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The molecular biology of Mechanisms for the enhanced growth of tumour cells

cancer: the basics Self-sufficiency for growth

Insensitivity to growth inhibition
Stewart Fleming Evasion of apoptosis
Limitless growth potential

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the ‘devel- factors produced are usually normal. However, as part of the car-
oped’ world; only cardiovascular disease mortality exceeds that of cinogenesis event, some tumours produce increased amounts of
malignancy. The last two decades have seen enormous advances growth factors, thereby stimulating tumour cell division.
in our understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of malig- An example of this is the production of large amounts of
nancy, its initiation, promotion and progression. There is no single platelet derived growth factor by glioblastomas. The subsequent
molecular cause of cancer, and for each different cancer type, platelet derived growth factor-dependent activation of an autocrine
many genes are involved. growth loop is a key event in the initiation and progression of these
Important definititions
Carcinogenesis is a sequence of events comprising non-lethal Receptors
genetic injury to the cell which alters the genetic code, leading to Most growth factors act by binding to cell surface receptors. Cell
an altered gene function. The sub-lethal nature of these insults surface receptors are activated by ligand binding, but activated in
means that the cells survive. The cells pass the genetic alteration a transient and closely regulated way. Mutation or overexpression
to daughter cells during cell division. When the genetic alteration of growth factor receptors is found in a large number of common
gives the affected cells selective advantage in growth, there is clonal malignancies such as breast, lung and ovary (see ‘Principles of
expansion and progression towards malignancy. cancer treatment by hormone therapy, page 280).

Tumour progression involves interactions between tumour cells Growth factor receptor mutation: many of the mutational events
and surrounding parenchymal or vascular components. The fol- affecting growth factor receptors lead to autonomous stimulation
lowing are important in the progression of neoplasia: of the receptor independently of ligand binding.
• development of a supporting stroma In the papillary type of renal cell carcinoma, the C-met proto-
• sustained neoangiogenesis oncogene, which is the receptor for hepatocyte growth factor, is
• the capacity to invade, metastasize and survive in distant truncated by mutation. This truncated form cannot bind external
sites. hepatocyte growth factor, but exhibits spontaneous and non-regu-
Carcinogenesis and tumour progression will be addressed in a lated tyrosine kinase activity. The result is renal tubular epithelial
forthcoming contribution. This review concentrates on the molecu- cell growth and tumour formation, even in the absence of the
lar biology of the fundamental genetic changes of the tumour cells hepatocyte growth factor.
which lead to enhanced growth and survival (Figure 1). Readers
are strongly advised to read this contribution in conjunction with Overexpression: possibly even more frequent than growth factor
‘Cancer biology: clinical applications’ (see CROSS REFERENCE). receptor mutation is the phenomenon of overexpression. The level
of expression of the growth factor receptor is increased either by
genetic amplification or a translocation event, resulting in altered
Self-sufficiency for growth
gene regulation.
Growth factors Up to 30% of breast cancers show marked amplification of an
Normal cell and tissue growth are under strict regulation which, epidermal growth factor-related receptor called HER-2. Amplifi-
at the cellular level, involves a cascade of events linking cell divi- cation of this growth factor receptor renders the cell extremely
sion to external regulatory stimuli. One important aspect of this sensitive to physiological/subphysiological amounts of the relevant
regulation is the cellular response to growth factors. growth factor. A high level of the HER-2 protein in breast cancer
Growth factors are a large and heterogeneous group of sub- cells has previously been an indicator of a poor prognosis. However,
stances which can act at autocrine, paracrine or endocrine levels. the significance of its presence in breast cancer cells is focused by
In acquiring self-sufficiency of growth, many cancer cells develop the development of humanized monoclonal antibodies (e.g. trastu-
the ability to synthesize growth factors and respond to those in zumab). Trastuzumab can recognize the HER-2 receptor, block its
an autocrine manner. Cell stimulation is termed ‘autocrine’ (or an function and reduce tumour cell growth. This is an example of
‘autocrine loop’) when a cell responds to a growth factor produced the progress (through basic molecular biology) of applied cancer
by itself. The growth factor genes in cancer cells and the growth research to modern clinical practice.

Stewart Fleming is Professor of Cellular and Molecular Pathology, Signal transduction

Department of Molecular and Cellular Pathology, Ninewells Hospital and An important step in the transfer of information from the growth
Medical School, Dundee, UK. factor receptor to the nucleus is the cascade of intracellular events

