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Honorable Chairperson, Most respected teachers and my fellows;

Assalam O alakum

Today I am here……. to speak some words on…. Society……… the

word society…. covers a whole universe. So let us start from its

Society –….. a group of people ……………..sharing the same

geographical or virtual territory……….. and therefore subject to the
same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.

A group of people who are sharing something……….. common.

What is common?

Common land,

Common thoughts

Common culture

Common heritage

Common beliefs


Life skills


And so on.

If they are sharing …………they are a society. Otherwise only

group of people.
Honourable judges;

We have different standards in our society different classes

Poor class

Middle class

Upper class

High gentry

But behold Islam have given us a complete meaning of

society where there is only one class and that is we are

We have made our own criteria’s of societies based on





We have our own standards of nobility, richness, beauty, ugly so and


What is Beauty?

Beauty has gone from personality based, to now only

based on looks …………………which really brings pain to those not
blending in.
Honestly everyone is beautiful ………………………and should be
praised on their good traits ………………….instead of always being
put down due to one little flaw.

He is black……………………..she is short they are

poor they are ugly ……………… please stop this.

My dear fellows

God has made all of us

And he made everything beautiful ultimate beauty

Shakespeare said

Beauty is truth truth beauty

Human are made to facilitate each other and this is actually

what is society.

If we are a society we are social we have to facilitate

each other otherwise we shall loose actual purpose of our

So please be social become a society

Thank you very much.

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