do not probe us to the possibility of annexing Manchuria? The
sovereign is internally situated, the title of Bogdykhan, for the
exotic, appeals to him,” Pokotilov continued just as thoughtfully.
“Then it will be necessary to discuss his possibilities with the
Minister of War Vannovsky,” Sergei Yulievich supported him. — “But
the reason, the reason?”

“The reason is quite clear — unbridled greed overcame, and haste,

moreover, no matter how late,” — Romanov threw out a tub.
— “And this is for ourself. The reason the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Prince Lobanov, comes up with”, — Pokotilov dismissed.
— “Do not dress up in the toga of benefactors, defenders of China?
From the same Japanese”, such as, Romanov continued after a

Sergey Yulievich was on his guard; — “And what a good idea, it will
be necessary to think it over carefully later, a very good idea. After
building a road, we inevitably find ourselves in a situation
of tensions and the risk of an early collision with Japan. All over
from Baikal to Vladivostok, it will be defenceless from the side of
Manchuria! Especially, if the Japanese settle there. Hard to lay it.
In addition, the terrain is difficult, the climate is terrible, and the
summer is short. In addition, Makeev, Managing Director of the
Amur Shipping and Commerce Society, complains that the railroad
competition will undermine shipping along the Amur River,
and much money invest in it. Indeed, the year-round movement by
rail is not something that is semi-annual along the Amur. However,
if you let it go straight through
Manchuria? — suggested Pokotilov. — The direct path is much
shorter and cheaper.
— “Once again bravo, Dmitry Dmitrievich!” — grabbed Witte for his
thought. — So, the railway? I consider the Siberian
highway — from Chelyabinsk to Vladivostok — my brainchild. It
was to me that Emperor Alexander III instructed to make sure the
construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, making successively the
Minister of Railways and almost immediately the Minister of
Finance. Yes, seven months have passed after his death. In
addition, what was an attractive, high personality, what he inspired
a deep respect, loyalty and love? Not anyone who had the good
fortune to approach him could be grieved by his
death. Although the prankster he was great. See,
General Cherevin, the head of security and a friend of His Majesty,
recounted. Let us sit down, he say, to play cards, and the Queen
Mother is right there, everything is spinning, do we have any
alcoholic drinks? Notice anything and leave, pleased. In addition,
the emperor and I adapted, we sewed our boots with wide tops and
flasks of glass, special, flat ones ordered. The Queen went away,
we look at each other, and — one, two, three — like a game, pull
out the flasks, suck and again sit quietly, play, as if nothing had
happened. “Beggars for invention are cunning” — they called it.
The sovereign could drink a lot, but not in one eye is noticeable.
Then he will lie on his back, chatting with his feet in the air,
squealing with pleasure and everyone who tries to walk past tries to
catch his legs and throw him down on the floor. Only in this way
did they find out that the sovereign had fooled.
They laughed, and Sergei Yulievich continued, — I have studied this
issue for a very long time and have thoroughly studied it. After all,
now ask anyone, even the highest political leader, about China’s
geographical position and its relationship with its
neighbours — Japan and Korea, because everything is highly
ignorant. Even to take Foreign Minister Prince Lobanov — a very
educated man, very secular, and speaks the language perfectly, and
the pen, yes, and ask him about China — no more a second-grade
gymnast student knows. As for the West, he knows everything, but
he knows nothing about the Far East, because he has never been
In relations between Witte and Lobanov, there was a tangible chill,
and therefore Sergei Yulievich, among his like-minded subordinates,
did not consider it necessary to refrain from bearing at the foreign
minister. However, here the primordially Russian custom
unceremoniously to pry into someone else’s diocese was clearly felt
and almost manage there, reckoning themselves smarter and more
determined; Moreover, in such unpretentious business as
international, we are all experts …

- Now, there is a unique opportunity to seize the alluring

Manchuria. What is the layout of forces? The 400 millionth China
was so defenceless that the Japanese put by miserable fifty-
thousand-strong army to its knees. Japan has long been harassing
Korea and, one might say, possessed it. Further, it
captured Liaodong, which means wide penetration into Manchuria
from the rear, from the south, into its most populated areas. Plus,
there is a constant threat to the capital of China. And if the
Japanese build a railway from Fuzan in the south of Korea to
Beijing? — It is impossible to allow it to infiltrate in such an
important area of China as Liaodong, — Pokotilov resolutely
— Our constant opponent England will push Japan to Manchuria to
distract her from Middle China, where it herself hopes to firmly set
up itself. In addition, to prevent Russia from entering China, it will
try to push Japan with us with foreheads, Romanov reminded of the
eternal sore point of foreign policy.
— So, it will be possible to penetrate into North Manchuria under
the pretext of the need to build a direct railway line
from Transbaikalia to Vladivostok through Chinese territory. Not
bad! Well, I will ask the minister of the ways of Prince Khilkov to
begin reconnaissance of the Manchurian line, but so far unofficially.
Prince Lobanov should not be informed about this either; it is
necessary to carefully test the international situation and the
possible reaction of Сhin, — Sergei Yulievich summarised.
“And for that Japan does not overtake us, does not fit into South
Manchuria, it would be desirable to prevent the Shimonoseki
Japanese demands, to demand the release
of Liaodong,” Pokotilov suggested.

At the end of March 1895, Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky received

messages from the German and French embassies that Germany
was ready to join any step that Russia would consider necessary to
do in Tokyo to induce Japan to abandon the occupation of South
Manchuria with Port Arthur, and that France also agree
to coordinate with ours.
Unexpected, in general, the proposals of Germany and France
smashed the position of Prince Lobanov, based on the already
stated decision of Nikolai Alexandrovich, and forced him to take up
the problem that had fallen over his head. After all, Germany
directly dictated to His Highness Nicholas and Prince Lobanov the
next steps — to force Japan to abandon the seizure of South
Manchuria, the Liaodong Peninsula. And Minister of
War Vannovsky, contrary to the previously expressed opinion,
cheered up and declared that he was ready at any time to resort to
Soon there were reports from diplomatic representatives in Berlin,
Paris and London that the Chinese envoys had begun negotiations
with the local financial community about providing loans to China.
Loans to cover the Japanese contribution. Economic dependence is
sometimes no better than direct military occupation, it must
be borne in mind. And under what obligations does China seek
Should we try to seize the initiative and lend to China? Of course,
there is no free money, the amount they are looking for is
enormous, but we can also recharge ...
— now in St. Petersburg, Alphonse Rothstein, son-in-law of the
Paris Rothschild. I will meet with him and ask through his Parisian
relatives to attract French capital. I think this is possible, — as
director of the office of the Ministry of Finance, Romanov had
extensive connections in the business and financial world and knew
how to use them.

Sergei Yulievich worked hard for a month, collecting information

about the search for loans in Europe by his factotums and
representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, opposing his
European rivals in various ways, because China was a tasty morsel
and offered truly enormous revenues from maritime customs to
secure loans. Sergei Yulievich knew that his European colleagues
would not hesitate to demand even the provinces. It was especially
difficult to resist the German bankers, who were aggressively
pushing for a loan from their government. Late unified, Germany
was late for the division of the colonies and now sought to catch up,
looking for any opportunity, any chance and any reason to take
part in the robbery and robbery. And this time, they have achieved
something — they signed a loan agreement with China on a par
with the British beginnings.
But Sergei Yulievich managed to convince the representatives of the
French banking groups Gottinger, Neplin and Rene Briss to come to
St. Petersburg, present them to the emperor as a guarantor, and
to close with them an agreement on a loan to China of one hundred
million rubles in gold guaranteed by Russia.
The French bourgeois — the shareholders of banks were happy:
Russia guaranteed them payment of high interest on the loan.
The Chinese imperial court was almost happy — Russia arranged for
them a loan in France and guaranteed its repayment.
Japan was also satisfied — Russia got China money to pay the
indemnity, which will be spent on the preparation of the coming war
with Russia.
Sergei Yulievich was also pleased — he found an excuse to get into
But he did not hurry: the rear must be provided.
It is clear, first, that the empress regent Cixi, who is extremely
painful about the loss of the former power of China, does not want
to hear about Russia’s direct state penetration into Manchuria. She
will immediately regard this as trying to dismember the empire, and
worsen the already strained relations with Russia for two centuries
already. In such an important matter, we must act very carefully.
It is they — the Japanese, the British, the French, the Germans,
who else there, treacherous, greedy, want to tear China apart, into
colonies. We, Russians, no, we are friends; we steadily care and
take care of the welfare of the eastern neighbor. Here, an
ultimatum was presented to Japan for the release of Liaodong, a
loan to pay the indemnity was found and provided for you, we want
to build an iron road directly to Europe, so that China becomes
richer by exporting more goods there. Yes, um, the railway ... But
the empress-regent and the imperial council would not agree on the
Russian state railway to their limits, she says, and then there are
many who want to follow your example. But if there is a private
business, some kind of merchant, then maybe ... What a demand
for it, a merchant, is private enterprise ... And there are precedents,
private companies are building in China, and foreign
companies ... No Russian merchant, of course, has to pull such a
big deal, it’s necessary to create a solid company. The case for
hundreds of millions, and the costs will not soon pay off. Now, if
we organised an international bank, it was desirable—, the costs
themselves will have to be much less incurred, and the veil of
external decorum and international capitalism will be thrown onto a
purely and exclusively Russian business. Therefore, it has been
decided that it will be necessary to negotiate the issue of a new
bank with Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich. Bank; let us call it, say,
Russian-Chinese. And we will declare the goals right — for the
development of trade and industry beyond the Urals, for the
transportation of goods, for the construction of railways and
communications, for organising help to the Chinese financial and tax
systems. So, know ours — angels, benefactors, lamb of God. And
only then, to build these very lines of communication and
communication, we will create a joint-stock company with the bank,
which will be the builder of the railway. Shares can be paid from
the treasury by releasing only a very small amount. The very next
day after signing an agreement with the French financiers on a loan
to China of Russia, on June 24, 1895, in the office of the Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky,
Finance Minister Sergei Yulievich Witte made an offer to the same
French bankers, The Russian-Chinese Bank to work in the countries
of East Asia on the widest possible basis. The French realised the
seriousness of the proposal — the support represented by the
ministers of foreign affairs and finance, representing the mighty
Russian empire, was solid, and agreed. Russian-Chinese bank was
founded with a capital of six million rubles. Its founders were
the Gottinger and Co. Bank, the Paris-Netherlands Bank, the Lyon
Credit Bank, the National Constituent Office and the St. Petersburg
International Bank. The board of the bank included three
Frenchmen, director of the office of the Ministry of Finance
Romanov, head of the Asian department Pokotilov, Petersburg
financiers Notgaft and Rothstein, Rothschild’s son-in-law, and two
Far Eastern merchants - Startsev and Vladimirov, to give the bank
an oriental flavor.

Sergei Yulievich achieved his first victory — the bank had a solid
base in the person of French financiers, and the majority
of Russians on the board guaranteed certain freedom to channel its
activities in the needed direction. But it is necessary to continue to
act energetically.
Having received a message from Paris that the French partners
signed the bank’s charter, Sergei Yulievich submitted for approval to
Emperor Nicholas concession projects for the construction of a
trans-Manchurian railway and a leading political memorandum to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for further negotiations with the
Chinese imperial court. And about the large amount needed to
solve any issue by the servants of the Bogdykhan, for a bribe, that
is, he took care of it, and slandered with the emperor. This
scrupulous question met with understanding, the emperor guessed
that the Chinese were also people; they were all smeared with one
Sergei Yulievich, as it were, competed with the French. Those for
their participation in the ultimatum of Japan made
China changes the border of the French Tonkin at the cost of the
Chinese province of Yunnan, opening for French trade to several
cities in southern China and the right to build a railway there. And
Germany was in a hurry. It achieved concessions in Hankou and
Tianjin and, as it became known from military circles, began to look
for a bay on the coast of Shandong.
He was a little jealous of the success of rivals, but, by the way, he
considered their acquisitions a mere trifle.
Manchuria! Here is a piece worthy of his appetite. First through it
line from Transbaikalia to Vladivostok. With a rights of way a
hundred miles in each direction. Yes, with the rights of concessions
in the territory of Manchuria. And a ban on the activities of foreign
industrial companies in this region. Is it only Manchuria? Later,
once we firmly set up ourselves there, it will be possible to start
branches in Middle China. And even to the south.
According to Prince Lobanov, the envoy in Beijing, Count Cassini,
informs about the growing anxiety of the empress-regent Cixi in
connection with our slowness to make demands. Cixi is afraid that
Russia’s appetites, in gratitude for Japan’s ultimatum, will prove
excessive, and that the tiny sense of appreciation in her will fade
away is already being supplanted by the usual coldness and anger.
Of course, it did not do without the many enemies of Russia,
especially the British, who did not want any competitors in China.
Already, they have ravaged the Empress Regent, claiming that
Russia will demand the annexation of the northern ledge of
Manchuria from Sretensk to Blagoveshchensk, the eastern ledge
from Khanka to the mouth of the Sungari River,
the Barlyk Mountains and the area of Kuldzhi. They accurately
labeled, knowing that local governors, of which the Chinese were
aware and feared, had previously raised such claims.
In addition, Sergei Yulievich’s proposal to hold the railway
from Transbaikalia to Vladivostok via Manchuria was met with rather
strong resistance in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the
military department. Composing a political memorandum, he was
so carried away with a description of the advantages of the road for
China, that his opponents became alarmed. Do we not do any good
for ourselves? And where are the interests of Russia? Will we not
throw hundreds of millions into the abyss of our traditionally
strained relations with China? We build, and they will ride?
And then Sergei Yulievich had to patiently and persistently explain
that after finishing the construction of the road to Vladivostok, by
the strength of the things themselves, as the only Pacific port with
railway connections to Europe, would become the main port for all
world trade in the Far East. With the abolition of the free port here,
the treasury will receive huge profits from import and export
duties; from Russian Transbaikalia it will be possible to transfer
troops to Manchuria and almost to the Yellow Sea. And, most
importantly, by building, a road through Manchuria, Russia will
economically enslave it; because large-scale production of goods is
economically feasible only for their wide distribution, that is, trade,
and for trade, transportation is needed. China has something to sell
and there is something to buy, and for this, it needs transportation.
China possesses enormous natural wealth, and for it, industrial
development transport is needed. China is suffocating from the
huge masses of the impoverished population, which for pennies can
be involved in production, exploited, to put it economically. The
road is an aorta and an artery, which, together with capillaries, will
breathe life into tiny stagnant villages and small towns,
like Nikolsk and Vladivostok, will attract energetic people to them,
revitalise rural production, and with some the Russian population, it
will allow us to use Chinese labour. Cheap, almost gratis labour!
And then the American Bush intervened. According to the Russian
ambassador Cassini and Pokotilov, who had left for the Russian-
Chinese bank in Beijing, in Tszunli-yamyen, the Chinese department
of foreign relations, this business person came and offered to build
the US-Beijing-Hankou and Hankou-Canton railways and to tie up
Manchuria with the Trans-Siberian Railway. At the same time, he
frightens the Chinese ministers on the political background of the
future Russian proposal for the road. As the Russian diplomats
managed to learn, Bush proposed to take up the construction of the
railway from the port of the Liaodong Peninsula to
Mukden — Jilin — Qiqihar and further to the Siberian Railway, and
from Mukden to the Korean border. Moreover, he requires a
monopoly on the construction of railways in Manchuria for thirty
years. In this case, Russia would have lost all hopes of using
China’s gratitude for expelling the Japanese from Liaodong and for
contributing to the loan. Extremely concerned about the news from
Beijing and dissatisfied with Cassini’s inaction,
Sergei Yulievich received a message from Pokotilov that the first
chancellor of the Chinese Empire, Li Hunchjan, will arrive in Russia
for the coronation of Nicholas II.


Three years of college went quickly. He was noticeably older,

stronger, and turned into a slender, broad-shouldered youth with a
black down on his dark brown face and dark brown eyes. You are
more like an Indian raja than a Japanese samurai, his course
comrades told him, and he smiled, pleased with the resemblance to
distant ancestors. From college, they were graduated
as midshipmen. The uniform of the officer of the Navy pleased
and higher in his own eyes. The girls on the streets did not take
their eyes off of them, and at the male civilian population,
especially at their peers, looked with undisguised contempt and
arrogance, considering them not only for second-rate people, but
almost insects — crawling, buzzing and twisting heavy car duties
and taxes to increase the power of the navy, army and Great Japan.
Now they were facing a one-year naval practice, and then passing
exams for the rank of sub-lieutenants and brilliant service on the
ships of the Imperial Navy, called upon by the vents of their
formidable guns to instil horror and humility into the hearts of
countless barbarians. Hakkoitiu — the world under one
roof! — This slogan for the first time sounded after the first victory
of Japanese weapons in the war against China in this, in 1895,
twenty-eighth years Meiji, and it did not seem unreliable, unreal. At
the headquarters of the fourth Naval District in Maizuru, where
he was sent for further service, he was already awaited. The
headquarters commander with the star of the Rising Sun on his
chest, Jukuns is an order-bearer; he noted with respect, casually
greeted him, once again carefully looked at the documents and
suddenly wondered when he had last met his parents. The question
of parents was unpleasant to him. While still in college, he noticed
a spark of contempt and pity in the eyes of peers who learned that
they were living in Russia, in Vladivostok. Orosiya and Osorosia are
derived from two words: Orosy is scary and Russia is Russia,
otherwise they did not call this state, long established on the shores
of the Great Ocean, but only recently extended its influence
throughout the Far East and entered into a deaf confrontation so
far with the rapidly gaining strength of Japan. “Three years ago,
before entering the Naval College at Etajima,” he unexpectedly
answered at length.
— And they still live in Uradanovo?
Uradanovo, the opposite shore of the sea, he had only several times
heard this Japanese name of Vladivostok in college in the classroom
of operational art, but decided that at the headquarters of the 4th
naval district, focused mainly on naval operations against
Russian Primorye, it had long been established.
“Yes, father still serves as a sales agent there,” he answered with a
— And during your years of study, you never went to
them? — asked the commander doubtfully.
“No, I spent the holidays with my cousin in their castle in Satsuma,
Kyushu,” the young man began to fear that because of his parents
he might find himself in the back of the fleet, in some warehouse of
ancient firearms, swords and bows.
“Horoso,” the commander suddenly switched to Russian. — You
will go to Vradivostok to see parents. To father give a greetings
from Todasi Ozu, he knows me as a lieutenant.
— Yes, I am, — Mr. Commander, — he also answered in Russian.
“Are you familiar with ninjutsu — the art of espionage?” — The
commander continued in Japanese.
“Not ... very much,” the young man replied perplexedly, he did not
expect such a direction in conversation and felt that the vision of a
huge battleship with powerful vents of guns and himself on the
command bridge was not something that had been shaken, was
already disappearing.
The Commander instantly understood his mood and inner prejudice
against Oniva-Bangs — the spies hiding behind
Fusumi and Shoji — the lattice partitions, and listening to, and
peering, and reporting.

Sekko hey wa tojin des! A scout is a superman! And for you to

successfully advance your career, it is extremely necessary to know
the theatre of future military operations, the enemy, its ports and
fortresses, so as not to be a blind puppy or a neat-headed staff
officer, fighting only on the map. By order of the commander of the
maritime district, you will go to Vladivostok, and you will compile a
report on the city’s defence fortifications, port facilities, the ability to
repair the military fleet, a list of officers and locations for military
units. Your future legend is a student at Tokyo University on
vacation with your parents.

A short young man with a weightlifter’s neck, broad shoulders and

obviously military bearing straightened from the low board of
a smartly painted freshly cut boat to the pier of the staff quay. His
face was quite European, except that the swollen eyelids and
yellowish darkness of the face betrayed Asian origin. He carefully
looked at the sleepy bay under a low gloomy sky with frozen white-
painted warships. Automatically re-counted them, indifferently ran
his eyes on the black hulls of merchant ships with flags of different
countries, carelessly imperious rocking heavy chin dismissed
rickshaws and porters who came running with Chinese service
offers, picked up a suitcase set by a boatman and walked along the
admiralty square to China street. Passing by the male gymnasium,
he almost respectfully did not greet the old servant, who had gone
out into the courtyard of the gymnasium to ring the recess at the
ancient copper bell that had been dazzled to dazzling brilliance. But
during time he caught himself, raised his chin even higher, passed
the yard of the gymnasium, which was filled with a shouting horde
of boys, and approached the building of a Japanese trade agency at
the corner of Beijing Street. “Vatatsubasi’s son appeared at his
father’s house,” old Lukyanych noted to himself. “It has not been
seen for a while, three years already,” he estimated, “Well, they
said that he was studying at Tokyo University.” Soared high, at me,
the mushroom old, and not looking. He does not remember evil
because he sometimes had to be locked up in a punishment cell.
So after all not his one, out, and the admiral’s sons were there,
respect for them only added. Well, God bless him.

The father and mother were extremely happy about the arrival of
their son, although outwardly the father did not show any emotion.
In the evening, left alone in the room, the men started talking
about the case.
— Did you visit your parents only, son? — asked Mr. Vatatsubashi.
— Not only, father. Commander Todashi Ozu asked to convey
his obeisances to you.
— Yes, I know Mr. Todasi Ozu well. He served in Albers’s shop
at Maltsevsky Depot, and I helped him set up some — he hesitated
— shopping, this is the most correct definition, connection. Here he
not only sold, but also bought. What exactly is not necessary to
— Commander Todashi Ozu ordered me to refresh his information
about this beautiful city and hinted that you, father, will help me
with this.
“Well, son, but do the main work yourself: wander around the city
and surroundings, visit friends of familiar girls — at this age they
are all surrounded by many young naval and army officers, meet
peer students of the gymnasium and companions in children’s
games. Literally, everything you hear from them is
of much interest. Before you return home, I will also show you
something important.
For two months, he rested in Vladivostok and was very successful in
his unofficial activities. He constantly wandered around the city,
visited the dry dock under construction, the barracks of the Siberian
military flotilla, listened to the conversations of naval and army
officers and lower ranks, went to the low dark workshops of the
military port and the Voluntary Fleet plant, went up among the
Korean and Chinese workers to the Goldobin fort under
construction, went to the skiff on the Russian island. In a word, he
went everywhere, found out everything, and personally examined
it. In the evenings, he sat at the table and drafted a Chinese plan of
the city, the location of military units, a dry dock, ship repair shops,
forts of the Vladivostok fortress and sectors of their shelling ... Even
made a portrets most all the officers of the fortress and
headquarters of the Siberian military flotilla. He got excited; he
succeeded easily, and began to make long trips — to the village
of Nikolsk, to the Anuchin gorge, to Novokievsk, to Kamen Rybolov,
to Razdolnoye and Posyet. And then with pleasure he represented
in his memory what he had seen, composed and sorted out
cards — here they were invaluable information about the
deployment and command structure of military units
in Primorye. The commandant of the Vladivostok fortress is Major
General Nikolai Yulievich Ackerman, the chief of staff is Lieutenant
Colonel Konstantin Filimonovich Pestich, Colonel
Maxim Ivanovich Strizhev commanders the fortress artillery, which
is very pathetic. The port commander Rear Admiral Enegelm, a
bourbon and commander, serves almost as a scarecrow for young
naval officers, while the crew commander is Captain I
rank Vishnyakov, according to reviews — my dear ...
Then he began to describe the means of communication. The
railway, which is still under construction up to Khabarovsk, was
examined and described first of all — throughput, rolling stock, all
stations and stations, bridges and bridges, all of which were fixed.
Then came the turn of the moorings and marinas in Vladivostok and
large villages, like the River in the mouth of the Suifun on the Amur
Bay, the Slavjanka in the Novokievsk tract, and in the tiny coves,
where they are, along the entire coast from the Korean border to
the Imperial harbor.
Thanks to his father, he was of great help. Almost all data he had,
only something to double-check and clarify remained. No wonder
the father has already lived for twenty years in the midst of these
stupid, gullible dandies, grabbers and drunkards officers and
officials. What kind of military secrets there is there: Colonel Exten,
the commander of the construction battalions, or
quartermaster Strelkov, comes to the consulate to negotiate on the
supply of cement of the Onoda brand, it was considered to be the
best, and was cheap, so before ordering the quantity, they be sure
to consult with a representative of the company, call titles of work
and discuss the volumes. Well, how can this not be glad, how not
to admire their gullibility and simplicity ...

The ships of the Siberian Military Flotilla and the Pacific Squadron
did not interest him: they gathered in the Nagasaki Bay every
winter, so only the laziest did not visit them. He himself went to the
Memory of Azov, Nakhimov, Kornilov, and Vladimir Monomakh many
times to familiarise himself with the fleet of the future enemy,
delivering sweets, teas, china, crests, fans and other goods ordered
in stores. Haberdashery.
Russian officers were hot patriots of their ships and loved it so well
that almost as one, they wanted to get skilled copies of it. Japanese
masters, famous for their fine, painstaking work, made models of
their cruisers and gunboats in large numbers, but for this, they
needed precise measurements. And the ship commanders gladly
provided them with such an opportunity. So the Russian ships until
the last rivet for a long time did not give a secret for the command
of the Japanese fleet.

And before that, he was carried away with his research, seeing the
utter lack of vigilance of local authorities that he once fell.
He hired a small group of unemployed Chinese for a decent fee, in a
worn jacket and patched blue trousers so that he would wander
with them under the pretext of looking for work in all places of
interest in the city. There were many of such wobbling groups
then. The cover-up turned out to be so successful that a couple of
times bumping into familiar officers, and the search for work led
them, of course, to military targets, he was left unrecognized. The
father suggested that employers distinguish and negotiate only with
the older men of such wandering groups of job-seeking Asians, and
do not pay the slightest attention to the rest, sliding only an
indifferent glance at a bunch of moody rooks with ingratiating eyes
and timid smiles.
This time, they got quite far from the city, into Maliy Ulysses Bay,
where the mine crew was located with its warehouses, and where
the military transport that had recently arrived was to be unloaded.
A light breeze from the sea, from the side of the Russian Island,
and white fluffy clouds, occasionally blocking the sun, saved the
heat of the August day. Sitting on the round, broken in waves of
coastal boulders and dropping his bare feet into the cool gentle
water, he watched with interest as sailors naked to the waist
overloaded from the transport to the shore long Whitehead
torpedoes shining in the sun. It tapped pistons and hissed ship
winches with steam; over the sleepy still-water of the bay, the
commands “Vira”, “Main”, “Come on-come” and not carrying a
semantic load sounded, but an obligatory verbal garnish of the
naughty mat; one by one, silver sharks of mines emerged from the
hold and carefully transported to the shore; and he quietly thought,
whispering to himself, — city, hati, kyu ... when he suddenly felt a
heavy palm on his shoulder, and hard fingers stuck into the
collarbone. Instantly grouped to straighten up in a steel spring, by
side vision, he saw Vladivostok counterintelligence, serf gendarme
command of Captain Marpurov, a smartly handsome man with cold
pale blue eyes and thin black mustache above his ever-wet red lips.
But he was not held by Marpurov, whom in the blink of an eye he
could turn into a bag with tripe and bone fragments, jiu-jitsu and
karate at a school taught by an experienced master; a hefty red-
suited noncom. Already leaning heavily on him, feeling his strong
muscles and warning him off.
“For me, all the cross-eyed people are the same person, but this
one has become familiar, obviously famous for excessive curiosity,”
said Marpurov mockingly.
In addition, the noncom scantly mumbled, — Do not twitch, manza,
do not twitch, calm down, — but held him by the shoulders
Marpurov, indifferently, hurried the senior Chinese man, who
hastened to them in a guilty obeisance, — then I will talk to
you ... While the NCO, putting his hands together and clasping their
hefty paws by the wrists, his other hand fumbled hard, scouring,
from top to bottom, he noticed how one of the Chinese guys darted
into dense bushes and hurried into the nearby Diomede Bay, where
there was a small Chinese settlement and from where by boat in an
hour it was quite possible to reach the city Marpurov also noticed a
Chinese climbing up a slope to a hill and nodded in satisfaction.
Then NCO deftly tugged his folded hands with a belt and pushed
him behind a wooden barracks, where a pair of horses was already
waiting for them.
“A sturdy bull, sturdy,” the NCO replied approvingly of him
to Marpurov, tying the free end of the strap to the armrest of the
“This bull is on a string, and the second end is at the withers by the
cow, we will milk the cow,” said Marpurov vaguely.
Here he had a heart in his heels and sank. Wow, how! Do
Marpurov demands of father to do anythingis? Oh, how terrible it
is. He looked hopelessly, but his hands were painfully
tightened; The NCO, the guard is ready to vise, experienced, the
revolvers they have with Marpurov are impressive on the belts,
and Marpurov knews, suppose, hunted for him. For an hour, along a
shaky country road, first along a slow stream overgrown with reeds
and sedge, then on a steep hill, down along a shaky wooden bridge
across the small river Explanation, and then along the Golden Horn
Bay — along the Pfeffer Hospital Street, past the naval crew camp
and Lindholm mill they traveled to the Maltsev ravine. And from
there it is already side by side — to climb up to Lazarevskaya in the
Officers’ Suburb and along it to the brick building of the
gendarmerie, Lazarevskaya 9. The whole road sitting next
to Marpurov was silent, occasionally just looking at him, and
pinching his mustache pensively. His thoughts were rushing
frantically. What to say? How to get out? And what Marpurov can
have against me? Why walking around the city? Why in Chinese
dub worn? I do not have any records with me. And at home,
rummaging, searching, the father will not allow. The consulate
is extraterritorial ... He hinted that my father would be
blackmailed ... But what? They arrived. Marpurov opened the door
to his office, pointed to a chair in the corner, and sat down at the
table, sideways to the window. Two windows in the office with
strong bars were grabbed and looked into the slope of a near
hill. Noncom did not trample for long and, obeying Marpurov’s
gesture, went out and threw a mug over an empty bucket, scooping
up water from the bottom. Then, it could be hear the horseshoes
thunder, took a couple of steps and sat down on a shaky creaky
bench. Marpurov settled down comfortably in his chair, lit a long
Manila cigar, waved his hand, dispersed the blue smoke, and said
unexpectedly for him, “We are waiting for half an hour, now
Mr. Vatatsubashi Sr. must appear before us You are a
very fucking student ...
Still, silent. Then asked, “Why did you go
to Anuchino, Novokievskoe, to St. Olga?”
He replied, honestly looking in Marpurov’s eyes, as he was
persuaded, he helped his Father, collected the reports of Japanese
merchants and artisans and orders that buyers demand ...
— You’re lying all ... And now why patched? Nothing to wear at
all? On military objects, what are you looking at? On the way back
to earn?
— Get dressed is what, and the money is needed, yes. Tired of
asking my father. And I’m looking for work where I’m going to
have, and the military too ...
— But I know that you are Gennosya’s agent of the society and you
dangle around Primorye, collect reports from its members ...
“This is the first time I’ve heard about this society,” he firmly
— Immediately after your departure from Anuchino, clerk Otiro was
detained at the shooting-range, he was looking for cuts from a new
rifle, and in his pockets, picked out bullets and a piece of paper with
hieroglyphs. The translation is interesting, — Marpurov took out a
sheet of paper from the drawer and read: — “By the Sun Goddess
Amaterasu, our holy emperor, who is the highest priest of the Great
Temple of Ise, my ancestors, holy Mount Fuji, all rivers and seas, all
storms and floods, that from the present moment I devote myself to
the service of the emperor and my homeland and do not seek
personal gain in this, besides the bliss that awaits me in heaven. I
solemnly swear that I will never show to any living person what to
teach me, or show me what I have learned or have found any place
where I will be sent or which shall appear.
*.Genёsya — Society “Black Ocean.” / Black Ocean — the strait
separating Kyushu Island from the mainland

The exception to this will be my superiors, whom I must obey

without obedience, even when they order me to kill myself. If I
break this oath, may my ancestors give up on me and may I burn in
hell forever. «

He cringed, sweat beading on his forehead. — I know nothing about


Therefore, you say a student at Tokyo University. — Student ...

— what kind of faculty? — Historical and philological ... — with a
spy bias? “A crow will not bite a crow for an eye,” the breathless
father, having entered without knocking and putting a plump
envelope on the edge of the table. — It is boring for a boy to sit at
home all day, so he walks. Again, he acquaints himself with the
intimate depths of genuine Russian folklore ... He noticed fear and
fury in the eyes of the gendarme captain, but out of mischief a
proverb distorted by well knowing Russian language father, he
replied with indifference, -Yes, and tell him not to be so unlimited in
its curiosity: for Russian folklore you should not climb into such
wilds as Anuchino, or, say, Posyet. You have a market near, or
the berth of the Voluntary Fleet. He flicked the envelope into the
drawer of the table, shouted to noncom and ordered him to carry
out to the porch of Mr. Vatatsubashi with his son. “Representatives
of the friendly sole power, the empire of chrysanthemums and
prostitutes,” he had avenged at least some goodbye. At home, his
father severely reprimanded his son for the disgraceful failure,
ordered him to immediately leave for Japan, and that hour ordered
a ticket for the first ship. — Do not even think to tell In Maizuru,
Commander Todasi that you were in the gendarmerie. Losers do
not like, will be treated with disdain, they will not trust anything... I
read your notes; add something, the most valuable, of course. I
need to take care of my son...

In Maizuru, Commander Todasi Ozu skimmed his notes, for some

reason he wrote off the surname of Colonel Stessel, commander of
the ninth East Siberian Infantry Battalion, stationed
in Novokievsk tract and really got interested in the information
provided by his father during the farewell in the cabin of the
Japanese ship. — Apparet — Great, Bravo! — He could not resist
the exclamation. “Your father,” he immediately identified the true
owner of the information he had obtained, “true choujin!”
And he began to read.
— “According to the command of the Amur Military District and
according to the plan developed by the district headquarters, in the
event of war, the Japanese army will pursue the goal of invading
Russia within the South Ussuri region. This invasion can occur by
sea with the help of the landing force either in the South Ussuri
region, or by land from South Manchuria to Jilin and further to the
Russian borders. An invasion by sea is possible only with Japan’s
domination of the sea, that is, in its alliance with one of the
Western European powers. Now such an invasion is for the
Japanese army It is meaningful: the agreement between Russia,
Germany and France gave this alliance an enormous advantage in
naval forces, and the only possible ally for Japan, England, declined
to take part in the negotiations that took place at that time. The
invasion of the dry route is made easier for Japan by the fact that it
is almost 80 thousandth armies. In addition, after the war with
China, it is located on the Newchuan-Heichchen line in southern
Manchuria, since it’s possible for the Japanese to operate only on
the dry road and because under this condition the shortest way to
the Russian lay from the area where the main part of the Japanese
army is concentrated, goes through Jilin, it was decided to move all
the mobilized units of the Amur Military District to Jilin. To form for
the upcoming actions, at the discretion of the district commander
General Dukhovsky, field units with headquarters, directorate,
parks, transport and sanitary institutions, for the first time, to make
up considerations and prepare the means for production by the free
movement district to Girin as land, so with water on Amur and
Sungari, finding out all the needs for this movement and preparing
it so that the movement was started immediately upon receipt of
the order. The military movement in China must be executed at its
friendly agreement, and under certain circumstances — and our
independent decision; in any case, it will be necessary to set up and
in every way keep up friendly relations with local authorities, who
can later deliver food, dressing supplies and fuel to our troops. The
first goal of the expedition should be our occupation of Jilin, as the
most important city in Northern Manchuria, the junction of land
roads, the end of the waterway along Sungari and the future of our
strong point for further movement. The attack on Jilin can
be executed both from the South Ussuri region, and from the
middle Amur and from Transbaikalia. For the defence of
the seacoast of the South Ussuri region, two rifle battalions, a
mountain half-battery and an Ussuri cossack a hundred, are left.
For the defence of Vladivostok — five linear battalions, three
companies of serf artillery with eight mountain guns, a mine
company and hundred of the Ussurian Cossack. For the defence of
the mouth of the Amur in the Nikolaevsky detachment — one line
battalion, a serf artillery team and four mountain cannons. The
defence of the mouth of the Amur should be concentrated near
Cape Chnyrrakh, and its own forces, that is, local teams, settlers
and convicts, should provide the defence of Sakhalin. The defence
of the island from enemy landing rests primarily on the Pacific
The remaining troops of the district will consist of two units: the
South Ussuri and Trans-Baikal. The first detachment is formed from
the Primorsk group consisting of five rifle battalions, sixteen light
and four mountain shells and four hundreds of Cossack. It must go
to Sinchagou and Ningutu in Omosso; and the Khabarovsk-
Blagoveshchensk group, which, as part of the four battalions of the
line and sixteen light weapons, must get to Nikolsky by rail and
train, and from here follow the path of the first column, that is,
at Sinchagou and Ningutu in Omosso. In general, the South Ussuri
detachment will consist of twelve battalions, six Cossack hundreds
and fifty-two guns under the overall command of the commander of
the troops of the South Ussuri branch of Major
General Konan. Transbaikal detachment is formed of four columns.
The first, consisting of three Cossack battalions, three Cossack
regiments — sixteen hundreds — and twelve equestrian guns,
concentrating at Tsuruhaytuna, must move
to Hailar, Tsitsikar and Bodune. The second column, consisting of
four hundreds of equestrian Amur and four rocket launchers, must
go from Blagoveshchensk to Mergen and Tsitsikar, where to join the
troops of the first column. The third column, consisting of three
Cossack battalions with six mountain implements, is subject to
rafting along the Amur and the Sungari to Bodune; the fourth, as
part of the four Sretensky reserve battalions, is also subject to
fusion in the same way. In Bodune, all the columns of
the Transbaikal Detachment must unite and enter under the overall
command of the assistant commander of the district, Lieutenant-
General Grodekov, and throughout the detachment, there are ten
battalions, twenty hundred and eighteen guns.
From Osmoso and Bodune, detachments of the South Ussuri and
Trans-Baikal detachments are collectively sent to Jilin, where
they are united under the general command of General Dukhovsky.
Twenty-two battalions, twenty-six hundreds and seventy guns
should concentrate here. The hour after the declaration of war,
that is, if Japan refuses to clear the Liaodong Peninsula, the Russian
imperial navy must cut off the message of the Japanese army from
the metropolis. “
“Learn from your father, midshipman,”
Commander Todashi Odzu said, putting sheets in a leather folder.
— Half of the success in war is the knowledge of the plans of the
enemy. Moreover, this information is all the more invaluable
because it lists all the available Russian forces in the Far East.

On long winter evenings, in a hot-flooded upper room, when Ivan

came home for winter vacations from Vladivostok, where he studied
at the gymnasium, or on summer nights in haystacks of freshly
harvested hay, the children surrounds of their grandfather. And he,
very flattered by the attention, gradually stroked his wide gray
beard, gently stroked the head of his younger sister Nastya and let
himself go into the memories. He had no peers in the stanitsa, and
the young men in their prime, the men were all about the everyday
affairs talked, so he takes his soul with the children. He loved to
remember the old days, but by remembering — stuck deeply in it,
you would not pull him out.
My grandfather told he how his father, a peasant serf, was exiled by
the landlord “for offences” as early as 1800 in Transbaikalia,
married the Buryat girl there and remained as a factory peasant at
the Nerchinsk silver factories. This is where Ivashnikov’s wide
cheekbones, dark eyes, slightly flat nose and thick black hair. Such
people here are called gurans — it is clear to everyone — a mixture
of Russians with Buryats. Wherever the Russian people would be —
in the mountains of the Caucasus, in the taiga jungles of Siberia, in
the sandy deserts and oases of Central Asia or the endless steppes
of Transbaikalia — everywhere they had to deal with local people,
sometimes in bloody battles. However, for the most part it was
possible to set up peaceful relations. In addition, influence their life
and be influenced by them. Yes, and went to those regions far
away, mainly soldiers, Cossacks, deportees and convicts. So they
took as wives local girls — excellent hostesses, hardworking,
flexible, children who gave birth to strong, vigorous, first with a
clear predominance of Mongolian blood, but years later, having
replaced several generations, steeply mixed with Russian blood,
more and more like natural Russians ; but look closely — you can
always find out the guran.

At the beginning of the seven hundredth year /1700/, with the

discovery of rich ore deposits in the Nerchinsk Territory, sovereign
silver plants began built here. To MAKE SURE the factories and
mines with workers and foodstuffs, peasants began to be relocated
here from the more populated places of Siberia. Either by the
Tsar’s Decree of 1760, the landowners exiled peasants “for
OFFENCES”, or the peasants who were no older than forty-five
years old with their families were exiled to the recruits. From 1764,
Russian peasants exported from Poland who was unsuitable for
admission to Siberian pedestrian and equestrian regiments began to
be exiled here. Most of all, the population
Of Transbaikalia increased due to the exiles to the settlement or
penal servitude, and with the publication of the Charter of the Exiles
in 1822, this state of affairs finally became fixed. With the accession
to Russia of the Amur Region and the establishment of the widely
spread border with China, the need arose for its reliable protection
and defense, because formerly relations with a neighbor were thin,
and there were few armed people here. Therefore, it turned out
that the Russian Cossack, a nomadic border guard from local
Buryats and a peasant assigned to the factories and mines, often
from former convicts, united into one Trans-Baikal Cossack army. It
was in 1851. Father often joined them and, complementing his
grandfather, told how in the fifty-ninth year, after the detachment
of Colonel Konstantin Fedorovich Budogossky, he came to
Lake Khanka and stayed here in the Cossacks-based post Turii Rog.
Six years later, immigrants from the Voronezh province came here,
and my father looked out for his bride. Since than,
the Ivashnikovs have increased significantly quantitatively. Oh, how
grandfather and father told about the times when they mastered
the Ussuri region, the boys could listen until they burned out the
kerosene in the five-line lamp.
...- It was very hard for the pioneers. Cossacks settled along the
border along the Ussuri and from Lake Khanka to the sea. The
resettlement was carried out hastily, it was necessary as quickly as
possible to populate new lands, create border guards, and protect
the civilian population from a possible enemy. The STANITSAS-
villages were located at about one distance — twenty to
thirty versts from one another, for mutual help in case of attack and
for the convenience of postal pursuit. Therefore, it turned out that
often the settlements were in a completely unsuitable area for this.
Untouched taiga, full of wild beast — already had to war with a tiger
and a bear; sometimes bad soil for farming, periodically recurring
floods six or seven feet above the ordinary level, exhausting the
midge ..., all this took away a lot of energy and made life difficult in
a new place. For many years, we had to get used to the new
climate, local conditions, the bitter and heavy price of getting
experience before the Ussuri Cassocks finally settled here.
Grandfather paused, thinking, remembering, and sang
relentlessly, —
we were settled by force on the Amur.
Thrust into the swamp and say, — “village”.
Not to work. At the services, we rot.
How not gone long?
— And what were stanitsas remember? — Grandfather was pushing
his father in the side, — tiny, in heels, a dozen courtyards, and
communication between them is difficult, in spring and autumn, on
horses, horses, and in summer in rafts and boats, of which there
were very few. The supply was sent once a
year — from Khabarovka to Ussuri on a barge. Good, strong
houses were set rarely — few people, the eternal lack of tools, care
for food ... So the families settled in miserable shacks. Almost
every year infectious diseases, especially smallpox, imported from
Manchuria by the Chinese, plagued them and there was no medical
help. LIVESTOCK suffered from plague. From spring to autumn,
myriads mosquitoes made life a living hell, it was impossible to
breathe air, the midge went into mouth, the body was incredibly
itchy, the cattle did not work, reaching rabies — there was no rest
day or night. — And how are we the Cossacks, — father clapped his
hand on the yellow stripes on the trouser legs, — besides fighting
wildlife, taking care of their daily bread, livestock and arable land,
We constantly had to be distracted by the border service. As soon
as Russians, posts, villages, villages, populated the Primorsky region
and the city of Vladivostok began built, the masses of Chinese and
Korean people, overwhelmed by extreme need in their own bounds,
attracted by the opportunity to earn money. In addition, after
them, there appeared large gangs of hunkhuzs — Chinese robbers,
who were expected to die at home, or soldiers on the run,
deserters. The word “hunkhuzs” in Chinese means “red beard”.
They do not wear red beards, but, apparently, they mean a tagged
man, an outcast. Chinese commanders make big profits by
appropriating money allocated for food and clothing for soldiers,
and they contain much fewer people in units than they report to
their superiors. These soldiers driven out of the army or fugitives
from hard life and punishment, and even fugitive convicts gather in
gangs and live by robbery of merchants, without stopping,
sometimes, even before an attack on Russian villages and
stanitsas. In China, people live hard and hungry, cannot feed
themselves and their families, so they have the need to organise
riots and escape to the robbers.
Remembering, father was hot, gesticulating violently, and even his
grandfather was excited, and they interrupted each other, they
said, — especially the mass invasion of the hunkhuzs. In the
Primorsky Region occurred in the sixty-seventh and sixty-eighth
years. Attracted by the smell of profit in our region rushed
thousands and thousands of Chinese from the southern provinces of
Manchuria. However, not all of them were going to engage in
honest work. Suddenly, a huge number of Chinese robbers
appeared who began to rob and kill the peaceful Chinese and
Russian population. In the South Ussuri region, our troops were
then quartered a little, and they mainly built barracks and provided
themselves with food. All this had to quit and take care of the
protection of civilians. Moreover, when in the summer of sixty-
seven years on the island of Askold near Vladivostok, gold
was digged out out and a mine was founded then Chinese from
Manchuria poured in masses there. They mined gold in the most
primitive way, pick off tops predatory, and send gold to China.
Then, the Aleut schooner was appointed to guard the island. At the
end of the year, following from Nikolaevsk to Posiet Bay, the
schooner entered the island and the team strikes
there many Chinese predators. With great difficulty, the
sailors expelled from the island of robbers, and to prevent the
future plundering of Russian wealth, the military governor of
the Primorsky region, Admiral Kazakevich, ordered a special military
post in the Strelok bay located nearby, on the mainland, and
strengthen the military detachment in Nahodka Bay. My father
personally participated in those combat events, terribly proud of it,
knew it thoroughly and loved to remember.
“The Chinese robbers did not like it, and they issued an appeal to
the entire Chinese population to unite in groups and everywhere to
attack the Russians in order to exterminate them and use the riches
of the land themselves. The Chinese of the Suchan valley, it was
followed by their call, but a military detachment of two companies
and a battery of mountain artillery quickly brought order there. In
April of the next, sixty-eighth year, the schooner “Aleut” returned to
the island of Askold and again the sailors striked the Chinese there,
telling them to get out. However, the Chinese were armed and
killed three sailors in an exchange of fire, injuring an officer, a
doctor and eight lower ranks. The Chinese were very proud of their
first success, and a day later, they attacked a military post
in Strelok Bay. The soldiers did not expect such audacity from
them, for which they paid, having lost several people. From the bay
Shooter hunkhuzs moved to the village of Shkotovo, attacked her,
killed the residents, and burned down the houses.
There were many Chinese and Koreans living in the region,
they were engaged in quite peaceful work, the people were friendly
and hard working, and the children did not expect any atrocities
from them and therefore listened to their father in amazement. In
addition, the grandfather nodded, confirming his every word.
“Flinging up with small gangs of Hunkhuzs and forcing them
into the detachment of peaceful Chinese, they moved to the large
village of Nikolskoye, how the locusts filled it, looted it and burned
it. Then the Ussuri region was declared on martial law. By order of
the military governor, a consolidated detachment was formed from
the Cossacks of the upper Ussurian stanitsas and brought it along
the Sungach River and across Lake Khanka to Kamen Rybolov. We
have been waiting for them here for a long time, and having joined,
and outlining a plan of action, we marched towards the village
of Nikolsky with a forced march. The Hunkhuzs had their own
intelligence; they came forward to meet us and started a fight. For
six hours there was a lively exchange of fire, while we were young,
the blood was boiling, everyone was torn into a fight ... The
commander shouted volunteers, we were typed forty people, well,
and were hit with bayonets. The Hunkhuzs, like all the robbers,
turned out to be cowardly, the cat knew whose meat ate, in a word,
and they flinch and ran. On our side, one hundred seventy-five
people participated in the battle, and there were more than four
hundred Henhouses. Here they killed one Cossack, wounded an
officer and a drummer, while they lost up to fifty people. For
another ten days we combed the district to the sea, destroyed small
gangs of the Hunkhuzs, and removed all suspicious from our
territory ...

After graduating from the gymnasium in Vladivostok,

Ivan Ivashnikov came home to the village, hoping during the winter
to prepare for entering the university, and to help with the
housework. Once, in early spring it was, a stanitsa chieftain
stopped in their yard, jumped off his horse, leisurely talked with his
father and his grandfather who went out into the yard about the
weather, asked when they were thinking of starting to plow up the
southern slopes from which the snow had already gone, and then
told Ivan going.
— Again the Hunhuses began to play tricks. Twenty years have
passed, as we dismissed them under Nikolsky, their fear was
gone ... Take a trip for days. You will reach Iman and arrive at the
disposal of the head of the section, Podyesaul Novitsky.
Seeing the dissatisfaction of his father, the chieftain, fierce, said
firmly, “Tomorrow.” You will not take a horse; you will serve in the
Amur-Ussuri Cossack Flotilla. You look, on a steamship you will be
rolled, you will become the river man ..., — the chieftain joked.
Cool turned, stepped to the horse, foot in the stirrup and, decried,”
his father muttered after him. Considering his son a spoiled by city
and science, from this spring he was going to accustom him to the
difficult peasant labour, although the grandfather kept saying that
time was lost and there would be no sense anyway. - Finished the
gymnasium let him study further. Let go to Moscow or Petersburg,
you see, after five years he will return as an engineer-railway
engineer, he will carry out a railway in our village, will ride on a
train, he often joked, as if teaching his father to think that if he
gave his son an education in a gymnasium, should not tie him send
to study further. But his father was acutely sorry for the land,
which was abundant, he did not have the strength to work, and he
was educated to feed on his own hands, but don’t want to rent out
to the Korean-Koreans, as many did. Grandfather Ivan loved. It
was at his insistence that Ivan was sent to Vladivostok to the
gymnasium. Ivan did not shy away from peasant work, but he also
felt that he had to strain himself. Not that peers, in whom any
business came out as if by itself.
“There are no habits,” noted the grandfather, looking with what
diligence and diligence the grandson of the horse harnessed,
followed the plow, or carpentry.
In Iman, Ivan was sent to a steamship under construction, where
he was to serve, until frost the river covers with ice. Arriving in the
backwater, from which there was a ringing knock of riveting
hammers, Ivan found his steamer and introduced himself to its
captain - a strong old, bearded, short, man with keen eyes in the
overcoat of a railway engineer.
- Cossack Ivan Ivashnikov arrived for service
- Ivan Pavlovich Yuvachev, * - the captain introduced himself in
response, smiled gently, carefully looked at the person and said
thoughtfully, - Namesake means. Well, glad to meet you, I hope,
we will not let each other down ...
*. Yuvachev Ivan Pavlovich was born on February 23, 1860 in
Petersburg. In 1878 he graduated from the Naval Technical School
of the Naval Navigator Corps, after which he was sent to serve in
the Black Sea, where he joined the military
organization ”Narodnaya Volya”. By order of M.Yu. Ashenbrenner,
he created a revolutionary circle among young officers of the fleet
and army in the city of Nikolaev. In February 1883, under the
betrayal of Degayev, he was arrested and, along with
Lyudmila Volkenstein, appeared before the court on the “Military
organization of the Narodnaya Volya” party. The trial was held from
September 24 to September 28, 1884 in St. Petersburg. Besides two
women, Vera Figner and Lyudmila Volkenstein - Twelve more men
appeared before the tsar’s court, including six officers: Lieutenant
Colonel M.Yu. Ashenbrenner, Midshipman I.P.Yuvachev, Lieutenant
of Artillery N.M. Roaches, Lieutenant of the Fleet Baron A.P.
Stromberg, Staff Captain of Artillery N. .A.Pokhitonov and
Lieutenant A.P.Tikhonovich.
The imperial satraps were especially struck by the fact that among
the revolutionaries they saw honoured military officers who
had many awards - Ashenbrenner and Pokhitonov. At trial, Russian
officers firmly and aggressively carried out their revolutionary
views. So, the captain ND Pohitonov, in his last word, said that
while participating in the war for the liberation of the Bulgarians
from the Turkish yoke, he saw that the “brothers” live much more
freely than the Russians; on the book market, he saw such
books, the appearance of which in Russia is unthinkable and
punishable by hard labour. At the trial, Yuvachev was sentenced to
death by hanging, soon replaced by fifteen years of hard labour.
The first four years he spent in the Peter and Paul Fortress
and Shlisselburg, and in the summer of 1887, together with the
participants of the Ulyanovsk
trial Pilsudsky, Volokhov, Gorkun and Kancher from Odessa in the
hold of the Nizhny Novgorod steamer of the Voluntary Fleet was
sent to Sakhalin. Only in the Red Sea were the shackles removed
from them. Ivan Pavlovich was in prison for ten years, most of who
served as a caretaker of a meteorological station in the village
of Rykovsky. A. Chekhov mentions him in his work ”Sakhalin
Island”. In 1895, Yuvachev was transferred to the peasant estate,
moved to Vladivostok and in March 1896 began working as a
commander of the steamer of the Ussurian railway.
Ivan Pavlovich devotes much of his time to literary activity,
becoming a prominent publicist. He wrote ”Eight years on
Sakhalin”, ”Fighting the Hunhuses on the Manchurian
border”, ”Shlisselburg fortress”, ”From the memories of the old
sailor”. Ivan Pavlovich Yuvachev died May 17, 1940 in Leningrad.

Thus began the long military service of the Ussuri Cossack

Ivan Ivashnikov. He settled it in a dugout, ring of which encircled
the backwater. Its were inhabited by artisans of a spontaneously
arisen little factory for the assembly of steamboats. Dismantled
river steamers were delivered from Russia on the steamers of the
Voluntary Fleet to Vladivostok, and then in the wagons of the
southern part of the Ussuriisk railway. They were collected in Iman,
a village where a river with the same name flowed into Ussuri, and
through which the railway from Vladivostok passed further to
Khabarovsk. From here, it has scattered throughout the Amur and
its tributaries. In the meantime, Ivan began to
carpentry work, of which there were many on the steamer under
construction. A week later, three more Cossacks of
the Stanitsa Venyukova came to the steamer, headed by a
restrained Evstakhov, a restless Cossack after thirty years who
terribly loved to command.
“The steamer will carry barges with cargo along the river, and we
will carry guards from the hunkhuzs,” he explained what everyone
had known for a long time. It was clear that he was satisfied with
the appointment - on a flight along Ussuri from Iman
to Khabarovka and back to the village of Venyukova not to
be avoided, so he often hoped to be at home. Three miles
from Veniukova there was a berth Shchebenchyha of the northern
branch of the railway under construction. There was a lot of load
there ... Yes, and the new form added weight to him in his own
eyes - a cap with a yellow band and a black ribbon, on which
„Amur.-Ussur Cossack flotilla“ shone with golden letters , black
navy pea coat and black shoulder straps, trimmed with yellow
edging. In addition, the horse on the boat is not needed - let it
work at home.
Somewhere he found out that the captain of their steamer was a
former Sakhalin convict, and besides, a politician who planned to kill
the sovereign Emperor, which he told about, appearing late and
adding the smell of a spirit drink hanshin fume and salted garlic to
the heavy spirit of the dried boots. From now on, his life has
become much more complicated — and the captain’s
commands must be executed, and it is scary — no matter how hard
it get in, and suddenly the convict-captain will command something
else. Uncle Yevstakhov had to strain himself. He even went
somewhere to consult and returned completely confused, but also
clearly important from the consciousness of his significance.
— It is ordered to fill orders, and look, as if something ...
In May, the steamer, having picked up wooden barges in tow,
began to run around the Ussuri with cargoes delivered from
Vladivostok, going to all villages, and most often to
the Shchebenchiha marina. The Ussuri River is wide, winding, with
a rapid flow and an abundance of islets and channels. On our right
bank, there are a dozen two Cossack villages, and five villages on
the left, Chinese. Although there was rarely and rarely seen
miserable fanzas surrounded by well-groomed vegetable gardens,
where people — men and women — constantly fumbled; and others
in blue dub and with braids. Braid was supposed to be worn by men
as a sign of submission to the Manchu dynasty of Chinese
“Last year the cholera epidemic was,” explained the
constable Evstakhov, “a lot of people carried away. Manz, as he
called the Chinese, especially. Live hungry, the first candidates for
the dead. Yes and our inherited. In other villages, up to twenty
people died of infection.
Ivan stood on the steering wheel, went over the spokes, directing
the ship to the right and then to the left, after the loud and clear
commands of the captain. It was a hot summer day, the river
sparkled with sunshine, and the banks were buried in thick fresh
bright greens. Grace, if it were not gadflies with green tops, they
even pierced a shirt from a raid.
Suddenly, on the right, from behind an island, a long scow
appeared under a dirty gray sail. It was evident that the people in
the scow were sweeping up, obviously not expecting and not
wanting to meet with the steamboat.
“Manza,” Yevstakhov immediately identified and grunted in
satisfaction. He stood here, sometimes replacing Ivan on the
steering wheel, and more hiding from the scorching rays of the sun
and gadflies in the cabin blown by the fresh breeze. — Look, give a
fight, do not want to meet. Yes, are they not hunkhuzs? Very
much fussing.
In addition, the scow, turning sharply under the wind, went into the
same channel from where it just appeared.
“The Chinese sent their General Jao-min with a detachment to
search for the Hunkhuzs,” explained the captain. — Jao-min hired
the Ingoda steamer for the summer navigation, took in tow two
barges and carried his army across the Amur and Ussuri in search of
the Hunkhuzs. Everybody is afraid of him — both the Hunkhuzs and
the peaceful Chinese. Therefore, they get away from us. Took
for “Ingoda”.
Ingoda was famous throughout the river system for being chosen as
the best steamer for the journey along the Amur River five years
ago by the recently reigning Emperor Nicholas II, who was then heir
to the throne. He made a world tour, returned through Vladivostok
and all of Siberia to St. Petersburg.
There were a lot of Cossack boats, Gilyak marinas and Chinese
scows swimming up and down every day in the Ussuri, so there
were no reasonable explanations for the hasty escape of the scow,
unless they were afraid of their general.
In the evening, having fastened to the wharf in Shchebenchiha,
they ended the log burned ground deep in the ground near the
bank and set off for the village, leaving lad the Cossack, the same
age as Ivan, with a rifle, to protect a steamer.
Ivan liked the stanitsa and its place in the bend of the river, and the
abundance of greenery, and the degree of men, and, most
importantly, the beauty of the girls. The view from the village was
well-groomed, contented, leisurely, imposing.

Venyukova stanitsa was named after one of the first researchers of

the region, Mikhail Ivanovich Venyukov. He did not approve of the
indiscriminate drunkenness among the urban and rural population,
which took a lot of time and effort needed to settle in the new
lands, he ordered to build a school with his own money, but he took
the word from the Cossacks that they would not start a kabak. It
was a long time ago, about twenty years ago, and the Cossacks
were holding word, Kabak does not start, although they go home
and drink. However, from autumn to spring, according to the
contractor Evstakhov, the children in the village noticeably
increase — the godfathers from the closest villages send them to
school and help with the housework. Yes, there is a lot of greenery
in Veniukova, and then, no matter how the village is, even the
garden rarely starts. This time the village looked empty. It was not
visible that the kids were constantly playing on the street, the
hostess didn’t echo the ringing voices of the hostess; A goat looked
at them with half-crazy eyes, bent down on their horns, preparing
for a swift attack, but it changed , soberly assessing the numerical
superiority of the enemy, and, pretending to be indifferent to
them. What are they? — The constable Evstakhov got worried,
noticeably adding a step and turning to the outermost house.
However, here, behind the woodpile too middle-aged Cossacks got
up and started talking excitedly and excitedly, “In time, Matvey, you
brought help.” We are here in an ambush, we guard the village.
— So what happened? — Somewhat reassured by the joy of the
Cossacks asked Evstahov.
— We are waiting for the Hunkhuzs. Yesterday, the three were
caught. Look, in the morning they went to the shop and bought
products for an entire squadron.
In each village there was a shop, the owner of which, as a rule, a
Chinese man, was selling Manchu tobacco, coarse Chinese dishes,
flour, food — Chinese millet, yellow smoking candles like our church
ones, and gunpowder crackers — the favorite holiday entertainment
of the Chinese.
“Okay, a lot of them wander around here, thousands are hired to
work on a railroad, but these are the times, and two, and three with
bags on the river and in their boat, everything is folded. We are
their braids — are your hunkhuzs? — No, our soldier, our buy a
little-little budy — answers. One also looks like a soldier, but the
form is torn off and worn to the extreme. Moreover, the other two
are purely ragged. With them, an eye and an eye are needed. We
have them in jail — a barn nears the church. The elder shouts to us
“Let go, it won’t be worse.” — Is it much
worse? — Curious. — We will burn the haystacks of mown hay in
the meadows — they answer, — and we attack the village, we will
plunder everything. The gang, — they boast, — a big, over a
hundred people. — And we have men one and two and
miscalculated. Someone on borrowings, mowing hay, some
working on a railway, some on a river, some in Iman, Khabarovka,
or Vladivostok have given way to work. All right, the ataman had to
knock on the telegraph from the post office in Khabarovka. To the
county headquarters. In addition, if Dukhovskoy is our army
supervisor, let him take care. The headquarters soon replied - we
are sending the hunting team of the Tenth East Siberian Rifle
Battalion, but in the meantime takes up your own defense. You are
not the first to knock, here lately the Amur and
Ussuri hunkhuzs have not only been robbing the Chinese, they have
already begun our efforts. Here we are guarding the village.
Anyone who can hold a rifle in ambush.
The constable Evstakhov took the guests to his hut. The host sat
down and put the bottle of moonshine on the table, but Captain
Ivan Pavlovich did not approve of the drinking business, ordered to
remove. At first, Evstakhov became obstinate, “You,” he says, “are
commanding on the ship, here is my hut.
However, he sees that he is not supported, and did not drink
either. Then the stanitsa ataman came into the hut and sent all
three of them to the upper and lower outskirts of the stanitsa — to
watch the river, in which case to take the fight. He did not know
from which side the hunkhuzs would descend. And
Ivan Pavlovich lit up a candle in the church to his saint and went
quickly to the steamer. In the work was hard, he knew
The night passed quietly, except for the mosquitoes did not allow
taking a nap in half eyes, it made scratch and use foul language.
Great it helps.
In the morning, ‘Admiral Chikhachev’ came up with a hunting team
and lieutenant Minaev at the head. The team is small — twenty-
five people, and the Hunkhuzs, as it turned out by that time, are
many — more than a hundred. Here is the stanitsa ataman and sent
all the youth to the command of lieutenant Minaev, and left the old
Cossacks to keep the stanitsa to protect. The local intelligence
people returned in the morning and reported that five miles up the
river on the Chinese coast; they noticed an unusual crowd near
the Fanza.
Lieutenant Minaev Oleg Nikolaevich, about thirty years old, short,
dries, and his character was, apparently, decisive. Picked up, with
a hard face and sharp gestures, ordered on the ship to check the
weapons to clean again, and ordered the landing. His detachment
doubled, “Admiral Likhachev” pulled himself up, exhaled in smoke in
the wind and slapped the tiles. Up the river, not far, four versts ,
but in the channel, behind the island, they noticed three scows
empty and unguarded, but not long ago abandoned, and judging by
the bags with buda and chumiza left in them, sesame oil bottles and
many worn, but still full clothes, ready for immediate swimming.
The lieutenant named the three soldiers by surname and, after a
little hesitation, Cossack Ivan Ivashnikov with him in
reconnaissance. And the rest ordered waiting for now.
- The shot will hear everything at the sound. The crew of the ship
to protect their ship, — he ordered.
Through the marsh and the wilderness overgrown carefully, trying
not to make any noise, intelligence made its way in the direction
of the fanza. The shrub was soon over, and in the center of a
forest cleared of two hundred square fathoms of carefully groomed
land cleared of forest, they saw a Chinese fanza with a two-slope
reed roof, mud walls and lattice fence, the windows glued over with
oiled transparent paper. A small barn stuck next to it. A fence of
tightly woven and long-dried willow branches surrounded the
buildings. The whole space from the canal to the fanza was
planted with beds of potato, chumise, beans, sleeping poppy and all
sorts of garden stuff.
Lieutenant Minaev ordered, and one by one, crouching down,
through the chain of chumiza, already growed to the meter, they
ran to the fence of the fanza. At the entrance to the fanza, two
Chinese lay on the straw mats spread out on the clean-swept
courtyard. Between them, there was an empty bottle, two white
porcelain cups, tipped to one side, and an earthenware bowl with
leftover food. The Chinese were clearly drunk. Nearby, a hand to
get, rifles leaned against the wall. Lieutenant Minayev gestured for
Ivan Ivashnikov to crawl, hiding behind the fence, and to peer
through the raised window frame into the fanza. Already he
crawled about five meters, quietly parted the wilderness branches in
the fence and, feeling slightly agitated, imagining himself an Indian,
a Cuban rattle and unrecognized Chechen at the same time, began
to look at the twilight of fanza. From the inside, the fanza is usually
divided by a light partition into two parts. He could see the big
room. People were sitting on the cans. He counted six people, but
there could be more people in the small room and in the non-
watched part. Four of them were playing cards, sluggishly slapping
it on a low table, and two were lying still, sleeping, he decided.
Returning, Ivashnikov gestured to the lieutenant about what he had
seen, and that nodded that he understood. A few of men seemed
strange, a hundred of the hunkhuzs didn’t smell here, but the rest
could go for their loot either on their own shore or, having swum
the river in boats, robbed our shore. Having estimated that five of
them fit to cope with sleepy and drunk Chinese, using the element
of surprise, the lieutenant with his gestures arranged two people at
the ends of the pole, which was attached above the fence, they
sharply pushed, and the barrier fell. Jumping in one fell swoop to
the tiny courtyard, blazing with unrestrained courage and hurrying
to break into the fanza, the soldiers, hindering each other, huddled
at the low doors. Instantly realizing that according to the table of
ranks he would be the last to enter the fanza, Ivan Ivashnikov in
two jumps turned out to be at the raised window frame,
simultaneously with a deaf shot inside. A large Manchurian with a
dark, sun-roasted, wrinkled face and a lightning rabies in black
slanting eyes shot from a huge black revolver. He sat on the cane,
his legs crossed, holding the revolver with both hands and lowering
the barrel thrown back by a shot up. Ivan was faster. Helped
youthful reaction and frequent exercises with weapons. The rest of
the Chinese were flattened face down, covering their heads with
their palms. Pushing in from the door by soldiers,
Lieutenant Minaev pulled his cap off his head, looked at the oblique
teardrop-shaped hole and, a little pale, that in the dimness of
the fanza, Ivan could just be seduced, remarked, “It’s impossible
not to get into me in two steps.’
“God protects,” the soldiers began talking in chorus, “you will live
long, Oleg Nikolayevich,” they laughed, skillfully tying up
the hunkhuzs and raking up gold coins and paper money scattered
on the mat.
— thank you, Cossack Ivashnikov. You know the charter, you save
the commander, — the lieutenant jokingly but firmly embraced Ivan
by the shoulders.
— Present to the award.
They pushed related hunkhuzs into the yard and collected weapons
when hunter soldiers came running from the river in green, the
color of grass bloomers and sweatshirts, and the Cossacks, partly in
white field sweatshirts, partly in black fleets, but always in trousers
with yellow stripes and sabres on the side.
The constable Evstakhov fussed the most, and, having entered into
a rage, he began to command, “Put them on knees, guys, now we
will cut their heads.”
He grabbed the nearest bound hunkhuzs by the braid, jerked down
sharply, and put him on his knees. A sabre pulled out of its sheath
thinly tinkled, and the Chinese already dutifully pulled out,
substituting, the neck.
“Stop,” said the lieutenant sharply. — Attention,
contractor Evstakhov! In battle — cut, captive — do not you dare!
— See, General Jao-min will have to give. He does not feel sorry
for them, executes everyone indiscriminately.
The lieutenant did not condescend to explain.
— Cossack with you and scout the grove, — he pointed out
to Evstakhov the nearest woods.
“Yes,” the constable replied without enthusiasm, and knowing
already about the difference of Ivan, he ordered, “Ivashnikov, with
A quick grimace of discontent distorted the lieutenant’s face, but he
did not cancel Yevstahov’s order. He turned away and began
to question the host fanza. In Chinese, noted Ivan.
They did not have time to go around the barn and go through the
back gate to the grove, as frequent shots from there began to swell.
Ivan fell and ready for battle, and the constable had already
disappeared behind the barn. Soon after the hedge the soldiers and
Cossack caps flickered and friendly volleys sounded in the direction
of the grove, and part of the detachment under the command of
the lieutenant, having stretched a long chain, began to bypass the
forest from the swamp side. Shooting from the forest has visibly
weakened, and the soldiers rushed to cheer. Having found in the
grove two dead hunkhuzs and about a dozen abandoned rifles, the
detachment attempted to pursue the hunkhuzs along the rapidly
receding and weakening crack of broken bushes and brushwood
under their feet. However, the traces of the men led in different
directions, and they soon got tired, having exhausted the
excitement of the chase. Returning to the river and putting
prisoners in the ship’s hold, they took in tow the scows and
descended to Veniukov.
In the village, the hunting team spent two more days, scouting
the area and trying to find the gathering place for the hunkhuzs,
but those were gone. The steamer with barges also stood, waiting
for unloading, then under loading with sleepers, while Ivan decided
in the evenings his personal questions with one very interesting
person named Katerina. He was shy, for which Katyusha subjected
him to merciless ostracism. The acuteness of the tongue even
exceeded its undoubted external advantages. Laughing at him, she

-My blue tape

On a floor lies

Who of my leg

Don’t worth

The one behind me

Is chasing

Ivan was offended, but he tolerated it, since the village boys did
not give a push, she before shave all of them off.

At the end of July, they brought loaded barges to Khabarovsk. Got

up to the pier in the evening, and already in the morning at the
ramp on the shore stood Lieutenant Minaev , and seeing
Ivashnikov, smiling affably, noting his sleepy yet simple look,
ordered, — Put on your uniform, let’s go to the district
headquarters. In addition, he added — I presented you to the St.
George Medal, the assistant commander of the district, Lieutenant-
General Grodekov, signed the order and today you will be awarded.
Ivan grasped the spirit of cheerful glee. He imagined how he would
boast to Katyusha so that she would no longer mock his timidity.
Before the district headquarters, Lieutenant Minaev stopped, looked
into his eyes, hesitated a little and spoke, “Listen, Ivashnikov. I owe
you my life, even though it sounds somewhat lofty. You did what
you had to do, do on time and perfectly. Withe, determination and,
most importantly, courage is felt in you. You do not wait in a fight
for a queue; I confess I made inquiries about you. From the family
of the old Transbaikalian Cossacks, the pioneers of the development
of the Primorsky region, took a course in the gymnasium, all these
are your advantages. I do not know the minuses yet, and I do not
need them. I felt some adventuress in you, perhaps, love of
adventure and danger. I want to thank you for that shot, but all I
can offer is just such a life full of adventure and danger. By order of
the Minister of War from last year, you must be certified for a stock
ensign. I will present you this opportunity in two weeks and, as you
look, I take with me to Korea. The official status is the protection of
the Russian diplomatic mission, but our main task will be to gather
information about the situation in the country. I already had a
preliminary conversation with my boss about you, and they gave
permission to proceed to pick up an assistant for them. I will not
persuade you, not wanting to destroy plans for the future, but
please consider my proposal.

Ivashnikov was taken aback. Firstly, with him, a twenty-year-old

person, an ordinary a first-year Cossack, combat officer, spoke to
you. The second is the unexpectedness of the offer. He loved to
read the magazine “Scout” and to present himself as a brave
plastiun, or the hero of Shipka, or the winner of Shamil. However,
to be an intelligence officer in life?
Besides, goodbye cherished dream of St. Petersburg, a university, a
teacher’s diploma ... Seeing his confusion, Oleg Nikolayevich did not
demand an immediate response, but once again advised to carefully
consider the proposal. — I approve that do not rush your head into
the pool. You have two weeks to think about. Four hours later,

Ivashnikov was among the ten distinguished in clashes with the

Hunhuses of the lower ranks. He was awarded the George 4-degree
medal. Immediately after the award ceremony, Lieutenant Minaev
escorted him to the assistant chief of staff of the district. The tall,
thin lieutenant colonel carefully looked at him, asked about his
family, plans for the future, about which Ivashnikov could not say
anything definite, except about the wish to continue education at
Moscow or St. Petersburg University after the service, and then
inquired about marks for the gymnasium course. — According to
the law of God, it is good; in Russian, it is good; in mathematics
and physics, it is excellent; history and geography are excellent;
Latin and Greek are satisfactory, English is good. In addition, he
unexpectedly boasted, I quickly read and speak Japanese, Chinese
and Korean. — Where is it from? — The lieutenant colonel got
interested. — The program of the Vladivostok gymnasium includes a
course of Asian languages as an elective and, moreover, in
Vladivostok, more than half of the population is Chinese, Korean
and Japanese, and I have lived there for seven years. Were friends
with the people. While playing, remembered the meaning of
hieroglyphs, and many of them have a common meaning in Chinese
and Japanese, so slowly and learned a little. I understand them and
they me. “Well,” the lieutenant colonel drew a line to his eloquence,

“Last year the Minister of War issued an order to pass an

examination for the rank of ensign for all persons who have at least
six classes of secondary education. In two weeks, such exams will
be held at the district headquarters. In the office, you will receive a
referral to the Cossack headquarters department for exam
preparation, and I hope that lieutenant Minaev will have time to
prepare you. After exams, I wait you” The exams were not difficult,
and Oleg Nikolayevich diligently dealt with him, pulled up in all
subjects, pressing on tactics and regulations, knowing the particular
passion of the chairman of the examination committee of the district
chief of staff Colonel Flug to these disciplines.

Ivan not rushed to answer the main question, although he was

ready to say yes. He understood some rashness of such a decision:
the nomadic life full of deprivation and danger, the beggarly salary
of a junior officer, the worst situation in comparison with the people
officer staff. But the inherent optimism of youth swept away all
doubts and assured — do not drift, take up the challenge with heat,
work hard, try, and you will grow in service. And it will be possible
to continue studies in five or six years, well, at least, at the military
engineering academy, and even at the Academy of the General
Staff ... Like, say, the commander of the South Ussuri department,
Lieutenant General

Linevich . From privates to generals! After listening to Ivashnikov’s

answer, Lieutenant Colonel Alftan affirmatively, as if he had not
expected otherwise, nodded and invited him and lieutenant Minaev
to sit down. In his small office, two barred windows looked out into
the shady courtyard beneath the poplars. To the right of the table
standing at a window the massive safe piled up.

