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Story Grid 2

Title of story: A Walk To The School

Year: Year 2

Theme & Topic: Our Senses

It was a bright and sunny morning. Puteri just woke up, cleaned up and ready for her breakfast. She ate
the spaghetti prepared by her mother. She could still taste the spiciness of the spaghetti in her tongue.
After that, Puteri and her brother headed to school. Her skin felt the heat of the sun. Luckily her brother
brought a cap to cover her eyes from the bright shining sun. Along her way to school, her nose picked
up the sweet smell of the flowers at the garden. Finally, they reached the school. They could hear the
sound of the school’s speaker rang loudly.
Story Grid 1

Title of Story: An Unfortunate Event

Razi went to Broga Hill last week. He went there by car. Unfortunately, there was a thick fog along the
way and he lost control of his car. The car skidded and crashed on the side of the road. Fortunately, he
survived the crash as he was wearing his seatbelt. He would have been thrown out of the windshield
and seriously injured himself. He got out of the car and took his razor sharp blade. He went on alone
into the wilderness. After 5 hours of walking in the jungle, he felt tired and hungry as he had no food
with him. Out of the blue, a snake came out of nowhere and Razi stayed as far as he could from the
snake. He knew the snake was a venomous reptile. He accidently knocked his head on a branch of tree.
The knock on his head was too stong and he was unconscious. Luckily, a hunter which was known as Pak
Hitam found Razi. Pak Hitam called the rescue team about the situation. A few minutes later, the doctor
came and treated Razi of his wound. Razi thanked the doctor and called his wife, Mawar, with his less
than 30% phone battery life.
groceries mother

nose wet talking

nutrition Amisha


Story Grid

Year: Year 3

Theme & Topic: Our Health

It was a Sunday morning. Amisha and her mother went to the market to buy some groceries. They went
there by bus. Amisha and her mother wore face masks to protect themselves from viruses that cause flu
and other infectious diseases. The bus was full of people talking. Upon arrival at the market, they went
to the vegetables stall. Amisha likes carrots and broccoli so her mother bought some of those. She
knows that vegetables provide nutrition and boost our immune system. Next, they went to but fish and
meat. The floor was slippery as it was wet and there were less friction on it. Amisha almost fell down but
saved by her mother. There are butchers chopping some meat with a big and sharp cleaver. Amisha
covered her nose as she could not bear the smell of blood dripping on the floor. Her mother bought
several boneless chicken meat and fishes to provide some protein for the family. Then, they went to the
fruits stalls. They bought some apples, oranges and bananas. Fruits are an excellent source of essential
vitamins and minerals, and they are high in fiber. Lastly, they went home.

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