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'No homework'
for teachers, not
students, pushed
By'Maricel V. Cruz
"TEACHERS should be sPared of
excessive reports, homework, too' "
Deputy SPeaker and Basilan ReP'
Mujiv Hataman issued the statement
in iesponse to the bill filed at the
House of R.epresentatives prohibiting
homework for students.
"Teachers should be the first to
be spared of excessive homeworlg"
Hataman said in a statement.
He said if the Education deparfinent
is to consider a "no-homeworK' policy
for public school students, if should
first address the mountain of clerical
work and reports teachers take home'
"How can teachers teach when a
great deal of their timq is {ploted to
preparing too many reports too often?"
Hataman asked.
He said the issue on "excessive.
homework" for teachers should take
precedence over any discussion on the
I'no-homework" policy for students.
He said the DePEd should first find a
solution to the undue volume ofteacher's
work outside of teaching, either through
timming down the required reports or
add persdnnel for these tasks.
Education Secretary Leonor Briones
earlier said she supports the measure
filed by RePs. Alfred Vargas of
QuezonCtty and Evelina Escudero of
- Sorsogon whofiled separate measures
on no-homework policy for students.
Vargas' bill Prohibits homework
during weekends while Escudero
sough-t a no-homework PolicY for
kinder to grade 12 students
Brionei said students lose tirne
for rest and bonding with family and
friends due to homework, which is
sometimes comPleted bY tutors or

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