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known as signal transduction. Signal transduction involves several Overexpression of MYC leads to activation of a number of cell
stages, each of which amplifies the growth factor signal. There are cycle-dependent kinases and increased cell proliferation, resulting
also regulatory elements which may dampen this signal. It is hardly in B-cell lymphoma (see below).
surprising that abnormalities in such key pathways regulating cell
growth have been found to be involved in a number of cancers. Cell cycle-dependent genes
The consequence of activation of any of the above stages of the
Retrovirus-associated DNA sequences (RAS) are the most promi- growth promoting pathway is the entry of cells into the active
nent genes altered during tumourigenesis. This family of proteins phase of the cell cycle (see the cell cycle in ‘Principles of cancer
bind guanosine nucleotides and the RAS proteins ‘shuttle’ between treatment by radiotherapy’, page 269). The progression of cells
an activated signal transmitting state and a quiescent non-trans- through the cell cycle is regulated by a number of kinases and
mitting state. In the quiescent state, RAS proteins bind guanosine proteins called cyclins.
diphosphate. When a cell is stimulated and growth factor recep-
tor activated, the quiescent form becomes activated, exchanging Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases may exist in either active
guanosine diphosphate for guanosine triphosphate. This event or inactive forms. In their active form, they are important in ‘driv-
activates further downstream regulators of cell proliferation. ing’ the cell past key cell cycle ‘checkpoints’. In particular, the
The RAS gene may be spontaneously activated by the acquisi- transition from G1 to S is an extremely important checkpoint in
tion of point mutations. Point mutations are changes in a single the cell cycle (see below). During growth stimulation, the cyclin
base pair in a gene usually resulting in a single amino acid change D family is upregulated and the cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and
in the encoded protein. Detailed mutational analysis of Ki-RAS 6 activated.
gene mutations in cancer has revealed three important mutation
‘hot spots’ at codons 12, 13 and 61, which encode amino acids in
Insensitivity to growth inhibitory signals
the important guanosine triphosphate-binding region. The effect
of these mutations is to ‘hold’ the RAS protein in a permanently Growth inhibitory signals are equally important as growth stimu-
activated form, resistant to quiescence. This leads to spontaneous latory signals in regulating cell cycle progression. Insensitivity to
activation of the downstream signalling cascade, including activa- these signals (acquired by genetic alteration) is important in the
tion of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathways and genesis of many malignancies. The genes affected are collectively
enhanced cell growth. known as ‘oncosuppressor’ genes or ‘tumour suppressor’ genes,
and usually act in either a recessive manner or occasionally by a
Abelson tyrosine kinase (ABL) genes: in addition to RAS genes, dominant negative mechanism.
other signalling cascade genes are involved in the development of
malignancy. The ABL oncogenes, encoding a signalling tyrosine Knudson’s ‘two-hit hypothesis’
kinase, may be activated in certain leukaemias and in some con- The concept of tumour suppressor genes was first elucidated
nective tissue tumours. The activation of these oncogenes during by Knudson in 1974. He showed that both copies of the onco-
tumour formation may be dependent on mutation, or due to altered suppressor genes have to be altered for tumour development to
regulation during chromosomal translocation. The importance of occur (two-hit hypothesis), which he described following research
the ABL kinase in malignancy has been demonstrated by the effec- on retinoblastoma. The identity of the retinoblastoma gene was
tiveness of an inhibitor of the kinase (imatinib mesylate) in chronic subsequently confirmed, and its mode of action extensively
myeloid leukaemia and gastrointestinal stromal tumours. studied. Knudson also proposed a ‘two-hit event’ in Wilms’
tumour (nephroblastoma), a hypothesis which was subsequently
Nuclear transcription confirmed.
The signalling cascade driven by growth factor receptors ultimately
leads to changes within the nucleus and of gene expression pat- Retinoblastoma
terns. These changes are mediated by families of proteins which Knudson’s two-hit hypothesis stated that the functional loss of
regulate the transcriptional activity of important cell growth genes. both copies of the retinoblastoma gene are required for tumour
Important oncoproteins include: formation. In familial cases of retinoblastoma, children inherited
• MYC one defective copy from a parent and the other copy was normal.
• JUN Subsequently a mutation was acquired in the previously normal
• FOS copy. Research in experimental animals has suggested that ultra-
• REL. violet light landing on the retina may be one of the causes of this
second mutation in retinoblastoma. In sporadic cases of retino-
The MYC proto-oncogene is important in a variety of tumours, blastoma, both retinoblastoma alleles are normal at birth, but are
including: then lost by later somatic events.
• non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Although the retinoblastoma gene was identified in the retino-
• neuroblastoma blastoma tumour, it is also known to be involved in many other
• small-cell cancer of the lung. forms of cancer, especially breast cancer and small-cell carcinoma
In B-cell lymphomas, the position of the MYC gene is moved by a of the lung.
chromosomal translocation to the region of the immunoglobulin The retinoblastoma gene acts as a ‘gatekeeper’ in the cell cycle
heavy-chain genes. These are genes highly expressed in B-cells checkpoint between G1 and S (Figure 2). In its active non-phos-
and the MYC gene becomes upregulated by this close association. phorylated state, it prevents the transition of the cell from G1 to S.

