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Name Student : Damara Saputra S

Class : Grammar Basic

Periode : 25 Mei 2018
Tutor : Mr. Gilang

AUTOBIOGRAPHY : Razan Najjar “Angel of Mercy”

Razan Najjar, a woman from
Paletine who becomes medical
volunteers with ministry of health
which is managed by Hamas in
Gaza. She got a bad incident when
she was giving a help to demostrant
who was injuried at limitary Gaza,
Palestine, Friday on 1th May 2018.

Razan was born in Khuzaa, a agriculture village near by Israel, eastern of Khan
Younis, South Gaza Path. She was as teh fist child from six siblings. Her father
was named Ashraf al-Najjar and her mother was named Sabreen Najjar.
Several years ago, her father owns a motorcycle spare parts store. But it was
destroyed by Israeli army and hamas air raids. Since the time, her father
became an unemployed.

when he was in school, he did not have enough grades to go to university. But
she did not hopeless. She tried to join training paramedics in Nasser hospital,
Khan Younis. Then she became paramedic volunteer in Palestine medical
agency, non-governmental organizations. She began to join on 30th Maret
2018. She want to prove that women also have important role in conservative
Palestinian people. For humanitarian reasons she does not care what people
said about herself. Since she served as a paramedic volunteer in Gaza path,
every day she comes to care for civilians got injured. She works for thirteen
hours start from 7 am to 8 pm. Rajjan works very totally.

One day bad inncident happened to her when she was on duty. She helped a
demonstarnt who was injured after exposed tear gas in limitary Gaza. Razan
located less than 90 meters from fance got shot on her chest and she fell.
Finally she exshales her last breath with precius.

Razan has persistence, bravery and high concern in her life. All Limitation did
not prevent her to fight to be a useful person for Palestine people. Trough
medical, now she becomes public respect in the wolrd becaus of her
dedication and sacrifice.

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