Minaev and Ivashnikov sat down at a small table covered with

green cloth, adjoining the letter T in the form of a leg to the office
master’s desk. Behind Ivashnikov, on a white washed wall, closing it
almost completely, hung a geographical map of the Far East from
Lake Baikal to Japan and from Alaska to Hong Kong, as it was often
called. — You, Lieutenant Minaev and you, Ensign

Ivashnikov and the order to award you the title will be signed this
week, sent to Seoul as security officers of the Russian diplomatic
mission. In addition to protecting the mission, you are required to
collect, assess military, economic, and political information about
the host country and draw up weekly summary reports. Lieutenant
Minayev had already studied materials on the history, geography,
economics, domestic and foreign policy, and the state of the Korean
forces in the district headquarters. In more detail and in detail you
will study these issues on the spot in Seoul. Now I only outline your
task. On May 3, the year before 1894, an uprising began in
southern Korea under the slogan “Down with the Japanese and All
Foreigners”, which led to the introduction of Chinese and Japanese
troops and Japan’s declaration of war to China under the pretext of
defending Korea’s independence. The governments of the Russian
Empire, the United States of North America, Britain and France
demanded the simultaneous withdrawal of troops by both sides.
However, the Japanese, seizing Seoul, seized the royal palace and
on July 15 established regency over the king. Two days later they
sank the English ship carrying the Chinese soldiers, after which they
won victories in seventeen battles, losing only eight and a half,
hundred killed and one thousand one hundred wounded; the
damage to the Chinese side was immeasurably great. The Japanese
easily captured Port Arthur’s Chinese military harbor, which lies on
the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula and covers the sea route
to the central provinces, Beijing and South Manchuria. Having
seized Seoul and seizing the royal palace, Japan forced the king to
sign an offensive and defensive treaty with her. Under this treaty, to
the detriment of Chinese, Japanese trade was encouraged; Japan
received the right to build railways and lay cable to Seoul-Tokyo
telegraph cable; Japanese merchant ships were allowed to enter the
Korean ports, very important militarily and previously closed to
foreigners — Genzan and Mokpo. Korea had to get into debt
bondage to Japan, borrowing from it three million yen at the rate of
six percent per annum. In April last year, a peace treaty was signed
between Japan and China in Shimonoseki, under which Japan
acquired the Liaodong Peninsula, the city of New Chuang, Formosa
Island, with the

Pescadores Islands lying to the west of it and kept the Wei-Hei-wei

port seized by them on the opposite side Port Arthur shore of the

Zhili Bay. Look at the map. The lieutenant colonel approached the
map and pointed with a pointer around the acquisitions of the

Further. China pledged to repay Japan two hundred million taels.

These military successes of the Japanese army much changed the
military-strategic issue in near to our borders and pose a significant
danger to us. Until now, we did not consider Japan a serious
military opponent. Now the situation is changing. This year, after
the coronation, the sovereign emperor reiterated the need for us to
have a non-freezing port in the Far East. Now, as you know, for the
winter period our navy leaves for the ports of Japan in order not to
be cramped by ice in the southernmost Russian harbor in the Far
East — Vladivostok for four or five months. On April 7, last year,
the Japanese ”North China Herald” published the Japanese plan for
a broad penetration of the mainland by building railroads.
According to this plan, the Japanese want to build a railway
from Fuzan in the south to Yizhu on the border with Manchuria on
Korean territory; to lead the railway from Jinzhou to
New Chung, — the lieutenant colonel, without looking, poked his
pointer into the circles at the top of the Liaodong Bay, and from
there to the north, to Mukden, in the center of South Manchuria; to
force the Chinese government to extend the Korean line Fusan-
Iyzhu railroad to Beijing. And Japan is going to spend the Chinese
indemnity on these enterprises. At the same time, in April last year,
representatives of Russia, Germany and France presented a note to
the Mikado government in Tokyo, asking that
the Liaodong Peninsula and New Chuang not be attached to the
Japanese possessions because of the danger that would exist for
peace in the Far East. In addition, to give a note of solidity and
weight, the Russian Pacific squadron was sent to the waters of the
Yellow Sea, and behind it, German warships moved.
Minaev and Ivashnikov listened attentively, realizing that a good
knowledge of the military-political situation in the Far East and
relations between Japan and China would serve them well in
assessing the situation in Korea; it is not for nothing that the district
intelligence officer pays such attention to it.
— The king of Korea is a weak personality, hesitant, influenced by
his environment, this is well known, and many adventurers
constantly revolve around him. To strengthen its place in Korea,
the Japanese envoy reshuffled the government and palace
apparatus, removed the supporters of the Chinese party from them,
and finally, on September 26 last year, staged a palace coup, during
which the anti-Japanese queen was brutally murdered.
Here, Lieutenant Colonel Alftan thought about something, lowered
his pointer, walked around the office, and it seemed
to Ivashnikov that the lieutenant colonel was personally acquainted
with the deceased queen and kept a warm memory of her.
— Yes, but we will continue. January 30 of this year, frightened by
the murder of the queen and by the pressure that was put on him
to prove the murder and defame the name of his wife, the king
managed to escape from his Japanese-guarded palace and hide in
the Russian mission. Now he is there, under our protection. During
the coronation celebrations in May of this year in Moscow, the
Korean government requested help. The answer was our
agreement to guard the king by the forces of a military unit
stationed in Seoul during a diplomatic mission; send Russian military
instructors to Korea to organize the Korean army and the
bodyguard of the king; send a financial adviser there; it was
decided to connect our telegraph line with the Korean one. A little
earlier in Seoul, in early May, a memorandum was signed between
Russia and Japan, according to which the Japanese agreed to stay
the king in the Russian mission and form a cabinet at the discretion
of the king. Further, Japan pledged to keep up in Korea no more
than two hundred gendarmes to guard the telegraph
communications, and eight hundred soldiers to guard the Japanese
settlements in Fuzan, Genzan and Seoul. We also had the
opportunity to keep the same number of troops there. Thus, Japan
has lost all the advantages gained by the victory over China and the
occupation of Korea. But as far as I understand the situation and I
know the energy of the Japanese, they will try to firmly set
up themselves in Korea and, no doubt, by creeping in Manchuria
and into the economy of this — here Lieutenant-
Colonel Alftan twisted his hand in the air, looking for the right, exact
word, and decisively said, — theatre of future warfare. A Russian
military agent in Tokyo, Colonel Vogak, reports that in one of the
Japanese newspapers he came across a lengthy article on the tasks
of Japan’s foreign policy, illustrated with a map of their claims. On
the map, most of northern China, Manchuria, Korea are included in
the borders of the Japanese possessions, on our South Ussuri
region there is an inscription “Japan”; and the city of Vladivostok is
named Uradanovo — “Opposite bank”.
“Your task,” here the lieutenant colonel’s voice changed from a calm
and trusting tone to a rigid order, “to collect information on the
deployment and number of Japanese military units, on trade and
other enterprises in cities and towns owned by people of the
Japanese nation, to find their agents and pro-Japanese orientation
of societies and parties. Lieutenant Minaev already has experience
of such work, you, Ivashnikov, will learn from him and acquire his
own baggage.
And he made it clear that the instruction was over.


While waiting for an appointment to a warship, he wandered

around Maizuru, but Todashi Odzu was in no hurry, insisting that
the ship would soon get tired. Oh, how the commander was
wrong! The young man listened with secret envy to the stories of
fellow students who already held junior officer positions on
warships, repeatedly went to sea at training staging of minefields
and artillery firing, noticeably coarsened and with tangible
confidence in the eye. Friends invited him to the ships to visit, and
he would sit in the turrets of guns, climbed into the wheelhouses, to
range finder posts, drank tea in low and cramped, cork-filled cabins,
went down to the engine rooms breathing warm and smelling of
engine oil and oven. However, these were alien ships, alien
weapons and navigational logging, alien cabins, foreign bosses and
foreign subordinates.
He lived in an officer’s hotel, where it was uncomfortable and where
you would not invite friends to visit. In the teahouse, he liked a
young geisha, but he immediately took offense at her because she
paid more attention to his cheerful, talkative comrade and almost
did not listen to his stories. However, there was nothing for him to
tell yet. Every morning he went to Commander Todashi Odzu, but
he kept saying, “Wait ...”
Finally, he was ordered to go to Hiroshima, there, in the port
of Ujina, to search for the transport vessel Sumioshi-maru and to
arrive at the disposal of Lieutenant Gunzi.
Transport ship! His lips trembled with resentment, and he barely
controlled himself not to show his weakness to the glorious order
bearer, but Todashi Odzu added, rounding his eyes, as if jealous of
him, — By order of the head of the people department of the
maritime ministry!
Arriving at Udzina, he found a yellow-black three-masted ship with a
high pipe in the middle of a shop of a thousand and a half tons
displacement, sitting in the water at the waterline and, judging by
the recovery on the deck, ready to go on a voyage. The emblem on
the pipe said that the ship belonged to the company Nippon-Yuzen-
Kaisha — “Japanese postal and shipping company”, which always
provided its fleet for the needs of the empire, the military primarily,
as in the recent Japanese-Chinese war. Sumioshi Maru then also
drove landings.

Lieutenant Gunzi Naritada — a strong, undersized, self-confident

and domineering officer with a beard and a tight black mustache
jumping at the conversation with his lower lip, introduced himself as
the head of the expedition, showed him the cabin, put a long list in
his hands and ordered him to control the placement of this load on
the deck.
“We are leaving in two days, tune in for the wintering on the island
of Sumusu *,” he said and went to Tokyo for the latest instructions
and instructions.
He immediately got down to business, and for two days before the
ship departed on the voyage, was busy to the utmost — checking
the cargo delivered to the ship and placing it in the holds, twin
decks and on the deck, settling people in the bows and the stern,
finding out the relationship with the captain of the steamer about
the constant roll and help to the calculation of stability, and other
pre-trip troubles.
At the beginning of September, along the Inland Sea, past Kyushu,
the Bungo Strait went into the Pacific Ocean and set course for the
north-east, along Shikoku, Honshu, Ieso **
and Tisima Rattoo Islands ***, to the most northern island of the
ridge, Sumusu. The autumn sun shone dazzlingly, sun glare ran
through the frozen green glass of water, occasionally cut by oblique
fins of sharks and killer whales and the game of dolphins, and later,
along Tisima Rattoo and white fountains of sea giants-
whales; silence was interrupted only by sharp cries of seagulls and
the dull puff of a steamer machine.
He and Lieutenant Gunzi chose a place for themselves under a
tarpaulin on the upper bridge and watched with binoculars for the
frequent Japanese fishery ships here.
*.Sumusu — the first island of the Kuril ridge
**. Hokkaido
***.Kurile Islands.

Extremely offended by the appointment, considering him offended

and bypassed, he was gloomy and silent. Gunzi felt his mood and,
laughing, he assured that you could buy much more than lose.
— On a military ship, you will be squeezed by the close framework
of official duties, subordination, regulation of the ship life, the
obligation to carry out sometimes petty orders standing above you
in the service and you will hardly gain more experience than a
sailor-first year. In the same expedition, you will gain experience in
managing people, you will get an excellent practice of navigation
near the coast, in narrow straits, in a storm and fog. In addition,
we are assigned the task of reconnaissance of the terrain for the
fortification protection of Tsishima Kaikyo, the most northern strait
separating our Sumusu from Russian Kamchatka. And it is very
important to gain the experience of an artillery officer. And you still
have to deal with topographic and geological surveys of the islands,
housing construction, arrangement of bays for ports, hydrographic
research in the straits ... Oh, what you forcibly hammered into your
head at college classes, now you have to refresh yourself, and
now these practical skills will sit in you forever.
— Do we need them, these cold desert islands?
“I will answer you with the words of a poem written
by Honorio Sihei, after a collision with Russian adventurers in the
third year of the Bungy era, ninety years ago.” “A great predator
flies from west to east. His flight is accompanied by a moan and
weeping of those countries and peoples over which he flies. He flies
through Asia, grabbing one kingdom after another with his
tenacious claws. Now his flight continues. Now he is at sea it has
already flown over it and appeared on the northern islands. The
shadow of its enormous body fell on Japan. The northern Japanese
are already in this shadow. Fear, Japanese, Kita-no-wasi — the
Northern predator, be afraid to fall into its tenacious claws, protect
yourself from it yourself and protect your descendants, do not rely
on shogun ... “
“The history in the college was taught us hastily, the main
attention was paid to special subjects, and I know almost nothing
about our relations with Russia,” he said, wanting to hear the
version of Lieutenant Gunzi.
— Already two hundred years ago, the Russians began to descend
from Kamchatka on the islands to Japan. They seized island after
island, built their villages, accepted Russian citizenship and
converted the Ainu people living in their religion, did not allow them
to fish and sea animals and expelled the Japanese from the islands.
They were getting closer and closer to Ieso. And so, when on the
sailing ship “Nataliya” in 1779, according to the Christian calendar,
entered Akkesi bay on Iezo, daimyo Matsmay, concerned about the
Russian insistency, ordered them to get out not only from Iezo, but
also from Etorofu and Kunashiri **. The following year, two
samurai went to the islands of Etorofu and Kunashiri to inspect
them, and another twenty years later, a representative of the
shogun with a military detachment of fifty people landed
on Etorofu and settled there, threw down the pillars left by the
Russians and installed his own. But Kita-no-Vasi did not let up,
hovered menacingly over our northern outskirts. In the first year
of Bungyu ***, a Russian warship arrived in Nagasaki and brought
Ambassador Rezanov, who won the right to trade, hoping to
penetrate this way into Japan. But the shogun resolutely stopped
his attempts, and then the Russians attacked the Japanese fishings
on Karafuto **** and Etorofu. The shogun did not want
penetration foreigners in the Land of the gods did not let them in
Japan and did not allow the Japanese to go to distant countries,
therefore, the northern territories did not pay enough attention.
But a year after the American commander Perry’s first visit
to Uragu, the Russian admiral Putyatin arrived in Nagasaki and
handed a letter from his emperor, in which he asked the shogun to
open trade and set up northern borders between the empires. A
year later, in the second year of Ansei ****, the first treaty of
friendship and trade with Russia was signed at Shimoda. According
to this treaty, the northern border was established between the
islands of Urup, which went to the Russians,
and Etorofu. Carafuto was not divided by the border, due to the
smallness of the population, the wildness of the island and the
insignificance of our and Russian interests there. But the Russians
soon found coal in the north of Karafuto and began quickly colonize
the island. At that time, the Russians were at war with England and
France, and shortly after the war at Iedo *****, the Russian chief
over the of Siberia Muraviev arrived on the battleship. And
demanded that the border between the states be established along
the Soya ****** strait, and the whole Carafuto went to Russia. He
referred to the Russian-Chinese border treaty concluded a year
earlier in Aigun, according to which, allegedly, China ceded Russia
and Karafuto. The shogun’s government decisively denied the
Prince of Amur, citing the treaty concluded in Shimoda. But later
in Iedo, the viewpoint prevailed that the climate in Karafuto is
extremely cold, the soils are barren and there is no point in
investing money in it and sending people there. In the eighth year,
Meiji (1875) was sent to Russia by Vice-Admiral Enomoto, who
suggested that the Russians exchange the southern part
of Carafuto for all the Tsishima rettoo islands, considering
that Etorofu, Kunashiri and Suisio sioto ****** belonged to us and
according to Shimoda contract.

. At that time, Russia was preparing for war with the Turks in the
Balkans, and agreed to the proposal of Admiral Enomoto.

— But why, nevertheless, do we need these northern, cold, desert

lands? I know Russians, was born and raised in Vladivostok, played
and studied with Russian boys, visited their homes, before my eyes
there was a life of different categories of Russian population — from
noble Petersburg
* 1806 year

** The feudal principality in Hokkaido.

*** Iturup and Kunashiri

***. 1804

****. Sakhalin

*****. 1855

****** Tokyo

******** La Perouse Strait

******* Small Kuril ridge

naval commanders to small traders, no more respected than

our tenin * a hundred years ago. They are lazy, carefree, rather
peaceful and agreeable, quick-tempered, but not vindictive, as
neighbors are helpful and quite reliable, conscientious and masters
of their word, reasonable and fair, overly curious, maybe …

“Exactly,” Gunzi interrupted him, listening attentively and

critically. “When they saw them on Ieso, they tried to find out more
about them through Catholic monks, Portuguese navigators and
Chinese. And upon learning, they were horrified. It turned out that
these curious barbarians are so omnipresent that they penetrate
everywhere. And to stop them, you must have strong military
barriers. In the north of Europe their creeping aggression is
opposed by Germany, in the Balkans — Austria-Hungary, in the
south of Europe and in Central Asia — England, and in the east we
must resist. It is unfortunate that they had the prudence to sell
their American possessions to the United States of America, and to
our delight, they would have already faced energetic and
enterprising Americans, lost remote colonies and had powerful
enemies on their eastern borders. And rich allies. “And you decided
to become like the medieval Ronin and go to the northern islands to
fight the barbarians there?”

— In the twenty-fourth year of the Meiji era (1891), when the great
earthquake happened on the Nobi Plain, the
scientist Okamoto Kansuke called for the creation
of the Tsishima Gikai-Tishima Association, for settlement and
exploration of the islands, I was called to the maritime ministry and
offered to lead the expedition to Sumusu to it is there to set up an
outpost to protect the Land of the Gods. It was an order and I set
to work. The following year, in the month of March, on three bots,
I led my expedition from Iedo. There were a few of us, only thirty
people, but we went to Ieso and joined the expedition
with the Ainas. That year we could not get to Sumusu, we sunk
at Etorofu, but a year later, I nevertheless established myself
at Sumusu.

Represent natural, created by nature fortifications, firmly locking

Russians in their eastern possessions and not allowing them to go
out into the ocean. Having strengthened the Tsushima Strait, we
will not allow them to go from the JapanSea o to the
south; Tsugaru Strait is controlled by us completely; to protect the
Soy Strait, a single artillery battery at Cape Soya is enough; the
straits between Tsishima rettoo are narrow, not studied, and those
maps that Russians have for navigation are unsuitable. From
January to April, the straits are clogged with ice, from May to
August are wrapped up in dense fog, and are open to navigation
almost only from mid-August to late October, because later one
after another violent storms follow. Yes, we are free and prohibit
the Russian ships to sail in the straits between the islands. The only
strait that the Russians can then take advantage of, the strait
between Kamchatka and Sumusu, will need to be protected by
forts; however, all straits will have to be protected.

The Tsishima Rattoo Islands are valuable not only from an

economic point of view, say, as a base for fishing and fishing for sea
animals and whales.
An agreement was concluded between the Great Tenno and the
emperor of the northern barbarians, according to
which Carafuto retreated to the Russians, the border was set along
the Soya Strait, and Japan received in exchange
eighteen Tsishima Retto islands, from Sumusya in the north
to Urup in the south,
* Citizens — in the social hierarchy of the country occupied a lower
place than the peasants.

A week later, their steamer reached the goal of their expedition,

and in boats,
they landed on a low sandy beach at the mouth of the
river Bettobu. Near the shore closely molded to each other with a
dozen board houses of the village. In one of these houses, the
owner of which was the supervisor of the team of construction
workers, took a room with a window to the sea and him.
In addition, began his trips to the island. He climbed Matsugo’s low
hill, convenient for an observation post controlling approaches from
the southeast, surveyed the steep headlands
of Kokutan, Kotomari, Hitasi and Sunosaki, surveyed and described
the island, and decided that Matsumura in the north-west
and Sirei in the north — The best place to install artillery shells.
Then he moved across the narrow strait to the large
island Paramusiri next to the south and set about it. With a pair of
porters he climbed up the steep slopes of the western mountain
range, fell from the snowy peaks of Arakawa and Tsikura,
descended the raft on the rapids and winding Todoroki River,
and died of hunger in the southeastern Cape Kurab, but they
managed to hold out for a week on the harvested sea animals, until
they were removed, as agreed, with a steamer. Returning
to Sumusya, he unsubscribed for a dozen days, showed all the
materials to Lieutenant Gunzi, listened of him a number of
important tips and comments; then, during the month, already on
the steamer, the tacks walked around the three northern Kuril
straits, measuring currents and depths, taking soil samples,
determining the heights of capes and hills, looking for where it was
more convenient to place fishing villages, lighthouses and put guns.
In late April, Gunzi let him go to Maizuru.

* Sangar Strait



The old and decrepit Lee HYUNGZHAN, in a tearful voice,

complained about the Japanese’s obstinacy, cursed the stormy sea,
the pain in his cheek from the wound, and it was funny to look at
him, wide-back, barely kneeling in front of the empress, with a red
bandage on his face, making his voice sound like a shrill grumble
black pig.
“Hao,” the empress interrupted him, “why the dressing?”
— Nutsai Li Hungzhan was injured by crazy Japanese in
Shimonoseki. Some fanatic shot from a revolver and wounded on
the cheek,

— Li HYUNGZHAN justified, feeling the Empress’s displeasure with

the conditions of the peace treaty for the Middle Kingdom.
— Hao. Repeat all these humiliating points for me that you signed.
— Korea had to be recognized as completely independent. “This
means that the Japanese will capture it in the next few years,” cried
the empress. Recently, instead of the usual ball of opium, she
smoked two, sometimes three, and between hookahs, she became
very irritable. Li Hungzhan hung his head. — Farther! — Formosa
and Penghuledao Islands have moved to Japan. The Empress threw
up her hands woefully, but she kept silent, expecting a more terrible
one. — Japan imposed a contribution of two hundred thirty
million lans on us ..., and they must be paid within seven years ...
Standing behind the throne, Jun Mei felt the empress pouring on
anger, all shaking from the anger that smelled her.
— Farther!
— I had to agree to the occupation of Liaodong by them.
— The occupation of Liaodong is like a knife in the heart of the
Middle Kingdom! From here, they can quickly penetrate both to the
capital and Manchuria, and, having crossed the strait, attack
Shandong. Having Liu-shun-kou * reinforced by me, they will
deploy their military fleet there, and they will keep the of Zhili Bay
under threat ...
The grand princes Gun, Qing and Duan looked at
Li HYUNGZHAN with gloating and condemnation, confident that they
would not have allowed the Japanese to impose such enslaving
conditions. The Empress was shaking with anger, her face
reddened; slurred abuse fell from her lips, her hands clenched into
tight cams on the armrests. Then her eyes rolled up, gray foam
appeared on her lips and she sat down on the throne as a
bag. The frightened dignitaries buried their foreheads on the floor
and froze, not daring to raise their eyes to the empress.
Because of the screen behind the throne, the chief eunuch,
Li Lianying, stepped forward, waved him powerfully to get out-of-
the-way, and brought a sharply smelling handkerchief to
the empress’s face.
Like brown cockroaches, dignitaries rapidly crawled away, while the
empress stirred weakly and groaned. Li Hungzhan defiantly, in
violation of all the rules of the palace ceremonial, picked her up and
carried her into the next room, where maidservants, eunuchs and
maid of honor rattled around her.
“When the oil runs out, the lamp goes out, when the vital forces run
out, a man dies,” some eunuch said quite loudly, but then he
collapsed under Li Hungzhan‘s menacing gaze.
Jun Mei recalled that the fox urine was considered a good medicine
for fever and fever and loss of vitality, slipped into the next room
and, taking advantage of the fact that everyone crowded around
the empress, behind the sneaking peeks poured into a cup painted
with golden dragons. There she also let in a little saliva to bewitch
the empress, to make her obedient to herself.
With a cup in her hand, she decisively pushed aside the maid of
honor and the maidservants who had hustled around Cixi, carefully
lifted her head and with the words — rice water, rice water — she
began to water. The Empress took a few sips, noticed old palace
healer Fang Shousin leaning over her and, calming down, closed her
eyes again. Then she opened it, angrily waved at the doctor, from
who, in her opinion, there was little confusion, and said, “I feel the
approach of death, because I do not have a single faithful person
who would give me the only medicine that can save me.
Everyone realized that the empress wanted fresh human meat, and
recoiled, fearing that Cixi’s gaze would stop on him.

* Port Arthur

Faithful Li Hungzhan bowed low and said, “The Grand Empress will
receive such medicine. That evening, medicine was fried in sesame
oil, and brought on a porcelain platter painted with royal phoenixes
with shining crowns on its head,, and Li Hungzhan fell down and did
not show up for a month in the Empress’s chambers.
At the request of the head of Tsungli Yamin, Jun Lu, on the
eleventh day of the third moon of the twenty-first year of the reign
of Guangxu, a meeting of the Supreme Imperial Council was
“Huangshan — Your Majesty,” Jun Lu addressed the Empress-
Regent, without paying any attention to Guangxu.

— Yesterday, in the evening, at his insistent asks, I received the

Russian envoy, Count Cassini. The envoy informed me that the
governments of Russia, Germany and France filed a joint note
to the government of Japan, which insists on the withdrawal of
Japanese troops from Liaodong, threatening to force them out
of there by military force. For this, according to the Russian envoy,
the Russian Pacific squadron entered into contact with the German
squadron in Chinese waters, and in the Amur military district,
mobilization was announced. The Empress vigorously rejoiced.

— Amitafo! — Oh my God! I had a prophetic dream that a red

light lit up my bedchamber and appeared before me in a purple
gown. Zhugo Liang, the great commander of the era of the Three
Kingdoms. He knelt, thrice committed petition and said,
— A good spirit will help the fair,
Verily a miracle will manifest
Private husband to evil sorcerers
Ruin is not strong enough. **
Then he sat on a gray crane on horseback, and it rushed him to the
sky. This is a divine sign!
The old cowardly and wise Gong gently interrupted
the empress’s delights,
— Nutsay Gung is concerned about the motives of Russia’s
intervention. Another emperor Jiaqing *** bequeathed us to fear
the great northern neighbor.

“If you believe everything written, then its better not to read
books,” the empress waved at him with her hand. “It was not your
state wisdom and military prowess that saved the Middle Kingdom
from such shame, but the great gods.”

“Our gods have no power over the lands of the barbarians,”

Li HYUNGZHAN allowed himself to disagree with the empress and support

Gong. After difficult negotiations in Shimonoseki, he barely walked

and, like a sack of rice, two hefty eunuchs dragged him into the
throne room.

* April 6, 1895 **

“Dispelled charms”, p. 385 per. I. Smirnova

*** Years of government 1796 – 1830

Overcomed by the great joy of the unexpected return of Liaodong,

the empress did not pay attention to the obstinacy of Li
Hungzhan.the First Chancellor of the Chinese Empire, who had
recently been dismissed from his post, for the extremely difficult
conditions of the Shimonoseki peace treaty “It’s nice to see the
banners of victory, ears to hear good news,” she exclaimed. “Nutsay
Gong asks to listen to him,” Grand Duke Gong said in a voice. The
Empress gazed arrogantly at the dignitaries on her knees and
nodded reluctantly. — Nutsai Gun believes that not everything is so
simple here, and that the motives of the three powers can be the
following. Russia is building the Siberian railway, and has already
built it from the Volga to the Baikal and from the Japan Sea from
Vladivostok to Khabarovsk on Emur. Now it has to go around
Manchuria, this path either is long and difficult, or goes straight
through the land of our ancestors, and this path is much closer. In
addition, Russia may fear the real capture of southern Manchuria by
Japan, and then of all of Manchuria and, as a result, a significant
increase in the formidable predator. Germany, squeezed by the
Franco-Russian treaty of 1891, flirts with Russia, tries to take the
role of its dominant ally, and has the secret goal to redirect the
attention of the Russian government from European to Asian
affairs. In addition, not only attention, but also make her so deeply
bogged down in Asian
matters so that Russia does not have the material means to hamper
Germany in the west. France is afraid to leave Russia with
Germany. Indeed, in this case, the white king can cool off to it and
then, with it strained relations with England; it will again remain
defenseless against Germany. After all, this time Germany will not
be content with the French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, as it
was twenty-five years ago, but will select a fatter piece, — old Gong
flashed his knowledge of history, geography and current
international politics.
The Empress became interested and ordered to bring a map
The Grand Duke Gong, crawling at the map with a wand in his
hand, repeated his thoughts, devotedly and humbly looking at the
— So,from Russia we should expect some territorial claims and
most likely in Manchuria?
“Big, very big, your majesty.”
— Remember about the money! — cried the insatiable thief Grand
Duke Qing, a descendant of Emperor Qianlong, who secretly
despised Empress Cixi, but who was very much afraid of
her. — Where can we find two hundred thirty million lans of silver
to pay the contribution of Japan? The treasury is empty;
forecasters promise a hungry lean year and great misfortunes from
river flooding. This means that it is not enough to collect taxes.
But even the senile grumbling of decrepit wise men, who barely
crawled before the throne in their thick, despite the spring warmth,
embroidered with gold robes, could not drown out the empress’s
“Hao, hao,” she murmured, and even giggled happily, “the Russians
will help us free Liaodong, and have to lend money of Western
barbarians — from London, Berlin, and Paris.” They have grabbed
enough in the Middle Kingdom and must lend, so that we pay off
That evening the empress smoked two dream pipes.

At the end of the first moon of the twenty-second year

of Guangxu rule *, the Great Imperial Council raised the question
of the privileges for the Land of the Northern Barbarians for the
ultimatum of Japan, the liberation of the Liaodun Peninsula from
Japan, and help in obtaining and securing a loan to pay the
contribution. Then in Russia, they saw almost a saviour, and some
even suggested asking the white king to place troops in the
Celestial Empire to protect the empire from the Japanese. Although
the Grand Duke Qing dared to assert that Russia, over time, would
do so, but without any invitation, what caused the great wrath of
Empress Cixi.
The wise Gong and Li Hungzhan, considered in the Council as
experts in international politics, at a glance unraveling all the
machinations of red-haired barbarians, and able to resist them / Jun
Mei managed to fly to Jing-chou-ting and play with her son, teach
him the great art of hunting for field mouses making themselves
stocks in rice field, while shaking their long white beards, intricately
and vaguely expressed their scarce thoughts of idiots /, offered to
meet the wishes of Russia, to agree with it about a concession to
build a railway in Manchuria, but not a state one, so as not to
arouse envy and persistent harassment of others European powers,
and private, joint-stock, and that China itself participated in the
management of the company.
And still, remembering that after the ultimatum of Japan, Russian
warships would fear wintering in Japanese ports, and that Russia
had already requested the port of Jiaozhou for the winter of its fleet
for the current winter, these wise men offered to give them a port
somewhere in Shandong, but to bargain for it protection of the
coast of the Yellow Sea from the Japanese. From Shanghai and to
the south, they thought, the British and French would take care of
protecting the coast of China.
—If did not think in advance,
How to pass all the obstacles
Remove the pearl can not
From the neck of a black dragon, **
Gun mumdleed with a toothless mouth, and
Li HYUNGZHAN echoed him, — As is known, even the ancients
taught that it is more reasonable to sit on a mountain,

* February 1896.
** “Dispelled enchantment, p. 105, trans. In addition, Smirnova
to watch the battle of fierce tigers in the valley, then to engage in
battle with it...
Empress Cixi listened carefully to everyone and rightly decided that,
if Li HYUNGZHAN was such a prudent diplomat, then he should go
to Russia to close relevant agreements. At the same time be
completely uncompromising, bargain mercilessly, so as not to give
hold. And the reason for the visit to the country of the northern
barbarians will serve an invitation to the coronation celebrations,
which after three moons should take place in their ancient
capital — Moscow.

Her fox drug brought great benefits. The Empress began to need
Jun Mei. More and more often she detained her until bedtime,
demanding to touch her jewels and jewelry with her, or to get
countless dresses from the bottomless chests of the thinnest silk
embroidered with golden phoenixes, admired them, sometimes
even plunged her face into silk and froze for minutes,
indulging memories. However, secretive, she did not tell stories
and adventures connected with them, although in her bright eyes
Jun Mei felt how rich the life of the Empress was in her love affairs.
Sweet tooth, she gave preference to the sweets of commoners,
recalling herself, apparently, as a girl on the streets of Beijing, and
inviting to eat her mantou cakes with vegetable filling, sweet pies
with date filling and washed down with sweet wine from Yunnan.
After drinking a few glasses, she took on tricky questions to test Jun
Mei's quick wits, made her to be cunning, flattering, claiming that all
people like it. She forced Jun Mei to eavesdrop and spy on maid of
honor, eunuchs, servants, and even ministers arriving in the
Forbidden City with reports; taught how to see in their eyes and
facial expressions hidden their thoughts and desires. She
aggressively suggested that in the soul of every person a white tiger
sits next to a blue dragon — good is next to evil, and that if you can
skillfully influence a person, you can incline him to one or another
act, because people are greedy for wine, women, and wealth and
cannot refrain from envy and anger. She checked how Jun Mei
knew the language of foreign barbarians. She orders to bring a
book in French and listens as Jun Mei reads. At first, Jun Mei
stumbled a little and was at a loss with the selection of words for an
exact translation, but soon the constraint passed, and she began to
give meaning in simple, everyday words. Particularly interested the
empress of the adventures of women frivolous, inclined to love
relationships with men, from the breed of wind-flowing. Such books
excited her, and Jun Mei felt that her face was burning ...
Some kind of spiritual affinity was established between them. Then
one day, after dark, after the third blow of the gong, announcing
the time of bedtime, when Jun Mei's eyes were tired of the dim light
of the night lamp, the empress ordered to put the book down and
addressed her with these words.
— Soon, Li Hungzhan will go to the northern barbarian’s capital
Moscow for the coronation of the white king. He was instructed to
conclude an agreement on the construction of a railway from Baikal
to Vladivostok through Manchuria, the land of our ancestors. He
received instructions on the conditions with which he is bound to
make the agreement. The first is that the road should not belong to
the state, but only to private individuals, so that it would be easier,
if necessary, to redeem it and not to incite once again greed by the
rulers of other states. Second, Li HYUNGZHAN must bind Russia
with an obligation to protect us from Japan. As they say from
ancient times, antidote, and foreigners by foreign rivals destroy
poison. So let old Li set them against each other. And third, let
Russia pay me well. You will go with him and be my confidant.
Watch carefully and listen carefully. Not everything that Li
Hungzhan says and does should slip away from your eyes and ears.
You will learn the art of diplomacy. Try to influence old Li in the
right direction, so that he does not take a great interest in his own
benefits, but protect the interests of the Middle State. If you do not
strike the bell, it will not ring, if you do not tap the drum, it will not
In addition, for a long time, until the jasper hare dimmed in the sky
and the east did not turn red into a scarlet dawn, the empress
crammed Jun Mei what exactly she should have achieved and how it
was possible to influence old Li HYUNGZHAN.
In a bureaucratic robe with images of a heron sewn on the chest
and back and a white marble ball on a hat, which meant that she
belonged to the sixth class of the civil grade table, in the blue
palanquin carried by four porters, Jun Mei arrived in Tsung-li-ge-
go- Shivu-Yamin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Middle Kingdom.
The scribes in the reception room jumped up from their felted rugs,
casting their brushes on the boards, without finishing even the next
hieroglyphs, and bowed low, with servility. They were previously
notified of the arrival of the personal representative of the empress-
regent of Cixi to familiarize themselves with the materials of Tsung-
li-yamin on the forthcoming trip of the delegation of the Heavenly
Empire to Russia for the conclusion of an important treaty there.
The scribes' bows were low, but she noticed some false hypocrisy in
their excessive subservience, insincerity of the respect they showed
for the person of the personal representative of the empress, and
she wondered if the disdain, which swept over the loud quations in
the Summer Palace, did not even come but also bureaucracy. A
senior scribe depicting a magpie on a robe, belonging to a lower,
ninth class, is small, flatteringly flattering that a representative of
the Empress was ordered to be sent to Hanlin Academician Bo
Daoli, the wisest and most revered of the connoisseurs of northern
barbarians. For thirty-five years, since the founding of Tsungli-
yamin, he has been the chief adviser on Russian affairs, and before
that he was an adviser at Li-Fan-Yuan — the Ministry of Colonies,
and dealt with northern barbarians. However, a spark of ridicule
smoldering in the depths of his eyes made Jun Mei doubt his
sincerity. Of course, the very fact of appointing a representative of
the Empress to the delegation of Li HYUNGZHAN was already
discussed in Tsungli-yamin and apparently was considered
undesirable, but inevitable, and this opinion became known even to
the younger scribes dressed in blue and smeared with
ink. Long dark corridors, through a spacious courtyard, the senior
scribe walked Jun Mei into the leaning outbuilding and presented
her to an ancient man covered with a little green and not fluff, but
with moss a little man bent low at a spacious window with a
magnifying glass in his hand over an old folio in a lined red Sychuan
“Share your wisdom and deep knowledge, venerable Bo Daoli,
about the land of northern barbarians, and teach the representative
of the Empress the art of diplomacy,” said the scribe and hurried to
Bo Daoli poked his nose at a magnifying glass, and with a
magnifying glass in a book, and then with obvious difficulty raised
his insanely detached eyes.
— For what purpose do you need my knowledge? The sage asked.
Jun Mei explained briefly that she was going to the coronation of
the king of northern barbarians as part of the delegation. With
great reluctance, Bo Daoli put down his magnifying glass, pushed
the book with difficulty, took a sheet of paper, a brush and
muttered, covering it from top to bottom, and from right to left the
paper with pictures of hieroglyphs.
— Ancient books say that far to the north, near the eastern sea,
there are barbarous fish-skinned tribes, so named according to their
custom of wearing fish-skin clothes, and canine dogs, which only
move on dogs. In the six hundredths miles to the northeast of the
village, the homeland of the now reigning Manchu dynasty of Gioro,
the tribe of the Hurkha dwells, and behind them, in the six
hundredths, the Ching tribe, and in the six hundredths miles, the
Fiyaki tribe. They wander through dense forests, walk in hides, live
by hunting and fishing. Bread is not plowed. They have many
brown sables, black foxes, squirrels, beavers, bears and other
animals. All these tribes bear the common name of Wo-tzu-da-
tzu — forest aliens, or Yu-ni-da-tzu — fish-skinned aliens. From the
lower reaches of the Emour-he to the south side, near the Korean
Sea, live the Khezhe or Dog tribes, and to the north from the lower
reaches of the Emour-he, close to the Russian Sea, live the Kiyaka
or Deer tribes ...
“Here, here,” Jun Mei interrupted him — the Russians are interested
to me, we will go to them.
The moldy sage stumbled, but apparently already accustomed to
such inconsideration and wanting to get rid of the visitor as soon as
possible, took another sheet of paper, dipped the brush in ink and
enthusiastically set about calligraphy, mumbling and sadly
— In the book Xiu-vin-jian-lu — Notes on the Western
Territory — the state with such a name is mentioned, but it is said
that it is quite young and its beginning dates back to the times of
the Yuan and Minsk dynasties. In those days, Russia was still weak
and began to rise only under the current Manchu dynasty. It is
known from the book Sooku-Chuan-shu-ti-yao that all the states to
the west of the Onion Ridge, which are mentioned in the
descriptions of the journey made by Liu Yue during the Yuan
dynasty *, are within the current Tin-chang-poo, what's on the new
border in Turkestan. Russia is a state tribute to us, although in the
code of laws only nine states are renamed, giving tribute to the
Celestial Empire. Here they are Chao-hsien — Korea, Liu-
chiu — islands, Yong-nan — Cochinhin, Helan — Holland, Mian-
dan — Java and European states, Italy and England, for example,
although for the arrival of envoys from them with a tribute to
certain deadlines and no. The possessions of Russia bypass the
Great, Small and Southern Europe and extend in the east to
Emour. And in the books about foreigners it is said that from
Afghanistan to the west there are no more than one or two aimaks,
followed by the Western Sea already begins, and that, since Russia
is subject to the Middle Kingdom, the Arctic Ocean belongs to us!
* Jin Mei barely stifled a yawn, seeing that the sage’s deep
knowledge was of fossil origin; she herself knew geography
much better. This science and the modern history were taught
in the missionary school well. “My dear grandfather,” she sang
softly, “almost a millennium has passed since then, and it looks
like we will pay tribute to Russia soon.” Do you really know
nothing about it? The old sage seemed to wake up, looked at
her in surprise, and then started talking happily, “I was not
deceived by your man’s attire and I thought that you must
fulfill the mandate of the empress. But if you really want to
know about our relationship with Russia, then listen. — You
know that the tribes of the nomadic taiga hunters of Manzhou,
united around themselves numerous Jurchen Jin empire, which
occupied a vast area and included the territories of present-
day Manchuria and even the middle and lower reaches of the
Sungari, Ussuri and Emur-he, under the general name of the
Manchurians conquered the Heavenly Empire, deposed the
Ming Dynasty of China and established the Qing Dynasty. The
Manchurian emperor Fu-Lin under the motto of Shunzhi was
elevated to the dragon throne in 1644 according to the
Christian calendar. Even at the time when the first Manchu
khans Nurkhatsi and Abahai conquered the Middle Kingdom,
fighting the three hundred year Ming dynasty,
* Yuan dynasty - 1263 – 1387

We learned that the Chinese in Mongolia had contacts with the

Russian people, and from the envoys of Tushet Khan, Abahai
received Russian firearms. After conquering Beijing to
Libu — the Order of Ceremonies found out that twenty-five
years ago, during the reign of Emperor Zhu Yijun *, the
Russian Embassy of twelve people visited, the head of which
Cossack Ivashko Petlin tribute his Tsagan Khan, the white king,
the Emperor Heavenly Empire did not bring and therefore he
was not adopted by the emperor, but they were given a letter
of permission to trade in the Celestial Empire. Then, at the
Manchurian court, this embassy was forgotten, because all the
attention of Emperor Shunzhi ** was drawn to the south,
where the defeated Min generals resisted.
In the eighth year of his reign, Shunchzhi received news that
in the north of the empire, on the river Emur-he, on the lands
of Prince Lavkay, Russian Cossacks appeared, fought against
the Daurs and won. And he was told that the Russians had
beaten many Dahur princes and were taking yasak.
Concerned about this Shunzhi decided to teach a lesson to this
unknown Russian militant and sent six hundred brave Manchu
flag soldiers with two cannons. Shunchzhi decided to teach a
lesson to this unknown militant Russian and sent six hundred
brave Manchu flag warriors with two cannons and thirty
popguns and one and a half thousand Daur and Ducher living
on Sungari on Emur-he to fight them. But the head of the
campaign, the Ningut governor Haise, frivolously relied on his
great strength and on the combat experience of the
commander of the detachment of the celebrity troops Seth,
and why he was defeated — many were killed, and the guns,
food and the train were captured by the Russians. Haise was
worth his head — he was executed by order of the emperor.
In the tenth year of the reign of Emperor Shunzhi at the
beginning of the summer *, the second Russian
embassy, Yaryzhkin, arrived in the capital of Celestial empire
But at the same time in northern Manchuria, at the confluence
of the Songhua River into Emur-he, the Manchu famous troops
gave battle to the Russian Cossacks and forced those demons
to retreat. Therefore, in Beijing, it was decided first to firmly
punish the Russians, to win an impressive victory over them,
and then to accept the embassy and talk to them as vassals.
Famous troops in the amount of ten thousand people in the
second and third months of the eleventh year of Shunzhi reign,
with fifteen cannons and rapid-fire popguns, many of which
had three or four barrels, began to besiege Kumar prison,
where Russian Cossacks wintered, but again suffered
defeat and retreated, losing a lot of people and weapons.
Then in Lifanyuan — the Order, which was in charge of
relations with vassal Mongolia, Tibet and Russia, decided to
take Yaryzhkin, although he did not have the Tsar's embassy
diploma with him. Yaryzhkin made
rite kowtow — on the knee fell, bowing. By this, he recognized
the Russian kingdom as a vassal of the Qing Empire. Soon
another Russian ambassador named Fyodor Baykov arrived in
the capital of the Middle Kingdom. However, since it __
* Zhu Yijun — years of government 1374 – 1627
** Shunzhi — years of government 1644 – 1661

he refused to do the rite of kowtow, he was not accepted by the

emperor, and departed. Although Baikov did not have dragomans
and did not know how to explain himself in any language that was
understandable in Lifanyuan, including Latin, but he nevertheless
understood that they were collecting tribute to Emur-he and
disturbing the peace of the Celestial. Cossacks not sent there by the
white king, and arbitrarily robbing people. That is why an
experienced commander Sarudai, on the orders of the emperor,
went to Sungari, where he defeated the Cossack
detachment Stepanov. When Russian Chagan Khan learned about
his robbery people about the defeat of Songhua, he hurried to send
to the capital of the Middle Kingdom a new
embassy, Perfilyev and Ablin, who brought tribute and a letter
drawn up in barbaric, disrespectful expressions!
Therefore, in Beijing they did not accept the tribute and even
wanted to expel the embassy, but the emperor Shunzhi wisely
decided that if the white king sends gifts, it means that he wants to
obey our enlightenment, so you should be a condescending and
kind attitude to your side. At the Lifanyuan gave the ambassadors
reciprocal gifts to the king, but they did not respond to the letter
and the embassy in their capital was not sent so that they would
not try to put their state on a par with the Middle Kingdom. The
emperor Kansi * ordered the Russian ambassadors to plant at
receptions for the Dzungar and Mongolians, that is, the third in
rank. In the sixth year of Kansi, the Evenk prince Gantymur from
Northern Manchuria, who had previously paid tribute to the
Emperor of the Middle Kingdom, with his tribe, went to the side of
the Russians. And the decree of the emperor Kansi was Russian to
return Prince Gantimur with his family. The Russians hurried to
send the embassy of Milovanov with a diploma about the
subordination of their state to the Celestial Empire, but they did not
give out Gantimur, referring to his weakness. The letter was
favorably received, and in response to the Russian Tsar, it was
reported that the heir to the Dragon Throne was not happy
the oppression of the Russian Cossacks over the Manchu people by
the Daur and Ducher, and even wanted to fight the Russians, but in
the future they consider it desirable for people not to fight far off
lands and do not repair anyone, but live in peace and joy. In the
thirteenth year of the reign of Kansi, the Embassy of Spafari arrived
in the Celestial Empire. When negotiating with
him, Lifanyuan officials tried to find out what strategic goals the
Russians where pursuing on the northern borders of the Heavenly
Empire, why they were conducting military operations and who all
the same were Cossack detachments — sovereign people or robber
people. Spafari rite kowtow performed the gifts of his king at the
feet of the emperor Kansi laid. And it was announced to him that if
Russia recognises itself as a vassal of the Middle Kingdom and
brings tribute, then it is obliged to return Gantimur with his family
and give up the wish to take tribute from the people living in Emur-
Until these requirements are fulfilled, all ties with them finish.
And the emperor Kansi said to keep the Russians in the upper
reaches of the Emur-he and not to let them go further, developed
“Pindin locha fanlyue” —
Years of government 1668 –
plan to pacify Russians. In the preamble of this plan, it was
said: “Russians are subjects of the state of Olosa. The Russian
state is far away in the extreme north-west, and has not had
relations with China since ancient times. The Russians are all
rude, greedy and uncultured. Those who settled not far from
Heilongjiang, the Daur and solons nicknamed “locha.” They were
outraged, killed and robbed, received defectors from our side,
constantly inflicted evil on the borders. ”
The main meaning of the plan was the imperial will to
consider Nerchinsk and Albazin, the upper and lower currents
of Emur-he, as well as every river and trickle flowing into it, all
belonging to the Celestial Empire; it is impossible to give up the
smallest part of these lands in favor of the Russians. “
In the twenty-first year of Kansi’s reign, distressed by the
consolidation of the Russians in their outlying lands, he sent a
large army appease the demons and free the town
of Dahuri prince Albaza, occupied and held by them for forty
years! After a long preparation, three years later the army laid
siege to Albazin and forced his defenders to capitulate. The main
part of the defenders — about three hundred people — were
released to Nerchinsk, and forty Russians wanted to accept
Chinese citizenship. However, we all know that capturing one
city does not mean completing a great cause. In the same
summer, the Russians from Nerchinsk returned to Albazin and
again strengthened there. Attempting next summer to seize the
jail failed. Therefore, when the Russian
ambassadors Venyukov and Favorov arrived in Beijing that
autumn, Kansi agreed to continue not to fight
the Albazin Cossacks, but that the local tribes did not offend
them and did not take yasak from them, and did not go
down Emur-he. Emperor Kansi granted ambassadors to imperial
wine and tea, and they performed the rite of kowtow. The Son
of Heaven handed them to the white king a letter that the
ambassadors accepted on their knees, as is customary in the
relations of the suzerain with the vassals.
In the twenty-seventh year of the reign, Emperor Kansi sent an
embassy to Selenginsk to set up the borders of the state and
stop the armed clashes. Although the embassy did not manage
to reach Selenginsk, Zhang Penge, a member of his jinshi *,
managed to find out that “the Russian backwater is located north
of Shamo **. Since ancient times, they had no connection with
China, as it was dangerous to present gifts to our court and far
away, they had not yet been tamed, and they invade our border
_ At first we sent troops for a punitive campaign, which quickly
inflicted a crushing defeat on them, but then they received the
emperor’s mercy, their prisoners were released and returned. “
* Jingshi — academic title
** Shamo is the Chinese name for the Gobi Desert
In addition, there was information from poets and
scholars Qian Lianzi and Yang Bin about Russia: “This state is
so provincially and remotely that it is impossible to gather reliable
information about it. They boast and claim that their land extends
over more than forty thousand li. Kind of legend has existed for
more than six thousand years. This backwater boasts so much that
they absolutely cannot be trusted. However, it was reported that
the western border of their country is in contact with the Atlantic
Ocean, in the east it reaches Albazin, which is in the very north
of Halki; in the south, they border Persia, to the east their
possessions reach Halki, and to the west to the borders of Muslim
states and elites. All states bordering on them are in fear and
obedience. The Russian state never had connections with the
Middle State. Russians are extremely fierce in nature, and difficult
to subdue. They are people with blue hollow eyes, outstanding
nose, red curly beard, with a long body, have a lot of power and
love to sleep, and when they sleep, do not immediately wake up.
They are skilled in foot combat, they know how to handle guns,
they are not afraid of bows and arrows. If the arrow hits the body,
calmly pull it out, look at each other and laugh. “

In the twenty-eighth year of his reign, Emperor Kansi sent a large

embassy accompanied by ten thousandth troops, combat ships and
artillery to Nerchinsk. Having surrounded the city from all sides, the
embassy began negotiations to calm quarrels and demarcation of
lands and eternal peace with all sorts of good intentions, and not
military behavior. Ambassadors of the Middle Kingdom reproached
the Russians for their wrongfulness in their raids and seizures and
announced to them the order of the emperor.

The whole crowd of Russian people with joyful cries expressed

sincere obedience to the Emperor of the Celestial Empire, brought
their geographical maps and began to discuss and clarify all the
details of the demarcation of the frontiers. Northeast in the space
of several thousand li and never belonged to China, became part of
our possessions! Then together a mutual vow was made for
everlasting times in peace and friendship. The boundary was
established along the Gorbitsa River and the stone ridge of the Big
Hingan, which lies north of Emur-he. The territory to the south of
this ridge was ceded to the Qing Empire, and the lands in the north
to the Russian kingdom; the right bank of the Argun River was
transferred to the Ching Empire, and the former Russian fort was
moved to the Russian left bank; Town Albazin must be destroyed.
Four years later, Chagan Khan sent Ambassador Edes to assure that
Russia will firmly adhere to the conditions of the Nerchinsk Treaty.
In the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Yunzhen *,
the Burinsk Treaty was concluded between our states, which
determined the border between the Argun River in the east and
the Shaban-Dabag ridge in the west. And all trade could be carried
out only near Tsuruhaytu on the Argun River, on the Kyakhta River,
on the border Mongolia, and in Beijing.
The first official delegation of the Celestial Empire to Russia was
sent in the tenth year of the reign of Emperor Yongzhi, and then
Russia undertook not to interfere in the struggle of the Celestial
Empire with the Zhonggar Khan. In the same year, on the
accession to the throne of white Queen Anna Ioanovna, another
delegation was sent to their capital, St. Petersburg. However, in
the twentieth year of the Qianlong rule *, the Russians
accepted Emursan, a close relative of the Zhungar Khan, who
rebelled, and refused to return, citing his death from smallpox.
Therefore, relations between our countries have deteriorated, and
all trade has ceased for a decade and a half. True, in the tenth
year of the reign of Emperor Jiacin ** to the borders the Embassy
of Count Golovkin arrived in the Middle Kingdom, but since he
categorically refused to do the kowtow rite, the embassy was not
allowed to enter Beijing and returned. From the very first year of
Emperor Xianfeng * reign, news began to come to Lifanyuan about
constant violations of the border and the persistent desire of the
Russians to seize the basin of the River Emur-he from its left bank.
Nevertheless, the Taiping *** uprising did not leave time and
energy to pacify the northern barbarians.
However, in the third year of Xianfeng in Lifanyuan a sheet was
received from the Russian Senate, confirming the border fixed by
the Nerchinsk Treaty. However, two years later, the Russian
governor in Siberia, Muravyov, had a meeting with officials
from Aigun and suggested that they set up a new border between
the states is along the river Emur. And received a decisive refusal.
The Russians, however, firmly decided not to recognize the Treaty
of Nerchinsk, every summer they conducted a crowded rafting
on Emur-he, and near its estuary, they founded several of their
settlements. In the seventh year of the Xianfeng reign, the
Russians arbitrarily began to populate the left bank of Emur-he.
Therefore, the next year, djiantsyun **** Aigun Ishan, with the
consent of Lifanyuan, signed an agreement with Muravyov and the
entire left bank of Emur-he, up to the sea, went to Russia. In the
same year, in Tianjin, and two years later, in Beijing, contracts were
concluded that finally transferred the land to Russia on the left bank
of the Emur and Ussuri to the Korean border. In the fourth year of
the reign of Emperor Tongzhi ****, a border treaty was signed in
Western Siberia. In addition, in the same year, the Uighurs, Hui,
and other ethnic groups revolted in Chungaria and the Ili Valley.
The Russian authorities, under the pretext of ensuring tranquility on
the borders of their Central Asian suburbs, captured
the Gulja region. The imperial army marched to restore order
in Xinjiang, and in the fourth year the reign of Emperor Guangxu *
achieved pacification of Southern and Northern Xinjiang, but the
question of Gulja should be resolved by diplomatic means.
Therefore, at the same time, an experienced commander and
diplomat Chun Hou was sent to St. Petersburg, endowed with
extraordinary powers. However, he managed to return only part of
the territory occupied by the Russians. Besides,

* Years of government 1736-1796

** years of board 1796 – 1821
* years of government 1851 – 1861
***. Taiping Uprising — Peasant War in China 1850-1864
**** Jiangyun — Governor
** ** reign years 1861 – 1875

he pledged that the Celestial Empire would pay Russia two million
eight hundred thousand silver lans in reimbursement of military
expenses. The terms of the treaty in Tszyuntsichu were
recognized as extremely unsuccessful, and even there were calls to
change it, to the declaration of war by Russia. However,
Li Hunzhang said that the treaty signed by Chung Hou brought us
disasters if we do not recognize it, subsequent disasters will even
more. When Chun Hou went to fulfill his diplomatic mission, the
emperor granted him extraordinary powers. He had the right to
negotiate and enter into contracts. And if the contract is concluded,
then you cannot refuse it, otherwise the blame for this will fall on
I think that even then the main goal of Li Hungzhan’s position was
to win support for Russia against Japan, which at that time seized
the Ryukyu Islands and clearly attempted on Formosa and Korea. It
was not for nothing that he directly said that the Japanese are
afraid of Russians like tigers, and if we give in to the Japanese, they
still will not help us against Russia. If we make small concessions to
Russia, then we can use it to intimidate Japan. However, about
Japan a little later. No, wonder the ancient books said that a lie
could not overcome the truth. So it was that the negotiations
on Kuldje were continued, and in the seventh year
of Guangxu Russia returned it to us, but doubled the amount of
compensation. A new border with Russia was also established

Now about the current affairs. In the second year of Tongzhi,

France from the south began to approach our Yunnan province, first
attacking the vassal of the Celestial Annam. Concerned about the
situation in the south, Jiunjichu repeatedly appealed to the French
government, but they only strengthened their troops and continued
the war. Therefore, in the tenth year of Guangxu, the war began
between our states. This war was taken advantage of by the rebels
in our vassal Korea. Joining the Japanese forces that guarded their
embassy in Seoul, they captured the royal palace, but our troops
stationed there defeated the Japanese, liberated the king, and the
rebels fled to Japan. To avoid war, the Middle Kingdom and Japan
agreed to joint custody of Korea. However, as the proverb goes,
truly, if a fish fell off a hook, do not hope to catch her again! It
became known in Tsungliamyin that the military circles of Japan
demanded an immediate war, considering the Celestial Empire
weakened by battles in the south, while their industrial bourgeoisie
argued that it was necessary to thoroughly prepare for the war,
because the Celestial is now strong, and after a few years,
according to its custom, again plunge into lethargic sleep. The
Japanese government agreed with this view, and decided
that to make sure a future victory, it was necessary to strengthen
economic and military penetration into Korea. Left

* years of government 1875 – 1908)

Li Hungzhan overseen the policy of Korea, General Yuan Shikai,

behaved extremely rudely, which caused discontent of the king and
courtiers. Seeing the growing hatred of the Middle Kingdom, the
Germanic Mollendorf, appointed by Li Hungzhan to head the Korean
diplomatic service to resist Japanese penetration, decided to involve
Russia in the conflict. The Korean king, to get rid of our and
Japanese wards, was inclined to fall away under the protection
of England. In addition, even gave it the island of Commune,
where they had the Hamilton port naval base. Then the cunning
German Möllendorf, taking this opportunity, set out to push Russia
against Japan, and began to push the king not only to transfer the
port to the northeast coast to the Russians, which the Russians had
long sought, but also to set up a protectorate of Russia over Korea,
or at least , invitations of Russian military units to the ports
of Fusan and Chemulpo, with a view, allegedly, to protect against
the Japanese and the British. Seeing the strengthening of the
positions of Russia, the Celestial Empire, Japan, England and the
North American United States demanded that
King Kojeong replace Möllendorf and reject friendship with
Russia. American Denny as head of the diplomatic department, and
Englishman Livi McBrown, as general customs commissioner
replaced Möllendorf. In the twentieth year of Guangxu, in the south
of Korea, an uprising of supporters of the Eastern Teaching Party
began with the aim of expelling the Japanese and overthrowing the
plundering Korean government. The Japanese government,
hypocritically referring to the joint custody agreement, insistently
asked our government why it did not send troops to pacify the
uprising. Li Hungzhan, deceived, sent two and a half thousand
soldiers to Korea, and the Japanese treacherously accused us of
occupying the country, and sent five times more! Li Hungzhan,
hoping for the intervention of Russia, was slow in building up forces
in Korea, but the Russian envoy Cassini said that Russia can only
friendly advise Japan to withdraw its troops, but does not find it
convenient to put pressure on it by the armed forces. Yet,
Li Hungzhan was slow to take decisive action and missed time.
Japan has accumulated much more strength and defeated our
troops because they did not have modern weapons, were poorly
trained, undisciplined, and the generals boiled before each other,
robbed their troops, did not have a common command, and in
battles sought to quickly escape, exposing the rear and the flanks of
the neighbour. Eh, what to say? Let even the most enlightened
sovereign rule, did he see behind all the ugliness that is happening
in the state? Wanting to end hostilities as quickly as possible and
prevent further advancement of Japanese troops,
Li Hungzhan appealed for help to England, but the British refused to
influence the Japanese in any way. Then Li Hungzhan appealed to
the Russian envoy, but the ministers of Tsungli yamen advised
against him, arguing that no one would believe that Russia was not
going to profit at our cost. Do not rely on her help, so that later
there will be no new difficulties. Timid informal appeals to the
Russian envoy in Beijing Cassini and could not bring any results.
Apparently, we have somehow angered the Sky, because the
Japanese have won victory after victory, have already conquered
the Liaodong Peninsula with the ports of
and Dalianwan, Newzhuang and Yingkou, Taiwan, port of Wei-hi-
wei in Shandong. In short, he had to turn to the American
government to mediate in the conclusion of peace. As it became
known, the Japanese fleet demanded the rejection of Formosa; the
army wanted to annex the Liaodong Peninsula to Japan, because it
covers Korea from the rear, South Manchuria and the heart of the
Middle Kingdom — its capital. The bankers demanded a contribution
of one billion silver lans. Moreover, there were calls in Japanese
government circles to repel the Mukden province from the Celestial
Empire and impose a contribution of two hundred billion lian; and
absolutely drunk with a victory demanded that all three provinces of
Manchuria and the provinces of
Shandong, Jiangsu, Fujian and Guangdong be annexed to Japan.
Li Hungzhan nevertheless hoped for the intervention of the
Russians, and a week before the signing of the Treaty of
Shimonoseki he told Tsungli yamen that he also hoped to find out
what would be the attitude of the Russian court to the demands of
Japan. However, the Japanese threatened to move their army to
several tens of thousands of soldiers and hope to capture the capital
of the Middle Kingdom. The Empress was frightened and, finally, a
peace treaty was signed in Shimonoseki, which, although it was not
as cruel as we were afraid in Tsungli yamen, but rejected Liaodun
Peninsula, Formosa, Penghledao island from the Celestial ... after
signing the treaty. Russia, Germany and France presented a note to
Japan in which they strongly recommended the Mikado government
to renounce the possession of the Liaodong Peninsula. According to
Japanese newspapers, there are absolutely no reserves for the army
and navy in the country. The people of the Japanese troops who
took part in many battles were exhausted and demanded
replenishment, as well as the material equipment of the troops, and
that the Japanese could not count on anything, even if they had to
fight with one Russian fleet. Mikado had to declare that he
accepted the sincere advice of friendly states — bearing in mind
Russia, Germany and France — however, the question of returning
the Liaodong Peninsula orders his government to discuss with the
government of the Celestial Empire. But through diplomatic
channels, it became known that Japan only in words agrees to
return Liaodong to us, in fact, it is going to tighten financial
requirements so that we could never fulfill them, and until then, as
a guarantee of payment of indemnity, to hold Liaodong . But, as
the poems say,
— Victories and defeats
in their turn come.
Lies are accompanied by death,
with truth, victory will come! *

• Luo Guangzhong, Feng Menlong. Dispelled charms, M., Art.

Literature, 1983, p. 356. Poems translated by I. Smirnov.

Tsungli yamen was not slow to tell the Russian government about
this. Cassini, and our ambassadors reported that after
consultations, the three powers established the amount of the
indemnity in favor of Japan of thirty million lians, ordered it to
withdraw its troops within three months after payment and did
not allow any other demands ... Jun Mei sighed bitterly, “Have
we, such a huge, densely populated and rich country, where
there are more people than sand grains on the banks of the
Yellow River, could not fight back a small island Japan? After all,
we have a wise empress, experienced rulers and diplomats,
talented commanders, brave warriors, courageous young men ...
Why did this happen? ‘‘
— I also look at what is happening with sadness. I am already old
and will soon go to the ancestors, but I know that it was only the
first thunder that struck and not everyone heard his peals.
Empress Cixi is satiated with carnal pleasures and has reached
the age when abuses of power become inevitable. Because the
last sparks of conscience in her have long since died away, and
there is no courageous official who would dare to bring to her
ears the sufferings of the people. She will not want to give up
power, because for her it is like death. Her courtiers and the
entire cumbersome bureaucratic apparatus mired in theft, bribes
and idleness and only pretend to be guardians of the interests of
the Middle Kingdom ..., — he sighed bitterly.
Politely thanked Jun Mei to grandfather and left, informing him that
she would arrive tomorrow for knowledge of the art of diplomacy.
The art of diplomacy! Her heart sank from the presentiment
of unprecedented opportunities opened before her for the good of
the Celestial Empire, but doubt also sneaked in, is she able to seize

This time the sage waited for Jun Mei. He her planted her at a low
table by the window, put in front of her a stack of paper, brushes,
and ordered her to prepare to write, “The
Emperor Kansi taught,“ Anyone who has been assigned to the
service must carefully prepare well in advance to succeed in his
work. Therefore, your wish to master the art of diplomacy is
commendable. After all, even the ancients kept saying - which can
speak well and understand in good treatment, he will get along with
the savages! You are traveling, as an assistant to Li Hungzhan,
Marquis Livengzhuna, and this is a highly experienced diplomat, he
has a lot to learn. However, remember that the old tree can fall
and a light breeze, so be him a support primarily in the affairs of
state. I have known Li Hungzhan for a long time, he have been
closely following his government activities, and I believe that he has
made mistakes in recent years. These errors are due to his age,
and fatigue from many worries, and senile voracity. He too cares
about his own enrichment, forgetting that the dragon that fell into
the well becomes the prey of tiny ants. The main thing that a
servant should remember is about the fulfillment of duty to the
ruler. Fulfilling your duty, forget about enjoying the joys of life and
the fear of death. It is better to fight not with weapons, but with
your heart, not to attack cities, but to influence feelings. In
addition, there lies the point of diplomacy. The state of Olosa,
where Russians live, is located northwest of Heilongjiang and
established relations with the Middle Kingdom relatively recently,
during the time of Emperor Kansi. We know that Russians are
warlike, rude, uncultured and greedy. The Daurs and Solons, who
first met them and had armed clashes with them, called them
“locha”. Locha settled on their lands, killed and robbed, tried to
tear them away from Heilongjiang and caused evil at the border.
Emperor Kansi sent troops to defend Manchuria - the ancient
homeland of the Qing dynasty. Locha felt the strength and power
of the Celestial Empire and sent their embassy, which fully
performed the rite of kou-tau - fell to their knees and bowed low,
and brought tribute, than Russia recognized its vassal dependence
on China. However, since then they do not send the tribute and
they do not do the kowtow. Therefore, your mission is a great
responsibility. It is not by chance that Zhang Panghe, diplomat of
the emperor Kansi, said, going to negotiations with loch: ”The
ambassador to the ends of the earth should use all his strength and
to spare his life to fulfill the emperor’s mandate and not be
dishonored. Otherwise, you will be sent a silk lace to commit
suicide. ”
Jun Mei was worried. She already knew the temper of the Empress,
and she did not want to die.
- So, what should be done to fulfill the mandate and outwit these
terrible locha?
- Even in the days of the Five Dynasties, rules were established for
communicating with barbarians. These rules are
called San Biao yr - three norms and five seductions. Messengers
should convince the barbarians of friendship and assure that they
like their faces, clothes, way of life and customs. And to finally melt
the hearts of the barbarians, you should give them clothes, treat
them with tasty food, arrange for them dances and games with
beautiful girls, give them horses and servants, in a word, give all
sorts of signs of attention so that, affecting their feelings, conquer
their hearts .
- Will the barbarians not accept these signs of attention for the
expression of our humility and dependence; will they not consider
that we recognise ourselves as vassals?
- Oh no. The ancients said: it happens that the treasure falls in the
dirt, and that flowers are thrown at their feet. And the ancients did
the same: if the enemy relied on force, they responded with
cunning, if the enemy relied on cunning, they responded with
force. Treat them as higher to lower and consider the gifts given to
them as their salary. We should be indulgent towards them and
attract to our side with a kind attitude.
“But Russians are strong now, like the Japanese ...”
— Li Hungzhan is an old, experienced diplomat. He knows well the
wise saying of Confucius, that wild, distant, disobeying ethnic
groups can be conquered with the help of education and morality.
When I learned that barbarous Japan defeated the Celestial,
although I believe that the defeat was inflicted not to the Celestial
Empire, but to the provinces of Zhili and personally Li Hungzhan, I
remembered Le Tzu’s dictum:”My kingdom is weak, but should
be kept among the strong. Seeking to the world, I serve the great
kingdoms and help the little ones. It is necessary to rely on military
force and we will meet the doom! “
Jun Mei recalled the burnt Jing-chjou-ting, the death of her son and
husband, the guttural cries of the Japanese, horror and confusion,
and a black cloud covered her soul. She sighed sadly and the old
sage Bo Daoli noticed her condition and felt heaviness on her heart.
— The commander Sun Tzu taught that invincibility lies in you,
and the possibility of victory lies in the enemy. Therefore, a
diplomat, like a commander, should know when to fight and when
not; the one who skillfully uses large and small forces wins; wins
where the higher and lower forces have the same desires; wins
when he is careful and waits for the opponent’s carelessness; that
state, whose commanders and diplomats are talented, but the
emperor does not bother them with constant care, wins.
“Empress Cixi told me to find ways to use Russia’s help to defend
herself against Japan.”
— There are ancient principles of “I-and Chih-I” — “Manage
barbarians with the help of barbarians” and “I-and fa-I” — “Attack
barbarians with barbarians.” Tell Li Hungzhan to use these
principles. Take a lot of money with you to take advantage of
internal spies — Russian officials close to the negotiators; try to
learn more about them. Try to learn more about them through the
plans of the enemy. Remember the words of Sun Tzu: — “If you
can and something, show the enemy, as if you can not; if you use
something, show him that you do not use it; even if you were close,
show that you are far away, even if you were far away, show that
you are close, entice him with profit, bring him upset and take him.
If everything is complete with him, be ready, if he is strong; evade
him; because anger in him brings him into a state of frustration.
Taking a humble look, call him into doubt; if his strength is fresh,
wear him out; if his ranks are close — disconnect; to attack him
when he is not ready and delivers, when he does not expect. “
Jun Mei was even more upset — Bo Daoli’s instructions sounded
very general.
“Yes,” he sighed sadly.
— Deceitful plans, secret plans
they are thrown into dust.
Sly wiles and evil decisions
always fail. *
It is impossible to foresee everything in advance, be able to act
according to the situation.
Old Bo Daoli got tired and began to fall asleep. Jun Mei had to

*Daoism spell.” Ed. “Spellience”, Moscow, 1987, p. 28 verses in

translation by I. Smirnov

In addition, late in the evening, when she was getting ready for bed
in her closet, getting ready to play with her son, the silk slammed
from a draft on the screen in front of the door informed her that
someone had entered. Nightly walks in the palace were strictly
forbidden, except that occasionally a eunuch of internal guards
made a round, and Jun Mei became alert. A nightly oil lamp burned
at her bedside and the night visitor, who had merged with his
shadow on the wall, seemed huge and ominous. One of
the empress’s younger eunuchs! Obese, with a wide shiny face and
small eyes, he had long attracted her attention by constantly circling
around, sniffing out and looking out. She felt in him unsatisfied
sexual instinct and hidden pressure, so she was afraid of him.
Making a token of silence, he whispered a conditional phrase word
for word and Jun Mei felt a chill of release from horror.
I know that you are going to the capital of the northern barbarians
to carry out the commission of Empress Cixi. I know about
your wish to master the art of diplomacy to better carry out the
task. This is very commendable, but in such a short time is
impossible. I will show to you a deep secret and call people who
will help you there in Moscow. Listen up. Whatever part of the
universe the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom fall into, no matter
where they settle for a residence, they create branches of the
secret Triad society to help each other and protect themselves from
the local authorities. The motto of society is “Obey Heaven and act
according to Justice.” There are such departments in both Russian
capitals — St. Petersburg and Moscow. People who are members of
society in these cities have large funds and their money will help
you do what you want.
A man will come to you there and utter the phrase: “Man’s life is as
insignificant as a drop of dew on a blade of a plant; the wealth and
eminence of a person are transient, like a cloud.” Trust this man,
and he will fulfill any of your instructions.

A delegation led by Li Hungzhan headed for Shanghai and from

Shanghai on a steamboat. To Russia, the French language was
diplomatic, it negotiated between representatives of states and
drafted official interstate documents.
As a representative of the Empress Cixi, besides the best among the
dragomans of Li Hunzhang knew French, Jun was appointed as his
personal translator and, dressed in men’s clothes, was constantly
with him. She tried to be leisurely, imposing and speak in a low,
masculine voice, but all the same, behind her back they laughed
and called Piskley.
Li Hungzhan at that time was already seventy-three years old. He
was heavy, heavy on the rise, with the slightest effort; he gasped,
sweated heavily, and was afraid of death. Can one really know
what will happen to him, such as, tomorrow? Especially at such a
respectable age. The life and death of man is in the hands of
Heaven, man is powerless and only Heaven disposes of him.
Therefore, in the luggage, Li Hungzhan was carrying a coffin of
black oak with bronze ornaments.
“You are not a man, Jun Wei,” Li Hungzhan shouted loudly and
stamped his foot. “You’re not a man,” he repeated ominously, and
took a step toward Jun Mei.
It was late at night, and he let his sleep away for a long time,
leaving his servants and son accompanying him on a trip to Russia
to the coronation of the king of the northern barbarians, and told
her to check the correctness of the translation of credentials into
French. Somewhere deep below, a fire-breathing steam engine
hooted, and the body of the steamer shivered rhythmically, rising
steadily up and falling down on the crests and hollows of a free-
breathing ocean.
Concentrating on the text, Jun Mei started and looked up. Li
Hungzhan hung over her overweight and, jerking her braid,
demanded, “Confess who you are?” Woman?
“No, I’m a man,” trying to speak with almost a bass, Jun Mei said

I immediately realized that you were a woman, and this was

whispered to me even before departure, in the palace of the
Empress. Now I will check, and he strongly pulled her dressing
gown, so that pearl buttons fell down. Jun Mei barely managed to
cover her exposed breasts with her palms and tried to slip out of his
hands, but Li Hungzhan held the gate of her robe tightly. “You’re a
woman,” he laughed happily and lustfully, and began to tear her
palms off her chest, scratching her long nails painfully. Holding a cry
of horror from the chest, Jun Mei pushed him away, flashing white
breasts with large dark pink nipples for an instant, and huddled into
a corner of the cabin. Her tormentor blocked the path to the door.
He rushed at her again, leaning heavily on his heavy body and
clinging tenderly to his hands to the cuffs of his dressing gown.
The fabric cracked and torn, exposing the body and old Li
Hungzhan poked his face into her neck, chest, and stomach,
snuffled and puffed, trying to push her down on the sofa. “Let go,
let go,” biting her lower lip, turning pale from rage and fear, beat
Jun Mei. Old Lee, clasping her hips, pressed his face to her stomach
and bit her painfully, but she managed to push her knee into the
chin, push him away and jump on the sofa. Breathing heavily,
disheveled, with bulging eyes and a shaking beard, Li Hungzhan sat
on the floor with a tearful grimace and held his head. “You hit me
so hard, woman.” I tell the servants to throw you at night into the
sea. “The Empress sent me to help you, Li Hungzhan.” “Yes, I
know,” he agreed miserably, feeling his jaw. — You hurt me. In
addition, not a year later, as the Japanese in Shimonoseki almost
killed me, wounding me in the face, — and he touched the bruise
under the eye.
— There, even the bullet remained, and now you ... But who are
“I am Jun Mei — the niece of Jun Lu and the Empress maid of
High in the state hierarchy, the Chinese Li was afraid of the
Manchus who ruled the Middle Kingdom for more than two and a
half centuries, and he did not dare to provoke the wrath of Jun Lu,
and even more so of the Empress Cixi.
“Jun Mei,” he muttered mournfully, “you know French well, you are
educated and intelligent, and I will listen to your advice.” However,
do not be angry, listen to me. I am old and decrepit, but my heart
is not of stone, he knows all seven passions. Fate was harsh on
me — sent shrill storms of misery and overwhelmed with salty
waves of misfortunes. The day when candles for me will be lit is
short. I repeat once again; I am old and decrepit, but I can be a
man, and I ask you to share your bed with me. I sleep badly; my
soul is lonely and cold. Have pity on me, warm my bed.
Jun Mei winced in disgust, and Li Hungzhan noticed this.
“When the spring dries up, the river dries up, when the root is cut,
the tree dies.” In addition, I have to fulfill the will of the Empress,
to protect the Middle Kingdom from the barbarians. Help me gather
my strength...

