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Melvin Vazquez


Period 1

The negative effects of the industrial revolution

The industrial revolution negative effects were the new inventions, products, and the

new methods of working and it led to the results that have been assessed from many

viewpoints such as the factory workers, the factory owners, the government, and other people

who work their. some like the poor working conditions in factories which was a big problem and

it led to the pollution and poorness but also the air quality was very bad and the chemicals

which released the pollution from the factory into the air. Many people who lived in poor cities

they didn’t have that much money to spend. The money that the men and the women earn was

not that much for one day also making cloth was done entirely by hand. That caused the clothes

to be more expensive and meant that most people had only a one shirt and 1 pants but also

people began buying more and more goods, so textile of producing clothes decrease in prices

came from the introduction of machines such as the spinning jenny which spun 8 threads at a

time. Then the speed of the machines increased the speed of weaving and were improving and

were faster but also their was child labor and how they were trying very hard make more

products.The mass production were improving a lot faster then it did and the products were

cheaper so it was a lot faster with the machines. The machines weren’t very safe to use because

some of the machines were poorly made by men and also there wasn’t enough any education

and they were stuck in factories for there rest of their lives. In my opinion how I could related it

now days is how their wasn’t that much as now back then in the industrial revolution that men

and women were working more than today and also the machines weren’t that well to use

because they would break down and many men would get injured. Now and day there a lot of

Technology that help us create better and design machines better and men and women don’t

get that much injury’s and they work less and get paid more than it was back then in the

industrial revolution.

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