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Global Warming

Global warming is an increase in the temperature of the earth’s surface and are the result of
the green house effect. The green house effect is a term to define trapped carbon dioxide
which causes the earth to the heat. Then, the global warming will much more and the climate
on the earth will continue to be hotter. You certainly feel that the current temperatures on
earth are so hot during the day. Then, we all must be thinking that there is a problem with the
climate change where everything becomes unpredictable. The season that occurs in our earth
cannot be predicted anymore as happened a few years ago. You need to know that those
irregularities are caused by global warming.

In detail, the global warming caused by human activity. Today, there are so many factories
are built. It means that they are going to produce carbon dioxide as their waste. When they
are built more and more, then the more carbon dioxide is produced. Meanwhile, plant is the
only element that can absorb the carbon dioxide and then convert it into oxygen. However,
the plants that are on the earth continue to decrease due to illegal logging, forest fires, and the
diversion of forest as a place of human lodging area. All of those makes the number of plants
continue to decrease and are not able to absorb all the carbon dioxide maximally. As a result,
carbon dioxide trapped in the earth and makes our earth becomes hotter. One of the visible
effects of global warming is the polar ice continues to melt so they can flood the coast line in
the entire world.

There are various things you can do to combat the global warming. First, planting at least one
tree on your yard. When one home has one tree, then from 1000 homes, there will be 1000
trees. It was almost the same as a large forest area. Then, the tree that you plant in the yard,
can make your home comfortable and cool. Therefore, soon after you are read this article,
then plant any tree in front of your house and do not cut down the trees carelessly.

Second, you are advised to reduce the use of private vehicles. Of course you know that
vehicles produce carbon dioxide. A growing number of private vehicles, makes the carbon
dioxide is produced much more than before. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide is the main cause of
global warming. It requires us to use public transport instead of private vehicles so that the
number of private vehicles using can be reduced. Third, you should use a home ventilation
rather than air conditioning. When you use the air conditioning, then there will be a CFC gas
and it makes global warming intensity increases. Use the adequate ventilation, then planting a
few trees in your yard, so it will make your house cooler.

Pemanasan Global

Global warming merupakan sebuah peningkatan suhu permukaan bumi dan merupakan akibat dari
efek rumah kaca. Efek rumah kaca adalah sebuah istilah untuk mendefinisikan terperangkapnya
karbondioksida sehingga menyebabkan bumi menjadi panas. Semakin lama, maka pemanasan global
akan semakin meningkat dan iklim di dalam bumi akan terus berubah menjadi semakin panas. Anda
tentu merasakan bahwa saat ini suhu yang ada di bumi terasa begitu panas di siang hari. Kemudian,
kita semua pasti berpikir bahwa ada masalah dengan perubahan iklim dimana semuanya menjadi tidak
teratur dan musim yang terjadi di bumi tidak bisa diprediksi seperti beberapa tahun yang lalu. Anda
perlu tahu bahwa keteraturan tersebut disebabkan oleh global warming.

Secara detail, pemanasan global disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia. Saat ini banyak didirikan berbagai
jenia pabrik yang menghasilkan karbondioksida sebagai limbah mereka. Ketika banyak pabrik
didirikan, maka semakin banyak pula karbondioksida yang dihasilkan. Tumbuhan merupakan satu-
satunya elemen yang bisa menyerap karbondioksida dan kemudian mengubahnya menjadi oksigen.
Kendati demikian, tumbuhan yang ada di bumi terus berkurang karena penebangan liar, kebakaran
hutan, dan pengalihan hutan sebagai tempat pemukiman penduduk. Semua itu menyebabkan jumlah
tumbuhan terus berkurang dan tidak mampu menyerap seluruh karbondioksida secara maksimal.
Akibatnya, karbondioksida terperangkap di bumi dan menghasilkan suhu udara yang panas. Salah
satu efek yang terlihat dari pemanasan global adalah es di kutub yang terus mencair sehingga bisa
membanjiri garis pantai yang ada di seluruh dunia.