His last words dispelled Jun Mei’s hesitation. She sighed and just
said, “Well, I’ll come tomorrow.” Old Li was very fond of the
female body. On long nights, lying next to her in the wide
bed, he did not sleep himself and would not let her fall asleep,
stroking and clutching her with greedy hands. In large
quantities, he consumed drugs from the horns of deer and
tincture of ginseng in the hope of regaining youth and male
power. In addition, very, very rarely did he succeed. Then he
was happy again, especially since she allowed him everything.
A Chinese man, having begun his independent life path as a
small village teacher, he showed a truly abyss of energy,
patience and will to ascend to senior government positions,
according to the tradition of the Qing dynasty, and more of the
need to keep power held only by the Manchus. The beginning
of his rise as a diplomat occurred in the ninth year of Tunzhi.
In Tianjin, two annoying missionaries were killed and the
French consulate was burned. Having seized Beijing a decade
ago, the French felt themselves masters of China and
demanded an enormous ransom and execution Tianjin
authorities. The Zhili governor-general, in whose jurisdiction
Tianjin was in charge, failed to appease the greedy tiger, for
which he was dismissed. The case began to seem hopeless
and dangerous, the Manchus from the imperial encirclement
feared to take up this place, so the choice fell on Chinese Li
Hungzhan. In addition, he managed to cajole the devil. It was
rumored, however, that Li HYUNGZHAN was obliged by this
diplomatic success to the war between France and Prussia that
began at that time, when the French fell into a stalemate,
suffered a military defeat and even lost their capital. However,
how can minor troubles on the outskirts of the inhabited world
somehow affect such events, perhaps at the walls of
Beijing — the capital of the Middle Kingdom?
It is known that jasper does not tarnish from time and the
sword only becomes stronger from fire. Having lived a
tumultuous life of a military man and a diplomat, he
achieved much success in both fields. The Grand Duke Gong
blamed him for his defeat in the recent war with the Japanese
for Korea and the Simonoseki peace treaty, whose main
character was Li Hungzhan. However, since ancient times they
say that even time envies perfection, even a round wheel turns
into shapeless fragments, even a full vessel overturns ...
Jun Mei struck the endless world through which they passed on
their way to Russia. Azure, like an upturned endless evening
sky, an ocean with a dazzling solar path. The multilingualism,
the brightness and the diversity of the beggarly robes of the
Chinese, Malays, Sinhalese, Hindus and Sikhs, Blacks and
Arabs in Singapore and Colombo, where they carried coal to
the ship to feed the fire-breathing devil with wicker baskets,
and plenty of fruit and fresh drinking water; arrogant bedouins
on contemptuously and squeakily watching their dirty camels
on the shores of the yellow haze of sand desert along the Suez
Canal. The poor and dusty town of Suez, which she
remembered for the fact that through a round steamer window
was stolen a new silk bathrobe with a fishing rod with a boat
spinning along, and they were transferred onto the Russian
steamer Russia, on which for some reason turned out to be the
important prince who awaited them — the Russian
prince Ukhtomsky — with preoccupying manners, at once, like
a leech, stuck to Li Hungzhan and went out his cabin only for
sleeping and toilet; unusually rough sounds of a military
orchestra in the very first Russian city of Odessa; a locomotive
spitting out clouds of black smoke and white steam, which
rapidly dragging small cramped houses, where they were
settled rumbled along iron bars laid on the ground, , through
juicy bright spring greens from sunny Odessa to foggy and cold
St. Petersburg — the northern capital of northern barbarians.
The Chinese delegation was accommodated in the best at that
time at Petersburg hotel “European”. And immediately began
countless and endless visits to all sorts of little men, who
were intrusively offering their services as guides, suppliers of
food, drinks, clothes and knickknacks; officials of the Russian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs; officers who have ever been to
China and were in a hurry to pay their respects; merchants
who are intrusively interested in what Chinese guests could
offer for sale and what they want to buy; and, of course, the
Chinese and Manchus who lived in St. Petersburg came every
day to just chat and hear the news from their homeland.
And Jun Mei had a man from the Triad. He was calm, reticent,
and assured her that his people would always be there, and
that she could always contact him through the hotel fight, the
fidgety Chinese, bowing low to the guests at the entrance.

Starting negotiations with the Russian Minister of Finance, Li

Hungzhan was important and uncompromising, slowly sifting
through the plans and interests of the Russians. Jun Mei did
not always understand the essence of his cautious questions
and evasive answers, but immediately realized that the
Russians were seeking permission to build a railway through
Manchuria, and Li Hungzhan internally agrees, having
permission from Empress Cixi for that, but is afraid to sell
cheap, bargain carefully, try to pull out from the Russian all
that is possible. He delayed negotiations, demanded even a
meeting with the Russian emperor, still not crowned, inferior in
the traditions of the Middle Kingdom, and he confirmed
the want of Russia to buy the right to such a road.
Constantly attending the negotiations as a translator, and on
duty to Hushan Yan and Empress Cixi, realizing that at such a
respectable age, Li Hungzhan can let something out of her
memory, and the demand will come from her, Jun Mei
constantly reminded Li Hungzhan, that for this right, at the
behest of the Empress, the northern barbarians will be
obliged to protect the Middle Kingdom from Japan.
“I remember,” he assured. — As far as I know, the Japanese
are afraid of Russians like tigers. If we concede to the
Japanese, they still will not help us against Russia. If we make
small concessions to Russia, then we can use it to intimidate
At night, Li Hungzhan had long conversations with her, talked
about his life, many military and diplomatic victories, at what
cost of moral and physical strength they were given to him,
and once he had a thought, if is it possible to make an
agreement with Russian ministers in such a way that these
barbarians pledged to defend the Celestial Empire not only
from the Japanese, but also from anyone who tries to attack
it. After all, how great it would be — sitting on a mountain to
watch the fight of greedy tigers ...
— but how? — Not understood Jun Mei.
— Somehow to make so that in the text of the signed
agreement was given a broad interpretation of the barbarians.
Let them, like reptiles, smother in their arms and sting each
other, without disturbing our peace.
Jun Mei thought carefully about Li Hungzhan’s childish, pitiful
dream and called for a Triad man. Already with him, she
discussed the situation that had been created, and ordered to
give a lot of money to Russian officials of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, so that they would find the opportunity and
write the text of the agreement in that way.
And they succeeded!
Already in Moscow, three days after the big troubles for
Russians on a wide field on the emperor’s coronation, before
signing the text of the agreement, and it was made in two
copies in French, Jun Mei carefully studied the contract and
whispered to Li Hungzhan that articles very successful for the
Heavenly Empire. Then there was a slight hitch for some
reason, and everyone was invited to have breakfast. Perhaps
the Russian foreign minister was not sure that he would have
the strength to sign the treaty. After breakfast, at the wide
mahogany table, Li Hungzhan and Prince Lobanov-
Rostovsky signed exactly those wide sheets with black ink text
of the agreement. The Russians carried away their sheet
somewhere, and Chinese Li Hungzhan put it in a heavy iron
casket, locked it up and sealed it with a personal seal.


In mid-April, Prince Ukhtomsky brought Li Hungzhan from Odessa.

Sergei Yulievich put personal talks with the Chinese representative
at the coronation on a high pedestal, and therefore
convinced Ukhtomsky to go to Suez ahead of time and meet Li
Hungzhan there, first, to prevent possible Western competitors to
entice him on a tour of the capitals of Europe and to enlist not by
concrete concessions, then of it promises, and, secondly, to express
the most hospitality to the dignitary who is eager for flattery and
external forms of respect for the Chinese dignitary. For this,
Sergei Yulievich even appealed to Emperor
Nikolai Aleksandrovich with a request to meet Li Hungzhan in
Odessa with an honor guard that His Highness approved. Adjutant
General Vannovsky, the Minister of War, remained, however,
dissatisfied with the Minister of Finance did not fit into his
competence. Well, God bless him. And Li Hungzhan liked this.
Sergei Yulievich was highly interested in the positive results of the
negotiations. And the results expected great. He meets many
objections against the Manchu direction of the railway line, against
which opinions he have to fight. See, even the Director of the Asian
Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Count Kapnist Oh,
how he objected, arguing that Russia has neither economic nor
military possibilities to build this, as he put it, the Military-Step
Road. And the funds it will need prohibitively large, and will not
be protected, and will need the occupation of the of Manchuria and
mastering the territory where the line will pass, and, most
importantly, no matter how England would hurry to take in turn the
seaports to make sure the predominance in the Yellow Sea .
A similar position was maintained by the Priamursk Governor-
General, Adjutant-General Dukhovsky, who proposed building a
road along Russian territory, along the Amur River, snapping off
from China only the northern ledge of Manchuria from Sretensk to
Blagoveshchensk. We, he says, later build roads into China. Well,
as they do not understand that there is a huge difference between
the finished road in Manchuria and such projects. There is no road,
however, and all that remains is to con Li Hungzhang , and it is up
to Li Hongzhang to get a concession for its construction.
Arriving in St. Petersburg and having rested for two days off the
road, Li Hungzhang paid a visit to the Minister of Finance. The
meeting was organized in the office of the minister.
Sergei Yulievich received him in a vice-uniform with a sword,
according to the protocol. The distinguished Chinese guest arrived,
accompanied by a multitude of servants and officials in such exotic
clothes, that Witte felt uneasy and cheerful. Prince Ukhtomsky was
a little versed in the hierarchy of Chinese bureaucrats, mainly in the
color of the balls on their headdresses and in the buckles of the
belts girdling their robes. He whispered to Sergei Yulievich that the
representation is at a very high level. Lee Hungzhang himself was
represented as the first chancellor, viceroy of Zhili, the capital
province, a member of the imperial council, director of the Yellow
River, and the main adviser of the emperor for foreign affairs and so
on and so forth. He turned out to be a rather tall, heavy old man
with a wrinkled, tan-colored face, a gray-haired long and narrow
beard, and sharp, piercing, intelligent black eyes. According to the
Chinese custom, Sergei Yulievich and Li Hungzhang very low, slowly
bowed to each other, went to the next living room and sat on the
stools. Their first meeting was held in mutual inquiries about the
health of the overlords — the Russian and Chinese emperors, their
relatives and friends. They can be said to have mastered, adapted,
watched and listened to each other, evaluated each other no longer
on the basis of the files and impressions of the advisers, but
personally; tried on how to conduct further negotiations, groped for
the correct intonation, pondered what and how you can afford.
Sergei Yulievich was extremely concerned about the question
of how to personally interest Li Hungzhang in the implementation
of his business proposal. He had occasion to meet with many
political leaders whose names will stay in history forever, but Li
Hungzhang is undoubtedly on a very high pedestal. He is highly
educated, in Chinese, of course, has common sense and common
sense. It was this that simplified the task of Sergei Yulievich,
instilled confidence that they could meet. In a word, it was, so to
speak, a high-ranking political leader, a thief and a bribe taker,
although, according to Chinese customs, an official and a bribe
taker are synonymous words. Like us. Why did
Sergei Yulievich give such serious attention to this? The fact is that
for a diplomatically successful resolution of the issue, he will have to
offer Li Hungzhang how to express it more softly, however, why the
verbal balancing act bribe. The point is quite understandable,
scrupulous, causing some emotional discomfort. In addition, the
sum should be offered at the same time and solid, corresponding to
the enterprise, Sergei Yulievich threw a glance at the map, hoo,
and, if possible, for the treasury is not so burdensome. Besides, not
from his pocket, he is going to give. The cost of this article will
have to be endorsed by Emperor Nicholas, a bribe is given,
therefore, by him, and it is undesirable to cause him a grimace of
dissatisfaction with size. However, it is scary to sell too much; the
Chinese can be offended and leave us with nothing.
In spite of the fact that this extremely important matter had to
be solved precisely during the month of his stay in Russia,
Li Hunhzhan, in no case should he hurry, scare the important guest
let him know that Russia is very interested in him. Especially
because, according to our envoy in Beijing, Count Cassini, who has
sounded at Tsungli-Yamyn since the beginning of the year, the
Chinese are not going to open the door to foreign capital. Each
such attempt is perceived by them very painfully and succeeds only
under great pressure. Meanwhile, some peculiarities in Li
Hungzhan’s behavior suggested to Sergei Yulievich that he was
invested with powers to make significant concessions to us. The
negotiations were almost daily, very viscous and difficult. Li
Hungzhang feared that the Russian minister would start extorting
territories in the Kuldzhi area, or the northern Manchurian ledge
and, of course, the port in the Yellow Sea
would need. Nevertheless, he was extremely pleased, having
understood that Sergei Yulievich was not going to encroach on the
integrity of Chinese territory.
Witte also assured Li Hunzhang that it was thanks to Russia that the
territorial integrity of China was preserved. After all, if Russia did
not present an ultimatum to Japan, according to the Shimonoseki
peace treaty, China would lose both Liaodong and Shandong, and
then Manchuria and Middle China would be torn off. Li
Hungzhang woefully agreed, waved his head in the affirmative and
touched a Japanese bullet stuck under the eye, the memory of
“We will forever adhere to the principle of the integrity of China,”
continued Sergei Yulievich, “but to back up words with deeds,
we must be able to deliver military force to China. After all, what
turns out, attack Japan the same Japan tomorrow, after all, it has
only a sea to cross the sea, and we are forty days from Odessa will
drag through Suez. Moreover, suddenly change the political
situation, the British will close the Suez Canal, so after all around
Africa twice as long. In order to deliver the troops in time, and
they, with a few exceptions, are in our European part, it is
extremely necessary to build a railway to Vladivostok just across
Northern Manchuria. Then we can quickly transfer troops to China
from the European part and from Vladivostok. Then, during past
war with Japan, we moved, it was, the troops from Nikolsk-
Ussuriysk to Jirin, and while they reached it, the war ended. We
should also keep Japan from aggressive actions, and this is possible
only if there are military units in the Amur region and
the Primorsky region. For this, again, need a railway. The road is
also needed economically, because it will raise the productivity
of those regions of China through which it will go very highly. In
addition, Japan will welcome the railway benevolently: it has
already joined European culture and is interested in reliable and fast
communication with Europe.
Li Hungzhang, as Sergei Yulievich felt, internally agreed with him,
but, filling his price, he put various obstacles. He behaved like
a woman, saying no and no and no, but making a concession for a
concession. Sergei Yulievich increased the pressure and realized
that the Chinese guest was almost broken. However, here Li
Hungzhang wanted to make sure that not only the Minister of
Finance, but also the Russian emperor himself wanted this.
Sergei Yulievich asked the sovereign to accept Li Hungzhang, which
he did, almost privately; in the newspapers, at any rate,
nothing was reported about it. Before the coronation, but still in St.
Petersburg, in the Tsarskoye Selo Palace was appointed for some
reason the sovereign’s exit. Bringing congratulations that the
protocol is being performed alternately, Sergey Yulievich went up to
His Highness, and he whispered, “I had Li Hungzhang and I told
Then Sergey Yulievich began to probe how Li Hungzhang would
accept his proposal not only to build the railway
from Transbaikalia to Vladivostok across Manchuria, but also to
branch to one of the ports of the Yellow Sea. After all, Russia
needs an ice-free bay for a coal station in the Yellow Sea, where the
Russian squadron would not be limited to ice. Moreover, after the
ultimatum of Japan, it became difficult for us to divert the fleet to
the already traditional winter camp in Nagasaki. Not without
reason, last winter, with the consent of China, we sent a Pacific
squadron to the port of Jiao-chou * in Shandong. However, here
Sergei Yulievich felt that Li Hungzhang was not inferior to him. Yes,
he smiled, nodded, took the pose of a deliberating Buddha, with
loud twitter called the servants with a hookah from the next room,
and even, after many of his reasons, agreed to such a road, but
with a narrow, European gauge. Sergei Yulievich did not like it.
Of course, you can make a wide embankment and, if necessary,
quickly alter the canvas under the Russian standard, but he needed
an official permit, a concession issued under the Russian rut,
otherwise it will turn out that we will build a railroad for wide
penetration into Manchuria by Europeans ... Li
Hungzhang, however, was unmoved and did not meet in any case.

* Qingdao

And Li Hungzhang was also uncompromising in one question.

Sergei Yulievich insisted that the Manchurian railway be built as
state; he, however, wanted to build it, with our financing, like the
Chinese. Alternatively, for the money of the American Bush. It has
already proposed to create an international syndicate. In this case,
Russia will not win anything. On the contrary, it would be a sharp
knife in our Siberian belly. The road, with our, Russian gauge, built
and operated by us, with Russian equipment, rolling stock,
locomotives, with Russian staff, and with the abolition of Porto-free
in Vladivostok, has only paid off by collecting import and export
duties would be in a decade. Not to mention the political and
military aspects. Why, if we build branches to the Yellow Sea, to
Beijing, to the Korean border, we will control almost the entire
North China. Yes, that China, the entire Far East! However,
Li Hunzhang does not agree. Well, it went to the natural in such a
case final — a bribe. He had to promise Li
Hungzhang — promise! — The truth is, there could be no talk of
deceit, three million rubles. Only after that the Chinese agreed to
the Russian company, and again, only private. We agreed that the
concession will be issued to the Russian-Chinese Bank, and it, in
turn, will create a railway company for the construction of the
road. The first million were promised to be handed over to Li
Hungzhang after the Chinese emperor issued a decree granting a
concession to the Russian-Chinese Bank and a document
establishing the main grounds for the concession. The second
million were promised to be delivered after the final signing of the
concession and the approval of the exact direction of the line. And
the third — after the construction of the road. The protocol with
the obligation to bribe was signed by the members of the Board of
the Russian-Chinese Bank, the director of the office of the Ministry
of Finance, the secret counselor Romanov, the banker Rotshtein,
Rothschild’s son-in-law, Prince Esper Ukhtomsky, the chamberlain,
the new editor and publisher of the St. Petersburg Vedomosti, as a
confidant Emperor Nicholas.
And the reason for obtaining a concession for the construction
of the Trans-munzhur railway should be the Russian-Chinese
defensive treaty. Against Japan!

.WITTE. MOSCOW. Coronation of Nicolas II

On the evening of May 17, after the grand performance at the

Bolshoi Theater, which ended with the ballet “The Pretty Pearl”, the
royal couple, after saying goodwill with all those who were present
at the theater, went to rest in Petrovsk Palace, inviting their closest
entourage and some ministers for dinner.
There were few people: the emperor and his wife, the grand dukes
with their wives, Sergei Yulievich, the head of the palace guard of
Hesse, the host of the court von der Palen, the court
minister Vorontsov-Dashkov, the minister of foreign affairs
Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky, the minister of ways Prince Khilkov and
someone something else. Yes, and this latest celebrity, the stray
Frenchman Papus If is not a ventriloquist, not an alchemist,
magician and wizard, in a word, some sausage maker or a
greengrocer who spit somewhere that has telepathic connection
with otherworldly forces and therefore warmed by the
Montenegrins. It is not known why the mood of the royal couple
and the guests was alarmingly depressed, occasionally excited by
the hysterical attempts of the Montenegrin — Anastasia
and Militsa — the spouse of the grand dukes
Nikolai Nikolayevich and Peter Nikolaevich — to defuse the
situation. This evening It was decided to discuss the last issue of
the journal of the occult sciences “Isis”, which was very popular
among them and was almost entirely devoted to Madame Blavatsky,
told so much nonsense about her that Sergei Yulievich was
forced to intervene.
“I have the honor to be related to her,” he began, and everyone
present, curious, was silent. Cogovernon-genverceermmon, so to
speak, hubbub ended.
— My maternal grandfather, Andrei Fadeev, a member of the head
office of the governor-genverceeral of the Caucasus, had three
daughters and one son. The eldest daughter, a rather well-known
writer of Belinsky’s time, who published her works under the
pseudonym “Zinaida R.”, was married to Lieutenant Colonel Gan.
The second daughter was my mother. The third daughter stayed in
the girls and now lives in Odessa. The son — now
General Fadeev — serves in the Caucasus. So, of my
aunt “Zinaida R.” there were two daughters and a son. And the
eldest daughter, and I, therefore, have a cousin, and there is
Madame Blavatskaya.
The grand princes, who want to move into the next room, where
the men waited for batteries of bottles, cigars and cards, frowned,
feeling that he had long attracted general attention. Realizing that
simply rising and leaving would look tactless, and not wanting to
irritate the spouse and, most importantly, the reigning Cousin
Nicholas and his wife, Alexandra Feodorovna, they were forced to
hide the irritation. The women present, on the contrary, were
extremely interested; Sergei Yulievich clearly felt this, especially
the tsariza.
— How much attention and interest, thought Sergei Yulievich, and
— After the death of the mother, “Zinaida R.”, her daughters moved
to Tiflis to their grandfather. The Erivan Vice-Governor made an
offer to the eldest, so she became Blavatsky. Her marriage was not
happy, I do not know for what reason, and she, having run away
from her husband, returned to Tiflis to see her grandfather. The
family of my father, a descendant of a Dutchman, who moved from
the Baltic provinces, when it still belonged to the Swedes, was also
content at that time with the roof of the house of General Fedeev.
Perhaps you all know well, the huge house in the alley leading
from Golovinsky Avenue to Davidov Hill? They lived there in an old,
aristocratic way, I remember one courtyard, there were eighty-four
people ... Yes, that was about Blavatsky ... The surrounding
spirit was erotically adventurous, so to speak, and the grandfather
decided to send her to her father, who served where near
Petersburg, the commander of the battery. Accompanied by two
men and two women from the great courtyards, she went to Poti to
get to Russia from here, through Odessa. In Poti, among others, at
this time there was one English steamer .She was hidden in the
hold and taken abroad. In Constantinople, she entered the circus
as an equestrian, and then contacted Mitrovic, an opera singer who
was popular at the time, and toured with him around Europe. After
a while, my grandfather received a letter from London, where a
certain Englishman claimed that he would marry his granddaughter
and take her away for commercial purposes to America. After some
time, we learned that Blavatsky appeared in Europe and became
the closest follower of the famous spirit of the time — thirty years
ago — Hume. It was here that she apparently mastered the skills
and vocabulary of the telepathy, the prophet, and she owned the
jargon of the street gypsy fortune-teller from childhood. Then,
without having a special musical education, she successfully
performs with solo piano concerts and even becomes the conductor
of the orchestra of the Serbian king of Milan. Around the year sixty-
three — fourteen years old at that time I was — she returned to
Tiflis. A girl, of course, she was no longer, the years left their mark,
but she managed to attract general attention. And the unusual
charm, and many rumors about her adventures and adventures
and, most importantly, spiritualistic mysterious sessions,
which Blavatskaya spend in the house of the dad. However, the
grandfather had strict rules and did not know, or pretended not to,
about such nonsense.

All the local Guards Jeunesse d’oree * and Count Vorontsov-

Dashkov were gathered. Here Sergey Yulievich nodded to a
clearly bored, absent-minded listening and languishing in
expectation of purely male entertainment to the count. “Her whole
spiritualism, or calling of spirits, was about spinning the table,
summoning the spirits of long-dead people, most often celebrities
like Napoleon Bonaparte or Peter the Great, tinkers outing tea
dishes in a canteen, playing a closed concert piano and indiscreet
female screaming. Sessions were held in the dark, and many
curious people gathered. - Her relationship with her husband began
to improve, but then Mestrovic showed up again, the former love
rises up, and they went to Kiev. There Mestrovic began to sing in
the opera, and quite well, quickly studying the Russian language
under her guidance. The Kiev Governor-General, Prince Dondukov-
Korsakov, who had served in Tiflis and was familiar with the young
Blavatsky, immediately decided to deepen the acquaintance, well-
informed about her scandalous fame, but on this basis they had
differences of opinion with Mestrovic. And since
Prince Dondukov was very persistent in his harassment, Blavatsky
and Mestrovic had to flee from Kiev. They showed up at Odessa,
where my brother and I were studying at Novorossiysk University at
the time. Blavatskaya opened a flower shop, an artificial flower
shop and an ink factory here, and this is how she lived. She often
came to visit us and had long conversations with my mother. She
was already elderly, and maybe, it seemed to me, a woman, but in
her, there was a spirit of a genius. Therefore, she, completely
without learning, spoke fluent French, English, German, Serbo-
Croatian, Italian, and I do not know where other languages. She
played many musical instruments, so much so that she successfully
performed solo piano concerts in European capitals and served as
conductor at the Serbian king in Belgrade. Without the slightest
difficulty wrote the longest letters in verse. And lied. Lied inspired,

*Golden youth

without any difficulty in choosing a topic, details and details. It is

so colorful that even we, who knew her abilities for fantasy and did
not believe her at all, sat with open mouths. And she became
popular all over Russia when she published her enchanting
stories ”In the Wilds of Hindustan” with Katkov in the Russian
Herald. Yes, but her trade enterprises went bankrupt, Mestrovic got
an engagement to the Italian opera and left, taking her with him, to
Egypt, to Cairo. In the Mediterranean, their steamer was
wrecked and drowned, and with it, Mestrovic died, barely in time to
save his Lorelei. Then, from Cairo, Blavatsky moved to London and
created a theosophical society there, and to attract followers into it,
she went to India, where she studied, or invented, the secrets of
the Hindu religions. Impressions of this trip and formed the basis of
her stories ”In the wilds of Hindustan”. Returning to Europe, she
settled in Paris and became the head of all theosophists, gaining
world fame. Soon she died.
Seeing that the listeners were disappointed with such a prosaic
description of the life of the mistress of thoughts,
Sergei Yulievich decided to gold the pill.
“In the end, if you need proof that man is not an animal, that there
is a soul in him that cannot be explained by any material origin,
then Blavatskaya can serve as an excellent proof.” It undoubtedly
contained a spirit completely independent of its physical or
physiological existence. The only question is what was this spirit,
and if you get to the point of notions about the afterlife and what
it is divided into hell, purgatory and paradise, then the question is
only what part of that spirit came from, which settled in Blavatsky
on time of her earthly life.
However, the outraged Montenegrin sisters still made noises, and
even the sisters, the queen and the wife of the Moscow Governor-
General, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, were clearly dissatisfied
with the absence of any mystical mystery in Wittie’s narrative.
And to save the situation and keep the men, Montenegrins and
dragged this Frenchman, as his, yes, Papus.
Papus was an expert for misting women’s brains, and not only
women’s, but generally prone to all kinds of abstruse foolishness,
and began with stories about sorcerers and wizards of France from
the time of the Sun King. He puffed up, mysteriously lowering his
voice, making passes with his hands, asked to turn off the electric
light and light only one candle in the chandelier, and from this light,
his long figure with thin arms and legs cast a pig-spider shadow on
the wall.
Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich even groaned from an acute attack
of hatred towards this bastard, but the Montenegrins hisses —
listen, listen — and you had to put up with it.
Sergei Yulievich thought about how best to report to the king about
the results of negotiations with Li Hunzhang, while Papus,
meanwhile, was mysteriously whispering in French.
— When the Sun King in the capital of France flourished and
palmistry, and black magic, and the cult of Satan, and many other
mysterious teachings. In early December, police lieutenant
La Rainey arrested former officer Louis de Vanaise and his
mistress. The papers seized from these people revealed a
community of alchemists, fake coins and magicians, among who
were priests, officers, bankers, secular women, and people of all
kinds of professions and fortunes. Early next year, the police
discovered even more terrible things, and a year later,
La Rainey arrested Maria Boss with her daughter and two sons in
the morning in the same bed, where they all lay naked. A little
later, Katerina Deza, the wife of a jeweler Antoine Monvoisin,
nicknamed Voisen, was arrested, one of the greatest criminals it has
ever seen. All those arrested were connected with each other,
belonged to the same circle, but the center that collected them
was Voisensch. Louis de Vanais was a specialist in invoking
Satan. Voisensha had a number of specialties, but most of all she
was into poisoning. Voisenshi had many clients who paid for her
work sometimes with huge amounts. For each successful
poisoning, she received up to sixty thousand francs. The residence
of Voisensch was Villeneuve-sur-Granois, between the walls and the
Saint-Denis quarter. Here she had a house and a garden, where
there was a lot of fun all year round. Surrounded by a crowd of
admirers, she in the wild booze pestered everything that was
delivered to her clients and clients. The main ostentatious side of
her art was card fortune telling and palmistry. She uttered her
predictions, dressed in a luxurious robe of fantastic cut, which cost
about seventy thousand francs. However, not all of her clients were
satisfied with this too common kind of witchcraft. For the more
demanding, you had to conjure up Satan and serve the Black Mass.
This blasphemous service was performed by an old crooked priest
Abbot Gibur, a constant companion of Voisensch in all its
enterprises. To do the ceremony, he appeared in a black priestly
dress. The person for whom the Mass was read was
placed completely naked on the table in front of the altar, she had
to hold a lighted candle in her hands, and a golden cup was
placed on her stomach. At each mass, the abbot stabbed a baby
with a long needle, and collected the blood of this victim into a
bowl, where he mixed it with various magical compositions. For the
mass to be effective, it was performed up to three times in a row.
Thus, Voisensch and Abbot Gibur killed up to five hundred babies.
In court, in front of the famous Chambre Selenie, Voisins was
convicted of all the blasphemous acts she committed, and together
with several of her accomplices, was burned on Grevskaya Square
in 1680. Investigations about the adherents of magic did not stop
for many years after her death. The chamber dealing with crimes
against religion found more than four hundred people guilty of black
magic and other crimes. At the same time, investigators stumbled
upon an unexpected discovery. It turned out that Voisensch and
her assistants among their clients had the well known, at one time
all-powerful, and favorite of the king Madame de Montespan. That,
in 1672, when she bored the king and Louis slipped away from the
charms of his mistress, turned to Voisensch for help. Abbé Gibour,
at her request, read to her the Black Mass, and Madame Montespan
immediately believed in the power of the sorcerer: the king returned
to her. But this time, Louis did not long give her his place. Soon
she was left for good and then decided, with the help of Voisensch,
to poison the king with his new mistress, Mademoiselle
de Fontyazh. For this witch was promised half a million
francs. When this secret, along with other secrets of Voisensch, was
revealed, the king was deeply saddened to learn about the plans of
his former mistress. Not wanting a scandal, he personally burned
the affairs that compromised the mother of his side children.
Madame Montespan’s compromise saved many. Among the
defendants were Olympia, the king’s first love, the Duchess of
Bouillon, and the Vicomtesse de Polignac and many others. They
escaped execution, but representatives and representatives of
bourgeois families who, at their own deaths, were trying to bring
happiness to Voisensch, were executed. The last echo of the case
of Voisensh was an order issued in 1682 by the Parliament to expel
all magicians and wizards from France and to tighten the rules for
the sale of poisonous substances.
The women listened to Papus almost with open mouths, and the
men looked very intrigued.
“The philistine love of gossip, gossip, and all sorts of rumors,”
thought Sergei Yulievich, but then he caught himself, noting that
this historical excursion of Papus and he listened with interest.
“And now show your abilities, Monsieur Papus,” the oddly
charged Montenegrins screamed in beforehand, who had dug up
this miracle somewhere and were immensely proud of them.
Therefore, children brag before their peers caught a frog.
The tsariza’s face was distorted with a grimace of envy, and
Sergey Yulievich realized that she would take care of saving her
reputation, get a divine little man for himself, who would put the
Frenchman behind his belt.
In front of the ruling persons, Papus did not dare to capriciously, he
waved the majordom, which was frozen at the door, to remove
everything from the heavy, mahogany round table that was in the
living room, with a soft gesture from top to bottom, as if pressing
down, extinguished a single candle that burned in two fathoms and
put it on the edge of the table a porcelain saucer fluorescent with
soft opal light that appeared in his hands from nowhere. The
silence was incredible; everyone held his or her breath.
Papus mumbled something quietly, and the saucer swam in a
circle. The table was spinning! With a sigh of amazement,
everyone somewhat moved away from the table, fearing that it
would bring any troubles.
The tabletop made a full turn and the saucer in a mysterious,
incomprehensible way moved to the center.
“Reveal the spirit, manifest the spirit,” Militha clearly suffered from
“Whose spirit, Your Highness?” — asked Papus.
“Peter the Great,” Nikolai answered frightened hesitantly.
There was no complete darkness in the room, the light of the gas
street lamps penetrated through the open windows, and it was
obvious that Papus had taken something from a pocket of his coat
wrapped in a scarf. Making the passes with his hands over the
table, he unwrapped the handkerchief, sprinkled the powder on the
saucer in a handful and dropped a few drops of heavy viscous
— If it is not potassium of manganese with
glycerin? — Sergey Yulievich thought cheerfully.
And indeed, a fire-breathing volcano appeared over the saucer,
emitting stench and smoke. Smoke froze over the table with a
white cloud that distantly resembled the disheveled head of Peter
the Great, his eyes bulging with anger for disturbed sleep.
Then the devil pulled the reigning Nikolai Alexandrovich, before
tomorrow’s coronation, to ask a question.
— Tell me, Tsar Peter, what will be my reign?
— The blood ..., — or something similar and for some reason in
French, the melting cloud creaked back.
“Fool, he found something to strut about,” Sergei Yulievich thought
in his hearts, and noticed that everyone present also disapproved of
Tsar Peter’s answer.
Papus understood his mistake and tried, justifying, explaining what
the spirit wanted to say ... but then Militsa, saving the situation,
ordered to light candles and said that she knew a reliable way
of fortune telling, an ancient, originally Russian, described more
than a hundred years ago in the “Dictionary of Russian
She shouted to bring the hymnal and the brass key, from the door
or bureau, all the same. She inserted the key to the middle, as it
were, into the hymnal and bound it with a string, putting the tip of
it into the key’s ear. Then she looked around the audience and,
turning to Sergei Yulievich, and he was growing up and therefore
noticeable, she said, “Well, Minister, hold this rope. I will read the
prayer, and if the hymnal is wrapped, this is a good sign.

Why is it I? — Sergei Yulievich got worried, he did not like to be in

the center of attention, and noting that Militsa, securing himself,
twists the string to make her unwind and then back.
Militsa murmured a psalm, Sergei Yulievich grasped the cord
more firmly, and the Psalter hung and remained motionless.
Curtly to himself, Sergei Yulievich quietly tugged at the end of
the rope, but that did not help either. Confused, everyone began
to bustle at once, began to move, made a din, and the brothers,
grand dukes Nikolai Nikolayevich and Pyotr Nikolayevich, together
with Sergey Alexandrovich, resolutely told the men to go into the
next room and engage in purely male games and entertainment.
The Moscow governor-general, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich,
who felt somewhat guilty for embarrassment, and therefore tried
to divert the attention of guests to pleasant topics, was bothering
Here they drank both once and twice, and three, and had a
snack, what God sent, but for the Romanov family he, of course,
did not stint, and started talking about the day tomorrow.
— Coronation will take place in the Assumption Cathedral of the
Kremlin. Then rest, later a festive ball in the Hall of Nobles, and
in the evening the ball will hold by the French
ambassador Montebello. For the common people we organize
mass celebrations on the Khodynka field. There are
built carousels, swings, a symphony orchestra will play. People
will hand out bags with cods, chunks of sausage, candy and
nuts. One hundred thousand roses from Provence had already
been delivered to the ball by Ambassador Montebello, swallowing
a bit enviously, the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, who also
far from needed, also added for some reason.
Hearing about a hundred thousand, the king smiled smugly and
immediately turned to Witte.
— How are our negotiations with the Chinese going?
All interested watchfully.
Foreign Minister Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky, who understood that
a conversation on such a topic was highly undesirable in such a
wide circle, made a protest gesture, but Sergei Yulievich did not
consider it necessary to evade the direct question given by the
sacred special emperor, and secret joy was bursting out, bursting
out with a fountain of eloquence.
— We agreed about a concession for the construction of a
railway across all of Manchuria from Chita to Vladivostok. The
concession will be issued in the name of the Russian-Chinese
Bank and it will be the core of the Russian-Chinese defensive,
ready for signing, against Japan, — he specified, — the
agreement. In the event of a Japanese attack on China, Korea or
Russia, this union treaty will enter into force. We will build a
road to quickly deliver our troops to the theater of operations.
To the theater is very good, because the theater can arise
anywhere, and we will return to other directions of the road
later. In addition, all Chinese ports during military operations will
be open to the Russian military fleet, which will solve the issues
of fuel bunkering, repairs and provision of supplies of water and
All those present had long been aware of the secret negotiations
between Witte and Li Hungzhang, and they knew that the
purpose of these negotiations was the economic annexation of
Manchuria. They smelled a multi-million dollar profit and
sought to be the first to share the fat cake.
Sergei Yulievich, as a conscientious official, fervently taking care
of the business to which he was assigned, and since he was the
Minister of Finance, he thought, looking at the hot faces of the
drink, — I will be the first to the dish, therefore you I get
nothing, everything goes to the treasury.
However, he was silent.
And in the morning was Khodynka.

And in the morning was Khodynka. Sergey Yulievich was going

to go to the Khodynka field to listen to a concert performed by
the largest orchestra conducted by the famous
conductor Safonov, when he learned this extremely sad news.
He was told that about two thousand people were killed and
maimed during a terrible crush. Sergei Yulievich was tormented
by the question of what to do with all these victims, whether they
would be able to place the wounded in hospitals, and remove the
corpses in appearance so as not to mourn the merry people, the
sovereign emperor and his wife, his thousandth guard, retinue
and foreign guests.
When he arrived there, Li Hungzhang’s wheelchair soon arrived.
Entering the arbor to Witte and already knowing about the
misfortune, the Chinese dignitary asked whether it was, true that
such a big disaster had occurred and there were about two
thousand dead and maimed?
Sergei Yulievich had to reluctantly confirm.
Then Li Hungzhang inquired whether the misfortune would be
reported to the emperor?
“Of course,” Witte replied, “it was reported immediately after the
Li Hungzhang waved his head and reproachfully said that they
have more experienced political leaders in China.
“That’s when I was the governor-general of the
metropolitan Zhili province and I had tens of thousands of people
dying from the plague, I always told the empress that everything
were all right, there are no illnesses, everyone is alive and well.
In addition, if I were a dignitary of your sovereign, I would hide
what happened from him. Why should I upset him poor?
— Well, after all, we went further than
China, — Sergei Yulievich thought. — What a boon that Emperor
Nikolai Alexandrovich is a very kind and extremely educated
person; the spirit of benevolence emanates from him, if I may
say so. I can say that in my life I have not met a man more
educated than his majesty. When he arrived with the empress
and the grand dukes, already, of course, aware of the sad
accident, he did not cancel the festivities. What courage, what
nobility. On his face, one could see only certain sadness and a
painful expression on his face.

For a month of communication, Sergei Yulievich carefully looked

at Li Hungzhang. He was interested in everything: and how he
dresses, how he eats, getting used to the European table setting
and cutlery, how he treats the younger members of the Chinese
delegation at the coronation, how he listens to his squeaky
woman-like translator, smokes hookah, blowing his nose, wiping
sweat, breathing loudly ... A kind of man.
Sergey Yulievich remarked that Li Hungzhang was very well
educated up, but in his own, Chinese way. He believed that, in
representing the Middle Empire, he should have been with all the
important things to instill as much respect as possible. There
was such a case. They sat together with Li Hungzhang and
talked leisurely. A servant came in and reported on the arrival of
a visiting Emir of Bukhara. Li Hungzhang immediately assumed
an important posture, and when the emir and his retinue entered,
he stood and bowed ceremoniously, greeting. His appearance
was so important that the emir, apparently, was
shocked. Asian people are very sensitive to the smallest shades
in circulation. Then the emir made it clear to Li Hungzhang that
he paid a visit only because he represented the Chinese emperor,
and began to question Li Hungzhang about the health of the
emperor, about the health of his mother, and he was not at all
interested in Lee Hungzhang’s health or in general. The Chinese,
of course, was very offended, but he did not file the species.
However, in turn, began to inquire from the Emir of Bukhara,
which religion, declaring that the Chinese hold on to religious
principles established by Confucius.
The emir explained to Li Hungzhang that he was a Muslim, the
founder of their religion was Mohamed, and briefly recounted the
essence of their religion.
The visit was over, the emir and his party went to the exit, and Li
Hungzhang, with a rather humble look, went to escort them all
the way to the sidecar. When the pram started moving, Li
Hungzhang shouted something. The carriage stopped, and a
Russian officer, who was a translator with the emir, asked what
had happened? Then Li Hungzhang ordered to convey to the
emir that he remembered how this Mohamed, who had
founded the religion of the emir, had previously been in China,
had been there a convict, then he was driven out of
China. Puzzled, the emir drove off, and Li Hungzhang, very
pleased with his revenge, returned to the hotel.

Against Japan!
The sovereign emperor authorized Sergei Yulievich to talk with
the Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky on the
issue of concluding a defensive treaty with China. You cannot
think anything bad about him, he was a prominent man, very
educated, very secular, well versed in languages, very fluent in
pen, very inclined to do serious things, for example, various
historical studies, mostly pedigrees, although never in real life not
engaged. In general, his mind was more brilliant than serious, it
And with a bunny.
Although he was already over sixty, he remained extremely
frivolous. And he almost brought all the enormous, one might
say, work of Sergei Yulievich to confusion, and he almost put
Russia in a very risky position.
Sergei Yulievich came to the Foreign Ministry to see
Prince Lobanov and told him about the results of the negotiations
with the Chinese representative Li Hungzhang, about
which Lobanov, of course, was informed. He immediately took
the pen and drafted an agreement in a perfectly consistent form.
Then he handed over the writing to Sergei Yulievich with a
request to check and make the necessary corrections. Witte was
surprised by the fidelity and subtlety of the presentation and the
accuracy of the wording.
The next day, Prince Lobanov visited the sovereign and later
handed over to Sergei Yulievich a project approved by his
highness, in which, to his surprise, Witte saw that the clause
about our defensive alliance with China was generalised. In the
new draft treaty, it was stated that in the event of an attack on
China, Russia with all its land and naval forces must protect it,
and in the event of an attack on us, China should help us. But
not stated that from Japan.
However, this is a huge difference — to protect China from Japan
or from any power! China constantly has misunderstandings with
England about Tibet, with France, our ally, because of Tonkin.
Yes and other countries have relations with China. It would be
extremely dangerous to take on the defense of China from all
powers. Yes, find out that about our agreement, it would have
caused many European powers against us. Sergei Yulievich did
not show his displeasure to Prince Lobanov, some timidity
restrained him, but on the same day, he went to the sovereign
and reported to him that this was the meaning of our agreements
with Li Hungzhan, Prince Lobanov, at first correctly, but now it
turned out to be very dangerous changes.
The sovereign ordered Sergei Yulievich to go to Lobanov,
especially since the ministries of finance and foreign affairs are
located in the same building, and persuade him to write the
contract as needed. Witte, however, was hampered by his innate
delicacy: Prince Lobanov was serving longer than he was, and
had already was the Interior Minister’s comrades, the
ambassador was in Constantinople and in Vienna, and in general,
he suits his fathers. Then His Highness promised to personally
settle this highly important question.
Already in Moscow, before the coronation, the sovereign told
Sergei Yulievich that he outlined his opinion about the
inconvenience for us to accept the defense of China from all
powers to Lobanov-Rostovsky, and that he agreed with him.
Sergei Yulievich also calmed down, especially since he had met
with the Minister of Foreign Affairs several times already, and he
did not say a word about him on this subject.
Three days after the coronation, on May 22, they came together
to sign a secret agreement in the house, which was specifically
rented in Moscow during the coronation period for the Minister of
Foreign Affairs. On the Russian side, Prince Lobanov and
Witte were authorized, and on the Chinese side, Li Hungzhang,
who had previously received the proper authority by telegram
from Beijing.
Two copies of the agreement were prepared for signing — one
for China, the other for us. Prince Lobanov announced that the
draft treaty was being studied, discussed and we can sign it, and
handed over one copy to Li Hungzhang, and the other was
taken by Sergei Yulievich, completely without a second thought,
confident of the correctness of the wording. Moreover, suddenly,
to his dismay, he discovered that Prince Lobanov had left the text
in his own, incorrect and very dangerous for Russia, edition.
Sergei Yulievich recalled the prince aside and, having renounced
delicacy, told him about it.
Saved their resourcefulness of count. Looking at his watch, he
clapped his hands and told the servants who came in to serve
breakfast. Then he invited Li Hungzhang and those present to
the table, saying that the table was laid and the dishes could
While the breakfast lasted, the two secretaries rewrote the
contract, and he received the correct wording.

Sergei Yulievich met many times in the capital with Li

Hungzhang and he said that, as a friend of Russia, he advised not
to go south from the railway, because the Chinese, for the most
part, disapprovingly look at the Europeans, believe that all evil in
the empire comes from the “white devils”.
Soon the friend of minister finance, Pyotr Mikhailovich Romanov,
left for Berlin, where he and the Chinese empire Xu Cungcheng,
who was also the envoy in Russia at the same time, used to live in
St. Petersburg all winter and spring, and drafted and signed a
concession project. The concession for the construction of the East
China Railway was issued to the Russian-Chinese Bank, which, in
turn, transferred this right to the East China Railway Society being
created. Soon the project of concession was approved by
the Russian government and the government of Bogdykhan.
Sergei Yulievich already understood that the Chinese would not
agree to a state-owned state railway to their borders. They are
afraid, of course, and with very large grounds, similar to the
demands of other states. He really did not want to, he did not
intend to let go of such an important thing for Russia from the
hands of the Ministry of Finance. Then, on reflection, he undertook
a detour. The concession, as has already been said, was issued to
the Russian-Chinese Bank, and he transferred this right to the non-
existent Company of the CineseEasternRialroad.
Sergei Yulievich introduced into the draft agreement of the Russian
government with the Russian-Chinese Bank on the formation of the
Chinese-Eastern Railway Society an article according to which out of
a thousand shares of five thousand rubles each, which would be the
capital of the Company, seven hundred were necessarily reserved
for the government and transferred to the State Bank. The
remaining three hundred shares may be placed among private
individuals, but this was already his assignment to Alfons Rothstein,
the representative of French financiers. Sergei Yulievich expected
large dividends from the shares and wanted them to settle into the
state’s treasury.
Fortunately, the question of the participation of people in the capital
of the Company was resolved safely, and all the shares of the
Company were transferred to the State Bank. For this, the Russian-
Chinese Bank was paid five million rubles, as a banker of the
Sergey Yulievich ordered to announce in the Government Gazette
about the opening of the subscription to the Company’s shares on
the very day of the subscription and, thus, the subscription ended
without starting. All the Company’s shares began to belong to the
state, and so that the treasury suffered minimal losses, Witte
signed an agreement with the Company’s board to pay the Russian
government four million rubles for research conducted on the future
line in Manchuria. Of these four million, three were transferred
to the Russian-Chinese Bank, to the so-called ”Li Hungzhang Fund.”
One million went, therefore, to the income of the treasury, but the
Board of the Company was left with one million, on a very short
leash — without shares and, practically, without money.
Sergey Yulievich decided to finance the construction by issuing
One of the most uncomfortable conditions of the concession issued
by the Chinese government, Sergey Yulievich considered the duty to
hand over the road free of charge to the Chinese side in eighty
years. But to get around this inconvenience was impossible. But,
due to the concession, the right of the Bogdykhan government after
thirty-six years to go ahead with the buy of the road, he tried to
make it as difficult as possible.
Well, if the Chinese and take the head to buy then let them large
forks. He included in the concession contract the need to not only
pay all sums spent on construction, but also all the debts made for
the road, but with the interest accrued on them during that time.
This will include the “Le Hungzhang Fund” and those seven million
rubles, which the Society pledged to hand over to the government
on the day the traffic opened on the road. Ever stopping their
budget holes with international loans to the Chinese, government,
which is in debt, as in silks, does not pull the ransom of the road. It
will cost him, according to preliminary and most conservative
estimates, seven hundred million rubles. No, that is impossible!
China, under the terms of the contract, represents Russia, a third
below sea, customs duties, freedom from Chinese taxes and fees,
and the right to set its own tariffs for the transportation of goods on
the road. In addition, most importantly — the strip of alienation.
Here we will be free to use the land necessary for the construction,
operation and protection of the road, place our police and guard,
use the materials necessary for the construction — stone, soil, sand,
limestone ... All this will much speed up and cut the cost of
— A grand, grander business to the glory of Russia! —
Sergei Yulievich rejoiced.


Count Philip Eilenburg loved walking in Berlin, the capital of Prussia,

for a quarter of a century and all of Germany. Therefore, it is
today, in the early June evening of 1896, according to the custom
established over the last three years,

on Thursday to pay a visit to Baron Friedrich-August Von Holstein,

the secret legal adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
empire, who lived in one of the quiet streets adjoining Tirgarten,
Count Philip slowly walked along Unter den Linden down to the
Brandenburg Gate, past the Passage with its so popular Panopticon,
then the massive heavy gray building of the Ministry of the Interior,
a thunderstorm completely unraveled Social Democrats,
walked, looking into the lively, cheerful person who had already
covered with an even bronze tan pretty young women often fall
toward the arrogant officers to aggressively twirled a-la Wilhelm
mustache, thick gentlemen in bowler hats and hats that hide the
shiny bald head covered with combed sideways rare remnants of
old hair, elegant children, accompanied by strict prim governess in
white blouses and white, elbow length, lace gloves, pale faces of
neatly dressed proletarians, crimson faces of elderly
burghers — fans of bear and icebahn, the brilliant curious eyes of
foreigners making city tours, accompanied by loud,
cheeky fremdenfurers. Coming out on Paris Square, the count
unexpectedly noticed that the walking gait was suddenly replaced
by a clear, firm, firm step by the soldier and immediately heard a
piercing flute and drumming, a marching company appeared from
behind the Brandenburg Gate. The count stopped, letting in
soldiers, diligently sticking out gray uniform breasts, high-polished
polished socks and striking strides; their young faces were
covered with sweat from zeal and heat, and their armpits darkened
with wet cloth. After admiring the young lieutenant on a huge
raven horse in front of the company, Count Philip raised his eyes to
the quadriga that ruled with one hand, and the other stretching a
laurel wreath over the Brandenburg Gate a cast-iron Victory. And
twisted. The victory, which was in captivity, did not cause him any
respect. Fortunately, very few people remember the history and
similar feelings when looking at the symbol of the power of
Germany did not occur to many passers-by. In 1807, the shortly
Corsican took the captive Victory to Paris, and seven years later, the
Russians favorably returned the goddess disgraced by the French.
Yes, Russians ... In the evening conversation they will be given
special attention. However, here is Tirgarten. Count Phillip climbed
the stone steps to a solid oak door with a brushed bronze handle,
jabbed his finger at the white enameled button of the new-
fashioned electric bell under the sign reading “Privy Councilor F.
Holstein,” noted the moving curtain in the window of the right bay
window with a corner of his eye and almost immediately stepped
into helpfully open the door. In the spacious hallway, he carefully
put the cane in a round stand with holes for walking sticks and
umbrellas and hung his hat on the process of deer horn brought
from Russia by the host’s hunting trophy, next to Dr. von Hasse’s
light Tyrolean hat and the uniform cap graph of Count Alfred von
Schlieffen. Were heard from the open doors of the hall. The
modest black bowler of the owner of the house with a high crown
and hard small fields rested on the uppermost process of the horns.
Past the servant crouching down in the knixen, who had just
opened the door for him, Count Philip walked into a spacious hall
with a dining table in the center, covered with a brown velvet
tablecloth and stiff chairs around it with high, bent backs. The
owner of the house with the guests — the chief of the Big General
Staff, Count Schlieffen and the chairman of the Pan-German Union,
Dr. von Hasse, were sitting on morocco wrestles in a fawn silk
curtains shaded by the evening sun. The servant set the table,
quietly tinkling with silver and porcelain. “The Oyster
Lovers” assembled, he allowed himself
joke Earl Phillip, alluding to a biennial old feuilleton in
“Kladderadatsch”, the point of which was sent to the owner of the
house of Baron Holstein, but who,, broke the veil on the secrecy
from the process of determining

Kladderadatsch (onomatopoeic for “Crash”) was a satirical German-

language magazine published on May 7, 1848, and appearing “daily,
except for weekdays”. It was founded by Albert Hofmann and
David Kalisch, a Jewish merchant and author of several works of
comedy. Publication ceased in 1944. / Wikipedia/

goals of foreign policy of a united Germany and from the true

creators of its course. In the feuilleton characters, they immediately
recognized themselves; externally resented the author, but in the
depths of their hearts, they were proud of their role and realized
that he was right. The sixty-year-old master of the house,
removing Huxlander’s volume from the armchair next to the sofa,
nodded to the guest with a hooked chin, inviting him to sit down.
His prickly, whitish eyes were tense,
apparently, Eilenberg interrupted his speech, and the owner of the
house tried to hold on to an important thought to continue it
attentively listening to the interlocutors. — Refreshing your Russian
and American adventures, Herr Baron? — nodding at the book,
asked Count Philip, wanting to knock him off thinking that the baron
had to go back and devote him to the origins of their conversation.
— Yes, Fili, — the owner obviously lost the idea, — we talked about
the recent history of our relations with Russia. However, you are
not late at all.

So, in the early sixties, I served almost three years in

Prussian embassy in St. Petersburg under the command of the Duke
of Lauenburg, — his former benefactor, guardian and mentor, who
almost became a test, Otto Bismarck Baron Holstein called this not
so long ago Kaiser Wilhelm II a title with visible
hostility. And mockingly.

I consider relations with Russia the cornerstone of our entire

foreign policy. With a bright Chinese fan, the baron swung his
face — it was rather stuffy — and spoke mentally — clearly and
measurably. — Russia is now busy strengthening its place in
Europe. Having successfully completed the war with Turkey in
January seventy-eight, it substantially changed the existing situation
in its favor at the cost of the Balkan Slavs. According to the San
Stefano Peace Treaty of March 3, seventy-eighth, Serbia,
Montenegro and Romania gained independence, freeing themselves
from Turkish oppression. Bulgaria gained autonomy, pledging to
pay Porte only a tribute; Russia regained Southern Bessarabia and
gained possession in Transcaucasia. And so on. The main thing is
that Russia is encroaching on the Balkans, clearly seeking to settle
there forever. And it has strong support there. It was especially
bad that autonomous Bulgaria gained access to the Black and
Aegean Seas, thereby potentially representing Russia with access to
the Mediterranean Sea and Straits. In June of the same, seventy-
eighth year, a congress was held in Berlin, where the countries that
signed the Paris Treaty of the fifty-sixth year took part. At this
congress, I deliberately made a reservation at the joint efforts of
the countries of Western Europe — Great Britain, Austria-Hungary
and Prussia, calling the already united Germany as Prussia, the
former core of the united empire, but with the passive place of
France, it was possible to neutralize Russia’s successes in the
Balkans and revise the articles San Stefano peace treaty. Although
Romania, Serbia and Montenegro remained independent, Prince
Bismarck helped the Austro-Hungarian Habsburgs to occupy Bosnia
and Herzegovina and become from the fact masters of the western
part of the Balkan Peninsula. A year later, Bismarck and Austrian-
Hungarian Foreign Minister Andriashi signed an Austro-
German alliance treaty in Vienna. France trembled and began to
flirt with Russia in opposition to our treaty. There she had allies in
the person of Russian War Minister Milutin and the Chief of General
Staff Obruchev. In the eighty-first year, Bismarck was able to
restore the Union of Three Emperors, gathering in Berlin for
negotiations representatives of Germany, Austria-Hungary and
Russia and concluding a so-called “reinsurance” German-Austro-
Russian agreement on neutrality. On neutrality in case, one of them
finds himself in a state of war with the fourth power. Under this
agreement, the parties pledged to make sure that Turkey adheres
to the principles of closing the straits. When signing the contract,
all three parties were guided by their own interests. Russia, fearing
the English fleet and the repetition of the Crimean War, was
interested in closing the straits; Austria-Hungary sought
to show itself in Bosnia and Herzegovina; we needed to avoid the
Franco-Russian alliance that frightened Bismarck. In the eighty-
fourth year, he extended this contract for another three years. In
August of the eighty-sixth year, yes, ten years ago, after the coup
d’état in Bulgaria, when Alexander Battenberg, a German prince and
Prussian service officer, was raised to the throne in Bulgaria by the
Russian Tsar Alexander II, he resisted the Russian intentions to turn
Bulgaria into a ”Transduninian province”, and began to focus on
Austria-Hungary, the Russian-Bulgarian diplomatic relations were
interrupted. In addition, the coming to power of Ferdinand Coburg
aggravated Russia’s relations with Austria and us. Anti-German
military circles in Russia pushed Tsar Alexander III to change the
political course. And we must pay tribute to the energy and
determination of Otto Bismarck. Publicly, he disowned Germany’s
support of the Austro-Hungarian protégé and simultaneously sent
Prince William of Prussia, the current Kaiser to St. Petersburg, to
persuade the bear emperor to strengthen the Union of Three
Emperors both to fight radical youth in Russia and to keep peace in
the Balkans. At the same time, Bismarck instructed Wilhelm to
incite the Russian tsar against the Turks, so that he would seize
Constantinople, saddle the straits and close the way to the Black
Sea for the English fleet. From the shores of the Aegean Sea, the
Russians would threaten the ways of the “Lady of the Seas” to the
Middle East and India. Inciting Alexander III to the Turks, Bismarck
had in mind once again to put his heads against Russia and Great
Britain. These powers tie the hands of Germany in Europe. After
all, having seized Constantinople and the straits, Russia would not
have become stronger at all, but would have turned all its attention
and available forces to the protection of the acquired lands and
would have been much weakened on the western borders. At the
same time, Bismarck instructed our ambassador in
London, Harzfeld, to induce England to take the first step in
resisting the advancement of Russia. True, the head of the English
cabinet Salisbury immediately understood what Bismarck was
seeking. According to rumors, he said - “He would like to embroil
us in a position from which we would have no other choice but war.
He would like Russia to take Constantinople, since, in his opinion,
Turkey, England and Austria will then they are forced to fight, and
he will keep up a benevolent neutrality and, if the case comes up,
will strike a new blow to France. “ Although it was not possible then
to push the Russians into capturing the straits, in the eighty-seventh
year Bismarck should be given credit for renewing the Russian-
German treaty for the next three-year term that would prevent the
rapprochement between France and Russia. However, at that
extremely tense time, I was against this treaty. I still believe that,
using the existing contradictions between them, it was possible to
prevent the rapprochement between France and Russia.
Baron Holstein, a capable, though ungrateful epigone of the great
Bismarck, firmly understood the main principle of the Roman
Empire “divide and rule” and the specific method of Bismarck’s
policy — to pit Russia and Great Britain so that the German Empire
becomes the undivided mistress in Europe. He also remembered
Bismarck’s attempt to arrange a conflict between these powers in
Korea in the eighty-fifth year, and a particularly acute situation in
March-May of the eighty-eighth year, when, because of the Anglo-
Russian rivalry in Central Asia, the world was at a loss from the
war. Then, having learned that the Russian troops reached
the Pendin oasis on the Afghan border, and newspapers inflate
military psychosis in England, at the instigation of Bismarck, young
Wilhelm wrote to the tsar about the alleged military weakness of
the British to Russia, and even regretted that, as an officer in the
Russian army, can not personally take part in future battles. At the
same time, the chief of the Grand General Staff, Waldersee, the
closest adviser to the young future Kaiser, convinced the British
military agent in Berlin that Russia was not ready for the war, and
from a military point of view, England had never had such favorable
conditions to strike Russia. The worst danger for the German
Empire, inspired Bismarck diplomats and Kaiser Wilhelm, is the
rapprochement between England and Russia. Therefore, German
foreign policy should seek to show between Britain and Russia
rather hostile than too intimate relations. As with France, the
immediate neighbor and almost the eternal opponent of the nearby
German principalities.
“Then we were faced with the temptation to start a preemptive war
against Russia,” von Schlieffen carefully added,

My predecessor as chief of the Great General Staff, Waldersee,

offered to attack Russia, knowing that its troops on the western
borders had not been deployed and were not ready for war.
However, Chancellor Bismarck and Moltke were against it, believing
that by dispersing forces and stretching communications across the
desert and endless eastern expanses, Russia could not be defeated,
and it was quite possible to be bogged down and break your neck,
as it already happened to Napoleon. — And the
German Ostsee provinces of Russia? — could not resist von
Hasse. — And the richest Volga region? And her breadbasket
Ukraine? We must not be afraid of the Russian bear, but send all
our military power there. Germany more than ever in dire need
of the development of new territories. Along with the seizure of
overseas colonies should pay attention to lying next to Russia,
especially its part from Poland to the Urals. We need to have space
for planting our national seedlings. Bismarck at one time was
against the accession of the Baltic states to Prussia, considering this
long strip without hinterland to be an insignificantly small amount in
exchange for the eternal enmity of gigantic Russia. But time flies,
and today the problem of the future world domination of Germany
has arisen. The accession of the Ostsee region should be called the
main national need of Germany, and the contradictions between the
German and Slav races — the alpha and omega of modern
European politics.
Nodding graciously, Baron Holstein calmly continued, — in the
ninety-first year, we concluded a tripartite Austro-German-
Italian alliance. France and Russia, fearing that the alliance,
threaten them, that was the case, went to rapprochement. In July
of that year, a visit French squadron in Kronstadt, and in Paris, took
place the chiefs of the general staffs of France and
Russia Bouadeffr and Obruchev held talks on a military convention,
which they signed the following year in St. Petersburg. Yes, four
years ago. In addition, as we learned, the foreign ministers
of Girs and France Ribot than signed a secret agreement on joint
actions in case one of the countries faces a threat of attack.
“Oyster lovers” knew perfectly well that it was impossible to blame
Bismarck’s father and son for such a defeat on German foreign
policy, because the great iron chancellor and state secretary of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs had retired by their joint efforts a year
earlier, so responsibility for the union of eternal Germany’s
opponents lay on their shoulders.
— Yes, according to the military convention concluded in the ninety-
second year, if France is attacked by Germany or Italy, supported
by Germany, Russia will use all its troops, which it has, to attack
Germany; if Russia is attacked by Germany, then France should
come to the aid of all its military forces, von Schlieffen
recalled. — Upon receiving a report on the mobilization of the
forces of the Tripartite Alliance, France and Russia pledged to
immediately begin mobilization to force us to fight on two fronts in
the event of war. At the beginning of January ninety-four, the
Russian Foreign Minister, Girs, and the French Ambassador in St.
Petersburg, Montebello, exchanged letters, and the military
convention became binding.
Seeing that the table had been laid, the host invited the guests to
sit down and took his high leather upholstered chair with the carved
family crest on the back. Eilenburg noted how the wings of his
large hooked nose sniffed over a plate of lobster salad and slices of
cold veal served by a servant, and immediately turned his eyes to
the tall dark glass of a beautiful Moselle and Rhine wine with the
name of “Gran van Chateau Margo”, ” Gran van Shaton Mouton
Rothschild”, knowing about the suspiciousness and suspicion of his
old, even if not a friend, then like-minded person, and not wanting
to give that reason for doubts about his loyalty and sincerity.
However, Count Philip was sure that as long as he was close to the
emperor, Baron Holstein’s cruel revengefulness could be avoided.
Waiting for the servant to pull off the silver wires and tear off the
gilded foil poured with red wax from the neck of the bottle, the
landlord addressed him directly.
— How is our Rise-Kaiser?
Wilhelm II was very mobile, for which he acquired such a
nickname — Kaiser-traveler. He spent most of the year traveling
around the country, interfering everywhere and regulating
everything that his view would touch — from soldiers ’uniforms to
ladies’ cleavage, to whom he had a particular addiction. However,
he had to constantly prove his masculinity, strength, dexterity and
intelligence, not only in Germany, but also in the world. He was
born frail, with a paralyzed left hand, and his father, Friedrich-
Wilhelm, died without sitting on the German throne even a hundred
days. And if the exercises of Friedrich-Ludwig Jan, turnfather — the
father of gymnastics — helped the young Kaiser to get rid of the
physical deficiency, then excessive mobility and even fussiness and
dispersion repeatedly raised doubts and ridicule about his mental
“Yes, he still seeks to embrace the immensity,” said Eilenburg with a
smile. — Tennis, horseback riding, fencing, playing music, staff
exercises, garrison reviews, balls and maps, government affairs,
concerns about the prosperity of the nation ...
Of course, they, four, considered themselves to be the brain center
of the German Empire. Count Eilenburg-Gertefeld — a diplomat,
poet, playwright and composer, has been close behind to the
emperor for ten years now and knew how to present their decisions
to the weekly, on Thursdays, decisions that the Kaiser perceived as
the fruit of his own thoughts. Ernst von Hasse represented the
growing German industry in its pursuit of various kinds of raw
materials and markets for finished products. Count Schlieffen —
chief of the Great General Staff of the united German Empire —
ensured the direct embodiment of their plans in the plans for
lightning-fast strikes by regiments, divisions, and armies. But the
real creator of the policy of overwhelming power and apparent
superiority of the still young, twenty-five years old and rapidly
gaining strength of the empire was Baron Friedrich-August Von
Holstein. While occupying a relatively unnoticeable place of political
adviser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and always remaining in
the shadows, he skillfully directed foreign policy in the interests of
the steel barons of German industry, in necessary cases without
stopping before insidious intrigues with a view to removing from key
positions in the state apparatus unable to conform to the spirit of
the times. He was a student and protégé of the great Iron
Chancellor, but it was through his efforts that Otto Bismarck was
eliminated as soon as differences in their views on the role of
Germany in Europe and the ways of its elevation were revealed.
War! The conquest of the main inevitable enemy of Germany,
Russia, with blood and iron, is the goal of his policy.
But to successfully wage a war in the east, it was necessary to
destroy the enemy in the west — France. And to solve this
problem, it was necessary to neutralize Russia at the time of
preparation and conduct of hostilities with France. Attempts to
involve her in a conflict with England in the Middle East, and later in
Central Asia did not succeed in their time, but now an interesting
situation arises in the Far East, and there not only the United
Kingdom but also the long-armed America will be a powerful
opponent of Germany’s far-sighted Japan is gaining strength.
It was getting dark. A servant lit electric lamps in a crystal
chandelier above the table, served on the Meissen porcelain dish a
purple-red ham with stewed cauliflower and walked around the
table, filling the glasses with wine.
Dr. von Hasse took a sip, closed his eyes, portraying admiration
and, knowing the measure, continued, “So we are in a vice. If the
Austrians can increase their living space at the cost of the Balkan
Peninsula, Italy — at the price of Istria, Dalmatia, Albania and
Greece, then we, compressed by France and Russia, need to
somehow unclench. Now we have accumulated forces, the
formation of industry, we need cheap raw materials, for nothing
supplied by Russia; we need a wide market for the sale of products
of our industry. But the time will come when we have to use our
armed hand to unclench the shackles squeezing us and offer the
German nation with a decent living space.
Von Schlieffen chewed a piece of gammon, drank some wine, wiped
a mustache with a napkin corner, and spoke tapping the edge of
the plate with a knife tip. — Last year, to redirect Russia’s attention
to the Far East, we were able to impress the Russian government
through both to military circles and personally to Emperor Nicholas
the idea of the admissibility of the transfer of
the Liaodong Peninsula into the hands of the Japanese as a result of
the Sino-Chinese war, motivating these considerations by a sharp
change in the military-political situation in the Far East stock and
generally in the world. Moreover, we managed to push Russia
towards the presentation of an ultimatum to Japan, and to give the
king confidence and overcome some of his inertia, we offered to
have our squadron in Chinese waters. Eilenburg recalled how, at the
beginning of April last year, it was not even a day after the Russian
Foreign Ministry sent instructions to the Russian ambassador in
Tokyo about a diplomatic demarche, as he put copies of these
instructions on Wilhelm’s table, and the emperor ordered the
German Pacific Squadron to enter into communication with the
Russian squadron for the possible blockade of Japanese ports.
Then, in April, in a letter from William, he congratulated Tsar
Nicholas for a better start, laid against Japan, recommended not to
stand on ceremony, and to go ahead with annexations for Russia.
Wilhelm even promised to protect the rear of Russia, so that no one
could interfere with its actions in the Far East. Although, what is
the hypocrisy, except from Germany, and there was nobody to
protect it from. However, Eilenburg smiled, we did not have to
push Russia. So greedily they rush to the Far East, that it only
costs us to play along quietly, and they will continue ...
“We definitely need to push Russia into the war with Japan, which
England will support,” Holstein steadily instilled. — Required. Push
both sides. Kindle appetites, arm, equip, train, Japanese, in any
case, play on the feelings of national pride, use the slightest
contradiction, provoke territorial claims, introduce elements of
jealousy, resentment, personal, I repeat, the personal interest of
those in power, tie them financially to such extent so that they
could not even think to part with the invested capital. There is a
difference between responsibility, official debt and mercantile
interests. It is inherent in every person. People will conscientiously
carry out their official functions, defend the interests of the
suzerain, the state, but it is possible relatively easily and even
painlessly to renounce them, under pressure. But if there is a
personal interest, personal funds are invested, there is a personal
and rather large material interest, and then they will stand for it to
death. Therefore, I draw your attention to the capital of Emperor
Nicholas and his wife, nee Duchess of Hessen, Darmstadt citizen of
our Kaiser, were invested in Chinese affairs. Large capitals, very
large. However, I will deal with this personally. By the way, for the
successful implementation of the line we are developing, we need
capable performers. ” He looked around attentively at his listening.
Chancellor Hohenlohe is indecisive, amorphous, and passive, I know
this quite well from the joint service in the Paris embassy. And the
State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Marshall is not
active enough, does not always share our point of view, tries to
pursue his own line, and it is unable us to firmly pursue the
necessary foreign policy of Germany. “Bernhard Bülow,” recalled
Earl Eilenburg. — Yes, I am impressed by Bülow. He, I hope, will
be an executive tool in our hands. You, Fili, insistently inspire the
emperor to replace, at first in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and
then the Chancellor. “According to reports of Baron Rostock, who
created a quite extensive, mosaic system of espionage in Russia,”
said Count von Schlieffen, “on the eighteenth of May, on the day of
the Tsar’s coronation, Finance Minister Witte presented him for
approval a draft agreement of the Russian government with the
Russian-Chinese Bank on education of the society Sino-
Eastern Railway. In this way, Witte destroyed our attempts to
create a joint-stock company, where the main owners of the shares
would be personally Emperor Nikolai, Duchess of
Hesse, — Schlieffen specifically named the Russian Empress
Alexandra Feodorovna to emphasize her German origin and
undoubted spiritual connection with her homeland — and the
closest king . Instead, by agreement, the Russian State Bank
redeems the seven hundred shares of the Society of the CER, and
the remaining three hundred shares will be placed in private hands,
preferably between the French, to increase the attraction of French
capital. On the same day, Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese Empire Li
Hungzhang, who was present at the coronation, telegraphed
permission from Beijing to sign the Russian-Chinese defense treaty.
Under this agreement, to Russia is granted the right to build a
railway from Transbaikalia through Manchuria to Vladivostok; the
right to use the road at any time for the transfer of troops and any
cargo, and the right to take in case of war any Chinese port. The
defense agreement is directed only against Japan. On May 22, Li
Hungzhang from the Chinese side and Russian Foreign Minister
Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky signed this agreement. But there is an
interesting detail. Finance Minister Witte tricked Li Hungzhang, who
did not agree that the concession for the construction of the road
belonged to the Russian government. After all, acquiring seventy
percent of the shares, he actually makes the Trans-Manchurian
Highway the property of the Ministry of Finance, the Russian
— By the way, what happened on the day of the coronation in
Moscow? — with malicious curiosity asked Holstein.
— The coronation took place in the Assumption Cathedral of the
Kremlin, and for the celebration of the people took the so-
called Khodynska field, which served as a training ground for the
troops of the Moscow garrison. Training shots were conducted on
this field; trenches, trenches, wells, bunkers and parapets, and
other earthworks were dug in many places. With the characteristic
disorderly behavior of the Russian, without having completely
leveled the pits and trenches, they set up stalls, tents and booths in
this field, where they were going to give bags to citizens for
snacks. Many people gathered, according to estimates of their
newspapers — more than half a million. They were gathered in the
evening, the crush on an area of eight square kilometers was awful,
by the morning there was fog, and for some reason a panic broke
out. People rushed across the field, falling into the pits, and
trampling on each other. Up to one and a half thousand people
died, up to ten thousand were crippled and wounded.
Responsibility rests with the chief master of the court von
der Palen and the Moscow Governor-General of Grand Duke
Sergei Alexandrovich. An investigation is being conducted, which is
entrusted to the same Grand Duke. Consequently, the result is
— Von der Palen? — surprised Holstein. — The German did not
take care of the celebration of the emperor’s coronation?
— Palens moved to Russia more than a hundred years ago, during
the time of Empress Catherine II, nee of the Princess of Anhalt-
Zerbt, and since then has finally become Russified. However, in
Russia there is such an abyss of a poor, hungry, silent, and
downtrodden people that they do not stand on ceremony. Ten
million in one direction, ten million in another ... They do not even
know how many of them all are. Like the Chinese. The same Li
Hungzhang, seeing some agitation of the Russian dignitaries, calmly
noted that when he was the governor-general of the state capital
and he had several tens of thousands of people died of the plague,
he did not pay attention to it at all, and certainly did not
darken Emperor’s peace is sad news.
— And one more good news for us. Present at the coronation, the
head of the General Staff of France, General Bouadeffre, impressed
by the Khodynka tragedy, pointedly rejected the tsar’s invitation
to take part in the pigeon hunt, which could lead to some cooling of
the tsar’s sympathy for France.
“The autocratic Russian tsar has no sympathy for the Republicans,
and cannot be,” thought Count Eilenberg considered it necessary to
clarify. — There are financial, military and political interests.
“But do not overlook this crack and try to use it on occasion,”
Holstein did not allow them to be distracted by barbs.
“While pushing the Russian tsar to go to war with Japan, one should
not forget about his own interests in China,” von Hasse
worried. — In Shandong, in particular, large sums have already
been invested in the mining industry, in the Yangtze basin we are
fighting English trade, in Hubei province we have built a railway
linking the three major cities of Wuchang, Wuhan and Hanyang ...

