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Language user

Aside from plagiarism, another ethical consideration in writing is the use of

language. It means we must be careful and sensitive in terms of what we are writing
about and also one of the important is our choose of words because we might affect
other's feelings through their own point of view

1.Like what I've said earlier We must not pokes fun of something especially through
a specific gender, ethnic minority or any category that involves people

2.When we are talking or referring about racial groups we must use accurate and
politically correct terminologies because in this kind of setting always remember
we must or we need to be formal as always

3.Avoid overly inclusive racial terms such as Asian, historian rather we must be
specific like we can say Philippines instead of Asian

4.Our racial titles we must be capitalized at all times because it will be very
bragging if we will start in a small letter

5.We must avoid sexist phrasing such as gender oriented diction

6.we must remain conscious of how we will refer to individuals even fictitious
characters using boy or girl because it might be misinterpreted by others

7.When referring to individuals with physical impairments always place the

description after the subject for example the man who is blind rather than the
blind man

8.Omit language associated with negative stereotypes such as redneck and welfare

Mark Dela Cruz: fraud

- its starting within us because were one of those researcher, as we do like now.
we searched about the infos and get more ideas from the sites that we get on them.
If we does fraud in our research, there are some ethics obligations involved and
there are some serious consequences. We must avoid this fraud and to avoid this, we
must observe�

Honesty (totoo)
-we should be honest all the time especially on this. when we are saying some
detailed topics about our reports, we should be direct on point. like we dont
fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data and so we do not deceive the others.

-avoid or minimize bias or self-deception. Disclose personal or financial interests
that may affect research. it allows the facts to speak for themselves based on
their researchs and not be influenced by the personal values and biases of the

-we should be truthful and consistency for our words that we may thought and acts.
like when you said this kind of infos or ideas in other, you must stay on that
word. like if you promised to that person, you should fullfil it.

-avoid being careless. we need to be careful for our words that we may say or wrote
flows.. critically examine your own work and the work of the peers. like good
records or result of the research activities, data policy collection and
correspondence with agencies or journals.

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