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However, when it is phosphorylated and inactivated, the cell can an early event in the pathway to colorectal cancer, leading to the
progress through to the S, G2 and M phases. During this progression increased cell proliferation of adenomas and early carcinoma.
round the cell cycle, the phosphate groups are removed from the
retinoblastoma gene by cell cycle-dependent phosphatases regen-
Evasion of apoptosis
erating the active (suppressor) gatekeeper form of the protein.
The main mode of action of retinoblastoma involves the In any cell population, an increase in cell number may arise by
transcription regulatory proteins of the E2F family. The active either increased proliferation or by reduced cell death. Although
(suppressor) form of retinoblastoma protein binds E2F, whereas there are two forms of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis, the one
phosphorylation to the inactive form allows the release of E2F. which is used as a regulatory mechanism is apoptosis. Tumours
The released E2F binds to promoter regions of S phase genes, may therefore occur in circumstances where apoptosis pathways
allowing their transcriptional activation and the progression of are blocked. One of the first examples of this mechanism to be
the S phase. Mutant retinoblastoma protein is unable to perform identified was the role of Bcl-2 in B-cell lymphomas.
this task of binding E2F proteins. Therefore, cells lacking func-
tional retinoblastoma protein are maintained in a state where the B-cell lymphomas
transition from G1 to S and progression through the cell cycle can Many B-cell lymphomas (particularly follicular) involve chromo-
be readily achieved because of the absence of the retinoblastoma somal translocations of t(14,18) (q32, q21). The Bcl-2 gene is car-
gatekeeper function. ried in the 18q21 region and this translocation results in it being
regulated by the immunoglobulin heavy gene promoter region
Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) genes on chromosome 14. In B-cells, this leads to active transcription
Another growth regulatory pathway which has been shown to be de- of high levels of Bcl-2. Bcl-2 inhibits apoptosis by preventing the
fective in malignancy is that involving the APC and β-catenin genes. release of cytochrome C from mitochondria. Hence, B-cells with
The APC gene, which is commonly impaired in colon cancer, this translocation, and high levels of Bcl-2 are resistant to the regu-
has a strong, but unusual, antiproliferative action. The product latory effects of apoptosis. These lymphomas arise from reduced
of the APC gene is a cytoplasmic protein, the main function of cell death rather than increased proliferation; they therefore tend
which is to regulate the levels of β-catenin. It does so by binding to be rather indolent, but are particularly resistant to any therapies
free β-catenin within the cytoplasm and targeting the catenin for which involve activating the apoptosis pathway.
intracellular destruction. β-catenin has two main roles, functioning
as part of the cell adhesion complex and, when translocated to the Tumour protein 53 (p53) suppressor gene
nucleus, activating the transcription of cell proliferation genes. One of the most frequent mutations in human malignancy involves
When the APC gene is mutated and functional APC protein the p53 tumour suppressor gene. The normal function of this gene
absent, cytoplasmic levels of β-catenin rise, leading to increased is to exert anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects in response,
translocation to the nucleus and activation of proliferation path- amongst other things, to genotoxic damage. Normal p53 has a
ways. APC mutation, like retinoblastoma mutation, can arise by short half-life because of its rapid destruction in association with
either inherited or sporadic pathways. Loss of APC appears to be the protein called Mdm-2. Following genotoxic damage, abnormal

The relationship between activated cell cycle-dependent kinase and phosphorylation of

retinoblastoma protein in overcoming the G1–S transition in the mammalian cell cycle


Rb pRb
G1 G1–S checkpoint




Rb: Retinoblastoma protein

pRb: Phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein

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p53 is released from Mdm-2, increasing its half-life and leading to depend on progressive shortening of the chromosome ends (telo-
to accumulation within cells. Normal p53 activates a number of meres). The enzyme telomerase acts to restrict telomeric shortening.
growth inhibitory proteins and pro-apoptotic genes, allowing cells Although it is important that telomerase is active in self-replicating
to be paused during proliferation and for DNA repair to occur. If stem cells (which allow the re-population of labile cell types such
repair cannot be achieved satisfactorily, there is elimination of the as intestinal and epidermal cells), most normal cells lack telom-
damaged cells by apoptosis. erase. Tumour cells may increase their potential for replication by
p53 functions as a tumour suppressor gene, so complete func- activating telomerase and resisting cellular senescence.
tional loss is required for carcinogenesis. This is often achieved,
even in the heterozygous state, by a dominant negatively acting
mutation. A proposed mechanism suggests that the mutant protein
interferes with the protective action of the normal p53 protein. A number of different cell processes are involved in the increased
This functional loss allows survival and continued proliferation of growth potential seen in tumours. I have focused on tumour cell
cells which have acquired genotoxic damage and mutations. There growth achieved by several different cellular processes in this
is, therefore, a mechanism within tumours for the acquisition of review. Each of these mechanisms involves well-recognized gene
further mutations in other key pro-neoplastic genes. Since many families, either activated (in the case of oncogenes) or lost (in the
chemotherapeutic and radiotherapeutic regimens act on tumour case of oncosuppressor genes).
cells by triggering p53-dependent apoptosis, tumours with these However, further stages of tumour progression, invasion and
mutations tend to be more resistant to therapy. It has been esti- metastasis are equally important in the biology of cancer. These
mated that up to 70% of human epithelial malignancies exhibit later cellular events will be discussed in a subsequent contribution
functional loss of p53. in this series. u

Limitless growth potential

The capacity for cells to continue dividing is limited by a phenom- Johnston S R D, Gore M E. Cancer biology: clinical applications.
enon known as cellular senescence. This phenomenon is thought Surgery 2003; 21(6): 160a–e.

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