“The envoy Baron Gaiking is now engaged in strengthening

our place in China, and the former envoy in Tokyo and Beijing, von
Brandt, appointed to Beijing by the director of the German bank,
helps him,” Holstein squinted at von Hasse, dissatisfied with his
— Now we need to get down to business with renewed energy and
immediately from two directions. The first is to look for an
opportunity to create in the Far East a large private Russian joint-
stock company in which the Romanovs and their close associates
would invest a lot of money. With a large amount, expect large
dividends. And they will not wish to part with such money. The
company should be created in China or Korea, — Holstein thought a
little and firmly continued, — better in Korea. This will immediately
cause an aggravation of Russian-Japanese relations, and their
confrontation with our and God’s help will lead to the goal we
need. Second, it is necessary to push Russia to territorial seizures
in China. And not even in the north, in Manchuria, but in central
China. The capture of the Port Arthur left by the Japanese would
be politically advantageous for us. This will greatly hurt the
Japanese national pride, arouse their acute hatred for Russia, and
will force them to take revenge. All this is moral and ethical
considerations. But there are more significant — economic. Based
in Liaodong, Russia is thus blocking China from Japan. And that
they will not allow Russia. China after the Japanese-Chinese war,
victorious for Japan, seems to them a defenseless victim, and they
will not forgive Russia, which is seizing the fruits of victory from the
hands. In order to excite the greedy greed of the Russian emperor
and push him to more decisive actions, we must carefully plan
and seize the Chinese port somewhere near Liaodong. Moreover, to
throw up the idea of annexing the Chinese port of Austria-Hungary
or, say, Italy. A couple of armadillos, to give weight to their claims,
they will scrape. Nicholas II, having heard that even tiny Italy
acquired possessions in China, will be in a hurry. All this is desirable
to carry out in two years, not more.
After lunch, Count Eilenburg sat down at the grand piano of Arar,
which was taken out of France by the owner of the house, which
was in the corner of the hall. After the suppression of the
Commune and the occupation of Paris by German troops, the
instrument of even such a famous master could be acquired for a
pittance. Having started to play “Glorify in a wreath of
victories” — the Prussian anthem, he turned around and saw that all
those present were standing in complete silence.


then there was a long journey through the countries of Europe,

visits to Germany, France, England and the North American United
States, and everywhere Jun Mei served Li as an interpreter for days,
and at night she was warming up his bed.
From America, the delegation on the steamer through the Great
Ocean returned to the Tianjin port closest to the capital of the
Celestial Empire, but before going to Beijing, Jun Mei asked for a
couple of days in Jing-chou-ting, since it is not far.
She walked around the main hall of the temple with
old Heshan Yan, and both of his chapels, lit candles and lit incense,
and then put incense candles on the funeral table to the spirit of her
Allowing her to grieve for a short time, the old Heshan carried her
into his closet and ordered her to tell about everything she had seen
and heard on a long journey.

He was leisurely and attentive.

“Speak, girl, speak,” he repeated, occasionally raising eyes dark,
covered with heavy wrinkled eyelids. He repeated, occasionally
raising his dark eyes covered with heavy wrinkled eyelids.
Everything that you know is very important for the salvation of the
“I tried so hard to fulfill your mission, to know and see as much as
possible, to penetrate the most secret plans of Empress Cixi and Li
Hungzhang, that I became his concubine,” she admitted and wept
“And a flower thrown by an indifferent wind into mud, and jasper
that has fallen into dust, remain a flower and jasper and do not
become dirt and dust,” comforted old Yang, gently and gently
stroking her head.
“Live a few days in the annex, stay close to your son, strengthen
your soul, take a rest, wake up with your body, cleanse yourself in
the prayers of our gods and return to Beijing, to Empress
Regent Cixi. Everything you said is very important. This helps us
accumulate strength and look for a way to save the Celestial Empire
from being captured by the barbarians. You help us learn the plans
of the mad rulers and gather strength to repel enemies. Try to
be close to Empress Cixi and Li Hungzhang. He, as we have known
it, will soon be appointed head of Tsungli Yamin, and all relations
with the outside world will pass through his hands.
Returning to Beijing, Jun Mei brought the Empress rich gifts and
delicious overseas delicacies — canned food and sweets. The old
woman for a long time, with love, greedy, undisguised curiosity and
with obvious pleasure, went through foreign high-heeled shoes,
even tried to walk in them, but almost fell down, for which the
servant who had supported her was cruelly scolded; giggling, trying
on lace panties and bras; wrapped in bright fabrics; carefully
examined and, pressing to her ear, listened to numerous gold, silver
and steel watches brought from different countries of Europe and
America; marveled at the phonograph, singing and talking to
different voices; admired rings strung on fingers and rings with
precious stones; poked fingers in ointment and ointment; with
admiration, forced the maid of honor to smell all the bottles of
perfume and colognes; grimacing in front of the mirror, trying on
Paris, Berlin, London and New York hats ... Empress had enough joy
and fun for almost a week.
She was very pleased with Jun Mei. Yes and Li Hungzhan pleased
her, saying that the secret agreement, according to which Russia
pledged to protect the Middle Kingdom from all barbarians, was
signed. She demanded to bring this contract, looked at the French
letters for a long time and carefully, and then ordered to take it to
the main storehouse in Tsungli-yamin and store it especially
Now the agreement concluded in Moscow should be discussed in
the Supreme Imperial Council, and then approved by the emperor.
The silver bell rang three times, fragrant smoke from ancient bronze
smoking rooms ascended to the sky, flutes played and flute at the
lips of the musicians dressed in green and blue robes. Eunuchs
threw open heavy precious ebony doors, and Empress Cixi stepped
to the throne. Guansuy, as usual, felt unwell and asked the
empress to deal with state affairs in his absence.
Down on the floor in front of the throne, kneeling high dignitaries
stood in multi-colored brocade robes, adorned with woven gold
hieroglyphs denoting wisdom, longevity, honor, loyalty — liars,
thieves and hypocrites.
Ahead of everyone in a purple dressing gown with the image of a
crane, a red belt with a jade and ruby buckle and ruby balls on a
hat, stood Li Hungzhang swollen with arrogance from the
consciousness of the empress’s well-executed commission and out-
of-reach superiority over those Gun, Qing and Duan who looked at
him with envy, hatred and passionate desire to set. Jun Lu looked
preoccupied, and Yuan Shikai, after a crushing defeat in Korea
suddenly elevated, just puffed up with complacency; he did not take
part in intrigues, so far, although it was noticeable how flattering he
clings to the triumphant — Li Hungzhang.
“Report,” the empress waved her hand.

- Nutsay Li Hungzhang signed on behalf of Grace, Happy, most

importantly, protect, healthy, thoughtful, clear, calm, stately, loyal,
long-standing, revered, the Most High, the Wise, Sublime, Radiant
Empress Celestial Empire defensive alliance with Russia — proudly,
with a sign of man who won a tremendous victory, he pronounced.
“Hao, hao,” the Empress nodded, “we know that.” And what else?
— Also, for the gift from Russia of eight million lans a
concession was signed for the construction of a railway
from Transbaikalia to Vladivostok through our Manchuria. The
concession is concluded for eighty years, after which the road will
go free to the possession of the Celestial Empire. Is free! — He
triumphantly looked jealously listening to his dignitaries.

— although, out of caution, Nutsai Li Hungzhang in the concession

contract stipulated that after thirty-six years we can proceed to the
redemption of the railway. The Russians pledged to pay another
five million lans to the Empress Government on the opening day of
the movement on the way.

— What participation in the management of the construction and

operation of the railway will we take?

— Nutsai Li Hungzhang achieved that the Chairman of the Board of

the Society of Chinese Eastern Railway, in Russian, it is called, will
be the representative of the government of the Empress.
But here the Grand Duke Duan intervened, fiercely hated the
upstart Chinese Li Hungzhang.
— Nutsay Duan dare to ask — who will conduct the survey of the
road, who will be the track engineers, whom we do not even have,
where will the supervisors, the roadbed construction specialists,
bridges, stations, water pumps, depots and many other structures
come from?
And old Li Hungzhang had to answer all these questions: Russians,
Russians, Russians ...
— Nutsay Duan knows what is the construction of a railway, at least
by the example of the British and German in South China. Building
a railroad means taking a huge strip of land along the road, and is
completely free; caused by unrest among the local
population; flooding of the road with many arrogant and arrogant
white devils; the emergence of foreign troops and police to protect
them; exclusion of the right of way from our jurisdiction and the
establishment of laws of the state of redheads there. That is,
the real dismemberment of the Middle State, the seizure of our
territory with our own permission. They will use the labour of our
population, rob the riches of our bowels, set their own laws,
introduce their troops, deceive and rob the people ... And for what?
“But the Russians pledged to defend us for all of this from all other
barbarians,” Li Hungzhang exclaimed, offended that his diplomatic
victory was not appreciated, but on the contrary, it was subjected to
merciless criticism.
“Oh, defend,” Jun Lu, who was still silent, could not stand it.

They will not be able to pull up their armies here, too far. In
addition, if it succeeds, it will be the most terrible thing that you can
think of. Voluntary occupation — what a shame the day of the
Celestial Empire! If we find their troops on our territory, we will not
be in power in own lands, which will be deprived of the taxes
collected, and the people will become impudent and disobedient ...
He listed all the conceivable and inconceivable troubles that awaited
the Middle Kingdom from the diplomatic success of Li Hungzhang,
and Jun Mei saw that the empress was reassured that, even with
the help of Russian soldiers, she was protected, she would not have
to run away and hide from the Japanese or any other barbarians.
Then the angry muttering of the dignitaries and the shreds of the
Empress’s thoughts caught by her merged into a smooth, soothing
buzz of the thick with the brown abdomen of the hairy bumblebee,
the image of their twitching figures misty as if she looked through
the sweaty glass, trembling, smoothly draped, and it was in a
smoke, and the rose was melted. Jun Mei tightened her hand on
the Empress’s chair, gave them a hand and quickly rushed to her
cute, cheerful, and fluffy, with smooth white teeth, shiny curious
eyes, strong foxes and smooth red hair fox. They are extremely
missed each other, and it is time for classes. Now Jun Mei taught
her son smells and tastes. Autumn, the time of harvest, and they
enjoyed the fruits of the earth from northern Manchuria to southern
Yunnan and from Shandong in the east to Tibet in the west.
Besides, she needed to retell everything she saw and heard to the
old wise Heshan Yan. He is waiting for her news, he will listen to
her attentively, and he asks to describe in detail everything she
reads in the thoughts of the empress, hears from the lips of
dignitaries, sees on their faces, and learns from gossip and gossip
of palace servants. Insightful Heshan Yan sees all the dangers of
mindless and risky decisions made by these evil spiders, called the
Supreme Imperial Council, and only he knows how to resist them.
Awful troubles wait
mired in the depths of debauchery.
How many people do not cheat
payback always comes. *

*. Dispelled Enchantment, p. 396. Trans. I. Smirnova.



Two days Andrei Melnikov walked in frenzy, He was afraid. A

police officer came from Nikolsk, spent days wandering around the
grove, sniffing out, looking out, and in the evenings, he summoned
of the workers one by one and spent a long time talking to the
empty Kirillovich’s house. Turn came to Andrew.The bailiff was

Sit down and tell. What? - Decided to stand to death Andrew. -

Everything from the beginning. - When was born, or what?
This is useful for the protocol. “At he master’s metric,” Andrei
frowningly averted his eyes.
Where did the Bryan go? - Suddenly asked the bailiff.
He was taken by the police, and then to the prison on Korean street
about the past year, the soldiers.
Sly, you know where. Your tattered boot covers with tattered soles
leave a noticeable mark. Now I will show you a plaster cast from
a grove, and then admire your prints, - the bailiff pulled out from
under the table a dirty-white stone with rods sticking out of it and
began to poke it under Andrei’s nose.
What is it? - Andrei recoiled. “I’ve never seen anything like it.
“Let’s go to the courtyard,” the bailiff firmly grabbed Andrew by the
sleeve and pulled him to the door. Outside the hut, there was a
plank for rubbed on feets, scraping off dirt, so as not to haul into
the house, the police officer pointed to a damp, greasy ground.

Step foot! Andrew stepped. - Yes, stronger, - shouted the bailiff.

Andrew, not understanding what he wants from him, leaned on
his leg with all his weight. » Get away,” the bailiff commanded,
crouched over the track and looked it over carefully.
“Ah, bastard,” he suddenly cursed, “sly, you bastard. You go
right! Andrei boots were thin and thin, leaking and rolling up,
causing him a lot of trouble, and just yesterday, he stuffed new
thick leather onto old soles. And fit the horseshoes, than was
very proud. This day they did not let him down. Glancing at the
trail of his right foot, the bailiff was furious. » Well, shoot out
them,” he said. » There is no such law,” Andrei disobeyed, “to
walk barefoot.” Or will you change? - He nodded to the brilliant
boots of the bailiff, polished, dull, chrome tops accordion. Officer
already understood the futility of his demand and decided to try
Andrew from the other side. - Where did you go that night?
In what? » The second before last,” the bailiff mocked him. »
Slept I because was tired, tired.”- No, went, went, people saw. I
do not know..., because of need, it can. The failure of the shoe
prints undermined the bailiff’s confidence in the built version, and
the information obtained by ingenious inquiries of the men who
were afraid of the power were, apparently, vague and foggy, so
he waved his hand – Get away!
Andrey was glad to that. However, the next day he was kicked out
of the railroad. The benefit of the Koreans and the Chinese on the
road hired a lot. And the money that time to pay was found. Andrey
was upset, but was delighted. Away from sin. Immediately he went
to Nikolsk and bought an ox. Quite frozen, true, but the Little
Russian man advised, take it, he said, will eat fresh grass, bones,
skin, and will be strong. So, proud of the buy, he entered Ivanovka.

Last year, the Melnikovs did not do what they tried to – the half
land was rented to the Korean, and the house itself was built,
they were engaged in a garden, a green garden, an apiary, in a
word, they got off in a fright. Yes, and some money saved a little,
sold the barley in the commissariat. They bought an ox, and the
second Andrew brought, they can plow again, which they
immediately did. However, Andrew, having lived in a new hut for a
week, he gathered in the city.

- Badly, I got used to something there. I’ll go to the city to look for
a job,” he explained to his father-mother. And he went to
Vladivostok. With work in the city was bad. Everyone was happy to
use cheap yellow labour, and Andrei had no speciality. He stumbled
around the city, asked the work, but to no avail. Valet,
however, was offered a tavern, but Andrei was haunted by
the habits of outwardly pleasing and impudent young men, and he
decided that he would never do that way. Then he heard that the
local merchant Jacob Lazarevich Semenov was picking up a team
for sea cabbage collect, and leaned toward him. Semenov and his
companion Dembe organized cabbage fishing, in past years they did
well, so they expanded their business. Teams recruited, for the
most part Korean, about thirty or forty people, but five or six
Russians are obligatory. Although the Koreans will never deceive
and they always agree with the payment, but on the Russians, out
of habit, there is more hope. His gangs Semenov delivered around
the coast of Primorye, and on Sakhalin, cabbage was a lot. But
Andrew was lucky, not far sent, in the Strelok Bay. The workers
built their own sheds, branches on the spruce-fir- fir trees bed, laid
it up with a tarpaulin, so they settled down. Where in shallow water,
where Koreans dived under the water with sickles, and on the shore
long anfeltia leaves were laid on the frames to dry. Then they
packed it in tight bales and sent it to the city with scows, and from
there it went to China and Japan. The work was hard, quite Andrei
became skinny and sun-roasted. But Semenov paid well, twice as
much as Andrew earned on the construction of the road. By the end
of October, when it was already quite cold, they got into the
city. Semenov gave the money, but was satisfied with Andrew,
calling for the next year to work at the same place. For the winter,
he had no work for Andrei. He wandered around the city; again, he
poked around, but without much effort. Missed the house. Then he
went to “Kunst and Albers” shop to the Maltsev ravine, bought
presents for brothers, a colorful shawl for mothers, good shoes for
father, and for himself a Tula harmonica, girls in Ivanovka to lure,
and carried all the goods to Matrosskaya slobodka, whose streets
behind the Gaydamakovsky ravine from the hill to Sea hospital at
the bay rolled down, and where he housing the night at the
woman Avdotya. Tomorrow in the morning, he decided to go home,
and in the evening with a friend at the cabbage field, he went to
drink beer in the tavern “Petersburg” shabby, in the same place,
in Matrosskaya Slobodka. Without much wish, Andrew agreed to go
to the pub. And there is a smoke there, and the air is stale, from
what the next day the headache, and longing, and obscenely, and
fights endlessly flash, it is necessary to appease the neighbors. But
you cannot refuse to comrade. Not to face, not a man come out.
They arrived early, until the workers from the mechanical
workshops and servicemen from the naval crew flooded in, took a
comfortable corner, behind a focus ramified in the tub, it was more
peaceful here, and ordered a dozen beers. They drank the first mug
in one gulp, greedily, did not sit for long, listening to bliss inside
themselves, chewed on a sandwich with keta caviar and reached for
the second. Then Andrew felt the view from a different angle,
also with focus blocked. He gulped half of a mug dissatisfied,
interfered in fact, put the mug on the table and peered into the next
corner. And from there, Buyan bared his teeth through the beard.
That was a joy. And they pounded each other with their fists on the
chest, and, embracing, tucked on their backs, and kissed even from
the fullness of their feelings. Matvey was also with a friend. They
gathered with their goods at one table, “booze”, which was served
in Matrosskaya Slobodka, told to bring and the feast
continued. Matvey Buyan began to ask Andrew about life and life,
recalled old comrades. “Whoever wandered off, only a little
remained on the iron way,” answered Andrei, and told how the
summer worked on the harvesting of seaweed to
merchant Semenov.

And how are you doing? He asked carefully. Matvey was already
drunk, his tongue was unleashed, but he was still trying to
control himself. He kept back a little, let the fog in, and then took
it out of his jacket pocket and put a large round translucent stone
with a dark sprig in the middle on the table. - Here, admire!
Andrew took the stone, he seemed heavy to him. And the sprig
was yellow and glittered with gold.
Yes, yes, - seeing Andrei surprised, nodded Matvey, - Gold!
So you went to the prospectors? » How to
say,” Matvey Buyan hesitated. - Summer I worked for the Old
Believers in Osinovka. Serious men, in the work of the descent do
not give, but they paid well. They live hard, pampering is not
allowed. However, someone was envied by the good, they added
to the village of Little Russia-settlers. There were men among the
Little Russians and the right people, but there were also many
foolish little men. For every bit of shouting, they are fighting for
fights; they will be interested to rob someone else’s. The whole
order was torn down. The bailiff began to visit, I had to hide. Yes
and the Old Believers are fed up with this pendulum, they moved
to Petropavlovka on Daubihe River. Andrei knew Osinovka, it was
not far from Ivanovka, since the Old Believers settled there for a
long time. - And who am I to them? - continued Matvey, - the
employee hired. And I had to go on all four sides. After all, there
is nowhere to go. In Nikolsk, you will not hide yourself –
everything is visible. The blessing of a friend met, the year
together the calluses beat in hard labour. And before that, he had
cut coal on Sokolin Island, had seen a lot. Sakhalin people
called Sokolin Island, a terrible place. In this comrade, Andrew
recognized Matthew’s companion after his escape from hard
labour and the flogging of Kirillovich-foreman. - Here he this
pebble and showed me. Comrade Matthew, also in a strong
drunk, smiled kindly, and tried to take away and conjugate the
The place, he says, knows where the gold is found. And a stone
from there. Calling for the future summer in the gold prospectors.
And Comrade Matthew, Korzh, nicknamed, in a stranded tongue,
but very excitedly, began to whisper mysteriously about the
riches in the mountainous taiga rivers of the South Ussuri region
lurking. He told about his friends, who had fabulously grown rich
over the summer or two, about nuggets, hail spilling from taiga
moss, about golden sand in river sand banks, about pits, from
which gold was thrown with shovels.
“Something you don’t look like a rich man in particular,” Andrei
doubted. - And saw it? - led Korzh decisive argument, and rolled
down the river quartz pebbles on the table. A sprig of gold seemed
impressive. Then to them four beauties, whores taverns tried to
settle down, smelled, apparently, that money, though a little, is
found among men.

Matvey barked at them, scatter, he say, they were offended,

answered with a foul language, quite professionally. No wonder
they served Sailor’s streets. Send away and not far away, settled
over the table. They departed and not far away, settled down over
the table, ordered a carafe of Morse, waited for customers to pay.

They sat for a long time in the tavern, was drunk, but agreed on
Ascension to meet at the Nikolsk Church. And broke up after

You will go? - Andrei asked his friend in the morning. » No,” he
answered, “I already heard about gold prospectors, and I saw a
lot of them.” But the cabbage case will be more reliable
Andrei spent the winter at home helping his father around the
house, went hunting, and in the spring, his soul darted up. He
fastened, fastened, followed the Sakkov plow, still like father’s
pride, the most valuable purchase last year, and in spring he
went to Ascension in Nikolsk. He went to church, crossed his
forehead, wandered through the bazaar and returned to the
cathedral. Before the fence, an unfamiliar person made way for
him. - Are you Matvey’s friend, Andryukha Melnikov?- Yes, -
Andrew nodded, - agreed to meet ...“Follow me,” the guy
winked, and they met in the corner of the bazaar, met each
other, squeezed their hands, patted their shoulders, but for some
reason felt uncomfortable, insecurity. The six of them, having
bought at the blacksmith’s shop crowbars, axes, sledgehammers,
pickaxes and shovels, stocking up with bread, salt and grits, tying
all the belongings into knapsacks and taking their tools on their
shoulders, they followed Korzh. One of the guys behind him had
a hunting rifle hanging. They walked through the taiga, avoiding
roads and even paths, with overnight stays. Korzh explained that
the gold-bearing place lies on the Tashekhez, the left tributary of
the Siyanhe, at the day of the walk from Atamanovsky. But local
Cossacks should be feared. People, how saying, they are bestial,
with white swans and blue pheasants, Koreans and Chinese,
ginseng and Spirit carriers, by the color of the clothes is so
nicknamed, they constantly hunt, no matter how their gold is
coveted. Therefore, must be careful. In four days, having gone
badly, they came to the place sought. A transparent small river
quickly ran, the forest was green with fresh foliage, the soft grass
of the eye pleased. Having thrown their belongings on a glade
hidden from prying eyes, they immediately rushed to explore the
sand and sands of the pebbles. Only Korzh and Matvey were in
no hurry, as experienced people. » Soon, gold is not being
given,” Korzh explained, “to sweat him, you will have to search.”
Korzh knocked out a tray with an ax from a pile of woods,
cradled it affectionately, and while they were building two huts, a
campfire was and put on handles of a shovel, kayles and
sledgehammers. The next day, Korzh ordered everyone to dig
holes in the sandy spit, the pits, he explained importantly. In
addition, he walked with a cradle from the pit to the pit; spit
threw sand at it from different depths, and ran to the river. There
he gently washed the sand with water, leaving very little on the
bottom. He dried it in the sun on a piece of paper, agitated it
with a chip and carefully examined it, whispering something
under his breath. Surely, the prospectors laughed, looking at him
hopefully. Korzh showed them small grains of gold, but was not
pleased, crooked, as if from a toothache. » I have no
experience,” he complained, “I saw how others were doing, and
found a nude with a golden sprig here last summer, when was
returning from Manchuria, buried from people, just like there was
a fugitive convict wanted. For a week, they had been
tormented here, and then Korzh ordered the sandpits to
be thrown with sand and to move higher up the river. Again, their
hopes were empty. However, in third place, Korzh remained
satisfied, bloomed with his wrinkles, his teeth rotten, open on the
sun. He showed a pinch of dark gold and ordered to dig deep
holes. They reached the root rock and found the loose quartz
veins with fine gold dust. However, the branches of gold came
across small ones. They broke down the rock with scraps and
gave locks, dragged with willow baskets to their clearing and,
having shifted firewood, annealed it. Afterwards, it easily
crumbled with sledgehammers and Korzh personally, trusting
only occasionally, washed the rock with care. The hole was dug
wide – five fathoms on the side, and deep – two height. They
pawed their hands into blood until they came up with the idea of
making fires and burning rocks. Work went a little easier. The
lumpy gold Korzh hid somewhere in a secret place. » Out of sin,”
he said, “anything can happen, and your friend and comrade can
covet for good,” and his lips were pressed sorrowfully, recalling
something far away. But they hoped for him. Therefore,
they were carried away by their efforts, that they lost all caution.
And they thumped loudly with sledgehammers, and there was
smoke in their camp over the camp, even in Atamanovka they
ran for bread, cereal and lard occasionally, trying to play nice
games with the local girls.
Already in late August, in the middle of the day, the Cossacks
surrounded their camp. Fierce faces, beards on the chest as
shovels, with dilapidated guns - berdans, horses, pounded into the
hole and let us ask. Who are why and where? They tried to explain
to them that they are Russian, Orthodox, peaceful people, they do
not cause any harm to the Cossacks, they are trying to find gold,
but for now there is no use.

Do you have an application for diligence from the police? - The

senior with ribbons sternly asked out .It was clear that they were
voluntary gold prospectors, without permission. The Cossacks
conducted a search of the camp, searched everyone, although apart
from the tattered pants and their shirts, there was nothing on them,
but everything was empty, they did not find anything. Then they
ordered to get the hell out.

Another time we will kill out everybody, - promised. The

documents were asked, Matthew and the Korg already covered
with sweat, yes, pleaded that the at house in Nichols left, which
don’t drag into the forest, shaggy bear, can’t to show ... Two
guys Cossacks recognized for Nicholask that it was, and the rest
of the word believe. In good mood were, apparently, or did not
want with such a jerk to tie in vain, and then to embarrass.
Young Cossack them on the way to Nikolsk two hours
accompanied, then by berdan shook under his head and galloped
back. Tired, suppose…
Matvey and Korzh for the gold taiga along immediately rushed, and
they told Andrei and the lads to wait at the bazaar at Nikolsk. And
for sure, three days later they returned, satisfied that not all was
lost, they would have money for the winter, and they would not
have to put their teeth on the shelf. Andrei met the father in the
bazaar with Athanas, they came to sell honey and agree with the
commissariat. The father was mournful to the sight of Andrew the
wanderer and asked to return home. It will be safer to peasantry on
earth, but the son has become completely wild, if there are not
enough bags on his shoulder, it is embarrassing for people will say
what? However, in Vladivostok, all six went, Gold Korzh knew whom
to sell. He sold for three hundred and another place gold bearing for
a hundred rubles to sell contrived. They divided them by sixty, and
left to themselves and Matthew Korzh by eighty, as chiefs.
September passed, it would be necessary to return to Ivanovka, but
Andrey managed to get a job on building a dock. The dry dock was
laid in Vladivostok in May of the year before last, ninety-one, to
repair the ships of the Siberian military flotilla, while the ships went
to Japan and Hong Kong. The first day or two at work, Andrei felt
insecure, but soon almost everything was familiar and familiar to
him. Chief and the master had no complaints about him: he did
everything quickly and sensibly. But the rockwork soon ended, and
the lining of the dock began with stone blocks, pouring them with
concrete and cement, the construction of a pumping station,
and the installation of a bataport ... So Andrei mastered the
specialties of the stonecutter and the bricklayer.
Three years passed and now in the beginning of October ninety-
seven, a week after the Protection of the Most Holy, in the morning
around the dock its builders sat down on sod-covered slopes, and
down below the dock, the naval authorities gathered, companies
from ships of the Pacific Squadron, a noble public, women with
bouquets of bright asters and dahlias, the prayer began. The priest
of the Assumption Cathedral talked about the situation, walked
around the dock with the clergy, waving the censer, then the music
of the national anthem began to play, the steam engine whistled,
filling the dock with sea water, the bataport rose and moved away,
and at the dock it was important and slow, adorned with all the
colours of the coloring board, with the crew built along the sides
and screaming”“Hurray” roll, waves, entered the
cruiser Dmitry Donskoy. Then Andrei and his comrades celebrated
this event on the lawn in the Gaydamak ravine, drank and, with a
feeling of joy and emptiness, exactly squeezed as a lemon, went
home. The joy was from the huge work successfully accomplished,
and the emptiness from the uncertainty that was languishing ahead.

The work was done, and he again remained without work.


And the service began ensign Ivashnikov in the place of guard

officer, unexpectedly troublesome. He lay the drill sessions, study
manuals, literature, control over the cleaning of weapons,
inspection of the guard, ration formulation and control for boiler
contentment, in short, who served knows. His relationship with two
other officers guards the mission first, did not work,
but than everything fell into its place. Military staff, families of
officers who have completed the preference of Moscow and St.
Petersburg military schools, they took the appearance of the ensign
out of the ordinary with a pinch of irony, if not mockery.
Lieutenant Korn, bon Vivian and womanizer, he is actually in the
common room, where was going almost all the male and female
population of the mission, holding a glass of wine and glancing
askance at Ivasnikov, allowed myself to sing,
I hate civilians
I call them spakami,
And even my grandmother
hit them in the face with shoes.
But I love the military,
they are right; enough
that even my grandmother
went willingly to the soldiers.

Ivashnikov then still not psychologically matured in his officer rank,

it is not morally mature, or something, and was confused about
what to do — skip past the ears or duel? Go to give face punch?
However, no, anything but to violate accepted among the
aborigines of the Russian colony the rules of decency, he would not
have dared. But then, all those present stared at him, what will be
the reaction?
— Well, let’s compare our ability to martial the case is mocking
said Ivashnikov, What they taught you
a governess and tutor in the military school, and what I learned,
being children riding on horseback and
at five years old shooting from Berdan.
Ferra et cogni* — he added, hinting that it is not against the match.
— Infant terrible ** — Lieutenant Korn was found with anguish, not
expecting such agility from a young warrant officer.
— Bonn mine au manvais jeu *** — summarized Mr. Pokotilov who
was present here.
Six months later, Ivashnikov had to rescue Korn, and at that time,
he had the look of a wet chicken.

Soon, Ensign Ivashnikov and a group of soldiers were

sent to Chemulpo to receive a batch of Mosin three-line rifles for the
Russian mission that arrived on the steamer of the Voluntary Fleet.
There was rearmament of the army, and they, too, were eager to
change long, heavy, single-shot berdans for convenient five-charge
The “Russia” walked through Shanghai, and among the people who
met it at the birth, Ivashnikov noticed Yuli Ivanovich Briner. A tall
thin man with a military bearing, a representative elderly man,
followed a Chinese man carrying two expensive, good-skinned,
bulky suitcases; Briner stepped toward him, they patted each other
on the shoulders and spoke German. Ivashnikov only heard that
they inquired about the health of their spouse —
Natalia Iosifovna and Frau Zlza and their children.
“Mollendorf,” Tereshin, the farm manager of the mission who was
standing next to him, nodded in the direction of the newcomer. —
This is he replaced at the post financial adviser to the king and the
head of the customs office of the Englishman Brown. Obviously, he
came to the aid of Briner forcing out the concession. The Germans,
like the Jews, are not for us, the Russ, as an example — they are
not lazy to help each other.
— So is Briner Russian? — With done naïve Ivashnikov asked.
— according to the passport. Mimicry. It’s easier to cash in,
newspapers won’t cry out that foreigners are plundering ...
Having received long dark green heavy boxes with rifles, by the end
of the next day Ivashnikov returned to Seoul in a mission. His
duties doubled — they warmed the spindle oil, removed the
conservation, studied the material part, instructions and
instructions, then classes with the lower ranks, training firing ...
* Sword and fire / Latin.
** Horrible child / Franz. /
*** A good mine when a bad game / Franz./

Ivashnikov told Lieutenant Minaev about the arrival

of Mollendorf and a warm meeting with Mr. Briner.
Oleg Nikolayevich obviously became thoughtful.
“Although I never saw Mollendorf, and he came to Beijing when I
was there, but I was not a walker to the Germans, I didn’t like their
arrogance, but I had heard enough about him. Bright figure. After
graduating from Berlin University, he arrived in China as a student
of the German embassy, quickly learned the language and was
appointed consul in Tianjin. Then the Germans were looking for
any loophole to penetrate, to the peak of the British and French, in
mainland China. In Tianjin, Mollendorf was able to charm
Li Hunzhang, then the vice-king of the Zhili province, and entered
his service as secretary. We must pay tribute to him — first he took
care of re-equipping the local garrison with German weapons and
training it with German instructors. In the eighty-second year,
Li Hunzhang, worried about the onslaught of the Japanese in Korea,
sent von Mollendorf there to seize the finances of this kingdom.
King Kojong appointed him head of customs, which, by the way,
was not yet there and which he had to create. As head of the
customs service, Mollendorf talked a lot with foreigners who
brazenly climbed into the country, so Kojong appointed him a year
later and head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At this time, the
British tried to lay their hands on Korea and offered Mollendorf to
get out. Then Mollendorf decided to push the British with us, and
through one Russian engineer who was at that time in Korea,
informed the Russian envoy in Tokyo that the Korean king wanted
to give his country under the auspices and protection of the
White Tzar. Mr. Speyer, then secretary of the Russian Embassy in
Tokyo, immediately arrived in Seoul, where he was solemnly met,
but during a personal audience, King Kojong did not express his
intention directly, and Speyer was not authorized to conduct such
negotiations, and even Mollendorf’s words can be interpreted in two
ways. Using the status of Vice President of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Korea, Mollendorf asked to send Russian military
instructors here, but this clearly smelled of conflict with Japan and
Great Britain, and this petition was rejected by Petersburg. At the
same time, diplomatic relations between Russia and Korea were
established, and a full state adviser, Karl Ivanovich Weber, who had
previously served as a consul in Tianjin and knew Mollendorf, was
appointed envoy here. The envoy handed Mollendorf the sign of
the Order of St. Anne of the 2nd degree granted by the sovereign-
emperor, but recommended refraining from the proposal of the
German to set up a protectorate over Korea. In the eighty-fifth
year, the British were able to insist on replacing Mollendorf with the
current customs commissioner, Brown, who had to retire to China.
But he is well aware of all Far Eastern affairs and came, of course,
not in vain. Let us see what he will do closely here. This will clarify
the intentions of Germany. I do not know if he is still listed as the
German Foreign Ministry, since time has passed enough, but he, of
course, does not lose contact with it.

Oleg Nikolayevich led a secular life — he quickly acquired a wide

circle of acquaintances, often visited neighboring foreign missions,
invited them to his place, and often went to visit familiar foreign
officers, and the local, Korean nobility enjoyed his attention. The
women favored him.
After another couple of weeks, Ivashnikov sighed a bit more freely:
he chose the necessary least, greatest, like God, out of reach, but
he felt satisfaction from the work done and the solid knowledge of
his soldiers. It was then that the lieutenant Minaev finally turned to
— The opinion about you in the mission was quite good,
Ivan Ivanovich. Diligent, commanding abilities are felt, even though
you are young. But with this negative quality in the eyes of the
elders, we are parting very soon, imperceptibly and, alas, forever.
But to the point. Mr Pokotilov, in a conversation with Mollendorf,
found out that he was struck by the size of Brown’s thefts. Of
course, Mollendorf assures, gesheft has always existed and gold
dust itself sticks to fingers, but Brown’s appetites exceed
permissible limits. Instead of buxom Rachel, to put it in our Korn’s
freestyle language, a flat Leah settles in the treasury. Therefore,
Mr. Pokotilov asked unofficially to check, it is possible that the
difference between customs duties and state revenues from
customs. I made one useful acquaintance with the customs officer
in Chemulpo. Get ready; tomorrow we will go to visit him on the
holiday of chrysanthemums. Dress uniform there will be women.

Kim Sungari, head of customs at Chemulpo, fully justified his last

name. Golden teeth, golden rings on plump fingers overgrown with
black hair, golden clocks on a thick golden chain across a thick
belly, he beamed with gold, stupidity and complacency. His wife
was a match for him. But the daughter is not. She was clearly
ashamed of her parents, swollen in fat and gold, and the
ostentatious luxury of their home against the background of the
blatant poverty of the surrounding shacks, and hated them –
foreigners, in many who had attacked her impoverished homeland,
and with difficulty played the role of a hospitable
hostess. Ivashnikov liked she terribly – both with a thin figure, and
straight, blue-shiny black hair, and flexible graceful gestures of
hands and, most importantly, with a fiery, undisguised hatred in
deep black slanting eyes; He liked she so much that he with great
difficulty kept himself so as not to pull her by the pigtail, which he
would surely offend to tears ]In the spacious courtyard built
according to the Korean custom, the sign П of the house, dimly lit
by several Chinese lanterns, was laid a long table on which,
alternating with white and yellow chrysanthemums, stood assorted
bottles of beverages from all over the world. Richly fed from the
post. Oleg Nikolayevich said quite loudly with a fair amount of
sarcasm, confident that no one speaks Russian here. There were a
lot of people – local merchants and representatives of foreign
trading firms who had recently filled Korea, captains of merchant
ships stationed in the harbour, Japanese, American, French and
British officers from warships, gray irons frozen in Chemulpo Bay,
local nobility and even a couple of Chinese mandarins in robes with
a picture of a heron and a duck and colorful balls on the caps. And
the hubbing stood corresponding – laryngeal-shrill-melodious. The
translator of our mission, Yon Pan-sa, introduced Ivashnikov to the
owner of the house, then the misses, who had to kiss her hand, and
the younger miss. His thoughts it was, to kiss her hand, but she
pulled her hand back, making a prettier scornful grimace. Later, by
the end of the evening, Ivashnikov managed to chat with her a bit.
She made a compliment to his Korean, though not entirely
sincerely, with a fair amount of irony, and he was surprised that she
was very lively, not at all difficult to choose words, she spoke in
English. By his youth, alas, his age betrayed the boyish face, and by
the rank of a little, Ivashnikov did not take part in conversations
with respectable gentlemen who gathered in groups of three to five
people, but Oleg Nikolayevich, in an excellent civilian suit, felt like
the fish in the water, and having already a wide circle of
acquaintances, he spoke animatedly, then frowned thoughtfully in
many, as Ivashnikov noted, companies. He himself joined the group
of young people who were discussing new fashions, qualities of
different brands of champagne and even the merits of oriental
beauties. The little host was in the center of the group, accepted
the compliments coldly, with visible indifference, almost did not take
part in the general conversation, and kept her eye on the solid
guests dressed in black tuxedos, with glasses in their hands, like
black dung flies clustered in honey droplets. Apparently, she came
up with a similar comparison, because she briefly, without a spark
of fun, laughed and said, “Like a flock of black crows at the dead
body of a deer. She was misunderstood, and she explained, these
men came together, by calling pull my Korea apart, causing
widespread confusion. The group around them somehow quickly
and imperceptibly melted away, and Ivashnikov tried to transfer the
conversation to a neutral topic. She listened to him inattentively,
continued to think about her, and then put a finger to her lips,
asking him to silence.

Listen, she said, and Ivashnikov listened. Not far from one of
the fanz who clung to the rock, there were sounds of music and
quiet singing. “This is Tuna — our flute, and this is a boogie — a
drum.” The song is called Sin-Zan-Tian-Chuk and it is impossible to
translate it into your languages. This is a song about my poor
homeland, about an oppressed people and a bleak future. Poor
people, powerless and illiterate, and not knowing, composed the
song the way out. But in Korea there are still honest and
courageous people ..., - and she, fearing that she had said too
much, was silent. Ivashnikov understood the truth of her words, he
was inwardly in agreement with her, but it was also a shame that
she counted him among this gang of robbers. “I know a little about
the history of Korea, especially in the course of recent events, but
agree that your rulers are not able to rule the people,
cannot offer people with work and food, sell the country and, like
the queen who died tragically, consider foreigners guilty for their

“I know,” Kim Jin-ho, agreed bitterly, “we are a small people, we

have terrible and greedy neighbors – the Chinese and the Japanese,
who constantly suck blood from us, use cheap products to crush our
weak handicraft industry, the economy. We have a weak, weak-
willed king. Yesterday he signed an agreement on granting a
concession to the Russian merchant, - this word she uttered in
Russian, - to Briner; sold him a huge mountain forest country in the
north, near the border with China. Prior to this, the king granted the
right to foreigners to build railways, the Japanese are already
building their plants in Fuzan and Mokpo. The Japanese are
building, she sadly repeated, the Koreans are building, the Koreans
are doing all the hard work, and foreigners are cashing in on their
labour. They get richer, and we get poorer. My country has become
very poor.
Ivashnikov understood that she was familiar with the basics of
political economy and, apparently, had like-minded people.

“Jin-ho,” he touched her by the elbow, “the rich foreigners, like all
the robbers in the world, grab what is badly lying. - Look, look, did
you see a Korean, so dazzling in gold, like your parents?

My dad works a lot, he often does not sleep at night, and he

helps to give the country with cheap rice and fabric. Customs
officers do not sit idle: the port works – people work, they have
money, food, clothes …
“Evil tongues say,” Ivashnikov was angry at her naivety, “that after
the war, under Brown, there are more ships coming to Chemulpo,
more cargo passes through the port, and less money goes to the
treasury than at Mollendorf. “Dad, no, he’s honest and kind ...,” she
flushed with a thick blush and tears appeared in her eyes.

Good, yes, for yourself and for you. And how many beggars in the
country and how many people are fleeing from hunger from
Korea to Russia. There are thousands of them in Vladivostok, but
tens of thousands work on the construction of the railway, I saw

Not true,” she protested pleadingly.

You know better than me that this is true. Want evidence? Or

afraid of them? And why should you, a little girl, know a lot? Fed,
watered, clothed and shoes. Still, I can find out the figures of
treasury income from customs during the years of work
of Mollendorf, and you – during the time of Brown, well, at least
in the port of Chemulpo. And compare. Do you agree?
Ivashnikov watched with pity as her entire childish face
reflected the struggle that was taking place in her soul. And
the wish to prove to him that his words – a lie, and the
consciousness that he is right, and childish stubbornness, and self-
oppressive wish to know the truth, the depth of the fall of her father
and herself. Then she decided,

“Well, I will find out how much money goes to the treasury
from Chemulpo customs.”

On the way from Chemulpo to Seoul, Ivashnikov told

Oleg Nikolayevich about his conversation with Kim Jin-Ho and asked
what success Briner had achieved.

- Mollendorf helped Briner swindle the local king. They told him
about the unprecedented prosperity of Korea, the flow of gold from
deforestation in the basins of the Tumen and Yalu rivers. But
seriously, Briner concluded a concession to develop forests in the
basins of the Tumen River, which flows into the Japan Sea, for one
year, and the Yalu River, which flows into the Yellow Sea, for a
period of five years, and on the island Dazhlet in the Japan Sea. But
according to the terms of the agreement, Briner can sell the
concession in a named time to any trustworthy person. Under the
concession, Korea will receive a quarter of the company’s income.
The agreement is designed so that we have the right to keep our
military units there and to erect buildings. Briner hopes to get rich
on the concessions, he boasts that at relatively low costs he
will have an abundant ripe forest and almost free labour – there are
many Koreans and they are extremely unpretentious. But it seems
to me that large sharks are hiding behind merchant Briner. From
fragments of conversations in the mission lounge, I realised
that Pokotilov and Weber are now hoping to climb into Korea with
both feet and from here get over to Manchuria.

They laughed merrily.

“And as for the golden donkey,” continued Lieutenant Minaev, “if

you can find out the exact amounts of customs revenues and
receipts to the treasury, and the difference is palpable, the king will
have to get rid of Brown. And this will benefit either Japan or
Russia, depending on who succeeds in taking the post of director of
customs and the financial adviser to the king. In a word, use the
opportunity; squeeze out of the girl all that you can. You claim that
she keeps back a lot. Well, it is quite possible that she will be able
to learn something about the internal situation in the country
through the eyes of young people. Very interesting – who is now
stronger - Russophiles, independent or supporters of
rapprochement with the Mikado?

And I will say in advance: those who build more enterprises here
will prevail, will attract local rich people to cooperation, and will
give people jobs.
“Then the Japanese have priority,” answered
Oleg Nikolayevich after a short pause, “they have no competitors

Ivashnikov was greatly disturbed by his cynicism about Kim Jin-ho.

He was not going to squeeze anything out of her, only opened her
eyes to obvious truths. The words of Oleg Nikolayevich, after a brief
reflection, attributed to some of his rudeness. Ivashnikov knew that
he was obliged to collect economic and political information, but he
believed that he had the right to be cruel, cynical, even ruthless,
cunning, sneaky and cunning in relations with people greedy,
selfish, enemies of Russia, but this green twig is what the enemy is.
However, let, in any case, only the British will lose, and he had no
sympathy for them.

And where do you think to meet her? “Kim Jin-ho said that her
uncle, the father’s brother, the king’s close, is in his retinue and is
now living with the king in our mission.” And that she had already
visited her uncle twice, being in Seoul, she handed him gifts from
her father. When she manages to look into the papers of
customs, she will find a reason to visit her uncle and try to meet
me. Call through the duty officer.
Some kind of baby talk, - muttered Oleg Nikolayevich. - However,
for the first time come down, taking advantage of an opportunity.
My omission is that you still need to be taught everything. But in
the countries of the East, it is hard to work with agents. They are
very different from us in appearance.
Oleg Nikolaevich, see attentively at me because I am a guran – a
little make-up and cannot be distinguished from a Manchu man.
I already thought about it. In the future may be useful.

In the evening, messrs. Pokotilov, Briner and Mollendorf appeared

in the common room, pretty drunk, washed, if Ivashnikov correctly
understood their remarks, the messenger had a deal. All three were
lively beyond measure, generous and talkative. Briner ordered to
bring a dozen of champagne and asked those present to drink for
his good fortune. Then he set off into memories, and Mollendorf,
who understood Russian well, but did not dare to speak, as he
confused cases and inclinations, which caused, if not laughter, then
listeners’ smiles, nodded and repeated like this, like this ...- I first
visited Korea in the eighty-third year. In Chemulpo, at the place
where the customs building now stands, a fort of sixteen
cannons was located, and customs officers and other Europeans
lived in a wooden rampart. Customs was in a small Korean fanza,
and the port of Chemulpo represented rather a camp of gold-
predatory predators, such as Klondike, than the only port of Korea
open to Europe. Why did I say predators of gold miners? Because
the Europeans who were flooding Korea back then thought that, the
gold here was that the hens did not peck. Some customs officers
openly declared that they firmly expect to get rich at the cost of the
stupidity of the Koreans. The expedition behind the Golden Fleece,
undertaken by the Greek monk-defroker in the late seventies, was
still fresh in memory. He organized it well – he chartered a steamer,
gathered and armed a gang of robbers from various representatives
of the “barefoot” Europeans of the Asian Far East. The purpose of
this expedition was to search for the treasures of the ancient kings
of Korea. The monk defrocked asserted that he knew from reliable
sources that in the old days kings were buried in gold coffins filled
with precious stones. This expedition for the “Golden Fleece” ended,
as expected, ingloriously. They did not find the burials and, having
finally become impoverished, after a number of clashes with the
local population, they managed to drag off one calf, a couple of
goats, and a dozen hens. Then in Pyongyang they took a bit of
inferior coal and returned to Shanghai in disgrace.

At the mention of the treasures, the listeners’ eyes flared, they had
heard a lot about ancient tombs, and everyone moved closer
to Briner. He noticed this and, obviously mocking, continued,
“Then American treasure hunters arrived in Korea.” On the Dai-
Tung River, they climbed all the way to Pyongyang – about forty
miles from the sea. Koreans by nature are quite hospitable people;
they were delighted with the newcomers and brought a lot of
vegetables, chickens and eggs to the ship. It is important to note
that all the Koreans who brought them were unarmed and, of
course, had no bad intentions. Everything would be fine, but the
Americans were looking for any excuse for conflict; so they declared
that people that had illegally climbed aboard them, and detained
the Korean Mandarin who had arrived to visit them as a hostage
had abused them. By the way, do you know why Chinese and
Korean officials are called mandarins? As you noticed, they are not
similar to this fruit and rather have a repulsive appearance. This
name came from the Portuguese verb “mandar”, which means» to
manage”, and the Portuguese were the first Europeans to begin to
master this part of the world. Therefore, the captured Mandarin was
frightened, the Koreans were scared on the shore, they decided that
this was a slave-owning vessel, and the American “desperado”
behaved extremely militantly. It must be said that in Pyongyang the
ebb and flow is almost the same as in Chemulpo, and when the ebb
begins, the ship may be aground. What happened. Mandarin
panicked, jumped into the water and swam away. On the shore, he
gathered a large crowd of Koreans, told them about the terrible
treatment with him on the ship, maybe he even said that they
wanted to kill him. At night, the Koreans tied the boats and scows,
loaded them with hay and brushwood, set fire to these firefighters,
and adrift. With fire, the Americans could not cope, jumped into the
water and partly drowned, and some were killed. In
short, they were to blame for their fate. Listeners confused laugh.
A year earlier, Mr. Mollendorf arrived in Korea.
Von Mollendorf nodded, - so, so, so ...- He started a new state
machine – customs, and the glory. All arriving goods were
inspected, evaluated, cleared, just like at any other customs of
the world. Only one circumstance always gave rise to conflicts
and misunderstandings - the insolence of the Chinese, from the
Chinese consul in Chemulpo to the poorest coolies. There have
often been cases when the Chinese consul receives, such as, a
box of opium or a batch of silk from Shanghai. The customs
inspector arrests smuggling, while the consul runs to the customs
office, spreads the commissioner to pieces and forces the Chinese
soldiers to bring this cargo to him at the consulate. Or a simple
coolie extracts a consul’s business card through the consular
gatekeeper and, using it as a cover, smuggles in opium, ginseng
or silk.
Ivashnikov did not listen further and went to sleep.
At about five o’clock Ivashnikov returned from a walk, cleaned
Amethyst, gave him a piece of sugar, and while he was nibbling,
mowing his lilac eye on him, quietly talked to a horse. So, about
anything. He said that he was well-behaved today, he was not hot,
and he looks fine when Lieutenant Korn today the duty officer for
the mission, looked in the stall,

“Go, ensign, a woman is waiting for you,” and he winked playfully,

snapped his fingers, “Korean, but fante de mieux.”
*Ivashnikov made the most ferocious grimace he was capable of,
and Korn retreated, Chaeun son gout. **

But Ivashnikov already took himself in hand.

Kim Jin-Ho was waiting for him by the pool, throwing crumbs to the
ornamental fish, which had pushed for a handout. They greeted
somewhat strained. Ivashnikov was very happy and shy to show it
to her, and she apparently took his restraint for more than
indifference. But freely, without any tricks, she accepted the
invitation to enter his room.

September in Korea, as in Primorye, is a golden season. The air was

warming up in the evening and it would be unbearably stuffy if the
wind did not blow. The window was open, and the lack of a ceiling
under the roof much increased the volume of the
room. Ivashnikov treated the girl with tea biscuits, and they chatted
a little about the weather, that appeared near Seoul tigers and she
told him about the symbolism of the arrangement of bouquets. It
was time to get down to business, but they were timid.

She was brave. - My father went to Genzan, will stay there for a
week, and I took the reports by months for this
year. Ivashnikov already had a copy of the consolidated report on
customs revenues for the last year of Mollendorf. With the increase
in cargo turnover of the port almost five times, mainly due to the
Japanese ships, the income from customs to the treasury almost did
not increase. Jin-Ho was so upset that she almost burst into
tears. Ivashnikov sympathised with her and did not know how to

“This is Mr. Brown who makes the father write the wrong reports,”
she said, biting her lips and stammering. He could not find the right
tone, he felt that all his words would sound out of tune, and began
again to treat her to tea, but she barely took a sip and began to say
In the absence of the best. / French /

** everyone to your liking. / French /

Ivashnikov escorted her to the guardroom and watched her walking

down the street – hunched up, with an unsteady, shaky gait.
Even Korn noticed this and reacted in his usual way - Le vin
est tiro ...

For almost a month already Ivashnikov wore a white Korean shirt

during his free time, white pants, a wide-brimmed hat made of
waxed yarn, rice straw shoes on a straw sole, very uncomfortable,
by the way, and went through a small gate in the back wall of the
mission fence on walks around the city, often at the bazaar. At first,
his masquerade was misleading, but after two weeks, he could
already appear in this relatively large city – for two hundred
thousand people – a city without the risk of being mistaken for a
European. Yes, and in the mirror he saw an ordinary Korean with
yellow skin, Asian eyes, black hair ... Even his behavior in Korean
clothes on the street, imitating the natives, became frightened and
obsequious, and not only in front of the American or Japanese
military, but also in front of Korean yanban officials. It so happened
that, returning to the mission, Ivashnikov once missed with
Oleg Nikolayevich and remained unrecognized. How he rejoiced – I
will not save. True, the next day, Lieutenant Minaev nodded to him
– not bad, but Ivashnikov did not understand what this refers to.

He met Kim Jin-Ho twice more. Once in Seoul, and the other
in Chemulpo. In Seoul, they roamed the streets, climbed
Mount Nyanza and chatted about the little things – the weather,
nature, and Russian and Korean customs. She is
told Ivashnikov about the concerns of Korean youth, about her
plans for the future – she was going to go to study in Japan or even
maybe to America, but it is as difficult as it is a pity that she is not a
man. Jin-Ho spoke about a sharp increase in national identity
among young people, an increase in the number of insurgent troops
in the mountains, their frequent clashes with the army and attacks
on foreigners. Insurgents, mostly“Tongaki” - proselytes of a
religious sect, one of the heresies of Buddhism. They have strong
ties with a similar movement in China, and the Chinese
nationalists are united in the “Da-Chuan – Big Fist” or “I-he-Chuan –
Big Fist in the name of justice and harmony” sect and have support
even in the Bogdykhan palace. It seemed to Ivashnikov that cordial
agreement had been established between them; they said goodbye,
in any case, sad and very reluctant. Then, if he had not been so
busy, every day he would go to Chemulpo to see Kim Jin-ho. She is
a good girl.

* Wine is open ... / French

They sat with Oleg Nikolayevich, sipped light wine and shared their
observations about the behavior of the Americans and the Japanese
in Seoul.
“Many rich Koreans,” Minaev said, “although where they are rich
from, local Yangban do not give them time to get rich, are torn off
as sticky, so they tend to invest their money in Japanese companies
on nominees, with the consent of the Japanese, of course.
According to the most conservative estimates, there are at least
seven thousand Japanese here and they own up to eighty percent
of industry and almost all trade. Nothing serious, natural, kerosene,
paper fabrics, needles, aniline dyes. But they economically bind
Koreans to themselves. Trade ties are hard to break, people are
conservative ... Now the Japanese are faced with the American firm
Mors and Townsend Company for the construction of the
Seoul — Chemulpo railway. These eighty-two — whether two
Korean ones make up one mile and a half — it’s not God knows how
far, but with the current state of the Korean roads, the contractor
will dictate its terms.
In addition to the land road, from Chemulpo to Seoul, it was
possible to climb the river to Mina, a suburb of Seoul, a distance
of about a hundred versts, and from Mina to Seoul itself — these
are four and a half versts of extremely broken roads. It was clearly
a busy marketplace around the contract for the railway.
— The persistent aspiration of the Japanese and Americans to
enslave Korea economically, to which our moneybags and the ruling
circles are assigned in the future to the pitiful role of the colony, is
disturbing. This is at best; they will not disappear like foreigners in
the Amur region.
— By the way, Ivan Ivanovich, — Minaev noticed
that Ivashnikov was very flattered when he was so-called: not by
rank, it was very tiny, namely, by name and patronymic; and
sometimes used, confident that his trustful request would be
fulfilled with greatest zeal, even more than an official order, — Did
you notice that Briner and Mollendorf lingered in Seoul pretty much,
constantly circling in our mission and weaving lace around Weber
and Pokotilov? Weber and Pokotilov are official persons, the first is
a diplomat, a messenger, is waiting for a replacement, is going to
be a messenger to Mexico, and the second is the personal
representative of Finance Minister Witte, who has, as far as I know,
more weight in the state apparatus than even the new Foreign
Minister Muraviev. The former minister, Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky,
you know, recently died. What do our Germans need from them?
They are business people, they are very specific, they value time,
but they do not hurry here at all. Briner had already missed two
steamboats to Vladivostok, and Mollendorf had no problems getting
to Shanghai.
“Almost every evening they spend time in the common
room,” Ivashnikov shared his observations. — Weber
and Pokotilov often come to the hall, and
then Briner and Mollendorf begin to greedily paint the riches of
Korea and Manchuria, the weakness of the native armies and the
poverty of the population. Especially the latter inspire them. After
all, the Koreans and the Chinese can pay pennies, and the labour
market is inexhaustible.
“Perhaps, perhaps,” Oleg Nikolayevich muttered thoughtfully, “but
please be careful, I don’t always have the opportunity to attend.”
In my opinion, there is something more.

That evening, in the common room, Mr. Briner entertained

the women and young people with very juicy details of the life of
Vladivostok. He is very observant, Ivashnikov thought, and very
keen on the tongue. Yes and the material are rich: the life of a
provincial town, cut off from the world by ice and off-road for the
winter, provides abundant food for curses.
“Let’s say, here,” said Briner, “as recently as ten years ago, to get a
tube glass instead of broken one, you had to buy a new lamp every
time, because there was no glass in retail; and God forbid you have
a toothache — you will have to take a passport and wait for the
steamer to Japan; there was, however, a “dentist” in the city, who
was tearing out rotten teeth with unwashed fingers, but the pure
public did not risk contacting him. The women looked at each other
and sneered disgustingly, while the men twisted, imagining that a
half-drunk man, with his nails, like a horse hoof treading on his feet
heavily leaning on with a greasy belly,, , and taking advantage of
the opportunity to feast, angrily command,- widely open your
mouth... your mother ... your honor ...
— And what morals reigned! Such one can hardly be seen
anywhere in the world, or even imagined ... There was, such as, in
Vladivostok the “Club of Lances.” At first, these were the names of
the meetings of men on long winter evenings somewhere in a
restaurant or a maritime club. From innocent lessons — joint
readings of an unintentionally discovered piece of a year-old
newspaper, or a book that had never been boring, ordinary gossip
or indifferent cogs on the events that happened during the day,
gradually moved to the wineries — first they were annoyingly torn
by the elderly, married under the influence of the spouse from the
club gradually were eliminated, and left a riotous youth — naval and
land officers, who took the custom to annihilate professionally,
inventing games with a “twist”. One such game of the Lance Club is
particularly famous. It was called “Tiger is coming.” On the big
table according to the number of participants in the game, wine
glasses or large glasses were placed, roomy, filled with vodka up to
the top, and the players themselves were on the command tiger is
coming from the next room they tried to break through the narrow
door first, pushing mercilessly, losing buttons and axel ants, to the
table, and drink as many foreign glasses as possible; those who did
not have enough, served as a general ridicule, but had a head start
for the next round, because the winners could barely keep their feet
from the exorbitant amount. However, in the end, this game
degenerated into a revolving hunt for a “tiger.” The sluggish
one was put out the door, put out the candles and closed the
windows with mats, and then shouted for him to enter. And he had
to walk around the table, soundless because the hunters fired at the
rustling, at the feet, but who want to stay crippled ... And the
courtly adventures, — and then Briner told a couple of such stories,
from which the women became crimson, and the men only
distractedly quacked.
Waiting for the appearance of Weber and Pokotilov and continuing
the topic, Briner sadly clicked his tongue, “Yes, for five long months
in the city barred by ices, they caused all these adulteries and
madness. And suicide? It does not take a month to not hear about
one or two, or even three ones. After all beautiful young
people — officers, or officials with university education.
“It is dangerous to have a navy to spend the winter in Japan,”
corrected the conversation in the needed
direction von Mollendorf with German directness. Briner mixed up,
but he was immediately found.
“Karl Ivanovich,” he turned to Weber, “tell me, for God’s sake, once
again that exciting story about the sinking of an English steamer
carrying Chinese soldiers to Korea the year before last. What an
illustration of the helplessness of the Chinese!
“Yes, yes, we ask, we ask,” the audience, as Ivashnikov noted, was
very impressed with the theme of the superiority of the white race
over the Asians. Although, in this case, the Chinese were beaten up
by the Japanese, the same Asians.
“I heard this story from a direct participant in this battle,” Weber did
not shy away from the flowery, old Slavonic
expressions, “von Heneken. This German officer spent twenty years
in China as a military instructor and did a lot to train the Chinese
army. So, when the conflict between Japan and China over Korea
began, the Chinese chartered the English steamer “Kao-Shin”,
loaded two thousand two hundred soldiers led by von Heneken and
sent to Assan — a port about fifty miles to the
southeast from Chemulpo. The day before, the Japanese, had a
sea battle at Assan with fighting Chinese ships, and the Chinese
battleship Cheyen, hitting a seemingly hopeless situation, raised a
white flag, and then with purely oriental perfidy suddenly shot down
the Japanese who believed in their own victory and fled from
them. Imagine the mood of the Japanese, when, checking how
much the English ship was carrying, they found Chinese soldiers
there. The Japanese offered the Europeans who were on the
steamer to go ashore, but the Chinese did not allow them to do so,
but began to raise the guns hidden in the hold onto the
deck to defend them. Then the Japanese let a mine, which
exploded at the coal pits “Kao-Shina”. The ship began to sink.
People jumped overboard, and those who remained on the ship
began shooting at the floating ones. Von Heneken miraculously
escaped and then told us who had gathered at the German consul
in Chemulpo: unhappy, distraught, unable to swim savages had the
insane idea that if they were to die, then none of their brethren also
survived, and therefore shot at their floating around tribesmen.
Listeners by the storm of indignation condemned this barbaric
— Von Heneken? — Loudly asked Möllendorf. “Is this not the
officer who is building the military fortress of Dagou, Port
Arthur, and Wei-hi-wei?” Oh, Port Arthur, — he rolled his eyes in
admiration, — a wonderful haven, there is never ice, an
impregnable fortress!
“The fortresses for the base of the Russian Pacific squadron cannot
be better,” repeated Briner.
And they both stared with yellow arrogant eyes on Weber
and Pokotilov.

The next day, Mr. Weber summoned Minaev and Ivashnikov. A

Korean servant opened before them high white, finely carved,
wooden double doors of the envoy’s cabinet and bent in a deep
bow. Karl Ivanovich Weber in the address was dry, strictly official,
and somewhat arrogant. In the mission, everyone was afraid of
him, and the demonstration of democracy to them
alerted Ivashnikov. In addition, Weber was a civilian man, about
sixty years old, in his youth he was a student of the Russian
embassy in Beijing and lived all his life in the East, and apparently,
therefore, he considered all military rank lower than a colonel did
equal to each other; to talk, however, he became with
lieutenant Minaev.
— We have a small errand for you and Mr Pokotilov. You must go
for a week to Port Arthur and see the bay, the city, and the
surroundings there. In a word, you should know how a military
man is ... And God forbid that Russian officers were recognised in
you. Someone ... The Germans are dangerous, they definitely are
there, there are a few of their military instructors in China, suddenly
fake. Better by the British or the Americans. Especially the
Americans — among them are a mixed tribe. However, do not
linger. Dmitry Dmitrievich, — he nodded in the direction
of Pokotilov, — by the beginning of November he will leave us.

Three days later, two citizens of the United States — Mr. Morrison,
head of the California-based construction company Morrison and
sans, and Mr. Chang, a translator, a representative of the third
generation of Chinese immigrants, arrived in Pyongyang. At the
central, the best hotel in the city, they came out of the stretchers,
which were carried by eight people, thin, almost exhausted,
coolies — porters of palanquins, paid them two rubles — enough,
Americans — business people, not generous aristocrats, and
entered in the cool lobby. The hotel was an ordinary Korean
residential structure, which had been tilted from antiquity — a letter
П, with a high massive roof covered with an unimportant porous
tile, with mats on the floor and canas in the rooms. The only thing
that the eyes could dwell on was mats, large square rugs woven
from special grass with a side of eight feet and bright colour
patterns in the center.
According to the legend proposed by Oleg Nikolayevich, they were
business people who arrived in Korea to conclude a contract for the
construction of the Seoul-Pyongyang-Iiju-Andong railway. The
same could be explained by their conducting an eye topographic
survey along the road. Local officials, Yanbans were fierce to their
fellow citizens, but they did not touch foreigners, in extreme cases
they were content with a dollar bill. The Japanese, however,
were jealous suspicious of all foreigners, and Russians in particular.
Traffic on broken rocky roads was lively.
Leaving large leather suitcases in the rooms, the Americans went to
explore the city.
Pyongyang, the main city of North Korea, in the distant past of its
capital, was the most important node of the routes leading from the
south, east and north. From the west, along the Dai-Tako River, the
city was connected to the seaport by steamboat traffic; the right
bank of the Dai-Taco River all along commanded the left. Around
Pyongyang, the valley of the river expanded considerably and,
especially on the left bank, formed a vast open plain. Among this
plain, Pyongyang and its surroundings were a group of hills
commanding the surrounding area. The turn of the river in the
northern part of the city formed a ledge from which it was possible
to keep the valley of the river under shelling.
“The most convenient place for defence,” said the
lieutenant Minaev.
— From whom are you going to defend here? — With irony
asked Ivashnikov.
— You, the ensign, as a scout, should be clear aspirations of Russia
in Manchuria, China, Korea. Yalu and Port Arthur will become
outposts, and our opponent will not be China, torn by foreigners,
but the young predator Japan. Notice, the Japanese are already
everywhere in the role of owners.
— You like Pythia predict the future.
— Read the newspapers, young man, the future is already written
in them.
And he was right. After seven years and four
months, Ivashnikov will have to fight precisely in these places.
However, more about that later.
On the crossings of mountain rivers, swollen after the recent
typhoon, which are frequent in the fall, there was a crowd. The
large flat-bottomed boats and ferryboats pulled by the ropes were
crowded with people to such an extent that the water poured over
the sides. But there was always a vacuum around them; people,
judging by their behaviour and rather sidelong views, treated them
unfriendly, if not hostile. Korean commoners were firmly convinced
that all the misfortunes — wars, hunger, pestilence,
ruthless Yanbans — all from the invasion of foreigners. Do not
hesitate, but rather thinking that foreigners do not know their
language, they told each other tales about Korea that supposedly
flourished before foreign worms, especially the Japanese, flooded it.
Crossing from Iiju across the Yalu River to Andong, a city on
Chinese territory, they got into great trouble. The wide and long
scow has accommodated quite a lot of Chinese, who were returning
to their homeland after doing some work in Korea. About fifty
people were there. Ivashnikov and Minaev settled on a slightly
raised stern. The scow was set in motion by a large sail, raised to
the mast with the help of two thin ropes, and, near the shore, with
oars. Noisy and merrily talking, the Chinese people occupied the
middle and nose of the scow. The ferryman threw off the mooring
rope from the coastal log, and the scow quietly carried over from
the shore. It was time to raise the sail. The ferryman, looking
displeased at foreigners, shrilly ordered the young Chinese
passengers to take on the ropes. They, full of wish to return home
soon, jerked gaily, lifting the sail to the middle of the mast, pulled
again and the sail took off to the top. Shuddering, they yanked
once more, one of the ropes broke, and the free end of the yoke fell
down, smashing the head of the passenger who stood under it to
blood. People rushed from the falling yoke to the opposite side, the
scow nodded, almost overturned, and many fells. The reason was
clear from the beginning — the old rotten rope could not stand the
friendly jerk of young healthy guys hurrying home, but the
boatman, an old restless Chinese man, clearly wanting to take the
blame from himself, shouted, pointing to well-dressed
foreigners, Yanguizi — Overseas Devils! That they are to blame.
They must be killed. Throw them in the river, otherwise we will all
The mood of the Chinese passengers has changed dramatically.
From fun-good-natured to implacable-hostile. The hottest ones
were already clutching at long strong oars. And Ivashnikov’s heart
swiftly sank down into the heels. Minaev, turning pale and biting
his lower lip of rabies, snatched out Smith-and-Wesson from under
his coat, and deafeningly shot low over the heads of excited
people. The sight of a hefty black revolver, a sheaf of flame and the
harsh sound of a shot sobering affected them.
Oleg Nikolayevich sent a revolver to the boatman and in a voice
that left no doubt about the indispensability of performance,
ordered him to shut up, tie a new rope and move on, or he would
shoot him. And he shoved the barrel, from which the smoke was
still curled, under the nose of the old man.
The composure of Lieutenant Minaev, the Manchurian dialect well
understood by them, his great revolver and, most importantly, his
firmness and confidence, quickly reassured people. With shaking
hands, the boatman took out a new rope, tied it to the end of the
yoke, climbed onto the mast, let it through the block and shouted to
the passengers to raise the sail again. This time everything went
well. At the pier in Andun, the passengers rushed to the police
officer, unanimously shouted, pointing fingers at the foreigners, and
the police officer asked them to go to Guan-ting — the local police
station. There the duty officer hid a green paper in his pocket, and
they went on.
A month later, two American businesspersons got off the English
steamer in Fusan. Three more days they traveled to small South
Korean towns and then disappeared. And a week later, in the first
days of November 1896, on the table at the Russian envoy in Korea,
Karl Ivanovich Weber, there were five copies of the typewritten
copy stitched notes “Historical and geographical sketch of
the Liaodong Peninsula. Port Arthur and Da-Lien-Wan. With the
map of Liao Dun and two plans. “
“The name Port Arthur became known to the world forty years ago,
when the English squadron cruising the Yellow Sea thus named one
of the harbours of the southern part of the Liaodong Peninsula in
honor of its mythical King Arthur, called by the Chinese Liu Shun-
kou. In the seventies, this port was only a tiny parking lot for local
junks. The village located near this harbor consisted of sixty to
seventy clay fanzas with several shops and three or four hotels, or
rather, inns in this place, Port Arthur remained until the early
eighties, when the Chinese government decided to adapt it for the
parking of its northern Beiyan squadron and build a strong sea
fortress here. In the autumn of the eightieth year, German
lieutenant von Heneken, who served in the Chinese service as a
personal adjutant Lee Hungzhan, the then Zhili governor-general
and the chief of the northern squadron, was sent for topographical
and engineering surveys, and in December of that year, according
to the statement, about their plan of fortifications, work began,
which were later brought to four thousand Chinese workers. In the
era of the Tonkin War * port defence was strengthened. Initially,
all the work was carried out under the direction of German
engineers led by von Heineken, but in 1886, the port
equipment was entrusted to the French syndicate in Tianjin, and
English and German engineers under the general leadership of
Lieutenant von Heneken took over the construction of the forts.
Krupp and Armstrong were suppliers of fortress guns. As they say,
it was spent up to eighty million rubles for to make a first-class
fortress and the best military port in China from the village of Liu-
shun-kou. After twelve years of tremendous effort, a port was
created, the dock and workshops of which could serve for all kinds
of repairs and repairs to ships. In addition, mine depots, a naval
arsenal, a mechanical factory, an ammunition store, and food
depots were set up here. All institutions were lit by
electricity; everywhere the latest improvements and inventions have
been applied.
As a formidable, almost impregnable fortress from the sea, Port
Arthur was poorly protected from the land. Aware of this, the
Chinese government set about building fortifications in the
nearby Da-lian-Wan Bay. However, it made a mistake by not taking
at the same time any measures to strengthen the city of Ching-
chjou-ting, relying on, probably, on the strength of its mud walls
and narrow isthmus, which opens the only road to Port Arthur from
land, than it left almost defenseless. Meanwhile, in the past war
with Japan, the actions of the enemy troops, who received orders to
take Port Arthur, turned out to be directed primarily against Ching-
chjou-ting. Having landed north of Bi-tzu-in, a small village at the
mouth of the Hua-yuan-he river, the Japanese, after small
skirmishes with the Chinese troops, approached Ching-chjou-ting by
land, and after a light hour-long bombardment, which did not harm
the city walls, Japanese sappers blew up the northern and eastern
gates, through which the besiegers broke through.
The Chinese could not stand it and fled to Port Arthur. It happened
on October 25, 1894. The Japanese immediately turned against Da-
Lian-Van and the next day, three columns of one infantry regiment,
a cavalry squadron and field artillery batteries in each column
appeared in view of the Da-lian-Wan forts built by Lieutenant
von Heneken on the newest system, armed with heavy guns
and having a garrison of six and a half thousand people. Keeping in
mind such defensive
Da-lian-Wan means, the Japanese began to thoroughly prepare the
offensive, but this turned out to be superfluous: a significant part of
the Chinese troops, having learned about the capture Ching-chjou-
ting, retreated to Port Arthur before the appearance of the
Japanese, and the rest, barely giving a few volleys, fled with such
haste, that the Japanese found in the fortress several guns still
charged. In addition to the mass of valuable combat material, a
detailed minefield plan fell into the hands of the winners, which
greatly facilitated their destruction of the latter.
The capture of Da Lian Van was the most significant step in the
Japanese campaign against Port Arthur.
The road to Port Arthur was open to the Japanese. For acting
against the fortress at the disposal of Count Oyama, commander-in-
chief of the Second Japanese Army, there were up to twenty
thousand soldiers and artillery from eighty guns. Leaving small
garrisons in Ching-chjou-ting and Da-lien-wan for the protection
of the rear, the Japanese moved along two roads to Port Arthur.
The attack was scheduled for November 9. At this time, in Port
Arthur, together with the retreating from Ching-chjou-ting and Da-
lian-wan, there were over fourteen thousand people. But of this
number, only three thousand were old troops, while the rest had
almost no military training. Meanwhile, from the landside, Port
Arthur was weakly protected. Fourteen kilometers of the defensive
land line, where the struggle against the Japanese was ahead, there
were only twelve redoubts of the simplest type and in the center
between them there was an open gap along which the road to the
fortress lay.
During the night preceding the attack, the siege troops with great
caution took the places indicated by them on the eve and by six
o’clock in the morning the Japanese army stood at a distance of two
or two and a half kilometers from the Chinese fortifications,
stretching along the front for nine miles and having only one
reserve battalion. At half past six, the first shot rang out with the
siege battery, and a quarter of an hour later, field guns opened
fire. The Chinese did not hesitate to answer, without, however,
causing any losses to the enemy. Noticing the irregularity of the
fire of the Chinese fortifications, the Japanese immediately launched
an attack, according to the plan outlined by Count Oyama, and
these redoubts fell one by one, not lasting until late in the evening.
The seizure of further fortifications was no longer difficult for the
Japanese, since the Chinese troops, abandoned by their
commanders, thought only of salvation and at the first onslaught
rushed in different directions. The next day, November 10, all
coastal fortifications were occupied without a fight, and Port Arthur
was in full power of the Japanese. The role of the Japanese fleet
during the capture of Port Arthur was limited to a slight exchange of
fire with coastal forts, since Admiral Ito chose to keep out of the
shots of Chinese fortress guns. However, it is worth mentioning the
attack made by the Japanese destroyers on the harbour. Taking
advantage of the tide, twenty-five destroyers successfully passed
minefields and, opening fire from their gunners, made dismay at the
forts. At the same time, one battleship entered the Pigeon
Bay, on the western coast of Guan Dong, and with its fire
contributed to the land attack. The next day, fifty minutes of
barrage were caught, and the Japanese fleet entered the harbour.
The capture of this first-class fortress was very cheap for the
Japanese: they lost about four hundred people killed and wounded,
while the Chinese lost more than four thousand. Such a significant
number of those killed is due to the extreme bitterness of the
Japanese soldiers, who, on their way to Port Arthur, found several
terribly mutilated corpses of their comrades who had been
captured by the Chinese before. Having penetrated into the fortress,
the Japanese celebrated a bloody trifled on them, not giving even
mercy to women and children.
Liao-dun, or translated from Chinese, “The country lying east of the
Liao-he river” is commonly called the part of southern Manchuria,
which juts into the Yellow Sea as a triangular peninsula and forms
two large gulfs: in the west — Liaodong and East — Korean. The
extreme southern tip of Liao-dong is a peninsula stretching from the
northeast to the southwest, about a hundred versts long, divided
into two parts by a narrow isthmus near the city of Ching-chou-
ting. The southern part of this last peninsula is known on English
maps under the name of the Regent’s Sword, and in Chinese it is
called Guan Dun and ends in a cape on which the rocky secluded
Lao-te-shan Mountain — the Old Iron Mountain — reaching one and
a half thousand feet. The coastline of the Liaodong Peninsula is
generally rather poorly developed; only in the southern part, there
are several voluminous and deep bays both on the eastern and
western shores. The eastern coast of Liaodong, starting at Cape
Lao-te-shan, stretches for a distance of three hundred miles, first in
the northeast direction, and then eastward to almost 125 degrees
east longitude and forms the bay of Liu-shun-kou (Port Arthur), Da-
lian-wan, Kerr and a few others less important.
The bay of Liu-shun-kou occupies most of the seaside depression,
which is formed by rows of hills stretching from the north,
completely devoid of vegetation and surrounding the bay like a
ring. This oblong cove, having a length of more than two miles and
a width of one and a half miles, connects with the open sea by a
narrow, long passage of seven eighths versts with a width of fifty or
two hundred fathoms stretching from north to south. A narrow
curved sandy strip of land that goes deep into the bay forms the
western coast of this strait. This spit, having a length of more than
four hundred fathoms with a width of fifty fathoms, the Chinese
gave the characteristic name Lao-hu-wei — Tiger’s tail and it really
resembles the tail of this wild animal, if you look at it from a height
of one of the surrounding hills. In its southern part, Lao-hu-
wei expands and, turning to the west, reaches turning to the west,
it gradually reaches a width of one and three-quarters of a mile,
thus forming the peninsula that separates the inner bay of Liu-shun-
kou from its outer raid. This peninsula is filled with two parallel
ridges of hills, having a height of three hundred and fifty to five
hundred and eighty feet.
Liu-shun-kou bay is very shallow, so that until now only Chinese
destroyers use it. For this reason, ten years ago, the Chinese
government took measures to build an artificial basin in the eastern
part of the bay, which could be available to large modern
battleships. For this purpose, a lake located east of the bay was
deepened to four and a half fathoms at low water, and a pentagon-
shaped basin thus formed, having a length from west to east two
hundred and fifty fathoms and a width of north to south one
hundred fifty fathoms, known as the Eastern Port, while the natural
bay is called the Western Port.
Before entering the Lieu-Shun-Kou Bay there is an external raid
eleven to twelve miles wide, convenient for
maneuvering many ships, perfectly protected by coastal elevations
from the north and west winds, but rather dangerous with south
and east winds, which raise strong here excitement and often force
large vessels to seek refuge in the nearby Da-lian-Wan bay.
One of the most important amenities of the external raid is that it
does not freeze all year round, while the internal ports, East and
West, are covered for a fortnight with a thin layer of ice, which
makes ships leave them during this time, quite embarrassing.
However, even in the open roadstead, the winter chill responds
badly on ships with their full armament: the decks shatter, the
ropes burst, they need intensive care. The tides come here once a
day and reach eleven feet. “*
A detailed description of the Liaodong Peninsula with fifty pages of
typewritten text with a map and two plans for Christmas Eve lay
on the tables of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Muravyov, the
Minister of Finance Witte, the Minister of War Vannovsky, the
Minister of the Navy Chikhachev and the Commander of the Amur
Military District of Dukhovsky.