Ada berbagai hal yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mengatasi pemanasan global. Pertama, setidaknya
tanam satu pohon di halaman rumah Anda. Ketika satu rumah menanam satu batang pohon, maka dari
1000 rumah, akan ada 1000 batang pohon. Hal itu hampir sama dengan sebuah area hutan yang luas.
Pohon yang Anda tanam di halaman rumah, bisa membuat rumah Anda nyaman dan sejuk. Oleh
karena itu, sejak Anda membaca tulisan ini, maka tanamlah pohon apapun di depan rumah Anda dan
jangan menebang pohon sembarangan.

Kedua, Anda disarankan untuk mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi. Tentu Anda tahu bahwa
kendaraan menghasilkan karbondioksida. Artinya, semakin banyak kendaraan pribadi, maka semakin
banyak karbondioksida yang diproduksi. Sementara itu, karbondioksida merupakan penyebab utama
pemanasan global. Hal tersebut mengharuskan kita menggunakan kendaraan umum daripada
kendaraan pribadi sehingga penggunaan kendaraan tidak semakin banyak. Ketiga, Anda seharusnya
menggunakan ventilasi rumah daripada AC. Ketika Anda menggunakan AC, maka akan ada gas CFC
yang dihasilkan dan itu membuat intensitas pemanasan global semakin meningkat. Gunakan ventilasi
yang cukup, kemudian tanam beberapa pohon di pekarangan rumah Anda, maka hal itu membuat
rumah Anda semakin sejuk.

Rainbow is a natural phenomenon that is so impressive. This phenomenon often appears after
rain. Rainbow is an arc spectrum which is so large and occurs because the drops are refracted
by sunlight. When the sun is shining and the light passing through water droplets, then you
will see a refraction that causes a wide variety of colors. Light is refracted like light passing
through a glass prism.

Other names of the rainbow is a rainbow which is a symptom of optical and meteorological
phenomenon in which light with different colors refracted parallel to each other into water
droplets. You can also see this phenomenon under the very high and heavy waterfall.

How does rainbow happen in detail? All the happenings begin when the sunlight passing
through the raindrops. Then the light is deflected to the center of the droplet. The white light,
now separated from each other into a spectrum of colors. The process does not stop there.
The colors that have been separated, then separate again into the very small portions. There is
more light separated from each other in the droplets. Then there are more curved and finally
those color form a light curve called a rainbow.

Can we make a rainbow? Of course. There are at least two ways that you can do to make a
rainbow. First, you can use a spray containing water. We know that rainbows occur when
sunlight passing through the raindrops. So, we make our own rain droplets from the water
spray. In the morning or afternoon, spray water under the sun, then see the water droplets
flying. Spray lots of water and you will see a small rainbow that you can touch easily.

Second, use pieces of video discs then reflected to the light of the sun, and navigate to the
wall or ceiling of your house. On the ceiling or the wall, you will see a colorful light that
have the same color with the rainbow.

That’s the definition of rainbow, how does it happen, and how we can make it true.

Landslide is a geological process that happen because of the movement of rock mass or soil
such as the fall of rocks or clumps of soil which detached from the main section of the
mountain or hill. Landslide usually happen in the mountainous areas.

Mostly landslides happen because of earthquake that moves the underground plate which
caused the element or the subsurface plate displaced, so it is causing fraction and landslide.
High rainfall during the rainy season will also caused landslide. Long duration of the rain will
occur the water evaporation on the ground surface in large amounts. The evaporation will
make pore or soil cavity, then there would be cracks on the ground. When rain falls, the rain
will infiltrate the cracks. Then, the water will accumulated at the bottom of the slope and
caused lateral movement which occur landslide.

Landslide often caused a lot of disadvantages. Landslide can make people lose their house,
lands, and properties because buried by the landslide. The worst is the loss of life because
they can’t run from the landslide. So, to prevent landslide to happen, start to care about our
environtment. We can start by planting tree and do reforestation. Plus, do not throw trash
carelessly to keep our environment clean. So, we would prevent flood and landslide during
the rainy season.

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