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Know the archaeological zone of edzná


The Great Acropolis is considered as the most representative set of Edzna. It is a large
elevated platform quadrangular, on which eleven or twelve structures were erected. The
general style of the group shows a great cultural influence coming from the Guatemalan

The Great House or Nohochná closes the Great Plaza on its west side. It is an elongated
structure that presents on its main façade a large staircase, which opens up along the
building. Some scholars have thought that it is tiered, which perhaps served to
accommodate the public who witnessed the ceremonies held in the square.

In the Small Acropolis there is also a raised quadrangular platform, with four buildings, in
which there are architectural features of the Puuc style; One of the structures has a staircase
in which glyphs with geometric, animal and human images are distinguished.

In this archaeological zone, important data have been found about a complex network of
hydraulic channels that served for the irrigation of the valley, an aspect that significantly
affected the productive capacity of their lands and the development of the city.

Itza is the name of a lineage of Chontal origin that was established on the site. By extension,
the inhabitants of other settlements referred to the inhabitants of this ancient Mayan city as
"Itzáes"; from here comes his name: Ytzná / Edzná: "House of the Itzáes".

Edzna is located 60 km southeast of the city of Campeche, following the road no. 180 and
intersect with 188.

To consider
Hours: Monday to Sunday from 08:00 to 17:00.

Access cost: 55 pesos.

Services available in the area: Services Unit, sale of publications and reproductions,
restrooms, parking, guide, external signage and restrictive and informative cards.

-To tour the area, it is recommended to wear comfortable shoes, preferably sports shoes,
preferably cotton long pants, long-sleeved shirt, as well as glasses and a hat.

-The archaeological zone is in the middle of the jungle, so having insect repellent will be your
best ally.

-Do not forget to keep well hydrated during your trip.

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