* Kotvich, L. Borodovsky. “Liao-tung and its ports: Port Arthur

and Da-lian-wan.”St. Petersburg, 1898.



At the beginning of May 1896, Vatatsubashi returned

to Maizuru and submitted to Commander Todashi Ozu a report on
the work done on the northern voyage agreed with
Lieutenant Gunzi, a plan of fortification protection of
the Tsisima Kaykio Strait separating the island of Sumusu from the
Russian Kamchatka, and the settlement of Tsisima rattoo by Ains of
Nippon Islands. By the end of the month, he had successfully
passed the exams for the rank of sub-lieutenant and was waiting,
finally, to be assigned to a warship, but again his hopes burst like a
soap bubble. Todasi Ozu dryly ordered him to appear in the Secret
Department of Gai-mu-sho Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
“Count Munemitsu Mutsu, the foreign minister, takes care of his
friend’s son,” the commander said goodbye, “but your personal
contribution is also appreciated.” As a department official said
in Gai-mu-sho, they were already waiting for him. The Japanese
embassy in Beijing had a unique opportunity to be acquainted with
the documents from the personal safe of the Russian envoy, Count
Cassini, and for this, there was an urgent need for a person who
was fluent in Russian. When the Japanese envoy in Beijing
reported to Tokyo to his minister that they managed to hook and
threaten the Chinese — the servant of the Russian embassy. And
that, in turn, managed to take the cast of the keys to the personal
safe of the dispersed Russian envoy. And that this servant knows
how to penetrate the envoy’s office uncontrollably.
Then erected a year ago for successfully crafted conditions of
capitulation of China to the county dignity
of Munemitsu Mutsu recalled his stormy youth friend and his son,
who perfectly knew Russian, had completed the important task of
naval intelligence, delivered a plan of action of the Russian army in
case of war with Japan, and made a difficult winter hike
on Tsisima Rattoo under the leadership of Lieutenant Gunzi, who
had high authority in Gai-mu-sho.
In a brand-new officer’s uniform — a black jacket, a wide golden
chevron on the sleeve, white trousers, a cap with a shiny cockade
and a tiny, latest-fashioned visor, and a saber in lacquered black
leather sheath — he arrived at the high command.
The head of the Secret Department put him in the background
“Russia did not allow Japan to take advantage of the victories in the
Japan-China War and, with the help of France and Germany, forced
it to remove the Japanese fleet and army units from mainland
China, forcing it to settle for Pescadores Islands and Formosa.
Certainly, the Russians are afraid of increasing our influence in the
Far East and will try to fill the vacuum themselves. According to the
information we have, they are being pushed towards this by
Germany, which wants to manage Europe itself, and its own envy of
territorial acquisitions in China, France and England. Russians have
eyed Manchuria for a long time. The territory of this northeastern
part of China is vast; the wealth of its subsoil is completely
unexplored, but potentially very large. Yes, and it is rarely
inhabited, although recently there has been a certain influx of
population from China.
In April of this year in Beijing, negotiations began between China
and Russia on a concession for the construction of the Manchurian
railway, but they ended in complete failure, as the Chinese
understood the political background of the Russian concession in
time. According to the information of our people from Tsungli-
Yamin, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian envoy
Cassini in rather strong terms urged the Chinese ministers to grant
a concession to a joint Russian-Chinese company, and justified their
demands by saying that, having a concession, Russia will easily be
able to protect China from the dangers in the event of new military
clashes with Japan, and in general by any other power. But the
Chinese now have a number of proposals for concessions — from
the French envoy Gerard, from the American Bush, representing the
American China Development Company, and from the British, who
have already built the Beijing-Shanghaiguan railway. Therefore, the
ministers of Tsungli-Yamyn declined a positive answer for the
Russians. Count Cassini was left to declare that the refusal of the
concession would have the gravest consequences for China. But on
the same day, April 18, when the Russian envoy Count Cassini
assured the Chinese ministers, the chamberlain of the Russian
emperor, Prince Ukhtomsky, who was in the retinue
of Tsarevich Nicholas, now the Russian emperor, in his trip to the
Far East Japan, delivered by emergency train from Odessa to St.
Petersburg, the first chancellor of the Chinese empire, Li Hunzhang,
the ambassador extraordinary to Bogdykhan at the coronation
of the tzar. Prince Ukhtomsky publishes the newspaper “St.
Petersburg Vedomosti” and considers himself an expert on the East,
has repeatedly visited China, has close ties with French capital, as a
member of the Directorate of the Russian-Chinese bank based on
French money, and Rothstein, Rothschild’s son-in-law, as director -
the manager of this bank. He is actively pursuing the political line
suggested to him by the Germanic entourage of the tzar on Russia’s
widespread penetration into China and almost on the annexation
of Manchuria. Ukhtomsky met Li Hunzhang back in Suez and
worked him on his way to Petersburg. We have approaches to Li
Hungzhang’s personal doctor, Englishman Irving, but he was dead
drunk all the way and we could not learn anything intelligible from
him. In Petersburg, Li Hunzhang conducted secret negotiations with
Russian Finance Minister Witte and even had a secret audience with
Emperor Nikolai. Naturally, the emperor solicited the Chinese
Chancellor of benefits for Russia. Thus, we know what the Russians
want concessions for a railroad with a wide, Russian, track to the
center of Manchuria, so that it can eventually be taken over and,
possibly, an ice-free port in the Yellow Sea. We did not receive any
specific information from St. Petersburg. The tzar, the Minister of
Finance, Witte, Rotstein, who, as the financier of all Chinese
affairs, should be kept abreast of events, the Foreign Minister,
Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky, and from the Chinese side, were very
modest. Li Hungzhang. Even in the capitals of Europe, where he
went from St. Petersburg in search of loans, he did not let it slip,
otherwise we would certainly know. But, since the talk in their
conversations was about China, then the Russian envoy in Beijing
must necessarily have information about concrete next steps. It is
he who will have to apply through official channels to Jung-li-
yamin for the implementation of a preliminary oral agreement, and
even more so for concluded agreements. Your task is to familiarise
yourself with the contents of the Russian envoy’s safe, copy it, but
so that the Russians do not have suspicions about the compromise,
all the documents, make a rough translation into Japanese, later the
experts will work on the documents, and deliver the copies here.
The sooner, the better. While appointed secretary of the embassy.
Going to Beijing tomorrow. Tickets are ordered, a suitcase with
everything you need in your new place is ready.
After disembarking from the steamer
to Dagu, Vatatsubashi boarded a steamboat along the Baihe River
to Tientsin and, hiring a rickshaw on the pier, ordered him to
be taken to the Japanese consulate. Here they were waiting for
“The embassy is eagerly waiting for you, ordered you to deliver to
Beijing without delay,” the consul said. — Junk is hired, coolie
ready, you can go now. Alternatively, would you like to take a
break from the road and take the trip to tomorrow?
Vatatsubashi knew that a trip on a rowing boat along the
winding Baihe River from Tianjin to Tongzhou, which was twenty
miles from Beijing, took two days, and decided that he would not
take a rest. Yes, and he did not feel tired, slept well on the boat
and knew how to relax on the way.
The consul personally escorted him to the waiting junke and waved
the coolies to immediately get under way. Junks turned out to
be small, no more than eight steps in length, but without a deck, so
you did not walk, and besides, it would roll. With a dozen skinny
coolies that barely moved their oars, the sun was mercilessly
scorching, huge black fatty flies buzzed heavily over their heads,
and the battle with the boy slept with open eyes, and had to let him
a slap to wag more energetically. The boy came to life, but now
he looked so viciously that Vatatsubashi thought it was possible to
drive him away from the junks, but the fan gave such relief ... In
general, the journey could be called convenient, but an
overwhelming want to move appeared on the narrow and short
junkie is impossible. Vatatsubashi was eager to be at the embassy
soon and go to work, would jump to the beach and rush off at a
run, but noblesse oblige * ... He remained calm to enjoy green tea,
who constantly brewed here another boy, and admire the tiny
bright green, cultivated by half-naked peasants rice fields spread all
over from sea to the capital of the Chinese Empire.
Finally, these dead, although the consul in Tianjin and assured that
he hired the best, the coolies dragged the junk to the pier
in Tongzhou, where he was met by a tribesman in a European suit,
who identified himself as the head of the diplomatic mission’s
guard, Colonel Sheba.
“After the defeat in the war, the Chinese became extremely daring,
especially the youth, had to strengthen the security of the mission,”
said the colonel. “These twenty miles to the embassy will be
carried in palanquins, so we’ll talk about business on the spot.”
And another seven hours had to suffer in immobility, cursing the
ceremony, mandatory for the official, whom he unexpectedly found
himself taken to the mission late at night. Colonel Shiba escorted
him to a tiny house with windows open for nightly cool, but with
mosquito nets dragged in by the windows. Soon the servant
introduced a lacquered tray with porcelain cups painted with blue
lotuses, in which sushi — cooked rice balls with raw fish and
vegetables, seasoned with vinegar and sugar, steamed mussels,
fried octopuses and a bottle of black sake — were deliciously white.
They had dinner, and the colonel left him, ordering him to rest and
gain strength in the morning.
* Position obliges. / French /

In the morning, Vatatsubashi was escorted to the main building, in

which, apart from the apartment of the envoy and the office, there
were rooms of advisers. Here he was met by Colonel Sheba.
— Mr. Envoy is now in Shanghai, departed on official business, but
you act at my disposal and must follow my orders. With
Mr. Sugiyama, Advisor to Mr. Envoy, we will bring you up to date.
In the counselor’s office, they sat down on the sides of a large desk
and Vatatsubashi prepared to listen.

— Do you know Russian well enough? — Mr. Adviser asked him.

— I know it perfectly, because I was born, grew up and graduated
from a gymnasium in Russia, in Vladivostok, but later, while
studying at Nautical College at Etajima, I regularly read Russian
newspapers, which were specially written for me
by Kannusi Sumimoto.
“I’m acquainted with Mr. Sumimoto, this is a good mentor,”
Sugiyama’s advisor nodded his head.
Vatatsubashi kept silent about the fact that he was in Vladivostok
after graduating from college. Ask — answer. - Did you read this
book in Russia? — asked Colonel Sheba and put in front of him a
volume with hieroglyphs on the cover: “Weeping flowers and
grieving willows, the last dust of bloody battles in northern Europe.”
“Yes,” he answered, “this is the novel“War and Peace” by the
Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.
“I don’t know how successful the translation is, but the Russians
seem to me worthy opponents,” Mr. Colonel remarked with a note
of respect.
“Living and working in a foreign country and in a hostile
environment, we are compelled to be interested in their plans and
intentions,” continued the adviser. — Mr. Colonel once discovered
that a Chinese servant who worked at a Russian mission was selling
stolen products from Russians at the bazaar — rice, which they eat
little, and wine, which they consumed a lot. Mr. Colonel had a
conversation with this Chinese servant and convinced him not to
be fired by the Russians and not to receive severe punishment from
the Chinese authorities, to help us. The Chinese servant said that
his duties included cleaning the premises, including the office and
the envoy’s office. By order of Mr. Colonel, this Chinese, taking
advantage of the bad attitude towards his duties of the Russian
envoy and secretary of the embassy, quietly made prints of the keys
to the safes in the envoy’s office and in the mission office. A month
ago, the coronation of the Russian emperor took place in St.
Petersburg and Moscow, which Li Hongzhang, vice-chancellor of
China, traveled to. It is possible that in Moscow,
Li Hongzhang concluded some agreements, information about which
should already be in the embassy vaults. With the help of this
Chinese servant and Mr. Colonel’s people, you will have to
familiarize yourself with the terrain, the location of the premises in
the Russian embassy building, enter the Russian envoy’s office and
the office and extract documents from the safes. A person who is
fluent in Russian is needed here so that he can distinguish an
important document from a minor piece of paper, because
there can be many papers in the vaults and it will be difficult to take
everything out of the embassy building and the mission area.
Ideally, we suppose to take a photo of all the documents from the
safes and put them back in place so that the Russians would not
guess about their compromise. And in the future, we hope to have
access to safes.

How much time do I have to complete the task? - A little, no more

than two weeks, because unforeseen circumstances may arise,
and we will lose our opportunities. The main thing, however, is
that we should rather learn the plans of the Russians about
politics in China. Colonel Sheba gave him as a guide student of
the dragoman, who introduced himself as a student at Kyoto
University, Itaro Kabura, but Vatatsubashi himself was already a
student and realized that this was also an officer. They left the
mission on the street, and the guide began to acquaint him with
the terrain.
- The ambassadorial town is a settlement, which is forbidden for
Chinese citizens to enter. From the south, it is separated from the
Chinese city by a high wall, and from the north, it adjoins the wall
of the forbidden imperial city. To the east of the territory of the
Japanese mission is the French mission, and between them
wedged built-in the characteristic Chinese architectural style of
the Peking Hotel. The territory of the German embassy and the
diplomatic club are located across the Embassy Street, opposite
the Peking Hotel and the French mission.
Vatatsubashi attentively listened, vigilantly looked and tried to
remember everything better. - Do not strain yourself. We will
take a several walks; the territory of the settlement is generally
small, so remembering the location of buildings and missions is
not difficult for you. However, the responsibility was assigned to
him, as he understood, enormous and the task must
be completed, otherwise even seppuku. They marched east to
the Italian embassy and turned back. They walked slowly, quietly
speaking, the street was sultry and deserted, and the guide
shared his observations.
- Here, in the ambassadorial settlement, eleven diplomatic missions.
Ten of them are European and one Eastern is ours. And all these
Europeans, including Russians, half-savvy, in general, the nation,
although they call us ”“the British of the East”, do not consider
themselves equal, treat with a certain disregard and do not even
bother themselves to recognize us by sight. Of course, they know
Mr. Envoy, Counselor Sugiyam and Colonel Shiba, the elderly and
even outwardly, respectful people, but the rest, especially the
young, are not distinguished from the Chinese. At first, it causes
irritation, then anger ... but often helps. Personally, I have
already visited the Russian missions five times, dressing either a
Chinese merchant, a messenger from a store, or a garbage
cleaner, but the guards only drive, go, manza, lazy to remember
my face and body shape.
They passed the Japanese mission, the Spanish mission, and along
the bridge crossed a narrow channel through which water flowed
slowly. The channel starts in the territory of the Forbidden
Imperial City and goes further to the city,” the guide waved his
hand toward the city wall. “And here’s the Russian mission,” the
guide said in an undertone, pointing with his eyes to the right.
Behind the high wall with the Chinese gates in the center, one
could see the steep roofs of several houses and the central, large
- Two hundred years ago, the Chinese defeated the
Russian Albazin jail on the Amur and took about fifty Cossacks
with them. At the same time, having concluded
the Nerchinsk Treaty with the Russians, the Chinese formed a
detachment of bodyguards of the emperor Kansi from prisoners
and allowed them to freely practice their religion. Tzar Peter the
Great sent Orthodox clergy to China and they founded two
farmsteads in Beijing: the north - Beguan, and the south
- Yuguan. When Count Ignatiev in 1860, taking advantage of the
victory of the British and French and wanting to get benefits for
Russia, began to mediate between them and the government
of the emperor of China in besieged Beijing, the Chinese for the
diplomatic mission and took him to the southern farmstead. Then
he concluded an agreement on the border between Russia and
China. A Russian envoy is now living here, a Frenchman by
nationality, Count Cassini with his niece and her governess
Mademoiselle Chelle, first secretary of the embassy Pavlov,
secretary Solovyov, dragomans Popov and Kolesov, doctor of the
mission Korsakov and students Stein, Grosse
and Rozhdestvensky. Opposite the mission, across the street, is
the Russian post office. It boss, Buryat Gamboev, is also
constantly in the mission. Among themselves, the Russians are
not friendly and are divided into two parties. In one, the envoy
Cassini and secretary Pavlov, and in the other all the rest. Twenty
completely dissolved Cossacks guard the mission, but they do not
carry weapons and rather serve as night watchmen. We have a
file on the envoy of Count Cassini. Here is some information. A
Frenchman by his father, Artur Pavlovich Cassini, an extremely
frivolous man, squandered a small fortune in St. Petersburg and
was in great debt. By patronage, he received the position
of Consul General in Hamburg, where he spent some years.
Under the same patronage, he was transferred by the envoy to
Beijing, which, with maintenance of forty-five thousand rubles,
allowed him to settle accounts with creditors. His niece Margaret,
a girl of twelve years old, lives with him, and the governess of
which consists of a certain Mademoiselle Chelle. With this Chelle,
the Russian envoy is in a close relationship. In addition to his
native French and Russian, Count Cassini is fluent in German and
it looks like English. Man, as we have repeatedly seen, is
optional, he performs his official duties without due diligence,
relies entirely on his secretaries, and keeps official documents
carelessly. Wanting to look like a well-informed interlocutor, in
conversations among foreign diplomats, the information is
blurted out, making it possible to make predictions about the
next steps of Russian diplomacy in the Far East, which we, the
Germans and the British, often use. Sometimes a military agent
of Russia in China, Colonel of the General Staff Vogak, comes to
the mission, but he lives in Shanghai all the time. The Russian
Embassy almost every night the French envoy Gerard, the
Belgian Lumier and the Dutch Knobel visited. They usually sit at
the Russian ambassador’s place after midnight, play cards,
smoke, and drink wine. The secretary of the embassy Pavlov and
Mademoiselle Chelle share the company with them. Another big
company – Popov, Gamboev and others – usually gather
at Gamboyev, they love to eat, they play cards, and they drink a
lot. Cossacks, lulled by a quiet service, sleep more and limit
themselves to bypassing the mission at midnight. Sentinels
without weapons are exposed at the main gate, overlooking
Embassy Street, and the north, overlooking the alley to the
English mission.
They walked past the Russian embassy, opposite which, across the
street, behind a low fence on the flagpole, the star-striped flag of
the North American United States mission developed, then there
was a building with a signboard of a Russian post office, then a
building of the Russian-Chinese bank, a Chinese idol, a Belgian
and Dutch mission, and ended street with a
powerful paylow at the intersection with the imperial road from
the Forbidden Purple city to Beijing proper.
But immediately after the Russian mission, a small area turned
out to be crammed with poor Chinese fanzas, from the pipes of
which haze stretched toward the sky, the specific smells of
the ready food were noticeably felt, the linen dangled on the
ropes and, splashing on thick dust with bare heels and loudly
screaming, the children played.
- What is it? - Vatatsubashi was amazed; - after all, the Chinese are
forbidden to appear in the settlement?
- It was in Shanghai and Tianjin that the English and French
tensions managed to rigorously keep up the rule, but there is no
common policy, rather an unwillingness to be firm and consistent,
and a miserable flavor in front of the imperial court, although
messengers should be firm. However, the fact is that all missions
need servants, garbage collectors, laundresses, coolies,
messengers, peddlers, gardeners, stove-makers; you never
know ... These are the people who gradually settled on this so-
called Mongolian square.
They turned into the square, walked along a typical poor Chinese
street, and once again turned right into the passage between the
territories of the Russian and English missions.
“The most convenient place to get into the mission at night is from
the roof of Fanza on Mongolian Square to climb over the
palisade onto the roof of the Russian stables,” the guide winked
at him.
Then they went to the canal and returned to the embassy. Later in
the evening, they once again walked around the embassy town,
but from the north, from the wall of the imperial city and,
bypassing the English embassy, again went to Mongolian Square
to the fans of the Russian mission next to the
fence. Vatatsubashi was eyeing appreciatively. Yes, it was not
difficult to move from the roof of the fanza to the roof of the
stables that was visible behind the palisade of the Russians. In
the evening, Mr. Colonel Sheba inquired about his
success. Vatatsubashi shrugged his shoulders, “I am getting
acquainted with the locality ... It would be advisable to visit the
territory of the mission, look around how it is there, see the
approaches to the embassy building.
The colonel nodded, - This is provided. We will give you the
opportunity not only to visit the mission, but also to look into the
envoy’s office.
- Even so? - He was amazed. - Yes; you will go with the Chinese
servant. He will call you son.
Early in the morning, dressed in a blue Chinese clothe, with
patches, but clean, freshly washed, Vatatsubashi with his guide, a
“student,” approached Mongolian Square from the north, from
the side of the imperial city. At the extreme fanz, a thin, middle-
aged Chinese with a wrinkled brown face and frightened eyes
was waiting for them.
The guide said something harshly to him in the Peking dialect, and
the Chinese only bowed their heads, hao, hao …
Between the fences of the English and Russian missions, they
approached the north gate, the Chinese pushed the unlocked
gate, and they found themselves in the green coolness of the
garden. The slanting rays of the morning sun barely penetrated
through the dense foliage of the trees, the air was filled with the
sweet aroma of flowers, the beds of which approached directly to
the open windows of the embassy building, curtained from the
inside with loose mosquito netting. To the right, through the
sunny lawn, were visible the open gates of the stable, from which
a slight throaty neigh of horses, the smell of manure were heard
softly ... To the left, hidden by trees and bushes, small houses for
mission staff could be seen. Following the beaten-hung
Chinese, Vatatsubashi walked around the embassy mansion and
went to its southern façade, on the porch of which was a Cossack
and smoked a pipe. The gate to Posolskaya Street was wide
open; the young man had just brought a beautiful black horse
into the street, stepped into the stirrup, jumped into the saddle
and, pushing the horse with his knees, directed it towards the
canal towards the Japanese mission. Holding the rider with his
eyes, the Cossack, deeply drawn out, idly glanced at the Chinese,
- Wow, Li, whom did he bring?
- My little-little sick today, son brought, need help. » And when did
you get your son?” “He is working in Tianjin, ricksha run,” the
Chinese explained. “Well, come on,” the Cossack waved his pipe,
losing interest in them. Climbing the stairs, they entered the dark
coolness of the house. An open door from the hallway led to the
office, as Vatatsubashi understood from a table with a copper ink
device, glazed cabinets with cardboard folders in marble stains,
and a high desk by the window, an iron simple safe and a row of
chairs by the wall. From the hallway, the door to the right led
to the apartment of the first secretary of the embassy, which the
Chinese servant gave him, and to the left – to the residential
quarters of Mr Russian Envoy. Already from the office, the door
led to the envoy’s office, with windows on the north, shaded side,
as he understood it, into the green of the garden. In the corner,
a broom hung on a carnation, and there was a bucket and two
copper basins, and in them were rags, a piece of soap, pumice ...
And the cleaning of the house began. They washed and rubbed,
scrubbed, and carried water from the well at the stable, and
again washed, rubbed, scrubbed ... the house, starting with the
office and the envoy’s office, whose open windows really went
out into the garden, then the five rooms of the Russian master
first secretary of the embassy, and already at noon they began to
work at the apartment of the late awakened envoy. He had
lunch, brought from the kitchen by a Chinese servant of specially
cooked rice for them. » The Cossacks gave food,” Li explained in
Russian, somehow realizing that his Russian Vatatsubashi would
understand better than the Chinese would. After dinner, they
went to clean the courtyard in front of the embassy, then the
tracks on the right side of the mission, around the staff houses,
and by the end of the day began to clean around the stables,
lavatory and shed with wood left over from the winter.
In the evening, he spoke in detail about everything to
Colonel Shiba and Mr. Adviser Sugiyam and suggested that he
get into the Russian embassy that night, but they told him not to
hurry, help the Chinese servant for at least a week, carefully read
and get used to the Russian mission and the envoy’s office. Each
every evening he told about the smallest details of the situation
in the building of the Russian mission, to attentively listened
Messrs. Shiba and Sugiyama and they went through different
versions of plans for abduction of papers.
Finally, it was decided to perform the operation on Saturday night
to Sunday, given that Mr. Cassini will definitely have guests this
evening, they will drink hard and will disperse no earlier than one
in the morning. At two o’clock, Vatatsubashi will move from
the fanza to the stable roof, jump into the passage between the
stable and the woodshed, using the new moon and the usual
deserted person, cross the courtyard in front of the stable with a
jump, and sneak into the window of the envoy’s office. The
nights are stuffy, so the windows are not closed, and he can
easily get into the office. There he, illuminating himself with a
flashlight, will open the safe, put all the papers out of it into a
bag, and if a lot of them, he will go over in search of the most
interesting, from his point of view, and return to the roof of
the fanza in the same way. It was decided not to touch the safe
in the office, as Mr. Adviser Sugiyama said that there should not
be any special securities there, the messenger keeps them. And,
secondly, the door from the office is constantly open to the
hallway, and that is on the porch, where the Cossack is always on
duty. The Chinese servant and the “student” from the Japanese
mission will help him deliver the papers to the embassy, and on
Sunday, all documents will be re-photographed. On Monday
night, he will have to return the papers to the safe and try to put
them in the same order as they lay. Chinaman Li, as a dangerous
witness and a possible traitor, will be eliminated.
On Saturday, having worked, as usual, together with Li at the
cleaning of the mission, Vatatsubashi returned to his room in a
roundabout way, ate tightly and fell soundly asleep. He owned
himself, and was not going to frighten possible troubles.
At midnight, Mr. Col. Sheba woke him up. He quickly got up,
washed, ate, and soon Ichiro Kabura called on him to report that
the guests of the Russian envoy had dispersed. Vatatsubashi and
Colonel Shiba once again discussed all the options for
contingency and, accompanied by Ichiro, went to the fanz of
Chinese Li.
Ichiro Kabura raised a sleeping Li and told him to walk on the roof
and help him move to the stable of the Russian mission,
Mr. Vatatsubashi. Although the Chinese Li had long been
expecting something like this, he knew that he would have to pay
a high price for the rice and wine stolen from the Russians, but
his hands and feet barely obeyed him. His face lit by the pitiful
yellow light of a butter bowl, wet with sweat, imploringly
shook. A premonition of the most terrible tormented him. »
General, don’t go,” he asked, “I feel bad, don’t
go ...”Ichiro jerked his hand, “Keep quiet,” and threatened with a
revolver. From the roof of the fanza, Vatatsubashi swung send,
caught with his hands the sharply hewn logs of the stockade,
pulled he up and threw his foot on the roof of the stable. Below,
it snorted, stepped over, and the awakened horse leaned heavily
against the wall. Vatatsubashi lurking. He spent at least a minute
on the roof of the building, listening to the darkness, then
crouched low, jumping down into the passage between the stable
and the barn. The horse sniffed again. The whole distance from
the stable to the kindergarten, from the flowerbed to the
flowerbed and up to the fourth window from the corner of the
mission building, was repeatedly measured by him in steps and
sharpened exactly in memory. Only gently crunched the sand
under his feet, but the glossy large leaves of magnolias beat on
the face. But here is the window on the vaguely whitening wall of
the embassy mansion. Lurking, he sat in the bushes for a couple
of minutes, stood up, pushed aside the slightly rustling canopy of
the mosquito net with his hand and looked into the room. It was
dark, quiet, anxious and mysterious. He knelt on the windowsill,
took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the soles of his
sandals so as not to leave damp earth on the floor. Quietly
dropped into the office and froze. Suddenly, footsteps sounded in
the night silence of the sleeping house, and the voice of the
Russian envoy asked, “Are you awake, Taras?” “No, sir, Count,”
answered a Cossack on duty on the porch at the open door of the
house. Steps sounded closer, the door from the main office to the
envoy office swung open, and the envoy Count Cassini appeared
at the threshold with candelabra about three candles.
Vatatsubashi barely had time to sit down beside the writing-table,
which stood at the right wall, sideways to the window. The envoy
took three unsteady steps from the door to the table, put a
candelabrum on it, and turned to the safe.
Frozen, Vatatsubashi peered out from around the corner of the
tabletop, praying the gods not to interfere, lead the Russian
envoy away and not allow him to call the Cossack’s office for any
need; otherwise, they would surely find him. However, the envoy
poked, without getting into the well, with a key, quietly clicked
the lock, and the safe door slowly opened. Graf took out a bundle
of papers from his blue satin gown pocket with his left hand and
put them on the middle shelf. Then he closed the safe, put the
key in his pocket, took the candelabrum, turned, lighting and
examining the office, and went out, quietly closing the door. This
time he did not say a word to the Cossack, walked over to him,
and it was heard how three doors slammed deafly and
floorboards squeaked. The house again fell into a sleepy silence.
Holding his breath, Vatatsubashi listened and listened, then
began to count to himself, deciding that up to fifty would be
enough, the Cossack overcame a dream. He counted, exhaled the
air, tune in to the first movement, but changed his mind and
again counted up to fifty.
The house was quiet and sleepy. Stored so that the floorboards
would not creak, he went to the safe, gently stroked it,
persuading not to resist, in total darkness he felt the lock hole,
quietly inserted the key, froze, listening, but everything was calm.
Gently, carefully, sneaking up, afraid to latch the bolt loudly, he
turned the key and pulled the handle. Safe opened! In the light
of the Russian envoy’s chandelier, Vatatsubashi saw that there
was not much paper in the safe, so he decided not to risk
rummaging through the light of an electric torch in documents,
took a stack from the top shelf and put it in the first pocket of the
bag, then took the paper from the next shelf and put it in the
second pocket. On the bottom shelf laid a thick book. Is it
needed? Then he remembered that this could be a cipher
book, and put it in a bag. Squeezing the safe door with his left
hand so that the clang of metal would not be heard, he closed
the safe, turned the key and felt how the heavy bolt fell into
place. It is done! He crept to the window, froze again and heard
the Cossack Taras whistle in his sleep with his nose on the porch.
“Sleep well,” Vatatsubashi wished him and dived into the garden.
Among the minor papers in the safe of the Russian envoy, a
documents in French, diplomatic language were clearly found,
which were re-photographed, quickly translated into Japanese
and urgently delivered to Tokyo, to the Political Department of
Guy-mu sho, where experts attacked it.Thoroughly, diligently
examining it, they came to the conclusion that the documents
presented in the copy cannot be considered a copy of the text of
the agreement between Russia and China sent to Beijing by the
Russian Foreign Ministry, as indicated by the absence
of the last part – signatures, dates and other details; in the
introductory part, the representatives of the Chinese side are not
mentioned by name, whereas Cassini is called Russian; the text
of the treaty itself is not divided into articles and there are a
number of stylistic errors that are impossible for this kind of
documents. On the other hand, the stolen documents were
of much interest, since, no doubt, it fully reflected the size of
Russia’s appetites and, quite possibly, fully included the articles of
the treaty, which Russia insisted on. These documents stated the
following. China represents Russia the right to build a railway
from one of the stations of the Siberian Railway to Aygun-
Tsitsikar-Bodune-Jilin and from Vladivostok to Hanchun and
further to Jilin, and to use it for thirty years, after which it can
be bought by China. Russia has the right to build a railroad from
Jilin to Mukden and further to Shanghaiguan, with the right of
redemption by China in ten years. The network of roads from
Shanghai to the depths of Chinese territory will be built with a
five-foot Russian track, to help trade relations between the two
countries. To protect all these railroads, Russia is granted the
right to keep infantry and cavalry units at important stations. In
view of possible hostilities on the Asian mainland, Russia is
leasing the port of Jiaozhou for a period of fifteen years, but only
in the case of a direct danger of the outbreak of hostilities, so as
not to arouse envy or suspicion of other states. In the event
of the start of hostilities, Russia receives the right to occupy the
ports of the Liaodong Peninsula, and until then China is
committed to strengthening them militarily and not giving in to
anyone. In addition, Russia receives the right to explore and
develop ore wealth in the Girin and Heilundzyan provinces, but in
each person case with the permission of not state authorities, but
local authorities. Sumitsu-in, the Privy Council of the Empire,
assembled to discuss the document did not reach a unanimous
opinion. First, what is it? A carefully designed fake,
slipped to provoke Japan to seize Liaodong and, using the pretext
presented in this case, using the forces of three allied fleets –
Russia, France and Germany – to blockade the coast of Japan,
destroy its fleet and, perhaps, after the British, bombing its
ports? Either a genuine, already developed, but not yet approved
in the last version of the draft convention, sent for probing
further steps in Tsungli-Yamin? And if the authorship of these
documents belongs to Count Cassini himself? Judging by the
available dossier, Cassini fancies himself Talleyrand. And is it not
the tricks of the British, at least with the goal of activating Japan
to a more harsh opposition of Russia? Secondly – what
response should be taken? Diplomatic demarche? Military? For
example, to occupy Korea and stand on the border with China,
albeit in violation of the treaty just concluded with Russia, during
coronation celebrations in Moscow? Tighten financial
requirements for China to change the Shimonoseki peace treaty?
Or maybe to pretend that they do not attach importance to the
treaty being prepared or are not at all aware of the machinations
of Russia in China? After lengthy discussions, it was decided to
publish the stolen document in the English-speaking Shanghai
newspaper, in Beijing it was not like that, to draw the attention
of all countries involved in trade with China to Russia’s desire to
start its commercial operation, even if veiled under the transit
railway line, to push them to kind of claims to China, and thereby
provoke internal discontent in China, a reaction of resistance.
Moreover, there are very strong populist, nationalist movements,
not only in the lower classes, but also among the highest Manchu
nobility. Then in every way possible to work to discredit the
Russians in China and Korea, using any opportunity for that. To
provoke indignations, organize clashes, even armed ones, and
local people with Russians, and in general Europeans, regardless
of the nature of their activities. So that in time, we can get our
hands on China. Hakkoitiu! - The world is under one roof! -
should begin with the accession of Korea and China to Japan.


Surprisingly easy, Ivashnikov got close to En Pan-sa, a Russian

mission translator. He lived for several years in Vladivostok
and was distinguished among his fellow members in large numbers,
of tall stature and the habit of wearing European clothes. Despite
the well-known democracy inherent in the inhabitants of
multinational Russia, here, in a small Russian colony, there was a
certain tension in relations with the natives, apparently due to the
complete ignorance of the local language, the palpable hostility of
Koreans to all foreigners and successfully introduced by the British,
Americans and Germans spirit of ”White man”. En-pan-sa lived in
the mission area, at a half of the king, and enjoyed
the many respect of the royal retinue. Ivashnikov several times
addressed him with insignificant requests, purely linguistic, trying to
improve his Korean, and En pan-sa eagerly enlightened him. The
translator belonged to those noble people who barely overpower
themselves by asking for a favour, but with great joy seeking to
help others. A Korean of Ivashnikov, poor knowledge of realities
and customs, all this needed a hint, if not permanent care. And En-
pan-sa soon gladly undertook to be his guide through the city and a
teacher of language and customs, although he was extremely busy.
Yes, the responsibilities of Ivashnikov did not diminish, despite the
arrival in Seoul of Colonel Putyata with fourteen junior officers and
the military doctor Chervinsky, for training Korean troops and the
bodyguard of King Kojeong.

Through the back gate of the mission, they slipped out onto the
main dusty street and started wandering around the city, scrambled
up the steep hills, bypassing the city wall made of large boulders
with interest, slowly, inspected all six city gates, the cornices of
which were decorated with cast-iron images of mythical
animals the wooden gates were painted as a national coat of arms
of folded head to tail blue and red tadpoles; admired from the
most higher part of the city - from the Northern Gate - the view of
the capital, in a narrow valley, between hills and even
hills; inspected loopholes, made in the fortress wall for defense
against the enemy; low arches over streams to supply the city
with drinking water, taken away by strong wrought-iron
grates; visited the ancient monastery located next to the Northern
Gate, behind the city wall, near which, under a roof with upturned
edges on a huge stone block, stood a carved Buddha stone; with
difficulty, gliding and stumbling, moved through the city streams
along the ancient stone bridges, which had become unusable, but
not repaired; climbed up a cone-shaped hill called Hill Nyanzaam,
almost in the center of the city, where they listened to the
guardian’s story about how, when the bell was ringing, they kindled
lights on five stone pillars to send messages and orders from the
capital to all ends of the Korean kingdom; with special curiosity,
examined a red wooden chapel with an altar adjoining the
guardhouse-pyrotechnics, which stood not far from the hut, and a
young, beautiful, full of strength, sweetly smacked monk, the head
of this often visited church, stay at night, which, according to
popular rumor, relieves women from infertility; marveled at the
bazaar to the countless multitude of various Korean, Chinese and
Japanese petty items and knick-knacks laid out on bright mats, piles
of seaweed, iridescent with all the colors of the rainbow with
blue moiré backs still alive with mackerel, dried and very salty
Pollock,, become popular with Korean mackerel, as a vobla on the
Volga, ram in Little Russia and Keta on Amur, with the bright green
of the fleshy leaves of tannamuli and tsu going to the soup, gently
touched the fingers of small lifeless octopuses; they went into the
front rooms of the fanzas, which were adapted to the shops, gray
rows frozen along the narrow streets, where they mainly sold rice,
dried fruits, and occasionally game and drugs of oriental medicine,
including those from the roots and seeds of lotus, ginseng, antlers
of deer and hearts and tiger liver; again inspected the walls, arches,
bridges, bullied heads in a stone bag between the old and later
towers of the East Gate; they were amazed at the art of the
ancient stonecutters, who had cut a wide road through the rock, the
so-called “Peking Pass” to the Western Gate, through which
ambassadors of God arrived; they stroked the warm wood of the
varnished carving of the side columns of the triangular arch
that had been destroyed for more than a year, erected six years
ago in honor of the last visit to Seoul by the ambassadors of the
Emperor of the Heavenly Empire; wandered through the old,
painted red paint with a massive roof bent up on the Chinese style
long-abandoned royal palace, accompanied by two fat, yellow,
unhealthy type of eunuchs-guides, who occupied the small room in
the ruins of the palace, with nasty child-female voices scared in
disgusting stories about ghosts, allegedly inhabiting the palace; they
put their ear to a low, no more than a foot above the ground of the
hanging “Big Bell”, which, after being hit on it with a heavy
hammer, hums for a long time; They tasted great grapes, unusually
sweet and fragrant bright orange tangerines, watery pears, large
fragrant striped apples and other fruits that they bought from stray
In these long wanderings around the city, En Pan-sa
introduced Ivashnikov to the history of the country, which helped
him understand current events.

- The name Korea comes from the abbreviated name of the small
kingdom of Ko-Koray, lurking in the snowy mountains in northeast
Manchuria. The warlike people of this small kingdom alternately
conquered their neighbors, the kingdoms of Fuyu and Cho-
Sen. Wise Chinese historians claim that the Korean nation is
descended from descendants of the Fuy tribe. In immemorial
times, a clan made up of several families left Fuyu and south of
the Ielo River, founded its own state. A man named Ko-Korai was
elected king. As the number of inhabitants increased, the kingdom
expanded until it swallowed the neighboring small states. During
the period of the Three Kingdoms in China — the third century
according to the European calendar — the kingdom was
established in the northern part of the peninsula and its
capital, Pingyang, was established on the bank of
the Tethong River. Seeing the growth of the new state, and
considering it still weak, China in the sixth century went to war with
him. However, the brave Korean people put the many Chinese
armies to flight. The Chinese gathered forces and again attacked a
small state, and they were so many that the Korean army could not
resist, the Chinese managed to conquer the country. The kingdom
of Ko-Korai was destroyed, and for a long three centuries, the
country was annexed to China, until, having gathered forces at
the expense of newcomers from the northwest, in the tenth century
the people revolt. The uprising was led by a Buddhist monk Kung-
Wo, who declared himself king. One of the officers of his army
named Wang, who considered himself a descendant of the dead Ko-
Korai dynasty, overthrew the monk king, established himself on the
royal throne, and even taking advantage of the civil war in China,
he annexed the kingdom of Shinra to his state.
This made it possible to avoid for nearly two centuries the
devastating invasions of the Chinese armies. However, the Mongol
hordes of Genghis Khan in the thirteenth century overwhelmed
Korea and tried to move to Japan from here, but without success.
The mighty hurricane disheveled Genghis Khan’s numerous flotillas
and destroyed a significant part of his troops, and the survivors had
to leave. Korea, which was constantly vassal of China, began to
attract the greedy eyes of neighboring Japan. First, in agreement
with the ruler of the neighboring island of Tsushima, the Korean
king in the port of Fusan allowed the permanent residence of
Japanese merchants and regular trade between the two countries.
Not content with this, at the end of the sixteenth century, the
Japanese shogun Hideyoshi sent a hundred and fifty thousand
strong army to seize Korea, which the Japanese could easily do.
Bought out a light tribute from China, Korea had no enemies, its
army was weak, the cities were poorly protected, and the
weapons were outdated. Moreover, the Japanese have already
used firearms, bought by them from the Portuguese traders. With
the help of China, which sent the two hundred thousandth army,
the Japanese were driven to the very edge of the peninsula, but this
five-year war cost Korea such enormous casualties among the
population that the development of the country hopelessly lagged
behind the flying time. Moreover, conquering China, in the
seventeenth century, the Manchus invaded Korea, seized the capital
and forced the king, as a sign of obedience, to send their two sons
to Beijing as hostages. Having experienced such terrible upheavals,
having lost a mass of people and seeing the country plundered and
devastated, the Korean kings decided to completely abandon all
sorts of ties with the outside world in order not to give
anyone reasons to interfere in the affairs of the country. We could
not build a giant wall, like the Chinese one, but formed a barrier on
the borders, setting up armed cordons and prohibiting any
economic activity there. In order not to be a bait for foreign
seafarers, the seacoasts were devastated, shipping was sharply
limited, and foreigners, who, like the Portuguese Hamel, had gone
to Korea, were delayed for long, long years. Therefore, Korea and
became known as a “hermit state” and “forbidden country.” Until
the beginning of our century, little trade with China was
conducted only for two or three days a year at the border and
in Fusan there was little trade with Japan.

Ivashnikov repeatedly visited him in a small but neat fanza where

his father lived — an official of the Seoul governorate, mother, wife,
a very attractive young woman, who had a happy smile when
meeting her husband, two younger brothers who had studied in
Russian school and grandmother. And En Pan-sa gradually
overcame his restraint, and increasingly began to enter his room in
the mission. “My poor country,” he continued to say, “Is so poor
that very often, because of floods or drought, people are starving
and are forced to sell their children into slavery or go to the Russian
Maritime Region. — Slavery? — For Ivashnikov it sounded crazy.
— Yes, all the land in the state belongs to the king, who appoints
from among the privileged Yanban class, the same as the Russian
nobility, to all official posts in the kingdom — from the village
headman to the minister. The king rents the land only to Yanbans,
and they, in turn, process it with the forces of their slaves or
servants, and only the most inconvenient, bad and tiny parts are
rented out. Those born from slaves become slaves, trapped in debt
bondage also become slaves, and only by hiding in the Russian
limits can slavery be avoided. “I myself,” En Pan-sa continued, with
a guilty smile, “Yanban was of origin, but since I do not occupy a
bureaucratic place in the royal service, but I work as a translator in
the Russian mission, I began to relate to the middle class —
Chunying. We also have commoners — the Yanginas — all those
who live by their labour and trade — peasants, artisans, merchants,
musicians, singers, dancers ... State religion — Confucianism —
persistently pursues the dogma of the unquestioning obedience of
the people to the power of the king and the firmness of
separation society on the estate. All of this, together, so squeezed
my poor Korea in the rigid framework of hopeless hopelessness,
that, willy-nilly, eventually, people should have thought of searching
for a way out. From time immemorial Korea was in vassal
dependence on China, but the Celestial Empire itself was so
hardened in ancient canons, itself was so interested in the
inviolability of the existing situation in Korea, that it was necessary
to look for another, if not suzerain, patron in any case. And there
was a lot of harassment. About thirty years ago, the French and
Americans attempted to set up themselves in our land by force, but
we responded to force with force and successfully repelled their
military landings. There was such a situation that we could enter
into an alliance with one of the three powers — China, Russia or
Japan, as our closest neighbors. The Celestial Empire suited the
royal court by guaranteeing the usual mode of government and
existence. However, she did not suit the one, albeit a small, circle
of enlightened ones, — he singled out this word, — young people
who want to modernize the country. Moreover, the example of
something closes. Yes, — he nodded to Ivashnikov, — the
Japanese empire of the current Meiji era. What a leap from
closure, stagnancy and backwardness to the growth of industry and
commerce, education and culture. Our “progressives” began to
orient themselves towards Japan. Ivashnikov and Minaev already
had a close meeting and a serious conversation with the
“progressists”, so the ensign and pricked up his ears.
— Fifteen years ago, great unrest began in the country, caused
by the oppression of the people by our rulers of all levels and
ranks. It was possible to extinguish these unrests by unlimited
promises, and then by police measures, but discontent inevitably
had to break out again. And two years later, yes, on eighty-third,
the “progressives,” enlisting the Japanese envoy with promises of
the broadest support and help, attempted a coup. The time they
chose was seemingly good. China at that time was occupied by a
war with France over Ton kin. As often happens in such cases,
the “progressives” believed in their strength and luck. The head of
the movement was Kim Ok-kyun, the first person in the kingdom
after the king. He pinned his hopes on top officials, army officers
and soldiers, who, for a long time, had become a habit, if not a
custom, had not been given a salary for months or even years. But
his opponents in the Chinese party did not sleep either, and ready
for a fight that became known to Kim Ok-kyun.
The Progressists began to exterminate their opponents and called
for help the Japanese, of whom there were more than two hundred
in the capital as part of the protection of the Japanese mission, and
even captured the palace along with the king. The Chinese party
raised its supporters, brought Chinese and Korean military units to
the streets in Seoul, and forces more than three thousand people
knocked out the Progressists and the Japanese from the city. At
that time, relations between China and Japan became aggravated to
such an extent that they almost led to war, and China had to
retreat, pledging under the Tianjin Treaty not to keep troops in
Korea. Kim Ok-kyun fled to Japan, his family was completely
exterminated, and he, ten years later, was killed in Shanghai. After
the Japanese were expelled from Seoul, the Mikado had the idea to
send troops to Korea and seize the southern part of the country, but
the Russian envoy to Tokyo Davydov, who managed to prevent the
war, intervened. Since then, our relations with Japan have become
strained, which was noticeably felt in the king’s entourage, and
especially among the people. Ordinary people were extremely
unhappy with the dominance of the Japanese in the trade and
production of goods, because their cheap products filled Korea, and
local goods did not find buyers. It was then that the first time the
hope arose in the immediate vicinity of the Queen to find a strong
patron in Russia. The Russians were given the right to settle in the
capital and major port cities, buy land and cost homes. But you
know Russian indiscretion. Except, perhaps, the
merchant Shevelev and the whaler Dydymov, at that time there was
not a single Russian interested in trade with Korea. And the
persistent harassment of China, Japan, European countries and the
United States of North America continued. Europeans cautiously
crawled into Korea, sending missionaries here and opening religious
schools. Then the monks were alarmed, because the alien
missionaries attempted upon the minds of people, averted them
from the religion of their ancestors, taught heresies, forbade them
to pray in temples and idols, and deprived the monks of their
already meager food. Religious sect To-gaga something, that is,
Eastern Sciences, persecuted by the official Korean religion, excited
the rural and poor urban population, blaming foreigners for the
deterioration of life. Their mottoes are - “Society must
be transformed according to the virtuous principles of Confucius.
Law must be restored, for which Japanese barbarians must
be expelled. Officials and noblemen must be expelled from Seoul by
armed force. Moral concepts will again come into effect on the basis
of the teachings of the Chinese sages” — found widespread support
especially among the poor Yanban, Chunin and Yangin. Three
years ago, in the spring, a small group of Tongkak — proselytes of
this sect — the villagers came to the palace and petitioned the king
to stop persecution of them, to recognize the founder of their sect
as a martyr, holy and innocent of the charges against him Our poor
king promised to carry out their petition, but the governors of the
provinces began to seize the well-known tongaks, which led to an
explosion of discontent and an uprising broke out next spring.
Excited by Tongak people seized power in the settlements — from
villages to cities — and forced all men to join them. During this
uprising, many Japanese died, not only because they were not
particularly loved in Korea, but also because a great many of them
multiplyed here. Then the Japanese introduced their troops and
suppressed the uprising by force. Suppressing the rebellion, they
captured Seoul and the palace with the king and queen. The
Chinese, outraged by the clear violation of the Treaty of Tianjin,
tried to offer armed resistance to Japan, but were cruelly defeated.
And you know about the Shimonoseki peace treaty. Our queen did
not want Korea to be dependent on Japan, but most of all she
feared for the welfare of the Min family, from which she was born
and which is considered the richest in the country. Having a great
influence on the king, she demanded that he seek the protection
and patronage of Russia. The Japanese were well aware of the
mood of the queen; they everywhere had their spies, knew her
strong character, feared her influence on the king, and plotted to
kill the queen. In September of last year, at night, the Japanese
surrounded the royal palace, dispersed the guards and rushed
inside. The king, powerless to protect the queen and himself,
ordered Lee Bom-chzhin, his cousin, to flee for help to the Russian
and American missions. Meanwhile, the Japanese were looking for
the queen in all the rooms of the palace. They were so brutalized
that, not knowing the queen in the face, they began to kill the
women from the queen’s retinue. The queen, who was among her
maids of honor, could not stand the sight and rushed to run. A
Japanese officer caught up with our poor queen, knocked her down
with his fist, jumped up on her chest and slaughtered with saber.
Then the Japanese took the queen to a nearby grove, poured
kerosene and burned her. The Russian envoy, Mr. Weber, arrived
late at the palace when this crime had already happened.
Immediately after the murder of the queen, all the supporters of
rapprochement with China and Russia were removed from the
number of ministers and then killed. The Japanese, who had seized
the country, began forcefully change our national customs, forbade
wearing Korean clothes, smoking long pipes, and told the men to
cut coiffures on their heads, which was perceived as an insult. The
king was afraid to share the fate of the queen and in January of this
year, in a palanquin, where the maid of honor, guarding the body of
the queen, arrived at the palace, he and the heir managed to slip
out of the Japanese guarded palace and hide here in the Russian
mission. The people with glee learned about the salvation of the
king and tore to pieces on the market square two ministers,
henchmen of the Japanese.
In the words of En Pan-sa there was such bitterness, such pity for
the deceased queen and the disgraced king, such indignation
towards the Japanese that Ivashnikov only needed to breathe
out, — I see, you have a stormy life.
— Now, especially after the conclusion of the Russian-Korean
agreement in Moscow this May, the situation in the country is such
that only strengthening of Russian positions, mainly in finance, the
army and industry of Korea can join the sympathies of the king and
the people towards you, the Russians …

Autumn was cloudy, rainy. One by one typhoons fell upon the city,
from the provinces’ news of many disasters brought on by terrible
winds and turbulent floods from the mountains flooded, food prices
in shops and in the bazaar grew dramatically, that commoners met
with a storm of indignation.Ivashnikov continued his, mostly
solitary, forays into the city, without fear of being recognized,
mainly from distant, narrow, cramped, dirty, covered with fallen
yellow leaves, broken off by the wind branches and brought by
water from where did the garbage from the streets; he squatted
and savored the fruit of the braziers of the bushes, conspicuous in
his wide white hats, tradesmen in food, went to the little poor shops
and tried to master perfectly distinctive, sharply different from
Chinese, Manchu and Japanese Korean languages, perfectly
true, recent borrowing from the languages of neighbors and even
English and Russian. English is
understandable: numerous missionary schools introduced mainly
church phraseology into the lexicon; Russian, however, was rarely
and sharply, in the form of short orders and was learned, it is not
difficult to guess, by many spectators watching the drill squad of
Korean platoons led by Russian officers on a wide parade ground
near our mission. Sometimes the problem of the dominance
of foreigners raised in conversations of people was reduced mainly
to the hopes of the king’s wisdom. Commoners often expressed
displeasure with the crafty Japanese, but willingly bought their
cheap goods. Several times in the past two months, Kim Jin-
ho came to Seoul, but he was only able to meet with her once. Her
uncle for the important services to the king during his flight from his
palace to the Russian mission was appointed metropolitan governor
and moved from the mission to his residence. But Kim Jin-ho under
a far-fetched pretext visited the mission of half the
king. Ivashnikov was lucky to see her, and they took a minute to
meet The conversation really did not work. Ivashnikov admired
her face more, felt anguish that the meeting was so short, and she,
too, was constrained. Their conversation was incoherent. Kim Jin-
Ho, however, said that she hoped to move to Seoul, to her uncle,
by the end of the year. Then she confided to him that the
sympathies of young people who studied in missionary schools
belong more to Americans, British and even Japanese than Russian,
and that a hostile Russian speech is being prepared at the
upcoming Kechkhunchhol festival — the Day of the National
Establishment of Korea. The initiators of this venture are young
noble people united in the so-called “Society of
Independence”, where an active role is played by
the young Yanban Lee Syn-man. Ivashnikov immediately informed
Oleg Nikolaevich after the meeting, and he went to report to
Colonel Putyata. Colonel General Staff Putyata, who had long
served in the Far East and wherever he had not been, was sent to
Korea with the authority of a military adviser to the king, the main
instructor of Korean troops and a detachment of bodyguards of the
king. At the envoy’s meeting, the current situation was
assessed, the confrontation of two of the most prominent parties in
Seoul — the Russophiles, interested in staying the king in our
mission as a guarantee against the persistent economic harassment
of the Japanese, and the Tonnip Hephwe party — the
Independence Society, using the slogan of struggle for a strong,
prosperous Korea for support among all segments of the
population. It was decided to place the Korean soldiers who carried
the King’s guard in the mission outside the fence, and to be ready
to repel a possible attack. Two days later, the Day of the National
Establishment of Korea came. In the morning, the sun was shining
brightly, but the air was fresh and sharply cool in the autumn, only
smelled of smoke from the autumn garbage, vegetable tops and
fallen leaves in the gardens and streets. By order of
Colonel Putyata, who knew warrant officer Ivashnikov wearing
Korean clothes about the city about walks, he went to a holiday, to
the Western Gate, where the “Peking Pass” ended and the
triangular arch, which had been destroyed and burned for about a
month. Now, a new one, called the “Arch of Independence”, has
been erected in its place. For the opening of the arch, a crowd of
thousands of five people gathered, most of them exalted young
people in elegant rich clothes. Members of the English, French and
American missions and missionary priests held a separate handful.
Our and Japanese envoys were not present, thus finding
polarization of interests. Young people loudly chanted slogans of
independence of Korea, sang the hymns “Korea” and “Song of
Independence”, shouted about the future prosperity and the fight
against the domination of foreigners. Then Mr. Sill, the envoy of
the North American United States, climbed onto the daïs and,
through an interpreter, began to promise widespread support for
Korea and the English and French envoys promised
unselfish help after him. Ivashnikov listened to exclamations,
laughter, jokes, read mood swings on his faces — from approvingly
enthusiastic to harshly hostile, and felt that the youth was
warmed up cautiously to attack the Russian mission to “free our
poor king.” Getting out of the crowd, he hurried to the mission,
where he was eagerly awaited. Having listened carefully,
Colonel Putyata ordered that hour to saddle his horse and rush
to Chemulpo for help.

Past the blue Korean tents with soldiers sleeping inside on red
paper blankets and Remington rifles in disarray lying in front of the
tents, past low fanzas with blue and yellow haze over the pipes,
past stone fences, along narrow streets, through the south-west
gate along the road to Chemulpo galloping Ivashnikov on his black
Amethyst, fearing being late, did not have time to bring help, to find
the defeated mission and his comrades killed. The Koreans,
wandering towards, looked with amazement at the galloping
Russian officer and hurriedly made way for him. These twenty miles
to the river Ivashnikov galloped in a single spirit. And here he did
not wait for the small sluggish ferry, always hammered with the
eternally dissatisfied loud ferryman, and crossed the river on the
shallows upstream, wetting his trousers. At the hotel, which was
kept by Japanese, he jumped off his horse, ordered the Korean
servant who had approached to give the horse a measure of oats
and decided to have a snack and rest for a while. It was the last
shot to Chemulpo and the horse needed rest. The dining room to
the right of the entrance was reserved for Europeans and furnished
in European style: tables, wooden chairs with high backs, white
tablecloths on napkins, and
chinaware and cupronickel appliances. Ivashnikov sat down to the
table sideways and made an order to the waiter. As he entered the
hotel, he noticed a keen gaze thrown in his direction by the owner,
who was standing by the window and talking to a low, dense
Korean, but did not attach much importance to this. Five minutes
later Ivashnikov heard the restless neighing of his Amethyst and
some fuss at the entrance to the hotel. Jumping out into the yard,
he knocked down a dense Korean, who was obviously trying to
detain him, making way for the door. The other two Koreans in
tattered and dirty clothes and hair hats incrusted to the new
manners tried to take Amethyst away, but he was wildly neighing
and strove to press them sideways to the concord. “Away, the
bastards,” Ivashnikov snatched the revolver out of its holster and
shot at the sky, remembering the lesson of lieutenant Minaev. The
door slammed behind him, and with lateral vision, he saw that he
already bringing an iron poker over him had shot down the Korean.
Instinctively, Ivashnikov swung to the right with his last effort and
felt a sharp pain in his left collarbone. Not holding back, from the
heart he struck with the heavy grip of a revolver on the head of the
enemy and had already decided to shoot at the attackers on
Amethyst, but they soberly assessed the situation and, screaming in
fright, ran in different directions. The owner who jumped out to the
shot incessantly bowed and repeated -
tongkak, Tongkak, Tongkak ... Galloping, holding the bridle in his
left, and the revolver in his right hand, choking on pain, anger, lack
of air, Ivashnikov rode the remaining way to the sea, saw the
harbor and the town Chemulpo and began to search for
the”Koreyets” gun boat standing on the roadstead. He was terribly
pleased with the familiar silhouette, and, having given Amethyst a
will, let him go. On the way, through the hollows and manes of the
hills, he descended to the bay and immediately saw a boat from
the ”Koreyets” standing at the shore. Due to the high tides, the
steamboats did not come close to the coast here, and the
communication with them was carried out by dedicated boats. The
sailors already knew him in person, and that time they brought him
to the ship. Captain 2nd rank commander Lindstrom listened
carefully, played alarm and, having built a crew, appointed eighty
lower ranks and two officers, almost the entire crew, on an
immediate trip to Seoul. Having taken one mountain mortar and
having rented fifty horses and two dozen carts for three hours with
the help of our sales agent in Chemulpo, they set off after dark
after the march. Early in the morning, they entered the city,
producing a commotion and causing horror of the inhabitants, which
was clearly readable on the faces of the people they met. The
attack on the mission did not take place, and the king, having
believed in the power of the Russians, ordered the arrest of all
those whom he considered to be supporters of the Japanese.

King Kojong occupied the right half of the main building of the
Russian diplomatic mission, recently built a large beautiful house.
Although the Russian soldiers carried the guard of the mission, they
naturally did not have the right to prevent foreign diplomats
accredited in Seoul from visiting the king and his ministers, who for
the most part lived on the half of king. It must be said that during
the days in the mission and next to it, an enormous amount of all
kinds of courtiers and servants dangled — eunuchs, ministers,
military leaders, servants, servants of ministers and
officials, greengrocers, pontoonmen, cooks, grooms, porters of
decorated wooden palanquins, outside of which courtiers were
not dared, according to etiquette, appear on the streets. And all
this created a hefty crowd, hubbub and bustle in the mission area
and deprived it of respectable peace and tranquility of the cozy
missions of the Americans and the Japanese. Therefore, when
foreign diplomats approached the stone gates of the mission
crowned with a Russian double-headed eagle, the guards froze into
a crutch, and the duty officer was obliged to escort them to the
king’s chambers.
Recently, the Japanese envoy of Komura, who has long been
concerned about the deterioration of Japanese-Korean relations, has
become visibly frequent with the Korean king. According to Korean
etiquette, he usually arrived in a wooden palanquin draped with
yellow and green silk with golden balls on the roof, carried by eight
porters at once and surrounded by a detachment of armed guards
for greater importance. First, King Kojong tried, observing his royal
dignity and as a sign of indifference, to make waiting
envoy Komura in a small hallway, but the Japanese, after waiting a
couple of minutes for decorum, resolutely moved on, and the
king was forced to give him an audience.
Everyone in the mission was terribly intrigued by the negotiations,
but the king and his closest associates, despite their sympathy for
the Russians, did not devote themselves to the details. The general
direction of the negotiations was clear from the beginning — the
restoration of the positions lost by the Japanese. The most
knowledgeable was, as expected, En Pan-sa. After almost daily
conversations with him, our envoy made the longest dispatches to
St. Petersburg. Ivashnikov’s joint walks with En Pan-sa stopped for
some time, but one evening, after a polite knock, the translator
went to Ivashnikov.
Ensign slowly brewed fresh Chinese jasmine tea, which he loved
very much for the indescribable aroma, and in deep silence, but
with obvious mutual sympathy, they drank a cup, and then started
“I understand that everyone is very interested in Komura’s talks
with the king.” Until recently, I knew little, but now the situation
has cleared up. I will not show any secret; I will only tell you that
the world will know literally these days.
Ivashnikov shook his head in disbelief, “But how many people in the
world are interested in events in such a remote corner of the
But En Pan-sa misunderstood his doubt and assured him ardently,
“Yes, very soon.” And I have already told Mr. Weber everything,
and I have learned from Lee Bom-chjin, the cousin of the king and
his closest adviser, ” En Pan-sa added ingenuously.
— The Japanese envoy, Mr. Komura, told the King about the secret
articles of the Russian-Japanese treaty about Korea. He presented
it to the king in such a way that Russia in his eyes turned out to
be a deceiver and traitor to Korea. According to Komura, it turned
out that it was Russia that proposed the partition of Korea between
Russia and Japan.
Ivashnikov was outraged by such low defamation. “But the king
sees our disinterestedness and can compare it with the greed of the
— Komura imposed on the king the opinion that Russia does not
want to help Korea with anything — the loan does not represent,
private capital does not invest, behind the king’s back agreed with
Japan about dividing the country and increasing the number of its
military here, which, although provided by the Russian-Korean
agreement very dangerous and confirms her intentions.
“However, it was he who came running to us to
hide,” Ivashnikov objected, “he knew that only the Russians could
save him.
— The memory of good people is short, and the king — just a man.
Now the Japanese are offering him money, asking for concessions
for the construction of railways from the extreme south to the
border with China and have launched a wide trade of their goods
throughout the country. Americans, French and British — everyone
is in a hurry to give loans to Korea, ask for concessions for the
construction of railways, including Seoul — Chemulpo, and
connecting the capital to the port is very important. Russia does
not invest money in Korea; it only requires that the construction
of railways be conducted with Russian broad gauge. Then it will be
impossible to use it — no one in the world produces such
locomotives and cars.
“How does the king understand that the Japanese need railways to
quickly deliver troops from ports to any part of Korea and further to
the borders of Manchuria, China.”
“And to your borders,” Yong Pan-sa anxiously looked into
Ivashnikov’s eyes.
“Well, the Japanese won’t dare to fight with us,” Ivashnikov smiled
indulgently at the interlocutor’s naivety.
“Who knows,” he said thoughtfully. — In a word, under the
influence of Komura and Brown, the gratitude of our King of Russia
is rapidly diminishing. Mr. Weber told the king that a Russian
finance adviser will arrive here soon and that Russia will give a large
financial loan through the Russian-Chinese bank, but these are just
promises. The king hesitates: whether he should give in to the
insistence of Komura, Brown and the Tonnip Hephwe party and
move to his Chandokkun palace or stay in the Russian mission.
— Indeed, his memory is short ...“Yes, only the fear of the
Japanese keeps him here,” added En pan-sa.

In early December, Ivashnikov and Lieutenant Korn summoned the

envoy and, describing briefly the political situation in Korea, asked
to go to Fusan, where, according to his information, Vladivostok
industrial commerce adviser Shevelev was now located. They were
instructed to discuss with Mr. Shevelev the possibilities of expanding
Russian entrepreneurship and trade with Korea and to find out how
deeply Japanese had their roots in the south of the country. Mikhail
G. Shevelev was a prominent figure in Vladivostok. One of the
pioneers of the region, he was engaged in all kinds of industrial and
commercial activities: he maintained a bank office and loan office,
organized an insurance company, sold gunpowder, cut the rope,
made matches, supplied the entire Far Eastern region with
agricultural tools and, moreover, was a pioneer of cultural
agriculture and herding — his farm Kangauz was
considered exemplary, and the products from it were the best in the
region for a long time. And most importantly, he laid the
foundation for small cabotage in the Far East, buying and chartering
steamboats and organizing regular voyages along
the Primorye coast and to Sakhalin. In Vladivostok,
Mr. Shevelev was famous for hospitality and kindheartedness,
and Ivashnikov knew his beautiful daughter well. On a small boat,
belonging to the Japanese company Nippon Yuzen Kaisha and
making flights from Nagasaki along the Korean and Chinese coasts,
from Chemulpo on the second day the Russians reached Fuzan.
Extensive Fuzan bay, protected from the sea by the Deer Island,
divided the high cape into two parts. On the shore of the western
part, the Japanese city of Fusan is spaciously located, and by the
end of the eastern one, the Korean town of Busan was stuck.
Having descended to the customs pier, they hired two porters to
deliver the suitcases to Mr. Shevelev’s house and set off after them.
A small plot of land and the house of Mr. Shevelev were in a
Japanese city. He met them hospitably, took two rooms on the
second floor, offered to sit and rest off the road, and he went to his
sales agent American Smith. “In two or three hours I’ll be back,” he
added, “then let’s talk in detail, and slowly.” Ivashnikov and
lieutenant Korn took baths, dressed in fresh linen, had lunch and,
waiting for the owner, decided it was to walk around the city, but
then they heard confident steps. The owner returned soon. They
are comfortably seated in low leather armchairs in a spacious room
with wide windows to the bay and Deer Island. The servant
brought coffee and Japanese mineral water in a tall dark glass
bottle, and Mikhail Grigorievich began to question them about the
situation in Seoul and the latest embassy news. Ivashnikov was
more silent; Lieutenant Korn with a fair amount of sarcasm spoke
about recent events and gossip, and then outlined the request of
the envoy. Shevelev rose, walked over to the window, looked
thoughtfully at the bay, Deer Island, the blue Tsushima Islands far
away on the horizon, turned around and spoke sadly. — Have you
been to Vladivostok? Khabarovsk? “Yes,
yes,” Ivashnikov and Korn nodded. “Then, without a doubt, you
paid attention to the signs of trading establishments on the central
streets: Langelitje, Lindholm, Conrad, Elvanger, Kunst and Albers,
Tun-li... and many others. Virtually all trade in the Amur region
took in hands foreigners. Why it happens? Relatively large
merchants and entrepreneurs of
Vladivostok, Semenov, Startsev and I are trying to widely introduce
the Russian name and Russian money, but the laws of fierce
competition reign here, which we do not withstand. Our funds are
limited, it has already been invested in various areas of industry,
commerce, banking and insurance, but do not bring large
dividends. Semenov is now busy fishing for seaweed and seafood
in Primorye and in the south of Sakhalin; Startsev, mainly in the
family tradition, have sold tea, disappearing for months in Tianjin; I
am trying to set up small cabotage and flights along the Korean
coast. We do not have an industry as such, that is, a wide
fabrication of products for sale in the Far East, and we cannot set
up trade with Korea. Yes, we buy some livestock, rice, chumiz, and
all ... But, due to lack of funds, in very small quantities.
Tit Titichi and Pud Pudychy, as the merchant brother in Russia
ironically calls our country, do not want to invest here. The main
reason is that in our Far East there is very little Russian population.
Yes, and those that are, or clumsy, got little houses, belongings,
families, and you can’t move them, can only drink bitter and play
the harmonica... And, as if in confirmation of his words, a
harmonica, obviously drunk, began to play quite badly somewhere
nearby. — Here’s another Russian, behind the steamer, comes to
beg for money and lower them in Japanese taverns. — For flights
on the Korean coast and the expansion of trade erratic in Korea, I
managed to acquire, with the greatest difficulty, here and
in Genzan, it is not far from our border, small tracts of land. But
the plot in Fuzan, as you can see, is very uncomfortable, on a steep
bank, below the sea are Korean fanzas and, most importantly, in a
Japanese city. The Japanese consul has already demanded to sell
the house and clear the warehouse. And in Genzan, I was
offered only a narrow strip of swamp steps about ten wide and one
hundred fifty long. I drained the marsh and built a house and a
warehouse for storage of cargo there, but the Englishman, the
customs director, who is completely disposing of it, demands that
the authorities demolish my buildings, as they allegedly impede the
expansion of customs. My telegrams are not accepted at the post
office, referring to the telegraph is damaged, although this is an
obvious lie. Moreover, the Japanese broke into the warehouse and
looted all the goods, but refuse to pay for them. We
are accustomed to considering the merchants dashing merchants-
cunning rogues. However, we are here and
pioneer — remember the development of the Okhotsk seacoast,
Kamchatka, Russian America, Sakhalin; and the founders of civilian
settlements — even though Yakov Semenov, without him, perhaps
Vladivostok would have remained a military post; and the engines
of education, and patriots, and defenders of Russian interests. I
look at young people with university badges, of whom many sit in
the office of the Kunst and Albers trading house on Svetlanskaya
Street and become bitter to me. What do you spend yourself
on — wine, cards, women ... But don’t you give your knowledge for
the benefit of Russia, will you start fighting a foreign merchant who
uses our inertia, laziness and ignorance? It was clear that
Mr. Shevelev was ardently and jealously worried about
sluggishness, awkwardness, so that, out of complete indifference of
Russian merchants, not only to Korea, but even to his
own Primorye.
— Now about foreigners in Korea. In Genzan, such as, there are
several missionaries — Americans, British and French. The North
American Presbyterian mission was founded there twelve years ago
and, above all, they opened a school for children and a hospital,
which Koreans attend very readily. A Japanese consulate, a
Buddhist temple, a Japanese school, three pharmacies, three
hospitals, two post offices, about three hundred shops with various
Japanese goods, a hotel with billiards, a Japanese restaurant and
several taverns were opened in Genzan. A young Japanese man
opened a school for Korean kids in Genzan. He bought a house,
school desks and textbooks with his own money, the training is
free. Here he is — a patriot of his fatherland, seeking to place the
Korean people towards Japan. In Fuzan, and even more. It has
been open to the Japanese for about twenty years now, and they
have practically built their own city here. The Japanese population
has already exceeded five thousand and at least eight thousand
fishermen are fishing nearby and constantly enter Fusan. Japanese
police and a large, more than two hundred soldiers, a detachment
of the Japanese army turned the city into a colony of Japan.
Ivashnikov and Korn were noticeably depressed, although not all
this was a secret to them.
“But, Mikhail Grigorievich,” asked Korn, “perhaps the prospects for
Russia in Korea are not so pitiable.” After all, this is a state matter;
we must somehow look for opportunities to strengthen the Russian
positions, especially since in terms of diplomacy we have greatly
overtaken the Japanese. Yes, they are adventurous and capable,
but then we are not tarred with the same brush. ...
“If it is a state matter,” answered Mr. Shevelev in the hearts, “that
should be decided at the state level.” The treasury should invest,
and not small, in Korea, and create, say, a Russian-Korean bank,
not afraid to subsidize Russian and local entrepreneurs and
merchants, which will not be slow to bring undoubted benefit. The
Japanese have tried to conquer Korea for three hundred years.
Another shogun Hideyoshi in 1592 seized Fuzan and from
here the of Korea. Only with the help of China, they managed then
to save their kingdom. Five years later, Hideyoshi again landed in
Korea, and this invasion cost the kingdom two hundred thousand
dead. Therefore, Koreans are traditionally mistrustful of the
Japanese, but business considerations are overwhelmed by
emotions, and our overseas neighbors have taken a
strong place here. More or less wealthy Koreans, fearing to
be robbed by their Yanbans, invest in Japanese enterprises and
trade, which strengthen their position. Recently in the Japanese
newspaper Jimmin, and I read the Far Eastern press and pay a lot
of money for translation from Japanese and Chinese
newspapers So, in the Jimmin article flashed, claiming that Korea is
already economically a colony of Japan. They take out goods on
five million yens, and import on ten. Here is a trade! And we?
Crumbs miserable, no more than twenty thousand rubles,
moreover, that the yen is equal to the ruble in value.
Here and Ivashnikov dared to ask Mikhail Grigorievich a
question. — And how do you assess the concession recently
acquired by Mr. Briner for deforestation in the Tumen-Yalu basins?
— No more than an adventure! — Mr. Shevelev waved his hand.
“The point is, if you take on this for the present, a multimillion-
dollar one, while Briner has no such money.” And he will not find
his companions in Vladivostok. Who else can tell me the
possibilities of our dealers? — Do not pull Briner such an
enterprise — decisively concluded Mikhail Grigorievich.
“Unless he will resell to whom he has a concession and will warm
his hands on it,” decided Mr. Shevelev after a little thought. “But he
will also have to look for merchants not in the Far East.

Ivashnikov, with lieutenant Korn, went to a lot of upset on

a Fusan street to assess, so to speak, the situation with his own
eyes. Here reigned eastern crowds and discord. Light structures of
Korean and Japanese types with tiled roofs were thickly hung with
all sorts of signs, filled with hieroglyphs, almost always with an
English double – hairdressing, groceries, fish shops, meat, poultry,
beer pubs, which, however, was worth a look, turned out to be tiny
cracks with two or three tables, restaurants, a lot of tea houses with
pictures of pleasingly curved geishas in the windows, pharmacies,
bank branches, workshops for the manufacture of Japanese tatami,
Korean hats, pipes, earthenware and cast iron, chalks little shops
with a wide choice of colorful multicolored fans, umbrellas, paper
lanterns, leopards and tiger skins, ivory and porcelain statuettes,
blue majolica vases, oriental paintings on rice paper and straw,
pearl buttons, big pink shells and then dash.

Lieutenant Korn instantly chose a long bamboo stack with a white

rubber grip and a leather loop at the end on the counter of the little
shop and covered with fine carvings and varnish. He saw exactly
this in an English naval officer on the wharf at Chemulpo and,
judging by the grimace on his face, envied him greatly. The
Englishman casually twirled the stack in his fingers
and Korn immediately turned out just as if he had a congenital
habit. “Everywhere you need to feel like a master and lead so,” he
said through gritted teeth, “especially among Asians.” He soared
high, and the look of the army ensign was clearly not to his liking. -
I will make a promenade, rest somewhere in the teahouse with a
geisha, perhaps I will come to Shevelev to spend the night, -
looking aside he said and with an imperious gesture he motioned to
himself with a stack of jinrikisha, dzin-rici-xia - man-force-carriage,
in Japanese. A thin, elderly man ran up with the eyes of a beaten
dog and famously unfolded his lightweight two-wheeled carriage
with a seat woven from golden straw between the high wheels.
Lieutenant Korn, obviously flaunting himself in front of an imaginary
someone, gently, the rickshaw muscles immediately tightened, even
study anatomy, jumped into a carriage, tapped the rickshaw on the
shoulder with a stack and pointed to the top of the mountain that
separates the Fusan bay, from which a beautiful view of the sea
opens and neighborhood, and where man could see the colorful
signs are clearly entertainment places. The rickshaw straightened
still, gently shook the stroller that had sagged slightly in the soft
earth after a rain, and at first walked heavily, pulling out the thin,
wiry neck, and then ran tightly. Sahib Korn airborne divinely drove
off, and Ivashnikov slid along. He also wanted to admire the bay
from the mountain, very convenient for placing an artillery battery.
“However, I have already become a completely military man,” he
thought about himself with a sneer. Not far, about twenty meters
away, God-like Korn rushed away, when suddenly the wheel fell into
a hollow covered with dirty water, and the wheelchair tilted. Almost
losing his balance on his hearth, Korn swayed and, with a short
wave, hit the rickshaw on the back with a stack, apparently hurt,
because the rickshaw, not expecting a strike, grabbed his
right shoulder blade, releasing the strollers from the armpits. And
Sahib Korn flew back into the mud. It only seemed
to Ivashnikov that everyone in the street was busy with their
business and did not pay any attention to them. Numerous men,
women and children instantly fled and raised a wild
hubbub, where words were indistinguishable, but the intonation
of hatred was clearly felt. Without a cap, with a wet back and clods
of dirt in blond hair, frightened, with an expression of horror and
helplessness in his eyes, Korn was standing, and men fists were
already hanging over him. “Stand, stand,” Ivashnikov shouted in
Korean and rushed to defend, not even Korn, but the uniform of a
Russian officer. He poked himself in the back of a hostile men wall,
and from the opposite side, shouting out something, a
Japanese police officer with a white sixteen-petal imperial
chrysanthemum ensign on his cap penetrated to Korn. The Koreans
were afraid and instantly parted before him. Korn’s expression
began to gain confidence, his back straightened, but then the police
officer firmly grasped his sleeve and unceremoniously dragged him
to the nearby police station. And Lieutenant Korn wilted
again. Ivashnikov made way for them, but the police officer pushed
him aside and, like the mother of a guilty boy, dragged Korn along
with him. Another police officer hurried to help him, and, not to
arrange an international incident, he had to go with them to the
police. Lieutenant Korn talked justifiably in French, Ivashnikov tried
to explain himself in Korean, the Japanese police were silent in
Japanese, and then the savior god in the person of the Japanese
consul, Mr. Kato, arrived, almost without an accent. Mr. Kato almost
without an accent politely talked with “representatives of the great
neighboring empire,” as he politely put it, without haste told that he
had spent five years in Russia, traveled along the Volga, the Don,
the Black Sea, strongly recommended that before the steamer and
the nose not stick out into the street and promised, so as not to
be bored, send a box of beer. It had to swallow. “You,” he turned
to Korn, “have a weak character, easily excitable, but just as quickly
and lose confidence.” Therefore, from now on, think carefully about
each of your actions. Without knowing the ford, do not poke your
head in the water, - he finished, smiled affectionately and walked to
the door. Accompanied by three policemen, one in front and two on
each side, so that no one offended the Russian officers, as Mr. Kato
explained, they were taken to Shevelev’s house and spent two days
before the steamer each in his room. Ivashnikov often recalled this
embarrassment, tried to read, but nothing worked; he could not
take possession of himself, he did not bother him, he was very
worried. What thought Lieutenant Korn did not know, but on the
way, he asked not to report on the incident in the mission.
Ivashnikov averted his eyes, - You are the eldest, and report to you.

To the left of the Russian mission is located the Diplomatic Club,

which on Saturdays gathered almost all Europeans living or visiting
in Seoul. The atmosphere of the club was the most free – colorful
stickers on the bottles in the bar, constantly sounding phonograph,
performing the Strauss waltzes fashionable at that time, card tables,
smoking rooms with spacious armchairs and wide sofas, all of which
disposed to rest, making friends and free, free communication . Yes
and the interlocutors here could be found very interesting. And,
importantly, practice the languages. The speech in the club sounded
the most diverse. Moreover, the linguistic features of the speech of
the Welsh, Scots, Normans, French, Prussians and Mecklenburg
could be well mastered. Classic Oxford, the jocular patter of the
London Cockney, New York English with rich enclaves of singing
Italian, live Yiddish, embossed Spanish and harsh German, adjoined
here.[BR]High-ranking diplomats – envoys, elderly and, as a rule,
burdened with families, rarely attended the club, but young people
gathered often, and the classes in the club were of interest.
Adherents of the card game sat at green diamond tables and
exchanged only clear remarks for them, the billiard players
surrounded two big billiards and sharp dry clicks of the hitting balls
sounded, lovers of sharp taste sensations gathered in the bar, and
more often in the left smoking room, where the valet brought a tray
with different colored bottles and a vase of ice; smoked, savored
drinks or their mixtures and vividly discussed the events in the
world.[BR]Ivashnikov was not a frequent guest at the club; He was
entrusted, as a native Far Easterner, which was associated in
providing the authorities with the taiga, hunter and tracker, the
defense of the mission from tigers![BR]So, so, exclaim any reader.
What an abyss of exotic. And is it true – almost in the center of the
capital of the state, and suddenly – defense from tigers? And,
nevertheless, - the fact. After the start of the Sino-Japanese war,
the rural population of the country, fearing military operations, did
not start fieldwork and, having collected a very small crop, was in
such a need that people died like flies. Hunger and disease reigned
in the country, a lot of people ran to the capital, hoping to feed
here, but the royal bins were empty, and the free lunches
distributed by the missionaries could not satisfy the hunger of all
those suffering. According to the Korean custom, the dead are
buried only a few months after death. And before the funeral,
they are wrapped in straw mats and placed along the fields, often
not far from the house. Hungry dogs and wild animals gnaw the
dead, and the tigers, in general, began to attack the houses on the
edge of the villages and eat the living people. In this hungry winter,
the tigers also got into the capital, so they had to put up armed
guards to protect the mission from striped predators.
[BR]Tiger Ivashnikov has not yet killed one, he has not even seen
it, but he already had the reputation of a great hunter and felt
heightened interest towards himself, especially from women. It was
not a problem to buy the skin of a tiger or a leopard in Seoul, but
women asked him to give the skin of a tiger killed by him
personally, and he was quite embarrassed, clearly realizing that it
was rather a game, promised, promised, promised ...[BR]That
evening, they gathered in the lobby by the fireplace, drank dry
vermouth, a whole box of which was kindly presented to the club by
the captain of an Italian steamer standing at Chemulpo, and rolled
along a well-groomed rut.[BR]Oleg Nikolayevich, to begin with, told
the bike about the traditional Korean method of hunting tigers,
which aroused general interest.[BR]“Imagine,” the lieutenant said in
English, “two Koreans are going to hunt a tiger.” First, they eat
soup from the heart of a tiger, tiger meat or drink broth from the
bones of this animal to become as brave and not to give in to him in
strength and dexterity. Then they put on blue linen jackets, tie their
heads with a blue or green turban with colored beads, cover their
necks with necklaces of colored beads, and hang beads on their
breasts with bean grains. One of the hunters is armed with a long
spear, and the other with a short spear. Knowing about where the
tiger can be now, they wade through the bushes or undergrowth
with the utmost care, asking the beast to appear before them, but
not calling it by name. When hunting for a tiger, in no case can, you
call him by name – this is taboo. Having discovered the beast, the
first hunter, armed with a short spear, builds atrocious grimaces,
swears, spits, insults the tiger in every possible way to anger him
and provoke an attack. Having lost patience from the annoying
offender, the tiger rushes at him, but the clever hunter sends a
spear into the mouth of the beast. While the tiger is trying to eat or
knock a spear out of the hands of a hunter, the second hunter from
behind pokes a long spear at his soft parts. Surprised, moreover,
struck by such audacity, the tiger eerily erupts, and wide open
mouth. The first hunter, using his mistake, plunges his spear further
into the tiger’s mouth and kills the beast.[BR]Listeners quietly
clapped their hands to the courage of the hunters and the art of the
narrator. Slightly longer than anyone else, two measures to attract
attention, a rare guest clapped here – the Catholic bishop the
Frenchman Mitel. Dressed in a wide purple robe, with a white lace
collar and shaved tonsure at the top, he looked so harmless and
homely, the claps of his soft palms sounded so warm and dull, and
the smile was so sweet that he seemed like an old tender
grandmother who wanted good housekeeper coziness. His memory
was wonderful and, once he met, he was not mistaken in the
names, even unusual for the ear of Europeans and difficult in
correct Korean pronunciation.[BR]- It was with great pleasure that I
listened to a very entertaining story about the local tiger hunting
method, which I did not know at all, despite the rather long
knowledge – I listened with great pleasure to a very entertaining
story about the local method of tiger hunting, which I did not know
at all, despite the rather long acquaintance with the country and
customs. Ways, without a doubt, worthy of the highly esteemed
Baron Munchhausen. Can you tell us about the equally wonderful
way proposed by some Russians to colonize Korea with your
convicts? The method, alas, is not new; the British and French when
settling their colonies successfully used it. Recall the exploration
of Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, New Caledonia and other
islands. However, Korea is not an island or your colony, is it? And
what is it – a private initiative, or the implementation of the plans of
the imperial government?[BR]Ivashnikov felt extremely awkward,
and Oleg Nikolayevich mixed up.[BR]The bishop had in mind the
odious Savin, a former cornet, a student of the page corps, the hero
of high-profile criminal cases and trials in Paris, London and Berlin.
After serving penal servitude, he settled in Blagoveshchensk and
began to bombard the Amur governor-general with projects for the
settlement of Korea with exiled settlers, Siberian vagrants and
criminals. For these “witty” searchlights it was
ordered to examine his mental abilities; he, through Vladivostok,
snuck into Korea and again turned, already to the envoy, with his
proposal. He was told to clean up immediately, which he did, by
rumors he moved to San Francisco. “This is not the intention of the
government,” seeing everyone’s attention,
Oleg Nikolaevich answered in the ensuing silence. - The author of
such a ridiculous, shameful and provocative proposal is an
international adventurer Savin, whom you all should remember
about his scandalous adventures in Europe ten years ago. Since
then, despite the shackles, he has not changed a bit. Our policy
here, in Korea, is to carry the light of the teachings, of the mind, of
cultural agriculture, of the concern for the destruction of epidemic
diseases and famine. “It would have been wonderful, but the facts
show the opposite,” Bishop Mitel still smiled sympathetically. - Take
the light teaching. In Korea, missionaries are Catholics,
Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, and there is not one Orthodox
priest. Only Catholic missionaries from the Society of Foreign
Missionaries have founded here nearly three dozen churches, a
seminary, and two shelters for half a thousand pupils; They
converted more than twenty thousand Koreans to the Christian
faith. The American Society for the Distribution of Religious
Literature, through its emissaries, sold, handed over, donated nearly
forty thousand copies of religious books – mainly the Bible. The
“Seoul Religious Center” takes care of the introduction to the
Christian religion, Western culture and way of life of the
capital Yanbans and Chunins, mostly young people. We have
created the ”“Society for the Promotion of Women’s Enlightenment”
- after all, women are not only the keepers of home comfort, they
are the main educators of the younger generations and the seeds of
Christian dogma easily fall on the cultivated soil. Missionaries set up
Korean teacher training colleges. These are our catholic
colleges, Peugere and Halbert colleges founded by Americans, and
English colleges in Seoul and on the island of Ganghwa. Graduates
of these colleges already occupy key positions in the king’s
entourage and in ministries. But let us leave this question, although
you can talk for a long time. Now take the cultural farming. On your
Russian, truly boundless expanses of excellent arable land, you
shamefully beggarly harvests, hunger and diseases and riots caused
by it reign there. What can you teach Koreans? And the
missionaries succeeded here. The same father
of Bodune attaches people to the Christian religion, heals them and
teaches proper land use. Missionaries in Seoul,
Pyongyang, Genzan, Fusan and other major cities contain foster
rooms with first-aid kits, and even small, but hospitals, which are
constantly turning to local residents. We, the missionaries of the
Christian religion, gradually, every day, every hour, every minute we
conquer, conquer and enlighten young hearts and minds, create
societies such as “Tonnip Hyophwe” - “Society of Independence”,
“Society for the Promotion of Women’s Enlightenment”, “Seoul
Religious Union” ”“... You, Russians, except the detachment
of soldiers in Seoul, have nothing here. And all your politics here
reminds you of a hunt with a spear for a tiger ...A week later,
King Kojong, yielding to the harassment of countless foreign and
local intercessors, moved with his horde to his own palace. In the
Russian mission, silence and despondency set in.



The brief July rain brought some relief from the strong dullness of
the dull day, all the windows were wide open and into the room,
along with the freshness of the greenery of flowers growing under
the windows, Tirgarten close and the cool breeze came the
resounding trickling drops from the roof of the house and the
cheerful chirping of tasty sparrows. Fawn silk curtains swelled in
taut sails. They had just had their dinner and, sitting at ease in the
armchairs, smoked and sipped with pleasure, the
excellent Shustov brandy brought as a gift to the owner of the
house by Prince Radolin. At the end of the month, the return visit of
Emperor Wilhelm II to Russia was coming, and the German
envoy Radolin arrived in Berlin to discuss all the details of the
diplomatic actions scheduled for the time of the visit. This time,
among the regular guests at the traditional dinner on Thursdays,
there was not only the old friend of the house’s host,
Prince Radolin; he was amused by his guests with stories about the
exotic customs of the far East, the envoy in Beijing Geyking,
appointed to this post thanks to the efforts of his ambitious wife – a
rather popular writer, very unceremonious and assertive.[BR]-
Closed Purple City - the residence of the Chinese emperor - is
located literally next to the settlement of the embassy town, only a
high stone wall separates them, so it takes little time to arrive at the
appointed time from the emperor. But it is infinitely annoying,
literally infuriating the inherent Chinese style to drag out your
ceremonies, to bring them to a meaningless monotony.
Therefore, for example, they make it rather long to wait for the
ceremony to begin in the blue tents broken before the palace hall
appointed for reception, and then bring the envoys, in order of
accreditation, to the emperor. On the way to the throne, it is
necessary to weigh three low bows and then give a brief speech.
But I decided that I had to be tough with them, to show the power
of the great German Empire. Going to the throne, I casually
weighed three half-bows, which almost put into
shock numerous emperors of the emperor Guansuyu, and then,
speaking my speech, turned and went not through the side doors,
but through the medium, intended for the emperor’s exit, resolutely
stopping the attempt to stop me. Moreover, to ridicule the ridiculous
Chinese custom to distinguish the titles of dignitaries by the color of
balls on headdresses, yarns on belts and stripes depicting birds and
animals in dressing gowns, I ordered Chinese servants to wear
white, red and blue balls in my mission, which at first caused
amazement and then the fury of the Chinese courtiers, equating
them with garbage-cleaners, grooms and gardeners.[BR]Count
Schlieffen smiled encouragingly, Prince Radolin tried
to keep equanimity, although on his face one could read
dissatisfaction with violation of generally accepted norms of
elementary courtesy to the customs of the host country, von Hasse
even applauded, admired by the diplomatic art of the German
envoy, but the owner of the house, Baron Holstein all the same
noticed that it was hardly worth demonstrating a disregard for the
customs of the state.[BR]The white light of lightning momentarily
filled the room, dimming the candles in the bronze girandoles, and
highlighting the sweaty steamed faces of drunken men.[BR]- And
how is the German Empire in China now, in general, Herr Baron?
[BR]“Something has been accomplished, something,”
answered Geyking, not without complacency. - Although, I must
admit, this is a great merit of my predecessors – von Brandt and
von Schwenzburg and representatives of German business circles in
China. The main way to increase our influence is the development
of trade. Here we are inferior to the British. But we strive to set
up ourselves wherever possible. England’s exports to China are five
times ours, although we are already catching up with them in the
number of trading companies represented. The British seized key
markets for the sale of textiles and metal products, weapons and
gunpowder. For the time being, we have to be content mainly with
trifles, haberdashery, in large, however, sizes. The policy here is to
seize the markets, to accustom the Chinese to our cheap but good
goods, and then gradually force out the British. North German Lloyd
and Bremer Lloyd, who managed to buy up shares of English
shipping lines in East Asian waters and take all the shipping in their
hands, have already achieved serious successes. To this end, they
began the construction of river ships in Shanghai, to oust the British
from the Yangtze basin. In addition, Krupp bypassed Armstrong in
northern China and made lucrative deals on arms supplies to
provincial local armies. In general, our current general weakness in
China is mainly due to the lack of a base for the navy. While our
fleet is completely dependent on the Hong Kong docks, that is, from
the British mercy. And to throw a huge amount of our products on
the Chinese market, we desperately need our own Hong Kong. -
Where in China do we have the strongest positions? - inquired
attentively listening to Radolin. - The south of China and the
Yangtze basin are being intensively mastered by the British and
French, although we managed to strengthen our positions in the
Yangtze basin. But we are most firmly entrenched in Shandong and
Tianjin. Right after Japan’s ultimatum jointly with Russia and France
two years ago, we began to look for a port in China, which is
urgently needed to increase our penetration into this country, but
neither our persistent harassment in the Chinese Foreign Ministry,
nor negotiations on this issue with Li Hunchgang during Last year’s
visit to Berlin, after the coronation celebrations in Russia, did not
bring any results, reminded Baron Holstein. “We missed the
auspicious moment in April-May of the ninety-fifth year, when the
widowed empress was still grateful for removing the Japanese from
the mainland, but this is the fault of von Schwenzburg,”
said Gaiking. - And last August, the commander of our East Asian
cruising squadron, Rear Admiral Tirpitz and Baron, on a warship,
went around the coast of China and chose Jiaozhou for our future
base, - the laconic Schlieffen came to the rescue. Gaiking thanked
and explained, - Admiral Tirpitz told me that, initially, three
places were considered as an eventual base for our navy and trade
center. It is the densely populated Amoi Island located near Hong
Kong; then the deserted bay of Dapengwan, it is also not far from
Hong Kong; and Zhoushan Islands, lying near Shanghai. There was
no talk about Jiaozhou - it was believed that he was lying far to the
north, away from the great trade route. Before he received
information that on this port is Russian species. A year
earlier, Tirpitz personally examined all three points I mentioned and
found them unsuitable. The Amois were traditionally hosted by the
British, and to occupy it meant to come into conflict with them. In
addition, he is experiencing a decline caused by the development
of the shipping message instead of the sailing fleet, for which only
seasonal monsoons were favorable. The entrance to Dapenwan Bay
turned out to be shallow, a strong current and many whirlpools in
the bay, which complicates navigation. And the islands scattered in
the bay, at low tide, turn into sharp reefs. In addition, the bay is
surrounded by high mountains, which cannot be overcome without
pack animals, which makes it extremely difficult to deliver goods
and much affect their cost: it will be difficult to compete with the
half-million city of Fuzhou, located beyond the ridge of mountains
near the Ming River. The Zhoushan Islands lie in front of Shanghai,
like Helgoland in front of Hamburg, and trying to transfer the center
of commerce to them, in spite of the British, is not only risky, but
also impossible from a military point of view – they cannot be
protected in the event of a conflict with the Anglo-Saxons. Then
Tirpitz went to Jiaozhou and found it almost an ideal place not only
for trade, but also for the base of the military fleet. There, a
sheltered bay protected from the winds, it is quite possible to build
fortifications on elevations around it, the Chinese, by the way, have
already built something, plus a healthy northern climate, which is a
huge advantage. Further, we found that Jiaozhou is geographically
more beneficial for us than even the south of China. Through it, it is
possible by sea to import and export goods for almost all the central
and Northern provinces of China. Here are concentrated the vast
masses of the population, that is, labor. Not far rom Jiaozhou, there
are rich deposits of excellent hard coal – this is another important
advantage for military and merchant shipping. True, there is no
navigable river here, but let us build the railroad and own the
transport network exclusively ... - Jiaozhou is where? - usually
von Eilenburg was not interested in the details, thought globally,
but here he felt a common interest. “In Shandong,”
said Geyking briefly. - But after all, the Russians have chosen this
port for wintering their squadron? - protesting exclaimed Radolin. -
The main goal of our diplomacy during the visit of Emperor Wilhelm
to Russia will be the task of ousting the Russians to the north.
Korean ports, as our informant managed to find out in the Russian
Maritime Ministry, for various reasons they are not satisfied. If we
manage to oust them from Jiaozhou, then the only place where
they will have to be located is the ports of the Liaodong Peninsula
- Dalianwan and Port Arthur, - Holstein answered him.
Count Eilenburg recalled how nine years ago, it seems, in the
eighty-eighth year — the year of the three emperors, when old
Wilhelm I died and, after ninety-nine days of rule and the death of
his son, Fidrich-Wilhelm, Wilhelm II, his friend of the young
emperor, was crowned , probed the South German and
Prussian junker landowners, financiers and industrialists.
Everyone was interested in one question – will Germany swing into
Russia’s arms or not? Knowing that the deceased Frederick William
did not love his son and, as a response, Wilhelm’s lack of sympathy
for his parents, which was transferred to his grandmother, Queen of
Great Britain Victoria, everyone believed that Germany would side
with Russia. Autocratic Russia! Not that this flabby England with its
parliamentarism. Who did not know about the hostility of Wilhelm II
to the constitution and the Reichstag. About his admiration for the
Russian emperor Alexander III and friendship with the future heir to
the throne Nicholas? Oh, what then flared passion! After all, it was
from the Russian Tzar that the young Kaiser took an example,
declaring that there is only one Reich master, and he will not
tolerate another, meaning the Reichstag. General interest was
understandable – after all, it was about many millions, hundreds of
millions of marks. Then Wilhelm had a long consultation with
Chancellor Bismarck. Before him was a dilemma – either to conquer
Russia peacefully, which has been done little by little since the times
of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, or to prepare for war. And Bismarck
confirmed that at one time there were two of these paths. It was
possible to ask Emperor Alexander II to colonize the empty lands on
a large-scale in the Volga region, Siberia, Russian Central Asia, even
in the Far East, and given the weakness of their industry, use
Russia as a raw materials appendage to Germany. But already in
the early seventies, under the pressure of the South
German landlords-junkers, who did not want to put up with the
import of cheap Russian bread produced by semi-slaves peasants,
had to impose high customs duties, which immediately worsened
relations with Russia – after all, among its rulers were large
landowners who suffered heavy losses. At one time, German
industrialists and financiers were interested in developing relations
with Russia, who avidly gazed at the endlessly capacious market.
And they eagerly set about building railroads, factories and plants.
Again, this did not have to appeal to the cadets – after all, the
railways connected the Russian outback with ports through which
cheap Russian bread poured into Europe, and factories and plants
mainly produced agricultural machinery and equipment, which
contributed to the competition between Russian bread and German
bread. Although industrialists and financiers were already gaining
strength, it was the nobles -landowners who had real political power
at that time, and they insisted on banning loans for the
development of Russian industry. And so it happened that Russia
had nothing to do, how to apply for loans to France, even to go
with her to a military alliance, and Germany had to finally set
up itself in the thought of the inevitability of war with Russia. -
Russians traditionally fear the British, - continued Baron Holstein. -
They remember very well about the seizure of Sevastopol and the
attempt to seize Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka in the fifties, and they
are not sure that in the event of a conflict they will be able to hold
the Far Eastern ports with cash. It will be necessary, through our
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to organize the leakage of secret
information that, allegedly, there was a meeting at the highest
level, during which the idea supported by the Kaiser was
expressed that it was desirable not to let the English along with the
Russians into the Yellow Sea him on spheres of influence – the
Russian Liaodong, Zhili and Korean Gulfs, and we – the coast of
Shandong. They, no doubt, will analyze this information and find it
trustworthy – after all, they know, from their envoy and trading
consuls in China, about our competition with the British. - Oh, yes,
- Hollstein supported the Chief of the Big General Staff, Count
Schlieffen. - The Russians will willingly swallow such a bait, because
half a year ago, after the Armenian massacre in Constantinople, we
promised them to make sure the inviolability of their territory in the
event of their seizure of the Bosporus. - And you, Hugo,- said
Holstein to Radolin, - even before William’s visit to Russia, probe
Muravyev’s reaction to the possibility of our acquiring Jiaozhou. - I
highly doubt a positive reaction, - the eyes of Prince Radolin behind
the round glasses blinked in confusion -After all, it is well-
known that the Russians have already deployed their Pacific
squadron for the winter in this port and are unlikely to wish to leave
it.[BR]- Well, no, - Holstein disagreed. - The first reaction will be,
without the slightest doubt, negative. But, having learned that
we are interested in this port for the long-term base of our military
fleet, they will look at all the options and, in the end, will find it
unprofitable for themselves. They need access to the railway to the
Yellow Sea, they have already spoken about this with Li Hongzhang,
and although they did not get agreement, they did not give up the
idea. Shandong is completely uncomfortable for them it is too far.
This they understand perfectly, and they will not insist on it. - Do
we have enough strength to occupy this port? - Dr. Hasse looked at
Count Schlieffen. - Certainly, - smiled Schlieffen arrogantly. - We
have in the Chinese waters a fully combat-ready squadron with a
landing force attached to it. In addition, it will be possible to send
another squadron to several battleships, over which command
Admiral Prince Henry of Prussia should be entrusted. According to
the reports of Admiral Tirpitz, we are in dire need of a fleet base,
and it is in Shandong, because of the proximity of coal. Tirpitz is not
satisfied with the need to use the English docks in Hong Kong, and
in our own port, we will equip the ship repair base. - But the
reason? After all, can’t we just start a squadron in Jiaozhou and
capture it? There are also the rules of decency in international
relations ..., - Prince Radolin clearly became nervous and, with
shaking hands, began to wipe his glasses suddenly sweaty with a
snow-white handkerchief. - Oh, how naïve you are still a young
man, - admired Baron Holstein. - Mr. Baron Geyking will offer us a
reason, - and he smiled encouragingly at the envoy to China. - Yes,
I have already considered this problem, - Gaiking hurried
to show his foresight. - Bishop Anzer, head of the German Catholic
Mission in Shandong, complained to me that the local population
has recently become very unfriendly towards missionaries and
Christian converts to their fellow tribesmen. Their forced removal
from villages, and even beatings, has become frequent. Yes, here I,
during a trip to the Yellow River, was pelted with lumps of mud.
What is not a reason – revenge for insulting the guides of the
teachings of Christ? - Well, beatings are not a reason for entering
troops - the property owner frowned. - In any case, not a serious
reason. Although there is, something here ... The French thirty
years ago used the murder of missionaries as a pretext for
capturing Cochin China, and twenty years ago the death of
missionaries for capturing Tianjin. Think again. And boost our
efforts. Jiaozhou before the end of the year should be ours! Saying
goodbye to the guests, Baron Holstein asked Gaiking to convey his
best wishes to von Mollendorf.



Routine still kept Ensign Ivashnikov in constant tension. Combat

exercises, cramming charters, guard patrols, boiler content control,
literature, once a week, practice shooting at a nearby training
ground in a narrow hollow with dark belt targets at half a hack, all
this left almost no time for exploring the city in the figure of
the aborigine.[BR]The Colonel of the General Staff Putiata, forced to
languish in idleness, “the moment”, as behind his eyes, officers
called him with a fair amount of envy and respect, looking at the
academic sign – a silver eagle in a laurel wreath – was present
several times at Ivashnikov’s classes, apparently not quite satisfied.
Therefore, he decided to teach him the basics of educating and
training soldiers. The son of the colonel studied at the Kiev military
school, and it seemed to Ivan Ivashnikov that the colonel gave a
part of the father’s unspent feeling to him. -All the history of
civilizations known to us is an endless chain of wars, -
Col. Putiata said, sitting comfortably on a sofa with an ashtray on
his knee and a cup of coffee in his hand, - so their constant waiting
and tireless preparation for them left their imprint on human
psychology. Ensign Ivashnikov was overcame an itch to spend the
evening more interestingly, but it was also flattering that he was
paying attention to this elderly, well over forty, seasoned
colonel, and kept the wish to gain his own mind, grow like an
officer-educator, have his own knowledge. In such an important
field as military pedagogy and psychology. - The purpose of the
army of any state is the destruction of the enemy. And since the
opposing armies united in their aspirations, the warriors know that
their lot is to die. And not just stupid to die, but trying to destroy
the enemy as much as possible. This is the main purpose of
teaching military craft. The results of such training are reflected in
the course of the battle, when it is clear that soldiers have learned
the science well, are they able to face the enemy courageously and
inflict irreparable damage on him, to win the battle. And the core of
the soldier’s perseverance, his moral foundation is love for
the tzar and the fatherland and dedication. These important
qualities are achieved by consistent, continuous and unswerving
upbringing. Upbringing, which includes the training of soldiers’ craft
and martial art, developing a love for military action, a wish to fight
and win. In general, a military matter, like, perhaps, no other, more
resolute than an intellectual one, and on these principles it is
necessary to educate and train soldiers.[BR]- How did
Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov do it![BR]- Absolutely true. As a rule,
in battles between about equal and equally armed armies, the one
whose soldiers fought selflessly, bravely, without losing their heads
and not fussing in vain, wins. But to lose your head in battle, when
your life is threatened with direct and immediate danger, when
death is looking straight in the face, it is quite simple. Here we need
a lot of will power and self-control. The same goes for hiking.
Soldiers have to overcome on foot, hundreds and hundreds of miles
in cold, rain, heat, mud and dust, freeze and soak, sometimes half-
hungry ... Here the physical forces are based on moral forces. But
look, ensign, who comes to the army by recruits – peasants,
tradesmen, artisans ... they sometimes have little moral strength.
Therefore, you need to constantly cultivate a sense of duty and
responsibility. Here you have the right to ask – and how to raise a
sense of duty? I will answer - the development of religiosity, love
for the tzar and the fatherland, acquaintance with the glorious
martial traditions with which the Russian army is so rich. And, most
importantly, by personal example. General Dragomirov used to say,
“Behold, in a military unit, the family, in the head — the father, in
the recruit — the sibling, and then everything will be nothing.”
Those who follow this rule are on the right track. - It hurts the little
family we have a mixed race. There are a Latvian, three Ukrainians,
a Volga Tatar, and a Kazakh, as well as two Jews. Bekoev is
Kalmyk, Mammadov is Azerbaijani, but Russians are the most. The
trouble is that not everyone really understands Russian, although in
the army already for the third year. - I noticed in you evenness in
dealing with subordinates and inner peace. These are positive
qualities. But here is excessive softness, sometimes undemanding -
these are big drawbacks. I understand that you are a young officer,
sometimes soldiers are a year or two older than you are which
complicates your inner confidence in the right to command. Yes,
and excessive delicacy, maybe it bothers you. Nevertheless, even
here, my friend is guided by the highest considerations: your direct
duty is to make the soldier ready for war — for battle, in the days of
peace — to support law and order. In addition, remember that the
soldier gives the tzar and the fatherland the best years of his life,
during the war, blood and life itself. Therefore, try to somehow
compensate for these losses – improve his nature, do not waste his
strength without need, do not push around them, God forbid, and
do not degrade his human dignity. Prepare him for life outside the
army, so that then he remained true to the Oath and did not belong
to the rioters. Moreover, a well-trained military soldier, a religious
soldier brought up in love for the tzar and fatherland, who returned
home after the service, will keep from disobedience to the
authorities and unconscious others. To achieve this goal, it is
necessary to be deeply given to educational work, to enter the life
and life of soldiers, to help in everything, to know their concerns
and anxieties. Such an attitude will be answered by the full
confidence and diligence of the soldier in the service. It is obligatory
for an officer, because the security and peaceful existence of
citizens depend on the reliability of soldiers. And it is especially
important for soldiers who serve in a foreign country, in a foreign,
often hostile environment. - Yeah, what is the life there? We are
state people and our state life. Almost I do not have anything of my
own, officer, but what about the soldiers, - Ivashnikov said. - And
government cares – guard, drill, gun cleaning, eat and sleep ... -
Uh, no, my friend ... And if so, then very bad. The soldier has a
house, a family, a bride, a household, friends, his world, with which
he lives the inner life. Ask if they receive letters, or if they often
write themselves. Talk about how things are at home, whether their
relatives are insulting. Whether the family lives in prosperity, ask
about plans for the future. By the way, about life. Every soldier
must have personal items. And the more – the better. Let the little
things, even trinkets ... It has long been observed that those who
have personal belongings, do not make escapes. Only the most
neglected, helpless poor people, who see no way out of their
sad place, run. I know how little the financial support of a junior
officer is, but still be interested in the material situation of the
soldiers, and if you find it difficult, help, even a few. This will
respond with gratitude and every kind of support in their midst. And
we should not allow soldiers to be financially dependent on their
colleagues, to borrow or give to growth. Such material dependence
often leads to strife and strife. What is contrary to God is
opposed to the church, and the bad son of the Church cannot be a
good son of the Fatherland. - So, there is not enough time for
everything, Mr. Colonel, - Ivashnikov pleaded. - To fulfill your
program, I need to move in with the soldiers and deal only with
them. I try to be with them more often, but you have to do other
things as well. Soldiers, ensign, your main concern,
- Putiata became angry. - According to the officers, they judge the
ruling classes of society and relate so. Engage in them always, in
the barracks, in the kitchen, in the guard, in the classes of
combatants and rifle, while studying the statutes and literature. But
learn calmly, not fussily and twitchingly, but steadily and constantly.
Do not tear – and pull, this is the main commandment to the
teacher, start smoothly and pull gradually. You get recruits, meet
friendly. Show the barracks, the place where he will sleep, take him
to the dining room to feed, show where he should place his
belongings, let him rest; then bring to the company icon, invite the
recruit to read a prayer, and explain that each company, like any
pious family, has its own special icon, before which Christ-loving
warriors offer a prayer to the heavenly father. Explain the image of
the icon, and that the memorial day of the saint is a company
holiday. Talk to the recruit about his house; find out where he came
from and who his parents are, whether he is married or single. Feel
free to ask, you should know everything about a person to help him
with a kind word and a good deed. Almost all recruits at first yearn
for. Patiently explain to them that military service is the honorable
duty of every true son of the Church, the Tzar, and the Fatherland.
- The father will tell him about the icon - Ivashnikov chuckled. - This
is his part: he collects them for a long time, and the oil leaks out ...
- And do not be shy to be a soldier closer and clearer. You talk, say,
with a soldier about his home and family, he will slightly open his
soul to you, he will be pleased that you are interested in the subject
close to him, and the warmth of the soul, with which he relates to
the house and family, will be transferred to you by a small fraction.
And the ice of alienation in the relationship between you a bit and
melt. Further, first, recruits are afraid of new people, especially in
the army, and commanders. As a boy, in essence, it seems to him
that all people here are armed, loud, ferocious, or curse and do not
speak, are punished for the slightest offense, old-timers beat the
young, and put the authorities on the guardhouse. So you and
explain that the company is the same family, and no one here will
offend them. On the contrary, they will always help and help out
that there can be no injustice here, much less cronyism and
hypocrisy; the commanders with the old soldiers and their brothers,
who will teach the military case, and in it without complete trust
and mutual revenue is impossible in any way. Take care that the
recruit in the first days wrote a letter to his home and reassured his
relatives that everything is all right with him, that he is healthy and
that he is treated well; let him write whom his company
commander, platoon and feldwebel. Instill him in every way that
military service is fraternal friendship. If you meet the recruit
affably, you will welcome him, then the recruit will be free from
fear, he will understand that he is in a close-knit family, he will
know that he is not alone here and comrades who are ready to
replace his relatives surround him. - In general, the way it is. The
soldiers live among themselves amicably, with what they can help
and share, if necessary, help each other out. Last week,
private Yegoryev was beating his stomach,
so Onoprienko volunteered to go for him ... - And be attentive to
the non-commissioned officers. They, it happens, are awakened by
the authorities’ itch, they strive to idle their subordinates without
cause, and they force them to spend money on vodka. Their
personal belongings are used. If this is happening, and you are in
ignorance – a great evil. And it is terrible if you know about it, but
you indulge. Then the soldier will lose faith in everything. However,
taking care of the recruit, be demanding with him. From the very
first days, instill in him that he is obliged to do what the leader
orders, without permission should not leave anywhere, must report
on everything that happens to him, and keep his body clean and his
clothes neat. Disruptive effect on the soldier inaction.
General Skobelev used to say – Inaction causes discouragement,
drunkenness and illness. Ninety percent of the army consists of
peasants, at home occupied by work almost around the clock. If he
has nothing to do in the evenings, or on holidays, he either runs
away to absenteeism, or indulges in drunkenness. And behind this,
there are sad consequences. Therefore, handicrafts should
be encouraged, as far as possible. Then the soldier will be busy and
will be able to earn money, help the family and save up money on
the household after the service. - Our soldiers of all trades ...,
- Ivashnikov smiled, - weave baskets and sandals, Koreans are
willing to buy from them, they make hoops for cattle, wooden
dishes, bowls, spoons, birch bark, everything has been adapted to
do . At the stable in the barn, a whole factory was established. And
wholesale buyers got. They say – more profitable. - So, thank God.
But the measure of the dish is that the service is not to the
detriment. Inspire the soldiers that God – a prayer, the Tzar - love
and service. And what a prayer for God, and for the king service will
not be lost. Memorize with them the promise that everyone who
enters the service gives – From the team and the banner where I
belong, at least in the field, train or garrison, never leave, but I will
follow it while I live.[BR]- But where is there to leave, -
said Ivashnikov sadly, - a foreign country, a foreign language,
foreign customs. - The attitude of the local population to foreigners
is markedly hostile, although the Russians have not done any harm
to Korea. And all we have here is a handful, we are guarding the
mission, and here is another instructor of the Korean army. - Then
why enmity? - - asked Putiata, as if he did not know about it. -
Koreans have long suffered oppression from the Chinese and
Japanese, hence the repulsion reaction of foreign. Especially in this
direction noticeable propaganda “independent”. - Look at them, -
the colonel advised. - What are they trying to make, on whom they
rely, are they so reckless that they tease two tigers at once – the
Japanese and the Russians, or, relying on the Japanese, survive
from the land of us? - Japan is near here and now it is a significant
force. - The main commandment of the Russian soldier reads, - Do
not ask how much the enemy, and where he is – go and defeat
him. It has long been noted that it is very harmful to pile up an
imaginary enemy in front of him or to frighten himself with his
imaginary power. We need to set goals and apply all our strengths
to meet them. Here and about the physical forces – remember one
of Suvorov’s teachings: - A sick soldier is not a warrior – he is a
burden for the army. - Therefore, take care of the soldiers
’nutrition, watch their health, evenly distribute the load, do not
allow even a guilty soldier to be pushed around or constantly
punished, because not only physical health, but also mental health
is important. Remember that the lower ranks are very observant
and in the judgments of the label. Together, they make up a correct
judgment about their superiors and pass it on to the replenishment,
so it is impossible to get rid of a bad reputation. Ivashnikov listened
attentively and took everything said to heart. He wanted to have a
reputation as a good, fair commander, caring father, even his eldest
subordinates. [BR]- So, I watched your classes and found that you
are acting under the influence of the wish to give as much as
possible and everything at once, and not consistently and gradually.
Adhere to the rules – make a rationally reasonable plan of classes
and decide what you should do, and what can be entrusted to the
non-commissioned officer and sergeant. And the method of study is
very simple. The first is that it is preferable to show the story at the
slightest opportunity. Second, give one thought at once, many –
two, avoiding book words, and immediately demand that each
soldier repeat. Third, not to give any information that the soldier
would not have absolutely needed. For example, you showed a rifle
bolt device on the diagram, then take a rifle and disassemble the
bolt. Then let each soldier disassemble. The same with gun
techniques. Or in shooting. It does not work for the soldier, cheer,
tell him again – how to target, release the clip on the target, yes
aptly, and show hits to the soldiers so that they know that
everything is comprehensible. A clever, correct show is the best for
the younger ones. You must masterfully master all that the soldiers
teach. In general, distinguish upbringing and education. The first is
more important! For example, being carried away by the lookout
side of things, they often lose sight of the state of official spirit.
Then there are cases of drunkenness, unauthorized absences,
violations of guard duty, failure to fire ... You can teach the ranks
and regulations in a few months, and it will take several years for
the soldier to re-educate; there is no one to replace it. However, an
attentive senior officer, when checking soldiers on field exercises,
will always find bad education in the many mistakes of education.
[BR]Saying goodbye, Colonel Putiata advised Ensign Ivashnikov to
take a closer look at the activities of the so-called ”“independent”.

“Independent” long interested lieutenant Minaev. A year ago, about

a month after arriving in Seoul, he suggested that Ivashnikov go for
a walk with him at night to Ta-ban-hol — the rich Seoul quarter.
Late in the evening, when the city plunged into darkness, and the
narrow streets were illuminated only by the narrow sickle moon
accompanied by a Korean escort, a little explained in English, they
went to some festival of Europeanized local youth, held secret from
the authorities. Lieutenant Minaev did not consider it necessary to
clarify to Ivashnikov what they deserved this honor, but, apparently,
the owners knew who and why they were invited. Ta-ban-hol was
built almost in the style of a fort: the rear walls of the courtyards,
completely without windows or any openings, merging with each
other, formed an external blank wall. After passing through the
slightly open gates, the conductor hastily led them narrow, no more
than a step, by the streets winding between houses. It was
mysteriously quiet, and they went almost to the touch, fearing to
hurt their foreheads about the corners and walls. After protracting
for a long time, they stopped at the wooden gates of the house.
The conductor quietly scratched at the gate and, after a while,
knocked a little louder, steps sounded behind the gate
and Ivashnikov realized by sniff after them that they were trying to
be seen into the slot. The darkness was Egyptian. The conductor
made a mysterious gesture and the gates swung open. After brief
negotiations with the person they met, they were led through dark
yards to a spacious house under a wide roof with curved roofs in
Chinese style. The windows of the house were open, from the
inside came the sounds of music and female singing. Night
butterflies and midges circled around the curtains lit from the
inside. In a spacious room on the colored mats were sitting young
men and women, partly in European costumes and dresses, and
between them were teacups and bottles with bright French and
Italian stickers. In the corner is a small orchestra — a violin, flute,
harp and drum. The men rose from the mats, and came to meet.
The women remained on the ground, and only the brilliance of their
eyes betrayed curiosity. The master of the house introduced the
patters, who were in the hall, but this was done so quickly and
indistinctly that Ivashnikov did not remember them. They were also
offered to sit on mats and put a table with bottles, glasses and
plates with spicy national food nearby. Then it hits the drum, sang
flute and violin, the girls entered the room — ki-san — Korean
geisha, and swam in a slow dance. A tall, slender young Korean in
an American checkered suit, still hooked to them, and raising his
voice a little to be well heard amid the music, spoke in decent
English, — How did you like the country and its capital, gentlemen?
The lieutenant Minaev replied, “We hardly saw the country, but the
ancient city of Seoul made a great impression on us. — Delicacy, I
heard, is an intrinsic Russian property. What is the
impression — good or not? — The city is original, unusual, and rich
in sights ...
— Khabarovsk and Vladivostok are more beautiful and
comfortable? — smiled inquiringly their interlocutor.
— Have you ever been there? — Minaev also asked kindly.
— No, it was not done. But I lived for ten years in the United
States of North America and, I suppose, is it something like their
little western towns?
— And I suppose so, — Minaev responded. — Did you go to study
or on business?
— I was forced to, — the Korean answered briefly. After a pause,
he added, — Call me Mr. Jesson, it will be easier to remember.
Korean my name is So Zhe Pil.
Ivashnikov was on the alert. In the conversations in the mission,
this name was mentioned several times.
— Yes, — Mr. Jasson noted his keen interest, — Twelve years ago I
took part in a conspiracy to end Chinese influence on the king, but
the plot, as you know, failed, and I had to flee the country.
- Now that the Japanese have expelled the Chinese, did you get the
opportunity to return? And even appointed member of the State

- Lieutenant Minaev showed his awareness.

- America is certainly a rich country, but poor Korea is my
homeland, - answered Mr. Jesson evasively.
The music stopped, the kisanks went to rest, and the crowd filled
the glasses with wine.
- Let’s drink to the Russian officers present here, in whose face our
northern great neighbor is represented, - said Mr. Jasson’s toast.
They all drank, and that time was thrown with questions by
Lieutenant Minaev and Warrant Officer Ivashnikov.
As the Russian officers understood, all the guests of this house had
studied in English and American missionary schools in their own
time, were fluent in English and were quite belligerent.
- Why did you come here?
- Are you going to send your troops into Korea?
- Is it true that there is already an agreement on the division
of Korea between the Russians and the Japanese?
- Russia is the same clay colossus, like China, is not it.
- Will Russia fights with Japan to enslave Korea.
- Why did you keep the king captive in a mission for so long?
Mr. Jasson raised his hand, reassuring friends, and continued. - Not
being official persons, we are still real, and, in my opinion, quite a
significant force. Therefore, we did not come into contact with
persons officially representing Russia - Mr. Envoy or Mr. Pokotilov,
but with you - just-arrived officers. We believe that, having arrived
in Korea at such a hot time, you have certain assignments, such as,
to assess the existing situation with your own eyes and tell your
commanders. I hope it has already become clear to you that now
there are four about equal parties in the country. They are
supporters of rapprochement with Japan, very strong economically,
but now, after the king fled to the Russian mission, who have lost
their political positions; supporters of seeking protection from
Russia, now in power, but without any economic base and support
among the country’s population; further - the political
movement”Uybёn” - Army of Justice, very widely supported in the
lower classes, but not connected with the king’s entourage,
personifying power; And we.
- Who are we? Asked Lieutenant Minayev coldly. - Is this a small
company of young people?
- We are a significant number of educated people, and not only
young, sincerely caring for the prosperity of Korea.
- Educated by whom? - Minayev asked rather rudely.
- Yes, of course, educated in American, English and French
missionary schools, or who have visited those countries.
- And how do you imagine the prosperity of Korea?
- Korea is now something like Japan before the Meiji revolution.
The conspiracy of the eighty-fourth year was aimed at ending the
rule of feudal China and the organization of power and all economic
life in the Japanese way.
- So, you are something like a branch of the pro-Japanese party?
- No, the years have passed, and we have gained experience, have
widely met the world, and now we consider it preferable to develop
the country along the American way.
As far as I know, the United States of America is a
republic; - Minayev put an edge to the question.
Mr. Jasson averted his eyes and, after a moment’s hesitation,
replied, - We will consider England as a model ...
- Everyone knows that the British constitutional monarchy relies on
land owners and all kinds of industrial goods, bankers and
merchants. You do not have this, and is not yet in
sight, - Ensign Ivashnikov reminded.
- Thirty years ago, Japan was in a similar position, - one of the
young people responded.
- They didn’t have such rigid centralization as you
have, - Minaev frowned. - For the development of the country need
initial savings, which you also do not have, as far as we know. Yes,
plus the debts of Japan and China ...- The financial situation of the
country of the day is not a secret. But there are very interesting
offers from Americans, British, French and Germans. Japan, too, is
seeking to invest more money in our economy, - said Mr. Jesson.
- And the Russians began to invest in the development
of Korea. Briner and Nishansky,
Count Keizerling and Shevelev ..., - added the same young man.
- Informing you about the views of a significant number of young
people grouped around the Tonnip newspaper, we would like you to
understand that time flies, national self-awareness is awakening in
the country and, most importantly, we are afraid to once again be
an apple of discord between neighboring empires. We want to
become a truly independent state, a good neighbor and trading
partner for China, Russia and Japan. We have already got rid of the
dominance of the Chinese, Russia’s economic interests are
insignificant here, and we hope to overcome the economic influence
of Japan with the help of America.
- And how do you hope to avoid military capture of the country by
Japan? Minaev still asked impassively.
For the time being, we rely on the treaty between Japan and
Russia, but in the future we believe to create an efficient Korean
- What do the Japanese think about your program?
- They are well aware of the activities of our party and assured of
their benevolence, - answered Mr. Jasson firmly.
- It is unpleasant to say something unpleasant, but you, in my
opinion, are very naïve, - said Lieutenant Minaev with an apologetic
smile. - I will tell the envoy about our conversation, and he, in turn,
will retell the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Personally, I believe that
you will plunge Korea into the depths of misfortune.
Here, by a barely perceptible gesture of the host, the orchestra
again began to play, and the Kisankies continued the dances.
Soon the Russian officers would take their leave and, accompanied
by the former chicherone, left for the Russian mission.

After listening to the wish of Colonel Putyata, take a closer look at

the activities of the Tonnip Hophwe party and remembering his first
acquaintance in such an unusual and mysterious situation, if not
with the party leadership, then with persons in it prominent place,
Ensign Ivashnikov asked the same evening who was returning from
the city Lieutenant Minaev go to him.[BR]“Colonel Putyata is an old
and experienced scout – a Far Eastern wolf, he feels the main
danger with his nose and gives her the main attention,” the
lieutenant agreed. - A representative of our Ministry of Finance,
Mr. Alekseev, arrives the other day, who is instructed to
strengthen the position of Russian capital in Korea. And finances are
always closely linked to politics. Colonel Putyata thoroughly was
acquainted with our reports to the envoy and reports to the district
and now he is interested in every detail, detail, every
stroke, to make a conclusion and prompt Mr. Alekseev in the right
direction. In our case, the nuances are. Meet the other day with
your passion, ensign, talk to her about the topic you have been told.
Kim Jin-ho had lived in uncle house in Seoul for several months and
was completely immersed in charity work. From En Pan-sa,
Ensign Ivashnikov heard that she was active in the women’s
educational society, created schools for children and taught them
lessons. Once he saw her on the street in the company of young
people, among whom he recognized one of the hacks of the
newspaper Tonnip, in his notes attacking the Russians, but she
either did not notice him, or pretended not to know. And they met
only twice. Meetings were tightly cold. Kim Jin-Ho looked away and
mumbled something about an independent and prosperous Korea
and decisively rejected his invitation to come in for tea on his
mission. Ivashnikov was upset, but he understood her well. She
could not be apart from the events that shook the country.
[BR]Understanding that Kim Jin-ho would not wish to meet on the
street with a Russian officer, Ivashnikov walked in Korean clothes at
her uncle’s house in the afternoon for several days in a row, and
nevertheless waited for her to go outside. Passing a little after him,
he caught up with the girl and, trying to give himself a casual look,
greeted her cheerfully. Kim Jin-ho smiled happily in response, but
immediately mixed up and became arrogantly official. She refused a
joint walk and hesitantly asked not to seek more meetings with
her. Ivashnikov was offended and said that he did not see her very
often, no more than once a month. Kim Jin-ho nodded in
agreement, but more firmly told him to leave her. [BR]In the fall, in
early September, a commercial agent of the Ministry of
Finance Alekseev arrived in Seoul. And began official and unofficial
visits to the palace of the king.[BR]Shortly before that, the Korean
king Kojong took the title of Hoan-jae - the emperor, and it was
very flattering for him to receive a dispatch from the
Russian tzar, where he was called the new title, from the hands of
Mr. Alekseev. How weak a man is! The newly-baked emperor
melted so much that the emperor of the vast Russian empire
addressed him as an equal to an equal, that he yielded to the
persuasion of the chargé d’affaires of Russia, Mr. Speyer and
Mr. Alekseev, dismissed the cabinet ministers, where the supporters
of rapprochement with Japan again gained strength, and appointed
a new Cabinet, entirely from the adherents of Russia.[BR]Once in
the middle of October, returning from a walk outside the city on his
Amethyst, Ensign Ivashnikov saw Kim Jin-Ho, heading towards the
Russian mission, to which it was already within reach. He stopped
the horse. It seemed inconvenient to overtake the girl, and it was
impossible to catch up and walk beside her. He restrained the
impatient Amethyst and watched as the girl approached the gates
of the mission and spoke to the guard sent out to meet. He listened
to her and waved his hand to Ivashnikov, making it clear that he
was a guest to him. Ivashnikov, having been delighted, instantly
rushed to the gate, jumped off his horse, gently took the girl’s hand
and kissed it, out of mischief, gently tickling the newly released nifty
mustaches. Lifting his head, Ivashnikov unexpectedly caught the
appraising look of the girl, replaced by a friendly smile. - Ivan,” she
turned to him, “I conduct classes at a school for children of
government officials, and now we are getting acquainted with the
geography of neighboring countries. You already know Korean well,
and I thought that you could tell about Russia. Please find time in
the coming days and come to my uncle’s house. - Let’s discuss this
question with me, - suggested Ivashnikov, - for a cup of tea. - I do
not know what exactly I should say. The girl declined the offer. -
Tell what you find right. Children will be interested in everything.
[BR]Ivashnikov escorted her to the corner of the street, they
chatted about any trifles, and then Kim Jin-ho asked her not to see
off.[BR]- Waiting, - she reminded.[BR][BR]Two days
later Ivashnikov went to the lesson. He was nervous, but the lesson,
according to Kim Jin-ho, was a success. Ivashnikov told in brief
about the history of Russia and a little about the city closest to
Korea, Vladivostok. He tried, of course, to present the goods with
his face, he was eloquent and persuasive, the children listened with
interest, and Kim Jin-Ho was heard. After the lesson, releasing the
children, Kim Jin-ho invited him to her place. In the small, girlishly
clean and elegantly decorated room, she treated him to cakes with
a filling of chrysanthemum petals and fruits. - Tell me, Ivan, - she
went over childishly to the main reason for inviting Ivashnikov. -
What kind of big dignitary came recently from St. Petersburg?[BR]-
Commercial Advisor to the Ministry of Finance Alekseev came to
help Emperor Koan-mu to understand the finances of your empire
and collect money to pay the debt of Japan and China.[BR]- But
only?[BR]- Of course, this is already known to all.[BR]- Then why
did the emperor dismiss so many ministers?[BR]- The Emperor
knows better ...[BR]- But it is obvious that this is due to the arrival
of Mr. Alekseev. - Anything can happen, - Ivashnikov shrugged. -
I do not know. - I am only an officer in a small rank. - Ivan, - after
a brief hesitation, the girl said plaintively with obvious excitement, -
do you remember a year ago you asked to know how much money
goes to the treasury from customs duties? - I then brought you that
fat book with notes. Then I suffered a lot that you consider my
father a thief. The ensign averted his eyes and spread his hands
helplessly. - Your superiors came to the same conclusion.
Mr. Alekseev learns about customs fees and expels my father.
Recently, quite by accident, I was witnessing a difficult explanation
between my father and Mr. Brown. - And she hesitantly paused.
[BR]Ivashnikov was on the alert, - Go on, girl ... [BR] - I went
home. In the morning, my father and I were talking in his office,
when a servant reported that Mr. Brown had arrived. I went into the
next room and started helping my mother around the house. I
heard Mr. Brown shouting loudly at his father, and then came out
purple with anger. His father followed him, repeated that the
Japanese, taking advantage of the victory over the Chinese, were in
charge of the country, and forced him not to impose customs and
fins fees on their court. Mr. Brown stopped, turned around and said
that the reports of customs duties had come to the Russians, and
they found them greatly underestimated, and the recently arrived
Mr. Alekseev reported this to the King! However, he reported in this
form that all the blame falls on Mr. Brown. The king had to issue a
decree on the deprivation of Mr. Brown of the post of chief
commissioner of Korean customs and an adviser to the Ministry of
Finance, and on the appointment of Mr. Alekseev to these most
important Russian posts![BR]- Clear, - thought Ivashnikov, - this
explains the unexpected fall of Brown and the rise of Alekseev.
Ivan, - said Kim Jin-ho pleadingly, - ask Mr. Alekseev not to chase
my father away. - After all, I know that everyone in the Russian
mission listens to you, - she flatly flattered. I am just a little officer,
- Ivashnikov admitted again. But do what you can, - insisted Kim
Jin-ho. Then she again treated him to pies, juice, and fruit. They
say you are moving forward almost to the leadership of the
party Tonnip Hophwe Ivashnikov noted. - I am glad for your
success. Who is talking? En Pan-sa? - The girl’s nostrils flared
angrily. - Yes, I know about this party, but I have nothing to do
with it, I am only engaged in the creation of Korean schools and the
education of children. t was already getting dark,
and Ivashnikov needed to hurry to the mission, today he stepped in
as a guard officer. He next afternoon, the warrant officer was
summoned to Colonel Putiata. In the small house behind the
mission building, the lieutenant Minaev, Mr. Alekseev,
Colonel Putyata, and Mr. Speyer, recently transferred from Japan as
resident minister to Korea, were already in the building; the former
envoy Weber was appointed envoy to Mexico. Upon entering,
Ensign Ivashnikov reported on the arrival, and he was offered to sit
down.[BR]- Tell us, Ensign, about yesterday’s conversation with the
girl, - Colonel Putiata ordered.[BR]Ivashnikov realized that
Lieutenant Minaev had already conveyed the content of the
conversation to them, and they were only expecting personal
impressions from him. Having told as much as possible about the
conversation with Kim Jin-ho, Ivashnikov expected to hear that he
might be free, but Colonel Putyata was in no hurry to let go. - You
seemed to me observant and thinking young man. Try to remember
your feelings during the conversation, without touching, naturally,
peculiar to your age – he joked rudely.[BR]Ivashnikov flushed,
embarrassed, but got ready and carefully answered, - I constantly
had a feeling of some duality in the words and demeanor of Kim
Jin-ho. On the one hand, she was sincere in caring for her father
and his reputation, however, she clearly kept back many things, and
there was some subtext behind her words. You know, the taiga
people say that when they were hunting a tiger, they got into a
situation where the beast left, made a circle and hunted the pursuer
himself. I still thought that I was becoming suspicious, it was
ridiculous to expect such a thing from a girl.[BR]A brief silence,
when the audience pondered the words of Ivashnikov, was
interrupted by Mr. Alekseev.[BR]- Well, let’s not take into account
the ensign’s story about tigers’ hunting for a human being and
discuss the financial situation of Korea. Reporting started; it is
extremely difficult to understand it, although Mr. Brown did some
positive work. The most neglected, consciously, I must say, budget
revenues. Large revenues expected from customs duties and from
the mining industry; such is in its infancy. But customs fees from
the captains of the vessels are received by Japanese banks, for lack
of others here, and it is almost impossible to verify the correctness
of their payment. Customs officers are bribed, or are afraid of the
Japanese, and write down the measure and cost of cargo, and the
amount of customs duties according to their instructions. There is
simply no one to replace these people. Further, the mines are
under the jurisdiction of the ministry of the court, at the cash desk
of which the newly made emperor constantly launches his hand, so
it is difficult to show the exact amount of income from the mining
industry. In addition, seventeen thousand officials — an unbearable
burden for the empire’s empty treasury — have already been
indebted to about half a million yen. Mr. Pokotilov in St. Petersburg
informed me that in the ninety-second year, Chinese insurance and
telegraph companies had made loans – each of one hundred
thousand lans, the first for eighty months, and the second – for one
hundred months at the rate of seven percent per annum. In
addition, in March of ninety-five years was made three million six
thousands loan of the Japanese Imperial Bank, the repayment
period which is set in December ninety-nine. Need somewhere to
find the amount to pay these debts, otherwise revenues will be
enough only to pay the annual interest and penalty interest. The
Treasury, empty.

- The only way to keep here the Russian place, - said the Minister-
resident, Mr. Speyer, for the simple reason that our economic
interests in Korea is negligible, this is to bring clarity and order to
the finances of the Kingdom and become necessary to the king.
[BR]-The matter is complicated by the fact that Mr brown refuses to
hand over financial statements and otherwise prevent the
inauguration of Mr. Alekseev said impatiently remarked the Colonel
Putyata. - Let me, - the lieutenant Minaev, who was listening
carefully, intervened. - For a year and a half of my stay in Korea, I
figured out the intricacies of the opposing forces here and, in my
opinion, found a solution to the behavior of my friend
Ensign Ivashnikov. - Well, go on, - everyone became interested,
knowing from their own experience that big politics is closely
intertwined with the lives of little people and often depends on their
behavior. - Of the party of independent, I know it for sure there are
two currents. The first – supporters of rapprochement with Japan.
This is Yanbans, having deposits in Japanese banks. The second
trend is people who lived and studied in the United States and the
United States of America, and for the most part in their Catholic and
Protestant missions. Kim Jin-ho was repeatedly seen in the company
with the latter. Independents fear strengthening of Russia’s place in
Korea. But you can play on their differences. Namely- are bypassing
Brown, through the pro-American wing of the “independent”, collect
information about customs equipment, the main source of income
for the kingdom, and income from the mining industry. This
information will help Mr. Alekseev to take the necessary decision. In
addition, Kim Jin-ho will help us gather this information, because
objectively this is in the hand of her Korean friends of pro-American
orientation and to the detriment of the opposing wing of their party.
- Brilliant, - Colonel Putiata concluded, - does take action... In
officer’s uniform, Ensign Ivashnikov drove up to Uncle Kim Jin-
Ho’s house – at that time, the mayor of Seoul – and ordered servant
to call the girl. She ran out at almost that hour, looking to
be gracious and welcoming. - Come in, Ivan, - she invited him into
the house. - Hello, Kim Jin-ho, - Ivashnikov greeted her, - I have
some news for you. - Well, thank you. Tell me! - I spoke with
Mr. Alekseev about you and your father. Mr. Alekseev is very
dissatisfied with the amount of income to the treasury. He believes
that they should be enough to pay all debts and close the
expenditure side of the budget. I told him from your words that the
Japanese forbid levying customs duties on their goods, or they give
incorrect information for the calculation of fins fees. The
matter complicated the fact that Mr. Brown does not want to part
with the post of general customs commissioner and does not give
away the books held by him. And Mr. Alekseev intends to change all
customs officers. - And my father? - It is not about the person, he
wants to bring order to the financial affairs of empires. Where will
he get new people? He thinks there are enough honest young
people in the country who care about the interests of Korea. - What
does he care about the interests of Korea? Moreover, these debts ...
Let those who lend care about them. - I admire your naivety, Kim
Jin-ho. - First, debts should be repaid and interest should be paid
for loans. This is a lot of money. And the longer you give, the more
interest grows. Secondly, penalties are charged - this is also a lot of
money. However, do not be offended, I understand you – mostly
the poor pay, why pity them ... There is another side to the
question. The Chinese are not afraid of you yet, but the Japanese,
under the pretext of ensuring the payment of debt, will withdraw all
customs revenues, as indicated in the loan agreement. And your
poor country will become even poorer. In addition, not content with
customs duties, they can occupy the country. The wish to do this
has not dried up. - Do you think that you can cover the national
debt with customs duties? - Kim Jin-ho asked hesitantly, thinking
about something. Yes, Mr. Alekseev believes that properly collected
customs duties and fins fees in the three main ports of the country
- Chemulpo, Fuzan and Genzan will amount to a huge amount,
which is quite enough to pay off debts in the next two or three
years. He says that in the offices of a Japanese bank, where
customs fees are leased, there is double bookkeeping. One with
authentic figures, and the other for misleading the Treasury
Department. He is interested in genuine reporting. - But it is in the
offices of a Japanese bank ...- Yes, but in which only managers and
cashiers are Japanese, mostly Koreans work and all money
documents pass through their hands. - Good. Go, Ivan. I have to go
to class. I will think about your words. And if I manage to get the
records of that, the correct accounting, he will not dismiss my
father? - It is hard for me to say, but he will be in great need of
experienced specialists. I will ask for your father. Kim Jin-ho took a
deep breath, decided on something, and repeated, - Go, Ivan. She
walked him to the gate and promised to visit his mission in a week.
And she came, really in two weeks. But however, she brought
copies of the summary reports of customs and flippers dues for the
three main ports of Korea for this year, reflecting the real receipts.
Luck was unheard of! Lieutenant Minaev calculated correctly – she
would never have been able to receive such information alone.
There, no doubt, had a firm and domineering hand. Using these
data, Mr. Alekseev demanded a revision of the financial operations
of the branches of a Japanese bank and secured a huge sum of
money back to the treasury! Of these, not only Chinese debts were
paid, but also two of the three millions employed in Japan.
Moreover, Mr. Alekseev insisted that the emperor issued a decree
transferring the management of the gold and silver mines to the
Ministry of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry with the direct
control of the Ministry of Finance. However, when assisting
Mr. Alekseev in collecting purely economic data,
Lieutenant Minayev did not take into account that it hurts the
interests of literally all the officials of the state apparatus, who
disposed of monetary charges at their discretion and robbed the
country. The anti-Russian propaganda of the “Independents”
party was superimposed on the hatred of even former supporters of
rapprochement with Russia. In March of the next, ninety-eight,
demonstrations took place in Seoul demanding the expulsion
of foreigners, during which En Pan-sa, an interpreter of the Russian
mission, was wounded. The anti-Russian orientation of these
demonstrations, skillfully organized and directed, was obvious. And
the resident Russian minister, Mr. Speyer, had to make a request,
for which the Korean emperor replied that he was extremely
grateful for the help of military instructors, the palace guard and
financial adviser. However, circumstances have changed and now
he does not need them. The exception of a few mission diplomats,
the Russians had to leave Korea. The district headquarters also
recalled the lieutenant Minaev, but Ensign Ivashnikov was left in the
mission guard unit. Saying goodbye, Lieutenant Minaev sadly
remarked that, having received a new appointment, he
would tell Ivashnikov and, if possible, would try to draw him to him.
- If you agree, - he added, clapping Ivashnikov on the shoulder. -
You know, I thought a lot that by doing a good thing, we allowed to
wrap it in evil. Leaving, we leave Korea in the hands of the
Japanese. And the just-concluded agreement between Russia and
Japan is nothing more than a paper. He was referring to an
agreement by which both empires recognized the full independence
of Korea and pledged to refrain from any interference in the internal
affairs of this country.

It took a lot of time, but Sergei Yulievich tried to recall in his

memory all the events of that autumn of 1897, of which he had
been a participant or had learned about it from many sources. All of
them with sad inevitability emerged from our earlier actions or
omissions, as well as the ill-considered, hasty steps taken by
Count Muravyov, caused by an acute envy of the successes of the
Minister of Finance and, in part, of his predecessor as Minister of
Foreign Affairs of Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky. With him,
Count Muraviev, and should start. Sergey Yulievich considered him
an empty person, and others, who knew him, say that he is a
literally poorly educated person, and in many respects simply
ignorant, a zhuir, a lover of good dinner, and a decent drink during
dinner. Yes, and official affairs, he devoted very little time. He
became Minister of Foreign Affairs only because he served as envoy
in Copenhagen. And this place gave certain proximity to the imperial
family, and in the time of Alexander III, and later visited
Copenhagen due to close relationship with the Danish royal house.
The field of activity of the envoy in Denmark, of course, is very
narrow, but to show the ability of the courtier gave many
opportunities. Hence the career ... At the end of July, on the eve of
the visit to Russia of the German emperor Wilhelm II,
Sergei Yulievich was informed that Muravyov was visited by
the German envoy Prince Radolin and, among other issues of the
upcoming visit, casually inquired how long Russia was thinking of
using Jiaozhou’s Chinese harbor. To this, Muravyov responded that
Russia was not going to give up parking for her Pacific squadron
and the coming winter. As Sergei Yulievich now guessed, this was
the first test step. Soon followed by other persistent steps very
viscous Germans. On the very first day after the arrival of the
German emperor Wilhelm II in Peterhof, according to the accepted
custom, a formal official dinner was organized. Sergei Yulievich did
not have time to arrive at the appointed hour at Peterhof, when one
of the officers under William approached him and said that the
German emperor wanted to meet him, and now asks to go to his
apartment. After a brief conversation, Wilhelm declared that he
knows what a wise and distinguished statesman Sergei Yulievich is,
and, as the perfect exception, he favors the Order of the Black
Eagle! And he added that this order complains only to royal persons
and ministers of foreign affairs, and for him, the Minister of Finance,
he makes a special exception, since this exception has never been
made. And handed the order. A few days later, in Petersburg,
Prince Radolin once again invited Sergei Yulievich to his emperor,
and he spoke that it would be advisable to set up military duties
against American agricultural products that flooded European
markets. Sergei Yulievich replied that it would be better to set
up strong allied relations between Russia, Germany and France, to
which the rest of Europe would join. This continental single
international alliance will free Europe from the burden it has
imposed on itself for mutual rivalry. Europe will inevitably flourish
and show for a long time its dominant place over the world. Now,
recalling that the order of the Black Eagle, the German emperor
handed him in the Chinese garden of the apartments allotted to him
in Peterhof, Sergei Yulievich understood that the conversation about
military duties against North Americans was just a red herring, and
he received this bribe so that he would not oppose Germany in her
Eastern Policy.[BR]Shortly after the departure of the German
emperor, Sergei Yulievich had a meeting on some business with
Admiral General Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich. And he said,
from the words of the sovereign that when together with the
German emperor they returned peacefully from a trip in one crew
one day, Wilhelm, quite unceremoniously, asked whether Emperor
Nicholas would object if Germany would occupy Jiaozhou port for
their parking ships. The sovereign is a very delicate person,
moreover, Wilhelm was his guest, and he was very embarrassed to
refuse flatly. But what he said, he did not say to the Grand Duke. It
seems that by his mild nature, the sovereign-emperor could not
directly refuse this highly incorrect ask, and the German emperor
insidiously interpreted that the Russian sovereign gave his blessing
to this, and decided to take advantage of it. Then the Germans
began to develop success. At the beginning of October, the Deputy
foreign Minister Lamzdorf was the German chargé
d’affaires Chirshki, Prince Radolin was on vacation, and stated that
in the near future, the German warships intended to enter Jiaozhou,
and the oral agreement was reached between the emperors
in Peterhof . Vladimir Nikolaevich Lamzdorf is a man of excellent,
excellent heart, a friend of his friends, highly educated, although he
only finished the page corps, knows all the secret affairs of the
ministry very deeply, but he is very careful. He calmly listened
to Chirshki and replied that Russia had obtained the right to park its
ships only for the past winter. And now there are no Russian ships
there and it is not known what face the Chinese will meet there with
the sudden appearance of German warships. The Germans
understood the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry
unequivocally that their hands were untied. Soon there was a
message that two German missionaries were killed in Shandong.
Even then, Wilhelm II feared the tough place of Russia, and sent a
telegram to the sovereign to dispel all doubts. And the sovereign
emperor responded with a much-needed insidious William’s answer
that he could not approve or disapprove of his orders to send a
German squadron to Jiaozhou, as he had recently learned that
Russian ships occupied this harbor for only one winter. Naturally,
the Germans were delighted, because Russia formally waives all
rights and claims to this harbor. Moreover, literally on the same day,
November 14, 1897, the German squadron was in Jiaozhou. The
highly incorrect actions of the German emperor, who took
advantage of the youth and delicacy of the Russian sovereign,
brought certain difficulties to the activities of Count Muraviev.
He was put in an uncomfortable position, because Tsungli-Yamin at
one time promised to keep for Russia the preferential right to this
harbor. And he had every reason to fear that other nations would
pounce on Chinese ports to the north of the English zone of
influence. Count Muraviev enlisting the well-known support of
Emperor Nicholas, began, through diplomatic channels, to insist on
the withdrawal of the German squadron from Jiaozhou, offering to
demand that the Chinese side punish the perpetrators of the death
of missionaries, and threatened not only to introduce the Russian
squadron into Jiaozhou, but also to involve the Shandong incident in
other powers, referring to England, with which Germany had
strained relations.[BR]Sergei Yulievich was also outraged by the
very insidious behavior of Germany. It has not even two months
since Prince Ukhtomsky returned from Beijing, who went there to
hand Li Hongzhang the first million bribes and whom, he asked,
confident of the well-known relaxation of the takers, to persuade
the Chinese side to agree on our line from the Trans-Manchurian to
the Yellow sea. But Li Hongzhang categorically refused Ukhtomsky,
stating, literally, that he would not let us into the rooms where they
have wives and small children. Then Sergei Yulievich had to come to
grips with Korean affairs, where a government sympathetic to
Russia was formed. He appointed a financial adviser to the king
there, and managed to get the transfer of control of Korean
customs from the Englishman Brown to him. Muravyov continued to
insist on the withdrawal of German ships from Jiaozhou, but the
naval ministry manager Admiral Tyrtov, in a relatively recent past,
the head of the united Pacific Squadron of the Pacific Ocean,
without coordinating his actions with him, went to the emperor, and
reported that sending Russian ships there seemed to him
uncomfortable, since the Germans occupied it. Moreover, the
maritime Navy ministry does not consider this harbor suitable for
the base of the Russian squadron due to its remoteness from
Vladivostok and perfect isolation from Russia. And the sovereign
again, due to the softness and indecision of his character, faltered
and agreed with Tyrtov. What a fiasco of Russian diplomacy!
However, from Muraviev other and should not have expected. In
the meantime, the Germans turned to Head of the Cabinet of Her
Majesty’s Government Lord Salisbury in London. And he responded
in the sense that Great Britain would have nothing against it if
Germany settled in any Chinese port, and the north, the better.
Gloating, the Germans dismissed the pill by replying through the
Russian ambassador in Berlin Austen-Sacken that their presence
should not restrain Russian ships if they chose to stay there until
Russia acquired its own permanent settlement in the inland Yellow
Sea. And, by the way, Jiaozhou is not inside, but near the Russian
sphere of interests, and it will be more convenient for Germany to
come to the aid of Russia, even if against Japan. Moreover,
Emperor Wilhelm personally arrived at the Russian embassy in
Berlin, and began to convince Austen-Saken that the issue
of Jiaozhou was fraternally resolved by both emperors in Peterhof,
and that solidarity of interests would inevitably lead both empires to
unity of action in the face of common danger, alluding to Japan.The
Japanese, said the emperor with shameless German cunning, are
generally repulsive subjects, and you can expect anything from
them, but the German squadron, having a base not far from the
Russian, will always be side-by-side with Russian ships, against any
enemy – will they be called Japanese or British. However, the
Japanese would not be ready for the war before 1905, and until
that time, our squadrons would have melted down all their ships.
This was Sergey Yulievich and he was afraid. After all, William
directly pushes us to war with Japan. Then he went to Chirshki and
told him that German appreciates him very much, and said that
when he wants to ask the German emperor for something, he can
do it through the embassy. And now he is asking the emperor to
telegraph that in the interests of Russia and Germany you should
leave Jiaozhou, because this step will entail other steps that will
have the most terrible consequences. A few days
later Chirshki arrived at the ministry to Sergei Yulievich and showed
the reply of the German emperor to his telegram. Wilhelm wrote, -
“Tell Witte that I saw from his telegram that he didn’t know some of
the circumstances that are very significant and relevant to this case,
and therefore we cannot follow his advice.” The next day, a meeting
was held under the chair of the sovereign, Emperor Nicholas II. The
Minister of War Vannovsky, Sergei Yulievich, the head of the naval
ministry, Admiral Tyrtov, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Count Muraviev, attended the meeting. Discussed the note of
Count Muraviev. The first word was given to Muraviev. He
immediately stated that he was very much afraid of the capture of
Port Arthur by the British and that Jiaozhou had to take advantage
of the German occupation and, finally, solves the issue of the port.
Although he is not competent in maritime affairs, it is highly
desirable for Russia to have a harbor in the Pacific Ocean in the Far
East, and Port Arthur and Dalianwan are of paramount importance
in their strategic position. In addition, such an opportunity, as it is
now, cannot be repeated. There is nothing to put beads in front of
them ... We should act like, say, the Germans in New Guinea, Togo
and Cameroon, and now in Jiaozhou, instead of almost currying
favor. And to whom? - He rhetorically asked, theatrically wringing
well groomed, in old brown buckwheat hands. - China is now
accustomed by the Japanese to respect strength and power, and is
no more dangerous than any Siam or any Negro principality in
Africa, so it is useless and waste less to waste time on friendly
exhortations in Jung-yam, you must immediately follow the example
of Germany. Of course, it may seem strangely wild and unbelievable
that a state, an empire with a population of 400 million people, was
unable to defend itself against several tens of thousands of
enemies. However, this indisputable fact exists, and for the past
three years since that time, the situation has not changed and could
not change. “To every true Russian person,” continued Muraviev
conviction, “the road is his homeland; the roads are his honor and
glory and old traditions, his benefit of the past and the present.
There is an opinion that in the event of war with Japan, our
warships can go out into the Pacific through the Okhotsk Sea and
between the Kuril Islands, and if, say, the passages in the Kuril
Islands are closed, then why does the fighting fleet exist? And why
Vladivostok, our outpost in the Pacific, is given such a name – Lord
of the East – if we have to depend on pitiful Japanese or Koreans?
After all, instead of passing through the dubious Okhotsk Sea to
force our way through the thick Kuril archipelago, would it not be
better not to risk losing ships, but to have another military fleet
base, but further south, in the Yellow Sea? Therefore, we should
not go to bow to the Chinese to beg for what we can, without
squatting in front of savages who have claims and audacity to
consider us and other Europeans as barbarians and ”“devils of the
West”, but to take it ourselves, casually and simply, like a falling
overripe fruit ... Seen amateur in diplomacy. Sergei Yulievich for
many years prepared penetration into Manchuria and China by
purely economic ways, cultivating in the Chinese a feeling of
affection and even gratitude to Russia for our help in developing
desert, marginal lands, and he wants to grab them almost by the
throat with brute force. Of course, Sergei Yulievich began to prove
the recklessness of Muraviev proposal. A year and a half ago, we
concluded an agreement with China, according to which, for
agreeing to allow us to run a railway line through Manchuria, we
promised to protect each other and Korea. So how can we now
follow the example of Germany and capture the harbor? Such a
move on our part would look extremely outrageous and insidious. In
addition, China and other countries now in our country will hate us
for being cunning. We had better enter our squadron
into Jiaozhou and keep it there until the Germans can go home.
Because in response to the provocative actions of the Germans, we
should not stir up the hostility of China. Why, if we seized Port
Arthur, we will have to build a branch line from the Trans-
Manchurian Main Line to Liaodong through densely populated
Chinese territory and through Mukden, the birthplace of the Chinese
imperial house! Here Sergey Yulievich was a gossip — he was
negotiating with such a branch with Li Hungzhan in Moscow. After
all, he proposed to hold it based on mutual economic interests, and
not by brute military force. However, Count Muravyov firmly stood
on his point of view, stating that under the contract, we are
obliged to protect China only from Japan, but we cannot prevent
Germany. And to seize Port Arthur this treaty does not bother us.
Sergei Yulievich understood him – after losing the diplomatic clash
with Germany, he is trying to win back China. His Minister of War,
General Vannovsky, wishing apparently to have a reputation as a
tough politician and great commander in the eyes of the sovereign,
supported Muravyov, saying that if according to the Minister of
Foreign Affairs report this port was found convenient for our ships,
then from a military point of view there would be no problems. He
made it clear that he would have enough strength to chop off this
port from China, that he would manage ... Sergei Yulievich, in
response, pointed out that many other maritime powers could
follow our example, and Japan may not limit itself to the occupied
territories of China, but head for Korea, where we now have quite
good positions. In this case, very serious consequences will
inevitably occur. Why, we have just begun to build a highway
through Manchuria, and it will take several more years to build a
branch to Port Arthur, during which it will be completely cut off from
Russia. It is good that he was supported by Admiral Tyrtov.
According to him, even if we cannot now acquire a port in the
southeastern part of Korea, it is better to keep a fleet in Vladivostok
for other two or three years. Sergey Yulievich once again
emphasized that we build our relations with China on the basis of
mutual economic interests, and later, having built the Manchurian
road, we will find an outlet to the Pacific Ocean. Unlike the
European powers, we should support good neighborly relations with
China. And Japan, which is extremely interested in developing its
economic relations with Europe, will be quite happy to take this
road. The sovereign emperor listened attentively to the arguments
of the parties and, although Sergei Yulievich arguments were
unpleasant, he decided to disagree with Count Moravia’s proposal.
Sergei Yulievich hoped that the sovereign’s prudence prevailed, and
he would adhere to the decision taken at the meeting. However, he
did not take into account that Count Muravyov is capable of an
incorrect deed. And after the meeting, he played on the subtle
strings of his majesty’s soul – jealousy for Cousin Wilhelm and the
secret wish to see himself as the Lord of the East. Count Muraviev
reported to him that the British ships were pulling up to Port Arthur,
and were about to capture him. And the sovereign emperor decided
to send our military flotilla there. On December 1, 1897, a
detachment of ships of the Russian squadron under the command
of Rear Admiral Reunov entered Port Arthur. And soon as a
telegram was on a table of tzar from his cousin, the German
emperor Wilhelm, ”“Russia and Germany at the entrance to the
Yellow Sea can be honored as if represented by St. George and St.
Michael, protecting the holy cross in the Far East and guarding the
gates to the Asian continent” . On March 16, 1898, at six o’clock in
the morning, the land detachment and landing force from the
Russian squadron were landed on Port Arthur, after which the
occupation of the city and fortifications protecting Port Arthur from
the sea and land began immediately. At eight o’clock on the forts of
Golden Mountain, His Imperial Highness, Grand
Duke Kirill Vladimirovich raised the Russian military flag, which the
squadron saluted with thirty-one shots, and behind this, the fort of
Golden Mountain saluted the squadron. And on March 17, the
Russian Telegraph Agency reported that on March 15 in Beijing, the
Plenipotentiaries of Russia and China signed a special agreement,
by virtue of which the Russian Imperial Government ceded to use
for twenty-five years, a period that can be extended by agreement,
Port Arthur and Dalianwan with the relevant territories, as well as
the right to build a railway branch to connect these ports with the
great Siberian railway. Then Sergei Yulievich learned that His
Majesty and his spouse had invested huge sums in a timber industry
enterprise organized on the territory of the concession in the Yalu-
Tumen basins, not so long ago bought by Vladivostok
merchant Briner. Moreover, an armed detachment of guards was
sent to guard the enterprise. By deploying troops on Liaodong and
the border between Korea and China, Russia blocked Manchuria
from its competitors, Japan. And only then, when all this happened,
at the end of March at the big reception in the Winter Palace, when
the Russian tricolor and naval Andreyevsky flags were already flying
over Port Arthur, and everyone around him was jubilant, clinking
glasses of champagne with each other, and the women were
charmingly smiled and repeated, “Glory to the Russian arms,” that
is, General Vannovsky and Admiral Tyrtov, and, “Glory to Russian
diplomacy,” that is, to Count Muraviev, who only nodded coldly to
him, him, who spent the abyss of energy, time, mental and yes,
yes, yes – physical, and only he may be called a true hero for the
day, he bypassed the attention and almost disgraced, embittered,
he thinks, and a contradiction – Well, imagine that I led my guests
to the ”“Aquarium”*, and they, having drunk, got into a brothel, and
made a scandal there. Is it really my fault? I wanted to be limited to
the “Aquarium”. Next, others pulled. And that fatal step was
accomplished, which entailed all further consequences – the
Russian-Japanese war, the collapse of the Chinese empire, and the
revolution in Russia ...

* Aquarium – a trendy Petersburg restaurant.


Andrei bought for his mother, father and brothers of gifts and went
home. To Ketritsevo station, near Nikolsk village, he traveled by
train, in a mixed car, mixed for the common people, and from there
he went to the road leading to Ivanovka, but he was hailed by
familiar men sitting at the extreme house, fellow villagers.
— Stop, — shout, — do not go alone, wait a bit soon we will go
together. — What is it? — asked Andrei, — Malaykis are naughty?
The Malayki were called fugitive convicts, who were
scattered from the construction of the railway. They had nowhere
to go too much: they didn’t go to the city, the police and troops
were there, and China-Korea was not going away, there the local
authorities did not complain about their robbers, let alone the
Russians and all the more. Here Malaykis and arranged large gangs
along the roads, lived robbery and murder. They were afraid,
periodically organized raids and soldiers combed taiga. “No,” they
answer, “now the Malaykis flee from the taiga themselves.” Tigers
are now rabid .... In Ivanovka, Grandma Ustinya Mokrenok was
dragged away from the garden, she was digging potatoes, and
in Razdolnoye, they say, they ate a soldier with a gun. “No,” the
others objected, “it spat out the gun.” — Anyway scary ... They
waited a bit more until other fellow villagers from the market pulled
themselves up and, loading their guns, in a handful, cautiously
followed the cart to their Ivanovka. Andrei was greeted happily at
home, admired with renewal and gifts, praised for their success in
the household, rather, it must say modest.

The brothers grew stronger, taller and stronger than Andrei

became, but he was a vein.
For the next day, they have to go to the zaimka, sow winter crops,
but Andrew sees that Dad and brothers are going with great
reluctance. And the gun was loaded, and the axes in the cart next
put. Yes, and horse hides it ears, too, afraid, apparently.
“One of these days, to Krivosheyev was climbing in the window,”
Dad tells, “the impudent face, yellow eyes.” Ivan grabbed him, was
at hand, pokes in the face, and the tiger just waved his hand and
further breaks out the frame. Well, Kolka, Ivanov’s son, ripped the
gun off the wall, and shot it out. Straight in the head. However,
the tiger sees, grunted only. Now somewhere near wanders,
wounded. And it is necessary to go to sow, and scary. In addition,
we cannot make a raid on him — the taiga is all around, and the
leaf has not fallen.
Andrew here says, “I heard of the manzas in the Shooter Bay as
they catch the tiger.” Come on try
The father called Ivan Krivosheev with his sons, armed with guns,
and four Melnikov men. Three guards were carried, and the
rest the little Christmas trees and the birch trees were cut,
a sazhen of three lengths of logs was made and they were
driven into the ground in a clearing near the fence. They drove in
closely and so that the circle turned out in a sazhen diameter. Then
around the palisade, another one was erected, so as not more than
an arshin between the walls. A hole saw in the external chisel for
the tiger was done and hung the door from the inside, so that the
tiger would be able to open with its face, but that the door would
be pressed tightly against the logs and would not let it out. In the
inner circle, a pig at night launched the hungry. Well, it let a grunt,
and then squeals. The hungry tiger heard the pig scream and came
in for dinner at night. It walked around the fence, smells it, the pig
squeal hears, but cannot get to dinner. The picket fence is high;
the tiger will not jump over. The tiger became more aggressively
trying to try logs, tried to topple, but it is firmly dug in and tied to
each other, for do not fall. But the hungry tiger is diligent.
Bypassed the entire stockade, tried all the logs, and came across
the door. It opened freely and the tiger went in the door leaned
back, missed the beast inside, and even lay back. A tiger runs along
a narrow corridor around a pig, and cannot get inside or out, growls
brutally with rage. The dogs were the first in the village to hear a
roar, in the hall forgot, yes, it rose barking. The owners were
notified that those guns were ready to keep their dogs ready to
protect. The dogs knew that the tiger is a great lover of dog.
All seven in the morning, with guns went. They are afraid, they
hold together, but, interrupting each other, they boast of feats of
hunting. When went to the palisade and it cracks and moves. In
the gap between the logs was visible tiger-father. Hefty, with a bull
in stature, the sides are yellow, striped, the eyes are red, ferocious,
and the fangs are white and blood drips from them. He tried to
gnaw logs, but to no purpose. And on the forehead the wound is
visible caked, the one that Nikolai Krivosheev instructed. Well, they
hid a couple of charges to the tiger in the side that put him to
death. Then ran after the cart, they brought the tiger to the
village. The horse, poor, all mowed down on the passenger of the
dead, striped. And the piglet died with fear, had to be thrown

And Andrei spent the winter in Ivanovka, and in the spring, he

moved to the city again. He already had a lot of acquaintances and
friends in Vladivostok, and they called for a job, promised the word
to put in a word to the master or chief, to go around. With
housing, however, it was bad. All his friends did not live, but
huddled in crowded hovels. And although friends invited Andrei to
live with them, until he settled in with the shelter himself, their
spouses as wolves looked at their husbands while listening to the
hospitable, drunken host. It is known that nobody don’t go on a
visit without a bottle, and after it the second and the third appear,
and the smoke comes from the yoke, and then the children roar,
and the wife shines with a bruise, blacked out. Andrew the person
was shy and intelligent, in gratitude for the kind words, a friendly
conversation and a snack table trying to get out before dark. It was
dangerous to walk alone in the dark streets of one, the
drunk, — may be beaten and robbed. And he spent the night at a
lodging house on Korean street, near the Chinese joss house.
There were going to the same griefs homeless and unemployed.
Work in the city was, but the owners were spoiled. Come on, they
say, work, but I will pay like a Chinese or a Korean, a penny. Well,
offended men, we eat dogs or shells? Not accustomed to... And
Here the rumor passed that the teams were gaining in China. From
Port Arthur to the Trans-Manchurian Railway, an iron line to build.
He already knew that in August of the past, in 1897itbegan to build
a road through Manchuria, and now, in May 1898, it is going to the
Yellow Sea. The name of the highway was already given: who
called the munkhurka, and who the hunhuzka, and it was clear to
everyone. They went to join the crowd on Svetlanskaya Street, at
its very beginning, where the prison windows on the Korean street
with curtains were closed with their grates, and there, at the door
of the new Chinese-Eastern Railway Department, they huddled
together. Some engineer came out in a cap with hammers, a green
edged girdle, and well, let us write. He took all. People, he said,
need a lot, to the survey party. But not the Chinese — Koreans, to
hold out against them in China in a handful. The passports were
chosen, but in return, he gave five rubles each, so that before the
steamer, which is going to China in a week, they did not die of
hunger. And as a ragged city, sub-fence, learned that money was
being given here, so the house surrounded with a cloud of
black. Many with passports. And an engineer with a hundred
people scored and said that rather no more. Then for the money of
the lucky ones on the Semenov mowing, by the sea, they organized
a feast. Andrei was a companionable person, and it was necessary
to get together with new comrades, he also took part in the
festival. He drank, ate, listened and was amazed. Well, and folk ...,
really, the lower classes of society. It became very scary. But he
thought maybe, drunk for nothing, they were boasting, they were
boasting about bestiality ...
However, on the boat and in the Chinese town of Dalianwan, he
was bitterly made of some new friends by him.
Dalianwan, as a survey engineer told, first suggested
that Slavorossia or Port Slavia be called, but then they came to their
senses. Who knows what will happen in the future, no matter how
embarrassed. And they decided to call Far. Therefore, it will be
consonant with the Chinese. The exploratory party into small
groups, a man of ten was smashed, in each group a technician with
a transit theodolite — a bronze tube on three legs — the eldest and
they went to build a route. The technician at the theodolite stands
bow-legged, bent over, and Andrei and his group of comrades
landmarks feets at twenty above the ground lead to the right, then
to the left, until the technician “bet” does not command. Then the
pole with a sledgehammer will be hammered a couple of inches and
the next one, so that they stand behind each other and evenly. Or
curve arc hung out. Then at the place of landmarks the stakes
were flat, sanded, from the nearest fishing line, they were
scored into the ground.
At first, the Chinese, local residents, silently watched their actions,
and then, when the route had to be led through their yards, kitchen
gardens, fields, and even through idols, cemeteries, and a cry were
raised. Men, women shout loudly in their own way, small children,
but with malice; began to throw stones, not to laugh. Already the
end of May was the beginning of June, the Chinese are waiting for
the harvest, and here the Russians tell to get out. It was possible
to understand the Chinese, but the road should be traced. The
benefit that the Cossacks with whips, checkers and guns were sent.
Those did not stand on ceremony. The Chinese are shouting,
throwing stones at them, and the Cossacks with their whips, or
even shot at them. Those scatter.
Spend the night in the Chinese fanzas located. Comrades
Andrei are determined people. By fists, the owners to the street
kicked out, and if they will give the Chinese vodka, then in the
corner of the hosts allowed spending the night. Andrei was
disgusted with them and scared. Get drunk and swear. Or they will
want a woman, and let us pester the host. And the stories were
pre-hostile — where someone snuffed a Chinese, robbed a fanz or
idol, ransacked a bench, took a shale or vodka from a shelf in the
bench without asking, and did not pay a penny, chokha in their
style, with a hole in the square in the middle of the copper coin.
Engineers and technicians forbade the rampage, the most impudent
to calculate and expel were frightened, but they spent the night
separately, did not know much. And on Andrei’s requests to calm
down, on timid attempts to protect the whale and on Andrei’s
requests to calm down, on timid attempts to defend the Chinese
offended, he was beaten once, and then his comrades threatened
to kill him. From China, you will not go home, to tell the authority is
also not accepted. Yes, and he knew — a knife stuck in the back,
or throat cut, asleep.


In Shuang Jiang - the day of the autumnal equinox – the twenty-

third year of Guangxu (10.23.1897), Tsungli-Yamen received the
news that two German missionaries had been
killed in Shanghaihaghan. Li Hungzhan was terribly alarmed. “They
say the truth,” he murmured, wiping abundant sweat on his face
with shaking hands, “the fun ends, sadness comes, joy ends, sorrow
comes.”[BR]He immediately sent the Empress to the palace for Jun
Mei, with her help, hoping to appease the Empress. “Again
in Shuang Jiang,” Jun Mei threw up her hands, and her heart ached
from foreboding. - What will happen? The Germans will trust in our
justice or will demand guided by the ancient Chinese custom:
borrow, return, kill a person, and pay with your life? “Oh, no,” Li
Hungzhan replied in a trembling voice. “I know them.” In the ninth
year of Tongzhi (1870), two missionaries were killed in Tianjin and
the French consulate was burned. The French were not satisfied
then with the execution of eight people. They demanded the
highest measure for the Tientsin governor and a huge monetary
reward. Since then, the barbarian appetites have increased
significantly. They are insatiable you will not feed. Big, oh, big
misfortunes fell on the Celestial. “So, we must hurry to the German
mission and convince the envoy that the local authorities and the
imperial government will take the necessary measures,” Jun Mei
jumped abruptly. “Maybe there are still not aware of what
happened, and they will not attach much importance to the
incident.”- It is necessary, it is necessary Jun Mei,” old Li
Hungzhang was shaking. - It is unlikely that it will help, but
condolences are necessary. The missionaries are not official
representatives of the state, anything happens in life, perhaps the
envoy will soberly assess what happened, - Li Hongzhang cheered
up. But then again the donkey bag. - No, it is useless. Remember,
in Berlin, we paid a courtesy visit to their old Chancellor Bismarck,
and how arrogant he was. The Germans will long be interested in
Shandong, there are a lot of them there now. The governor of the
province reports that the Germans are behaving extremely
unceremoniously. Oh, trouble, trouble ... A messenger rushed in
and ordered Li Hungzhan to urgently arrive at Empress Cixi. - Come
with me, - old Li pleaded, - maybe the two of us can calm the
empress. Palanquins of the great princes Gun and Qing were
already standing in front of the empress’s chambers. Tall eunuchs
snatched Li Hungzhan from his palanquin, instantly took to the hall
of the empress and threw on his knees. He just had to strike his
forehead three times on the floor. Noticing Jun Mei, who had
crawled after his, the empress with her eyes told her to go around
the hall along the wall and stand behind the right behind the
throne. - What happened in Shanghai, Li Hungzhan? The empress
asked ominously. - They killed two German missionaries ... - Who
are the missionaries and how did they get there? Grand Prince Kung
answered, - Missionaries are monks of many religions of Western
barbarians. According to legends, the first missionaries arrived in
the Middle Kingdom back in the days of the Dong Wei dynasty. At
the same time, one of the emperors issued a decree permitting the
religions of the Western barbarians to spread freely throughout the
Middle Kingdom. Then, however, they were told to get out. But
already in the time of the Mongol Yuan dynasty, five hundred years
ago, here, in Beijing, then Khan-Balik, two Catholic monks settled.
When the Min dynasty was established, they were again driven out.
But they climbed back to the Middle Kingdom and even enlisted the
support of the emperor Wanli. Then they became so impudent that
they demanded that the emperors of the Celestial Empire
recognized themselves as subjects of the head of their church, as
they said of the Holy Father. Emperor Yongzheng was angry and
banned the spread of these religions, and even drove the
missionaries from the Middle Kingdom. But these restless, terribly
nosy monks under the emperor Daoguan flooded like worms after
the rain and again actively began to spread their muddy religion.
We know the Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Orthodox religions.
- Hao, - cried the Empress, displeased. - But what is being done in
the Middle Kingdom now, including in Shanghaiguan? - Each of
these religions has many sects, and all of them have already taken
deep roots in the Middle Kingdom. Now in the empire about seven
hundred European monks converted more than a million of your
subjects to their faith. Especially there are many in Shandong,
where Germanic Catholics settled ten years ago. Their main
missionary, Bishop Anzer, darts across the province and often
happens in Beijing, in the German diplomatic mission. By engaging
your subjects in his religion, he promises them protection and
support. Monk Europeans roam all over the province,
recruit the rabble, fallen people, give them money, buy the best
houses in the villages where they spend their prayers. These monks
are behaving ugly, mocking our faith, breaking into our temples,
insulting the religious feelings of the Chinese. These outrages and
overflowed the cup of patience of your subjects, caused the killing
of two missionaries. -Can we get rid of all these barbaric monks
from the empire? - Cixi was angry. - But this will bring the wrath of
all the Western powers to the Celestial Empire, and they know how
to act together, - Prince Kung cautiously reminded. - What do you
think to do,” the empress addressed Li Hungzhan. - I do not know –
he hesitated. - We must go to the German mission and express
condolences. Empress stared hard at Gun and asked with hostility, -
What do you think, old fox? Guan bowed his head guiltily, showing
with his whole appearance that he fully agreed with Li Hungzhan. -
Maybe you add something, honey? - turned the Empress to Jun Mei.
It’s not for nothing that they say that there are no men whom a
woman could not deceive. - It’s hard to say, - Jun Mei mingled, - we
must go to the German diplomatic envoy ... - And if he is not
satisfied with your condolences? If he demands anything else? - It
will be so, - Li Hungzhan confirmed with a fallen voice. - More
recently, the German envoy demanded Jinmyndao Island
in Fujian Province, and the port of Jiaozhou in Shandong, but I
resolutely refused him. - Stand tight, Li Hungzhan, - Cixi shouted. -
Stay tight, no concessions! After all, we have a contract with Russia.
She asked hopefully. Right from the Forbidden City, Li
Hungzhan went to the German envoy. The Empress ordered Jun
Mei to accompany him. From the gates of the Forbidden City, their
palanquins slowly and importantly sailed down Ambassador Street
and soon stopped at the German Mission. The gates were tightly
closed, and no one thought to open them. A servant of Li
Hungzhan scribbled timidly, and then drummed in the gate more
aggressively. He knocked for a long time. Finally, the guard soldier
opened the hatch at the gate and gestured for them to enter.
Li Hungzhan and Jun Mei had to leave the palanquins and walk,
losing face, into the mission area. The soldier, carelessly and
silently, pointed his finger at the mission building and slammed the
hatch behind them.Hunched over, Li Hungzhan shuffled to the
building, slowly, with difficulty, climbed the steps and went inside.
Jun Mei, wearing her man’s dressing gown, supported his arm. The
young man inside the building looked at them curiously and
pointedly pointed at a wide leather sofa. - Sit down and wait.
Mr. Ambassador is busy – and went out. Rudeness had to swallow.
They waited a long time. At last the doors of the envoy’s cabinet
opened, and the same young man invited them in. In the depths of
the cabinet, under the portrait of the emperor of the Germans, was
the envoy Gaiking. He slowly got up and went to meet them. - What
can I serve? - neglecting diplomatic etiquette he asked with obvious
hostility. - We have arrived to express deep condolences of the
emperor of China and the imperial government in connection
with the grief that has befallen the murder of two missionary
monks, subjects of your Kaiser. - Jun Mei translated the words of Li
Hungzhan. “I just sent the dispatch to the German Foreign Ministry
about this incident, - answered Gaiking indifferently. - The imperial
government officially declares that the most severe punishments will
be taken against the criminals, and large sums of money will be
paid to the families of the victims. Von Gaiking laughed shamelessly.
- No, you will not fob with money off. I regard the incident as an
international incident and am awaiting instructions from my
government about further actions and demands about China.

- Missionary monks are not official representatives of the German

Empire and do not enjoy immunity status. In diplomatic practice,
there is a rule according to which the government of the country in
whose territory a similar incident occurred with a private person is
not responsible. The criminals will be severely punished according
to our laws, - Jun Mei translated. - You think so. - We believe that
the German Empire should take care of its subjects with all its
might, wherever they are. Gaiking was determined and merciless.
Jun Mei saw and understood that all their persuasions would come
to nothing. Li Hungzhan persistently persuaded the envoy, Jun Mei
translated, but everything was in vain. Gaiking became inflamed
and began to resort to threats and insults. The Empress
immediately accepted Li Hungzhan. - What did the German envoy
said? But old Li Hungzhan just hung his head guiltily. - Why don’t
you answer? - In anger stamped foot Cixi. - Shameless and arrogant
red-haired barbarian said he was waiting for instructions from
Berlin. - What will they demand? Jiaozhou? Tianjin? Hankow? After
all, they will definitely must something ... How to resist them? - In
Berlin, the German foreign minister demanded Jiaozhou, but I
refused, citing the fact that this port was already provided for the
Russians for the winter stay of their navy. - Our fighting fleet was
sunk by the Japanese, and the ground forces are not armed and not
trained. In addition, we do not know what the Germans will demand
from us. Do not forget our previous attempts to defend ourselves
against the red barbarians, and how they ended ... with great losses
for the Celestial ...- recalled the Grand Duke Qing. - So, what can
we do now? - Go to the Russians ..., - Cixi seized on. - And what
shall we tell them? What are we going to ask them for?
- Qing soberly reminded. - They already know about the murder of
the missionaries. - But this is all for now. What are we going to ask
about? - That there is a contract! - shouted Cixi. - But so far, no
hostile actions have been taken against the Celestial ...
- , Qing answered stubbornly, clearly forgetting about etiquette. But
now Cixi was not up to him. The prolonged silence broke Gong. -
Will have to wait... - What? - Cysi shot out. “We’ll have to wait, -
repeated Gun. A week later, a dispatch came
from Jiaozhou to Tsungli-yamin that three German warships had
entered and two hundred landing troops landed on the shore. The
squadron commander, Admiral Diedericks, filed a demand for the
head of the Chinese military detachment to clear the port and
military fortifications within two days. Under the vents of the
imposed German guns, they had to obey and leave, leaving the
Germans with everything — guns, ammunition depots, and
fortifications ... - Honor, conscience, and dignity, - Li
Hungzhan added bitterly. - We must hurry to the Russian mission, -
Jun Mei reminded. - Yes, yes, - Li Hungzhan recollected, -
let’s hurry ... Soon they were at the gates of the Russian diplomatic
mission and chargé d’affaires Mr. Pavlov, who replaced Cassini,
transferred to United State kindly received them. - We received a
message that the Germans captured Jiaozhou, - Li Hungzhan almost
groaned. - I sympathize with you very much, - Pavlov looked really
distressed.- Why don’t you send your warships to the winter station
there, because winter is coming in Russia?- But the agreement was
only last winter. - Good. Last May in Moscow, an agreement was
signed between the Chinese empire and Russia, according to which
Russia undertakes to protect the Celestial Empire from everyone,
everyone, - Li Hungzhan repeated, - the powers.- I was
informed that the treaty was addressed only against Japan, - said

- No, - Li Hungzhan said firmly, - against all powers. Now I ask you
to make an urgent dispatch to the government of the Russian
Empire about the capture of Jiaozhou by the Germans. - Good, -
Pavlov quickly surrendered. - I will make this dispatch now, but I
assure you that the agreement is addressed only against Japan. On
the letterhead of the Russian diplomatic mission with a double-
headed predatory eagle with outstretched wings, he quickly wrote a
dispatch and Li Hungzhan personally delivered her to the telegraph
office and then hurried to the empress. Again, they had to wait. -
You reminded him of the contract. - Excitedly asked Cixi. - Of
course, of course, I referred to him. - And what did the Russian
envoy say? - He made a dispatch to his government, which I took to
the telegraph office. However, the Russian envoy said that the
treaty directed only against Japan ... - Japan alone? - a
disappointment grimace distorted Cixi’s agitated face. - Order the
contract to deliver here! Half an hour passed in tense silence, and
finally the out-of-breath messenger was delivered an iron casket.
Li Hungzhan opened the lock and took out a bluish sheet of paper
with black French letters. - Read, - said Cixi, pointing to the
contract. Jun Mei took the sheet, quickly ran it through her eyes,
looking for a point about joint defense, and was stupefied. The text
said that Russia is committed to protecting China only from Japan!
But this is impossible ... She clearly remembered that in Moscow
texts were signed in which Russia pledged to protect China from all,
all, all powers! - The witchcraft of the white barbarians, - is all that
she could answer to the empress’s gaze. - She, she, she read the
treaty in French and assured me that he is against all powers, - Li
Hungzhang began to shake with fear. - You fooled me so. -
flushed Cixi. The empress’s gaze was cold and empty. - Her at
whips, - she told chief eunuch Li Lianying who stood behind the
throne. Late at night, the door of the closet, into which she was
shut to give to the executioner in the morning, opened without a
sound, and that terrible eunuch appeared on the threshold with a
candle in hand. - Follow me, - he whispered to Jun Mei. - We will
send you to Hushan Yan. Another, criminal will take your place
here. Empress Cixi will not know anything. In the clothes of a
commoner five days later she was brought in a wagon to the temple
of old Yan. Old Hushan Yan sympathized with her, although he was
clearly upset.
- Haste hides a mistake, - he said sadly. - So, you hurried not
convinced that the contract was drawn up exactly as you wanted.
Well, every failure makes us smarter. Know yourself, know the
enemy – in a hundred battles you will win a hundred victories ... We
will not correct this mistake, so we will have to start from the other
end. Tomorrow you will go to the mountains of Shandong. Recently,
a secret school was opened there, in which our people are
preparing leaders of the uprising against foreign invaders. The
school was created by Shan-dong zong-tuan - the Shandong main
society. It unites and unites all secret societies for the upcoming
uprising. It needs energetic, capable, highly educated patriots,
especially people who know foreign languages, lifestyle, cunning
and the vile habits of overseas white devils, to unravel and warn
their secret plans, rally, and lead, train our people in fighting
techniques and personally lead to battle. To defeat the overseas
devils, as we have seen, we need to collect a large regular army.
But this is beyond our power. We have no money for weapons,
we will not be able to arm and train the army. However, if we raise
all the people, relying on the hatred that people have for foreigners,
their religion, their greed and cunning, then, as it says, rain and
wind sweep away the dust, and thunder inspires fear. Your path will
be long and long; on it you will meet good and bad, strong and
weak, steadfast and cowardly, brave and cowardly people.
However, be patient and persistent, diligently study yourself and
transfer your knowledge to others. Go, girl, and do not be afraid of
death. The fate of each of us is predetermined by heaven. Die for
homeland. Dying for the Motherland means doing a good deed! On
a sailing boat through the Zhili Bay, she was transported to Chefu,
and from there on foot, in the usual clothes of a commoner – a
wadded jacket and wadded pants, accompanied by a silent strong
young peasant, she set off on her way to Shandong. In tiny villages
and small towns, in taverns, where they stopped to have a bite, in
the bazaars, where they went to admire the generous gifts of the
earth and the fruits of hard callus hands of artisans, in idols and
monasteries, where they were given a place to sleep, everywhere
they saw the anger of ordinary people against foreign worms of
missionaries and their Chinese followers. They often heard stories
about the houses and lands that were taken away, about the
injustices perpetrated by cowardly local officials in defense of
foreigners, they felt the growing anger of the working people and
rejoiced. Rejoiced and feared. They were afraid of the impending
difficult and dangerous business, but were glad that they were not
alone in their hatred and thirst for revenge many thousands. And
maybe even millions of people are eager to expel all aliens from
their homeland and live a quiet life of their ancestors. In a small
monastery on Mount Nanhuashan, a school of Hong-den-chao
society, the Light of the Red Lantern, was created. Among those
who arrived were to comprehend the basics of the wisdom of
Confucianism, Taoist and Buddhist teachings, the magic and art
of fistfight, ways to arouse the masses, the ability to handle modern
barbarians small arms, and ways to penetrate the Middle Kingdom,
she saw peasants and merchants, artisans and teachers, coolies,
boatmen and even officials. Jun Mei was especially happy when she
found out that she was not alone, that there were almost a third of
women among the students of the school. First in front of them
spoke Zhu Hong-Deng, head of the Shan-Tung Tsung-Tuan. -
With the advent of the Manchu Qing dynasty, the Celestial Empire
suffers terrible disasters. Foreign worms tear it apart. This is
especially clear now, when Emperor Guangxu is not at all involved
in government. It is known that if there is no master in the house,
everything in it goes upside down. The country was flooded with
ardent guides of an alien religion, which bribe greedy, lazy,
depraved people, rob and enrich themselves at the cost of hard-
working, flexible, meek artisans and peasants. Overseas devils
brought their iron cars, build railways, arrange sea communication
between the ports on huge voracious steamers, which made our
canals and cities where live millions of boatmen, boaters,
merchants, farmers, artisans, etc. people. Moreover, the redheaded
devils seize more and more new lands of our ancient country.
France demands that Ming and Ude in Yunnan province be given to
her, they plotted to build a railway from Vietnam
to Longzhou in Guangxi province, and they want to seize the
underground resources in
Yunnan, Guangdong and Guangxi provinces. England, in addition to
the previous seizures, demanded the territory of Ezenshan on the
border between the Middle Kingdom and Burma, flooded with her
own machines and cheap goods the Yangtze and Xinjiang river
basins, which ruined millions of artisans. The old Empress Cixi and
her greedy assistants rob the Celestial even worse than foreigners
do. Having spent enormous money collected from our poor people
in the form of taxes, they left the state defenseless against the
Japanese, and from the three hundred and seventy
million lans employed to pay the contribution of Japan, one hundred
and twenty were plundered. They constantly raise taxes, drive the
peasants from the best lands and sell these lands for bribes to
foreign worms. The sky gazes in horror at the unrest created in the
Celestial, and sends out disasters – droughts and floods. Barbarians,
like rats, ruin our villages and cities. Officials are cashing in on
people’s grief. Therefore, we must save the Celestial. It is necessary
to raise all the people and throw out foreigners. After all, if a
poisonous snake or a wild beast only scares, and does not kill, then
they become only more dangerous ... - Ever since the Manchus
drove the Ming dynasty from the Dragon Throne of the Son of
Heaven and began to oppress the Chinese in every possible way,
secret societies began to be created to organize resistance. Their
slogan was “Fu Min Fan Qing” - “Restore Min and overthrow
the Qing.” The first such society was the sect Tsa-gua-hui, the
symbol of which was Tai-chi -”“The Supreme Start”. From this sect,
many secret societies arose in different parts of the Celestial
Empire, the most famous of which was the Bay-Lian-Jiao-
White Nenufar Society. The white lotus is the symbol of Maitreya
- the embodiment of the Buddha. After the Qin emperor Jia-
qing defeated the rebellion of this society that lasted for nine years
in five provinces (five hundred years) , its members began to create
sects in all the provinces of the Middle Kingdom and prepare new
and new battles with the hated enslavers. Baishandihuei Society –
Society for the worship of God, and Sanhaehui - Triad in the last
year of Emperor Daoguang (1850) raised the people to a peasant
war. The uprising of the Taiping, as it was called, lasted for
fourteen years and almost overwhelmed the Qing, but foreign
worms intervened. In Shanghai, they tried to resist
the Xiaodaohui Society – the Union of Small Swords, which united
all the secret sects of the central provinces, but after three years of
resistance, it could not resist Qing and the red-headed devils, like
the peasant war of the Taiping. But the secret, no matter how it
was hidden, will surely come out, and the fire in the embers
eventually will flare up. To educate a new generation of fighters
against a Christian religion alien to us, against the domination of the
overseas devils and the rotten Qing dynasty through, the Taoist
monks created the Hong-den-chao society – the Red Lantern
Society, in which boys and girls are taught Shen-chuan-chi-shi -
Taoist gymnastics, through which the existing, gross body merges
together with the new, spiritually nurtured, and this body becomes
inviolable and immortal. You must comprehend the art of turning
people into intact and immortal warriors, whom you will lead into
battle. Our society, which is preparing an uprising, is called E-he-
tuan-lien -”“Exercising in gymnastics with groups in the name of
justice and harmony.” We are accumulating strength and waiting for
the right moment to strike the final blow and revive the former
power of the Middle State. And began the long months of study.
The first cry of the roosters was barely heard, and the silver ladle
paled in the east, as the old watchman pounded the fifth guard with
a beater. It is time to get up. Quickly they rolled up the felt
mattresses on which they slept, young women and girls hurried to
the still mountainous lake covered with a mysterious mist, timidly
fearing to disturb the sleep of the water spirits, washed and ran
back to the monastery. Having quickly swallowed a small cup of
beans or boiled millet and washed down with water, they were
going to comprehend the teachings of reincarnation, witchcraft and
magic in the yard. The Taoist monk explained to them that the
power of the emperor rests on the power of De, which can
be monolithic, like a rock, and can be divided or divided. If the
power of De is united, then the reign of the emperor is just, the
people live in prosperity and contentment. But if the power of De is
dual, not virtuous, then the land is ruined, the sources run low, the
barbarians are attacking everywhere, hunger sets in and people
constantly feel discontent. Then expect trouble. But not only
sovereigns own the power of De. Particles of this power can
be found in many people, especially women. The main thing is that
these people have the unified power of De. Together we will
develop and unite her into the great De, and then the Tao and the
sacred Heaven will help us crush the mired in debauchery and
contentment of Nilasy and restore the power of the Middle Empire. -
What is De? De – this is a love for relatives, friends and distant, it is
a care for each other and mutual help. De is patience and wisdom.
De is an internal force that helps to withstand severe trials. De is
moral purity and chastity. De – this is a hatred of the barbarians
who want to make our great people poor, hungry, to take away our
homes and lands, they want to rule and ruin the Celestial. Both the
farmer who cultivates rice, the carpenter who builds the house, and
the excavator who digs the canals and erects dams against floods,
and the artisan who manufactures many necessary things possesses
virtuous power. And the greatest virtuous power of De are women
who have children and thus support the existence of life itself. “But
there is also De’s evil power — from a stealing official, from a thief
and a robber, from a soldier who kills good people, from an unjust
living and indifferently staring at the sufferings of people and the
death of the ruler’s state. - The one who will long and diligently
practice the art of Taoist gymnastics of the spirit - Sheng-chuan-
chih-shi and do a thousand and more ke-tou every day, he will
become unharmed and immortal - Di-sien. And under the guidance
of a fa-shea, a teacher of magical methods of transformation,
women for a long time, until a frenzy, loss of strength and complete
unconsciousness, repeated the movements of gymnastics,
performed ka-tуu, walked around the bowl with clean water with
quick steps, shouting ”“fay” - I would fly. Swiftly, day after day,
time flew. Almost weekly, an experienced master taught them to
shoot a bow, to wield a sword and a spear. Once on a rainy
afternoon, the sand in the courtyard of the monastery creaked
under the wheels of a cart, which was pulled by a small gray
donkey with protruding, constantly spinning long ears. The
donkey was led by a soldier of the Ho Piao squad, who maintains
order in the Shandong province. The women surrounded the wagon
with curiosity and began to treat the donkey with grass and bits of
cakes. Of the monastery, the soldier embarrassed by the attention
of a large number of young pretty women soldiers, was taken to the
refectory by abbess of monastery. He soon went out and, trying to
look menacing, began to pull out the guns of foreign devils from the
wagon. Putting them on the grass, he called everyone – Hotchkiss,
Winchester, Mauser, Snider, Spencer, Remington, Berdan.... Women
retreated in dismay, staring at terrible black guns that could kill
people at a great distance. And the soldier reassured them, saying
that he was ordered to teach them how to use firearms, and each
of them would have to shoot five cartridges from each rifle. For a
whole week, the soldiers forced women to get used to their guns,
hold them in their hands, press them to themselves, look into the
black hole of the barrel, from where death flies, show cartridges,
teach how to load the gun and what needs to be done to make sure
that it shoots at the target. Women got used to it rather quickly and
seemed to stop being afraid of long black pipes attached to the
wood, but when it came time to shoot in a narrow mountain valley,
and when these terrible guns thundered deafeningly and, breaking
out of weak hands, they hurt in the shoulder, women again, it was,
they forgot them, especially since one of them recoil broke the
collarbone. However, the fashi inspired that it was possible to beat
the barbarians with their own weapons, that they would soon have
to join the battle and encourage, lift the offensive spirit of the
people, and even cannons would resist them ... Fear was overcome
and a white sandbag, clearly visible against the black rock in two
hundred steps, with shots dishevelled into a dirty spot. Zhu Hong-
den visited the convent every month, talked with the prioress for a
long time about the course of his studies, was interested in the
progress of proselytes in mastering ancient knowledge, and hurried.
The Middle Empire is great, and the enemy is strong, so you need
to hit in all places at the same time and suddenly, but for this you
need to prepare teams of young people, boys and girls. It is on
them that the Ihetuan society places the main hope. Adolescents
tend to flare up like gunpowder, and fight like a tiger in a battle.
Zhu Hong-deng knew that Jun Mei had formerly been the Empress
maid of honor and accompanied Li Hungzhan to the capital of
Russia. He asked her for a long time about
the empress’s entourage, their relationship, habits, weaknesses,
likes and dislikes, tried to clarify whether the enemies in the camp
were as one, whether the Chinese could be separated from the
Manchus and who among them could support the uprising. Jun Mei
faithfully answered, but her knowledge was superficial. Zhu Hong-
dan brought the latest news about everything that happened in the
Celestial Empire, about the ruins and atrocities committed by the
missionaries and their Chinese followers. Once he said that Li
Hungzhan appealed to the Russians for a loan of one hundred
million lans to pay the contribution, which the Celestial promised to
pay Japan before the end of the fifth month of the twenty-fourth
year of Guangxu (1898). In exchange, the Russian emperor
demanded to set up a monopoly for Russia in all three provinces of
Manchuria and in Mongolia for the construction of railways and
industrial enterprises there, the exclusive right to build a railway
from the future Russian trans-Manchurian railway to the port
of Dalianwan in the Zhili Bay, and the right to enter this port only
Russian ships. Unheard of demands after the real capture by the
Russians of Liu-shun-kou! The British learned about this and began
to threaten that if China received a loan from Russia, and not from
England, they would act like Germany. Truly, spring thunder struck
and woke black dragons in a black lake. It is necessary to quickly
and well comprehend the wisdom of the ancients and more likely to
prepare a national uprising! In the tenth month of the same
year, Zhu Hung-den said that there were great upheavals in the
camp of the Qing ruling dynasty. The compradors of the Manchus
and the Chinese, wealthy due to the robbery of their homeland,
profited from the fact that with the help of foreigners they brought
iron cars into the country and used the work of poor people in the
factories built. They produced a lot of cheap products and
plundered the peasants and artisans in large numbers. It was
these compradors who made a secret alliance with the
British to send more Devils into the Middle Empire and finally to
economically enslave the country. The Englishman Richard Timothy,
through some of the highest ranks of the emperor’s entourage,
gave a petition in which he offered to send officials to England to
convert them there and teach them how to turn the blood of
ordinary people into gold. In addition, in the same petition, he,
under the false pretext of protecting the Great Empire of Heaven,
offered to introduce foreign military instructors into the imperial
army so that they would force soldiers to kill commoners. One of
the zealous supporters of the enslavement of the Middle Kingdom
by foreigners was Kang Yu-wei. As early as the twenty-first year
of Guangxu, when Li Hгngzhang signed a peace treaty with Japan in
Shimonoseki, Kang Yu-wei collected signatures on a petition
demanding that he give up peace. But then the Japanese would
have killed much more of our people and captured even more of our
land! Kang Yu-wei and his patrons — the emperor’s mentors,
ministers Weng Tung-he, Sun Jia-nai and Wen Ting-shi, created a
publishing house for the wide dissemination of their harmful ideas
and greedy wishes, which printed and then distributed a newspaper
to court nobility and officials. They formed a reform party, to which
Emperor Tsai Tian himself joined! But Empress Cixi firmly knows the
main principle of the ruler – autocracy and no parties, no alliances.
Faced the party of the emperor, who wanted to flood the country
with foreigners and follow the path of the “Meiji revolution”, and the
relentless empress, unable to keep up peace and tranquillity in the
Middle Kingdom, but wishing to keep their power mired in
inaction. Cixi learned that behind her back the conspirators had
already invited officers of the Japanese General Staff into the
empire and were planning to kill her. While the emperor’s party
issued insignificant decrees for a hundred days, Cixi ready for a
decisive blow. And the old dragon was stronger than the young.
The loyal empress generals dispersed the reform party, and the
most active supporters fled the country.
Emperor Guangxu himself was imprisoned in a tiny closet on one of
the islands of the Iheyuan Palace-Park. In Chun-fen – the spring
equinox of the twenty-fifth year of Guangxu (1899), the abbess of
the monastery called Jun Mei to her. Jun Mei walked in, bowed
three times, and crouched at the door by the mistress’s sign. -
According to my observations, - the nun appealed to her, - and
according to the teachers, you are quite well ready in all the
sciences that we teach. - Are you ready to go on a journey to start
learning yourself? Do you feel yourself strong enough to fulfil the
main business of your life without doubts and shyness – to raise the
banner of rebellion against the Qing and foreign devils? - Yes, - Jun
Mei answered firmly, - I’m ready. - -Then go back to Jing-chou-ting,
to old Hushan Yan, and start creating schools for teenagers – boys
and girls. In Liaodong, many lo-cha – Russian devils appeared. They
appropriated all of Liaodong and are going to build a railway there.
Help Hushan Yan to create a center of rebellion and be ready to
take the lead in Liaodong on a signal. Yan is old, he will tell you.

Enmity will respond enmity

For insult – a series of insults;

Evil and vengeance among themselves.

A single bound thread

Returning to Jing-chjou-ting, Jun Mei immediately began to create a

school of Hong-den-zhao society - “The Light of the Red Lantern”.
On the advice of Hushan Yana, she travelled around the nearest
towns and villages, gathering girls and teenage boys to school,
trying to find active and mobile ones. Not all parents gave away
their children, but, being mostly in poverty, they were content with
several bundles of coins and the promise that their child would get
knowledge at school and in time would become a shansha teacher.
Jun Mei invited the parents themselves to visit the school, visit the
children, console those who yearned for home, and themselves
learn the light of the teachings of the Daoist monks. To the same
stubborn people who did not want to give children into the hands of
strangers, the two strong young guys who accompanied Jun Mei
threatened with heavy sticks, promising to beat them off if they
oppose the future happiness of their offspring. Jun Mei’s voice
sounded gentle, and the sticks looked convincing, and even the
most intractable, hesitating and taking honest words with Jun Mei
that their child would only benefit from the new teaching, gave it up
and let the children tearfully. In the village of Su-Jia-tun, which is
five miles from Ching-chou-ting, Jun Mei occupied a large house,
having paid its owner well, and having placed boys and girls
separately, she began to train them. Having taught the first group
of teenagers gymnastics, frequent earth bows, from which a bald
head appeared and spells, Jung Mei dismissed children in groups of
three or four, and they wandered from village to village, from town
to town, gathered at crossroads of villagers and townspeople and

Europeans in the north and south

Strong unrest raised.

Small children join the Red Lantern Society

The sincerity of the heart creates the ”“Philosopher’sStone.”

And so that the local authorities or the police did not drive away the
children, did not prevent them from gathering people, to protect
them from the missionaries and the Chinese, who accepted a
foreign religion, a guy with a strong stick would walk with each
group of children. He always sat on the sidelines and intervened
only when he saw that the people gathered did not protect the
adolescents. If the guard saw that the village foreman or the police
officer was trying too hard to fulfil his duties, he rushed forward
with a stick and shouted to the public, “Listen, and listen to what
the children sing! And teenagers were taken together to vote:

If I do my filial duty,

I am not afraid of a gun or a rifles!

Demons and angels will honor me,

And there will be a great way to achieve holiness!

And started with a double energy to weigh bows, breaking their

foreheads to the blood. Pink foam bubbled out of their lips, hands
and feet began to twitch involuntarily, and excited teenagers made
such wild gestures and jumps that people, seeing their holiness,
ardently stood up for them and chased unreasonable peace and
orders. And Jun Mei travelled again and again to villages and small
towns, taught teenagers again and again, and by the fall hundreds
of groups filled South Manchuria. Literally in every village, people
only discussed such an inexplicable invasion of holy children and
believed that the gods themselves are broadcast through the mouth
of babies, the gods themselves are calling on people to fight
against the dominance of overseas barbarians, for preserving the
secular order and tranquillity of the departed ancestors’ spirits
Following the children, Daoist monks roamed the villages and small
towns, prayed to the god of war, Guandi, and urged the people to
arm themselves, learn hand-to-hand combat techniques and
be ready for a fierce battle for the prosperity of the Middle
Kingdom. And so the boys and young men, young girls and women
went to the forges, carried bundles of coins and asked the
blacksmiths to forge them with swords and sabers, and long knives,
and tips for spears, and put them on long shafts, honed hoes and
shovels, and they tied copper weights to long laces, and made bibs
and caps out of buffalo leather for themselves, and hardened the
body in long physical exercises. And the teens were singing:

- And from one flashlight sometimes,

- cities burn down.

- And in a pool of huge waves

- Rising up sometimes.

Pink foam bubbled out of their lips, hands and feet began to twitch
involuntarily, and excited teenagers made such wild gestures and
jumps that people, seeing their holiness, ardently stood up for them
and chased unreasonable peace and orders.

In the middle of the second month of the twenty-sixth year

of Guangxu (1900) from Shandong from Zhu Hong-deng, an order
came to gather all the groups of Ihetuan of Liaodong and South
Manchuria and go to Tianjin to help the Shandong brothers from
the north and seize this city. Jun Mei instantly sent messengers to
the commanders of detachments and groups, and less than three
days, as a huge mass of youth with red and yellow armbands on
their heads, armed with improvised weapons, moved along the road
along the seashore to Shanghaiguan.



In March 1899, Ivashnikov received a letter from

Lieutenant Minaev, who served in the headquarters of the Amur
Military District in the intelligence department of Lieutenant
Colonel Alftan. The letter was dry and brief as the lieutenant he was
dry and laconic. True, in the end, saying goodbye,
Oleg Nikolayevich attributed - I embrace! Ivashnikov was touched -
this ”“Embrace” said a lot. In any case, the location of his former
mentor, teacher, patron and guardian. Yes, but about the main
thing. In a letter, Oleg Nikolayevich announced that the Eastern
Institute would open in Vladivostok this fall, second, after Tomsk
University, a higher educational institution in Siberia, and the first in
the Far East. It will prepare for service in the administration and
commercial and industrial institutions of the East Asian part of
Russia and the adjacent states. The draft regulation developed by
the Office of the Governor-General of the Amur Region and for the
highest approval envisages admission to the number of students
and five officers. Lieutenant Minayev reported that he would give a
report, and advised to follow his example. Moreover,
Colonel Putyata well certified Ivashnikov to Lieutenant-
Colonel Alftan, and all officers as candidates for admission to
the start will be considered in their department. The course of
the institute is provided for in four years and is divided into four
departments: Sino-Japanese, Sino-Korean, Sino-Mongolian and Sino
-Manchurian. Minaev himself is going to enter the Sino-
Japanese branch, considering that an excellent knowledge of these
countries and languages will be extremely necessary in the near
future. Ivashnikov deliberated not for long. Hopes someday to enter
the St. Petersburg or Moscow University melted long ago, and for
entering the Academy of the General Staff, as he already knew,
deep military knowledge and the rank of a lieutenant were
necessary. A diploma of a higher educational institution, even a civil
one, meant a lot. Guarding mission at the mission tormented him,
and a deep knowledge of languages, a diploma, and the study
itself in the direction of the district intelligence department would
give a perspective. Without delay, Ivashnikov wrote a report, to
which Attorney of Russia in Korea, Speyer attached his
recommendation, and sent to the district headquarters. In
June, Ivashnikov recalled to the district headquarters, where he,
among other officers, was given the next military rank, second
lieutenant. And Oleg Nikolaevich, who warmly met him, was
promoted to Lieutenant-captain. Having spent the leave granted to
him in his three years of service in his native Turye Rog, at the end
of September Ivashnikov arrived in Vladivostok to study at the
Eastern Institute. Soon came Oleg Nikolaevich. Ivashnikov stopped
at his uncle, a collegiate assessor who served at the city police
department. Ivan Ivashnikov’s cousin Peter, his peer, second-year
student of the law faculty of Tomsk University, left for August in
Tomsk, and his room, in which Ivashnikov lived for seven years,
while studying at the gymnasium, was again given to him in full
order. And the uncle’s wife, Maria Aristarkhovna, loved Ivan as
much as her son, and was glad that the house was revived by
youth. Pyotr Lukich, Ivan’s uncle, was burdened by his service, he
repeatedly said that he would throw her to the devil, but something
kept him. Habit, apparently, and a relatively much salary. Though
he did not carry out the guard service and did not chase the
criminals, he returned home tired. He was not talkative, and when
he was being asked, he sometimes advised them not to talk about a
sensational crime and go about his business and not be overly
curious. They lived on a quiet Japanese street in the crew suburb.
Staff- captain Minaev lived with a comrade in the corner room in the
company’s barracks, but it was impossible to attend there, often
single officers gathered and arranged revels. Therefore, in the
evenings, they would sit over textbooks in Ivan’s room, and already
for the night, Oleg Nikolayevich walked along the bay to the Rotten
corner. Though it is not far away, it will be a couple of miles away,
but over the autumn mud, a broken country road, and besides, he
had to keep the revolver ready – nightly thiefs were tricked.
Maria Aristarkhovna, seeing his torment, and after consulting with
her husband, once suggested that Oleg Nikolaevich move over to
them, to divide the room with Ivan. Oleg Nikolayevich began, it
was, to refuse, but Peter Lukich firmly supported his spouse, and
Ivan was glad. And Oleg Nikolaevich did not persist.
Lieutenant Ivashnikov and staff captain Minaev enjoyed great
success with local young lassies, and successfully competed even
with brilliant, somewhat arrogant, very well-dressed young navy
officers in strict sea black and gold chevrons lassie , revelers
however, they were not and indulged in science seriously. But youth
took its toll, and on Saturdays, they attended the Maritime
Assembly, where they acquired a wide circle of acquaintances and
even friends. They did not abuse alcohol and in frequent clashes
held firmly, for which they were respected, and the hottest heads of
their rival friends were afraid.

Maria Aristarkhovna treated with understanding the entertainment

of young people. - When and take a walk, if not in his youth, - she
sighed, looking at Ivan. “And to you, sir,” she turned to Minaev,
“and it’s time to marry.” Thirty years, will soon become a remake.
Oleg Nikolayevich joked aside, said that he had not matured
internally for such a crucial step, but once he was upset and
objected that it was impossible to get married to him. Here is a
look. The second lieutenant has salaries and canteens 477 rubles a
year; I received 495 in guarantors, and now, by the staff captain,
522. A year. With this money, I am single I barely make ends meet.
Especially in Vladivostok, where everything is more expensive than
in Russia, almost doubled. They had to study a lot, but strong
professors gave the lectures, so the teaching brought joy. The
course was designed for four years and included a deep study of
theology, Chinese, Japanese and English, a general course of
geography and ethnography of China, Korea and Japan, with a
general overview of their political structure and religious life, the
political organization of modern China and Japan, and a review their
commercial and industrial activities, recent history and the history of
their relations with Russia, the commercial geography of East Asia,
and the history of trade in the Far East, political economy,
international law, state of Russian equipment and the most
important European countries, the foundations of civil and
international law and procedure, accounting and
merchandising. Ivashnikov’s good service was also served by his
own knowledge accumulated in Korea, especially since, being in the
main zone of confrontation between Japan and China; he had an
abyss of information about these two countries. There was nothing
to say about Oleg Nikolaevich. Petersburg
professors Pozdneyev, Taberio and Podstavin, who had universally
recognized world-wide authority, often turned to him in lectures
with a request to refresh their material with the latest examples.
Like other students, Ivashnikov and Minaev were not content with
lectures, but sought to master the lively speech, for which they
dressed casually and entered Chinese shops, taverns and laundries,
often on the Semenovskiy ladle, where the owners of the fish
market were almost entirely Chinese. New knowledge lay on well-
fertilized soil and grew. Ivashnikov was already fluent in almost any
topic with the Chinese and Manchus, and there are no words
about Minaev ... At the end of March 1900, Lieutenant
Colonel Alftan arrived in Vladivostok and invited them to talk to the
headquarters of the fortress. - According to the reports of our
military agents in China, Colonels Vogak and Dessino, there is now
a tense situation there. Secret sects, which have a great influence in
the lower classes, , which have a great influence in the lower
classes, immediately after the establishment of the rule of
the Qing dynasty began to work in all provinces for the overthrow of
the Manchus. Especially this work has intensified recently, in
response to the capture of colonies in China by Europeans. But if
earlier, foci of dissatisfaction smoldered, now, as our military agents
and diplomatic representatives’ report, after the capture
of Jiaozhou by the Germans and wide penetration into Shandong, as
well as with the engagement of Port Arthur and the beginning
of the construction of the railway through Manchuria, they are
threatened with an explosion. In addition, the explosion
of grievances of the lower ranks in such a densely populated empire
as China can cause far-reaching consequences, unpredictable;
it must be said, and fraught with aggravation of relations with
Russia. The district headquarters intelligence department received
some information about the situation in China from our officers
in Liaodong and along the Chinese-Eastern Railway — the Chinese
Eastern Railway, but we need information from Beijing and South
Manchuria. Staff- captain Minaev should immediately go to Beijing,
where he is appointed head of guard of the Russian diplomatic
mission, which is still within the competence of the secretary of the
embassy, and lieutenant Ivashnikov is in Tianjin, at the disposal of
Chinese general Ne Shi-cheng leib Guard Hussars Colonel Voronov.
We need right data from Beijing on the position of the various
groups surrounded by the empress, since the information received
through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the Russian envoy in
China, Girs to the District Headquarters, is considered incomplete or
far from reality. At the same time, if the uprising in Shandong flares
up, then the excited masses of the rebels will move along the Great
Imperial Channel to Beijing and the city of Tianjin will become a
focal point of the struggle from which it will be possible to control
the situation in Central China. Colonel Voronov is a competent,
combat officer and he needs an intelligent assistant. And continue
your studies at the institute as soon as the situation in China is
discharged. There you will receive the most valuable experience of
strategic intelligence work. With documents as a student at the
Eastern Institute, Ivashnikov arrived in Tianjin and stayed in a
fashionable, but relatively inexpensive Aster House, a European
hotel, albeit in a very modest room. In the morning, having hired a
rickshaw on the quay, he first went to the Tientsin branch of the
Russian-Chinese bank, where he had a letter of recommendation,
which he left with the secretary. Then Ivashnikov went to
Colonel Voronov. Even in Vladivostok, he was informed that a
colonel who was married to the daughter of a rich Vladivostok
industrialist and a merchant, who led the tea trade of Startsev, lives
in his house in Tianjin. The Chinese servant told Ivashnikov that the
colonel was not at home now, but by noon, he should be back by
noon.At the disposal of Ivashnikov was about eight hours, which he
decided to devote to acquaintance with the city. The Leib
Guards Colonel Voronov turned out to be a black-eyed tall, slim,
young officer still dressed in Chinese cavalry uniforms. He firmly
shook the hand dressed in civilian clothes, and only clicked his heels
when presenting to Second Lieutenant Ivashnikov and with obvious
sympathy invited to his office. Everything is among the Chinese, yes
the Chinese, he said with a laugh, seating the guest under the
slowly rotating wide wings of a new-fashioned electric fan, wife is
staying with her father in Vladivostok. Sent out of harm’s way. Do
you even know what is going on here? - In general terms, -
answered Ivashnikov. - On the streets, however, quite a lot of
children and adolescents do their rally gymnastics, but in general, in
my opinion, everything is calm. - Oh, here you are deeply mistaken,
second lieutenant. China is seething, and gymnastic exercises of
young people are only white foam on the mighty shafts of popular
indignation. Territorial concessions to Europeans, cheap goods and
machines delivered by them, a mass of cheap and high-quality
products, fast shipping between remote ports, replacing the
message on slow channels through channels, plus the old Chinese
discontent with their enslaving Manchus and served as a torch to
the explosive abyss of the multimillion-empire population. - Well,
where are the machines and junks, Mr. Colonel? - You
underestimate the values of machine products and modern
transport. By themselves, the machines and ships mean, really, not
much, but they are ruining the Chinese. Let us say cheap goods
deprive every nine people out of ten artisans, especially in weaving.
The railways deliver these goods to the interior of China, and the
steamships deprive hundreds of thousands of boatmen and coolies
on especially dugout canals and cause the desolation of thousands
of previously densely populated settlements along the canals. -
Well, what can you do, this is an inevitable process ... - Of course,
machine production is everywhere replacing manual labor, but the
Chinese associate their rapid impoverishment with foreigners and
take revenge in bitterness. - The authorities should have foreseen a
similar result, using as an example, at least English Luddites, and
somehow take people in ... - The authorities tried, in Europe they
bought machine-building factories and equipment for factories, but
you know what an official on salaries is. For him even the grass
does not grow, but he will receive his salary regularly. It would be
necessary to give this matter to private hands so that there is a
personal interest that is when stone millstones would move. The
reformers understood the essence of the problem and two years
ago, they wanted to carry out a palace coup and push aside the
widowed empress who is falling into senile insanity. However, they
collected little power, and God clearly cheated their courage.
Moreover, their hundred days of reforms ended in confusion, and
for themselves – partly death, and partly – exile. “I am a little
familiar with the modern history of China,” Ivashnikov said
modestly, “and I remember that the reformers are representatives
of the same ruling classes. - Not really. You must be familiar with
the general history, in military schools it is taught quite well ... - I
have only a gymnasium ... - Is that so? Strangely, enough ... but
it is studied in gymnasiums. Remember the Great English
Revolution, the Great French Revolution, which was led by
representatives of the new class. Alas, historical inevitability – the
change of social formations, is accompanied by gigantic cataclysms.
The same is in China. Under foreign influence, the nascent
bourgeoisie threw off the shackles, rushes to political power. -
However, in Russia, this is not happening ... - How to say, second
lieutenant, how to say.... In addition, our fat cats are straining....
Yes, but about China. The situation here is this – representatives of
the radical bourgeoisie were not able to stay on the ridge and a
wave of elements threatens to demolish the light pavilion of the
imperial power. Now the rebels, to cover their true intentions, use
the slogan “Support Qing, death to foreigners,” but this slogan can
suddenly transform in unexpected ways. It is not in our interest to
be indifferent contemplators. We have significant interests in China,
the guarantors of which are the widowed empress and her inner
circle. Therefore, we cannot allow them to be overthrown. General
Ne Shi-cheng, whose advisor I am, is under my influence. Using his
army, I try to prevent the penetration of the rebel Chinese from
Shandong to the capital’s Zhili province and then to Manchuria, and
thereby save Qing. “And who is this general, Ne Shih-cheng?” Is he
reliable enough for us as an army commander? “A fully competent
officer, fought well in Korea against the Japanese,”
Colonel Voronov answered briefly, without going into details. “And
the serviceman, strictly following Beijing’s orders.” - And those who
give him orders? “This is where the biggest obscurity is.” In the
entourage of the Empress is a struggle of various currents. It
ranges are alternately under the influence of one group, then
another, and her orders are unpredictable... That is not in our
power somehow to change the direction of thoughts of the
Empress. Although, there is one very important fact. The Empress is
very sensitive to the balance of power and tries to be at the head of
the parties, taking precedence. Therefore, it all depends on the
military successes and failures of the rebels. The mass of the rebels
enormous, but they are armed with mostly
improvised mêlée weapons and General Ne yet able to show their
impact. However, if the latest German and British weapons stored in
the arsenals of Beijing will fall in their hands, then to oppose them
would be impossible. I must admit I dread from day-to-day news
that the firearms fielded in the boxers. The intelligence of the Amur
military region is now conducting the big game in Beijing with the
aim to leave the guns in the warehouses, but with reliable people
for the operation of them bad. Therefore, Colonel Vogak, our
military agent in China, asked me to send arriving to help me
officer, referring to you, Lieutenant, in Beijing. There in the
protection of the diplomatic mission appointed an experienced
officer, at whose disposal you will do. The game is large, the
outcome of which depends not only the future of our with China
relationship, but also the fate of China itself. Ivashnikov realized
that fate again brings him to Oleg, and cheered.

- Yes, sir Colonel. When shall I leave? - You are young and quick to
lift. Let us do it right tomorrow. Recently, a detachment of military
sailors arrived from Port Arthur. Together with them, you are quite
well, I hope, you will reach Beijing. Seamen requested our
diplomatic mission to protect their territory. The situation in Beijing
has become much more complicated and the envoy can no longer
rely on a dozen Cossacks.

On the afternoon of May 31, with the detachment of military sailors

commanded by Lieutenant Baron Raden and Warrant Officer Den,
Second Lieutenant Ivashnikov made at the last train of the newly
built railway almost miraculously made his way to the Ma-Jia-poo
station in Beijing and in the evening was in the Russian Embassy.
Sailors have long been waiting and met happily. The situation in
the city was disturbing, the Ihetuans roamed around the streets in
groups of red and yellow sash and loudly sang their songs,
attracting crowds of citizens: They opened ports, let in foreigners.
And they are fiercer tigers and wolves. They feed on human flesh
and drink human blood. People emaciated like a skeleton. In China,
there are mountains of silver, In China, there are mountains of gold,
And foreigners are eager to seize them. The common people were
kindled with anger, does not give away gold and silver Save
precious mountains and rivers. Ihetuans dared even to wander into
the embassy town, exciting residents of Mongolian Square. Captain
Minaev, warmly meeting Ivashnikov, determined that he would
reside in his little house on the territory of the Russian mission and,
leaving to clean him up from the road, went to deploy the troops.
Having washed and shaved, Ivashnikov went out to wander around
the embassy town and immediately saw a small two-story building
standing opposite the mission of a low two-story building with a
sign of the Russian-Chinese bank, Mr. Pokotilov. Dmitry Dmitrievich
recognized him and clearly was delighted, — Bah! Whom I see!
The world of peace ... Is not the mass migration of Russian warriors
from Seoul to Beijing. Or are you with Captain Minaev like Siamese
brothers? Why not in the form? Have you received a promotion in
rank and in service? Talkative Pokotilov asked of Ivashnikov. Smiling
embarrassed, confused by the attention of such a high person to his
modest person, Ivashnikov reported that, as a student of the
Vladivostok Oriental Institute, he came to language practice. — Yes,
yes, — Pokotilov winked slyly, — Minaev is also a student, however,
he was appointed to the responsible position of the head of the
diplomatic mission security. — And, slamming a friendly but heavy
palm with a soft palm went to the embassy. “I strongly advise you
not to embark on a single voyage on such a stormy sea,” he said,
turning around. — You should not risk in vain.
After a moment of hesitation, Ivashnikov, in his heart, agreed with
good advice and returned to the territory of the mission. Having
found Captain Minaev, he offered his help to him, but Minaev, busy
with Lieutenant Raden by the guard station layout, just dismissed
it, — Then. — Yes, Minaev immediately realized, I reported to your
envoy on your arrival and in the evening, he invites us to his place
for a cup of tea.
Envoy Mikhail Nikolayevich Girs, a hereditary diplomat, the second
son of five years ago descendant of Russian Foreign Minister Nikolai
Karlovich, has already managed to be both an adviser to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an envoy in Argentina and Brazil, and
considered himself an experienced diplomat. He carefully looked at
Ivashnikov, dressed in white Linen, was the end of May, and it was
quite hot, a jacket, gray pants in a small strip and gray canvas
—You are an officer and why not in uniform?
— I was recommended to wear a particular dress. I am a student.
— Why not students form?
— It can be taken for the military.
— Oh well. Captain Minaev informed me that you had arrived to
help him carry out the delicate tasks of your command. Therefore,
I will not burden you with the task of guarding the mission, unless
you express your desire and find opportunities.
Oleg Nikolaevich was here in the office of the envoy; with an
indifferent look, he was looking out of a window that had already
been taken in by a thick iron grille into a dark garden. — Yes, what
delicate instructions are there, — Ivashnikov objected. — It sounds
rather ambiguous. However, God forbid, the officer’s honor code
forbids me from doing anything reprehensible, and inwardly I am
not inclined to questionable adventures. As I understand it, Colonel
Voronov, the military representative in China, Colonel Vogak, gives
general information about the military-strategic situation in the
country and its armed forces, but I will deal with detailing, so to
speak, to help Captain Minaev assess the military and political
situation in the Beijing area.
— Everything is somewhat simpler and rather more
complicated, — Pokotilov, with his own pun, laughed. He sat on the
couch in the corner of his office, smoked a cigar and amused
himself with a colorful Chinese children’s toy. — You, thank God,
did not arrive to the Papuans on the Commonwealth islands. And
before you, people lived here and did something. However, do not
be angry, young man, and do not be upset — noticing a slight
grimace of resentment on Ivashnikov’s face, he continued. — This
is a common misconception of youth — to consider you the center
of the universe and take those who are over fifty, almost for
— The situation here is now such. In the metropolitan ZhiLee
province and in the neighboring regions — Shandong, Shanxi, and
Shengjing, the movement of insurgents, who call themselves
Ihetuan, took on a wide scale. Dark, downtrodden masses of
hungry and disfranchised people are considered to be guilty of their
Life adversities as the guides of Christ’s teaching — missionaries
and in general all foreigners — as the perpetrators of their Life
hardships. It would be possible to consider these events as a purely
internal affair of China, but we, the Russians, now have quite
significant interests in the Middle Kingdom. In Manchuria, the CER
is under construction, we rented the southern tip of the Liaodun
Peninsula for twenty-five years for full and exclusive use, and in
general, there are broad prospects for us here. Therefore, we
cannot look indifferent.
“Well, do not send troops here,” Ivashnikov could not resist.
“What are you talking about, Second Lieutenant,” Minaev looked
displeased at him. — You are an officer, sent here to help me, and
will carry out orders for the service.
With a gesture of his hand, Pokotilov called for silence and
continued, “The situation is complicated by the fact that the
Ihetuans established constant monitoring of all residents of Beijing
who had previously had any contacts with foreign diplomatic
missions and missionaries. Therefore, we are unable to transfer
orders with them to those with whom we would like to establish
contacts. You, Ivashnikov, I remember it in Seoul, have the gift of
mimicry, sorry, reincarnation into an Eastern man ...
“Yes, the diplomatic missions are blocked by the ihetuans and we
don’t wait for ambulance from our landings or to pacify the uprising
by government troops,” Minister Gears muttered weakly.
“Moreover,” Pokotilov continued energetically, “now there is an
acute danger that government forces, especially green-flags ones,
recruited from the Chinese, will go over to the insurgents, form
regular units, train, arm with modern weapons that are stored and
produced in arsenals in plenty. Then they will destroy not only all
foreigners, but also close China for the Western powers for long,
long decades, if not for centuries.
— And can I help to change the situation? — Ivashnikov doubted.

- That’s what you called for, - Minaev nodded.

- Lesten carefully, - said Pokotilov, who initiated the conversation.

- The situation here is this ... Despite the uprising, led, of course, by
an experienced and domineering hand; the central government can
not only control the situation, but also direct the course of events to
the government needs, mainstream. The Manchu armies are fully
combat-ready and submit to Jun Lu, the supreme commander. But
in the government itself, there are several rival factions, and we
cannot wait indifferently which one will win. Of course, you know
that two years ago, the reformers supported by
Emperor Guangxi tried to direct China along the path of attracting
foreign capital, primarily British, and the widespread introduction of
modern methods of production, transport, and communication.
Feudal landowners from the entourage of Empress Cixi, and she
herself, saw the danger of reformers in their endeavors in time, and
defeated them, and in fact, Guangxiu was put under house arrest.
But the danger of reformism, supported by the British, French and
Germans, remains. In the event of the death of Empress Cixi, and
she, alas, far from being at a young age, all powers of authority will
be transferred to the Emperor Guangxiu. In this case, the heads of
his opponents will fly. Therefore, they conceived, it was the murder
of the emperor, disguising his illness, but the French sent their
doctor from a diplomatic mission, who did not find the emperor
seriously ill. Not wanting to worsen the already very tense relations
with the powers of Western Europe, Cixi decided, again referring to
his mental health, to force Guangxiu to abdicate, and even
appointed him to succeed her nephew Pu Jun, the son of
Prince Duan. But the governors of the southern provinces, under
the strong influence of the British and French, and, besides, having
significant armed forces, opposed this. Then Cixi and sent
Lee Hongzhang, a person, of course, widely known, partly as a sign
of disgrace, and mainly to change the situation in his direction, the
governor of the southern provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi.
Prince Duan, full of hatred for foreigners, in which he sees the main
opponents of the construction of his son on the dragon throne,
warmly supports the ihetuans for their slogan ”“Death to
foreigners.” In addition, he is one of the largest feudal landowners
and is afraid of reformers. A large group of Manchus from
the ruling dynasty closes around him. They allowed the ihetuans to
enter Beijing and set them on defeating the diplomacy of the
diplomatic missions and the destruction of the foreigners living here.

- A more cautious position is taken by the grouping of the

commander of the troops, Jun Lu, an approximate empress Cixi.
According to our information, he is one of the authors of the plan
of killing or renouncing the throne of Guangxiu, therefore he fears
that he will come to power. But he is witness of the occupation of
China forty years ago by the British and French, knows the strength
of the Allied powers, knows the very modest capabilities of the
Manchu and Chinese armies and fears a new allied invasion and the
seizure of Beijing by foreign armies. Jun Lu is hesitant. By soul, he
is wholly on the side of Duan, but he is afraid of losi1ng not only
the place, but also the head, which can happen with the inevitable
defeat of the Ichuanians. The existence of these two groups
surrounded Empress Cixi, in general, is in the hands of the British
and French. Already, there are plans for a punitive campaign of
an Allied assault force on Beijing. We are also invited to take
part in it, and our detachment from Port Arthur is ready. Then
there will be a danger of the introduction of the open door policy to
China. Persistently pushed by the British, the French, and especially
the Americans, We will not be able to compete successfully with
their industry and capital. Therefore, we want to support the third,
strong group in the government of China. It is headed by
the ministers Yuan Chan and Xu Ching-cheng. Now we are
deprived of the opportunity to act on them now, since our
settlement is already blocked by ihetuans and visits to ministries
and the palace are impossible.

- You, Ivashnikov, have a difficult and dangerous mission. Chinese

language you know enough to understand well and be understood.
But knowledge of the language is useful to you mainly on the
streets of Beijing, so as not to be easily identified by ihetuans as a
foreigner. Tomorrow you will have to go to Tsungli Yamen, the
Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and meet with Secretary of
Xu Ching-cheng there. This official named Tian Jing-qing Lived for
a long time in St. Petersburg, at a time when CSU Ching-cheng was
the envoy of the Chinese Empire in St. Petersburg and Berlin. He
knows Russian well enough and has certain obligations to us. Tell
him that Xu Jing-cheng and Yuan Chan inspire Empress Cixi about
the urgent need to call Lee Hongzhang, as the most experienced
diplomat and statesman who also has an extensive practice of
diplomatic relations with foreigners who visited Petersburg , the
European capitals, Berlin, Paris, London and personally knowing
the policy makers of these states. In a word, they know how to
inspire need thought to Empress Cixi. Li Hungzhan, and we have a
certain confidence, will act in the right direction, will be able to end
the Ihetuan uprising and will keep with great difficulty the
achievements of Russia in Manchuria. In the near future,
Prince Ukhtomsky is urgently heading to Shanghai from Petersburg
for a meeting with Li Hungzhan and related conversations with him.

Early in the morning, in a dressing gown and spacious

trousers, pulled a bureaucratic hat with a red ribbon over his head,
he slapped through the northern gate of the mission into the
dark streets and hurried to the Mongolian square at once. Here he
wandered a little among the sleepy fans, and then went through
the Qian-myn gate to the city. He remembered the layout of the
streets well, but there was nowhere to hurry. Tsungli-Yamen was
not far, and officials were going there almost by noon.

Despite the early hour, there were a few soldiers in uniform on the
streets, with white circles clearly standing out on it, but without
rifles. They gathered in groups of five to ten people and talked
animatedly about something. Passing
by, Ivashnikov noticed oblique, rather unfriendly glances at him and
began to fear if they did not recognize him as a foreigner, but then
he sensibly reasoned that his bureaucratic hat rather disliked him,
but did not take it off. Firstly, it would have been revealed that his
braid was fake, and, secondly, this hat was supposed to serve him
as a pass to Tsungli-amine. Most of all he was afraid to fake, to find
himself in a situation that would have betrayed his ignorance of
local customs in trifles, say, not so much to turn, not to do
something. Therefore, he decided to let on the kind of arrogant
and impregnable. To put on airs, he puffed out his chest, his gait
was unhurried, he was already looking overheads, in a word, and he
felt like an official. As the saying goes, he gave the Buddha the
appearance of a Buddha. Still circling around the city a few times
and checking to see if they were watching him, Ivashnikov decided
that it was time to take it up. Going up to Tsungli-amine , he
confidently climbed onto the porch and, not condescending to
questions of official trivia, walked through a suite of rooms in
the left-wing and completely pushed the door with a hieroglyph sign
Tien Ching. That was alone in the room and clearly lounged

- Are you Secretary of the Minister Xu Jing-cheng named Tian Jing-

qing? Ivashnikov asked politely, to make sure that he was talking
with the right person. However, Mr. Pokotilov described the right
person in some detail and accurately, and the verbal portrait was in
agreement with the original.

“Yes, it’s me,” Mr. Tian calmly replied.

- I am from Mr. Pokotilov, Ivashnikov almost whispered, remember

that it should not forget that they can overhear, because in these
places, in troubled times, the walls have ears.

Mr. Tian nodded, as if he had waited for such a guest for a long
time, got up, picked up his hat and offered to take a walk, and at
the same time have lunch somewhere.

“It will be more convenient for us to talk in a relaxed atmosphere,”

he said already on the street. - A good deed done in secret is
valued at twice the price. “It’s nice to deal with a person who is
sure of his rightness,” Ivashnikov noted to himself.

His new acquaintance, from time to time looking around whether

they were being followed, led Ivashnikov to the Eastern Calm
market, which was false, and asked the owner of one of the taverns
to bring them to eat in a separate room.

Having waited until the owner brings plates with bean curd, hot
pies with vegetable filling, roast lamb and a teapot of fragrant tea,
and Mr. Tian has already said affably in Russian, “The way of a
perfect man is creation, but not enmity. I have long been waiting
for a messenger from Mr. Pokotilov. Have you known him for a
long time?

Ivashnikov decided to raise his reputation and importantly

answered, “Four years ago, we served together with him in a
diplomatic mission in Seoul.

“That’s right,” said Tian Jing-ching. - And I know him about the
same. We met in St. Petersburg when the question arose of
building the Chinese Eastern Railway and Mr. Pokotilov had long
conversations with Xu Ji-chen, then envoy of the Celestial Empire in
St. Petersburg.

They did not pause for long, wondering how to move on to the
main topic, and, finally, Ivashnikov continued, “Mr. Pokotilov is very
concerned about the development of events in China
and believes that this situation may lead to a catastrophe of the

“What was once born will surely someday mature,” Tian answered
philosophically. “We are reaping the fruits of our own weakness
and indecision.” Here is an example of Japan. They, like us, tried
to keep out foreigners, but if they saw that self-isolation would
inevitably lead to the decline of the state, economic
and military weakness, if they had endured an
unceremonious shelling of the capital by American cannons, then
they decided to upgrade. We are clinging to decayed dogmas we
are patching holes …

- Mr. Pokotilov sincerely sympathizes with you

and believes that to facilitate the renewal of China, you should not
expel foreigners. Without them, China will become even more

Mr. Pokotilov sincerely sympathizes with you

and believes that to facilitate the renewal of China, you should
not expel foreigners. Without them, China will become even
more rigid. Rapid progress is being made in all areas of science
and technology, and only foreigners can help you become a
modern power now. Of course, this process is painful, but
everything new is born in agony …
- This is something everyone understands, but no one wants to
lose income and privileges. If yesterday the dignitaries swam
sleepily in luxury, then tomorrow promises them a very hectic Life.

“Mr. Pokotilov is sure that the extremes, in your case, Kan Yu-wei’s
reformism and Prince Duan’s frank anachronism, are fraught with
dire consequences for China. Reformism Kang Yu-wei, his resolute
readiness to open wide the doors to foreign goods lead to the rapid
impoverishment of the already poor people, and, so, an explosion
of rage. The slogan of “We will throw out foreigners” is unreal, as
you have already repeatedly seen. Armaments are incomparable,
and the forces of armies are incomparable. Here you have the
defeat from England sixty years ago, from England and France forty
years ago, from Japan – five years ago. Foreigners come to your
house already and without asking permission of the owners.
Mr. Tian calmly drank tea.

- Mr. Pokotilov believes that the policy of Li Hungzhan is the most

reasonable in the current situation – to keep the integrity of China,
its traditional institutions and to attract foreign capital to create new
jobs for the renewal of China.

“Yes, we are already in debt, as in silks, as the Russian proverb

says,” Mr. Tian replied.

“But I’m not talking about cash loans,” Ivashnikov disagreed. -

Foreigners bring not gold or paper money; they build railways,
build factories and factories, hire your poor people to work, teach
them to produce the necessary things, to trade either domestically
or export them abroad. People are getting richer – the state is
getting richer. This is not the old policy - do not be shy, take it and
do not think when you give it away. You develop economically and
it will be easier for you to pay off your previous debts, and in the
future you will be willing to lend, knowing that the Celestial is there
than to pay.

“So it is,” Mr. Tian agreed, “is that the man Li Hungzhan?” You
know that after the Japanese captured
Formosa, Liaodun and Penghledao islands from us, the Germans
took away Jiaozhou, the Russians unceremoniously settled
in Lushunkou and Dalianwan, and the British in Wei hai wei, and
Lee Hongzhang could not appease the hungry tigers,. Trouble from
the Middle Kingdom, his reputation at the court greatly shaken. The
grand princes Qing and Duan openly say that the Chinese Lee is
doing everything to make the Celestial world stop to be the property
of the Qing dynasty.
- Bad boss that does not look forward. Mr. Pokotilov believes that
Li Hungzhan is still full of strength, and fate itself has appointed him
at this age to accomplish an outstanding feat - to curb the ihetuans,
save the Manchurian dynasty and revive China. Please tell Messrs.
Xu Jing-cheng and Yuan Chan this opinion of Mr. Pokotilov, and ask
them to show perseverance, to convince the empress to make the
right choice and the right step, immediately call Mr.
Li Hungzhan from Canton.

Tian hesitantly replied, “Grand Duke Duan has already declared

himself the Savior of the empire.” He openly relies on ihetuans.

- The last foreign troops, who arrived yesterday in Beijing, are

very small and are intended only for the protection of diplomatic
missions. Now a big landing is being prepared, which
the ihetuan cannot withstand. Then Beijing again falls into the
hands of rude and ruthless British and French. This time, they will
demand a lot. And, after all, the Life of the Empress herself will be
in danger, - Ivashnikov’s almost extreme argument cited.

- In fact, the ministers Yuan Chan and Xu Jing-cheng tend to ask

Empress Cixi to call Li Hungzhan to the capital of the Middle
Kingdom. However, apart from the very dubious arguments in
defense of Li-diplomat’s tarnished reputation, something weightier
is needed. Moreover, you clearly underestimate the power of our
armies. After all, five years have passed since the war with Japan,
we have learned our lessons, the army is now well armed and
trained by German and Russian officers, even Colonel Voronov. The
army, according to the assurances of the Commander-in-Chief Jun
Lu and Grand Duke Duan, may well stand against your landing
- This is the mister Pokotilov and fears the most. Having met
strong resistance, the united powers will call out new and new
regiments from the metropolis and colonies, and it may happen that
the Celestial Empire is filled with blood, will bring innumerable
misfortunes and destruction. Diplomats in the embassy town
discuss the situation and assess your potential for resistance. They
do not consider the ihetuans a serious opponent, and will give
recommendations to their governments to break the resistance
of your army if it takes the side of the rebels. Consider
the possibility of keeping Empress Cixi and Commander-in-Chief Jun
Lu from this rash step; do not engage your army in confrontation
with the united powers and do not distribute weapons to
the Ihetuans. This time, you will not be dealing with a pitiful Japan,
but with almost a dozen powers.

- Yes, but back to old Lee. They truly say - spilled blood calls for
vengeance, and the ringing of gold – to mutual satisfaction, -
hinted Tian.

- And I think that Mr. Pokotilov, director of the Beijing branch of

the Russian-Chinese Bank, and Mr. Ukhtomsky, who are known to
you, who, as I was informed, is going to Shanghai the other day to
meet with Lee Hongzhang, will discuss financial aid from the Middle
Kingdom and personally those capable of something, -
agreed Ivashnikov.

Having agreed to meet here in a week, they parted.

In the Russian mission, Ivashnikov was attracted to the preparation

of the defense in case of ihetuan attempts to destroy the embassy
And they met. Mr. Tian said that he conveyed the essence of their
conversation to Minister of Tsungli-Yamin Xu Ching-cheng and he,
along with Yuan Chan, persistently urged Empress Cixi to disperse
the ihetuan and call Li Hungzhan into talks about non-interference
in the internal affairs of the Chinese empire with Beijing. But the
trouble is that at the court are strong parties who want, as they say,
to scratch the face of a tiger. Prince Duan flutters, pushing out his
old chicken chest and promises to destroy all foreigners in the blink
of an eye. He even claimed that among the ihetuan there are
wizards capable of turning piles of paper soldiers into formidable
armed and trained warriors. And the secret supporters of
Emperor Guangxiu do not want to forgive Li Hungzhan for
persecuting reformers in the southern provinces and promising a
large cash prize for Kang Yu-wei’s head. They are against the
return to Beijing of the old cunning fox Lee. Moreover, they are
trying in every way to push the Empress Cixi to the actions of
dubious and rash. They praise the wisdom of Grand
Duke Duan and fan the rumors about the invincibility
of the Iheyuan, to involve the Celestial Empire in conflict with the
powers, to provoke an intervention, the occupation of Beijing and
thereby the removal of Cixi from power, the liberation
of Guangxiu and the triumph of reformism.

But the biggest trouble is that the chief eunuch Lee Lianying, the
pimp of Empress Cixi with young men, her confidant and chief
adviser on all issues is a secret supporter of the Ihetuans. It is he
who contrives; he also finds very convincing arguments to
counteract all the causes of Yuan Chan and Xu Ching-cheng. And
Lee Lianying himself, and this is already whispering in the palace,
through the former maid of honor to the empress, and now one of
the leaders of the Beijing ihetuan, secretly associated with the
leader of the White Lotus sect, a Daoism monk who lives in the
temple on Mount Taishan and the gods themselves tell him, what to
do next.

However, Minister Xu Jing-cheng remarked that Empress Cixi is not

so unshakable, she is not so sure of the strength of the ihetuans;
she does not rely so much on Prince Duan and Jun Lu. Mr. Xu
noticed that her lower lip feebly hangs down and her hands fall
from her knees, her eyes are dull and cowardly and there are sparks
of doubt in them and, therefore, fear in her soul. And this is good
and bad: she is capable at any moment at the most unexpected
decision, the most inexplicable act, and any event can affect it.
Therefore, all is not lost, says Minister Xu Ching-cheng. However,
he is afraid of the upcoming landing and the intervention of the
powers. The Empress is vindictive and under pressure
from Duan can declare war and arm the bandits. Although,
remembering the shameful and cowardly escape from Beijing forty
years ago, she can order Jun Lu to disperse the Ihetuans and put
down the rebellion. That is the way it is, - finished Mr. Tian.

Ivashnikov knew about the upcoming unified landing of the powers

from Tianjin to Beijing. He also knew about the attempts of the
Russian military agent in China, Colonel Vogak, to persuade the
English admiral Seymour not to hurry, not to provoke the Chinese
government to armed resistance, not to allow their army to go to
the side of the insurgent people. But the Englishman lured the
laurels, if not of Napoleon, then the conqueror of Africa, Sir Stanley,
and he was eager to fight …
“I will report to Mr. Pokotilov your thoughts,” said Ivashnikov, “and
you continue to act in the same direction.” God willing,
everything will be settled …

“All that remains is to hope for your god,” Mr. Tian nodded
mournfully, “our gods have obviously gone over to the side of
the ihetuan.”

Three days later, the embassy received the news that a united
landing party of the powers under the general command of Admiral
Seymour made a report from Tianjin on the railway line to Beijing.
Russian squad is also involved in the landing. And indeed, on the
city wall that surrounded the embassy town, the soldiers of the
Chinese army began replacing them. The situation was complicated
by the fact that the soldiers of military detachments of all foreign
diplomatic missions, blocked in the embassy town, at the cries of
hatred and abandoned stones opened aimed fire, killed
the ihetuans and thereby provoked the reciprocal use of weapons.

. The ambassadorial town, surrounded by the ihetuans, was pretty

alarmed – would the Chinese, in response to the punitive landing
party, undertake trying to destroy foreigners in the center of

The next day, the ministers of Jung-yang Yuan Chan and Xu Ching-
cheng, accompanied by only a few accompanying people, walked on
foot, like simple petty officials, and went around all the missions on
the territory of the embassy town, asking them to stop the Seymour
landing. But the envoys remained adamant. However, what now
depended on them? Without communication with the outside
world, surrounded on the territory in heels of tithes, they only
worried about their own lives. In addition, Yuan Chan and Xu Jing-
cheng informed the envoys that the Grand Duke Duan, the most
dangerous enemy of foreigners in China, had been appointed as a
member of Tsungli-amen!


In Beijing, Jun Mei was escorted to the house of the old Chancellor,
Xu Tong, who lived on Jiao-min-sien — Embassy Street. Jun Mei
knew that Xu Tong was a scribe scholar and educator of the
emperor Guansuy, who hated strangers passionately and even spat
when he barely needed to hear about them. “Isn’t it so small and
skinny,” thought Jun Mei, looking at the old, bowed Xu Tong, “after
all, there are as many foreigners on Embassy Street as he has to
spit every day?”. As soon as the gong rang, announcing to the first
guard, a familiar eunuch came to her, who had once greatly
frightened her.“Let’s go to the Forbidden City,” he ordered, refusing
even a cup of tea offered by the servant Xu Tong. - A guard will
miss me? - Uncertainly asked Jun Mei, knowing the strict orders of
the Forbidden City. “He won’t miss, even with me,” the eunuch
laughed, “but there is a secret path.” Follow me and do not be
surprised. They walked along Envoy Street to the Yu-he Canal,
carrying slow waters from the Forbidden City to Beijing, and along
the canal, passing the Russian and English missions, went to Han-
lin-yuan, the court academy. Counter-stranger with obvious hostility
and suspicion examined the huge eunuch who was thick in a blue
robe and Jun Mei, dressed in a blue jacket, coarse woolen skirt and
rag slippers on her bare feet. Through the side gate and the
garden, the eunuch led her into one of the buildings, something
muttered there to the guard and zigzaged along the narrow dark
corridors, almost covered with ancient books to the ceiling. In a
dark closet, the eunuch removed a foreign lantern with glass in a
wire mesh from the shelf, Light it, pushed a table covered with a
thick layer of dust in the middle of the closet, and the side drove
away to the side, revealing a dark hole in the floor in the floor.
“Come down,” the eunuch ordered, “there are steps there.” Cold,
stale air breathed from the well. “Scary,” said Jun Mei. - Go, go, -
the eunuch was angry, - I will follow, I will need to close the hole.
He lit up, and Jun Mei saw dark steps going down, and with a
broken heart, stepped down. The eunuch closed the hatch behind
him, took Jun Mei by the hand and, lighting his way, carefully led
him forward. “This tunnel is already two hundred and fifty years
old,” he said softly, and his words sounded dull in silence. “It was
dug by order of the last emperor from the Ming Chun Zhen dynasty,
when peasant troops Lee Tzu-cheng surrounded the Forbidden City.
However, the emperor did not have to use the tunnel – the rebels
seized the capital of the Middle Kingdom. He needed to order his
wife to strangle himself, slaughter his fifteen-year-old daughter with
his sword and hang himself on a crooked ash tree. In almost
complete darkness, walking behind the eunuch, sometimes touching
her hand with the wet stone walls of the tunnel, Jun Mei was
shaking with fear, listening to such words. The eunuch laughed
harshly, pleased that he had frightened a woman. “But not so long
ago, several years ago, through this tunnel, I drove young beautiful
men to Empress Cixi.” Now two people know about this tunnel – me
and Lee Leanying, the chief eunuch of the empress. The third one –
you, - the eunuch turned around, - and that only
because Hushan Yan sent you. For a long time they made their way
through a snake-twisting tunnel until stone steps led them to a
wooden wall. The eunuch quietly scratched her, and the wall moved
away. In a room bathed in the last rays of the sun,
Lee Lianying stood! She quickly dived into her fox fur coat, threw a
tail, exposed her sharp white teeth, arched her back, like a cat
preparing for a mouse jump, looked sideways at the tall, fat, with a
rough face of commoner sage Lee Lianyin who held in her right
hand, decked with gold fingers a brush for writing, and in the left –
a thick ancient folio and, as if just remembering, often,
Lee Lianying, Hushan Yan sent me to help you manage
Empress Cixi. He ordered to convey that, expelling the redheaded
worms from the Celestial Empire, one should begin from the capital.
It is here that danger nests, it is from here that they scatter their
spider snares, it is here that they create their missionary schools,
build temples, corrupt people, make them pray to their gods, weave
intrigues ... Moreover, here they even contain their troops! Yes, I
am talking about the embassy town. We must act immediately and
not lose sight of the chance, otherwise they may call themselves
soldiers to help themselves and then Empress Cixi herself will be in
danger! Moreover, if we seize the Embassy town and all foreigners
living in it, it will be possible to force their governments to fulfill our
will, to get out of the Middle State. The time has come and the
opportunity cannot be missed. “I will hand over the order
of Hushan Yang to the commander of the capital Ihetuans,”
Lee Lianying nodded. “That’s not enough, Lee Lianying,” she said,
turning her tongue over, “what can unarmed ihetuans do?” Indeed,
while very few of them own magic spells. And the army – and rifles,
and guns. Jun Lu will not let them go to Beijing, scatter them with
his armies, inspire them with fear and undermine faith in their
abilities. And Empress Cixi will think that the ihetuans are only
crowds of rebellious mob. She does not understand that the truth is
in the proverb: ”Becomes a tree in a thousand plots even
a weak sprout. A wave height of a thousand Chzhans Heaving and
shallow stream. ” - It is she who needs to be inspired that the
legacy left to her by great ancestors is threatened with death, that
the treacherous strangers from the Embassy town, located directly
under the walls of the Forbidden Purple City, conceived to free
Emperor Guangyu. He will give them all the Celestial Empire for
them, make her herself inject a gold leaf, and Jun Lu, their
daughter, Grand Duke Duan, Yuan Shikai, and many, many
others will be beheaded off ... Lee Lianying’s face turned pale and
sweat was made on his forehead. He remembered how, thirty years
ago, rolling down the slabs of the palace, glittering with bulging
eyes and red tongue sticking out, rolling down, dropping scabs of
dried blood, his predecessor’s head eunuch Ahn Dehai, the favorite
of Empress Cixi. But An opened the conspiracy and saved the
Empress! Thirty years have passed and nothing has changed! And a
day later, the ihetuans filled in, swept the capital of the Middle
Kingdom, and besieged the embassy town.[BR][BR]Two days after
the return of Empress Cixi, the State Council was convened from
the Summer Palace of Ihetuans to the capital in the Imperial
Forbidden City. How much has changed in these two and a half
years! The Son of Heaven himself – the emperor Guangxiu no
longer participated in the Imperial Council. Yes, and often called
him scornfully named – Tsai Tian. His throne was closed carelessly
thrown over a dusty yellow robe. The composition of the Council
has also changed greatly. There was no disgraced Li Hungzhang.
There was no deceased Grand Duke Gun, the former chief minister
of Jung-yam, Grand Duke Qing wilted and grimaced like a rotten
baked apple. Her great-uncle Jun Lu, before even kneeling proudly
above the rest, is now a thick toad in his dark green dressing gown
flattened himself above the floor, without raising his head. On the
other hand, Grand Duke Duan, the son and brother of the long-late
emperors Daoguan and Xianfeng, swelled with arrogance by the
new head of Tsungli Yamen. And there were Chancellor Gan Yi, the
head of the criminal order, Zhao Shuqiao, the Emperor’s mentor, Xu
Tong, and the ministers of Jung-Lieng Yuan Chang and Xu Ching-
cheng. Only Lee Lianying, as before, sat at the throne of
Empress Cixi to give her lady the same moment any help, but Jun
Mei rose to her place, ready to give her a yellow fan, or a silk scarf,
a glass of peach juice or a tin of tiger ointment from migraine.
“Report,” the Empress waved languidly at Prince Duan. “A huge,
enormous amount Ikhetuans,” lowering the roofing felts in a hurry,
felts deliberately indispensable and obligatory when reporting to the
emperor or empress, the phrase “Nutsay reports” began Duan,
“appeared immediately in all the provinces of the Middle Kingdom.
Their troops under the slogan “Save the Qing, we will kick out the
foreigners” successfully fight against foreign troops, winning victory
after victory. And it is impossible to stop them. They have secret
spells that make their bodies invulnerable to bullets and shells,
bayonets and sabers, and turn paper soldiers into real soldiers.
Numerous detachments of Ihetuans have already entered the
capital of the Middle Kingdom and surrounded the embassy town. It
is on them that your imperial majesty should rely to return the
former glory and greatness to the Middle State! Yuan Chan seized
his knees on the floor, cleared his throat to attract attention and
began to humbly begin, - Nutsai Yuan dares to ask to the newly
appointed head of Tsungli Yamen, Grand Duke Duan. Does he know
what, with the exception of secret spells, are the ihetuans armed,
the exact amount them, do they have experienced commanders,
and can they actually resist foreign barbarians? Well, if our trained
army could not resist the Japanese five years ago, now they are
immediately pounced on us. Here, there was information that two
thousand soldiers landed from Tianjin to Beijing. The Empress
looked at Duan. -But in that, war the Japanese broke our small
divisions, and now almost all the people have rebelled. - Yes, they
only have spears, self-made swords and halberds, but many of
them have magic spells and are able to destroy thousands of
foreigners at once. Jun Mei felt that the empress thoughtfully in
indecision. - Yes, of course, - having noticed her
hesitations, Duan continued, - far not everyone owns this magical
art, many have just begun to master the ancient mysterious ways of
conducting battles, but we have an army, modern weapons,
there are experienced commanders. . - What will troop commander
Jun Lu tell me? Jun Lu, with obvious reluctance, straightened up,
looked with hatred at Duan, drawing into this, clearly unpleasant
and with unknown consequences, story, and with difficulty pushing
words out of himself, spoke, - Numerous troops are in each
province, and they carry out the orders of the governors. But it is
known that very few governors of the provinces support
the Ihetuans. Moreover, our troops everywhere carry out punitive
functions and lead battles with the rebellious ihetuans.
Yuan Shikai in Shandong used troops to disperse and destroy
the Ihetuans. The same is done by General Ne Shi-cheng in the
Tianjin region. Only Yu Xian sent Dong Fusin’s troops to help the
rebels, and now they have entered Beijing. Up to two hundred
thousand green flag, troops are stationed in the capital of the
empire, but everyone knows what these troops are. For the most
part, these are elderly, lazy, arrogant, who inherit their completely
burdensome posts for the elder sons, which are difficult for the rise
of Manchus from noble birth. They are poorly armed and trained ...
- How, I have invested huge money in weapons and training of
troops, and so what? Are we defenseless again? - There are
armed and trained troops, but they are stationed in the places of
the most likely battles with foreigners. In Shandong, this is the
army of Yuan Shikai, in the area of the mouth of Baihe - Ne Shi-
cheng’s troops, in the southern provinces ... And in Beijing
traditionally serves the sedentary nobility, using every
opportunity to be closer to their home. “What about weapons?” -
Modern rifles are purchased and delivered, but they are in boxes
and disassembled. Few foreign instructors have fled, and now
nobody knows how to assemble, how to charge, how to shoot a
rifle. Not to mention the guns. Lee Lianying, who was jealous of
Empress Cixi for Jun Lu and his lover, whispered from behind, “He
lies! He deliberately does not want to give weapons and troops, he
is afraid of defeat as the commander-in-chief! The prolonged silence
broke Xu Ching-cheng, - I dare to report, Your Imperial Majesty,
that less than a month has passed since the beginning of the
rebellion of the Ihetuan, and what a terrible picture has turned out!
The landing of foreigners is moving here and, therefore, the capital
is in a dangerous place. People everywhere are worried. All the
powers of the globe predatory look at the Middle Kingdom. War
begins – a disaster for the people. I believe that a situation similar
to the present has never happened in antiquity. Such disasters,
which are not foreseen, will happen. No wonder they say that
people, like innocent girls, are characterized by modesty and
modesty, but as soon as they cross the forbidden line, they lose
their heads and no longer stop at nothing. In the reign of
Emperor Xianfeng, the rebels of the Fa and Ne did rebel for more
than ten years, and residents of more than ten provinces suffered
from them. And in the reign of Jiaqing, a rebellion from the
provinces of Sichuan and Shanxi spread to another four provinces.
And the rebels mentioned managed to be destroyed only by the
forces of the empire. But, comparing the ihetuans with the rebels of
those times, one has to realize that the former are an internal
disease, while the latter are an external one. The fact is that those
rebels were recognized by everyone from the government to the
common people for the rebels, and even some dignitaries consider
the current ones to be loyal subjects, but they are not traitors.
There are such people, - Xu Jing-cheng gently shook his shaved
chin in the direction of Jun Lu, - who, considering them to
be rebels, does not express his opinion directly. As the minister
of Tsungli, I sometimes accept foreign envoys and myself pay visits
to their missions. Yes, that’s it, just the other day, the envoys
arrived at Jung-Lee-Yam, demanding to restore the railway
communication with Tianjin ... “I let it slip,” giggled viciously behind
the chair of Empress Lee Lianying, “the fish knows what kind of
water they drink!” It was said quietly, but Xu Ching-
cheng apparently heard, because he suddenly stopped talking and
bowed his head. Yuan Chan spoke here, “Nutsai believes that
the ihetuans would have been destroyed long ago if at
the beginning of the rebellion any experienced military leader was
entrusted to suppress the uprising. They do not have guns or
cannons, they do not know the ranks, and they are dragging other
villains to revolt under the pretext of the appeal “Hu Ching, me
yen!” Yu Xian, the former governor of Shandong, indulged the
boxers, Yu Lu, the vice-governor of the ZhiLi province, not
only please treats them, but even supplies them with military
supplies. Does this mean to supply the wings of a tiger? And if you
think about what these words mean – Hu Qing, me? If the fact that
boxers are ready to sacrifice their lives for the state is good. And I
think in the current state of difficulty for the empire, they, although
simple people, promise to support the state, there is nothing
surprising if it turns out later that they are ready to destroy it ...“Do
not invent anything superfluous,” cried Duan, “the ihetuans fight
only against foreigners!”. “Not considering himself shrewd and far-
sighted,” Yuan Chan continued stubbornly, “the Nutsai finds the
settlements of foreigners within the Middle State unprofitable for
the empire.” Still, we should do otherwise if we really want to drive
them out. First, it is necessary to correct the disorder within the
state, carefully continue relations with all states, and only then,
having found an opportunity and an excuse, to start a war with one
of the weakest powers, and then to show its value and power.
Respectfully, Nutsai would treat someone who provides a plan of
struggle against foreigners, and believes that only
Lee Hongzhang has enough experience in conducting relations with
foreigners, and is able to prevent the barbarians from seizing the
country. Everybody was afraid. It was felt that even Duan, who
exalted the military prowess of the Ihetuan, was not particularly
sure of them. Indeed, even though they are becoming more and
more, they are constantly being defeated – in Shandong from
Yuan Shikai, and in the Zhili province from Ne Shi-cheng ... And
from the foreigners, the Middle Empire has suffered so much! Who
would dare to take up the rectification now? And from what end? It
has long been known that a frivolously initiated business is always
fraught with sad consequences ... The Empress did not hesitate for
long; she gave up and shouted, “Give Li Hungzhan my command to
follow Beijing immediately!” Prince Duan’s face twisted into a
grimace of confusion and hatred. - And to General Ne Shi-cheng,
transfer the order to stop the landing of foreigners, not to let them
into the capital. Let him prove his ability to fight not only against
the ihetuans, but also against the barbarians. I very much doubt the
military ability of the Ihetuans,”she added. “You,” said
Empress Cixi to the ministers Yuan Chan and Xu Jing-cheng,
“tomorrow go to foreign diplomatic missions and convey to envoys
my wish that they appeal to their governments to return the foreign
landing party back to Tianjing.” “But telegraph communication is
broken,” Yuan Chan retorted timidly, “and the envoys will not
be able to convey this message to their governments.” “Let them
send messengers to Tianjin, then,” the empress waved impatiently.
And in the evening, before bedtime, she said Jun Mei, “You will go
with them and watch them very carefully.” The next day, Jun Mei,
along with the ministers, went around the British, French, German
and Russian diplomatic missions. Everywhere, the ministers Yuan
Chan and Xu Ching-cheng in French, in a diplomatic language,
roughly in one word conveyed the messengers to the order of the
empress. But envoy in Russa Xu Jing-cheng spoke Russian, he knew
the language, as he had previously been an envoy in St. Petersburg,
and added that the empress summoned Li Hungzhang to Beijing.
And something else, after mentioning the name of General Ne Jun
Mei did not know Russian and did not understand the phrase. Jun
Mei reported in detail to the Empress about the visits, and she was
pleased with the execution of the order. But Lee Lianying was alert.
- The fact that Xu Jing-cheng did not say about the call to Beijing
for Lee Hungzhang to the English, French and Germans is
understandable and understandable – they do not like Lee, consider
him an insidious jackal, and learn about his call to Beijing, will try to
quickly seize the city, and impose its own conditions of the Middle
Kingdom. But why did Xu report this to the Russian envoy? We
need to think about it. However, Lee Hongzhang will still have to
get to Beijing through Shanghai, and in the south, you will not hide
from the eyes of the British and French, so they will all know
themselves. Now, before Lee arrives, foreigners must be detained in
Tianjin. Tell Hushan Yan that it is ihetuans, and not General Ne,
that the foreign landing forces won. Then the empress will believe
in their power. You, Jun Mei, carefully watch Xu Jing-cheng. He
lived for a long time in the capitals of the Germans and Russians,
and in general, I do not like it. I sense that he sold out to the red-
headed worms. A day later, an adviser to the Japanese
mission Sugiyama was killed by a soldier of the army
Dun Fuxin near embassy town. As stated, he went, it was, to meet
with his spy. Jun Mei presented an opportunity to look closely at the
behavior of Xu Jing-cheng, when they bypassed foreign missions
with a large group of Jung-yang ministers with expressions of
condolence and assurances about the accidental tragic death. They
also visited the Russian mission, but Minister Xu did not find
anything to favor him. Almost daily Jun Mei, using
Empress Cixi’s daytime rest hours, and sometimes late in the
evening, when Cixi, having smoked opium, fell asleep, no longer
hiding, called on Lee Lianying, and together they frantically
searched for ways to solve their difficult task. Jun Mei whispered
memorized spells, made obeisances, drew magical signs,
made trigrams; Lee Lianying told the rumors that the eunuchs and
palace servants who were snooping around the city brought him;
they questioned astrologers, soothsayers and interpreters of
dreams, but the desired solution did not come. The connection
with Hushan Yan acted well, but the best messenger returned only
after two weeks. Then there was a fight along the railway line from
Beijing to Tianjin – the shortest and most convenient route
to Ching-chou-ting. Hushan Yan conveyed one thing – for victory,
the ihetuans need weapons and army support. Otherwise, they are
waiting for a complete rout. His people tried to incite hatred
towards foreigners in the souls of provincial governors, but they
waited cowardly for whom they would take. They did not want to
violate the laws of unconditional obedience of imperial authority
prescribed by Heaven, they profited from trading with foreigners,
and they were simply afraid of them. The governors of the southern
provinces immediately began to fight the ihetuans, and they
severely punished those who fell into their hands. Only Yu Xian, the
former governor in Shandong, rightly pointed out that foreigners are
always to blame for the conflicts that arise - removed from the
provinces at the request of the Germans and, having been
appointed governor in Shanxi, he fiercely hated them, ordered
them to be expelled from the provinces, and sent General Dong
Fuxin’s army to defend Beijing. Soon, the messengers delivered the
news to Beijing, after receiving which Jun Mei and
Lee Lianying rejoiced. Halfway from Tianjin to Beijing,
the ihetuans defeated the joint landing of English admiral Seymour
and forced the foreigners to flee! We must report this message to
the Empress! And then she had already ceased to believe the words
of Lee Lianying and Jun Mei about the magic power of magic spells,
about the omnipotence of the Ihetuan, and even ordered Jun Lu to
throw them out of the city. They hurried to the empress. She was
still resting after dinner, and Jun Mei awakened her with a slight
tinkle of tea cups.- Did you bring good news? - Cixi was delighted,
seeing the happy face of her maid of honor. - Nutsay Jun Mei
brought good news! A small group of Ihetuans, hardly more than a
dozen, with empty hands, just shaking out of the baskets of paper
soldiers and breathing life into them, with the help of magic spells
destroyed an enormous several redheaded worms, and their
guns were turned into simple sticks. The guns of the same foreign
troops, under the influence of their witchcraft, began to shoot at
each other and caused great damage. The landing of Admiral
Seymour is crushed and runs to Tianjin! Then Lee Lianying entered,
who had looked lately in the ancient files for the answer to the
question that had tormented everyone – what to do next? - The
first emperor of the Da-Qing dynasty – the
Great Qing Shunzhi (1644-1661) taught: He who became the
Sovereign replaces the Sky with people and spreads perfect
government everywhere. He must certainly make people grow and
develop, as expected, and bring the perfection of his rule to the
limit. After that, he may, looking up, respond to the merciful
commands of Heaven. Heaven begets people. Today, for a number
of years now, they have suffered hard. They, without a master, are
plotting confusion. Then the sky puts them sovereign to restore
order. And now, to set up order in the Celestial Empire, it is
necessary to send an army to the aid of the victorious ihetuans, so
that it absorbs their fighting spirit and witchcraft, their military skills
and reliance on the broad peasant masses, and leads them in the
right ruling dynasty. Otherwise, the ihetuans, after such an
impressive victory over foreigners, will think of themselves as all-
powerful and, since they are mostly Chinese, they will remember
their old slogan “Fu Min, Fan Qing.” And Empress Cixi ordered the
armies of Ne Shi-cheng and Dong Fusin to join the rebels and finally
defeat the foreigners. That evening, Jun Mei sent a messenger to
report to Hushan Yanyu that she completed one part of the task.
Jun Mei often saw her great-uncle Jun Lu in the palace and at the
receptions of the empress, sometimes in the female half of his
house, and once even tried to talk to him about the case. But Jun
Lu, constantly preoccupied and angry, just rudely cut her off, “It’s
not a woman’s mind!” Mind your own business... She was
engaged in her own business, but how to explain this to the
important, formidable in her military uniform and with a saber on
his side to his grandfather? He just did not condescend to talk with
her. And it was impossible to approach him through the home —
everyone was afraid of him. But after all, it was only possible to get
weapons for ihetuans! Then she decided to follow the advice
of Hushan Yang and, after consulting with Lee Lianying, they began
to work on Empress Cixi. The scribe Lee Lianying lingered at the
Empress for a long time and inspired her, “Angry monsters,
worshiping their gods and doing evil everywhere, flooded the land
that your ancestors bequeathed to you. They do not put our religion
at all and mock our wise men. It was under their influence that a
disturbance arose in the souls of the highest dignitaries and even of
the Emperor Guangxiu. We must fight them, but man is not able to
fight evil spirits. And there are very few well-trained, possessing all
the secrets of magic, who are able to defeat foreigners of Ihetuan.
The hermits of the Five Ridges, those who live on
Mount Taishan and communicate directly with the
immortal, send their words that the enemies can and should
be beaten with their own weapons, and the ”“overseas devils” -
they invented rifles and guns. With the help of ancient magic spells
and modern firearms, we can easily and quickly defeat them. These
devils are made up of a wicked soul and a nasty body, and
therefore, the immortal are taught, magic spells must be fought
against their souls, and earthly weapons must be fought against
their souls. After all, foreigners conquer our armies because they
are better armed, their guns and cannons more often shoot further,
and many of our soldiers and Ihetuans are killed at once. In order
to successfully fight the enemy, possessing magical
spells ihetuan should approach the enemy, but they have already
become afraid of them and try to kill at a great distance. Generals
Ne Shi-cheng and Dong Fusin do not help them with weapons, but
use them as a shield, ruthlessly drive unarmed at the enemy in front
of their soldiers and, as they say, often shoot them in the backs.
Therefore, we can exterminate and lose the best, energetic, active,
people possessing all the secrets of witchcraft and again remain
defenseless against foreigners. They need modern weapons! In
addition, we have it. In warehouses and in the arsenals, which are
managed by Jun Lu, there are a lot of weapons purchased from
foreigners or weapons manufactured from us. Empress, order him
to distribute weapons to the Ihetuans. Bring him to arm ihetuans.
Make him help them. Only in this way, it is still possible to free our
lands from the redheaded worms, to save the Middle Kingdom from
shame and humiliation. Empress Cixi was afraid of the people and
therefore hesitated. But Lee Leianying was persistent and
consistent. “The Empress,” he urged, “the immortals tell them to
fight against foreigners with all their might, not to feel sorry for
themselves about this holy cause.” Here, such as, a simple ca-bow
is a bow to the ground, and if you make them five dozen a day,
while speaking the spells, one barbarian will die. In addition, they,
together with the empress, knelt and made prostrations, mumbling
spells. At the meeting of Tsuntszichu - the State Council, the Grand
Duke Duan several times demanded from Jun Lu weapons for
the ihetuans, but he dissuaded that all weapons were
distributed among the troops, and now there is simply no weapon
ready for combat. And the arsenals, he says, do not work, the
people all fled. And there is no one to let out the cartridges. And the
powder from the powder factories do not bring. Duan did not
believe, he was angry, he tried to threaten that he would send
Dong Fuxin’s troops to take away the arsenals ... Jun Lu’s face was
filled with blood, he was breathing loudly, but did not dare to
answer the father’s heir to the throne. Once he asked for an
audience with Empress Cixi. The Empress appointed him an hour
and, when he came, ordered everyone to leave the room. The
audience took place in her office, filled with bookshelves and tall
vases of flowers. In the middle of the office stood a precious
sandalwood desk with frilly curved legs, a wooden carved chair of
the empress and, along the walls, soft sofas. Bright sunlight from
the windows dimmed silk cream curtains, and two doors closed
heavy velvet curtains, falling in large folds, like waves on a raging
sea. Leaving the last, Jun Mei dived over the curtain and crouched.
“Sit down Jun Lu,” came the voice of the empress. - Yes, yes,
the brilliant empress ... - How is our daughter’s health? - All is well,
the girl is healthy ... - How are you? “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t
matter, Empress, a lot of worries ...“Yes, there are many worries
now,” Cixi sadly agreed. - I always think what to do next, and I
consult with many people and here with Lee Lieanying, Xu
Tong, and Duan.... And, in their opinion, I should arm them, rely on
them and send them into battle with strangers. “I thought so too at
first, Empress, but lately their reckless behavior has troubled.” -
Reckless? You mean the ambassadors of the embassy town or the
rout of the landing of the Englishman Seymour. - Alas, that too. In
their recklessness, they went very far. In the capital, they gathered
a few tens of thousands of people. And they are like locusts, with a
cat - Alas, that too. In their recklessness they went very far. In the
capital, they gathered a few tens of thousands of people. And they
are like locusts, which will be very difficult to handle. They have
already burned half of Beijing from the Qian-myn gate to the
Square of the Temples of Heaven and Earth, robbing civilians,
completely disobey the authorities, and are daring with respect to
the flag troops. The same news comes from the provinces. - Why
do you think the encirclement of the Embassy town and the rout of
the Seymour assault is a mistake? - The fact is that these actions
will cause retaliation of foreigners, and the Celestial Empire has
repeatedly experienced their joint attacks and could not resist them.
“And you give the weapons to the ihetuans and send them into
battle ahead of the regular troops.” Let them use their magic spells
and the power of foreign weapons, defeat the redheaded barbarians
and suffer significant losses themselves. Then our troops will be
able to disperse the ihetuans. - Not so simple, Empress. There are
no weapons in large numbers in the arsenals. Prince Duan misleads
you, claiming that I hide him and do not want to arm the ihetuans.
Although, in the latter he is right. Do not stop the fire, throwing
firewood, and not cope with the rebels, arming them. Destroy the
armed gangsters will simply be impossible their forces will be
inexhaustible. After all, if they manage to defeat foreigners, then all
well-trained and armed Chinese armies will go over to their side,
and there is no end to the common people. Then they have the
right to recall the old slogan “Fu Min, Fan Qing.” Prince Duan is an
intriguer and a fool. His thoughts are transparent to me. Arming the
people, he hopes to expel foreigners, and still build his son on the
throne of throne. It would be good, but the trouble is that
armed ihetuans will be able to overthrow the Qing dynasty. And to
destroy you, and me, and our daughter ... It is necessary, before it
is too late, to get out of the depths of evil! - But they say to me that
the ihetuan are loyal subjects to me ...- The roots of the teachings
of Ihetuan are in the heresy of the “White Lotus”, and this is
already the reason they cannot be loyal subjects. Today they say
white; tomorrow they will call it black. Before it is too late,
they should be expelled from Beijing, the siege of the Embassy
town should be lifted, and all foreigners should be met. In this case,
it can be expected that the hungry tiger will be satisfied with small
sacrifices. Otherwise, we will be swept away either by
the ihetuans or the foreigners. - You are scaring me, Jun Lu ... - No,
Empress, I say what I really am. It is better to tell the truth once
than to lie a thousand times. - So what should I do? - Issue an
order to expel the Ihetuans from the city and to protect the
Embassy town. “Yes, but will it be executed ...,” said
Empress Cixi hesitantly. - There is no certainty, but I will try to
gather strength. - Well, go, I’ll think about it …


The head of Russian-Chinese Bank Pokotilov alarmed. Still, would!

Admiral Seymour’s 2,000 detachment. Although he did not find out
what to do, he did not have to go. Show courage to rebel He was a
commander of the most combat-ready Chinese army general. It is a
“beat” and “it can be a retreat” rebellious unarmed mob this is one
side of the coin. Surrounded by the embassy of the town of
Europe, it is not worth it. It was a danger that they would resist.
Things were worse than bitter radish. There was no chance that he
would have been able to receive his peace of mind. We had to do
something urgently. But what? Assigned to his right decision. “And
you could,” If you are supporting it, “to find
some extra possibilities ...” — Yes, I am pretended not to
understand. — ... to influence the right direction for us? — Finished
thought Pokotilov. — All my life, one way or another, is
connected with China. I think that it is a lot of freedom. It was the
result of the coercion of religion — Ek, you, my
dear, — Pokotilov frowned in annoyance, — we are not talking
— However, everything is interrelated. It is a fact that we have
found that we have been refracting to our country. It is a problem
to save our Lives. — Do you mean something? Girs asked
cautiously. — Yes of course. A classic case — soldiers follow the
merchants ... Sharply and directly looked into the eyes
of Minaev Pokotilov. “The Russian Empire cannot pay the Chinese
Empire,” Minaev grinned cynically. “These are not people.” There
was no such message. It is a very common bribe. Again, this is a
significant amount; then there must be traces ... — well, suppose
you probably know that a lot of money was paid for the
concession. It is not a sacrifice. Minaev calmly and coldly, and he
said, “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. We are now in
a place to act like noble maidens. Vulgar demand can be a natural
and, apparently, the only means of our salvation!
Messenger Girs pursed his lips in confusion, and Mr. Pokotilov, who
knew that he wasnot at a snow-white cuff. Transit-Manchurian
highway concession between Finance Minister and Li Hungzhan was
agreed that he would receive three million rubles in gold. One he
has already received. The second, I suppose, now
Prince Ukhtomsky is taking him. In addition, after the
commissioning of the road, it will be five million rubles. Thus, our
commitments are about eleven million. I am not sure if I am not
interested in making it.

— This is the reason for demand! Loss of money and international

neighbors, international claims of our European neighbors ...

— whom are you going to threaten? Do not talk to

Empress Cixi personally? After all, Li Hungzhan is far ...
“But I am familiar with the commander-in-chief of the Manchu
troops, Jun Lu.”
— Wow, and from where?
“Fifteen years ago, Jun Lu, appointed by the Empress as the
commander of the New Field Army, instead of Grand Prince Gong,
fell in disgrace, turned to the German and Russian diplomatic
missions with a proposal to send weapons and instructors to re-
equip and train the army. Then I served in the protection of the
mission and was sent to Jun Lu for the ostentatious shooting of
the Berdan rifles, which were in service with us at that time. I did
the exercises well, and Jun Lu asked me to teach him how to
shoot. Every day for two weeks, I conducted classes with him. Jun
Lu learned to shoot well, and he awarded me with a satin robe with
the character “Happiness” on his chest. At home
in Kyakhta lies — smiled Minaev.
“And you think he remembered you?” asked Gears, doubtfully.
— Of course. In my youthful years and official zeal, I treated him
as a recruit soldier, I was very strict, he had to do the exercises
many times, and he patiently carried out my orders. No, he could
not forget me. Psychologically this is impossible. It has long been
noted that the process of teaching military affairs is personified in a
teacher, and he unwittingly fixes himself in memory.
“Well, suppose he remembers you.” And if he wants to talk to you,
will not he is sent to prison right away?
— He is an intelligent man and understands that I have come as an
intermediary. And he will be curious to know what I have to tell the
empress through him.
“Then,” envoy Gears staggered a little, “to fully guarantee the
success of your mission, do not forget to add that if of the defeat of
the Embassy town and the death of its inhabitants, the powers
will need significant territorial concessions and a huge
contribution.” In addition, Russia — all of Manchuria! And they,
Manchus, have something to think about.
“How are you going to penetrate the Chinese city and the house of
Jun Lu?”
“I will stand on the slippery slope of Second
lieutenant Ivashnikov,” Minaev laughed. — A little make-up, a fake
braid, plus faith in luck. At night, on the Yu-he Canal, I’ll go under
the wall to the Chinese city and in a day or two, and Jun Lu should
be in Beijing, I will try to meet him and go back the same way.
“Well, good luck ...,” Mr. Pokotilov summarized.
-And Ivashnikov will have to send Voronov to Tianjin with a warning
about the order of Empress Cixi to General Ne, — the envoy was
also worried about the landing party.
— An order to the General Ne has already been
delivered, Pokotilov did not agree, — but it would be desirable to try
to convince him not to show excessive zeal in his
performance. - Let’s hope that Colonel Voronov succeeds.

In the middle of the night, Minaev and Ivashnikov lurked at the

bridge over the Yu-he Canal, waiting for the ihetuans to sit on the
wall to calm down and relax their guard. The torches on the wall
burned brightly and illuminated the dried-up canal, and, for the time
being, there was nothing to think about trying to sneak over it
under the wall. It smelled smelly of herbs, cicadas rang, and
behind the fence of a close American mission, the soldiers, while
passing the night, sang quietly,
— in the city of Peking, with walls
for its streets, renowned,
we have been besieged for weeks,
by a beastly Chinese trick.
Burnt to ground.
Tramp, tramp, tramp, the troops are marching.
Cheer up, Comrades — they will come.
And beneath our various flags,
we must breathe fresh air again
Beloved home.
Captain Minaev was wearing a dressing gown and a hat of a
Chinese official, and Ivashnikov was wearing a torn dirty jacket,
girded with a red sash. On the way to Tianjin, he decided to
portray a half-literate, blunt person to avoid questioning and not be
misguided. He looked, in spite of his youthful harmony, fattened,
which, in general, was noticeable against the general background of
thin Chinese commoners. And his palms were soft, not peasant, he
invented a legend to himself — he was a servant in the tavern at
the Jiangmen Gate, and the entire quarter burned the ihetuans, so
he has to go back to Tianjin. And with his red sash, he peeped
himself, so as not to stand out in the general mass of people,
almost entirely rebelled with red sash and with a red bandage on
his head.
However, little by little the Chinese on the wall settled down, the
torches burned out, and silence settled. The silver scoop in the sky
crawled over the cloud, and Minayev tugged at Ivashnikov’s hand —
let us go. Tiptoeing, sneaking, they made their way to a tunnel
covered with a hewn stone under a wide wall and, bending low,
ankle-deep in the awful-smelling mud, moved to the other side. It
was also quiet here. Captain Minaev gently hugged Ivashnikov,
patted on the shoulder, wished good luck and melted in the dark.
And Ivashnikov set off on his way. Keeping in mind the plan of the
city, he stepped onto a wheeled road and, attached to a handful of
relatively well-dressed people, walked toward Tianjin. The
travelers, at random, were Pekingeses, who lost their homes from
the fires, and went to Tianjin, a rich city, where they hoped to
survive the troubled times. Ivashnikov himself tried to keep silent,
answered questions reluctantly and monosyllabic, bent, pulled his
leg, stupidly opened his mouth, hid his eyes, and did not pay
attention to him, however. Go and let him go. It has long been
known that a commoner has neither happiness nor well-being; he
never does much good, but does not do much evil.


Empress Cixi lost all taste for life. She wandered aimlessly around
the palace for days; she could look at one point for hours stupidly;
ate a lot, but without any appetite, indifferently chewing the food
served; she was not angry, as before, at the small missteps
admitted by eunuchs, maids and maids of honor; demanded once
caskets with jewels, but, casting a sluggish and cold glance at the
pile of precious stones in gold-rimmed with all the colors of the
rainbow, she waved her hand – bring it back. Even her favorite
foreign mechanical watches with porcelain moving figures stopped,
not turned on by her. The only grace of the Empress was her
treasured pipe. And the news about the events brought by the daily
messengers was no longer interesting for her. Let everything go,
how it goes ...

White tiger and blue dragon.

Always appear together.

That is why it is immediately difficult to understand.

Where sorrow, where good news.

And the news really came strange and incomprehensible. At first,

the ihetuans defeated the two-thousandth landing of the English
vice-admiral Seymour, and after that, they captured the huge city of
Tianjin. The troops of General Ne Shi-cheng first shot at ihetuans,
and then, after the order of the empress, began to shoot at
foreigners. Also in ihetuans too. Soon, foreigners from their huge
warships landed troops at the mouth of the Baihe River, captured
the forts in Dagu, took Tianjin by storm, and General Ne died in
battle. The armies pulled from Manchuria fought poorly, were more
fond of looting towns and villages, did not coördinate fighting with
each other, and almost without a fight retreated from Tianjin to
Beijing. In the capital of the Celestial Empire too, things were going
badly. Jun Lu forbade his guard flag troops to take part in the
storming of the Embassy town, and did not give them a weapon.
The troops of Dun Fusin completely disintegrated, and more
plundered the city together with the gangsters who had multiplied
in a multitude, than helped the true Ihetuans to fight the enemies.
And among the statesmen there was rivalry, intrigue, mutual envy,
discontent, and for the most part – outright cowardice. Yes, and
there was something to be afraid of – it became deadly to speak
out loudly even to top officials. At one of the already rare Imperial
Councils, Yuan Chan and Xu Ching-cheng had the courage to speak.
Jun Mei listened to them in amazement and inwardly resented:
pitiful, cowardly slaves, that they in turn mumble, touching their
shoulders to each other? - While now the government of the Middle
Empire wants to be friends with all the powers and to treat them
sincerely, the ihetuans under the pretext of ”“Hu-ching-me-yan”
introduce differences between the Celestial and foreign powers.
They want to play a comedy in the world. But what do these two
words say: ”“Me-yang”? Whether it is necessary to exterminate
foreigners who are in China, or that it is necessary to exterminate
all the ethnic groups of the globe, except the Chinese? Let them
destroy those foreigners who live in China, but how can a new
foreigner be banned from visiting us? Is it possible to destroy all
the tribes of the globe? This question can also be answered by a not
particularly intelligent person, knowing that there are ten times
more foreigners than Chinese. Their speeches caused a storm of
indignation between the old chancellor Xu Tong and the new
chancellor Gan I. And not the empress, but the grand
duke Duan satisfied even the living souls of Xu Tong and Gan Yi: a
day later the heavy sword of the executioner cut off in the central
square of Beijing head Yuan Chan and Xu Jing cheng. They rolled
across the muddy boards into stinking dust, causing laughter to an
idle crowd and horror in the hearts of other weak-minded officials.
It is known: everyone has his own life, even some birdie or mouse,
not to mention a man. And Prince Duan again demanded a gun and
rifle from Jun Lu, complained about the lack of ammunition, and
even admitted that they did not manage to defeat foreigners with
witchcraft. He swore abusively cursed worthless generals for their
enormous, but unfounded self-conceit and mass executions of
the Ihetuans.But the empress no longer listened to him or
Lee Lieanying, and did not even succumb to the fox charms of Jun
Mei. Apparently, she firmly remembered the words of Jun Lu about
the punishment that awaits her from foreigners. She realized that
the matter was bad, she finally became disillusioned with the power
of the Ihetuans witchcraft, stopped believing in the power of the
Manchu and Chinese gods. And Prince Duan was no longer sure of
the success of the uprising: Jun Lu’s troops did not support him,
and the ihetuans not only suffered defeat after defeat from
foreigners, but they could not even seize the Embassy town. The
Empress Cixi, having learned that the governor of the metropolitan
province Yu Lu was deceiving her, became angry and recalled the
old, faithful, obedient and executive Lee Hongzhang, and ordered
again to appoint him governor of the metropolitan province. Yes,
and pass, so as not to pull, rather returning to Beijing before it is
too late. We must begin negotiations with foreigners, she
concluded, and Jun Mei understood that foreigners had won again,
and the popular uprising had failed. Jun Mei ran into her closet, fell
on the bed and burst into tears bitterly. Trouble after disaster is
brought to her homeland by foreigners, and no one can overpower
them. Neither the great gods, nor the ancient witchcraft, nor the
popular uprising, nor the old Hushan Yang, nor the imperious
omnipotent empress, and certainly not these old vile dignitaries who
deceive everyone and deceive themselves. “You will pay me for
this,” she whispered bitterly and vindictively, and decided to restore
the lost influence on Empress Cixi tomorrow, to let her drink that
right, tried, and such simple drug. Clenched into a lump, even more,
she strained a bitter insult in herself, and then she remembered her
little fox and rushed off to him ... Whose fate is bitter, he gets only
grief. In the hottest time of the year, when gold, as they say,
merges into gold ingots, foreign cannons thundered again under the
ancient walls of the capital of the Celestial Empire. The people
rushed in and rushed out of the city, saving their lives, and not
even having the opportunity to save what they had acquired. The
poor people are still well, grabbed the kids, simple belongings, who
found the carriage, and away to the province. And what about the
people of noble, famous, respected? They have nowhere to go.
Everywhere, they will be found, searched and given to death and
humiliation. Neither the emperor nor the empress will protect.
However, after all, there is a tradition: when the sovereign is
offended, the officials die. Empress Cixi summoned to her chambers
of Grand Duke Duan and old warrior Jun Lu, she aroused and with
anger attacked them. “You brought the Celestial Empire to great
humiliation, deceived me and the people, failed to defeat the
foreigners, so you have to pay for it.” Jun Mei, preparing to escape
to the provinces with the empress, selected the best jewels behind
the screen, and Lee Lianying stood behind the empress, holding in
his left hand the fan with which he fanned her, and put his right
hand on the handle of the short sword that hung under the robe
with the hieroglyph “Loyalty” weaved on his chest. “I carried out
your will, Empress,” whispered Duan, frightened to death, defiantly.
“By your decree, you appointed me as the head of the Ihetuans and
told me to use all my strength to throw the foreigners out of the
Celestial Empire. The Empress was at first taken aback by such
audacity, but quickly found herself, - And why did you not fulfill my
will? Duan hung his head, - The magical art of Ihetuans did not
help, they could not resist the guns and rifles of foreigners, and Jun
Lu did not give the weapon. - The one who begins to understand
the reasons for the defeat after the defeat is unreasonable, and the
one who does not want to understand them after the defeat is the
dead man – Jun Lu angrily threw. - You, Duan, could not win and
should not. Your victory would mean not only your defeat. The
victorious foreigners, the ihetuans, would certainly have overthrown
our Manchu dynasty and established their own, Chinese. And you
and your son would die first. And foreigners would not have
suffered defeat. Throw the crap out of your head and understand,
finally, that no witchcraft will stand against firearms. - Why did you
say I am dead? - - furious Duan.- I am the Grand Duke of the
second degree, the eldest among the princes of the imperial blood,
how dare you call me a dead man? - During the uprising, you were
at the head of a government on whose behalf numerous decrees
and orders were issued. Now they will assign to you what was not
there, and you will not be justified, even if you had a hundred
mouths. It is too late to repent, foreigners are about to rush into
Beijing, and tell the empress to behead you before this. It was hot
and maybe that was why Duan’s face glowed brightly in scarlet,
sweat plentifully protruded and dripped down his forehead, cheek
and chin. - How to behead? They have no right to... “That’s what
you think,” Jun Lu objected angrily. - I am a prince of the second
degree and according to our laws no one can decapitate me. But
you really have to tight ... - Soon, in the Celestial Empire, not our
laws will act, but foreigners will demand payment for everything. It
is known: the end of duty is repayment, the end of insult is
revenge. As for me, the troops subordinate to me only kept the
Ihetuans from attacking the Embassy town, and I almost personally
delivered fruit and vegetables there ... - Traitor! - Duan exploded. -
You, as the head of Tsunzjichu - the Council of State – should
remember the words of Confucius: ”“When driving a state that has
a thousand war chariots, you should be concerned with faith and
reverent concentration.” You just rushed to personal power, and did
a lot of stupid things. Now, as they say, collect iron from all the
Middle Kingdom and forge one huge hieroglyph ”“Error”. Moreover,
you put the empress in a bad place. “Yes,” the empress intervened
angrily in their quarrel, “when the sovereign is offended, the
officials die.” And so that foreigners do not force me to execute you,
Duan, hurry to do it yourself! “I am the father of the heir to the
Dragon Throne!” Remember this. The Empress was mixed; indeed,
she herself fell into the placed snares. She had to subdue her anger
and turn to Jun Lu. - Prepare a guard squad. We will have to leave,
as the emperor Xianfeng, the capital. If this is despicable “I am the
father of the heir to the Dragon Throne!” Remember this. The
Empress was mixed; indeed, she herself fell into the placed snares.
She had to subdue her anger and turn to Jun Lu. - Prepare a guard
squad. We will have to leave, as the emperor Xianfeng, the capital.
If this despicable people could not defeat foreigners, then let him
pay with them. Jun Mei even choked with indignation, having heard
such words of the empress. - How dare she say that! After all, she
herself approvingly responded about the ihetuans, wished them
victory, she herself made bows to the earth, so that another
foreigner would die, she would give orders to declare war to the
powers ... And now she gloats over the defeat of her people. Why,
she and Jun Lu are guilty of defeat. Why did she not order all
provincial governors to send troops to protect the capital and the
Middle Kingdom? And if she was not sure that the governors,
especially the southern provinces, would obey her, why not dismiss
them? Why did not order Jun Lu to give them a foreign weapon?
Because of her cowardice and indecision, because of her greed for
money and her weakness for opium ... Due to lack of will, she
completely lost her strength and became like a hair picked up by
the wind. - Or maybe she, knowing for a long time about the
upcoming uprising, deliberately did not suppress him in the bud,
inflated and fueled the hatred of foreigners, to completely deprive
the power of the emperor Guansu, hoping to rely on them? What
lowness – so betray your people. Even Men-tszy said - ”“To let the
people commit a crime, and then to punish him is to deceive him.”
Oh, mean, low, insidious woman! She stood shocked, angry,
devastated and did not hear the voice of the empress, who had
called her for the third time. Lee Lianying looked behind the screen
and slapped her on the shoulder with a fan, - Asleep?[BR]“No, I
admired,” Jun Mei found.[BR]“Jun Mei,” the empress turned to her,
seeing with her glance the departing Duan and Jun Lu, “you are
known as my maid of honor and confidant.” Now Lee Lianying will
write a decree, and you go with him to Xu Tun, the old chancellor. I
will find someone to send to other officials. Zhu zhu chen sy – when
the sovereign is offended - the officials die. For some reason, the
empress suddenly sharply hated Xu Tong, a member of the court of
the Hanlin Academy, but she had once revered him very much for
his scholarship and even appointed the emperor Guansuy to be a
mentor, presented him with a new house and great salary. Not for
the fact that Xu Tong, an eighty-year-old sage, was perhaps the
first to persuade her to rely on the ihetuans, to hand over her
destiny and the Celestial to the Chinese gods. That is how it
happens: One wanted to admire the moon in the sky, but lost the
pearl from the dish. Even not a pearl, Xu Tong loses his head. Or,
maybe, the empress broke off annoyance on the defenseless old
man? Oh, he does not complain. Oh, the officials will not hear him.
And they will hear it, and turn away indifferently – serving it right.
The first to try his porridge. No wonder they say: wealth and
nobility, as well as loud glory are like fleeting sleep. And it is clear
that Duan is now unable to punish: he has an imperial name and,
most importantly, still has troops in submission. Then, maybe ... Jun
Lu is also not defenseless — he commands all the Manchu flag
troops, and he is her daughter’s father, and his own blood is
inviolable. Even a ferocious tiger devours everyone except its
young. But Jun Mei was also eager for revenge for lost hope.

From under the leaves on the flowering branch

Evil spines stick out.

In the darkness of the human soul

It can lurk poison.

- You, the wise fools, should be the first to pay with blood for
the defeat of the uprising and the torments of the people. She
rushed to the house of Xu Tuna, near of the hand, very close
to the Purple Forbidden City, just about shooting foreign
barricades on the streets of the Embassy town, another
reminder of the shame in the capital of the Middle Kingdom,
climbed onto the porch, pushed the belted at once by two –
red and yellow! - security guard belts, ihetuan. - From Grand
Duke Duan with the decree of the government, - threw to the
confused poor man, the peasant or the boatman as a straw
the wind picked up by destiny. Xu Thun standing in the little
room on his knees before the altar of the God of the hearth
under the yellow canopy decorated with intricate patterns,
bows were weighed, and wept bitterly. ”This is The old
Buddha’s decree,”Jun Mei stretched out a scroll and a coil of
yellow rope. ”“She commands you and all your household to
join the souls of your ancestors immediately. - For what? Xu
Tong begged. ”You know why,” Jun Mei replied rudely. - It is
already impossible to extinguish the fire and dispel the smoke,
and the state business is special. And mercy from The old
Buddha do not wait, as there is nothing to expect from tigers
or Boas. - But why rush. Maybe the Empress will have mercy,
keep the thread of my family, and my descendants will live?
Otherwise, where can the soul go after my death? ”Life and
death are meant to be fate,” Jun Mei stood firm,”“and the
thread of fate is in the Empress’ hands. Execute the decree, or
the executioner will execute you and your home. You will be
dishonored by public execution. On the same day, she
informed the Empress that Xu Tong, followed by his wife, his
sons, his sons ’‘ wives, his daughters, their husbands, and their
children and grandchildren had hanged themselves. Behind Xu
Tong, an epidemic of suicides swept the capital of China, the
main cities of the provinces and thousands of County towns.
Officials hung themselves, shot themselves, told their women
to throw themselves into wells, ordered their servants to bury
themselves with their families alive in dug holes... Of those
who cowardly were hiding, few survived. Punitive detachments
of foreign troops seized them and shot them, and their wives,
daughters, concubines and maids raped in turn, and even
turned the Beijing quarter into a brothel for the troops of the
”“Liberation armies”.

She climbed onto the porch, pushed the belted at once by two –
red and yellow! - Security guard belts, ihetuan. “From the Grand
Duke Duan with a government decree,” she threw to the
bewildered poor man, the peasant or the boatman, like a straw
blown up by the wind. Xu Tun stood on his knees in front of the
altar with the image of the god of the home heart, , under a
yellow canopy decorated with intricate designs, bowed and wept
bitterly “This is the decree of the Old Buddha,” she said and
handed a scroll and a hank of yellow rope. “She commands you
and all your family members to immediately join the souls of their
ancestors.” - For what? - begged Xu Tun. “You yourself know
why,” Jun Mei answered rudely. - It is already impossible to
extinguish the fire and dispel the smoke, and the state business
is special. And do not expect mercy from the Old Buddha, as
there is nothing to expect from tigers or boas. - But why hurry.
Maybe the empress will have mercy, keep the thread of my
family, and my descendants will live? Otherwise, where to go
after my death?“Life and death are destined for fate,” Jun Mei
firmly stood on her, “and the thread of fate is in the hands of the
empress.” Execute the decree, not the executioner executes you
and your household. By public execution you will be dishonored.
On the same day, she informed the Empress that Xu Tun,
followed by his wife, his sons, wives, sons, his daughter, their
husbands, and their children, and grandchildren hanged. Beyond
Xu Tun, a suicide epidemic swept the capital of the Middle
Kingdom, the main provincial cities and thousands of county
towns. The officials hung themselves up, shot, ordered their
women to rush into the wells, ordered their servants to bury
themselves and their families alive in dug pits ... Of those who
cowardly hid, few survived. Punitive detachments of foreign
troops seized and shot them, and their wives, daughters,
concubines, and maidservants were raped in turns, and even
turned the Beijing Quarter into a brothel for the Liberation Army

Vladivostok, 1986 – 89.

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